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Conquest 8-night repositioning cruise 11/16-11/24 w/pics


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The Southern ports are really a nice change from the usual Eastern/Western sailings.


Don't get me wrong - I'll happily sail to St Thomas or Cozumel or Belize, but pretty much the only way to get some of these others is to do an 8-nighter from south FL or a 7-night round-trip from San Juan.



I agree. That is why we went on this same cruise also. Different ports from the usual CC Caribbean cruise.


We just booked the 8 Day Breeze out of Miami in March, which goes to Dominican Republic, Aruba, Curacao and Grand Turk. Looking forward to it since it will mostly be new ports for us again.

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Yes, those would all be new-to-me, too. When I checked the prices, though, they were rather high (almost as much per person as I paid for Conquest as a solo). Again, if I sail solo, I just don't know that I can afford the cruises that get to those farthest ports. Sigh.

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Saturday, 11/23/13, At sea – Had my usual breakfast and up to Deck 10 for some last-day sunbathing. I don’t cruise to get a tan, and I’m very careful to slather on the SPF 50 because I absolutely am miserable when I’m sunburned, and that Caribbean sun is intense. But the older I get, the more I crave the sun. Need my (natural) Vitamin D, you know? I found what I thought was the perfect spot and got all settled. Moments later, I was being rained on by ash from the funnel. Ruined my cup of tea! So I packed up and moved elsewhere and resumed the process. I sat out and read for a while then met female tablemate J at 11 for brunch. Of course, it was very busy because we all wanted to use our free drink coupon. I wasn’t hungry so ordered just the smoked salmon and a mimosa. We sat and talked about ourselves and decided we might cruise together at some point. She has a sister in Charlotte, so a visit to her and a cruise from Charleston may be something we can work out.


I had told Elina that I would sign up for the slot tournament, although I usually have one of the lowest scores in my heat. I had the #1 qualifying score in one tournament and lost on the last spin in the finals, but, generally, it’s a total waste of money (since I now get to pay $25 for the BOGO Platinum deal). And, silly me, I put my name down in two consecutive heats. My poor fingers and wrists were worn out after one (in which I had a horrible score) and really floppy by the time I finished heat #2 (in which I had a much better score but in which no one qualified). There were some really high qualifying scores.


Decided to go to the cabin and pack so I wouldn’t have to deal with it later. And then it was time for my last Fish & Chips, although I wasn’t really hungry yet. Except they were closed! NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! They’d been open until 3:30 every day I’d checked, but this day, they closed at 2:30. I was very sad. Well, I’d just have to be content with a Last Day Guy’s Burger, right? Headed down there at about 4, got my Pig Patty, and found a rather quiet corner in the buffet to eat and read. The burger was good, but this time, the bacon patty was pretty well burnt. I still ate every morsel!


Back up to Deck 10 to catch the late afternoon rays. Tablemate came by and we sat and talked some more. Decided we’d meet to go watch the 7 pm show, so I headed down for my shower and to dress for dinner (and pack a few more items I wouldn’t need).


Now, I don’t go to many shows these days. I decided several cruises ago that I didn’t really enjoy mediocre singing (always thought the dancers were pretty good), but I was a big fan of Ticket to Ride since, well, you know, those of us who were pre-pubescent girls when the Beatles came along were pretty impacted by them. So I was disappointed when the show was gone. But I’d seen The Brits twice (both on my last two Fantasy cruises) and enjoyed it. NOTE: I commented about this before and I’m sure people just rolled their eyes when they read it, but Queen should NOT be included in this show. Yes, they’re British. But they were NOT part of the British Invasion. And the song they use didn’t even come out until the early 80s – about 15 years too late to be part of the show! Sheesh. If the show’s about music and bands that were part of the British Invasion, Queen should not be in there.


Anyway, male tablemate arrived and shortly after, J arrived. Now, I’d already won two Genuine Gold Medals at those prior two shows (I did live with an Englishman for several years, after all), but we were sitting too far back for my vigorous hand-waving to get Matt’s attention. The production was very different from what I’d seen before. I guess the stage on the Fantasy-class ships just can’t handle the set like the larger ships can. It was pretty impressive. I didn’t think the singing was quite as good as in the shows I’d already seen, but it was quite enjoyable.


Time for our Last Meal. With an 8-night itinerary, I was looking forward to a few nights with different menus than I’m used to on my 5-nighters. This last night was the menu that is always the last night on those 5-night cruises, which is to say that it’s not one of my favorites. I decided to just go with the bacon mac-n-cheese with chicken and quite enjoyed it. We took some photos of each other and out wait staff.




J was going to meet me at the casino bar after she’d packed, so I headed down there and listened to the salsa band, gave the slots one last chance to be kind to me (they weren’t), and took photos with my lovely casino hostesses. I didn’t see J so headed back to do my final packing and put out my bags. I was in bed before midnight.



And here's the much-anticipated photo of my lovely designer top! I could do with some airbrushing (I'm too shiny!!), and the top is much nicer in person (you can't see the velvet cut-out areas on the sleeves in the pic).

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Sunday, 11/24/13, Miami and Ft. Lauderdale – Sadly, people just have absolutely no consideration for anyone other than themselves. I guess if you’re up and in the hallway at 6:30 am, why should you care if your loud talking wakes anyone who may NOT have to be up that early. Right? Tough luck, I guess. Apparently, this was to be the day in which I encountered VERY LOUD PEOPLE! Or maybe I just noticed them all because I was sad my lovely vacation was coming to an end.


I was awakened much earlier than needed since I wasn’t heading home. I got up and packed up my remaining items and climbed the stairs for my Last Omelette. I got my cup of tea and sat up on Deck 10 aft and read for a while and listened to the announcements for all those poor folks who had to go home. It was a beautiful, sunny day.




I’d never been to Miami and had originally planned to spend the night there so I could visit South Beach and had hoped to find some Cuban food. But, in the end, I decided it made more sense for me to head over to Ft. Lauderdale, since I had an 11 am flight the next morning. I didn’t want to have to deal with finding transportation the next day from a Miami hotel to FLL airport. I waited until the next-to-last group was called and headed off the ship. I’d never encountered a terminal with real baggage carousels and was a little concerned at first since I had #1 tags and they were calling #30! But the overhead signs showed me where mine should be (there were none on the belt at the time). After a short wait, the bags starting coming out and I saw several with #1 tags on them, so I was able to relax. My two bags appeared shortly, so I grabbed them, got in the rather long (but fast moving) line to go through customs and I was soon out on the curb, wondering where I should go.


Now, my phone had rung several times while I was in the terminal, but you aren’t supposed to use your phone, so I hadn’t answered. I called the number (QLS) and the woman said “I’ve been trying to call you! The driver just left. I’ll call when he’s back.” Well, it was only 10:10 and I had asked for 11 anyway. So I got to sit outside on a bench in the (now) hot sun for about 45 minutes until the driver returned. The Roll Call couple who were also heading to the Hyatt Place and who said they were booked for 11 am were nowhere to be seen. I ended up in the van with one couple. Since it was now “busy season,” the driver wasn’t allowed to take me to the hotel, so I was dropped at the airport. I wandered around a little, then found my way down to the hotel phones where I called for a shuttle pickup. Dragged my bags down to the bus stops and sat and chatted with a couple who were doing the same thing, but were heading to the Embassy Suites (which is basically across the street from the Hyatt Place). The shuttle showed up right on time and after we stopped to pick up several more travelers, we were off to the hotel.


I’d stayed at this hotel prior to my 2nd Miracle cruise in December, 2009. Great rates, good location, free airport and port shuttle. It was only about $80 using the AAA rate. The rooms are nice and the breakfast is good. For the price, it’s hard to beat. They didn’t have any king bed rooms ready yet, so I sat in a corner with the Panthers-Dolphins pre-game on TV, called my DD, and then read until my room was ready. I could see the two Behemoths of the Sea from the window at the end of the hallway.



Embassy Suites. The road in the left corner takes you to 17th Street.


Now, we’d all heard that the weather in the Midwest was turning nasty, and the weather map I’d seen looked like it was pretty cold for this time of year at home. So I decided to head down to the pool to read and get a few Last Rays of Sun. There was one woman sitting and reading, and there was a family with two small kids at the other end of the pool. Mom was sitting on a lounger, and Dad was in the pool with son and daughter. Honestly, he was THE LOUDEST HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET EVER. I know kids tend to immediately go into “scream mode” the minute they get near water, but this man was simply bellowing in the biggest, boomingest voice I’d ever heard. Seriously. It was astounding. And it was nonstop. OK, I get it. You’re playing with the kids. You’re in the pool. Everyone’s having a good time. But is that really necessary? No. It isn’t. Good grief, man! Get a grip! I honestly couldn’t read at all because it was totally impossible to tune out someone who sounded like he was bellowing into your ear with a megaphone. So they worked their way down to my end of the pool, and at one point, he actually looked up (maybe he could feel me staring at him with incredulity), and I held my finger up to my lips. Now, I didn’t expect them to be silent! I just wanted the volume turned down from “deafening” to “merely loud.” He snorted and bellowed “NOT HAPPENING!!” and just went on bellowing in little kids’ faces.


Look, I know that we all tend to speak more loudly when we're with people and having fun. It happens. I understand that. I've been know to get a little loud myself. But, in general, it just seems that so many people are just really loud at all times and if you dare to ask that they turn it down, you're the one being rude. Really? No, I don't think so. OK. Rant over.


Thankfully, they went in before too much longer. By then, the wind had really picked up. I stayed and read a little longer, then decided it was time to eat. I walked down to 17th street to Waxy O’Connors Irish Pub. Can you believe that I had to pay $6 for a pint of Harp’s and $13 for fish and chips!?!? And with that, free of charge, I got to listen to a VERY LOUD ENGLISHMAN sitting at the bar griping about Spur’s loss that morning and dropping the F bomb about every third word. I did get to see the Panthers hang on for the win, too.


I was back in the room for about 15 minutes when it started pouring rain and it rained very hard for quite a while. I did nothing that evening except sit on the sofa and try to watch TV. I kept dozing off. Early. Like 8:30-ish! And I was cold. Uh oh. That’s not a good sign. I finally crawled into bed, pulled the covers up to my nose, and had a good, long, uninterrupted sleep.

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Monday, 11/25/13, Home – I say this in all my reviews. I always hear people saying at the end of a cruise or any trip, “it was nice, but it will be good to get home!” Well, that is absolutely NOT how I feel. If I had the time and money, I would do nothing but travel. Really. And this is coming from someone who, when she is at home, rarely leaves the house except to go to work. I love to travel. I love seeing different parts of the world. I love meeting people who have had a much different life than I’ve had. I love eating different food. I have absolutely nothing to tie me to any one place. Other than when I was raising my beautiful, wonderful DD (by myself, and putting myself through college, and working 30 hours a week while going to school full time), I moved quite often.


Anyway, I was NOT looking forward to getting home. And getting back to work. And, before you know it, being in the middle of the grind of tax season with all the stress and exhaustion that involves. But I set my phone’s alarm and got up, jumped in the shower, and headed down for my last “free” breakfast. I had signed up for the 8:45 airport shuttle. I was downstairs a few minutes early and saw the same driver as the day before. He couldn’t find the other people who were supposed to be going, so I had a private van to FLL.


Before long, we were on the ground at RDU and a coworker was on her way to retrieve me and get me back to the office and parking garage to get my car. She pulls up, we unload my stuff, and push the button on my remote key and nothing happens. Lights don’t blink. Hatch doesn’t open. I use the key to open the driver’s door, and have a look. Sure enough, I’d left the lights on. Are you kidding me? I’ve never, in my 40+ years of driving ever left a car’s lights on. Really. Never, ever. I mean, the car even “dings” at you if you try to! Gee, you think I was anxious to get out of town and off on my vacation way back 11 days prior?


Anyway, I get someone to give me a jump, let it run for a while, and drove it up to the top of the ramp of the garage to see if it would restart. It would not. Luckily, I drive a stick, so I was able to jumpstart it. I drove straight to my mechanic’s and had the battery tested. Since it is a 6-year-old car (even though it only has 35k miles (told you I don’t go anywhere!)), we decided it would be wise, with winter coming, to go ahead and replace it. Nice little added-on expense I hadn’t been planning. Oh well! More charges to my credit card mean I earn points more quickly to redeem for cruise vouchers!

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Other Thoughts…


Food – The food was good, but not as good as on my recent Fantasy sailings. It was nice to have additional food venues, but with a port-intensive itinerary, I didn’t get to try very many of them. I don’t really eat at the “regular” lunch buffet, and most of it was closed by the time I got back from excursions.


I was disappointed with the service in the MDR. Our team had our table of 4, a table of 8, and a table for 10. Our servers were pleasant and very willing to do whatever it took to please us, but we just seemed to always be the last ones to have our orders taken and to get our food. I get a wine package and order a bottle of red and one of white. Other cruises, after the first night, I’d get to the table to find both bottles waiting, would decide which I wanted for the evening, and the other would be put away. This time, I was asked which I wanted (and I usually didn’t know until after I’d decided what to order), THEN he’d go get the bottle and bring it to the table, which meant I often had to sit for, what, 10 minutes without a glass of wine! Oh, the inhumanity!!!


I love the Fish and Chips. Yes, it’s greasy. It’s supposed to be. The chips should be fat chips, though, not the skinny ones. How are they supposed to soak up the malt vinegar? Absolutely love the Ahi tuna and watermelon appetizer, too.


Really liked the Pig Patty!! Wish I’d had a lunch burrito, as the breakfast one was a bit of a disappointment.


Steakhouse food was divine, but, as noted, service was very disappointing.


Entertainment – I talked about The Brits, and about the salsa band. They really were very good. I don’t care if you don’t listen to Latin music normally, I think it’s impossible to hear and not want to jump up and dance. The cover band, Government Shutdown, was pretty good, musically. I didn’t care for the girl’s voice but liked the guy’s. I must say, though, when they were playing Motown songs, it was pretty obvious that they had no soul. You don’t have to be a person of color to have soul, so it wasn’t a race thing. Her singing of “Superstition” just didn’t impress. Overall, I spent more time listening to live music than I had on the past several cruises, but I don’t remember that Fantasy had more than one band. With a pop cover band AND a salsa band, I had more opportunities to stop and listen.


I did step in the Piano Bar a couple of nights. I didn’t care for the man’s voice. I know, the Piano Bar is all about engaging the audience, but I absolutely refuse to sit and listen to someone who is off key. I don’t care how much “fun” they might be. I really dislike the whole signalong thing, anyway. Just isn’t my bag, baby, but I will occasionally spend some time in the PB, but it isn’t my favorite way to spend the evening. I’d much rather listen to a band that sings and plays well.


The Ship – Note that I actually like the Fantasy-class ships and had no real need of a larger ship with a big TV. Actually, I hate the big TV. I don’t hang out around the Lido pool, so it isn’t really an issue, but I hate it blaring non-stop and adding to the overall noise level. I was familiar with the layout thanks to having sailed Glory twice, so I only found myself in dead-ends a couple of times and immediately realized where I’d gone astray. My cabin was in a very good, central location. I’m used to leaving my cabin and climbing stairs, and realized a couple of times that I had climbed instead of descended. But the extra exercise was a good thing.


The Itinerary – The ports were fantastic. They were all beautiful, each in their own way. I’m so disappointed that Carnival doesn’t call at Dominica, and I’ve already ranted about their lack of repositioning cruises, which provide the opportunity for these interesting, one-of-a-kind itineraries.


The Excursions – All good and highly recommend them.


Miscellaneous – At some point, I received my Platinum gift (Tervis tumbler). The pin that was in the cabin when I arrived had a defective back. I put my pins on my lanyard to help keep my S&S card from flopping about, but it wouldn’t stay on, so I went down to the desk and asked if they could switch it out. Same problem with the 2nd one, so when I got home, I tried the back off of one of my Fantasy duplicates and that seems to work. I do wish I’d thought to tell them to simply not deliver the chocolates. I don’t eat a lot of sweets, and especially not chocolate, and ended up having ONE strawberry. It’s a waste of money. I also received a Happy Birthday card in the cabin, which was a nice touch.


Most of the crew and staff I encountered were pleasant enough. Not as great as what I’ve had on Fantasy, but no one seemed to be miserable or to hate their jobs. The casino hostesses were beautiful, delightful girls. I had no interaction with Gary, the CD, other than hearing his announcements and his pre-show involvement.


SUMMARY – It was a really good vacation. I absolutely love Old San Juan. It’s a beautiful old city full of beautiful young people! Now that Carnival has cancelled the Pride repo cruises, that’s not an option for me next year, but I’m going to look for cruises that either call there or possibly another round-trip sailing from there.


The ship was nice, the food was good, I met a lot of great people, I visited some beautiful islands and had a really wonderful time.


I do wonder, on occasion, if I should do something else for my next vacation. I mean, I’d love to fly to some of these islands and spend a week, but it is SO expensive, even if you can find an all-inclusive. The airfare is more than I usually pay for my entire cruise vacation. And I think maybe I’m getting bored with cruises. But then I get on a ship, and find myself sitting in the sun, looking at the sea, relaxing and think, “this is wonderful; why would I ever want to do anything else?”

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I know this review isn't of much help to most Conquest cruisers, since it was a one-time sailing and is more about the ports than the ship, but maybe it has been of some entertainment to those who have taken the time to read my ramblings. ;)

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Hi there NC... we were also on this cruise with you and had a BLAST!!


We were also with you in the Steakhouse.... yummmmmmm


Overall it was a great trip... they were a little light on entertainment... but I have NO trouble entertaining myself.


Also..... Guys..... OMG.. worth the cost of the whole trip!!

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Hi there NC... we were also on this cruise with you and had a BLAST!!


We were also with you in the Steakhouse.... yummmmmmm


Overall it was a great trip... they were a little light on entertainment... but I have NO trouble entertaining myself.


Also..... Guys..... OMG.. worth the cost of the whole trip!!

I second that about Guys, they are great, long live the pig patty.:D:D:D

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Thanks for the review NC. It was good to meet you at the Meet & Greet party and even saw myself in one of your pictures in post #39. As you said the itinerary was awesome and I'm actually looking at another repositioning cruise in October leaving from New York and ending in San Juan, That would give me a chance to go back to San Juan for a couple more days. :D

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Thanks, everyone!


S-n-B, are you talking about the 10/24 NY-SJ on Splendor? When I found out the Pride repos were cancelled, I started looking for others and saw that. Not sure I'd want to sail from NY in October (or ever, actually), but at least the timing would work for me (can't sail Jan-mid April or Sept-mid Oct). I did put this on my preliminary 2014 cruise list. Ending the cruise in San Juan is great, too. I stayed 2 nights post Victory cruise at the Marriott Stellaris and really had a good time.


It would be great if some of us could cruise together again!

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Darn. Lost the entire post. Let's try again.


S-n-B, we may be cruising together next October!


Story I wanted to add from my day in St. Martin...


Epic Guy and I had just rented our chairs and were getting settled. On our bus was a older Russian couple and their daughter (probably early 30s). They just wanted to swim and snorkel, so she asked if they could leave their stuff by my chair. Told her my DD would be sorry she wasn't on the cruise and wouldn't get the opportunity to practice her Russian.


So, about 5 minutes later, she comes running up to me, breathless, and says, "I was snorkeling and suddenly this woman's BREASTS were right in my face! We don't do this at home!!!!!"


It was pretty funny. I told her they'd better never holiday in the South of France if they didn't want to see breasts on the beach! I also told her that if I looked like her (tall, blonde, attractive, wearing a string bikini), I'd be down at the clothing-optional end of the beach flaunting it all.


She said they were going to stay out in the water and work their way down in that direction but hoped she wouldn't encounter any more breasts in her face!


I guess Russians are as prudish as Americans. :p

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I know this review isn't of much help to most Conquest cruisers, since it was a one-time sailing and is more about the ports than the ship, but maybe it has been of some entertainment to those who have taken the time to read my ramblings. ;)


Great review and it was well worth the wait I felt like it was watching a tv episode and it was to be continued. Lol. I want to go on a repositioning cruise now.

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It really is time-consuming to write these things, but I know I really enjoying reading other reviews, especially when I have a cruise booked. I try to be thorough so hope I don't bore people to death! :o


I use my phone to take notes as I go, but who has time to do much of that? I don't take many food pics these days, but wanted to get those from the steakhouse.


Again, thanks to all for reading (and commenting, if you did).


Tablemate J is a big fan of NCL. I may let her talk me into trying them. For some reason, I've never been very interested in NCL, although I know a lot of people love them.


I'll probably book the 5/6 Fantasy sailing to Nassau and Little Stirrup Cay as my post-tax-season relaxation cruise and then look for a nice, long, interesting-itinerary cruise for next fall.

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See, I keep thinking of things I neglected to include. :o


On the last night, when I was sitting at a $1 Wheel of Fortune slot, talking with the lovely casino hostesses and getting our pic taken, Elina looks over and says, "oh, you get a drink card!"


Woo hoo! So I got one "free" drink in the casino that I really didn't even want. Actually, she did buy me a drink earlier in the week when I was having issues with getting my casino gift delivered.


I need to do a transatlatic cruise so I can "earn" my "free" drink card earlier. ;)


I also came home with two of the coupons from my wine package. Hopefully, I'll remember I have them and can use them next time.

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wonderful review thanks for sharing!!! makes me miss the southern cruise itineraries. . that is the next cruise I want to take is out of San Juan. . maybe that will be the first cruise I take my kids on . . they have still yet to go on one.. next one up is just with my hubby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great job on the review NC. You can still use the wine package coupons? I read the drink coupons cannot be used after the end of January. I used all of mine on the last cruise. Hope we can cruise together again and maybe run into each other more than just once. :D

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SnB - I really hope they aren't doing away with the wine packages! I have used "carryforward" coupons in the past. Maybe you're thinking of the coupons you used to buy that gave you a slight discount per drink. I certainly hope I can use them on the next one. Otherwise, it won't have been much of a bargain!


Oh, and if you're still booked on the last Splendor cruise from NY, take a look instead at the SJ-Miami cruise on 11/1. Several of us from Conquest have already booked. I even got the same cabin on Splendor, but it appears that on Splendor, these 3 mid-ship 1As did NOT get the 2nd bed added on the floor, so they are truly upper/lower. Oh well.


I checked with tablemate J to see if she could join me but she has work obligations early every month. Yes, I'd rather be able to tack on a couple of post-cruise days in San Juan, but I'll deal with pre-cruise. Wonder what Halloween is like there?


So, I've gotten over not being able to book the Pride repo, even though I MUCH prefer the Spirit class over the others.


And now I discover that Splendor doesn't have the 2.0 upgrades! No Guy's Burgers!! How will I survive? :p


What? And they don't even have the Fish & Chips in the upstairs Lido?!?!? What were they thinking?!?!? Guess I'll have to revert to my usual Fantasy-class lunch and afternoon "snack" - turkey & swiss on roll and mid-afternoon hot dog & fries. I guess I won't starve. ;)


But the itinerary is fantastic!! San Juan, St. Croix, Martinique, Grenada, Dominica, at sea, Grand Turk, at sea, Miami.


Three new ports for me on the first three days then the rare opportunity to return to Dominica (on Carnival, at least). I'm so excited!!


I'm even considering creating a 2-ship B2B by taking a shuttle over to FLL and hopping on Freedom 11/9 for 6 days that goes to Key West, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. I've never been to Key West and haven't been to Grand Cayman since my first 2 cruises.


Everyone, come join us! It's going to be another great repositioning cruise! :D

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Wonderful review!


We were on the Epic when the Conquest was in St. Maarten.

Also, loved the horn war prior to the Conquest pulling out of St. Maarten. Too bad I didn't get it video.


Looking forward to the rest of your review. Thanks for posting.


I got a video of the horns, not the BEST sound but it was awesome to experience!

Edited by lucigo
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