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Unhappy staff?


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Last cruise we were on we had one steward for the first three days, then an abrupt change to another one. The second one explained that the first had been covering for him while he was away for a week. I can only imagine what would have taken the 2nd steward away from the ship for a week; he was certainly very down. We cut him quite a bit of slack, knowing that something very bad had probably happened in his life.


So, what I'm suggesting is that there are probably some times when we need to cut the crew some slack. They're real people, with real lives away from the ship, and very real feelings. A few words of compassion and empathy usually go a long way.

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OP is stating a common theme noted on Sky 3 day reviews! Which is sad, I hope the crew on the 4 day in January is at least a little friendlier!

Side note, my folks do a RCCL 4 day every summer and really enjoy their crew specifically their waiter. Every year the crew they become “friendly” with all joke and ask them to stay because they are dreading the 3 day cruise that comes right after it. I assume same for all cruise lines.

In my opinion a server making a comment such as “I’m not rich like you” to a customer should be lucky not to get fired! Her job is “hospitality” and she clearly was not providing it! Should you be respectful of others and their standard of living, of course, but that person is earning an income to provide friendly service to a ship full of “rich people.” No difference then the 30 year old at McDonalds with an attitude. If you don’t like making $8.50/hr work a little harder and do something about it!

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So, what I'm suggesting is that there are probably some times when we need to cut the crew some slack. They're real people, with real lives away from the ship, and very real feelings. A few words of compassion and empathy usually go a long way.


Yes, you never know what's goign on in people's lives and should show compassion....but some things are a little bit unacceptable...like this

she actually rolled her eyes at me and told me she couldn't give me change because unlike me - she was poor.


What I'd have responded to that would be something along the lines of:

If you keep saying things like that to passengers who want very much to tip you, you will remain poor.


My dh and I are pretty heavy tippers...which is likely some of the reason why we have always experinced such a 'happy crew'...but I will be damned if I would allow somebody to attempt to make me feel crappy just because I can afford to cruise. I don't go on a cruise vacation to be made to feel anything but fabulous. That is my expectation AND it is the bar that NCL set. It is up to them to meet that bar.

When they stop meeting that bar, then crew on other lines will get the nice tips from us.

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I am not who you directed this quetion to, but I'd like to respond.



Second, I truly take offense to your statement. People being caterted to or pampered a little on a cruise (or ANY vacation) is exactly why they vacation in the first place.

Just because you like being catered to on a cruise does not mean you are being over-indulged. YOU PAY for the experience.









You pay for having the staff at your beck and call? well, that's one way to see it but it's not mine. And it's definitely NOT the reason why I cruise or go on any vacation for that matter, so while I respect your opinion, please be aware that it's not a universal one. My reasons are: escapism from routine, a bit of a sense of adventure, having fun, quality time with my loved ones and I'm sure I could add others but expecting staff pampering is not one of them.

I have the feeling that some people regress to toddler stage during vacation lol, ie: be center of attention and getting favor treatment from parent/provider/nurturing substitute = staff (please I'm saying it humorously, it's not judgemental, I have my own neuroses about vacationing, like totally obsessing over and overdoing the planning stage for instance :o) From stories I read about people excited by staff treatment or lack of, it seems to go a step further than just receiving service, it's often about the impression of getting treated BETTER than others or WORSE than others. Something like feeling like the "staff pet" (ha ha cheap psy stuff I know)

My own point of view is, when it comes to be on a ship with thousands of other people, there are realistic and unrealistic expectations when it comes to staff.

Realistic: being answered when I ask for something, being served when I order something, not being (verbally) assaulted or disrepected.

Unrealistic: all the staff smiling around the clock. First of all, their facial muscles would hurt like crazy at the end of the day + there is nothing worse than a forced smile plastered on a face. Not even the happiest person can smile constantly, let's be reasonable.

Expecting 0 wait at all times when I order something. Hey there are thousands of us on this ship, it's not like the poor waiter has only me to worry about. Let's give the guy a bit of a leeway. + I'm on vacation, so for once, I actually have time to spare.

Expecting staff to systematically greet me with enthusiasm whenever I pass them on the ship. Once again there are a whole lot of us, maybe the staff does that sometimes but they can also be in a hurry or tired or preoccupied, I'm not gonna get offended if they don't pay attention, big deal.

Expecting staff to always provide for friendly chit chat. I have my traveling companions for that and in this particular instance, I would like to think of socializing as retaining a bit of spontaneity. You want to have a little talk, great, but it's not mandatory by any means.

Asking me every 5 minutes if I'm ok or if I need anything. Honestly, save your energy, I'm a grown person and I'm quite comfortable taking care of myself :D


I know that some people expect a lot more from service in general, and love it when staff goes out of their way, etc. But we're all different, that's what makes the world interesting.

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You pay for having the staff at your beck and call? well, that's one way to see it but it's not mine. And it's definitely NOT the reason why I cruise or go on any vacation for that matter, so while I respect your opinion, please be aware that it's not a universal one. My reasons are: escapism from routine, a bit of a sense of adventure, having fun, quality time with my loved ones and I'm sure I could add others but expecting staff pampering is not one of them.

I have the feeling that some people regress to toddler stage during vacation lol, ie: be center of attention and getting favor treatment from parent/provider/nurturing substitute = staff (please I'm saying it humorously, it's not judgemental, I have my own neuroses about vacationing, like totally obsessing over and overdoing the planning stage for instance :o) From stories I read about people excited by staff treatment or lack of, it seems to go a step further than just receiving service, it's often about the impression of getting treated BETTER than others or WORSE than others. Something like feeling like the "staff pet" (ha ha cheap psy stuff I know)

My own point of view is, when it comes to be on a ship with thousand of other people, there are realistic and unrealistic expectations when it comes to staff.

Realistic: being answered when I ask for something, being served when I order something, not being (verbally) assaulted or disrepected.

Unrealistic: all the staff smiling around the clock. First of all, their facial muscles would hurt like crazy at the end of the day + there is nothing worse than a forced smile plastered on a face. Not even the happiest person can smile constantly, let's be reasonable.

Expecting 0 wait at all times when I order something. Hey there are thousands of us on this ship, it's not like the poor waiter has only me to worry about. Let's give the guy a bit of a leeway. + I'm on vacation, so for once, I actually have time to spare.

Expecting staff to systematically greet me with enthusiasm whenever I pass them on the ship. Once again there are a whole lot of us, maybe the staff does that sometimes but they can also be in a hurry or tired or preoccupied, I'm not gonna get offended if they don't pay attention, big deal.

Expecting staff to always provide for friendly chit chat. I have my traveling companions for that and in this particular instance, I would like to think of socializing as retaining a bit of spontaneity. You want to have a little talk, great, but it's not mandatory by any means.

Asking me every 5 minutes if I'm ok or if I need anything. Honestly, save your energy, I'm a grown person and I'm quite comfortable taking care of myself :D


I know that some people expect a lot more from service in general, and love it when staff goes out of their way, etc. But we're all different, that's what makes the world interesting.


Where did I say beck and call???

All I ( and the OP) expect is what we have previously experienced ...end of story.

The bar is set. When it is not met, there is disappointment. AND, expecting hospitality from the hospitality business is not unrealistic or extreme.

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Sorry you were disappointed. If she truly said that, she should have been reported. But it's just 1 person, 1 incident. Also, attitudes toward money vary a lot according to different countries and cultures. "waving" the big bucks when wanting to be treated well can be interpreted as a form of "power trip" and belief that money can buy anything including human behavior. Not saying that's what happened in this case but I know the reactions can be very different. Absolutely not an excuse for the answer the op quoted of course.

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And just imagine how you'd feel "pampering and taking care of" people who are alluding to being rich, while your home, friends and family are being washed away by a storm...and you haven't even been able to contact them.


Think about others....not just yourself.


I understand what you are saying but just to play devils advocate if your vacation happens to coincide with a natural disaster half a world away should you expect to have your cruise be any less than expected?


I was on a hurricaine extended cruise where much of Florida was destroyed including our return port. Is that my fault?


We can feel empathy but we do not all need to suffer as well. We have no control over Mother Nature.


Did you have power in your part of NYC during sandy?


If so did you stop using electricity because lower NYC was destroyed?


Just playing devils advocate but just sayin that we can't all be expected to suffer. Not that meeting a rude crew member is suffering but I am saying we can't all be held responsible for what we have no control over nor can be held responsible for the fact that stewards are Filipino.


Fwiw and before the flames start. I am always courteous to all crew and do not ask for much from them. I am not rude. I tip them extra and am not a cabin slob or a puking drunk. I am not demanding at all


I feel bad for the less fortunate but other than saying I hope all is well back home and leaving auto tip on and giving a little extra there is nothing else I can do for them as I am not in the position to through cash around nor do I trust organized charities to do the right thing


Ok done

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I understand what you are saying but just to play devils advocate if your vacation happens to coincide with a natural disaster half a world away should you expect to have your cruise be any less than expected?


I was on a hurricaine extended cruise where much of Florida was destroyed including our return port. Is that my fault?


We can feel empathy but we do not all need to suffer as well. We have no control over Mother Nature.


Did you have power in your part of NYC during sandy?


If so did you stop using electricity because lower NYC was destroyed?


Just playing devils advocate but just sayin that we can't all be expected to suffer. Not that meeting a rude crew member is suffering but I am saying we can't all be held responsible for what we have no control over nor can be held responsible for the fact that stewards are Filipino.


Fwiw and before the flames start. I am always courteous to all crew and do not ask for much from them. I am not rude. I tip them extra and am not a cabin slob or a puking drunk. I am not demanding at all


I feel bad for the less fortunate but other than saying I hope all is well back home and leaving auto tip on and giving a little extra there is nothing else I can do for them as I am not in the position to through cash around nor do I trust organized charities to do the right thing


Ok done

I can only relate my experience. I was on the Jewell when the typhoon hit the Phillippines, where a majority of the staff is from. You would have never known that anything happened if you didn't watch the news on the ship. The staff was professional, smiling and very efficient. I didn't see any lowering of the standards or services expected. Unless someone asked them how their family was, they never brought up the subject.


I think a lot has to do with how you act toward the staff, as far as how they treat you. I've never seen a crew member be rude to another passenger, whether they are a "heavy tipper" or not. I don't take a handfulls of cash to pass out during the cruise, I always tip extra (over and above the DSC) the last day of the cruise, so none of the staff knows how or even if I will tip extra. I have always been treated with the upmost respect and services rendered have been professional, efficient and with a smile.


So for those with upcoming cruises, if you experience is like mine, you will received the type of service that you have always gotten on NCL.


BTW, if the incident the OP stated did happen with the bartender rolling her eyes and making the comment that she is not rich really happened. The OP should have gone to guest services right away and reported the incident and the offender.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I just got back from the Jewel out of NOLA. I have cruised numerous times with NCl and this group of staff was by far the MOST courteous/happy group I have seen. I made it a point to ask those from the Phillipines about their family and they were very thankful that we had inquired. There was only one who responded that he had not heard from his family, but he was still upbeat and happy and friendly...of course I felt bad that I had asked since he didn't know. On the last night of the cruise, the NCL dancers had organized a benefit concert for the crew's families. It was well attended.

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I can only relate my experience. I was on the Jewell when the typhoon hit the Phillippines . . . .


So for those with upcoming cruises, if you experience is like mine, you will received the type of service that you have always gotten on NCL.


I just got back from the Jewel out of NOLA. . . .

The OP mentioned one specific ship -- the Sky -- and one specific itinerary -- the Sky's 3-day cruise. In no way can that cruise be compared with a full 7-day itinerary or longer on any other NCL ship.


After writing this, I went to the Reviews section. Many rate their Sky experiences as very good. However, the two most recent reviews, which were written before the devastating typhoon hit, mentioned the awful service. I hope this isn't a trend, because many first-time cruisers' decisions about whether to try other NCL ships could be affected by this crew.

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A couple of years ago, a couple of guy friends and I did the Sky 3-night over the 4th of July weekend (bachelor weekend before I got married). We shared an inside cabin and it was about the cheapest way one can possibly do a cruise. It was hit and miss with the staff (although mostly "hit"), but I had tempered my expectations in light of the fact that it was a short and economical cruise. I thought the wait staff was pretty happy but the cabin stewards were a bit haggard. That ship has such a quick turnaround, and the pax, it seemed, tended to be of a younger demo that were more interested in partying over the long holiday weekend (many younger Floridians, who I imagine take the cruise a lot). There were still plenty of families, though.


I think that can wear on a crew, regardless of recent events. It's fun for the passengers, no doubt, and I had a great time.


The wife and I just booked the Pearl to Alaska, and we are doing one of the Haven-access suites. So, it's the opposite of my most recent Norwegian experience. :D Everything I've read on here convinced me to choose NCL over other lines as the service and onboard experience will be great, so I'm excited.

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I would like to also praise the crew of the Jewel. We were on a couple weeks ago, and they made our cruise. From our steward, Hansel, to the bar servers to the Cruise Director's staff. They were always smiling and greeted everyone. We had planned a land vacation next year, but because of the crew, we will most likely be on the Jewel.

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The OP mentioned one specific ship -- the Sky -- and one specific itinerary -- the Sky's 3-day cruise. In no way can that cruise be compared with a full 7-day itinerary or longer on any other NCL ship.


After writing this, I went to the Reviews section. Many rate their Sky experiences as very good. However, the two most recent reviews, which were written before the devastating typhoon hit, mentioned the awful service. I hope this isn't a trend, because many first-time cruisers' decisions about whether to try other NCL ships could be affected by this crew.

But other posters mentioned that they didn't want their experience to change, I was just relating how my experiene was during the time the typhoon hit. Sorry if my post bothered you.

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We noticed less than happy people twice in 12 cruises - once on the Pearl in Alaska and the Sky last year. The Pearl was really a surprise as we had just cruised on the ship less than a year before in the Caribbean and the crew was wonderful. Lots less smiling, polite, but not really "friendly." I remarked on it while on the ship and a crew member said that it was hard getting used to the cold by the warm climate loving crew members. Being from the South, this really made sense:)


The Sky crew seemed to be less engaged with passengers, but I attributed it to the short iteneraries. If you meet different passengers twice in one week, it would be more difficult to feel engaged on a personal level. And quite frankly, the passengers seemed to be less polite in general for some reason. And don't forget that a lot of "newbies" will try a short cruise to see if they like it. I didn't really care for the Sky myself and I was on vacation;)


I would be inclined to give most of them a break. And don't worry about the surly bartender - they won't last long:D

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Ok everyone...I am the original poster...

To clear some things up...Those of you who have ever worked in a service industry know that that you appreciate tips. We are not rich, but we appreciate a smile and people beign friendly. We do give cash tips for good service especially on NCL as we feel it makes the people we give it to feel appreciated. No sense arguing about it as I will continue to tip.


As far as rude bartender - we did report her that day to BAR MANAGER. He said he had never ever had a complaint about any of his staff - hard to believe, but whatever. We did not tell him to get anything for free, but it was amusing as he gave us a "free" bucket of beer yet we all had the beverage plan...maybe we just found it funny. We really just told him so he could talk to his staff.


Also, I keep reading all these post that I should not have expected so much or lowered my expectations because there was a natural disaster. Never once did you hear me say that I had wanted anything more that a smile, or a drink at the bar that didn't take 20 minutes....I don't think that was being obnoxious or rude. Some of you want to make me out to be a monster that I wanted peopel to be nice.


We did not engage people about their job at all. But for 2 staff members to randomly say to us in small talk that they hate working for NCL ( and they had worked for other cruise lines) says something...


And you are right it was the SKY...and though there are some great reviews. I have been on this cruise 3 times in the past 4 years and it has gone downhill. Like another poster said there are 2 reviews before the typhoon that talk about poor service. Something is wrong on that ship at the upper level to make the staff so unhappy. I get the 3 night thing is hard for crew, but for me to see such a change in the cruises over the past years...means something. If all you people who in some way are twisting things to make me at fault - look at my original post - I did not blame the staff - I blamed management.


We are not rich, we are not demanding, - we like to have some drinks, eat dinner, and hang out at the pool and just not feel like I am inconveniencing the people that are working on the ship. Not too much to ask I would bet.


SO will I do NCL again - yes...

Not the Sky though for a bit...I LOVED LOVED this cruise in the past ( 3 times - 4 years) Maybe those of you who haven't ever done Sky will never notice, but I noticed...and I am not angry at the workers- I just feel bad for them as something is wrong on that ship.

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Also, I keep reading all these post that I should not have expected so much or lowered my expectations because there was a natural disaster. Never once did you hear me say that I had wanted anything more that a smile, or a drink at the bar that didn't take 20 minutes....I don't think that was being obnoxious or rude. Some of you want to make me out to be a monster that I wanted peopel to be nice.


We did not engage people about their job at all. But for 2 staff members to randomly say to us in small talk that they hate working for NCL ( and they had worked for other cruise lines) says something...


And you are right it was the SKY...and though there are some great reviews. I have been on this cruise 3 times in the past 4 years and it has gone downhill. Like another poster said there are 2 reviews before the typhoon that talk about poor service. Something is wrong on that ship at the upper level to make the staff so unhappy. I get the 3 night thing is hard for crew, but for me to see such a change in the cruises over the past years...means something. If all you people who in some way are twisting things to make me at fault - look at my original post - I did not blame the staff - I blamed management.


We are not rich, we are not demanding, - we like to have some drinks, eat dinner, and hang out at the pool and just not feel like I am inconveniencing the people that are working on the ship. Not too much to ask I would bet.


SO will I do NCL again - yes...

Not the Sky though for a bit...I LOVED LOVED this cruise in the past ( 3 times - 4 years) Maybe those of you who haven't ever done Sky will never notice, but I noticed...and I am not angry at the workers- I just feel bad for them as something is wrong on that ship.


You absolutely should not have to lower your expectations. I can't imagine that NCL wants you to lower your expectations!


I agree that if a few crew members stated they disliked working for NCL, then there is an issue with management. When I see happy crew and talk with them, they tell me they love their boss (hotel director). It stands to reason if they are unhappy, then it's from the management as well.

I hope you wrote to corporate with your experiences. I know NCL reads the boards here but I still think you should send a letter to Miami.

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You absolutely should not have to lower your expectations. I can't imagine that NCL wants you to lower your expectations!


I agree that if a few crew members stated they disliked working for NCL, then there is an issue with management. When I see happy crew and talk with them, they tell me they love their boss (hotel director). It stands to reason if they are unhappy, then it's from the management as well.

I hope you wrote to corporate with your experiences. I know NCL reads the boards here but I still think you should send a letter to Miami.


Problems with management? Maybe, or maybe not since every company has those complain about their employer. I only say that because last month on the Gem we had some conversations with one of the bartenders who happened to remember us from the previous cruise almost a year prior. He had been with NCL for over 10 years and one of the reasons he stays is because of the way they treat their crew.


I'm not concerned that OP's experience might indicate a trend of unhappy crew members. There will always be a few bad apples but our experience last month was quite the opposite with prompt service and a lot of interaction with the crew, just as it's always been.

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You absolutely should not have to lower your expectations. I can't imagine that NCL wants you to lower your expectations!


I agree that if a few crew members stated they disliked working for NCL, then there is an issue with management. When I see happy crew and talk with them, they tell me they love their boss (hotel director). It stands to reason if they are unhappy, then it's from the management as well.

I hope you wrote to corporate with your experiences. I know NCL reads the boards here but I still think you should send a letter to Miami.

I hope the OP writes corporate and tells them that staff members are "out of the blue" telling passengers how they hate their job. That is totally unprofessional. That kind of negativity spreads in companies.

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Funny thing, I was on this same cruise this weekend and have similar issues with the staff. I sailed this tour in July, my first ever cruise and it was truly a wonderful experience. Having an opportunity to do it again on short notice, booked the cruise hopped a plane and let the chaos begin. I can tell you that compared to July the staff was NOT at full capacity. In July every time you turned around a crew member was right there helping you with anything you might need. This weekend, literally a good 20 minute wait at the main bar outside. Patrons in the middle section of said bar were the only ones getting served. The pools closed early, activities that were on the "schedule" did not occur, the food was not as good in the buffet area and the service in The Palace dining room was horrific.


To top that off, after we were FINALLY told our rooms were clean and available, I discovered that not only had my bathroom not been cleaned, it had definitely been used prior the previous guest checking out...if you catch my drift. There were jelly beans and water bottles on the floor, there were ashes/cigarette butts all over the balcony, soda (or some substance) spilled down the walls. After complaining to guest services, I was assured the room would be cleaned pronto. The steward cleaned the toilet...that was all. Didn't clean the hairballs off the sink or floor, still didn't pick up the jelly beans or clean any of the other messes. After the horribly obnoxious neighbors showed up and began there weekend long party/arguing awesomeness, I asked to be moved to another room and was told that the ship was at capacity. The only thing I can think they mean by "capacity" is that the guest to crew member ratio was what they consider full, because there is NO way that ship was at full capacity! I ran into my room steward not long after and he basically said that due to being short handed and having such a quick turnover, they were rushing to get things ready for our cruise and there just wasn't enough time to get everything done!


I have come to the conclusion that being at probably less than 1/2 staff due to the disaster left us cruisers with a less than desirable weekend. I am trying really hard not to hold it against NCL as I absolutely love them...I just hope next time is better! Had this been my first cruise, I probably wouldn't think it would be worth it to cruise in the future. Luckily I know better and hope any first time cruisers don't think this is the type of behavior that typically happens!

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I must say I feel so glad that you felt the same...I hope that doesn't sound horrible :).


Your experience was WAY worse than me with the room. I feel bad, but I had totally forgotten things like the pool closing early and activities not going on.


I didn't want to bring it up about the food, but you are right. There were not the cookouts on deck as usual. We went to Chili's at the airport when leaving and were joking that it had been the best food we had all weekend.


Your post convinced me that I am going to contact corporate as now I know it wasn't just me.

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I must say I feel so glad that you felt the same...I hope that doesn't sound horrible :).


Your experience was WAY worse than me with the room. I feel bad, but I had totally forgotten things like the pool closing early and activities not going on.


I didn't want to bring it up about the food, but you are right. There were not the cookouts on deck as usual. We went to Chili's at the airport when leaving and were joking that it had been the best food we had all weekend.


Your post convinced me that I am going to contact corporate as now I know it wasn't just me.



Its all good, my group kept wondering what in the world was going on (not that anything was haha) because everyone was so miserable. There was one bartender there, I actually remarked within hearing distance about how much she must love her job. She didn't say Hi, thank you, no smile, no nothing. I feel HORRIBLE that my room steward got into some trouble over the conditions of our room, but to be honest, if people don't remark on the good and the bad no one will ever know. And Im definitely writing to corporate, not only to report the bad things but to rave about a couple of people that were truly outstanding. They deserve to be recognized. I gave them a tip and NCL should give them a raise!!!!

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