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Do you dress and/or act


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I tend to be more carefree and spontaneous and outgoing on a cruise.

I hope this doesn't sound as sad as I make it sound, but in 2006, I went on a cruise after having both knees replaced and I was in better shape than I'd been in years. Was able to dance and had so much fun. I even did karaoke twice, even though I can't sing a note in key (I sang with somebody else so it wasn't a solo).

This is the cruise where I met my husband - who thought I was just so much fun. But I guess he also likes the quiet and real me because we've been married for 7 years.

I miss my fun self, lol.

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I tend to be more carefree and spontaneous and outgoing on a cruise.

I hope this doesn't sound as sad as I make it sound, but in 2006, I went on a cruise after having both knees replaced and I was in better shape than I'd been in years. Was able to dance and had so much fun. I even did karaoke twice, even though I can't sing a note in key (I sang with somebody else so it wasn't a solo).

This is the cruise where I met my husband - who thought I was just so much fun. But I guess he also likes the quiet and real me because we've been married for 7 years.

I miss my fun self, lol.



Not sad at all, you have to let your hair down once in a while:D

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I drink more on a cruise than at home. Partly that's because I really enjoy good wine and DH doesn't drink wine at all. I don't drink enough, or often enough, to finish a bottle by myself before it turns to vinegar. So, while I have many bottles at home, I only open them when we have guests. We also don't frequent bars, and if DH wants a beer or drink with dinner, I'm happy to be the designated driver.


I dress up more on a cruise; I'm another one who lives in an area where "dressed up" means your jeans are clean and your shirt doesn't say anything rude. I have fun getting gussied up once in a while and tend to go all out when cruising.


Personality? I yam what I yam.

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I talk to strangers a lot more on cruises. This is because where I live it's just weird to talk to strangers in most situations and I'm usually in a hurry to get wherever I'm going too. But on a cruise there's no where to go really so I find myself engaged in a lot more conversation.


Clothing-wise, I obviously I don't wear business casual on a cruise so it's different in that respect but I also don't really buy cruise specific clothes (other than maybe a new swim suit or something). If I remember to bring it, I will wear jewelry on a cruise which is something I rarely do at home since I always seem to be in a rush to get out the door.


So basically, I do things on a cruise that I don't have time to do at home.

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I'm exactly the same on vacation as I am at home. Except with many more drinks in me ;)


Ditto! It's because I don't have to drive after I drink!:D


I don't drink that much anyway on land or at sea. After two glasses of wine...I'm good to go. Hard stuff, same thing. If I have 3 of anything...not feeling good next day (and might be seen dancing to top of tables)!:p


I guess I'm what you call a "lightweight" or a "cheap date", LOL!:D

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We have only been on one cruise but we are going again in 2017, just can't afford a cruise every year, but we brought nice clothes and for the most part we were very uncomfortable. This next cruise we will be going back to Alaska and we will be bringing only jeans t-shirts/sweatshirts and hiking boots.. we will bring one nice outfit, but still nothing fancy as it will be our 20th Anniversary on one of the days we are cruising, so we will be going to the dinning room that night.. but the rest of the time will be spent on other dinning areas.. we just aren't the kind of people that like to dress up, but we love to travel and sight see...:)

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I don't think I act any differently--I'm pretty laid back and don't drink except for a little wine at holidays, or gamble at home, or on a cruise.


I do dress differently because basically I have no reason to wear formal or cocktail attire at home unless I am the MOG--and I'd better not be that again!

(But you never know).


Daytime wear is pretty much what I wear at home in the summer. Not too revealing, but I do wear shorts, even running shorts, when exercising, at 68. And tank tops.


As to having to cover up if you have cellulite, wow, ridiculous, since most women either have it or will have it.


Ok, I do eat more!

Edited by Nebr.cruiser
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We have only been on one cruise but we are going again in 2017, just can't afford a cruise every year, but we brought nice clothes and for the most part we were very uncomfortable. This next cruise we will be going back to Alaska and we will be bringing only jeans t-shirts/sweatshirts and hiking boots.. we will bring one nice outfit, but still nothing fancy as it will be our 20th Anniversary on one of the days we are cruising, so we will be going to the dinning room that night.. but the rest of the time will be spent on other dinning areas.. we just aren't the kind of people that like to dress up, but we love to travel and sight see...:)


You're just fine. Nothing wrong with not wanting to bring special clothes just to wear for 2-3 hours at night. Your jeans-Tshirts-hiking boots are perfectly fine for Alaska. I bet that is the common "dress code" in Cheyenne for anywhere. It's the same where I live. "Western formal" is clean jeans, a nice shirt and boots with all the muck cleaned off ;)

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My personality doesn't change. I'm a very outgoing and approachable person I'll talk to anyone! I like to hear people's life stories :)


We definitely stay up later and sleep later. At home we're in bed by 10 pm and up by 6:30 am, even on weekends (the dog starts whining for his walk!). On a cruise we're usually up until 1 or 2 am.


I drink more on a cruise, but only because I get frozen drinks that I wouldn't make at home. DH drinks soda when we cruise and we never have soda in the house.


I guess I dress a little nicer. At home I'm always in jeans or shorts and a tee shirt (I'm in grad school and there's rarely a need to dress nicely). On a cruise I'll wear more dresses, and of course I "dress" for dinner. I love formal night! I still wear shorts, but with nicer tops.

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I am generally the same anal retentive person on & off with the exception that I am working to actually relax when cruising. Last summer when in the Baltics I actually did a fair amount of work so on our Christmas cruise I actually went off the grid basically for the week and did not check email etc. granted my family including kids & mom where with me.


I tend to dress the same most places. I favor dresses & wear them 90% of the time. For example heading to Daytona tonight with Roger & the boys to see the Daytona 500 and I have my black tank dress packed for the race. My boys always joke that you can always find me at the race as I am in a dress


Also 90% of my wardrobe is black and this is fairly the same on a cruise although the lovely ladies on this board somehow possessed me to go to Ross and I now own a red formal dress that I wore last summer and this Christmas.


As for how I act pretty much the same. I will drink a bit more but one drink is more than normal. I also stay up later. In general I am the same person love me or hate me



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I am pretty much the same person, but we don't eat out every night at home , so I do dress up more when on a ship. I live in California so I have swimware , but I don't go out in public much with a swim suit , on the ship I will go swimming quite often. So that is different. We don't drink much , mostly wine before dinner , so that is the same. And we do go on excursions at most every port , so that is different also. But I am who I am , on a ship or off. Have met so many nice people on cruises , that we really enjoy our cruises.


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What an interesting topic! I love reading these replies!


I am probably more carefree, might dress a little different if there's no chance of running into people I know but I'm basically the same person and dress the same. As an example, at home I would NOT want to be caught dead in a swimsuit in front of someone I know but I don't care so much on a ship. I wear a wrap or cover-up if I'm trotting to the bar or to grab some food in the pool area so I'm still not comfortable walking around in my suit but I'm far more comfortable than if I was somewhere I might run into someone I know. My absolute favorite people on cruises are those with not-perfect bodies wearing their suits like nobody can even see their body anyway - WHO CARES IF I'M NOT PERFECT? I never even considered you might look or care! What does it matter? Unfortunately I can't quite get there for myself, LOL. But I l love to see it on others.


Probably the same in the evenings. If I had a nicer figure I'd probably be more daring but I might just do fancier/flashier makeup on a trip than I might at a restaurant at home where I could run into someone.


As for how I act? Maybe a bit more carefree but I'm a pretty laid-back person all of the time so I doubt I'm too different. I'm probably more likely to strike up a conversation with someone than at home, though.

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I wear totally different clothes on holiday, usually because living on a horse stud you never wear skirts or dresses.

I rarely drink anyway so apart from the odd peach schnapps over ice it will be soft drinks.

For me the cruise is a time to try and relax and not think about all the business type things I should be doing, to enjoy having my family with me as they have left home and to feel pampered by having other people do all the work such as cooking!

I read the Roll Call but wouldn't ever go to a meet and mingle, but I usually talk to lots of nice people as the cruise progresses.

At my age I really couldn't care less about whether it's "correct" to wear high heels/long/short dresses/or wear my swimsuit or shorts despite being overweight. I am unlikely to ever see anyone from a cruise ship again so if they don't like how I look, they can look away.. I adhere to the dress code but I dress for myself not fashion, if my husband says I look lovely, that will do!

I think I am probably the same as when at home personality wise, but don't say a great deal about my lifestyle, I find it more interesting hearing how everyone else lives, over the years I have learned about different countries and customs and that's fun.

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I read the Roll Call but wouldn't ever go to a meet and mingle, but I usually talk to lots of nice people as the cruise progresses.


I am unlikely to ever see anyone from a cruise ship again so if they don't like how I look, they can look away..


Try a Meet & Mingle the next time you cruise. I have made lifelong friends by first "meeting" them on the roll call and then actually meeting at the Meet & Mingle. There was 75 people on the roll call of my first transatlantic.....out of that 75, there were prob 25 of us that formed a small "group" and did things together for that 13 days. A year later, there were 18 of that 25 that did another transatlantic.


I also thought....who cares. You'll never see those people again....There was a couple on the first transatlantic who wasn't really part of the 25...but did have lunch a couple of times with us. 6 months after that cruise, I flew to Barcelona to do a transatlantic back to the states. Standing in the terminal after checking in, I hear this woman screaming "Kathy, Kathy".....I turned around and it was that couple. There were 12 people on that ship that had been on the TA, but not part of the group of 25, but all but 2 (crew members) were part of the 75.....


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I tend to use the Roll Call as a tool to see if anyone I already know is on that cruise, we are already a family group of seven and even then we split up most days and do our own thing, meeting only for the evening meal and drinks afterwards.

Sorry but my idea of hell would be to meet a big group and do things together, I guess we are all different in what we like from a holiday!

It probably stems from running holiday cottages for many years and having to be friendly to several thousand people, after that I can talk with anybody (and often do) but prefer to spend my time with just family or by myself.

I agree you can make lifelong friends on holiday, many of my holidaymakers are now good friends and we visit each other's homes, and with facebook it is easy to keep in touch with people, but Meet and Mingle isn't for me, I do have friends who adore it so just call me miserable!

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I completely agree, if I was travelling solo the Meet and Mingle would be something I would do.

We are leaving our home next Wednesday before overnighting at our son's then flying from the UK to Miami, then two days in Fort Lauderdale for the rest of the family to arrive from as far away as Azerbaijan then boarding Eclipse for 14 nights.

They have all manner of things booked such as zip lining (never in a million years) hiking to waterfalls (what when there are shops and a lovely beach to lie on?) and riding (two of the party are professional equestrienne's and will need their horsey fix).

I will I admit cherish my time on my own, the thought of lying on the sunbed with my kindle with frequent dips in the warm sea is far more appealing than the above!

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You're just fine. Nothing wrong with not wanting to bring special clothes just to wear for 2-3 hours at night. Your jeans-Tshirts-hiking boots are perfectly fine for Alaska. I bet that is the common "dress code" in Cheyenne for anywhere. It's the same where I live. "Western formal" is clean jeans, a nice shirt and boots with all the muck cleaned off ;)


That is a very correct statement. There is no eating establishment in Cheyenne that a pair of jeans is not excepted.. That is all we ever wear out, of course work we have to wear business casual but jeans on Fridays..

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In "real life" I don't own swimwear or shorts. I avoid people and don't wear dresses. I'm in scrubs or jammies most of the time.


On vacation, I'm with people I love and I'm not serving anybody. There are no bills to pay, meetings to attend, problems to be fixed. There's a pool and nobody cares how much weight I've gained. There's drinks, but no driving home afterwards. There's dancing and a party atmosphere. My phone is turned off and I don't have a care in the universe.


So yes, I will dress and act completely differently while on vacay (I've never cruised before, but I'm anticipating long adventurous days and long nights of dancing, drinking, and playing). The whole point of a vacation is to escape the drudgery of the working life . . . and I'm going to escape completely! I've even threatened to "lose" my passport somewhere fun so I'll be forced to stay there.


I'm going to dress up, look nice, and focus on the fun! Work and home will be just fine without me!

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In "real life" I don't own swimwear or shorts. I avoid people and don't wear dresses. I'm in scrubs or jammies most of the time.


On vacation, I'm with people I love and I'm not serving anybody. There are no bills to pay, meetings to attend, problems to be fixed. There's a pool and nobody cares how much weight I've gained. There's drinks, but no driving home afterwards. There's dancing and a party atmosphere. My phone is turned off and I don't have a care in the universe.


So yes, I will dress and act completely differently while on vacay (I've never cruised before, but I'm anticipating long adventurous days and long nights of dancing, drinking, and playing). The whole point of a vacation is to escape the drudgery of the working life . . . and I'm going to escape completely! I've even threatened to "lose" my passport somewhere fun so I'll be forced to stay there.


I'm going to dress up, look nice, and focus on the fun! Work and home will be just fine without me!



You go girl! Go have an awesome time!:D You have the perfect attitude for a cruise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No difference whatsoever.

Home, holiday, work...


I chose my career well. I get to be myself at work too.

Sing, dance and smile (none of them are found in my job description :D)


And although I wear a uniform, I get to spice it up with my kind of hosiery.


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On vacation, I'm with people I love and I'm not serving anybody. There are no bills to pay, meetings to attend, problems to be fixed. There's a pool and nobody cares how much weight I've gained. There's drinks, but no driving home afterwards. There's dancing and a party atmosphere. My phone is turned off and I don't have a care in the universe.


So yes, I will dress and act completely differently while on vacay (I've never cruised before, but I'm anticipating long adventurous days and long nights of dancing, drinking, and playing). The whole point of a vacation is to escape the drudgery of the working life . . . and I'm going to escape completely! I've even threatened to "lose" my passport somewhere fun so I'll be forced to stay there.


I'm going to dress up, look nice, and focus on the fun! Work and home will be just fine without me!


This sounds like me! In normal life I have six boys between 6-17 years. I run our rental property portfolio and a very busy household. I am cook, clearer, chauffeur, motivational speaker, problem solver, negotiator, social coordinator and general domestic goddess. I am mature, responsible, dependable and unflappable. I run our home with extreme focus on time management skills and personal discipline. I never leave doing the laundry because 'I can't be bothered'!


And in three months time, I'm handing the house, the kids and the dog to my mum and my sister and flying to the other side of the world to do my first cruise with my beloved husband for our 15th wedding anniversary and 40th birthdays. At that point I firmly intend to be waited on hand and foot, laze around and not do anything unless I feel like it, maintain a blood alcohol concentration of around 0.03%, and enjoy not having to rush anywhere, do anything or listen to complaints, sniping or arguments!


So yes, I think I will be acting quite differently from normal life. The real me will come out from under the all-encompassing mom costume that I wear most of the time. :D

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Much more relaxed, the real me, not the guarded me, I act a little crazier away from home on a cruise than normal, not worrying about embarrassing the family. I dress for dinner and stay dressed and enjoy the clubs, something that is not really available in my neck of the woods. I also drink a bit more, do not have to drive home. LOL If only my life was one big cruise, I'd be one Happy Fellow. I think when I pass on from this world I'm gonna have the words "I'd Rather be Cruising" engraved on my tombstone.

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