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Splendor 1/12/14 - 1/20/14 my review


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This is MY! review of (BF) and I Carnival Splendor Cruise Vacation 1/12/14 to 1/20/14. I have NO:eek: pictures to post as my life is to busy for all of that. I can't spell to save my life. I will use punctuation were it is not needed along with paragraphs and all the rest of that happy English language Um? YES for better chose of words STUFF. So with that said we continue......

So here we begin are journey it is 5:00AM 1/12/14 and we are of to Rensselaer, NY to catch are 7:00 Yankee trails bus to take us to the Port of New York. Everything was going great till I board the bus and this CROW! tells me I can't sit in the front seat as it is for handy cap like she is the CEO of Yankee Trails or something needless to say I am a very (emphasis on very) SHORT FUSED PERSON:mad: I spared her life in the sake of vacation LOL even though my instinct was to attack her like a venomous snake. (I can only hope you read this) SMOOCHES! O ya no one was handy cap on this bus and needed those seats but of coarse Crow had not one word to say to anyone else...To make thing better (BF) and I have to listen to her and her husband snore all the way to the port 4 LONG MISERABLE HOURS!

YEA!!!!!! it's 11:00AM or so and we are at the port. I brush of the morning crow poop:D and continue on with my day.

YEE HAWW BUUUUUUUUUDDY! GIGGIDY GIGGIDY WERE HERE! were really, really here. There she is the The Carnival Splendor what a beautiful ship. After grabbing are luggage we just took a minute or 5 to just look at this huge wonder.

Moving on we continue on and board the ship this went so fast. So fast i'm not going into detail. We were zone 2 to embark and it seemed we were on in no time at all. Very smooth Carnival :)

O ya and (shhhhh...ready........wait for it...........ok GO!) I SPOT PINK DONUTS AND CIRCLES AND PINK AND PINK O MY! :p Rock on splendor with your PINK. They always say if you got it flaunt it and she shore dose.

and, and, and

We begin to explore with map, in had of course. Hunting down smoking spots for (BF) I never really got into the nasty habit but if he likes it and he is not doing it around me harming me or doing it in are home then ROCK ON! When looking for the smoking spots on the Splendor it is much like a walk about that being said i'm moving on.

We use are keen seance of smell that leads us to the lido aft buffet. YUMM-O! This began a day of total binge eating and when I say binge I mean THROUGH DOWN! I will not get into it as it grosses me out to even think about it now UGG! WE ATE TO MUCH!

We were exhausted from all are eating and were in bed by 9PM. O ya that's right we we in room 1461 Rivera deck all the way last room at the Aft of the ship interior we felt like ROYLTY! it was nothing fancy shmansey but it was just perfect for us. When you spend most of your days in a tractor trailer you learn appreciate a king size bed and a shower at your finger tips and a toilet.

1/13/14 first of two at sea days and first formal night.

Well, well, well goooooood morning 6AM The early bird catches the worm. I'm going to catch him and eat him (NUM-NUM) darn buffet does not open till 8AM. So we opt for some coffee and some walking around the ship till it is game on at the buffet (BF) does some puffing it was a bit chilly for me out side I spent most of the day inside.

Breakfast was ok. This is were I really started noticing the carnival cut backs it continued the rest of the week and let me tell you they have cut back in every aspect that they can i'm not getting into it as i could care less for the debate that said CUT BACKS!

We did not do to much for the day just strolled around and slept it felt so good to just relax.

Formal night was ok i was so excited for this night and not one darn thing went as planed (BF) lives in basket ball shorts and t-shirts and sweat shirts. so it was just a HOOT! listening to him (insert your own word here _____). JUST GET DRESSED!

We had are pictures taken a few times.

So any hooo. We had your time dining or what ever it's called. We had to wait a good hour to get in packed house I gess. So we just sat in the Atrium listen to music and people watched.

Dinner was edible but nothing to write home about so i will be leaving that chapter out.

After dinner we went back to the room to change I ended up sleeping this happened to me many times LOL

1/14/14 second sea day is a bit of a blur at this point it's 2:00AM as I type this. O ya that's right I had breakfast alone (bf) was sleeping. when I got back to the room around 9 or so he was waking up. We did not do to much most of the day but stroll around we did some trivia and just relaxed.

Formal night pictures o goodness were they awful. We finally found one that was worthy of spending the $22 dollars on. (BF) is 6'5 and I am 5'6 they should have known to position us better, but what ever. We spoke with the photographers and they were better the rest of the cruise.

we went back to are room at 4pm and did not wake up till 9:30PM . We missed dinner so Pizza it was for dinner it's ok and I mean just OK. But it was food.

We went to the adult comity this night it was hilarious. before it even started they tell you if you are easily offended please leave. So wondering why? (but don't really care) I have read on CC how people have been offended by it. They do not hold a banana to your head:p and tell you. " You must stay." O well moving on. After the show we go back to the room I go to sleep and (BF) goes out for a PUFF.

1/15/14 Port Canaveral we op to stay on the ship as we have been to Florida many times and just have another relax day. We end up sitting on the Ledo mid ship watching all the trucks unload the food and goods for the cruise with one of the staff I don't remember his name but his family is truck drivers in Europe. We had such a nice time chatting with him. He was telling us how he would like to save up to buy a Semi Truck and drive like we do in Europe so that was pretty cool. Other then that same old (dung) different day.

1/16/14 Nassau Bahamas

We walked to Junknoo Beach took a few pictures and walked around town. This was my third time there so I let (BF) lead the way most of the day. I just followed were ever he wanted to go and explore. We had a good time got back on the ship got ready for dinner and called it an early night because are last port that we were excited for was the next day FreePort, Bahamas

1/17/14 FreePort, Bahamas We got off the ship and took a taxi for $20 dollars for both of us round trip to Port Lucaya. We when't to the beach, cassino, and shopping. At the beach we got in for free by the Police station then did the Banana boat, Dolphins encounter, and Pirate boat 1 hour excursion for $50 for both of us AWESOME!!!!! This excursion is so worth it I can not say enough about it it truly was worth every penny. We had a blast in FreePort. We went back to ship grabbed a bit to eat just relaxed till the evening. We went to dinner and called it a early night we were tired.

1/18/14 sea day relax hole lot of nothing. I did the laundry and started to pack are things up.


1/19/14 did some last min shopping on the ship bought some pic and finished up packing we ate of the Ledo buffet at this point we were sick of the food. We went to be around 10 because we had to be up around 7 to do self assist to disembark are floor was the third to be called.





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:)Ok I'm back sorry it took so long but any who....


so were did I leave off? O yes it is 1/19/14

O so here's the deal so (BF) and I had went to Purchase a few of are pictures. We had already made a photo purchase earlier in the week of are first formal night photos. I put that photo on my SS card and they cashed me out and gave me a business card with hole punches in it for each pictures you by they punch of and you get free things. WELL WELL WELL! these slippery slimy's do not tell you that you have to use the same SS card each purchase to get the free things on this business card. So even though (BF) and I were in the same rooms because he used his card instead of mine and the filio# was different they would not give us any of the deal. REALLY! THAT IS BULL PUCKY! So in a nut shell if you don't wanna miss out on the .13 cent free ship photo or what ever make shore you use the same SS card for each photo you purchase. O ya they told us this AFTER the transaction. Hilarious how that works.

After the photo feasco I tell (BF) I would like to go to the shop and make a few purchases a t-shirt and a travel bag (that I love by the way. So worth the money. I packed my things in it to go out on the road this week and it was great.) I get to the regester to cash out and the casher tells me it is a better deal to by another shirt and get 2 for $20 instead of paying $18 for one. Awesome thanks! So I give the nice lady my SS card this is were it all went CA-PLOOOY! She messed up charged my SS card wrong and tells me it's going to take 3 hours to fix the problem WHAT? ok no big deal right ya well you don't know my (BF) because when it's his money and he can't get his hands on it after 3 hours of waiting. He is no longer Mr. :D He is a Grizzly Bear! YIKES! Needless to say after a bit of running around and a talk with the manager we were refunded and they apologized and we were told we should have never been told it would take 3 hours it took 3min to fix. The cashier never fixed it and we would have never got are money back.


On to the food ok so this is the last day and at this point I have had really good food and then just awful food. Seems to me since the last time I cruises there have been so many more cut backs and they were cutting back then I feel if they cut back to much more it really is going to be awful. If I had to wear food on my sleeve or arm from trying to get my food out of the buffet one more time i was going to loose my mind. I think its a game. Example all the food would be at the back of the buffet dish and you have these tangs that don't even work then all the food is at the back and you have to reach under this glass that is strategically placed so you can only get your arm in about 1 1/2 inch from the wrist . REALLY! ENJOY! It felt like I was hunting my food. If it was a good hunt it got to my plate if it was a bad hunt NO food forrrrrrrr you!

I only got one wor chocolate melting soup WAHOOOOOOOO! out of 5 I thought that was awesome.

My prime rib was very thin and tasteless on formal night

I did notice many things were a bit bland to say the least

The scrambled eggs were only soupy on day Thank GOD that is soooo Gross! Puke!

The brunch rocked if you hit it early if not don't bother because it's not as good at all they are rushing you out. shoot (BF) did not even get butter to put on his cold pancakes the day we went at 12. but the next time we went at 10 or so and it was great.

The Mexican buffet was nothing to even keep typing about so i'm not going to.


I have to step out for a little to go do a hair cut I am a cosmetologist also so I will be back later to get back to this. too-tals for now!:D

Edited by barracudas_two_bee
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Hi, We thoroughly enjoyed the ship; thought the food was great in the dining room (not so much in the buffet, but it was ok). The crew/staff were fantastic! Thanks for your review. If we had booked 1 week earlier, or 1 week later, we would not have been able to get to NYC for a cruise (weather problems). The Bahamas were cooler than expected but, hey, still nicer than Ohio!


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1/20/14 "Ring,ring" the phone alarm goes off I jump out of bed to get the last bit of are things packed and (BF) when't to get a cup a coffee and a smoke on deck 10. We were the third to be called for self assist to get off the ship. Getting off went smooth. Ellivatiors were a little slow but it was to be expected. Getting through customs was very smooth. We even made it home with 4:eek: cartons of cigarettes. (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.)


So it's 8:30 AM and (BF) and I are off the ship now what to do as are bus does not get to the port till 11AM or so. Ya this part sucked all we wanted was to get heading home we had all are luggage in tow. It was cold outside. There were people everywhere trying to get were they were going it was a mess of people. We did find a little heated room bye the peir 88 sign that you can wait in you can get to the rest room just up a set of steps in there also. So we just hung out in there till the bus came.


We were told bye the porter that the bus would pull up right by were we were well pier 88 NOT TRUE! He was wrong and so was all of are paper work from Yankee Trails. The Norwegian Gem was in port that day also so when the bus finally came he parked a pier down by the carnival splendor. This made it so many of the guest of are bus were in the wrong spot as well as we were. NO big deal at all but this is were we began the trip from HELL! with some of the most rood people I have ever met in all of my life and should you read this review you should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!!!


We left the port to head back to the bus terminal we had one stop.


NOTE THIS: The bus driver is running on a log book he must as DOT rules take his breaks also as to get us home SAFE! rock on bus driver you work hard. With out you we would have not got to the port in the first place and would not get home.


So at this time we stop at the rest stop everyone gets off and bus drive shuts the doors to the bus. All of the passengers go into the rest are. (BF) and I have been here many times so we know just past the trucks in a little gas station with chip and such so we walk over there. so we walk back to the bus after getting are things and guess what these people are doing. O YA! GUESS! READY FOR THIS? The are trying to pry the door on the bus open to get in. REALLY! So this is were I had had enough. I say your going to break it WAIT! o no this guy squeezes him and his kid through the door anyways. at this time the bus driver comes around the corner walked up to the bus and pushes a button and opens the door. Still shaking my head over this.

Then we get to the bus station and the driver gets out to take the lougage off and they wanna sit and do nothing but complain they can't breath and he should be letting them of the bus. they can get there own luggage.




So the nice man unload all of the stuff wile (bf) and I had to listen to them w They went as far as a women running to the front of the bus saying she was going to open the door REALLY!!!!SIT YOUR? YA WELL DOWN!!!!!! needles to say he did not open the door. LOL


so at this point he is done and we exit the bus you think these people would so much as pull one dollar out for him NOPE! (BF) and I gave him a very nice tip so he could get a coffee for at least 2 weeks. if you know what I mean and let him know he could keep that job as we would never want it LOL he laughed and we headed home.



In closing (BF) and I have had awful colds since we got home and we have been doing nothing but working UGG. It was nice to take a vacation and get away there were many things we liked and many things we did not. I did leave many things out as I just do not have the time to put it all in.


GOD BLESS YOU ALL! and I hope you enjoyed my sloppy review :D

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