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.......idle jottings


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On a beautiful bright morning we sail into Ibiza.

Huge behemoths of the sea containing hordes of people spewing out of the belly of the ships docked in port at a suitable distance away from our designated mooring spot commensurate with the esteem it is held in and size. We are all feeling tres smug.


The light here is wonderful.

Fortunately ho hum's eyes, which have not deteriorated as badly as his hearing, are still functioning adequately (except for reading) and can appreciate one of life's simplest of pleasures.


Now the decision here today is to accept the invitation to a party with our new tall Maryland friends who have organised a group of 20 at a beach party run by private clubs or to amble around the old streets in a more leisurely fashion.

Now ho hum may have mistakenly given the impression that he is a party animal.

Yes ho hum may behave outrageously outside the norms of conventional society (except for politeness, one hopes at least) but a party animal ? No.

Ho hum devours as much quiet time and aloneness in greater quantities than conviviality with others hence the rich interior world which is un-surpassable in interest and amusement (albeit self-amusement).


And dont forget tomorrow we must disembark.

Ho hum doesnt want to be hung over on his way to the airport (well not too hung over, anyway).


And so a quiet time with blondie or partying. Ho hum will consult with blondie.

Certainly ho hum cant abide high energy trance music where young slim groovy people jump up and down for hours on end doing intricate hand and arm gestures.

Anyway ho hum has'nt any groovy shirts to wear and can you imagine ho hum jumping: even once ! Something might fall off !

Maybe the hearing loss is God's plan after all.

Ho hum doesnt want to end up like their grandad sitting around the sides swaying side to side thus drawing smirks from the nubile young ladies that he foolishly believes may hanker for a man of experience (no not like that, shame on you: just some attention) yeah right as Commander Courageous so often says cutting ho hum down to size.

He has done admirably well so far but know your limitations.

Barriers are not meant to be broken, if everybody broke down barriers, it would be anarchy just like living in France ! Mon dieu et sacre bleu !

Somehow ho hum thinks you know where this will be going.


Yes it has been great fun but quiet times at home are growing increasingly enticing despite the daily duties associated with living in a modern society but these ties have fallen away gradually also with a slow withdrawal from activities that now seem faintlessly ridiculous.

He has even chopped 7 wine merchants from his mailings and will concentrate on just three main ones henceforth.

Ho hum has declared himself hopeless at wine tastings for buying wine and these can be given the heave ho too. No buy a single bottle and pair it with the appropriate food and if you like it buy it, if you dont then feel smug in the knowledge that you haven't got another 11 staring at you from the wine rack saying "well whats the matter with me then, Mr.Snooty Pants". Some wines can be so rude.

Oh where was ho hum.


Simple times with blondie pottering in the kitchen or laughing on the phone with a friend.

Aaaarrrr, ho hum.



Forgot to mention. SD have changed the pyjama sizing. Ho hum can fit in them (just). Either this is a deliberate or the order was only made for XXL by mistake.


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Wow - the party must have been outstanding ...


But for me two significant details arise afterwards:

Did "XXL-party animal" ho-hum wear the SD-pyjama on the dance floor? :eek:

Was the topsy-turvy attached photo taken by blondie while ho-hum danced a tango with her? ;)



(German) wine recommendation of the day:

If ho-hum has too many "rude" wines in his wine cellar - gcmv could help him crushing them. ;)

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Ho-hum, I like your (british) wry sense of humour; you're allowed to say (nearly) everything to me ... :D


After your absolutely generous (20 $) invitation, re-booking is out of the question for us! ;)


Look forward to seeing you, too in September - but ho-hum, please explain to me as a SD-newbie - who is Werner? (Let me guess - has he something to do with beverages?)


Dearest gcmv,


Forgive old ho hum for not replying sooner but he wanted to download a few photos of Werner and well…….it has proved a tad difficult.

But now ho hum thinks he’s cracked it. It may end up going thro’ another 4 posts to obtain all the photos but it’s worth it.

And for those that know W, well they are lovely photo.



So let ho hum start and say damn that's $20, ho hum is down already before he has even set foot onboard !


There is a particularly great riesling for a very silly price that Sudesh (Executive Chef) bought at a dinner recently. Brilliant wine.


So, Werner you ask about.

Werner Roy to give him his full name.

He is the “Kaiser” (no not that one).

He is the Franz Beckenbauer of SDII waiting crew.

The "Kaiser" is the name the British press gave to the great FB.

Werner "plays" mid-field directing forwards and helping out in defence.

He is the captain (not The Captain)

He is an enigma.

Not readily accessible.

His own man.

He has great dignity.

He is humble.

He is efficient, of course.

He is reserved.

He is economical.

He lives and works to completely different and exacting standards.

And yet with compassion for new and younger crew members whom he cares for.

He is also a modern man and loves modern dance music and has some wonderful dance moves that ladies flock around to be with this Teutonic ancient god.

He is the star turn at the crossings Cruise Show !

Even having dress hand made for him by adoring passengers (the great abenaki himself who actually sewed all the sequins himself)

Ladies flock around him when he struts his stuff; the pheromones he releases are captured by Dior and sold to the Onassises, Aga Khans, Sheikhs of this world for extortionate prices.

If the weather does not permit outside dining then ho hum will always ask for Werner's table in the Main Dining Salon (just inside on the right).

Recently he has been fulfilling his filial duties caring for his mother in Germany. Good boy.

And so is not on SD. Arrrrr

Only worked on SDII.

Sadly he is a Kaiserslautern supporter who were relegated two seasons ago.

(Like ho hum's Fulham; we are supporters because they are our home team)

He is probably the longest serving crew member on SD.

Returning passengers have a special regard for Werner.

Ho hum has witnessed millionaire’s coming onboard and paying their respects to the “Godfather”

And if you dont "get him" he is not bothered in the slightest.

He operates with complete indifference to money, power, prestige.

Ho hum has actually witnessed a woman raising her blouse and exposing her ample breasts to him while taking the desert. T’is true.

He is the first on duty doing his routine before all others.

And of course he is German.


His enigmatic qualities were further described in a blog, which ho hum has shown here:




He inspires such acclaim, deservedly so.


Hope that helps to partially explain him.

Though like the most wonderful things in life, he remains a mystery and unique individual.

He is a part (a large part) of the crew which makes ho hum and blondie keep coming back to SD !


No gcmv, ho hum just can't get the photos to download, allow ho hum a little more time.

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Dearest ho-hum,


gcmv enjoyed reading the spellbinder about Teutonic "Kaiser" Werner and it was worth every minute of the long wait, indeed.


Ho-hum should not waste his precious time on vacation transferring photos in this thread - the attached blog and your tremendous lines where more than enough - now, gcmv's knows (and will like) Werner ... :)


At gcmv's favourite hotel at Alto Adige (superb wine region), there is a waiter similar to him - he is a character - we say a real "cuss" (hope ho-hum understands my words) - and gcmv likes being served by him every time.


Gcmv hopes to meet Werner in September on SDII - does ho-hum know, if he's on board?

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We go out for a stroll around the town of Avezzi, Ibiza.

Well it may be full of tranced out, exceedingly thin clubbers (for God's sake eat something darling) but somehow this town looks authentic and amazing.

The intimacy of the narrow grey cobbled streets, they kept the buildings the same since the days they served as fishermens houses shutting out the world in their dark and dingy interiors: the air-con of the day.

We visit the Museum of Contemporary Art which features a Jean Miro exhibition. Perhaps it is permanent. Probably is.

Like the fun sculptures but the paintings and fabrics less so but in the context of the period they were created, they would have been radical departures from the restrictions of orthodoxy and not forgetting fascist Spain's Genral Franco.

Yet the works lack soul: the stone walls on which they hang have more gravitas with the light and shade revealing a complex hue of colours and textures.

The other more contemporary works are typical of Spanish "Shock of the New" type but they are simply divertisements from reality like ghastly painted mobiles hanging above newborn babies heads but with absolutely nothing else other than cheap momentary sensory excitement or shock: how very mature ? Not.

At least they are not German Expressionism: now there is a worry (sorry gcmv but it's true) !


We discover a great restaurant opposite the ship and shelter under the branches of an old tree. Paco (the friendly waiter) offers us menus, ho hum's menu is in Russian. His perception is way off beam. He scurries away for a multi- lingual menu. The he proceeds to tell us how rude and abrupt and demanding the Russians are, the self same people that he assumed ho hum to be ! Obviously Paco's time as Diplomatic Ambassador in Moscow was a short one !


A Verdejho from Rueda is brought to the table with sparkling water, olives, bread and garlic aioli.

And then Christophe passes by and stops then pulls up a chair, has a small glass of wine and shows us some of his purchases on the island. He asks to dine with us which we readily agree and we give our orders of salads, grilled squid and seafood paella to Paco plus another bottle of wine. Great to have a chat. We begin our very devious tactic of trying to get him to lunch with us and our dearest friends from Canada with whom we will be staying in St.Barts (cant wait). A bite ! Whip him out of the water and into the net ! If not at the villa then we will visit the boat: aarr a bit of wriggling here ho hum suspects. So play it cool, play it cool "whatever you say old friend". This false sense of security will be his un-doing and he will be ours.....


Christophe calls the ship to check on service and speaks to Enes who is invited over: 3 minutes later another chair is pulled up and another table added. He shares ho hum's humungus paella and also has a small glass of wine. So we are all chatting away, remembering old times, former crew etc... and laughing at former "calamities". Then Gareth (CAD) passes by and pops over. Again a complete table re-arrangement is required but Paco is so obliging. And the conversations begin again. Great to hang out with these guys.


Now this evening is Captain's Farewell.

The passengers are in "end of term" mood and it is a boisterous affair for our group of diners: the Glaswegians and the Marylanders.

During dinner we notice the orb of the sun and moon are low on the water and with an imaginary line between the two, it would dissect the rear of the ship. Everybody outside dining on the rear deck arises to observe this phenomena. Much intermingling between tables and funny, rude banter between the Aussies and the Brits begins ! All in great fun.

And so to dinner.

Far Niente chardonnay

Chablis village

Argentinian Malbec

William Saylem (Oregon ?) Pinot Noir

Chicken and pea empanada

Garlic soup

NY Striploin steak with pepper sauce and side of french fries

Assortment of all deserts



And so to the TOYB for a final round (or two, or three, or four) of drinks.

Lots of hugging, so nice to meet yous, heres my card: well you dont need ho hum telling you. You know the score. The usual stuff.


A few odd incidents that evening occurred which needed further discussion between blondie and ho hum before each falls asleep.

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Dearest ho-hum,


gcmv enjoyed reading the spellbinder about Teutonic "Kaiser" Werner and it was worth every minute of the long wait, indeed.


Ho-hum should not waste his precious time on vacation transferring photos in this thread - the attached blog and your tremendous lines where more than enough - now, gcmv's knows (and will like) Werner ... :)


At gcmv's favourite hotel at Alto Adige (superb wine region), there is a waiter similar to him - he is a character - we say a real "cuss" (hope ho-hum understands my words) - and gcmv likes being served by him every time.


Gcmv hopes to meet Werner in September on SDII - does ho-hum know, if he's on board?



Sadly gcmv, Werner is on compassionate leave caring for his mother and there is no news on the "grapevine" for his imminent return.

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Dearest ho-hum,


gcmv enjoyed reading the spellbinder about Teutonic "Kaiser" Werner and it was worth every minute of the long wait, indeed.


Ho-hum should not waste his precious time on vacation transferring photos in this thread - the attached blog and your tremendous lines where more than enough - now, gcmv's knows (and will like) Werner ... :)


At gcmv's favourite hotel at Alto Adige (superb wine region), there is a waiter similar to him - he is a character - we say a real "cuss" (hope ho-hum understands my words) - and gcmv likes being served by him every time.


Gcmv hopes to meet Werner in September on SDII - does ho-hum know, if he's on board?


Ho hum would be very interested to listen to your views about the Alto Adige region and the Dolomites.

A lot of great stories about the gastronomy of this area are coming from there.

A fly-drive round the region would be lovely.

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Fingers crossed


Mein Gott !

It worked, it damn worked.


So first two photos were taken at crew party.

The second two showing Celtic wearing Chief Officer and Barcelona wearing Werner were taken with both wearing the shirts under their uniforms at the end of service when very few passengers were left.

Ho hum had bought the shirt for Werner to prank the Chief Officer.

You may recall Barcelona scored a single goal to defeat Celtic in the 91st minute: a terrific performance by Celtic.

Last photo: champagne and caviar splash around pool.


Have just contacted W to tell him to check out photos and veneration to him.

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Dearest Ho-Hum,


I read with interest that your old friend, the Earl of Lonsdale, has put his manse

on the block for $3M. With the estate, goes the title, Lord of the Manor of Threlkeld.

It oozes upper crust, ala Downton Abbey. Would put you on a par with our oft

traveling companion, Lord Muckaduck.


Oh those British taxes are slowly eroding the values of so many of those family

fiefdoms ... happy to know that Ho-Hums estate planner has allocated funds for

continuing Sea Dream escapes. With a top rate here of 51% perhaps we should

worry a little more.


See you soon and love to the Mrs.

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Ho Hum thanks again for all the reports. A real adventure on the high seas and then some.


Please clarify something for those of us who are following along at a slow speed. I seem to recall the final destination of this voyage is Barcelona yet on Marine Traffic just now Thursday 17 July around 815 AM USA Eastern time SD II position is shown as docked in Monaco.


Hope all is well!



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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Ho Hum thanks again for all the reports. A real adventure on the high seas and then some.


Please clarify something for those of us who are following along at a slow speed. I seem to recall the final destination of this voyage is Barcelona yet on Marine Traffic just now Thursday 17 July around 815 AM USA Eastern time SD II position is shown as docked in Monaco.


Hope all is well!

Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


Well spotted JES4845.

You see ho hum has written so much, he has to do it in Parts and so we are verily home right now but ho hum has still more to impart. Comprendo ?


Hope all is well with you too !!!

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Dearest Ho-Hum,


I read with interest that your old friend, the Earl of Lonsdale, has put his manse

on the block for $3M. With the estate, goes the title, Lord of the Manor of Threlkeld.

It oozes upper crust, ala Downton Abbey. Would put you on a par with our oft

traveling companion, Lord Muckaduck.


Oh those British taxes are slowly eroding the values of so many of those family

fiefdoms ... happy to know that Ho-Hums estate planner has allocated funds for

continuing Sea Dream escapes. With a top rate here of 51% perhaps we should

worry a little more.


See you soon and love to the Mrs.


In God's name why would anyone want to live in Cumbria ?


Yes it was popular with a famous fell walker called Alfred Wainwright and Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote a poem about the “tyrannous and strong” winds battering “stern Blencathra”.

If that's all that it's got going for it then ho hum will use the remaining coffers on SD!

Anyway what titled people ho hum has met on SD, well ....... best not say anymore.


Ho hum will pass on your felicitations to "'er indoors".

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Dearest Ho-Hum,


I read with interest that your old friend, the Earl of Lonsdale, has put his manse

on the block for $3M. With the estate, goes the title, Lord of the Manor of Threlkeld.

It oozes upper crust, ala Downton Abbey. Would put you on a par with our oft

traveling companion, Lord Muckaduck.


Oh those British taxes are slowly eroding the values of so many of those family

fiefdoms ... happy to know that Ho-Hums estate planner has allocated funds for

continuing Sea Dream escapes. With a top rate here of 51% perhaps we should

worry a little more.


See you soon and love to the Mrs.


With every post comes a new font from CC


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Well spotted JES4845.

You see ho hum has written so much, he has to do it in Parts and so we are verily home right now but ho hum has still more to impart. Comprendo ?


Hope all is well with you too !!!


So when is Ho-Hums next SeaDream adventure?? Sept 20 with Ganttc is looming out there.:eek:

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So when is Ho-Hums next SeaDream adventure?? Sept 20 with Ganttc is looming out there.:eek:



Baxk to backs


Sep 13, 2014 Athens (Piraeus), Greece 2 PM - 4 PM (Embarkation) Evening

Sep 14, 2014 Hydra, Greece Morning Evening

Sep 15, 2014 Corinth Canal (Transit), Greece Morning Morning

Sep 15, 2014 Galaxidi (Delphi), Greece Mid-day Evening

Sep 16, 2014 Fiskardo, Kefalonia, Greece Morning Mid-day

Sep 17, 2014 Taormina (Etna) Sicily, Italy Morning Afternoon

Sep 17, 2014 Stromboli, Sicily - scenic navigation, Italy Evening Evening

Sep 18, 2014 Amalfi, Italy Morning Overnight

Sep 19, 2014 Capri, Italy Morning Evening

Sep 20, 2014 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Morning 8 AM - 10 AM (Disembarkation)




Sep 20, 2014 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy 2 PM - 4 PM (Embarkation) Evening

Sep 21, 2014 Portoferraio, Elba, Italy Morning Late evening

Sep 22, 2014 Portovenere (Cinque Terre), Italy Morning Evening

Sep 23, 2014 Portofino, Italy Morning Evening

Sep 24, 2014 Sanary-sur-Mer, France Morning Late evening

Sep 25, 2014 Pampelonne Beach, St.Tropez, France Morning Mid-day

Sep 25, 2014 St. Tropez, France Afternoon Morning

Sep 26, 2014 Cannes, France Morning Late evening

Sep 27, 2014 Monte Carlo, Monaco Morning 8 AM - 10 AM (Disembarkation)

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Baxk to backs


Sep 13, 2014 Athens (Piraeus), Greece 2 PM - 4 PM (Embarkation) Evening

Sep 14, 2014 Hydra, Greece Morning Evening

Sep 15, 2014 Corinth Canal (Transit), Greece Morning Morning

Sep 15, 2014 Galaxidi (Delphi), Greece Mid-day Evening

Sep 16, 2014 Fiskardo, Kefalonia, Greece Morning Mid-day

Sep 17, 2014 Taormina (Etna) Sicily, Italy Morning Afternoon

Sep 17, 2014 Stromboli, Sicily - scenic navigation, Italy Evening Evening

Sep 18, 2014 Amalfi, Italy Morning Overnight

Sep 19, 2014 Capri, Italy Morning Evening

Sep 20, 2014 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Morning 8 AM - 10 AM (Disembarkation)




Sep 20, 2014 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy 2 PM - 4 PM (Embarkation) Evening

Sep 21, 2014 Portoferraio, Elba, Italy Morning Late evening

Sep 22, 2014 Portovenere (Cinque Terre), Italy Morning Evening

Sep 23, 2014 Portofino, Italy Morning Evening

Sep 24, 2014 Sanary-sur-Mer, France Morning Late evening

Sep 25, 2014 Pampelonne Beach, St.Tropez, France Morning Mid-day

Sep 25, 2014 St. Tropez, France Afternoon Morning

Sep 26, 2014 Cannes, France Morning Late evening

Sep 27, 2014 Monte Carlo, Monaco Morning 8 AM - 10 AM (Disembarkation)


Nice. I particularly like the second itinerary. One day, Ho-Hum, you will have to put up with me.:eek: For now you just get Ganttc and Ctbjr. That should keep you busy!

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Nice. I particularly like the second itinerary. One day, Ho-Hum, you will have to put up with me.:eek: For now you just get Ganttc and Ctbjr. That should keep you busy!


Ho hum doesnt think Gantt knows who the hell ho hum is even though he sits on the opposite table to is at breakfast whilst the "penny only dropped" just recently concerning the identity of ctbjr '.

Even more recently only twigged who abenaki is ! A very dear friend too.


And your good self Jim: now that will be an occasion !! With the lovely Lois, naturally.


The temperatures in the"posh part" of the UK are now 29 deg. C !

We are also expecting thunder and showers.

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Anyway what titled people ho hum has met on SD, well ....... best not say anymore.


Ho hum will pass on your felicitations to "'er indoors".




Agreeing with sentiments of ho-hum and ctbjr on titled (or perhaps those who feel they are entitled) people.:rolleyes:

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Agreeing with sentiments of ho-hum and ctbjr on titled (or perhaps those who feel they are entitled) people.:rolleyes:



The only title worth having is to be called friend.


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Well you all know the routine dont you when it comes to disembarkation.

The pleasantries from people you've never spoken to.

The detailed auditing of accounts by a scrupulously mean passenger.

The hugging.

The kissing.

The handshakes.

The exchange of cards or scribbled, incomprehensible emails written on napkins that are discovered a week later as you pull it from your pocket after it has been machine washed and you set about forensically un-curling the paper maiche as if it held the vital DNA of a serial killer. It tears and the evidence is lost. The new acquaintance's details are lost forever.

The couple from Brazil who dawdle into breakfast at 9.50am (when final disembarkation, as you know, is at 10.0am) in their dressing gowns and order a particularly complex cooked breakfast !

The fixed smiles for the very few you cannot abide.

The racking of memory to recall the names of fellow passengers.

Completing the guest comment card.


Whilst all the time blaming one another for staying too long at the bar the night before.

Seeing hordes of shoeless passengers heading to the baggage hall to reclaim their shoes.

Saying goodbye to crew.

Oi vey ! What a mullarky !


Captain Lund was brilliant. Christophe was superb. And the crew were wonderful.


Christophe is saying goodbye to ho hum at the gangway and customary (Gallic style) goodbyes is exchanged when Christophe advises ho hum that a French air traffic controllers strike is presently underway.

What ! Damn these French !

Then a smile is seen on Christophe's face and Blondie's.

"Mechant Christophe, tres mechant"

The two of them find it most amusing.


Now some passengers are scurrying off, the Londoners and Marylanders for ridiculously early European and International flights. Now that would'nt do for ho hum and blondie.

We can do without the un-necessary anxiety of what ifs.

But they made it. Now follows the enquiry why we booked such late flights !


Yes its a long wait in the Executive Lounge but it is quite pleasant except for a family with a child playing some annoying game watched by his indifferent parents.

And so it gives ho hum time for a few idle jottings whilst blondie explores every damn shop in the airport.

Please God, dont let her ask ho hum to come out and check a potential purchase !

Deep joy ! (Ho hum's being ironic).


Another moment to savour the cruise.


Oh and guess who is on the flight back to Blighty ?

Come on guys.

Miserable lady ! Blondie bumps into her. Yes we did clock her first and took a circuitous route to our seats but she bumped into her soon after.

And guess what ?

Oh do make an effort guys !

She was beaming. Had such a lovely time and cant wait to do it again !

What !

Well knock me down with a feather, Trevor !

Ho hum is stunned !

The transformation is remarkable, we walk to the gate together, happily chatting away.

The miracle that is Sea Dream has worked and transformed this lady whilst her husband seems much relieved too.

Soon home. Everything seems OK. Un-pack.

Now open a bottle of chilled wine and a jar of pesto from Portovenere (you know the place abenaki, advised there used to be a shirt shop in 1982: next to the hire a donkey shop and opposite the fortune tellers).

Wow, tastes great.

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