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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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Yet another negative post from the Cap'n. Didn't your mother tell you if you don't have something nice to say then say nothing.


It truly isn't a negative post, but we are approaching the 6 month anniversary of the start of this trip and we are only one third of the way through it. I remain confused by the title "Live from". Please don't tell me again that the OP is busy at school because we are all busy people. My mother did tell me that if I want to start something, I should see it through to the conclusion. Doubtless the OP intends to do so as well.:rolleyes:

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It truly isn't a negative post, but we are approaching the 6 month anniversary of the start of this trip and we are only one third of the way through it. I remain confused by the title "Live from". Please don't tell me again that the OP is busy at school because we are all busy people. My mother did tell me that if I want to start something, I should see it through to the conclusion. Doubtless the OP intends to do so as well.:rolleyes:


Rest assured, I will be seeing this through to the end, and please note that I am in my graduating year of highschool so exams have been brutal. I see this as a hobby that I enjoy, and realizing that it is quite a time consuming activity, that I will not be able to update as frequently as I would like. It takes several hours each time I update, so please be understanding. Thanks.

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Rest assured, I will be seeing this through to the end, and please note that I am in my graduating year of highschool so exams have been brutal. I see this as a hobby that I enjoy, and realizing that it is quite a time consuming activity, that I will not be able to update as frequently as I would like. It takes several hours each time I update, so please be understanding. Thanks.




Take absolutely no notice of the negative and sarcastic comments, am afraid it's par for the course on this board at times.


I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoying it all, you are doing a splendid job and l admire you for taking the time to write considering you have exams which most of us know can be quite gruelling.


Keep up the good work and do finish this 'Live From' we can't all take time out of our busy lives to be at sea more than we are ashore.


Well done


Best, Judy

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Take absolutely no notice of the negative and sarcastic comments, am afraid it's par for the course on this board at times.


I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoying it all, you are doing a splendid job and l admire you for taking the time to write considering you have exams which most of us know can be quite gruelling.


Keep up the good work and do finish this 'Live From' we can't all take time out of our busy lives to be at sea more than we are ashore.


Well done


Best, Judy


And I second that. Take as long as YOU need to with this wonderful project.

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Sis’s entrée arrived first, she got the same thing as me, the Spaghetti Bolognese:




We thought it was pretty good! The sauce was somewhat dry (not like liquid) & it stuck to pasta, almost carbonara style! Not too wet or dry :)


This was followed by Mom’s Glazed Salmon with Orange Basil Relish:




She really liked it! It was moist and delicious (:


Dad had his Seafood Pie:




Which he enjoyed as well! He thought it was pretty good. It was like a Sheperd’s pie .. but not. :P


Finally, my food arrived:




:D Yay! I quite liked it! I purposely made Sis do the pasta shot you always see on t.v. ^^




With full tummies, we proceeded to dessert. First up were the Rum Raisin and Coconut Ice Creams with Raspberry Sorbet and Caramel Sauce:




Dad thought it was just okay.

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Take absolutely no notice of the negative and sarcastic comments, am afraid it's par for the course on this board at times.


I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoying it all, you are doing a splendid job and l admire you for taking the time to write considering you have exams which most of us know can be quite gruelling.


Keep up the good work and do finish this 'Live From' we can't all take time out of our busy lives to be at sea more than we are ashore.


Well done


Best, Judy





Your posts have reached so many folks and let them relive warm memories of their past cruises as well as help others understand what it's like to enjoy a cruise with your loved ones. It is as vivid as can be and definitely more enjoyable than most other cruise reports since one can feel the passion and the effort put into it. I think of it as a serial with as many episodes as it takes and regular cliff hangers to keep you wanting for more. Is it "Live from" not at all, but who cares so let's get past it.


Z and TB

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Sis and Mom ordered the same dessert, the Sherry Trifle:




It was quite good! It had strawberries and whipped cream hidden under the custard and jello. I’d say it was one of the better desserts! ^^


Last was mine, the Low in Sugar – Forest Berry Mousse with Marinated Strawberries:




I thought it was just okay and that it tasted like nothing, but Mom liked it and said it wasn’t too sweet. That explains it LOL.


After lunch, we went exploring a bit since we had a few hours to kill before ahfutanoon tea.


I first went and took some pictures in the Queen’s Room while it was still empty:









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We then went to go explore the Golden Lion Pub:




Since I had read online that the food there was pretty good, I took a look at the menu:




It was then that we decided that we would eat here at least once during the trip!


Since it was a port day, the place was pretty empty







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//continues habit of taking pictures of random irrelevant things :-D




Anyways, we exited and looked around for a bit more. First the casino:








I then took some pictures of the large clock area (because I remember seeing peppern take similar pictures that I thought were great, so I wanted my own ^^)





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After some digesting, we headed back to the Queen’s Room in time for afternoon tea!






Today, all four of us were going to tea! //abnormal since I can usually only get Dad to go with me








Today’s musical entertainment was the harp lady! (Rebecca I believe?) I loved it since she played many songs I knew!



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Loving your report, we are off on our first Cunard cruise in October. Althought it is on the QM2 this report gives a real feel of what we can expect.


Great pictures, love the menus and the daily things to do.


Hope the exams are going/have gone well.

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Take absolutely no notice of the negative and sarcastic comments, am afraid it's par for the course on this board at times.


I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoying it all, you are doing a splendid job and l admire you for taking the time to write considering you have exams which most of us know can be quite gruelling.


Keep up the good work and do finish this 'Live From' we can't all take time out of our busy lives to be at sea more than we are ashore.


Well done


Best, Judy


Take as long as you like, Sarah! I am truly enjoying the updates, whenever they arrive.


Good luck with exams!!


And I second that. Take as long as YOU need to with this wonderful project.


Thanks guys! ;___;

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Your posts have reached so many folks and let them relive warm memories of their past cruises as well as help others understand what it's like to enjoy a cruise with your loved ones. It is as vivid as can be and definitely more enjoyable than most other cruise reports since one can feel the passion and the effort put into it. I think of it as a serial with as many episodes as it takes and regular cliff hangers to keep you wanting for more. Is it "Live from" not at all, but who cares so let's get past it.


Z and TB


;___; thank you!! I hope that those who read it do indeed feel these kinds of feelings and enjoy them as much as I do writing them! //touched


I agree with the Cap'n. "Live From" is stretching terminology a bit far. Members are obviously enjoying these posts which is fine for all concerned.


I'm really glad that people are enjoying it as well!


To be honest, I actually do agree that perhaps I should've named it "Not-So-Live from" instead, but I wanted it to match titles with my last report :/ I would change it if I could, but there itsn't really anything I can do about it anymore .____."

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Loving your report, we are off on our first Cunard cruise in October. Althought it is on the QM2 this report gives a real feel of what we can expect.


Great pictures, love the menus and the daily things to do.


Hope the exams are going/have gone well.


I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying it! :) I hope you have a wonderful trip in October! Where are you headed off to?


&& Yes, thank you! I've finished one exam and am awaiting my next one in June, not looking forward to it ^^" lol

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I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying it! :) I hope you have a wonderful trip in October! Where are you headed off to?


&& Yes, thank you! I've finished one exam and am awaiting my next one in June, not looking forward to it ^^" lol


We are flying to Boston to see Fleetwood Mac, Amtrak to New York, then floating back on the QM2.

So we will be heading out then home again!


I remember exam time with our two children very well, stressful, as so much can depend on the results..

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At last, the plucking of the harp signalled the commencement of Afternoon tea:




As soon as music began to fill the room, the servers started bustling, attending to their assigned tables. First on the menu were to finger sandwiches:






Each of them were filled with various kinds of fillings, some of which were meat, others more refreshing options.






According to Dad, today’s harp performance was much more enjoyable than the first one (that I had missed), as they had now plugged her harp into an amplifier, so that everyone would be able to hear her. It was apparently too quiet the first time around.



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Still, she was one of my favourite musical acts on board.


Next up were the cakes! (my favourite)












In my opinion, that white chocolate brownie you see on several of our plates, was the best cake dessert out of all of the other options that day.

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Last but not least, the scones!








It tastes really good when you cut it in half, butter it, and then spread jam on top (:


Following Afternoon Tea, Sis & I made a trip to the gym to exercise for an hour and a half or so before cleaning up and getting ready for dinner. We typically made our trip to the gym at around 4pm every day.


Before we knew it, it was dinner time!





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Last but not least, the scones!








It tastes really good when you cut it in half, butter it, and then spread jam on top (:


Following Afternoon Tea, Sis & I made a trip to the gym to exercise for an hour and a half or so before cleaning up and getting ready for dinner. We typically made our trip to the gym at around 4pm every day.


Before we knew it, it was dinner time!





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First up was a dish that Sis, Dad & I all got. It was the Frogs Legs Provençal:




It was very good, that being said, it was a little difficult to eat with a fork and knife (considering the fact that it was meat on a bone).


Following that was Mom’s appetizer, the Crabmeat and Shrimp Gâteau with Mixed Green Salad and Basil Oil:




Finally, was Dad’s other appetizer. Now I must warn you now, this was literally the worst soup I had ever had in my entire life. I’m not even joking. This soup was the epitome of disappointment. I now present to you, the Chilled Avocado and Smoked Salmon Soup:




This was so disgusting. It wasn’t like, vomit/gag disgusting, but more like … this-is-so-terrible-I-cannot-even-describe-it-in-any-other-way disgusting. This is literally what I wrote in my log: “OMG EW WHY”. I also proceeded to note that it tasted like water in which avocado was washed. It also continues to explain that it had the same viscosity of water as well.


We still had a good laugh about it. (: We called over Sebastiao and my dad asked him, “Hey Sebastiao, have you tried this soup?” Sebastiao gave us this cheeky grin and responded, “Yes, we’ve tried all of the dishes.” My dad then grins and says, “So why would you not stop me from ordering this?” Sebastiao then answers, “Because the chefs have got to throw in a few like these to keep your expectations from going too high!” LOL


Thank goodness our entrées were good (at least mine was) haha. Sis, Dad and I also ordered the same entrée, the Grilled Sirloin Steak with String Beans, Pont Neuf Potatoes and Mushroom and Pepper Sauce:


(This was my sisters’)




(This was mine)




My mom on the other hand, ordered the Chicken Kiev with Mashed Potatoes and Duxelles Cream Sauce:




According to Mom, it was so-so. It was apparently fried, dry-ish chicken breast meat.


Okay, so apparently I then ended up going on a rant about our assistant server. Here are some of the things that I wrote in my log:


- "So this is what his voice sounds like LOL" It was the first time he talk to me, and it was to offer me mustard.

- It seems like someone else has complained and he has gotten scolded for being useless. He has started to get stuff for the other table more promptly.

- This guy didn't even introduce himself to us on day one

- Sebastiao is more talkative and peppy while his manager is watching and has proved to be quite observant. He’s gotten Mom’s hot water ready before she asked, our steaks cooked the way we want without us having to tell him, and he remembers that I don’t like pepper!

- They seemed to be having a little trouble today, so a different assistant server has been lending them a hand.

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Alright, so apparently during the disgusting soup fiasco, I completely forgot to take pictures of the dessert. Sorry .__. Either that, or, we didn’t eat any.


Anyways, after dinner we hung out in Atrium for a little while to listen to EOS string quartet




They were all wearing these fluffy gowns even though it was informal night!


While we were there, I noticed the Library. That was when I realized that I had still yet to visit it!




Sorry for the blurry shots! The lighting was really dark ^^”








We also located the nearby Card Room!



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