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.......idle jottings


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rodents in the larder?... oh, yes, very posh indeed.....a warm welcome back to reality, and no doubt pressing civic issues of great import.



it is rumoured you have moggies to control your large population of mice !

Meow !


Civic issues !

Civic duties actually......opening hospitals, theatres and the like.

As well as affairs of state......receiving guests from South Africa (Gareth: Club & Activities Director).

Guess you'll be servicing the generator for approaching winter soon.

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Not content with sailing slowly past Stromboli and it's active volcano or arranging a visit to Pompei.

SD arranged it's own onboard spectacular each night last week (and probably this week too) by creating showers of black soot to spew from the funnel onto the passengers below, some were even alight.

Ladies ran hither and thither as their cocktail dresses were "pocca dotted" with soot.

On one occasion, the pool and jacuzzi were partially covered in black flakes.

And once the flakes were partially alight.

Some astute guests protected the seated surfaces with towels prior to sitting down.

SD naturally paid the laundry bills which must have put an excessive demand on the laundry.

Just what is the cause ? Cheap fuel. Funnel needs cleaning from coating of soot.

Who knows.

Anybody out there who can offer an opinion ? Jim ?

At least the previously issuing dark smoke has been reduced to 90% of it's previous level.

But now soot replaces smoke. Same stuff of course simply a denser form of the latter.


Come on SD you have had time to sort this out for quite a while.

Ho hum first reported problem to Oslo over a year ago when SD sailed out of Venice and a large plume of dense, black smoke passed over St.Mark's Square. A shameful experience.

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Not content with sailing slowly past Stromboli and it's active volcano or arranging a visit to Pompei.

SD arranged it's own onboard spectacular each night last week (and probably this week too) by creating showers of black soot to spew from the funnel onto the passengers below, some were even alight.

Ladies ran hither and thither as their cocktail dresses were "pocca dotted" with soot.

On one occasion, the pool and jacuzzi were partially covered in black flakes.

And once the flakes were partially alight.

Some astute guests protected the seated surfaces with towels prior to sitting down.

SD naturally paid the laundry bills which must have put an excessive demand on the laundry.

Just what is the cause ? Cheap fuel. Funnel needs cleaning from coating of soot.

Who knows.

Anybody out there who can offer an opinion ? Jim ?

At least the previously issuing dark smoke has been reduced to 90% of it's previous level.

But now soot replaces smoke. Same stuff of course simply a denser form of the latter.


Come on SD you have had time to sort this out for quite a while.

Ho hum first reported problem to Oslo over a year ago when SD sailed out of Venice and a large plume of dense, black smoke passed over St.Mark's Square. A shameful experience.


Soot (and smoke) are the result of unburned or partially burned fuel. It can be exacerbated by low quality fuel (more impurities). Poor combustion in a diesel can be related to less compression in older, worn engines. The engines in SD are old enough to be mechanically controlled. Mechanical engines are also less efficient than new computer controlled diesel engines which produce much less pollutants. When soot builds up in a stack it can catch fire. A stack fire, while usually not deadly, can produce impressive pyrotechnics out the stack. Very spooky, especially at night. Possibly SD needs an official Chimney Sweep?

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Soot (and smoke) are the result of unburned or partially burned fuel. It can be exacerbated by low quality fuel (more impurities). Poor combustion in a diesel can be related to less compression in older, worn engines. The engines in SD are old enough to be mechanically controlled. Mechanical engines are also less efficient than new computer controlled diesel engines which produce much less pollutants. When soot builds up in a stack it can catch fire. A stack fire, while usually not deadly, can produce impressive pyrotechnics out the stack. Very spooky, especially at night. Possibly SD needs an official Chimney Sweep?



Well SD need to do something and soon.

Outside dining and drinks round the pool deck will be disasters otherwise.

Another extra layer of work and complaints for the crew to deal with which just ain't fair.

Just got that ho hum ?

Kinda world

You bitter-sweet

Aarrrggghhh !


Very grateful Jim, as always.


So a very, very busy return to "civic responsibilities" as Abenaki quaintly describes it. Six visitors and two visits elsewhere plus dealing with the back log.

Amongst which one of our three gardeners: now dont think this is tres lah-di-dah, one does lawns, one does plants and one does hedges for say ten hours a month: so there !

Well the newest gardener is a delightful young man and he did a fantastic job on the hedge but the new compost containers were a right cock up or so they appeared. He had already totally mis-understood explicit instructions from ho hum thinking constructing the base would suffice. "What about the actual containers ?" I thought you would do those ho hum. Stupid boy !

So now he was rather tersely requested to attend site at "his earliest convenience" (which is polite English for "get your a*se over 'ere now") to which he nervously complied. Now ho hum was meanwhile visiting his doctor with an ear infection and there was a delay caused by dozens of mothers and their loud, crying sprogs had consumed a lot of time. Eventually ho hum met Dr.Kumar who seemed alarmed by a previously reported alcohol consumption level. "Please Doctor ho hum is here to check his ear". He murmured something about alcohol and denial but eventually checked out the ear. Ho hum returned to site/home to meet gormless gardener. It transpired that he had devised a simple method of removing compost panels to transfer between stages of degradation.

Bless him, he had used his nonce but had missed the "bleeding obvious".

Still enthused he agreed to a few modifications, even conceding that they were better than his own !

Praise indeed !

No !

But ho hum cant help liking him, the lug.

Ho hum requested that he submits his bill which will be paid pronto less a sum to give him sufficient inducement to return and make the necessary corrections.

So no, not that trusting.


Going back to the doctor. He enquires "have you been swimming?" Err no, ho hum replies. "I know this sounds an odd thing to say but it looks as if you have dunked your head in ice water". We laughed. This doctor's damn good !


Well a beautiful sunset tonight accompanied by an accessible Chateauneuf-de-Pape and the world seems less fraught than it did earlier to-day.

Returning from hols eh !

Blondie shows ho hum a great photo of moi meme, Chef Tomasz and Mel (owner of wine shop in St.Tropez) having a blast during the latter stages of the Chef's walk in Dt.Tropez !

Tomasz invited Mel and his wife Helene onboard for dinner that evening accompanied by their delightful young daughters. Mel sent over a glass of Grand Cru Chablis, "Les Blanchots", 2008 by Patrick Puize to ho hum. It was divine. Ho hum had actually bought a bottle as recommended by Mel earlier that day. And so we met up after the meal. What a guy, what a beautiful lady, what a family.

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Wow, it's a bit early in morning for this.....


Blondie woke me. She just returned from milking the cows !

At least she brought up a cup of tea to atone for the early disturbance.


While you're there Charlie, just what is DJ thanking you for regarding posting from SD !

Do you operate a deluxe subscription service too ?

As ho hum only receives posts of the most brief kind except for a longer one before you went to lunch at the Splendido in Portfino (or was it Positano: must check with Gantt. He's a wizard at this kind of thing).


Before ho hum "fell" into the ice bucket, he felt a firm hand keeping him in the icy water......know anything about that young man ?


OK so ho hum knows your busy.....an "Oh my....." will suffice (love that line).

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Blondie woke me. She just returned from milking the cows !

At least she brought up a cup of tea to atone for the early disturbance.


While you're there Charlie, just what is DJ thanking you for regarding posting from SD !

Do you operate a deluxe subscription service too ?

As ho hum only receives posts of the most brief kind except for a longer one before you went to lunch at the Splendido in Portfino (or was it Positano: must check with Gantt. He's a wizard at this kind of thing).


Before ho hum "fell" into the ice bucket, he felt a firm hand keeping him in the icy water......know anything about that young man ?


OK so ho hum knows your busy.....an "Oh my....." will suffice (love that line).



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8 - Cabin

10 - Housekeeping

10 - Kitchen

10 - Restaurant Services

10 - Concierge

10 - Spa

9 - Bar Services & Sommelier

6 - Overall impression of yacht

9 - Overall impression of voyage



- crew

- Enes & waiting crew (adore and respect them all)

- cuisine, Laxman's soups

- Concierge & Shp ladies (Frudi, Arla & Kath)

- Ivana & Sanja and housekeepers

- Cabin bed

- internet

- Chef's Walks (Amalfi & St.Tropez)

- Stromboli



- air-conditioning on part of second week too warm and public areas freezing: it was sorted out after a few days but this is a sporadic problem on voyages still

- black smoke issue from funnel significantly reduced but replaced by soot : truly bad. Trousers and shirts laundered after each evening (free)

- disco nights truly dreadful and one night guy responsible for one night disco "buggered off" mid-way (written warning offence IMO)

- "un-plugged" musical performances needed ear plugs ! Fully "plugged" (maybe ho hum is getting old but not the only one who felt this)


STAND OUT CREW (the whole of the crew are of course amazing but...)

- Sev & Zoltan (bar)

- Pablo & Frank (sommeliers)

- Frudi, Arla & Kath (concierge & shop)

- suhermann (laundry master)

- Emanuel (waiter & pool guy)

- Tomasz (chef)

- Gareth (Club Director)

- Enes (maitre d')

- Tanja & Laura (spa manager)

- Pla (spa)

- Jamie (hotel manager)

- Captain Holmsteinsson aka Steinar (WINNER: a hugely accomplished performance)



- This is the time of year to cruise the Med: the weather was fantastic (not too hot), the crowds were a lot less than July & August and no obnoxious parents with their sprogs (ho hum has realised that it is generally parenting abandonment of kids that is the problem whenever issues arise: oh and the number of the "little darlings"). Ho hum hears that this week, the weather ain't great in fact it is very, very wet !

- As you can see, the voyage was overwhelmingly very good (as usual) and the scoring was very high (again as usual)

- met up with old friends, made even better connections t'boot and the passengers were ALL a friendly bunch. That's SD for

- coming on SD you are relaxed straight away especially if you have done it before. Everything is taken care of.

- And Captain Holmsteinsson aka Steinar was simply amazing especially bearing in mind that this was his first tour of duty as Captain. It's as if the central defender has moved up to mid-field and actually scores a few goals with many assists.


COMING UP: What you have all been waiting for ......the one and only......Voyage Awards !

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Blondie woke me. She just returned from milking the cows !

At least she brought up a cup of tea to atone for the early disturbance.


While you're there Charlie, just what is DJ thanking you for regarding posting from SD !

Do you operate a deluxe subscription service too ?

As ho hum only receives posts of the most brief kind except for a longer one before you went to lunch at the Splendido in Portfino (or was it Positano: must check with Gantt. He's a wizard at this kind of thing).


Before ho hum "fell" into the ice bucket, he felt a firm hand keeping him in the icy water......know anything about that young man ?


OK so ho hum knows your busy.....an "Oh my....." will suffice (love that line).


Are you sure Blondie didn't sneak off to Switzerland where the cows are now coming home? Trust me I have it on very good authority that the cows indeed have come home in Switzerland.


Or perhaps she was busy sharing photographic evidence of ho-hum's ice bucket challenge? Please know that photo made me smile all day.


Actually Charlie pays me to post those thank yous:p


Nothing compares to your postings and musings ho-hum!




A man of many words ... as usual:rolleyes:

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!!!!! VOYAGE AWARDS !!!!



Disappointingly there were no "cruella de'villes" or those "lording" it over others: life can be so cruel !

No, the passengers were very nice indeed and created a pleasant atmosphere.



Woman A

Ho hum hates with a vengeance the practice of taking constant nauseating "selfies" where people take pictures of themselves. There is one exception: a crew member who is fun, loving and always includes others and often self-mockingly but this air-head, bimbo was relentless. She would have taken as many "selfies" as there are word in this section by now !

Ho hum kids you not !

Her husband was pathetic who had lost all integrity and meekly succumbed to every request made of taking photos of her. And they were soooo dumb.

Ho hum has never witnessed such a narcissistic obsessed display in all his life.

Yes blondie often requests an inspection of a photo taken to check and criticises ho hum for not "trying" (whatever the hell that means: not morphing into Brad Pitt perhaps).

This lady passenger had arranged for some balloons to be filled and posed with them around the deck......why ?

Photo attached...ho hum has done the decent thing and protected her privacy. You're such a gentleman, ho hum. Yes and dont forget modest too !



Man A

It is fashionable amongst some of the "young and the restless" to take pictures of their ladies in various erotic nude poses. The risks are enormous but ho hum has a little sympathy of wishing to capture the allure of one's beloved: but butt naked ...... noooo not a good idea. So this young couple were arguing on the tender returning to the ship: well young love can be a little fraught on occasion but our friends over the passageway between cabins reported a right rumpus at 3-4 o'clock in the morning. It transpired that HE had lost the memory card showing all 100 photos of his new wife in positions that only he should be privy too !

Maybe ho hum should have returned it to them.....haha (just kidding).


Man B

Husband of Woman A dressed in Burberry shirt and shorts. Quite over the top and looking ridiculous. Yes Burberry is fashionable but dressing in the fabric......nooooo ! And he wore the self same shift to dinner - yuk ! Nice enough chap, well educated but what a wimp. Ho hum bets his wife made him dress up like this. Be a man !



Man C

The wine drinker's equivalent of the ice bucket challenge. During the Chef tour in St.Tropez at the wine shop, the fool dunked his head into the filled watery ice bucket ! Methinks alcohol was involved. Investigations are continuing that he was pushed. Inspector Clouseau of the securete interviewed a guest from the ship: nasty looking character.


(Ho hum would like to assure you again these are genuine situations: well maybe not Inspector Clouseau but ho hum was definitely pushed by passenger who later left for Paris with his gorgeous moll).


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Mr. Hum, we are sailing on one of these Mexican itineraries for Christmas. If you are not otherwise engaged, Yall should join us for Christmas toasts with Tequila.....Ole!! I bet there will be no soot on your Veranda.


Sorry Jim, its damn tempting but have to be home for Xmas.

Can't beat England at Xmas....and sometimes it snows....brilliant.


But last Xmas a 35 foot tree blew over onto two gas tanks....we were out of cooking and heating for a few days and we had planned for family over for Xmas dinner !

Fingers crossed for this year.

Will raise a glass to you tho'.

A ho ho ho from ho hum.

Have a great Xmas card for this year.......will post it nearer the time.

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And do you know......on the SDII: Rome - Monte Carlo trip.

Met up with the wonderful Gantt & Ted but they do not have a clue who ho hum is !

Would you "Adam & Eve" it ?


Now dont go telling them y'all.

They sure have absolutely no curiosity.....kinda admire them for it (albeit grudgingly).

They loved "selfie" lady tho'.

Meow !

Jealous ? Moi ! (peut t'etre un peu mon cher).

Maybe if ho hum put his head in an ice bucket they might notice !

Huh !

Another one of lfe's disappointments ....... But there was one more on that trip which topped the lot.......

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A friend of mine recently attended a wedding in Fife. After the toasts and the telegrams, it was time for Scottish country dancing.

Before guests were invited on to the floor, a professional dancer was wheeled out to give a demonstration for the uninitiated. She was wearing, you guessed, a hi-viz (high visibility) jacket over her traditional tartan outfit.

They say you should try everything once — except incest and Scottish country dancing.

Now we know why. I’ve heard of the Highland Fling, but not the Hi-Viz Fling.

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Not sure which Quran ISIS follows.

113 of the 114 chapters begin by introducing God as the 'most merciful' & 'most compassionate'.

If you believe that kind of thing anymore.


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Dear all


It is almost 6 months since we disembarked from Seadream II in Mumbai after our 13 day maiden voyage from Singapore via Thailand, Andaman Islands,Sri Lanka and Goa.


But it has taken 6 months to shake the addiction of Seadream and finally worked out that watching this thread did not help!


There was huge envy for us reading, as the Australian winter set in with short days, crippling drought and frosts down to -6C whilst we read about others frolicking from island to island, eating, drinking and relaxing on the Mediterranean Sea aboard that fabulous ship. Good luck to you all.


Pictured conversely is Dad enjoying morning coffee on a winter's morning before we chainsaw-ed some firewood at the front of our property. I am still incredibly grateful for the respect and assistance of the passengers and crew on Seadream II for making the trip a wonderful experience for an avid but now rather frail traveller.


Many of us are fortunate to travel the world a few times but the trip this year has some very special life-long memories seeing it through the eyes of my elderly father.


Dad is also pictured at a smart resort at Byron Bay on the eastern extremity of Australia's Pacific coastline. He requested oyster for his birthday which we enjoyed and a very large beer. It was amusing having to carry him home after that!


Byron Bay is one destination that I recommend to overseas travellers not only for the bohemian influence, fantastic climate and scenery but good fresh food that has attracted backpackers traditionally seeking a taste of Australian beach life en route between Sydney and the north.


The leaves no doubt are turning colour in the northern hemisphere whilst it is Spring here with blue wrens at the door and the bees buzzing in the wisteria.


Well, I cannot offer anything as interesting as others here perhaps except my thanks for all the contributions about cruising and more.





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Not sure which Quran ISIS follows.

113 of the 114 chapters begin by introducing God as the 'most merciful' & 'most compassionate'.

If you believe that kind of thing anymore.


Agreed. It is a terrible thing. If one reads history, it has all happened before. The Crusaders didn't leave England to risk all for mid-east oil.

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Dear all


It is almost 6 months since we disembarked from Seadream II in Mumbai after our 13 day maiden voyage from Singapore via Thailand, Andaman Islands,Sri Lanka and Goa.


But it has taken 6 months to shake the addiction of Seadream and finally worked out that watching this thread did not help!


There was huge envy for us reading, as the Australian winter set in with short days, crippling drought and frosts down to -6C whilst we read about others frolicking from island to island, eating, drinking and relaxing on the Mediterranean Sea aboard that fabulous ship. Good luck to you all.


Pictured conversely is Dad enjoying morning coffee on a winter's morning before we chainsaw-ed some firewood at the front of our property. I am still incredibly grateful for the respect and assistance of the passengers and crew on Seadream II for making the trip a wonderful experience for an avid but now rather frail traveller.


Many of us are fortunate to travel the world a few times but the trip this year has some very special life-long memories seeing it through the eyes of my elderly father.


Dad is also pictured at a smart resort at Byron Bay on the eastern extremity of Australia's Pacific coastline. He requested oyster for his birthday which we enjoyed and a very large beer. It was amusing having to carry him home after that!


Byron Bay is one destination that I recommend to overseas travellers not only for the bohemian influence, fantastic climate and scenery but good fresh food that has attracted backpackers traditionally seeking a taste of Australian beach life en route between Sydney and the north.


The leaves no doubt are turning colour in the northern hemisphere whilst it is Spring here with blue wrens at the door and the bees buzzing in the wisteria.


Well, I cannot offer anything as interesting as others here perhaps except my thanks for all the contributions about cruising and more.




Your post and news gladdens our hearts AND now we have photos....could life get any better ?


Ho hum's sorry to hear about the drought.......we really have no idea what life as an Aussie farmer in the outback can be like.

We are likely to sentimentalise your life but have no idea of how challenging it can be at times, especially in the early days


But oh the quiet, the seclusion, being away from "civilisation" and you see STARS at night and can view them without pollution too.


We love photos of your father.....there is something very engaging about him. How ho hum would have loved to sit down at the top of the Yacht Bar and chatted to him. He seems he is from a generation of pioneers and the sacrifices they made in two World Wars....oh and how shamefully the British treated the Aussies and Kiwis when Britain joined the EU and dropped the Commonwealth imports causing great economic difficulties.

Controversially, probably, ho hum doesn't consider Britain's Empire building as anything but largely beneficial. When asked to leave, we left and generally kept good relations leaving democracy, infrastructure, law and cricket and rugby behind. Hurrah !

God, ho hum stop wittering on. Forgive ho hum, the combination of heavy painkillers for gout and "refreshments" is causing some distortion to reality.....to which ho hum only has a tenuous relationship with anyhoooo.


It's great to hear from you. More photos please.


Landman, blondie went to Byron Bay 33 years ago !!!!


She stayed at a diving school on the first night and stayed in a dormitory with her girlfriend. On the second night she stayed in a hotel with an atrium. On the ground floor, the men were seen all boozing and the girls were nervous about using the "dunnie" down the outside corridor !

Nowadays blondie would march into the bar and say "which one of you fine gentlemen will buy this lady a drink" (champagne of course, not that sparkling stuff).

Byron Bay was not like it is to-day is it ?

Now really posh. Oh and the food and wine would have improved so much. Some of the best in the world no doubt. Made famous by that "Crocodile Dundee" fella, was'nt it ?


Ho hum wonders whether gyroscopic and any other Aussie viewers have anything they would like to add about Byron Bay (or anything come to that).


One of our best friends grew up in Byron Bay. He met a travelling English girl when her tent blew away and he rescued her. They married and moved to England and he gained a very successful job with a large British company. They had a son and he will be coming out to live and work in Melbourne. He is a charming, polite young man with great integrity and somewhat scholarly.


Well this was just going to be a thanks and ended up like this......thanks for your tolerance guys.


Below is an advert for an Aussie beer that would make ho hum roar with laughter:


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Well this week-end could have been a total wash out.

Dear friends who were supposed to stay with us this week-end had to cancel because one of them became seriously un-well.

And ho hum had a return of gout with a vengeance....Ow, ow, ow !!

It had been building up for days and then bang....Of course this is an opportunity to adopt a style of living that even radical muslims following Sharia law would say "hey blondie, you go too far, calm down girlfriend" (can you imagine them saying this..,ha !).

Well the regime of no drinking, eating tofu and exercising were greeted with a request to drive ho hum to Switzerland (Dignitas, the voluntary euthanasia have their headquarters there) !


Well ho hum was feeling a tad miserable. Then landman got back in contact: he and his father are amazing...doubt they would not have much sympathy for ho hum. They have had a difficult life, ho hum's guessing.


After that a lovely couple, we met on the last SD trip dropped a few lines and a great banter began with promises to meet up.....and one of them had gout too (in the past) !


Then there were news from the crew. They are so funny and they are all at different phases in their lives, careers etc... Facing all the same stuff we all faced. No advice given ever....they are so much more mature than ho hum.


Oh and then a few other chums dropped lines and raised a few chuckles.


Blondie's performance as a nurse was woeful ! Explains why she was eager arranging private courier to Switzerland ! And ho hum was'nt demanding in the slightest. You dont believe ho hum ! Shame on you.


Well an early night and climb the stairs on my derriere....yes, its that bad ! Fill up on all kinds of medicines, packets of frozen peas, raise legs, give offerings to the Gods with promises of being a better man (fingers crossed tho': they never pick up on that). Ruminate on the prat who said "well there is always someone worse off than you". How the crap does that actually help ? Give blondie instructions to avoid that person and put them on a life time ban of any contact !


Maybe do a few lines of notes in the studio. Methinks there is a bottle of Cote de Rhone stored there....a few slurps before the land of nod.


Well ho hum has absolutely nothing to relate regarding SD, cruising, holidays.....so this is just a kind of staying in touch guys.


Ho hum does have one relevant story to tell......but enough for now.

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Ho Hum. Buy a couple of lbs of cherries!! Eat a dozen three times per day. They're supposed to reduce gout flare ups so you need to keep eating them even when you're gout free.


Cherries Jubilee or Cherry Liqueur just do not have the same effect. I first had gout also when returning from a SeaDream cruise. Sheer coincidence of course. I make sure to take colchicine with me now. No problemo.:eek:



"Now there's a funny thing" that used to be one of the catch phrases of a risque (for the time) British comedian called Max Miller who was popular during WW2 in Britain.


Ho hum mentions that phrase because there is a funny thing. Since word has been put about that ho hum has gout, the number of people who also have gout is amazing and in a variety of joints too. And a friend had advised to drink cherry juice which ho hum has been having.

As ho hum writes, it is abating, thanks to drugs and possibly the very cherry juice.

Are cherries in shops Poppy ?

Ho hum will check.

Shame about the cherry brandy Jim. So you have had it too eh...


Ho hum will leave you with a Max Miller joke (one of his few clean ones):


A man and his wife were awoken at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door.


The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.


"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3:00 in the morning!" He slams the door and returns to bed.


"Who was that?" asked his wife.


"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.


"Did you help him?" she asks.


"No, I did not, it is 3:00 in the morning and it is pouring rain out there!"


"Well, you have a short memory," says his wife.


"Can't you Remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!"


The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.


He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still there?"


"Yes," comes back the answer.


"Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband.


"Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark.


"Where are you?" asks the husband.


"Over here on the swing," replied the drunk...


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