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MITSUGIRLYS JEWEL OF A CRUISE review and pictorial


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I am still enjoying your review and photos, Kim, and am sorry you had less than good service from steward and waiters. One thing you might consider for next time (if not already) is tipping your steward when you meet on embark. day. I gave ours $10 and we had stellar service throughout. We also left him some $ when we "checked out". steve

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bodybuilder/stripper tattoos on the upper arm/shoulder area is that Mr. White? If so, I totally got a story!


Yep, that sounds like him. Wife was pretty but seem to have something wrong with her legs if you know what I mean without going into detail? Kids ranging from maybe 4 yrs old-teenagers and some younger adults as well. Hair braided.


Even if it's not, let's hear the story already!


I AGREE! Stop making us wait. Just tell the story.

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I have been away from CC for several months because we have been planning and taking land based vacations. What a treat to have a fresh mitsugirly vacation waiting for me when I returned to CC. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures up to this point and will certainly watch for the conclusion.


Thank you for posting this. This takes a lot of time and effort, I'm sure.




Why Bruce, thank you. A fresh mitsugirly I am with fresh new adventures. LOL


I am still enjoying your review and photos, Kim, and am sorry you had less than good service from steward and waiters. One thing you might consider for next time (if not already) is tipping your steward when you meet on embark. day. I gave ours $10 and we had stellar service throughout. We also left him some $ when we "checked out". steve


I'm sorry, I will NEVER tip ahead of time for a service I have yet to receive. I don't believe in "bribing" (well, unless it's my child) and I have received excellent service with NCL. It's the norm for most of NCL's ships. There's more to come on my thoughts when I conclude this review on things about the service with him.

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Typically I am not one to watch the sexy legs contest or whatever....been there on CCL, done that but occasionally some things are just hard to miss.....


I was totally minding my own business waiting with our 3 y/o to go down the water slide and it was right about the time the sexy legs contest was going on poolside. It was towards the end and there were only a few contestants left to go. One was a charming older gentleman that got into the finals and one of the others was Mr. White. Mr. White being very full of himself and perhaps some afternoon cocktails was strutting his stuff. All very basic until he decides to drop his shorts a bit. Still no big deal right? The thing that cracked me up as in almost lost it on the tiny little steps up to the slide was the fact that there was a hole in his underwear mid-crack that he may or may not have been aware of. The funny part was the first girl that was the "judge" pointed to it and mouthed..."he has a hole" while pointing to it.


Morale of the story.....if you are going to shake your stuff, make sure you don't have your "Sunday drawers" on <as my Grandma used to say>. For those non-Southerners out there let me translate....holey undies!


Tee hee! Oh how I wished I had my camera!

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Count me as another that's really enjoying this review. I may be quiet, but I'm definitely here :)


Thanks for joining and glad to have you here.


Typically I am not one to watch the sexy legs contest or whatever....been there on CCL, done that but occasionally some things are just hard to miss.....


I was totally minding my own business waiting with our 3 y/o to go down the water slide and it was right about the time the sexy legs contest was going on poolside. It was towards the end and there were only a few contestants left to go. One was a charming older gentleman that got into the finals and one of the others was Mr. White. Mr. White being very full of himself and perhaps some afternoon cocktails was strutting his stuff. All very basic until he decides to drop his shorts a bit. Still no big deal right? The thing that cracked me up as in almost lost it on the tiny little steps up to the slide was the fact that there was a hole in his underwear mid-crack that he may or may not have been aware of. The funny part was the first girl that was the "judge" pointed to it and mouthed..."he has a hole" while pointing to it.


Morale of the story.....if you are going to shake your stuff, make sure you don't have your "Sunday drawers" on <as my Grandma used to say>. For those non-Southerners out there let me translate....holey undies!


Tee hee! Oh how I wished I had my camera!



LOL. That's hilarious. So I have to know...did he win? Gosh I hope not because that would just swell his head bigger.

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No he did not. All is right in the world.


He did keep trying to have some sort of "bromance" with my husband because they both had six kids. Mr. Smith did lament that he kept on trying until he got a boy and was happy to be traveling with 10 women. All the girls, the wife and various other ladies in the family.

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No he did not. All is right in the world.


He did keep trying to have some sort of "bromance" with my husband because they both had six kids. Mr. Smith did lament that he kept on trying until he got a boy and was happy to be traveling with 10 women. All the girls, the wife and various other ladies in the family.


Do you or Kim have any pictures of this family?? I am so curious if I saw them around the ship. ;-)

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Do you or Kim have any pictures of this family?? I am so curious if I saw them around the ship. ;-)


I'm sure I don't but I don't see how you could miss them. They were everywhere and really stood out. I noticed the Mom at the Dora Story time thing the first day and then when I realized they were together, I was like "that makes total sense". Kim takes pics everywhere so somewhere in her 6000 pics, I'm sure they are there.


Mr and Mrs White were from LasVegas

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No he did not. All is right in the world.


He did keep trying to have some sort of "bromance" with my husband because they both had six kids. Mr. Smith did lament that he kept on trying until he got a boy and was happy to be traveling with 10 women. All the girls, the wife and various other ladies in the family.



Errr, uhhh, he must have not tried too much since I'm pretty sure a majority of the kids didn't belong to him. ;)



Do you or Kim have any pictures of this family?? I am so curious if I saw them around the ship. ;-)


Not me. I would have probably got a beat down if they seen me take a picture of them since I was right behind them. (I guess that makes me 2nd of VIP importance in line??? :D)


I was fortunate enough to NOT run in to the them entire cruise, except for that night only.

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I'm sure I don't but I don't see how you could miss them. They were everywhere and really stood out. I noticed the Mom at the Dora Story time thing the first day and then when I realized they were together, I was like "that makes total sense". Kim takes pics everywhere so somewhere in her 6000 pics, I'm sure they are there.


Mr and Mrs White were from LasVegas


I sure didn't see them at the Nick meet & greets or the Nick dance party. We didn't go to the Dora Story time because it was too early in the morning. This makes me want to check out my pictures more...but then again, I always try to get pictures with the least amount of people in them.


So since you guys got so chummy and your hubby developed a bromance with them, did they say what they did for a living? Just wondering. Hubby swore the guy was an owner of a nutritional store. :rolleyes: Whatever they do, I need to get in that line of business so I can be treated like a queen in the Haven and bring the entire family. It's my dream. Maybe some day I'll make it there....when I'm like 80. (Saying this with complete sincerity)

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Well since we were also enjoying the suitelife along with them....although not in the Haven, I think we used the same elevators all the time plus they were at all the Nick events, etc.


I guess that made us acceptable second class VIP's. aka...vip...small "V"


tee hee

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On the opposite side of the Grill & Topsiders bar you will find the toddler play pool area with the little water slide. However, this part is a little different because they have a full sized hot tub just for kids in this area as well. The Pearl didn't have this and there were some type of small bouncy toys that no one seems to play on.





So for anyone with children under 3 going on the Jewel, the door behind the slide says "Crew Only", but it also said it was the entrance for the Guppies play room (ages 0-3 years old). I am not sure if this is the normal spot (doubtful), but with so many kids on the ship they had this place available. It was open from 9am-9pm. They had baby/toddler toys in the room that our child could play with while supervised by us. It is connected to the kids club, but the door in the picture above was the only entrance we could use. They also offered special activities with organic edible paints (baby food?) in another room off of the Stardust Theatre.

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So for anyone with children under 3 going on the Jewel, the door behind the slide says "Crew Only", but it also said it was the entrance for the Guppies play room (ages 0-3 years old). I am not sure if this is the normal spot (doubtful), but with so many kids on the ship they had this place available. It was open from 9am-9pm. They had baby/toddler toys in the room that our child could play with while supervised by us. It is connected to the kids club, but the door in the picture above was the only entrance we could use. They also offered special activities with organic edible paints (baby food?) in another room off of the Stardust Theatre.



I never looked in there, but I know on the blueprints on NCL it had said that this was some type of kids PC library. It doesn't sound like that's what it was though.

Edited by mitsugirly
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I never looked in there, but I know on the blueprints on NCL it had said that this was some type of kids PC library. It doesn't sound like that's what it was though.


There were computers in there, but they were not being used. There was a U shaped counter with stools (like at the kids buffet) under it. In the open space were two tumble mats with toys out for babies and toddlers.

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Ok, so I'm going to continue with my review.


It's now Friday and I got my extra hour of sleep. Thank goodness because I would need it for today.


Now we knew ahead of time that we were the unlucky draw of the straw to be the NCL ship that had to tender. We were there with the Dawn and the Pearl. However, WHERE we tendered just didn't make any sense...and we had no idea what we were in for at the time.


So we woke up and I managed to get a few pictures...from our balcony of course.








We went down to fight the crowd in the buffet for breakfast but were able to score a table at the kids buffet area this time. Go us!


We headed back up to our room where we watched out of our balcony as we sailed into port.


I was told prior to sailing (when I posted my "booking my first balcony" thread) and was told that I was assured to see SOMETHING from my balcony (animals) and most people have seen dolphins, whales, sharks and so on. Well...so far I hadn't seen a thing. I was a little disappointed and was constantly on the look out.


Today would be the only day that we were able to see anything animal related from our balcony (and it's not something I haven't seen before) Sigh.


So here it is....





We pulled into port to find out we were not even in port with the other NCL ships. We were at INTERNATIONAL!!! With Royal Caribbean ships...ONE OF THEM BEING THE ALLURE!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES! Now why in the heck would they ever have us tender from there instead of the NCL dock? Someone explain this to me. It's make NO sense at all. I have been in Cozumel with 3 NCL ships before and the extra ship would tender right there from the NCL dock! But instead they decided to put us at the dock with THE MOST PASSENGERS??? Really NCL? What a cluster flark! Seriously. This was the absolute worse decision ever made by someone.


Ok, whew, so I'm not going to get myself in an uproar at this time. We would see how it goes and give it the benefit of doubt hoping that it works out ok. After all, we did have THIS:




So we, once again, never did hear them say that the ship was clear, but we headed on down to the Le Bistro and was taken right down the stairs at the Cigar Bar for our VIP treatment.


We got on the tender and all I can say it WOW...now this is a tender. It reminded me of a bus (like a Greyhound), but with larger rows.




Sakari liked this tender...if you couldn't tell. It also had tv's and we wondered if we'd be watching Spongebob cartoons on the way over.



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A few more pictures while we wait. I mean what else can you do with yourself right?





It was a very quick ride over and off we went. There was a ?beach? type area right there were we got off. I'm not even sure what to say about this area, but I would never hang out here myself. There was ?fake? sand and hard as a rock. But it looks like some people decided this was the spot for them.







We had a hard time finding our way out of this port. We stopped several times to make sure we were going in the right direction.


They did have signs other places to let you know how to get back to the dock to catch your tender.









Shopping areas as always...



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I have to say, I really didn't care for this port at all. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like the set up or how it looked.











When we finally made it out of the port, there was an area that was roped off. What is this?? Ok, we were forced to stand in line, winding back and forth in line, to catch a cab. Yikes. That's the first time this has ever happened. We stood there, in the hot sun, with what seemed like forever.




Standing in the long line that went down the entire building.







We seen several carriage rides outside the port.



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So here we are in Cozumel. I have been here several times. We have been to Chankannab twice (it's our favorite place in Cozumel so far), Nachi Cocom, and Playa Mia. So this time around I really didn't have a LOT of time to do my normal researching (due to schooling) and a lot of nice places were suggested. However, I just couldn't do the research like I normally would. It was getting close to the time to go and with only about a week or two out, we needed to decide and book something.


Now we have friends we met on a cruise we didn't take. I know sounds goofy. We had booked a cruise on the Epic last year and we were on their roll call. We got to know each other really well. Then, I ended up changing my ship to the Dawn. Since we had gotten to know each other (we have similar personalities and humor), they ask me to stay on the roll call and fb page. Our ship (Dawn) was going to be leaving out of where they live and we decided we would meet up then. Then we, once again, changed ships (when I decided I wanted to do the Dawn out of Bermuda and didn't want to sail the same ship over) to the Star leaving out of NOLA. I mean I am a woman after all...I change my mind a lot. I'm always looking for a better deal.


We continued to be friends and talk daily. So, we were meeting up with them in Cozumel this time around. (They were on the Dawn the same week). I was so fricken excited we were finally going to get to meet!!! So they mentioned Mr Sanchos as the destination in Cozumel. I had thought about it, but I also like Paradise. My only concern was that I knew it was going to be a busy port that day with 7 ships in port and was a little concerned with not booking an AI.


So in the end, I just told them to pick where they wanted to go and as long as it wasn't some place I had already been, I was up for it. Meeting up with them was a little more important and I knew where ever we ended up at, we would have a blast with them. So Mr Sanchos it was for the day.




We finally made it to our taxi van and in we piled. It was a $16 trip to Mr Sanchos. Along the way everyone in our van got out at Paradise. I felt a lump in my stomach at that point for some reason. My husband ask me why we weren't getting out and I told him that's not where we were going. He kinda looked at me and said "Why not? I like the way that place looks." Then off we went on down the road.


We arrived at Mr Sanchos and paid the rest of our $$ owed, got our AI wristbands and was escorted over to the AI side.


Here's the famous pool you see everyone taking pictures of that have the bar stools in the water and backs up to the bar.





I'm walking along and looking down at the pool and noticed their rocks in the walk way was a little weird and you had to watch your step. Then Sakari notices what it actually was...stones with water trickling around them into the water.




We made it to the beach area


You could see the water toys over on the PAYG side and of course Sakari immediately notices them. Sigh. I explained to her that it was not for us and we wasn't aloud over there hoping that would tie her off for the rest of the day.









A waiter tried to offer us several different seats, but we kept telling him that we were looking for our friends that were supposed to be here and kept walking around. We looked everywhere and didn't see them. Well, it was still early, so maybe they weren't here yet (even though their ship arrived 1 hr earlier than ours). So we decided to go ahead and find a seat after walking in laps several times and peaking under the palapas at people. I know they thought we were weirdos at this point.


Then we are looking for a close enough spot at the tables that we would be able to see our things while swimming in the ocean. There really wasn't any left. The lounge chairs seem to be take, except for a few, and most of the tables were filling up quickly. We found one in the front row that didn't have anything on it and put our stuff down. There was a plastic table pulled up to it with personal items in the chairs and on the table, but not at ours. The waiter immediately said "these chairs are taken". Um ok, "how do you know?" He said "The family with this table has them." Soooooo.....why is it they have all of their stuff at the other table then??? We sat down anyhow and he said "Well, I guess you're sitting here. You might want to ask the family if it's ok" and pointed to them. I ask the gentleman (which was sitting in one of the lounge chairs as well) and he said it was fine. Actually, later when they would come up from their lounge chairs to eat at the table, there was only 3 of them. Mom, dad and a son. So why they needed 2 tables, 6 chairs and 3 lounge chairs was beyond me.


I decided it was time for a "snack" hehe. I ordered Nacho's and guacamole. He ask about salsa and I told him I just wanted the nacho chips and guacamole dip. The hubby ordered chips and salsa and then we ordered drinks as well. Might as well get this party started before the friends got here.


When my nachos and guac came, it was not exactly what I expected or wanted. I guess when you say "Nachos" in Mexico, it means with everything on it. Here where I'm from, if you say Nacho's you get nacho chips and dip. I spent some time just digging around the chips trying to get to the chips underneath that didn't have any of the stuff on there and dipping it the guac. Yummy to the tummy. I didn't really care for the fake cheese dip and I'm not really a "bean" girl (I don't even order burritos because of the beans). Hubby seem to enjoy his plain chips and salsa on the side (yes, I stole some of his since they were plain).



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Getting my morning drink on. Only on vacation can you do this and it be ok in society. Otherwise, you have an alcohol problem. LOL Well actually they teach us in nursing school, when we assess our patients and ask them how many drinks they drink in a certain period, any more than 3 in a week is considered for consultation because they're an alcoholic. I guess after each cruise, I'm considered an alcoholic then. Oops.





Still waiting for the friends to arrive....we decided to head out to the ocean (well, Sakari decided for us of course).





Searching for sea shells




I decided to go back up and do another loop of the place looking for our friends. Still, they were yet to be found. Along the way I would, of course, take pictures as I walked.


This is part of the buffet area they had set up








The bar area with the famous swings you see everyone take pictures at:



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Some of the tables on the AI side (this picture was taken later in the day when people started to head back)


















A building they were constructing over on the AI side. Anyone heard what this will be??? Oh my gosh, I just noticed there was a wifi symbol there.




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Sorry the sun got in the way of this one. Lighting is either your friend or your enemy.









We knew ahead of time that this place had wifi. We all know what happened at the last place there was wifi. I brought the computer this time too. Yes, I'm forgiving at times and I also like to give people a second chance. This was the hubby's chance. He was looking at me with "are you sure?" look and was real hesitant to go to the dining area to get online. I knew he needed to check in and do some business. I also knew that it shouldn't take as long this time around since the dead line had already passed. He kept saying he didn't want to see me mad at him and he sure didn't want another repeat of our Jamaica day. I told him this is a little different. He didn't have to walk a mile to get to the wifi and it wasn't a huge place that I wouldn't be able to find him. I could see the building from where we were at. "No worries" I said in my "I'm testing you" voice given with a wink...which he would not know how to take that wink...good or bad. Ya gotta keep them on their toes I tell ya.


Sakari and I headed out to the water and he came down one last time...."Are you sure?" LOL




I laughed at him and took this picture. We swam for a little bit and then I decided I needed another drink. I kept running into our server that brought our chips over and he would give me this real concern look and say "Are you ok?!?!" I mean this happened every time we left the table. I was beginning to wonder if I had a mean or hurt look on my face. It was just the tone he had like if I really had something wrong with me.




Sakari took advantage of the swing chairs while I ordered us a round of drinks.






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Then we seen this guy coming around...





Another girly shriek came out of this small child sitting beside me and I knew she just had to hold them.


Sorry for the picture quality. I'm taking a picture of a picture, at night, inside the house, with no natural lighting. They don't turn out very good and I can't use the flash or you get the flash in the picture. So it is what it is and it's what you get. The pictures really did turn out good and they are very colorful and bright.


This was hilarious...he had a diaper on. I guess one too many kids got pooped on. LOL







Sakari looked a little uneasy about this one. I think she likes the iguana better. After all, we did see a lot of them this trip.





Still no sight of the friends. I'm beginning to think they stood me up!


Sakari wanted to go over to swim in the pool since it was starring her in the face at that point. So I agreed.





Oops, it's a little too deep for her but she jumped right in and found that out.



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She didn't care. She's a big girl (which she continues to remind of daily).


"Mommy, watch this, I'm a whale"





Yes, yes you are...or at least part fish.







Pose for the camera





I talked her out of the pool by telling her I needed another drink. LOL It worked and I got my other drink.


We went back to the table and here come daddy...already? LOL He was done. So time for a little more ocean swimming.


Guess who gets to watch Sakari now? It wasn't me. I was going snorkeling. For some reason Sakari didn't want to snorkel. This will be a first. She was perfectly content with staying in the water at the beach (and truth be known, she probably didn't want her puddle jumper on because she's a "big girl" and she knew I would make her wear them where the water was deeper).



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