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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome!


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Also, I have quite a bit of free time right now and it's only a week or so before we go away, so my curiosity has grown, the closer we have got to our trip. It may subside on our return.





Will this be your first voyage with Silversea? You must be looking forward it now it's so close.....still five weeks to wait before l embark...but it will soon come around!


Sophia :)

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Happy Saturday folks!

Jeff - DH says he read somewhere about some more deals at Tescos on wine but awaiting return of his Bro from somewhere before exploring it further. (I don't enter into any of these discussions just drink it :D)

Weather cheering up here in Shrews - looks like I'll get out in the garden to try and salvage (a) the bedding plants that someone seems to have lain on and totally squashed and it wasn't the fur baby (b) hopefully the newly planted roses that seem to have something really nasty on them. Sadly the green thumb gene seems to have skipped a generation (my father was a farmer). Sigh.


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Will this be your first voyage with Silversea? You must be looking forward it now it's so close.....still five weeks to wait before l embark...but it will soon come around!


Sophia :)


Hello S.C.Girl


Thanks for your post.


In answer to your question, we're a couple of Silversea Newbies.

And really looking fwd to the trip. It feels real today as our tickets (or what passes for them in the digital age) finally arrived! And not long to go until your cruise too.


Any advice you care to pass on will be appreciated.

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Wanted to see who was posting and on what subjects.


Also, I have quite a bit of free time right now and it's only a week or so before we go away, so my curiosity has grown, the closer we have got to our trip. It may subside on our return.


What about you, Jeff? Clearly, you're a prolific contributor at the Water/Wine Cooler? :)


My posting to be completely honest is the result I fear from irrational optimism beating common sense.


I've been fighting a losing campaign for one of these very few so called 6 star lines to stop buying more ships, or stop being taken over but simply develop a perfectly formed very small line (just like SS when they had 4 ships) and instead of spending cash on new ships to gain more revenue instead save the capital and increase diems and quality until you have a product that people with more cash want to buy.


Silversea use to be not perfect - but pretty close. There is a market above the clouds in clear blues sky and without competition for people that might be able to stretch to their own charters or ownership but would prefer not to have the bother and simply want to spend more cash than currently being asked and have a really wonderful product exclusive product. A full concierge service, everything taken care of. Elegant informality. NJo kids. Decent grub. Decent quality booze ie if you ask for champers you don;t get palmed prosecco. Exceptional individual service. No TAs. A named account manager who works for SS. He/she calls you with crusies they know you might l;ike and tells you that your favourite suite is avialbel ... just give me your credit card number. Proce protection. No slight of hand. A mature, decent two way realtionship. I have the time -we sometimes use to take 3 or more cruises a year is perhaps 30 or more days. I have the cash. Please take it. Expensive? No problem. Mass market? No. No one seems to want that cash.


So I started posting a long time ago under uk1 ... and now I post in the forlon hope that someone else will join me in my quest to find a line that wants to charge me more but give me what I want. It isn't going to happen though.


That summarises why I started to post again but to be honest I think my desire for this product isn't wholly popular.


C'est la vie mon petit frog.



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Hello S.C.Girl


Thanks for your post.


In answer to your question, we're a couple of Silversea Newbies.

And really looking fwd to the trip. It feels real today as our tickets (or what passes for them in the digital age) finally arrived! And not long to go until your cruise too.


Any advice you care to pass on will be appreciated.


I'm sure you'll have a wonderful voyage, it's a lovely itinerary. I'm very happy with SS and love the smaller ships, but I'm pretty well relaxed at sea anyway so just go with flow! ;)


Do ask away if there's anything you wish to know, lots of folk here only too happy to help.


Sophia :)

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My posting to be completely honest is the result I fear from irrational optimism beating common sense.


I've been fighting a losing campaign for one of these very few so called 6 star lines to stop buying more ships, or stop being taken over but simply develop a perfectly formed very small line (just like SS when they had 4 ships) and instead of spending cash on new ships to gain more revenue instead save the capital and increase diems and quality until you have a product that people with more cash want to buy.


Silversea use to be not perfect - but pretty close. There is a market above the clouds in clear blues sky and without competition for people that might be able to stretch to their own charters or ownership but would prefer not to have the bother and simply want to spend more cash than currently being asked and have a really wonderful product exclusive product. A full concierge service, everything taken care of. Elegant informality. NJo kids. Decent grub. Decent quality booze ie if you ask for champers you don;t get palmed prosecco. Exceptional individual service. No TAs. A named account manager who works for SS. He/she calls you with crusies they know you might l;ike and tells you that your favourite suite is avialbel ... just give me your credit card number. Proce protection. No slight of hand. A mature, decent two way realtionship. I have the time -we sometimes use to take 3 or more cruises a year is perhaps 30 or more days. I have the cash. Please take it. Expensive? No problem. Mass market? No. No one seems to want that cash.


So I started posting a long time ago under uk1 ... and now I post in the forlon hope that someone else will join me in my quest to find a line that wants to charge me more but give me what I want. It isn't going to happen though.


That summarises why I started to post again but to be honest I think my desire for this product isn't wholly popular.


C'est la vie mon petit frog.




I guess most of us want perfection, but finding it today is rather difficult, so we have to pay our money and take our choice....or not.

Do we look back on the grand old days of cruising and maybe compare....the QE2 springs to mind as the last of the great ocean liners who could manage to cross the Atlantic at a rate of knots and also handle a world or any other cruise admirably well...and coupled with the White Star Service did indeed make one feel rather special whether in a 'box' cabin or a grand suite....but, as the cruising industry started to decline back then Cunard had to re-assess the market and quite suddenly a cruise on the grand lady became affordable to a different clientele.

Whilst QM2 is a beautiful vessel and capable of crossing the pond in five/six days Cunard decided in their wisdom to slow things down and cut back on service....sorry if l offend here, but she's nothing more than a transatlantic ferry these days and even the grills are nothing special.


So, we now have the 'six star' offerings and many more to choose from......Silversea and Seabourn appear to be the market leaders right now for those of us who wish to experience the kind of luxury we wish for..at our age..;)

But the blips are still evident as l read through the various boards on CC.


We are far more critical these days and have this forum to vent our spleens about so many various issues that we feel do not match up to our expectations....smoking...tipping...children.....as an example which do appear to bring out the worst in folk.


I just think we are all blessed and very lucky to be in a position to enjoy travelling around the globe as most of us do....and in most cases also share our experiences with others...good or bad!


Just my humble opinion of course!


Sophia :)

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We are very fortunate and I disagree not!


There are just different people wanting different things. No one right - no one wrong. Just different.


There is an untapped market for what I suggest. A perfectly formed market desperate for the product I suggest. Small and very potentially profitable. It just takes courage and not listening to "management" but following an "owners vision and dream".



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Hello dreamers, visionaries, plebeians, stars and others. Happy Sunday.


Gosh ... difficult to choose .... oh I know why ....... I'm all of those. :eek:


No hope for me then. :D


And a grumpy Sunday to you then. Cheer us up Spin. Tell us what you're doing now you're feckless. (I spelt that correctly) ;)

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Happy Saturday folks!

Jeff - DH says he read somewhere about some more deals at Tescos on wine but awaiting return of his Bro from somewhere before exploring it further. (I don't enter into any of these discussions just drink it :D)




Hi Mary,


Just to correct a wrongness I said earlier about that Rioja that I had cast some terrible nasturtiums about it's legs and ability to run on a second day. I accidently had a few bottles of different stuff opened and vacuvined overnight and was forced to drink it all ... and actually this Rioja was really great second day which is great news for me as a cheapskate.


Just thought I'd say becasue you can fill your boots with this stuff.



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Good Day Coolers.....


Very quiet weekend chilling.....and so the start of another week! Cold and intermittently damp here today with those horrid fine showers of rain.


Quite looking forward to seeing the Cilla drama this evening....my era when the Mersey sound was at it's best, wonder if they'll show her effing et al as she so did in the early cavern days...:eek:


Very boring lunch today....leftover casserole from yesterday...in the meantime enjoying the usual pre vino...;)


Sophia :)

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Me too re Cilla, Sophia. Funnily enough, we have bumped into her twice. First time at the carousel at the airport in Barbados, slumming it with the rest of us to pick up her luggage, probably to go to Cliff's? Then quite a few years ago she and Bobby were on their first cruise, on a Celebrity ship of all things, again out of Barbados. They were of course in the best suite, but dined in the dining room, sat out on deck (drinking champagne all the time of course) and were hardly recognised - only about 8 Brits on board. At the time we were amazed that she would travel on a large regular ship; could have easily afforded a private yacht of similar. In 'civvy street' she did seem much quieter,much less Scouse and rather shy in fact. All the Brits were nice enough to just say 'hello' and not pester them at all.


We lived near Liverpool at the time of the heyday of the Cavern, but having two small children were not into clubbing then (or since actually).

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Good afternoon coolies.


I always fancied Cilla when she was a mere shadow of her current self. Then when we wanted to mate one of our Cockers an employee had a decent female cocker - called Cilla - who fancied our Blue Roamer - Bob - and I think the association of dog and Cilla stuck. We had two at the time but this seemed the friskier of the two and a touch more desperate for female company.


In the end although Cilla fancied Bob, Bob was clueless a bit like his owner and sadly there was no immaculate conception and the whole thing was a total embarassment. In the end both sets of proud dog owners simply settled down to a bottle or two in the garden and observed clueless Bob with panting and enthusiastic Cilla and instead we got drunk and discussed the hopelessness of male cockers of my ownerhip. Some nasty and hurtful speculations were made about things. A day or so later I found my employee still slumped and had to suggest it was time for him to go home.


Today, we have been eating kebabs and things and drinking wine. The last few days I've been yearning for Spin as I've spent all my time invloved with litigation with a power company and I am thoroughly hacked off. What should have taken a phone call two years or so ago and a simple resolution has ended up with substantial litigation. For UK coolies I'll simply say "npower" and needn't say anymore. They will know.


Daughter has just checked in and her flight back from LA up the pointy end ended up with her making friends with Roy Winstone in the lounge and on the flight ... lot's of piccies ... I think he took a shine as it sounded like he was chatting more to her. However she is lucky because she is gorgeous and thankfully has none of my physical traits. Leonard Cohen who was also in F was evidenly told off for getting changed in the loo when they were told to belt up! I guess we'll get a song soon. "I was flying in the F and they told me to F ...."



Today we have been Ocado'ed and tonight at around 1am we'll be driving down to Seaside and The Balcony.






Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Jeff, funny you should be talking about dogs and dating!! Pup here is going mad at present due to next doors mongrel being on heat.....I'm having to keep the wee fella in and it's driving me ...and him nuts!!


I like Ray Winstone, great actor, he used to visit the small Portuguese village where we used to rent a cottage...good friends with Earl Grey and Stephanie who own a place there.


Sounds like your DD is going to have a fun flight.....are we going to see the piccies?



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Jeff, funny you should be talking about dogs and dating!! Pup here is going mad at present due to next doors mongrel being on heat.....I'm having to keep the wee fella in and it's driving me ...and him nuts!!


I like Ray Winstone, great actor, he used to visit the small Portuguese village where we used to rent a cottage...good friends with Earl Grey and Stephanie who own a place there.


Sounds like your DD is going to have a fun flight.....are we going to see the piccies?





She' back now and says that Leonard Cohen snored very loudly and not in tune. Reverberated was what she said ...


She sent me a piccy. Privacy protected!



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Spin, we leave next April, I'm going with friends this time. I've been all over Florida in my time but never to Miami or Lauderdale so a new experience for me and l shall hopefully fly in early to get a bit of shipping done! I shall do my best to post whilst on board if the internet connection behaves....likewise when l embark on the first soirée in five weeks time....:D


LL...I've never met or seen Cilla but the parents visited the cavern many times when they were in business. I'm surprised they're doing this drama while she's still alive but it should be interesting. I seem to recall she has her own pad in Barbados but stand to be corrected. I'll be staying on the island post cruise this time for a couple of days.



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Spin, we leave next April, I'm going with friends this time. I've been all over Florida in my time but never to Miami or Lauderdale so a new experience for me and l shall hopefully fly in early to get a bit of shipping done! I shall do my best to post whilst on board if the internet connection behaves....likewise when l embark on the first soirée in five weeks time....:D


LL...I've never met or seen Cilla but the parents visited the cavern many times when they were in business. I'm surprised they're doing this drama while she's still alive but it should be interesting. I seem to recall she has her own pad in Barbados but stand to be corrected. I'll be staying on the island post cruise this time for a couple of days.





She use to have a flat on the West Coast which she bought some time ago. I believe she bought it via the company we sued ... when we use to rent in Paynes. she may have upgraded since.

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Happy Birthday Jeff.......Have a great day :D


Busy couple of days, why is it that just before a vacation everything comes along to test ones patience...nothing drastic, just niggling little things like my glasses breaking and the fish pond leaking....:(


Thought the Cilla drama was pretty good, recognised some of the names which made it more interesting for me.


Braising steak for lunch today with fresh runners and sprouts....warming food on what is quite a chilly day.



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