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Dawn Review - warning: It's Positive


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Wow, we just got back from the Dawn on 7/10/05. Me, DH, two boys (4&7). I've been on Celebrity to Bermuda and Carnival 4x and NCL was much much better. I'l try to put everything down without getting too long...;)


As I put down on the comment cards, they really have perfected the "service with a smile" philosophy. I don't know how it's possible, but everyone on the staff, almost without exception, that served you or even passed in the halls, smiled & said hello or good morning or enjoy your cruise. As a NYer, where we don't even look at one another, I found this to be delightful.


Embarking was quick & friendly. We arrived at 11:15, p/u our (last minute) docs at the desk & went to a large room to wait to be processed. There were plenty of chairs & everything was orderly and civilized; they called you by rows to screen your bags, take your credit card info & photos, and give the key cards. We were on board by 12:30.


We had carried all our luggage ourselves (2 medium upright wheelies & a garment bag, more on that one later) and we went straight to our room. It wasn't finished yet, but the room steward invited us to leave our bags on the bed until they were done. The cabin was great, 4630, small but very pretty. There was so much space (6 drawers, at least 6 open shelves, a closed cabinet, about 16 hangers, and 4 large shelves inside the closet) that I only needed to fill half. The bathroom was great, plenty of shelves, and sliding doors for the shower and the toilet! The kids loved that... The beds were a little freaky, with that hard little trundle in the middle, but it worked out.


We went for lunch at the Garden Cafe, which was nice because the kids got a great view of the Intrepid. After that, lifeboat drill (and if blowing on those nasty whistles won't kill you, I don't know what will), and up to the top deck for the departure. To see the Statue of Liberty (what a photo op) and the

Verrizano Bridge from the ship was a real thrill.


We signed up for the camp - what a great program - and explored the ship.

For dinner, we ate at the Venetian, which I think is the most beautiful restaurant on the ship. The food was good, but too "fancy" for my DH. The meal was also very long and drawn out, & it was a battle to keep the 2 boys from fidgeting and whining " when is the rest of the dinner coming." (After attempting again at Formal Night, I learned the trick: feed them at the buffet, send them over to the kids camp, go down & get dressed w/Dh, and have a lovely, (and so rare, a child-free meal) together with a nice bottle of wine...)


We skipped the show and all went down to bed - somehow I got a feather pillow, and one of the best sleeps I've ever had.


End of day one...I'll post more tomorrow...any questions?;)

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Thanks for the review (and your advice on the quad on my other post). Sounds like you had a great time and I think we're going to book this cruise for April 2006. The idea of dining in the different restaurants intrigues me. I just had huge LOL when you said you took the kids to the buffet and went to eat by yourself as this is what we learned our last cruise. We had a mini suite on the Coral Princess so we ordered our boys (9 and 7) room service so they could eat and recover from their busy days as we got dressed for dinner. They have little interest in sitting through dinner (although we made them go 6 out of 10 nights) and wanted to go to the kids center for the nightly movie. It's a great strategy for parents and kids.

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Sounds like you enjoyed your trip!

I like the way you are planning to post a little at a time, keeps us coming back for more. The first time I cruised my kids were already older and I liked having them come to dinner with us every night, it was where we caught up on what we had all done and enjoyed most during the day and iot was nice to see everyone dressed up on the formal nights ( that was a traditional cruise). It sounds like your idea would work better with younger kids though. I'll keep it in mind if I ever cruise with grand kids!


Can't wait for the next installment.

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Boy it is so good to see a really positive review, I don't mean there haven't been lots of them, but it just makes me feel good when i know someone else has had a really good time. Next to personally having a good time, I like to see everyone else have one. Keep the review coming. NMNita

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Whats is the "warning" ....? "warning... you will have a great time even if you dont get your FF salad dressing!"


You said something about the luggage ... "more about that later" ... what happened with the luggage you carried on...

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The warning is because lately I've been reading posts that complain that all we do on the NCL boards is give good reviews. So if anyone doesn't like to hear good things about my cruise, BEWARE:eek: Like my life, I take every experience with a grain of salt ( and when I'm relaxed & on vacation, I can even take some problems w/o blinking...but that's just me...);)


About the luggage, I have to run...I'll tell you in a minute...

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Thank you for your review. I would like to hear more of your voyage. Right now we are trying to decide if we should go on NCL or RCCL. I would love to hear your thoughts on this cruise so we or I can decide which cruiseline to choose from. I kinda like freestyle type of cruising.





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For laughoutloud...

I'm so glad you had a great time...thanks for your "positive" review...it helps me remember my days on the DAWN. Now I've a warning for you...I've got three more EPISODES in my lengthy review left...I'm a bit concerned that once I'm through "reviewing", my cruise will actually be over. So, I've taken the bull by the horns and booked my next cruise for Octobe 2006! It's a long wait, but at least I've now got another carrot to dangle before me!


Looking forward to your review of Day 2!



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Thanks for your support, guys. Debjo: after your fantastic review, mine pales in comparison, but if it brings back good memories, I'll go on...


Day 2 - Full day at sea.


We head up to the buffet breakfast at the Garden Cafe. Typical smorgasbord, very tasty, typical friendly NCL crew. Terrible (and I am not too picky) terrible coffee. There is a made-to-order omelet & waffLe station that I didn't find out about until the last 2 days of our cruise. (It's toward the very end of the buffets). BTW, it was almost impossible to curb the cholesterol at breakfast: I didn't eat any eggs:( but oh the mountains of crispy bacon that I gobbled down:D.


After bfst, it's across to the kids club. Fabulous. Happy Canadian counselors that really knew how to engage a child. I couldn't have been more impressed.

Over to the casino so we can "spin to win" a free cruise & so DH can sign up for the slot tournament. If you become a member of their "casinos at sea" club, there's a discounted fee, a match-play coupon and a big plastic Ace card to play at Blackjack. (more on that later ).


At 11:15- Jackpot Bingo! What a rip-off. Am I the only one who thinks the price of the Bingo games is over the top? Anyway, we played a few games, we lost of course, and went to p/u the kids & have lunch. Back to the casino for the tournament, we lost of course, and down to the cabin for family naps.


About 3:30, over to the T-REX kids pool. What a blast. Two water slides - my DS (x2) must have been up & down them, I'm not kidding, 150 times. Me, too, a few too many times. There were big fathers bellying down. You know, for the sake of the kids.


At this moment I realize, oh my gosh, the cruise is going by too fast. I ask my 7yo if he would rather spend a long, hot, boring day at the Kennedy Space Center, (which I had researched extensively) tomorrow or spend it on the ship & at the pool. Well, we stayed on board .


That night was formal night, which is a story in itself. We (I) decided that everyone would get all dolled up for dinner & maybe a nice family portrait. Dh wears a dark suit & tie, I have on a black cocktail dress, DS7 has his navy blue communion suit, and DS4 has a little vest outfit. What a beautiful family.

Well, we survived a 2 hour dinner at the Venetian with 2 boys & one very cranky & hungry DH. (The menu was way too gourmet for him, and he didn't eat almost anything.) After dinner, we sped back to the cabin, past the photographers, so Dh can order a room service dinner! :eek: He undresses, the boys change into play clothes for the camp, and I'm stuck all dressed up with no place to go! Ladies? Anyone? Is it just me? Well, after I get back from dropping of the 2DS, (BTW we are on Deck4 forward & the camp is Deck 12 aft, oh the miles I traveled...) and after I throw a teary-eyed "this wasn't the way I expected our romantic, formal night to be" fit, DH get all dressed up again even the tie and we go hit the town. Now, of course, I owe him one

(and he knows it...).:cool:


We schmooze around a while until it's time TO PICK UP THE KIDS AGAIN to see the 9:30 show, the South Beach Rave. We get to the Stardust Theater late & pretty much the seats are all taken. Standing there for a couple of minutes, we don't think we're missing much, so we head back down to cabin.


All this work & scheduling & running around. I THOUGHT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FREESTYLE!


Undress, once again, and lights out. Single beds, bunk bed, trundle bed, kids...it doesn't look like Dh will get paid back tonite...;)

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'empathy post'


Re: the coordinating around the kids schedules' on the boat -


Everytime we have sailed as a family, no matter the cruiseline, I have always ended up feeling like the TA or cruise director for the littles. (even if the biggest little is over 14)


Drop them there now, pick them up then, try to squeeze in some "family time" before they gots to go again.


This is why DH and I take on 'us' cruise for every 'family' one.


not a diss on any line, or any parent. just reality as I see it.



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Oh Misty, you are so right. This was our first (& unless I can convince my DH otherwise) our last cruise w/ little kids. For me, I didn't mind; I felt it was a good compromise of "us time" & "family time". (Plus I have guilt about working full-time & not spending quality time w/ the children.) But for my DH, it wasn't a real "vacation" in the relaxing sense. As someone once said to me: Going on a cruise with kids is the same as being home, only you're on a boat...;)

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Well, you had me Laughing-Out-Loud just reading your review!!!!:) You sound like you are a VERY Funny, Fun person to be with!!! I enjoy very much the way you write!!! Can't wait to read the next installment!!!


And yes, I think that the Bingo is EXACTLY what you said, a HUGE RIP-OFF!! It is actually quite (what is the word I am looking for????....) startling, silly, surprising.....you know what I mean..... A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!!! (AND, MONEY!!!!)


Are you planning another cruise??? Maybe just you and your "Honey-Bun"......:D


Suesan:) :) :)

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Glad you're laughing, Suesan Jean. We had a great time, even if it seems like I'm sounding off (it's just my style.) We do plan to cruise again ALONE. Next year my 2 boys will be spending the summer w/their grandmother:( so we will probably be able to take our vacation then. Most likely NCL beacuse we liked the freestyle thing a lot. I hope the finish day 3 review by this afternoon, if I can get some uninterrupted time...;)

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I am loving reading about your adventures. You loved your cruise, you love NCL and you have a great attitude, but still are giving an objective view with some not so positive statements. This is what makes for a great review. Thanks, NMNita


ps this is the kind of information I like to pass onto my clients.

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I love your review ... please continue .... also did I miss the 'luggage thing' ?


I really don't know how anyone cruises with young children ... it's so much work.. We went on our 1st cruise with our son (5 yo -4 day cruise) and although we had a great time, we did not go on another one with him until he was 16 yo .. That had it's problems too; 3 people in a cabin, my trying to change for dinner (sent him in the hall to wait), him 'disappearing', our snoring so bad he couldn't sleep (got earplugs), his moving around in the bunk making noises (earplugs, again) plus the privacy issues.... Actually it was very enjoyable and gave us wonderful memories; with my parents on the cruise too (had their own cabin) with this being the last vacation they were able to take...

After the cruise with a 5yo, we then went on beach vacations or Disneyworld for many years. This year our son graduated from college (with honors !!) and we promised him a vacation of his choice. Well, guess what, he chose a cruise ... except this time he had his own cabin (with his GF). We met every morning for breakfast (usually sleeps till noon but said he wasn't going to sleep his vacation away) and dinner, and the shore excursions... We all had a great time and we realize this may be the last vacation we have together so it's greatly cherished ...


We have been on the Dawn twice and just love her and NCL. Yes, we had some 'hiccups' but would not hesitate to cruise on her and with NCL again ...

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S.J. We can't go on the Watta Hoot cruise in May, kids & school (we won't pull them out, but I understand that's another hot-button topic which I would rather not debate on). Have fun & drink a lime daiqueiri (sp.?) for me.;)


Daisy, yes it was hard w/ the kids. But a big part of it was our fault. During port days, the camp is closed & if you don't get off the ship, there is nowhere on board that they can let off steam. And we are NOT those parents who let them run wild (like running in the halls & doing karate & rolling on the carpet & racing up/ down the stairs & jumping from the top bunk to the lower trundle.) My poor DH, who is our Family Disciliplinarian, spent most of his time "stop that, get down, look where you're going, come back here" (stay, heel, just kidding! But kids are kind of like dogs, esp. puppies, don't you think? )


THIS is the luggage/ garment bag story (thank you shoreguy!) I had brought 2 suitcases & a garment bag with 2 dark suits for my husband & older son, 2 slacks for DH, 2 fancy dresses for me, and dress shirts that I was trying not to get wrinkled. Not too bad I thought. Well, after the Formal Night on Day 2, everything changed.(Don't forget, this is a freestyle ship.) The kids ended up dressing casual, eating early at the buffet & going to the camp. Two of my skirts & this one tight dress already were too small by the time I tried them on (what is it with that darn cruise air?). My DH was getting lazier & lazier to get all dolled up, and wore khakis every night. And I realized that since we had no other people traveling w/us, the chances of anyone onboard noticing that I had on the same, comfortable black slacks (but a different top) were very small. So, at the end of the cruise, I was in front of this elderly lady when we were getting off the ship & I was moaning about how heavy the garment bag was (the kind where you have to hold it by the hangers.) She asked me "What's in the bag?" and I replied suits & dresses. And she said "What'd you bring that for?" And you know,for the life of me, I sure as he** don't know... ;)

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What about a cruise WITHOUT the children (it would be nice to one day meet you, you sound like such a delightfull person!!!)???? :) My DD may or may not stay home, by then she will be in High School and I am not so sure of pulling her out then..... We are taking her out of school for our next February Dawn cruise. And yes, I know that that is a "Hot Button" topic. I just think that parents need to do what they think is best. I grew up with very strict parents, but, my sisters and I did miss school (even High School!!!) on occasion to go on trips with our more affluent Aunt and Uncle who traveled alot to Europe. That STILL surprises me that they let us, but you know, we STILL, almost 30 YEARS later, talk about those trips!!!......


Anyway, PLEASE keep writing your review, I am enjoying your stories!!!biggrin.gif



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I have to pack tomarrow for the Dawn (cruise is this coming sunday!) and i was going to pack all these dress up outfits..... forget that.... i'll pack my "resort casual" stuff and thats it ;) ... i know on vaction i always think i'm going to dress up and then i just get too lazy. Sounds like i'll need to bring some "fat pants" ;)


I'm so glad you had fun.....

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I used to sail NCL specifically. My husband and I have sailed with them since 1991. I wouldn't sail NCL again, if they gave me a free cabin! We went last year with 14 people and couldn't even eat together - why was it a big deal? I have 8 sisters, one of which was diagnosed with lung cancer and we decided to do a sister/daughter cruise. I talked her into going NCL because I thought it was wonderful. They did absolutely nothing to accommodate us. The travel agent had told them ahead of time about the circumstances, so they knew. My sister passed away May 15 of this year and that was her last cruise. My family was so upset by this whole thing, they will NEVER sail NCL again. Plus for the fact that my sister and I paid an additional $1700 (on top of the $4000 she already paid) to have her and her 3 daughters upgraded to another room, and they couldn't even fit their luggage in the room! The only good thing about this cruise was the cruise director, Paul Baya, who made sure we at least had a good time on the ship. It was frustrating, irritating, the food was lousy and because of this, I will never sail with them again. I have since booked a cruise on Holland America.


Good luck!

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If you've sailed NCL a total of 15 times, you would surely have known all this before you booked.


Why coming the dining worked differently from before? Had you never thought about what happens when 14 people turn up at a restaurant all at once? Did you try to make reservations in advance so that the restaurants could at least have some warning that there was a large group coming that would like to sit close together?


Why was the cabin size so dramatically different this time? Had they shrunk in the wash?


Something doesn't sound right to me ...

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I have 8 sisters, one of which was diagnosed with lung cancer and we decided to do a sister/daughter cruise. I talked her into going NCL because I thought it was wonderful. They did absolutely nothing to accommodate us. The travel agent had told them ahead of time about the circumstances, so they knew. My sister passed away May 15 of this year and that was her last cruise.


I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Of course you wanted that cruise to be an extra-special memory, and it wasn't, and it's understandable that you're turned off by NCL. Just try to dwell on the positive things - it's better for you in the long run.:o

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Okay, things have quieted down, the forum has gotten a little stale, the perfect time to continue with


Day 3 - Port Canaveral


Today it would probably be more interesting to list all the great things we did NOT do than what we actually did (which I believe was breakfast, naps, pool, lunch, naps, dinner, show, and yes, bed.)


We did not get out at Port Canaveral, although I had sort of planned on going to the Kennedy Space Center. It was very, very hot, and it seems like I was the only one interested. The T-Rex kids pool always seemed to win the popularity contest, second only to my DH's obsession w/ catching up on his ZZZZZ's. We mostly like cruising to stay on the ships anyway.


I did not go to the Freestyle body conditioning class at 8:00am. I actually brought along some GYM clothes! What the he** was I thinking!


We did not sunbathe out by the Oasis Pool after lunch. First of all, and this is something I only realized on Day 3, people abandon their beach chairs but neglect to deposit the used towels in the bins.) This makes it look as if all the chairs are taken but they're really not.) Only the ones with one flip flop on them are really taken.:rolleyes: Anyway, I thought we could "lay out" (remember those pre-SPF years?) by the pool, maybe the kids (+DH) could sleep topside instead of in our deck 4 dungeon. Fugedaboutit! It was like 120 degrees up there. And the deck! Me & DS burned the soles of our little white feet! We ended up racing back down to the comfort of our air-conditioned cave.


I did not go to the afternoon movie in the Stardust Theater "Troy" starring BRAD PITT! :( :( Let me add one more:(


I did not stop by the photo gallery to check out our Formal Night portraits(!!) because of "The Disaster on Formal Night" ( new thread idea, maybe?)


We did not eat at any of the specialty restaurants, partly because we're cheap :p but mostly because we liked the Venetian so much. Okay, so the menu was a little whack, but the room was so beautiful, and the servers were fantastic. It was never crowded (& we usually ate between 7:30 & 8:00) so we always had a window table, and the waitstaff always had time to chat with us. That really made a nice difference. And it's also great for anyone that likes that "traditional dining" feel of cruising.


I did not go Ballroom Dancing at the Spinnaker Lounge at 9:00pm because it conflicted with the comedy/ juggling show: Edge, the Art of Manipulation. I've read positive reviews, and it's pretty funny, but if you are enjoying something else at 9:00, don't cut it short just to see the show. If I could do it again, I would go for the dancing. What could be more romantic than that? And the DH is a great partner. Oh well...


One more important thing we DID do: Passed by the casino for the "spin to win" free pull slot machine. We lost, of course...

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