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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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We walked all the way to the small building that had this small informational booth with a lady. From what we found, everything she said was wrong. She wasn’t helpful at all. We left the building and walked down this little bridge that led to the city.




We were on our way to the free city bus that runs most of the day (Bus #1 I believe). While making our way there, 12 or so vulture-like people suddenly mobbed Mom & Dad. They were trying to sell excursions and car rentals and whatnot. From what I recall, the free bus runs on a lane that is blue (but I’m not 100% sure). Anyhow, we boarded the bus in an attempt to find Elijah’s Cave via information lady’s directions. (exit the bridge-thing to the left and cross the street, the bus is there)




For about an hour, we got lost on the bus. This was because the information lady gave us the name of a bus stop that DID NOT EXIST. We hopped on and off the bus and different stops, crossing the street multiple times to catch the same free bus going in the opposite direction. We asked several locals for help and in doing so, made me notice how incredible kind the people were. Each and every one of them seriously tried their best to help us find the correct bus stop. There was this one elderly lady we spoke to who asked a random stranger to help her help us! He was trying his best too! With their limited English skills, they still earnestly tried their best, which really gave me a good impression of the people in Haifa.


Anyhow, after about an hour of jumping on and off of bus #1, we ultimately decided to get off at this stop:






The reason we actually got off at this random stop was because we saw this sign:




IT’S A TRAP. DON’T DO IT. (Though it was helpful in the sense that I took this photo out and zoomed in on the word “Elijah’s Cave” with the Hebrew translation, so the people we were asking directions from could understand.) From what we could tell, most of the locals didn’t know what the English translation of Elijah’s Cave was.


We proceeded to follow the sign. (sigh)




From the overpass, we could see the cable cars that were supposedly located very close to Elijah’s Cave.



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Until we suddenly saw a glimmer of hope. The cable cars!!








Although we were at the right stop, we still had to find a way to get up to where the cave was. We took this staircase up to the overpass area:




Across the street was where you got on the cable cars (the cable cars go farther up the mountain, not to Elijah’s Cave).




And this was the free Bus #1 that ran across the whole city:




This was the road from which we came. LOOK HOW BARREN IT LOOKS.



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We climbed the stairs to get above ground. Looking down, I could see the young military guys we talked to earlier (we had asked them for directions, but they were no help because they apparently were not from this area LOL).




The stairs quickly turned into a ramp.




When we got to the top, this is what we saw:




In order to get to Elijah’s cave, we would have to cross the street. THIS BEING SAID, WE WOULDN’T HAVE HAD TO CROSS THE STREET THAT HAD TO CROSSWALKS, HAD WE CLIMBED THE STAIRS THAT WERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUS STOP. (You know that set of stairs we climbed earlier? Don’t climb those, walk a little past the Allenby bus stop to the right side, there’s another set of stairs that lead directly to the cave area. You’ll be able to avoid jay walking and cross at a not-so-safe area.)




We crossed the street and started making our way up to the cave.




From here, we could see the other Allenby bus stop (the bus stop coming from the other direction)




Coming from there, you’d have to cross this weird street. Be careful when doing so.

Edited by lovely_serenity
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Hi Sarah, loving your photos and you are fortunate that you got to go to Israel as I doubt any ships will be calling there for some time after the Aida Diva was hit with fallout shracknel from a Hammas rocket earlier this week.

I am looking forward to the photos of when you came into Limassol Cyprus.

I was there waving to you all.:) Keep up the good work and all the best with your exams. Maggiemou in Cyprus.

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Hi Sarah, loving your photos and you are fortunate that you got to go to Israel as I doubt any ships will be calling there for some time after the Aida Diva was hit with fallout shracknel from a Hammas rocket earlier this week.

I am looking forward to the photos of when you came into Limassol Cyprus.

I was there waving to you all.:) Keep up the good work and all the best with your exams. Maggiemou in Cyprus.


Hi Maggiemou!


Thanks! && Indeed, we are lucky to have been able to visit the place before all of the conflict started.


They are coming soon (: && Haha, I know! I saw the picture you posted! :D When we were pulling up to the port, I told my parents about how I had a CC friend who would be waving to us at the ship!


Thank you very much!!

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Enjoyed catching up with your posts. I especially loved seeing your pictures of Israel. We went there after our ports in Egypt were cancelled. I really enjoyed our visit.


Luckily I did not have any problems in the laundrette but I had a couple of CC friends who met with some rude people. One had a very similar encounter with a "washer/dryer hog" who thought she could use all of the machines.


Looking forward to seeing more from QE and your upcoming Disney cruise.



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I've discovered this thread only recently. Thank you for taking the time to share your voyage.


I don't want to push you out of your comfort zone because you've obviously decided what you want to do, but it is clear from your interactions with other posters that you're a very competent writer. It would be wonderful if, aside from your reportage, we got to read more of your reflections. I think you've got a lot of interesting things to say, and I'd very much like to read more of them.



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I've discovered this thread only recently. Thank you for taking the time to share your voyage.


I don't want to push you out of your comfort zone because you've obviously decided what you want to do, but it is clear from your interactions with other posters that you're a very competent writer. It would be wonderful if, aside from your reportage, we got to read more of your reflections. I think you've got a lot of interesting things to say, and I'd very much like to read more of them.



But this post is nearly a year old and the S/S Queen Elizabeth

Has done countless cruises and updated info

Confort zone doesn't make a cruise critic

We need relevant info not a gossip blog and alas Disney cruises

"Wake up and smell the Roses"

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Enjoyed catching up with your posts. I especially loved seeing your pictures of Israel. We went there after our ports in Egypt were cancelled. I really enjoyed our visit.


Luckily I did not have any problems in the laundrette but I had a couple of CC friends who met with some rude people. One had a very similar encounter with a "washer/dryer hog" who thought she could use all of the machines.


Looking forward to seeing more from QE and your upcoming Disney cruise.




Hi Kathi :)


Glad you like it! && Indeed, the place was beautiful (the skyline especially). It was incredibly hot though haha.


This was actually our first time encountering problems while trying to do our laundry. I guess it's just luck of the draw ^^" Hopefully next time, we'll draw a better card LOL.


&& Thank you for taking the time to read it (:

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I've discovered this thread only recently. Thank you for taking the time to share your voyage.


I don't want to push you out of your comfort zone because you've obviously decided what you want to do, but it is clear from your interactions with other posters that you're a very competent writer. It would be wonderful if, aside from your reportage, we got to read more of your reflections. I think you've got a lot of interesting things to say, and I'd very much like to read more of them.




Hi Shawn,


First of all, thanks for taking the time to read my report!


It's not that it's out of my comfort zone (alas, I've written those kinds of things many a time during my English courses), I typically don't write too many reflection-like paragraphs on my report due to the fact that they are so lengthy and time-consuming. Sorting photos and writing captions alone take several hours when posting each installment. The only times I write reflections are when something significant or attention-grabbing occurs during the trip, which of course, doesn't happen too frequently. That being said, I'll keep the though in mind when I'm writing up my upcoming installment. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

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But this post is nearly a year old and the S/S Queen Elizabeth

Has done countless cruises and updated info

Confort zone doesn't make a cruise critic

We need relevant info not a gossip blog and alas Disney cruises

"Wake up and smell the Roses"


OK Turquoise. Let's talk about needs. Mine and yours.

This woman is in high school.

I'm old enough to be her Dad.

I'm not so old that, in 40 years, I'll be too old to cruise on Cunard's Queen Kate.


To make that trip happen, I will need women just a few years past menopause, like old Sarah here, to be interested in voyaging on Cunard ships. Otherwise, it's going to be a small small world for all of us as our cruising choices will only run the gamut of ships where the entertainment consists of anthropomorphic rodents. If Sarah's blog fuels a lifetime of desire to live life in the grills, I'll be more than happy to row along. In the mean time, I'd just like to read more of her reflection.


I can smell the roses, forty years away. If you can't, perhaps it's because you need to pull your head out of your behind.

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Wow, look at the distance we walked. .___.




After so much blood, sweat and tears, WE ARRIVED.




By this time, we were sweating bullets.




If was nice to cool off in the shade.




I then proceeded to take pictures of the surrounding area before heading into the cave:



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OK Turquoise. Let's talk about needs. Mine and yours.

This woman is in high school.

I'm old enough to be her Dad.

I'm not so old that, in 40 years, I'll be too old to cruise on Cunard's Queen Kate.


To make that trip happen, I will need women just a few years past menopause, like old Sarah here, to be interested in voyaging on Cunard ships. Otherwise, it's going to be a small small world for all of us as our cruising choices will only run the gamut of ships where the entertainment consists of anthropomorphic rodents. If Sarah's blog fuels a lifetime of desire to live life in the grills, I'll be more than happy to row along. In the mean time, I'd just like to read more of her reflection.


I can smell the roses, forty years away. If you can't, perhaps it's because you need to pull your head out of your behind.



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We actually didn’t realize that there was an important distinction between them until this old lady gestured toward us and tried to get our attention. We kind of just smiled at her because she didn’t speak English. That was until her third attempt and I noticed this sign that she was pointing at:






Hehe ^^’ Oops.


After some pictures, we were on our way.




I headed out first. While I was waiting for the rest of my family, I spotted this adorable thing. This kitty reminded me of Puss n Boots. :D It meowed at me, I meowed back and it responded in turn.




It then circled my feet before leaving.




I then did what any normal person would do: tell everybody else about the enlightening conversation I had just had with a cat. :-)


We descended the nearby staircase and wound up at bus stop Allenby:




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We boarded the bus and headed back toward the city centre. We were now on our way to visit the Hanging Gardens of Haifa (also known as the Terraces of the Bahá'í Faith).




We got off at this stop that was a few blocks away from the garden entrance. (it was the closest bus stop to it)




We got off at a very busy intersection




And gauged the distance we would have to walk. (I stood in the middle of a busy street for you guys o_o. Just saying.)






It was a few blocks away. (We aren’t walking all the way to the top of that, don’t worry LOL. Just to the bottom of the staircase-like stretch).

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We then started our walk.




To be honest, the only thing I was thinking out about was the sunlight ^^”. My skin!! I’ll burn D: The sun was so intense!


Finally after much sweating, we arrived at the foot of the gardens.




We stood there for a while, trying to get pictures of the garden entrance without cars in it. This was actually quite difficult, due to the fact that there was a busy roundabout located directly in front of it.




Nonetheless, I did it! :D






We crossed the street and made our way to the gate entrance.



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At the door were a few security guards with metal detectors who ran them around our pocket areas, as well as our bags.




After we passed through security, we entered the garden.




In the center of the main area, there was this lovely fountain:






This was my view from the top of the staircase:




After we got to the highest point we were allowed to go, there was a closed off fence. This was what stood behind the closed gates:



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Nice pictures Sarah! Can you tell me what that place is ..the garden through the gate? It is very pretty.


Thanks! && It's the Hanging Gardens of Haifa (also known as the Terraces of the Bahá'í Faith). For some reason, it's sealed off on this end, but apparently accessible from a different street/entrance. o_o?

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Apparently, this is why it was gated off:




Picture of me looking out at Haifa for you guys :-)




An interesting little fountain that was for some reason, inserted into a crevice beneath the large set of stairs:




A pretty little bench I spotted as we were getting ready to go:



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After that, we were off. We walked into a little souvenir shop, prior to getting to the bus stop. We couldn’t find much of anything, so we just walked back to the bus stop and took Bus #1 back to the stop right in front of the pier.




The reason that we were finishing up our Haifa tour so early in the day was because it was a Friday, and therefore almost time for the Sabboth. We were trying to finish everything before noon since apparently, everything stops happening once it reaches a certain time. (The buses stop running and store close or something).


We arrived shortly




And started making our way back to the ship






On the way there, something caught our attention. It was a random mass of people using mobile devices on the side the of street.






There were even more people on the other side of the street! I looked at one of the people suspiciously and asked, “Is there …? Wifi?” A few of them looked up at us, grinned and said, “Yeah!” We immediately whipped out my dad’s iPad and took turns checking our email. I remember I got it the last, so I was in a hurry because the rest of my family was going to leave me behind LOL. I also remember talking to some of you guys while I was onboard :) I believe it was on another thread I posted, something about Tips and Tricks for a Cunard First-timer.

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We could see the ship from our Wifi Hotspot!




Around the bridge leading up to the pier:






There was a little canopy to block us from the sun:




While walking back to cruise terminal, at one point there was a security guard standing at an entryway. When we asked if we needed to show our passport, he asked "Queen Elizabeth?" We said yeah and he directed us to left passage, not the right.


When we entered the terminal, we walked up to entrance we had left from, 2 Israeli officers checked our passports, continued, descended an escalator and arrived at another entrance that was mobbed with Israeli security people. They didn't need to check anything, (We always ask, "Do you need to see our passport?") and so we walked back onto the ship.




The direction from which we came:



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I also noticed these cute little foot prints that led to the ship:




When we got back on the ship, I passed by several important signs:






And most importantly:




As soon as we re-boarded the ship, you were directed to drop of your Israeli immigration landing card, which we readily did:




After so many hours of sweating and walking and getting lost, we were more than happy to return to the air conditioned ship and eat. We headed straight to the dining room and proceeded to eat lunch.


(The dining room was pretty empty)



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