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Cheers program limit!!!!!


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after 15 drinks they cut you off which i think is stupid. I knew very well there was a limit to the program but they said or told me or the group i was with that you can't even buy a drink after you hit 15. At like 1o to 13 you haft to start telling them to charge you not on cheers, which is crazy.

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some people don't drink that much on vacation. I would have just liked them to tell me that the limit means you can't even buy one. the person i signed up the program mentioned the limit but never said you can't even buy one after that. just inform them that the limit means you can't buy one is all.

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It's their program and their rules. I can completely see why they'd want a limit, both profit-wise and liability wise. Too many people get sloshed, do something stupid, then try to sue. Carnival was just in the news for a woman who "fell" overboard while drunk who is suing saying the bartenders continued to serve her.


Some people can hold 15 drinks a day and other can't, but they have to draw a line somewhere.


I'm not a tee-totaler and have even done the Cheers program on one cruise, but completely see why Carnival sets the limit they do. And no one really needs more than 15 drinks a day.

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It's their program and their rules. I can completely see why they'd want a limit, both profit-wise and liability wise. Too many people get sloshed, do something stupid, then try to sue. Carnival was just in the news for a woman who "fell" overboard while drunk who is suing saying the bartenders continued to serve her.


Some people can hold 15 drinks a day and other can't, but they have to draw a line somewhere.


I'm not a tee-totaler and have even done the Cheers program on one cruise, but completely see why Carnival sets the limit they do. And no one really needs more than 15 drinks a day.


Except there isn't a limit when you are buying drinks outright...Just on Cheers which from a profit-wise standpoint is stupid for Carnival. As for needing more than 15 drinks...That's subjective and nobody's business but the drinker.

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I agree that it is kind of stupid, but I am suprised as a member of crusie critic you did not no about this limit and cut off... It has been discussed on at least 20 different threads over the last year.


He's also the guy this thinks he should be able to smoke anywhere in the ship , and yes there are over 20 threads about Cheers. The limits are to keep the Fun Ship fun and not hammered, you can buy some one a drink but it goes against your limit. I agree with everyone that feels their vice or practices are way to limited but at sea in international waters under international rules I suppose they feel this a the best way to handle it. If you don't do Cheers you can do whatever you want.

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He's also the guy this thinks he should be able to smoke anywhere in the ship , and yes there are over 20 threads about Cheers. The limits are to keep the Fun Ship fun and not hammered, you can buy some one a drink but it goes against your limit. I agree with everyone that feels their vice or practices are way to limited but at sea in international waters under international rules I suppose they feel this a the best way to handle it. If you don't do Cheers you can do whatever you want.


Actually no you can't buy someone a drink using your cheers program. Its against program rules and you will lose the program. And 1. I'm a she and 2. I don't think you should be able to smoke anywhere on the ship...I think you should be able to use an e-cigarette anywhere but the MDR and Theater like on Princess and 3. The limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered

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I think that is stupid too...If I am cruising with friends and want to purchase them a drink on my S&S I should be able to


You can, but you have to make it look like it's yours. I imagine all the red flags are there though, in your drinking history, it you having a rum drink, then a vodka, then whiskey, etc.


But I have to say, even during my best drinking days, I don't think I had more than 8 without waking up in a foreign country. These days, I find myself milking only one.

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some people don't drink that much on vacation. I would have just liked them to tell me that the limit means you can't even buy one. the person i signed up the program mentioned the limit but never said you can't even buy one after that. just inform them that the limit means you can't buy one is all.

It wouldn't surprise me if Carnival's 15 drink limit rule applies to non-Cheers purchases too. It just isn't advertised like the Cheers rules are. I can't say for sure though because I never drank that many drinks in a day.


It's hard for me to imagine why anyone would see this rule as a problem.

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You can, but you have to make it look like it's yours. I imagine all the red flags are there though, in your drinking history, it you having a rum drink, then a vodka, then whiskey, etc.


But I have to say, even during my best drinking days, I don't think I had more than 8 without waking up in a foreign country. These days, I find myself milking only one.


I usually drink beer and I could easily drink one an hour and never really get beyond a buzz...I like to try different craft beers. I haven't gotten "drunk" in a really long time.


I understand you can purchase drinks without cheers until you hit your 15 limit so I guess if I wanna buy drinks for someone I am travelling with I will make sure not to get to 15 until the end of the night :)

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Gemsm, if it were truly just to limit the number of free drinks for profit then why wouldn't they let you buy drinks after you hit the max? I agree that it is for liability purposes. A lot of drunk people have "fallen" off balconies and sued. IMO there is no way you could fall off a balcony without being on the rail or a chair.

Edited by rlkubi
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It wouldn't surprise me if Carnival's 15 drink limit rule applies to non-Cheers purchases too. It just isn't advertised like the Cheers rules are. I can't say for sure though because I never drank that many drinks in a day.


It's hard for me to imagine why anyone would see this rule as a problem.


I was about to say the same thing. Most people never reach that limit to know whether or not they are being monitored or flagged. If they don't already, Carnival would probably do well to put that limit in place.


Alcohol service is a tough thing. There's lots of room for human error and judgment of when to serve, how much, when to cut someone off and potentially anger a customer. Bartenders are hesitant because they stop making tips off that customer. I used to teach "responsible service" classes for a restaurant chain I worked at to all the incoming employees. And I agree, it's tough to see a 15 drink limit as a problem. There are a few people out there who can handle more, but the vast majority can't.


I t

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Actually no you can't buy someone a drink using your cheers program. Its against program rules and you will lose the program. And 1. I'm a she and 2. I don't think you should be able to smoke anywhere on the ship...I think you should be able to use an e-cigarette anywhere but the MDR and Theater like on Princess and 3. The limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered


I disagree with the statement "the limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered." If that were true, you'd be allowed to purchase additional drinks after your 15. Carnival has to consider a few things when making choices to put rules into practice-

1. Would a majority of humans be legally intoxicated at 15 drinks within a 24 hour period. Assuming the majority would be, that would make their judgement impaired and their ability to keep themselves or others out of danger is limited.

2. Other passengers comfort level has to be considered. The program is almost designed to get individuals past the legal limit on land. There is certainly a segment of the population that will try to reach the max just because they can or to feel like they got their money's worth. Many of these same individuals aren't drinking like this on a daily or weekly basis at home, so they might not even know their own limits.

We were in the karaoke bar last year with a drunk girl that fell and whacked her head on one of the little tables, blackened her eye, knocked a tooth out and bruised the whole side of her face. Yeah... I don't want a ship-full of those sailing with me. Responsibility seems to be fleeting with each additional drink.

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I disagree with the statement "the limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered." If that were true, you'd be allowed to purchase additional drinks after your 15. Carnival has to consider a few things when making choices to put rules into practice-

1. Would a majority of humans be legally intoxicated at 15 drinks within a 24 hour period. Assuming the majority would be, that would make their judgement impaired and their ability to keep themselves or others out of danger is limited.

2. Other passengers comfort level has to be considered. The program is almost designed to get individuals past the legal limit on land. There is certainly a segment of the population that will try to reach the max just because they can or to feel like they got their money's worth. Many of these same individuals aren't drinking like this on a daily or weekly basis at home, so they might not even know their own limits.

We were in the karaoke bar last year with a drunk girl that fell and whacked her head on one of the little tables, blackened her eye, knocked a tooth out and bruised the whole side of her face. Yeah... I don't want a ship-full of those sailing with me. Responsibility seems to be fleeting with each additional drink.


Well considering a friend who went on a cruise last year purchased all their drinks on one sign and sail card and bought approx 60 drinks in one day (2 people on the account but they bought drinks for others) then the limit on Cheers to me seems beyond making sense.

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I plan on buying the Cheers program for my cruise this year, but mainly so I don't have to worry about how much I'm spending. Pay it upfront and drink all I want. And yes I will be able to drink all I want, because I've never downed 15 drinks of any kind within a 24 hour period. Not even when I was in college. I see so many threads with people upset or overly concerned about the Cheers limit. If you think it's sooo restricting, don't buy it. You can drink 20, 30 each day if that will make you happy. I know other cruiselines don't set limits on similar programs, but Carnival is known as the funships! I think the more partying type will be quicker to book with Carnival than another line. They have their reasons, and I don't see the limit interfering with most who buy it.

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I plan on buying the Cheers program for my cruise this year, but mainly so I don't have to worry about how much I'm spending. Pay it upfront and drink all I want. And yes I will be able to drink all I want, because I've never downed 15 drinks of any kind within a 24 hour period. Not even when I was in college. I see so many threads with people upset or overly concerned about the Cheers limit. If you think it's sooo restricting, don't buy it. You can drink 20, 30 each day if that will make you happy. I know other cruiselines don't set limits on similar programs, but Carnival is known as the funships! I think the more partying type will be quicker to book with Carnival than another line. They have their reasons, and I don't see the limit interfering with most who buy it.


The limit doesn't interfere with most unless you are generous like me and want to buy drinks for others...But hey this way I won't spend my money on other folks just myself :)

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I disagree with the statement "the limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered." If that were true, you'd be allowed to purchase additional drinks after your 15. Carnival has to consider a few things when making choices to put rules into practice-

1. Would a majority of humans be legally intoxicated at 15 drinks within a 24 hour period. Assuming the majority would be, that would make their judgement impaired and their ability to keep themselves or others out of danger is limited.

2. Other passengers comfort level has to be considered. The program is almost designed to get individuals past the legal limit on land. There is certainly a segment of the population that will try to reach the max just because they can or to feel like they got their money's worth. Many of these same individuals aren't drinking like this on a daily or weekly basis at home, so they might not even know their own limits.

We were in the karaoke bar last year with a drunk girl that fell and whacked her head on one of the little tables, blackened her eye, knocked a tooth out and bruised the whole side of her face. Yeah... I don't want a ship-full of those sailing with me. Responsibility seems to be fleeting with each additional drink.


Whether you are intoxicated on 15 drinks will be dependent on how you space out your drinks. If you drink 1 drink and hour for 15 hours, you would not be intoxicated under the law. However, if you drank you 15 in a short period of time, then you can be... Again, being intoxicated under the law is for driving a car, just because your blood alcohol level is above a limit for driving, it does not mean you are falling down drunk. The issue people have with this limit is that if you do not purchase the cheers program, you can have more the 15...

One more point, was the girl who fell, on the cheers program? Or was she paying for each drink and still got intoxicated... Just becuase she was drunk does not mean that people on the cheers program will all be falling down if they have more the 15 drinks...

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The limit doesn't interfere with most unless you are generous like me and want to buy drinks for others...But hey this way I won't spend my money on other folks just myself :)


Even it were 25 drinks per day, technically you're still not supposed to purchase drinks for other people. So if I want to treat someone to a drink, I simply wouldn't purchase the program. It's not like there's a big discount to using it or something.

Edited by cruizinisthebest
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Even it were 25 drinks per day, technically you're still not supposed to purchase drinks for other people. So if I want to treat someone to a drink, I simply wouldn't purchase the program. It's not like there's a big discount to using it or something.


I know you can't get a cheers drink and hand it to someone else and I have no issues with that rule. If I want to buy my mom or dad or sister or whoever I am cruising with a drink I would pay full price for it. I just think it is stupid that if I have had 15 (which I can't imagine on a non-sea day) that i then can't buy say my mom and dad a glass of wine and a beer and pay for both

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after 15 drinks they cut you off which i think is stupid. I knew very well there was a limit to the program but they said or told me or the group i was with that you can't even buy a drink after you hit 15. At like 1o to 13 you haft to start telling them to charge you not on cheers, which is crazy.


You can simply not purchase the Cheers program and you are free to buy however many drinks you want.

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Except there isn't a limit when you are buying drinks outright...Just on Cheers which from a profit-wise standpoint is stupid for Carnival. As for needing more than 15 drinks...That's subjective and nobody's business but the drinker.


Actually, that's the seller's business as well. The seller get's to decide how much profit they want to make from a product sold.

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Actually no you can't buy someone a drink using your cheers program. Its against program rules and you will lose the program. And 1. I'm a she and 2. I don't think you should be able to smoke anywhere on the ship...I think you should be able to use an e-cigarette anywhere but the MDR and Theater like on Princess and 3. The limits are there so they don't lose money on the program. It has nothing to do with people getting hammered


With the exception of number one, it's entirely up to you as to how and where you spend your vacation dollars but until you're the CEO of Carnival, it is not up to you as to the rules they decide to have. So whether you want e-cigs to be able to be used anywhere doesn't really matter nor the reason behind why they put a limit to a program. It is what it is and you have the choice to purchase a cruise with those rules in place or not purchase a cruise and spend you money elsewhere.

Edited by Out to sea!
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