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.......idle jottings


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That's the one. A bit outside of Romsey. I have a horsey cousin with a horse farm type place near there. Three hours probably means you are safe from Jim showing up for a visit.:eek:


Jim, ho hum has just Google Mapped it & it is, remarkably just 79.1 miles and takes 1 hour 36 minutes via A3090-M3-M25.


And of course, a modest detached annexe awaits you both with all mod cons.

Jim, we truly do live in a very beautiful area, blondie is a great cook and we have a great wine cellar as well as some really quirky pubs.


It would be great to meet the legend.


Alternatively name a pub (good one, mind) near you and we will pop down to see you (but can only do one pint !)

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Oh so interesting that you got to sail with, as you say, the titled almightily! We did last June, but we also got the Russian chums. So sorry you missed them! I have friends who smoke and they had some fascinating chats with him after dinner at the smoking table at the pool after he had a few glasses of the Bordeaux he brought on board! Will tell no more stories!

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Oh so interesting that you got to sail with, as you say, the titled almightily! We did last June, but we also got the Russian chums. So sorry you missed them! I have friends who smoke and they had some fascinating chats with him after dinner at the smoking table at the pool after he had a few glasses of the Bordeaux he brought on board! Will tell no more stories!


He talked !

No to be fair he graciously accepted invitations to dine from all passengers who requested his company.

And what is more important, the crew like him.

Would loved to have seen his friends too.

Oligarchs maybe ?

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Sea Dream I has ended its crossing from the Caribbean and has arrived in London and not just any old mooring but a "stone's throw" from Tower Bridge (OK, you would have to be an Olympian to actually perform this feat but you get ho hum's drift).

It is truly a magnificent mooring position.


And so we were invited to visit and bring two friends.

Now remember we had left Athens (docking at Piraeus to be precise) yesterday afternoon and 24 hours later here we were boarding SDI via HMS Belfast to which SDI was moored alongside in London.


It began a bright day but by the time the boat which took us across the River Thames (from the opposite bank ? Oddly) the skies had darkened and it was raining and very windy: yes, a typical spring day in the UK.

Greeted by the great and good of Sea Dream we rushed to the dry and warmth of the main Salon for Prosecco (oh no !) and nibbles (really poor show).

Met up with many guests, still staying on the vessel (to be kicked off next day).

Quite a lacklustre do, very sorry to say. There was absolutely no marketing.

Never mind, booking figures for the Mediterranean & Caribbean look fantastic.

The lessons may finally have been learnt: stick to the classic itinerary and forget Amazon, Asia & Baltic which just did not have enough passengers.


Crew from SDI who is transferring to SDII passes by chez nous. Great fun.


Sorry photo not uploading; will try again later


Sorry also, ho hum lied ratings for SDII Mumbai-Athens etc.. coming soon.

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For blondie, she will be back on in a week's time in Nice with her best friend and a big party from Southern California where they will be going to the film festivals there at that time of year.


Ho Hum -- is that the 5 day Nice-Nice sailing this week? I ask as two good friends will be onboard -- and it is their FIRST trip on SD and we really hope they enjoy it. How large is the SoCa group? Perhaps Blondie will meet them!



Have so enjoyed your idle jottings!


Edited by vandrefalk
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For blondie, she will be back on in a week's time in Nice with her best friend and a big party from Southern California where they will be going to the film festivals there at that time of year.


Ho Hum -- is that the 5 day Nice-Nice sailing this week? I ask as two good friends will be onboard -- and it is their FIRST trip on SD and we really hope they enjoy it. How large is the SoCa group? Perhaps Blondie will meet them!



Have so enjoyed your idle jottings!




Yes it is the one sailing this Friday Vandrefalk, for 6 days.

The group is 14 persons but they are a good mixer type.

We believe the ship has 102 passengers.

Yes lets hope blondie meets up with them.

Thanks for supportive comments, much appreciated and kindest regards.


PS the quote button doesnt always work.

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And so due to a few issues of ship management taking umbrage with dear, kind, old ho hum over an innocuous comment in a general conversation and overt defensiveness by the chef during "Halibut-gate", ho hum has thought that it is therefore pointless offering comments and scores on the Guest Comment Card if they simply dismiss genuine critiques.

Furthermore ho hum has given up pointing out the error of their ways to shoreside management a while ago due to their failure to listen and communicate with customers.


If you detect ho hum is sulking and question the maturity of his response, all ho hum can say is: Guilty but ho hum does plead diminished responsibility and can offer a reasoned defence to boot !


You see the purpose of the Guest Comment Card has never been a means of praising good points or highlighting not so good points.

Sea Dream are only focussed on your scores: forget the blah-blah.

We have been wasting our precious time all this while.

If you think someone has done an out-standing job, then write a short letter or note.


Now scoring is culturally quite different for different nationalities.

Americans use terms like "awesome" describing mundane good times (say a pizza being delivered).

The English would never use this term even for the coming of the second Messiah !

They would describe it as "nice he popped by again".

You see ho hum's point. And this effects scoring.


English people never give a 10 for anything !

For example Ho hum is rated by blondie as a 6 (and thats on a good day) and ho hum thinks thats probably being quite fair.


However in case you are interested, the ratings that ho hum would have given will be posted tomorrow.

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SDII: Mumbai-Athens Voyage. Final ratings & comments. Part 2


8 - Cabin

10 - Housekeeping

10 - Kitchen

9 - Restaurant Services

8 - Concierge

8 - Spa

10 - Bar Services & Sommelier

9 - Overall impression of voyage




- time with crew

- Sea Days

- security personnel, drill, response to piracy scare

- cuisine, Asian dinners, Garfield's deserts

- Ivana & housekeeper

- Cabin bed

- internet

- crew show



- cabins air-conditioning could'nt cope most of the time when temperatures were very high then proceeded to pump out cold air when temperatures dropped (but it was quickly repaired-ish when it was really cold)

- waiting crew initially tired and subdued due to strains of Asia tour and long contract coming to an end for quite a few. Lack of panache: missing big characters but still good service.



- sporadic black smoke issue from funnel: truly bad

- maybe ho hum is too stupid to have noticed it before or maybe ho hum had such a blind love of the crew and was unaware of the true situation/problem or maybe it is a creeping issue resulting by demands to maintain ridiculously high performance targets issued by shoreside management which creates undue stress on and between a few senior personnel.

And that problem is being overtly defensive to casual critique interpreted as threatening their personal prestige.


STAND OUT CREW (the whole of the crew are of course amazing but...)

- Roland (bar)

- Pablo (sommelier)

- Emanuel (waiter & pool guy)

- Fernando (waiter)

- Garfield (desert chef)

- Tomasz (chef

- Silvio (maitre d')

- Tanja (spa manager)

- Pla (spa)

- Captain Lund (WINNER: sometime boat steerer and full time hero)



As you can see, the voyage was overwhelmingly good (as usual) and the scoring was very high (again as usual)

And Captain Lund was simply amazing in every aspect of his duties and personal inclinations to make the voyage fun: too many qualities to mention.


COMING UP: Voyage Awards

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!!!!! VOYAGE AWARDS !!!!



Man A

A dear sweet housekeeping lady was clearing the detritus from a cabin that regularly orders trays of food and booze from Room Service morning, noon and night. Whilst removing these mountains of rubbish, she had inadvertently removed some small bread items (yes, frigging bread) which the guests wanted to retain.

The guests went berserk, demanding justice !

The housekeeping lady was so worried she might lose her job.

The man was an over-bearing, self-opinionated bully who ho hum did not say a word to the whole voyage: no not very mature of ho hum, tis true.


Man A

At the conclusion of the Captain's Welcome in the Main Salon with all guests present. Man A decides to give an "award" from the King of the Netherlands !

He proceeded to give a rambling in-coherent speech causing much toe curling whilst the Captain and heads of department stood like deer in headlights.


Woman A

Married to Man A. This lady would insist on running around top deck in opposite direction to passengers doing the charity "Walk-a-Mile",

And so everybody had to change direction only for her to do same ! Cuckooo !


Man B

"Jolly Jack" we'll call him. An infuriating character even without opening his opinionated gob every two minutes.

Well he publicly lambasted a lowly crew personnel over an issue of such minor significance (and only significant to him) and for which the victim wasn't even responsible for.

It is understood he apologised later: quite rightly, sir and a good day to ya' !



Man A

Requested his champagne is served fully topped up in a red wine glass because his nose caught on the smaller champagne flute glasses.

Maybe not so stupid, he could consume the whole bottle of champagne in 4 fills.

Would also explain the award presented to Captain at Captain's Welcome.




When the Captain trounced the security personnel in the challenge.

This guy said there were mitigating circumstances because the security personnel did'nt sleep well the night before because they were on shifts !

As was the Captain and he was older.




Arrived at piracy drill when we had to proceed to the Restaurant full of passengers and crew and he arrived with his life-jacket on !

Did he think they might work as a flak jacket if fired at by Somali pirates ? Haha.

He was a big chap too and were packed like sardines so every time he turned round to see who was laughing, passengers and crew were sent flying as his life jacket barged people aside which only added to the amusement.


Man A

At the concluding stages of the crew show, Man A was primed to give out awards to the crew for their marvellous performance but passengers and crew were now wise to him and at the end just as he was about to stand up to address the multiples, music struck up loudly for the dance with everybody.


(Ho hum would like to assure you again these are genuine situations)

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!!!!! VOYAGE AWARDS !!!!



Man A

A dear sweet housekeeping lady was clearing the detritus from a cabin that regularly orders trays of food and booze from Room Service morning, noon and night. Whilst removing these mountains of rubbish, she had inadvertently removed some small bread items (yes, frigging bread) which the guests wanted to retain.

The guests went berserk, demanding justice !

The housekeeping lady was so worried she might lose her job.

The man was an over-bearing, self-opinionated bully who ho hum did not say a word to the whole voyage: no not very mature of ho hum, tis true.


Man A

At the conclusion of the Captain's Welcome in the Main Salon with all guests present. Man A decides to give an "award" from the King of the Netherlands !

He proceeded to give a rambling in-coherent speech causing much toe curling whilst the Captain and heads of department stood like deer in headlights.


Woman A

Married to Man A. This lady would insist on running around top deck in opposite direction to passengers doing the charity "Walk-a-Mile",

And so everybody had to change direction only for her to do same ! Cuckooo !


Man B

"Jolly Jack" we'll call him. An infuriating character even without opening his opinionated gob every two minutes.

Well he publicly lambasted a lowly crew personnel over an issue of such minor significance (and only significant to him) and for which the victim wasn't even responsible for.

It is understood he apologised later: quite rightly, sir and a good day to ya' !



Man A

Requested his champagne is served fully topped up in a red wine glass because his nose caught on the smaller champagne flute glasses.

Maybe not so stupid, he could consume the whole bottle of champagne in 4 fills.

Would also explain the award presented to Captain at Captain's Welcome.




When the Captain trounced the security personnel in the challenge.

This guy said there were mitigating circumstances because the security personnel did'nt sleep well the night before because they were on shifts !

As was the Captain and he was older.




Arrived at piracy drill when we had to proceed to the Restaurant full of passengers and crew and he arrived with his life-jacket on !

Did he think they might work as a flak jacket if fired at by Somali pirates ? Haha.

He was a big chap too and were packed like sardines so every time he turned round to see who was laughing, passengers and crew were sent flying as his life jacket barged people aside which only added to the amusement.


Man A

At the concluding stages of the crew show, Man A was primed to give out awards to the crew for their marvellous performance but passengers and crew were now wise to him and at the end just as he was about to stand up to address the multiples, music struck up loudly for the dance with everybody.


(Ho hum would like to assure you again these are genuine situations)


By some chance is Man A part of SeaDream management from Norway?

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By some chance is Man A part of SeaDream management from Norway?


No a pompous prat from the Netherlands (a passenger).


Intrigued Dave by your suggestion mmmmmmmm (wonder who but hush hush eh old chap)

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So an early rise 04.00am this morning to take blondie to airport.

French air traffic controllers on strike !

They have to fly around French air space !

Arrive late.

French taxi drivers on strike !

Now a crammed bus journey with baggage and the rest of the world and then a walk taking baggage !

France: economy up the "swanny".

The French can be so infuriating and yet we love their culture but sometimes they can be..

Prix fixe menus are very popular in most restaurants.


So a blow blow account of travelling in France from blondie:


Thanks 4 taking me 2 the airport - in the middle of a most hideous journey!

The French r all on strike - so had no French airspace 4 the flight.

Arrived at airport & all taxi drivers on strike!

Chaos reigns!

Now finally managed 2 get on bus (worse than India!) which we hopefully deposit us somewhere in Nice!

Remind me 2 always book a bloody car!!!! Xxx




Hmmm it is! I need a drink instead of which I am sitting on a bus with my knees up around my ears!!! Xxx




Well now we r stuck in traffic jam along the main promenade - depends where the bus drops us off - I am hoping it will be near the hotel but at this rate it would be quicker 2 walk!!




We have arrived !! Room not ready but have ordered a glass of champagne 2 keep us going!!! Xx




Hello Darling - had a lovely day despite the tricky start. Fab lunch of Sea Bass & salad with a bottle of Ott -delicious followed by shopping and laughing - even found a shoe shop that gave us a glass of champagne!!! Very tired now so off 2 bed - how r u doing - love u xxx p.s taxi strike over 4 now



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So an early rise 04.00am this morning to take blondie to airport.

French air traffic controllers on strike !

They have to fly around French air space !

Arrive late.

French taxi drivers on strike !

Now a crammed bus journey with baggage and the rest of the world and then a walk taking baggage !

France: economy up the "swanny".

The French can be so infuriating and yet we love their culture but sometimes they can be..

Prix fixe menus are very popular in most restaurants.


So a blow blow account of travelling in France from blondie:


Thanks 4 taking me 2 the airport - in the middle of a most hideous journey!

The French r all on strike - so had no French airspace 4 the flight.

Arrived at airport & all taxi drivers on strike!

Chaos reigns!

Now finally managed 2 get on bus (worse than India!) which we hopefully deposit us somewhere in Nice!

Remind me 2 always book a bloody car!!!! Xxx




Hmmm it is! I need a drink instead of which I am sitting on a bus with my knees up around my ears!!! Xxx




Well now we r stuck in traffic jam along the main promenade - depends where the bus drops us off - I am hoping it will be near the hotel but at this rate it would be quicker 2 walk!!




We have arrived !! Room not ready but have ordered a glass of champagne 2 keep us going!!! Xx




Hello Darling - had a lovely day despite the tricky start. Fab lunch of Sea Bass & salad with a bottle of Ott -delicious followed by shopping and laughing - even found a shoe shop that gave us a glass of champagne!!! Very tired now so off 2 bed - how r u doing - love u xxx p.s taxi strike over 4 now




I like to think of France as Disneyland on the Seine: a lot of strange characters wandering around whose antics make me laugh!

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I like to think of France as Disneyland on the Seine: a lot of strange characters wandering around whose antics make me laugh!


Quite a big settlement in Canada too !

London has become a major conglomeration for French people (some say second biggest, some say fifth biggest French "city").

More Restaurants and wine bars have set up as a result.

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Quite a big settlement in Canada too !

London has become a major conglomeration for French people (some say second biggest, some say fifth biggest French "city").

More Restaurants and wine bars have set up as a result.


Je suis nee a Montreal et j'aime les nouriture and les vins Francais!

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Oh your story of Blondie's France adventure today makes me very unhappy! Although it was very entertaining! I know the French strike whenever they want to, but I'm hoping they made their statement today and got it over with. We were in Paris once when there was a subway strike- it was chaos! We are flying to Paris and on to Lyon on Tuesday (unless there are air traffic controller strikes!) Then back to Paris on Friday. Sure hope things improve!

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