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Apprehensive first time cruiser


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Hi, having never cruised anywhere (other than a ferry to Isle of Man) and a row boat on a lake, we have just booked QM2 - May 29 2006 to New York. Having read some post re: sea sickness and rough seas I must admit that excitement has turned to deep apprehension. How bad can it get, and more importantly for how long. We are travelling with our twins who will be 13 when we sail and have a cabin on Deck 4 (having been upgraded because it will be our Silver Wedding anniversary) from Deck 6. (Is it an upgrade if you are further down???) Should we try to go back to Deck 6, or upgrade to something else. Also would appreciate any advice about anything at all.


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You have certainly picked the very best ship around for your first cruise. You will be in awe of it when you arrive at the pier.


I envy your crossing from Southampton to NYC, we were on her in the Caribbean. If you will read the reports from those who have made the crossing you will find that she takes rough water very well. That said, you might want to keep some Bonine on hand..I felt very little movement of the ship and we were on the 10th deck. It is my understanding that the lower you are in the ship and towards the middle you feel less movement. I have never gotten seasick on a cruise...


Sometime during your voyage please make sure you visit the beautiful library and ask the person at the desk for the Cruise Critic Visitor's Log and add your name to the list there.


You are in for an adventure of a lifetime by "taking your place in history" on the Queen Mary 2.

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Deck 4 is a terrific deck for crossings. The lower the deck, the more stable. You will hear all sorts of remedies for sea-wobbles, but the main point is to be sure that if you are taking a medicine, it needs to be taken before you set sail or before the anitcipted rough waters. In addition, be sure to check with your childrens' health care provider to find out what's appropriate for their age and development.It may be no different from an adult remedy, but you want to be sure of it.




Jane in Philadelphia

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Hi Kirsty


Congratulations on making it to your 25th wedding anniversary. We too are going on the QM2 to celebrate our 25th which was back in February. Didn't go on her at the time as I don't like flying, and the trip we are doing is just worth the wait!!!! We are going transatlantic both ways and doing a cruise up the east coast of the US and Canada in between (all on the QM2)!!


Anyway, I have posted a message a couple of weeks ago about a problem that I have had with my childrens cabin (my kids will be 19 and one will be 22 whilst on board, a lot older than your two). Cunard offered us all an upgrade to deck 12, but I refused it as I booked deck 5 when the bookings for 2005 opened last year so that I could be in the middle of the middle of the ship for stability reasons!! Now this is just a personal thing and it is where I feel most comfortable. So if I'm honest I would say you are better off on deck 4 but I don't think it would have made much difference. I chose deck 5 because there is just cabins above and below. That is something I really don't understand and maybe after I've been I will know the answer. Why do they put the suites so high up??? I should think there is quite a lot of movement up in the higher decks if it is windy.


Now I shouldn't be worrying about sea sickness. Were you sea sick on the IOM ferry???? You can never really tell what the weather is going to be like at any time of year. I have cruised many times usually out of Southampton going South through the bay of biscay. I have been through there when it's been really rough and I've been through it when it's been like a mill pond (on the QE2 actually). You must go with a positive mind and attitude or you will feel sea sick because you have programmed your brain to expect it!!!!! Don't worry about it, put it to the back of your mind now, but all I will say is go prepared. If I feel I may need anything I tend to take Stugeron tablets. There is also a tablet called avomine that I used to take years ago, but it has been off the shelves for some time, but I do believe it is slowly coming back into the pharmacies. But if you really are that bad I strongly suggest you pop down to the doctors surgery for a sea sickness injection. They are brilliant and after a good couple of hours sleep you will feel as right as rain. Back when we first started cruising on Canberra that is what I used to have to do. Nowadays I think I've found my sea legs and it's only if it's really really rough I might come over nauseous. Like I say personally if I were you I would just pop the idea to the back of your mind.


Anyway, I'll post my experience of QM2 when I return in October (we are away 20/09 to 14/10).


Sorry I can't help with much else myself. If the kids programmes on board QM2 are as good as P & O then the kids will have a whale of a time. I believe the facilities on board QM2 for youngsters is brilliant.



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You will love the crossing (it isn't a cruise !!) and even if the sea is rough and you feel queasy it is simplicity itself to visit the med centre and get an injection from the nurse. My wife needed one and was right as rain immediately even though a little sleepy for 12 hours. You must be able to eat as the food on board is just fantastic.


Read all the message boards and get as much info on the ship, what to do, what to see, etc before you go. You will only have 6 nights and 5 full days and they will be FULL !!!

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The only sea sickness cure that everybody says works is the injection. Some people say bands work for them, others tablets, others patches. Everybody seems to say that the jab works.


On my two crossings I have never needed it. When it was rough it was only for a few hours and at night. It was fun going to the bathroom. I must admit QM2 seems remarkably stable. More so than QE2.


A little rocking really helps me sleep.


Best wishes, Stephen.

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The only sea sickness cure that everybody says works is the injection. Some people say bands work for them, others tablets, others patches. Everybody seems to say that the jab works.


Best wishes, Stephen.






Yes the jab does work but it is done once seasickness sets in and by then it means being zonked out for the next 24 hours. I believe the doctor on board will charge for it. Used to be around $24.


The simple and safest method of sickness PREVENTION is by taking a pill, Bonine, Dramamine, Stugeron... matters not which one you take. Bonine works well and doesnt make you drowsy.


Start taking the medication one or even two days before travel and you won't have any worries. The patches work but are probably less effective and can sometimes have side effects... like blurred vision so best to avoid them.





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We were on QM2 in Apr 05 and although she wasn't rolling she did pitch a lot as the waves were against the bow. Made my wife feel unwell and off her food. So we got her the jab from the medical centre - it was $67 but was well worth it as she felt well again within 30 minutes although she was drowsy for about 12 hours.


If going on your anniversary then complete the form with Cunard and send in your marriage certificate to get the flowers and champagne. We did this and it was wonderful. Our cabin steward even dressed up the cabin for us !

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We were on QM2 in Apr 05 and although she wasn't rolling she did pitch a lot as the waves were against the bow. Made my wife feel unwell and off her food. So we got her the jab from the medical centre - it was $67 but was well worth it as she felt well again within 30 minutes although she was drowsy for about 12 hours.


If going on your anniversary then complete the form with Cunard and send in your marriage certificate to get the flowers and champagne. We did this and it was wonderful. Our cabin steward even dressed up the cabin for us !


$67 that sounds more like it!!!! Years ago when I had the injection it was about £40 to visit the doctor and then we had to pay for the medication on top!! But if you do feel rough $67 is well worth it. Why spoil what could be a trip of a lifetime for some, for the sake of a few pounds/dollars!! But as I have said before, go with a positive attitude. I can tell you if I need that jab on our crossing in September I won't be thinking twice. In fact 18 years ago when I was on the QE2 I felt sick and put it down to sea sickness!! In fact it was really my No: 1 son. Even though they asked me if I could be pregnant, I'd only had a miscarriage a couple of months earlier and thought there was no way I could be pregnant. Still He's now coming up for 19 and is 6ft 5in tall and built like a rugby player!!!!!!



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$67 that sounds more like it!!!! Years ago when I had the injection it was about £40 to visit the doctor and then we had to pay for the medication on top!! But if you do feel rough $67 is well worth it. Why spoil what could be a trip of a lifetime for some, for the sake of a few pounds/dollars!!





$67... small price to pay!


But, it is as effective to purchase an $8 box of pills that will do the job just as well. The pills prevent seasickness... the injection only fixes the problem after you have started to feel unwell... or worse!


The important thing is to start taking the before you sail. It may be flat calm, but the medication won't hurt. Prevention is better than cure!



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[quote name=Kirsty We are travelling with our twins who will be 13 when we sail and have a cabin on Deck 4 (having been upgraded because it will be our Silver Wedding anniversary) from Deck 6. (Is it an upgrade if you are further down???) Should we try to go back to Deck 6, or upgrade to something else.



It would be an upgrade if you went from an Inside to a Window, or Window to a Balcony. However, if the type of cabin (Inside/Window/Balcony) stayed the same, then this would actually be considered a downgrade if you went from deck 6 to deck 4 (except in the case of the obstructed Balcony).


If rough seas are encountered you will appreciate being on deck 4.

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It would be an upgrade if you went from an Inside to a Window, or Window to a Balcony. However, if the type of cabin (Inside/Window/Balcony) stayed the same, then this would actually be considered a downgrade if you went from deck 6 to deck 4 (except in the case of the obstructed Balcony).


If rough seas are encountered you will appreciate being on deck 4.


Jeanne S,


I think your rationale is appropriate for MV Caribbean Condo....where 'higher deck = better'....but that is reversed on the QM2 - Deck 4 Cabins are nearer all the main entertainment areas, and in the Superstructure Cabins, the 'best' cabins are Queens Grill on Deck 9, (the only 'lower' ones are Deck 8 obstructed) with Princess Grill higher.....all designed with the Trans Atlantic in mind, as you point out.



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It would be an upgrade if you went from an Inside to a Window, or Window to a Balcony. However, if the type of cabin (Inside/Window/Balcony) stayed the same, then this would actually be considered a downgrade if you went from deck 6 to deck 4 (except in the case of the obstructed Balcony).


If rough seas are encountered you will appreciate being on deck 4.


I opted for a cabin on deck 5 (B4 in hull) rather than the cheaper obstructed balcony cabins on deck 8 (B6 open balcony) firstly because there were no public rooms above or below, just cabins and also should there be any rough seas I just felt that you would feel better further down rather than high up. Personally I should imagine that the top end of QM2 shifts around in rough weather more than the lower half!!!!! As I have said before I do not understand why the more expensive grill cabins are that high up. I would be really upset if i'd paid all that money for a suite and I was confined to it because my body didn't like the movement!!! These are just my opinions and observations!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

We had three people in our family get the shot ... over $200 in incidental charges related to seasickness! Ouch.


Kristy, things always seem worse hearing about them from the outside. Seasickness is not pleasant but it is not worth dreading in advance. If you start to feel bad, you can do something about it with the shot, and then you will not have to suffer with it long. As others point out, you can take preventative measures as well.


We were in Cabin 5006 all the way in the front of the ship, which is subject to pitch, and the motion never bothered us throughout, except for when we hit heavy seas. We elected to purposely test the system by not taking preventions, and even then, only got burned for several hours on one morning out of the whole six days.


Trust me, it is not the end of the world if you do get seasick. It would be like worrying in advance about getting a hangover from drinking or getting a bad headache. You can take care of it with medications. Definitely do not worry about it in advance. This advise is from someone who had to get the shot.



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Thanks for advice - I suppose I'm more worried about the kids than me - do you know, if it comes to it, if the injection is suitable for children, they'll be 13 when we sail (though my son has said he'd rather walk the plank than have a needle come near him) Thnks again K

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We will be doing our first crossing in September altough it will be our 6th time cruising. I am alittle concerned about really rough seas as I have been seasick. I was seasick on my first cruise only from Miami to the Bahamas and swore to never cruise again. 8 years later I decided to give it another try and have been hooked ever since. Now we always wear the seabands and they do really work. Our 2nd cruise my husband loaded up on the Dramamine and slept almost the whole time! Last year we were on a Caribbean cruise and hit 27ft seas w/ 60 mph winds, one of the men at our dinner table was very sick and couldn't make it to dinner. We told his wife about the bands, she went to the giftshop to get them for him and in 15 minutes he joined us at dinner feeling fine. The good thing about them is you don't have to always wear them unless of course you want to. If you do start to feel sick, put them on and in minutes you are fine! I beats being sleepy and dry!

Now we do look forward to a a little rough seas, it makes it exciting!

Have a great time and happy anniversary! By the way, we are traveling with friends who will be celebrating their 25th how do we go about getting the champagne and flowers for them? Our TA asked if anyone was celebrating anything. Maybe I should check with him??

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Hi - Thanks for reply. Re: 25th I had to give a copy of our wedding certificate to our TA who sent it to Cunard as proof. We were told that there would be champagne, flowers and signed message from the captain in our room on arrival. Think the above is a nice touch, but the best bit was getting an upgrade on the room.

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Hi - Thanks for reply. Re: 25th I had to give a copy of our wedding certificate to our TA who sent it to Cunard as proof. We were told that there would be champagne, flowers and signed message from the captain in our room on arrival. Think the above is a nice touch, but the best bit was getting an upgrade on the room.


We are doing our trip to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, but it was way back in February so would not qualify for the wedding anniversary package. Never mind I'll just have to get my husband to buy me some instead!!


Happy anniversary and I hope you really enjoy yourself.



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We are doing our trip to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, but it was way back in February so would not qualify for the wedding anniversary package. Never mind I'll just have to get my husband to buy me some instead!!


Happy anniversary and I hope you really enjoy yourself.




How close does your 25th wedding anniversary have to be to receive these goodies? We're on the 12/8 to 12/20 cruise and our anniversary is 1/09/06.

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How close does your 25th wedding anniversary have to be to receive these goodies? We're on the 12/8 to 12/20 cruise and our anniversary is 1/09/06.




In my UK brochure it states that to enjoy your anniversary or honeymoon benefits (which are champagne in your stateroom on arrival, fresh flowers in the your stateroom on arrival, congratulations card from your captain and a formal portrait photograph) all you need to do is send in confirmation of your wedding date (via a copy of your marriage certificate, for example) at the time of booking or at least three months before departure. To be eligible for your benefit, your annivesary or honeymoon must fall within one month of your cruise date.


So it looks like you may be eligible if as I am guessing your anniversary is the 9th Jan 2006 dependent on when they take the date from???? Do let us know if you manage to qualify!!



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