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.......idle jottings


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Alvin yesterday

Jack today

RIP brothers


Alvin: my coocachoo


Cream: Sunshine of my love


PS Had lunch with Alvin, his lady and chums just a few weeks ago.

He never said a thing.

A rocker and a gentleman who loved his lady and children.


And ho hum getting all worked up about frigging upgrades !

Stick your upgrades SD !

Oh to be on SD with chums.

(but dont think you are "off the hook" SD ....... no just all fuelled up !)

Edited by ho-hum
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At what point does a returning Seadream guest get an email about upgrades?

And what are the advantages of sailing with the owner ?


And statement,... We also frequent Sandals all inclusive couples only resorts.

After every 70 nights they offer a free week. Does seadream have anything like these types of offered? Judging by Ho Hums sailings does not seem so!

Too bad! :(


There are no real "rewards" for past passengers beyond a little booking discount, discounted spa treatments, and a party. IMHO, there are DISadvantages to sailing with the owner and his entourage.

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There are no real "rewards" for past passengers beyond a little booking discount, discounted spa treatments, and a party. IMHO, there are DISadvantages to sailing with the owner and his entourage.


Thanks Jim,


I have to say...not real impressed that Seadream does not have a better returning guest policy. Especially since they seem to have such a huge returning guest count! Judging by the posts right here on C.C.


Regarding cruising with the owner, I have noticed some adverts suggesting cruising with the owner is a special event....? Guess not! lol



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Alvin yesterday

Jack today

RIP brothers


Alvin: my coocachoo


Cream: Sunshine of my love


PS Had lunch with Alvin, his lady and chums just a few weeks ago.

He never said a thing.

A rocker and a gentleman who loved his lady and children.


And ho hum getting all worked up about frigging upgrades !

Stick your upgrades SD !

Oh to be on SD with chums.

(but dont think you are "off the hook" SD ....... no just all fuelled up !)



Thought about a moment of silence, but this is much better:




That baseline is a great legacy.

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Wising up in your dotage, I see.


Incidentally, please try to avoid engaging in any shenanigans that might result in your being banned from SD. As you know we are booked for November '15 and counting the days. Well, we're actually not that desperate but we are kind of looking forward to it.


Well, well, well you throw a few metaphorical "pieces of bread on the water" and waddaya know !

You land a Charlie !

Ho hum just knew ctbjr would bite on that line and respond.

You fell for that one my friend !

And ho hum is sooo pleased t'boot.


Charlie, ho hum has come sooooo close to being banned from SD !

No, truly !

You dont seem surprised.

If it were not for the tolerant and understanding nature of Captain Terje Willassen, ho hum would have been long gone, years ago !

Has anyone you have known been summoned over the ship speaker "ho hum we need to talk !"

Well that was more than a couple of years ago and ho hum has calmed down a tad.........yes we all know what happened in St.Trops but it was the sun, the exuberance, the fun, the food, the peer pressure, the rose, the sheer stupidity, acting like a fool (yet again) !!!!


Yes the crossing next year.....by God you booked it !!!

Well dear friend, it will be amazing !

We just need to persuade Jim and Ralph. Oh and Poppy too. And all you other dear, dear people.

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.......after all you have a wonderful trip to look forward to. 🚢 Lucky you!


Poor moi has been completely floored for almost two weeks with the worst flu known to mankind. Thought her number was up, but on the mend now.

Your health is you wealth as they say. So stay positive and do what you do best. Lock up the old homestead, toast the trip with a few bevvies at the airport and then woo hoo off you go. Stuff the upgrade offers. I was DOWNGRADED last cruise:eek: Still unsure how that happened. Got a wishy washy reply. Anyway I just got on with having a great time.


I've never done a crossing. I prefer being a bit closer to land. However I love the Adriatic and I've seen a few SD voyages that look quite appealing for 2015. Maybe leave it to Sept/Oct as we have the Big Down Under trip in Feb first.

So you see Ho Hum we are all very lucky to have the opportunity to travel and see so much of the world, meet great people/friends, enjoy fine cuisine and generally have great fun.

Worrying about a dopey upgrade offer will just set off the old high blood pressure. Relax, have fun, enjoy and most importantly, keep us lot posted of you fabulous antics. Happy sailing;). Canary explanation to follow!!!


Oh it's great to have voices of reason and balance from your good self and ctbjr (ho hum was simply pulling his leg in the last post).


You are both quite right.


When you have been ill and when you have lost friends ALL this is such a complete irrelevance.

Nevertheless something definitely "sticks in the craw" about the mis-management of shoreside management and it will be reported.


So very sorry to hear about your flu......sounds ghastly !

Ho hum and all of us hope you recover completely soon.

Ho hum was phoned up the other day by his doctor's surgery and was offered a free flu shot !

Obviously ho hum was upgraded !

Used to have to pay £12 to Boots the chemist and what a pallaver that was.

Think about a flu shot next year darling.


Thankyou for your best wishes for the crossing.

Ho hum cant half tell you he needs it and desperately wants to see he his chums and crew.


Await the Canary explanation ........ but recover first darling

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What's the big deal? We haven't been offered an upgrade either. So, you see, h-h and blondie are in extraordinarily good company.


What's the big deal ?

What's the big deal ?

Charlie ! Really !!!


R-E-S-P-E-C-T !


That's what it's about old chum !


A reward for LOYALTY !


An overture by the muppets at SD management from their underground bunker in Oslo that they APPRECIATE their most loyal passengers and indicate that they firstly acknowledge your existence as customers, secondly they are making contact to you and thirdly they wish to reward you for your patronage.


Ain't that enough ? The actual benefit is secondary.


It is so damnably obvious to moi .......... dont you get it ? You laid back lug.

Well that's probably why ho hum likes to hang out with you at the "Office": the Buddha of SD, sitting in the corner, cap on head, ghastly Hawaiian shirt, enigmatic smile with beer in hand bestowing grace waves to all that pass.

Oh and you're bright and witty.

Great company ..... Oh indeedy.

And the gorgeous lady of ctbjr. AKARUMBA !


But for lesser mortals ...... this "upgrade" issue has curiously been interpreted as another sign of SD's complete dis-regard to moi !!!

And a "stinging" letter was shot off to Oslo on Saturday morning requesting an explanation !


For you and Oslo, watch this link:

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Forgive ho hum, kathyanddanny (how did you come up with that catchy nom de plume, ho hum wonders !) for not replying earlier but so much to do before going away, then the going away itself, then meeting up with various chums and this damn upgrade on the iPad, oh and the awful internet connection/speed means a delay resulted.


In fact some of the chums we have met up hail from Montreal too (well a small "settlement" in the back woods.

Annually they put aside their beaver traps and at the end of maple syrup collection season they trek across the tundra on their dog sleigh to encounter civilisation so that they have stories to swop during the long winter months of virtual isolation spent in their rickety wooden cabin).


So to respond





At what point does a returning Seadream guest get an email about upgrades?




And what are the advantages of sailing with the owner ?




And statement,... We also frequent Sandals all inclusive couples only resorts.

After every 70 nights they offer a free week. Does seadream have anything like these types of offered? Judging by Ho Hums sailings does not seem so!

Too bad!





I have to say...not real impressed that Seadream does not have a better returning guest policy. Especially since they seem to have such a huge returning guest count! Judging by the posts right here on C.C.





Regarding cruising with the owner, I have noticed some adverts suggesting cruising with the owner is a special event....? Guess not! lol







Ho hum would like to clarify that the highlighting are answers presented following questions raised by the 60's folk singing group Kathy & Denny.

It is not shouting and being aggressive.

Thankyou for your understanding.


If there is anything else K&D just holler but may be a bit tied up for the duration of the trip.


Anyways nice makin' your acquaintance chums.


Ho hum is not quoting your two posts cos this facility has been lost since the "Upgrade" !

Oh the irony !

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Well we met up with chums (6) at the hotel in Lisboa and were having champagne (4 bottles) outside on the terrace and the subject of upgrades arose, now get this:

- one set of friends were offered, what seems a great deal but held out for an even better one and damn well got it ! We were all very impressed but dont ask ho hum how but we intend his luck WILL be being shared !

- another set of friends were offred an "upgrade" that would have cost them $500 more than if they booked it in the first place ! What kind of upgrade is that ?


Upgarde madness with no ryhme or reason !

What does that say about SD management ?


Hell let it go ho hum !


OK but if ho hum hears from SD Oslo then he promises to let you know.

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Just because you intend to travel on Europa to avoid encountering old ho hum, it does"nt necessarily follow that it is true for everyone else.


Well you will be ensconced back into typical German efficiency on the Europa but ho hum bet's you will miss the characters on SD.


Well done chum! ;)

Gcmv likes ho-hum's kind of humour very best.


Just to make it clear for ho-hum - gcmv and Frau gcmv will board the Europa 2 in June 2015 - is this is an "upgrade"? :rolleyes:

By the way - ho-hum will never receive an upgrade at SD, because ho-hums "Oslo-friends" strike back all his superfluous questions before, during and after his cruises ... :D


And finally: Yes, ho-hum is absolutely right - we will at least miss ONE English character who made our SD-cruise unforgettable until today when gcmv devotes this lines to him ... :)

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What's the big deal ?

What's the big deal ?

Charlie ! Really !!!


R-E-S-P-E-C-T !


That's what it's about old chum !


A reward for LOYALTY !


Wow, it appears that my impish wit was a bit too subtle in this instance. Didn't mean to get my pal h-h worked up but it certainly is entertaining to observe the outcome!


Actually, I was (unsuccessfully) trying to be a bit ironic with my comment. You, see we aren't booked on this crossing so the fact that we weren't offered an upgrade really didn't upset me one iota.


And in the interest of full disclosure I must say that we previously have been offered upgrades. Sometimes they made sense to us and we accepted. Other times they didn't and we didn't.

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Wow, it appears that my impish wit was a bit too subtle in this instance. Didn't mean to get my pal h-h worked up but it certainly is entertaining to observe the outcome!


Actually, I was (unsuccessfully) trying to be a bit ironic with my comment. You, see we aren't booked on this crossing so the fact that we weren't offered an upgrade really didn't upset me one iota.


And in the interest of full disclosure I must say that we previously have been offered upgrades. Sometimes they made sense to us and we accepted. Other times they didn't and we didn't.


You can never do wrong by ho hum.

Ho hum will always defer to your far greater wisdom and ways of the world.

And you and your lady's company are wondrous ocassions.

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Oh God and now ho hum is feeling such a cad !

Heard promptly back from Oslo expressing great concern about ho bum's "stinging" email about UPRADES.

My God ! Oslo on the case ! How about that !

Has ho hum got it so wrong ? (it's rhetorical dont answer that and anyway ho hum is probably not wrong on this issue).

Is ho hum being a petty bully ?

Has ho hum lost balance ?

Ho hum admits that could be true.

Anyhoo, watch this space and let's see what they have to say about us never being offered any upgrade (well maybe once thinking about it a very long time ago, from deck 2 to deck 3).


Blondie has spoken !

"I love Charlie's Hawain shirts ....... you oughta learn from him ho hum, you could smarten yourself up a bit like him !"

Tis true Charlie, ho hum owes you an apology !

Sorry old chap.

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Well done chum! ;)

Gcmv likes ho-hum's kind of humour very best.


Just to make it clear for ho-hum - gcmv and Frau gcmv will board the Europa 2 in June 2015 - is this is an "upgrade"? :rolleyes:

By the way - ho-hum will never receive an upgrade at SD, because ho-hums "Oslo-friends" strike back all his superfluous questions before, during and after his cruises ... :D


And finally: Yes, ho-hum is absolutely right - we will at least miss ONE English character who made our SD-cruise unforgettable until today when gcmv devotes this lines to him ... :)



GCMV, such wise words ........ have not forgotten about your restaurant request.

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There are no real "rewards" for past passengers beyond a little booking discount, discounted spa treatments, and a party. IMHO, there are DISadvantages to sailing with the owner and his entourage.


Sailing with Jim would be a definite upgrade !


Come on Oslo we have had the President voyage ..... let's have the Jim "the Legend" Voyage !

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Well here we all are in Lisbon, our dearest SD chums and ourselves.

A delightful boutique hotel retaining all it's Old Wold charms ..... our kind of place though it is under the flight path !

Selected by our Montreal chums with whom we had a seafood lunch on the coast just out of Lisbon.

A great rustic meal with "lashings" of chilled, Alvarinho, vinho verde wine.

Oh and the conversation ........ catching up on news although we are pretty well in contact most weeks via the internet....... both looking so well and oh so dapper. Classy fellas, quite intimidating for ho hum even though he resides in the posh part of the UK ! But blondie charms them to within an inch of their lives.

Our wine is accompanied by food. Everything seafood. Fresh, simply prepared and mountains of crustaceans !


We return to the hotel and nap and bath .... well, we were up at 3.15am yesterday morning for the trip to make it to Lisbon for lunch and ho hum had consumed a bottle of another vinho verde on arrival at the hotel when greeted by our chums.


After our nap we all met up in the courtyard to be joined by another set of three friends from Amsterdam. We all had champagne (4 bottles) and ate the fine variety of Dutch cheeses they brought with them. Great fun.


Next morning at breakfast, our Australian friends are awaiting us in the main Salon and another round of catch ups begin and the noise we make !


All of this as well as texts from the awaiting crew t'boot looking forward to seeing us (and we them) !!


We (SD2) are 44 but we have other friends travelling on SD1 who say there are 67 !

Maybe gcmv has a point !!

Travelling with ho hum is a "turn off" !

Well ho hum can tell you one thing, our friends on SD1 have "bagged a bargain of an UPGRADE". Out of respect to them, ho hum wont divulge the actual amazing deal.

But during conversation last night, it transpires that our friends on SD2 had "haggled" for a tremendous upgrade (though they may wish to use another term than "haggle": agreed, they are both extremely fine gentlemen).


Everybody offered upgrades except ho hum and blondie !


We ALL trundle off to the city centre on bus. All 9 of us !


A bit of sight seeing a bit of shopping.


Then 6 of us adjourn for lunch at a former market which has been turned into a giant eatery with various little shops serving the people. It is an amazing space created by a British company, Time Out serving all types of foods authentically Portuguese. We opt for a restaurant outside to enjoy the sun and which is less noisy and provides more of an intimate atmosphere.

The meal, wines, service and al fresco dining with chums was marvellous.

We caught the bus back t'boot !

Had a nap.

And it all begins again tonight: all 9 of us and what a happy band of brothers and sisters we are ! (Brits, Aussies, Canadians and Dutch: all of whom we were first acquainted with on SD and with whom we have either visited or intend to visit at their homes).


And we all meet up for drinks and then off again to a Japanese/Portuguese seafood restaurant.

Well it is Monday and because we are in old socialist Europe, many Restaurants are closed.


Well ho hum is irritated from the off.

Earnest young men and women chatting about the works of Che Guevara or some new socialist policy !

And this is why we love SD !

There is no service like it !

Best in the world.

Here it is a fight, ho hum sternly looks at some anorexic yuf for a wine list, an even younger and fresher Alvarinho vinho verde is ordered (4 bottles).

Our merry gaggle needs organising. With drinks dispensed by Mr.Attitude accompanied now by Miss Sulky whom ho hum treats both with disdain and disapprovement, we remarkably order food.

And it arrives promptly !

Ho hum orders a plate of whelks, bulots, buzios: they are delicious. Followed by scallops and finally clams in garlic butter sauce.

Ho hum thanks the boy and asks him something about the dish.

He responds engagingly and ho hum thanks him for the delicious wine.


We are now both relaxed and there is a slightly more pleasant attitude and noticeable efficiency.

Ho hum is working the waiting staff and they are responding ........ ho hum is happy and the waiters are happier.

It is a brilliant meal though ho hum resents the trendy heavy wooden chairs with no backs.

We are generous to the staff, ask for taxis and depart.


We return to the hotel all pooped and tomorrow (which will be today, we board SD though the party has already started and we meet up with a further 3 chums) !


Ho hum reflects on the last few days and meeting up with chums.

We have taken off from where we left in regards our relationship to one another but the "ribbing" of one another is far more direct and oh so funny !

Friendships on SD are remarkable, as you all know and you get a sense of that here too, yeah ?

So "ribbing" Charlie, Jim et all are all part of exchanging affection and appreciation of their valued friendship.


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Blondie has spoken !

"I love Charlie's Hawaiian shirts ....... you oughta learn from him ho hum, you could smarten yourself up a bit like him !"

Tis true Charlie, ho hum owes you an apology !

Sorry old chap.


Well, color me speechless....

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Sailing with Jim would be a definite upgrade !


Come on Oslo we have had the President voyage ..... let's have the Jim "the Legend" Voyage !


For a free voyage, I will GLADLY regale you all with the secrets of my "success".:eek: Not fit for kiddies of course so the minimum age permitted for such an adventure would be 25 or so. We would all be one large group so naturally the group discounts will be in force. And, as the Godfather of this voyage, I declare free internet for all!!!:D

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Will ho-hum and blondie spend some time in Lisbon before embarkation?


Gcmv and Frau gcmv will do a cruise on Europa 2 in June 2015 starting and ending at Lisbon - it would be great to get some hints about restaurants in Lisbon recommended by ho-hum as gcmv will stay in Lisbon for four days prior to this cruise.


All the best to ho-hum and "table-climbing blondie" - enjoy the xing! ;)


Well dear friend, ho hum is not too sure whether to recommend any of the restaurants in Lisbon to you because ho hum is aware of your high standards and sadly the establishments visited could not be described thus.

The beach side restaurant our friends from Montreal took us to is too far out of Lisbon but was well worth the trip if you have some time.

But it is basic ...... but food was great ..... it is a locals place.

There are high end restaurants nearby (even a Michelin star establishment) but this was the establishment favoured, part out of nostalgia and part out of a willingness to have simple, rustic fare accompanied by basic Portuguese wine (Alvarinho vinho verde).


The seafood restaurant in Lisbon which we lunched at was great aided by an amazing waitress.

Again it was simple fare and we had the same wine.

And again we had a great time and again this was recommended to us by our friends from Montreal.

The restaurant was set outside but attached to a former market which had been converted to a large open space surrounded by various eateries and the like, from where you could purchase fine quality foods and eat on communal benches perched on stools.

It was noisy and in the evening it would be a hell of a racket !


The dinner restaurant in Lisbon was great if you also liked Japanese seafood but the stff were sullen, moody and needed "to get a shift on". It took a lot of steering by ho hum to raise a basic performance out of them. But when all is said and done, the food was brilliant, it came quickly and the even younger vinho verde wines were just €15 a bottle ! Incredible low price and brilliant wine: a wine that only works in Portugal with this kind of food.


We loved the hotel. As reported earlier it had such authentic old world charm but it was under a flight path (no the glasses were'nt shaking but it was a tad noisy).


So gcmv, ho hum could not recommend any of these places but they were good ......


Restaurant at Cascals: Meste Ze ( beach side: 40 minutes from Lisbon) (http://www.mesteze.com/EN/Mariscos.html)


Mecado de Rebiera, Lisbon: food hall


Restaurant: Azul. Outside Mercado de Ribeira, Lsbon: food hall


Restaurant: Sea Me Peixaria, moderna, Lisbon (http://www.peixariamoderna.com)

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Well here we all are !

Assembled on an overcast early afternoon at Lisbon port.

Efficiently processed through medical inspection, customs then security we entered the dock and onto the boat.

We passed a dock strewn with various activities of on-loading, repairs to tender, cranes etc.. to be greeted by SD's own security and cabin allocation before trundling up the gangway to be greeted by a solitary Hotel Manager (Jamie) and attendant Thai ladies from the spa with towels following which was a waiter offering champagne.

Why no Captain ? A shoreside "appointment". What that appointment was, ho hum cant say but we all knew what it was within minutes of boarding ! (No, ho hum cant divulge reason: cheeky boy or gal ! Some confidences must be kept but if they dont pay the blackmail note by noon today then ho hum will "blow the lid off this story").


OK then !

For those that have the full subscription service, the reason is because he >^$#,*+=¥$"~} which "raised a few eyebrows" !


For those on the basic service or who have never posted, parts of this message may appear scrambled.

Another absentee from the greeting committee was the lady Club Director, who when hearing that ho hum was to board in Lisbon decided to resign with immediate effect !

Ho hum kids you not !

GCMV, ho hum is developing a real complex now but hope is at hand for there is a psychiatrist onboard with his stunning wife: a smart, funny and bubbly lady who dresses to impress (English naturally). The psychiatrist is a slim, handsome man who studiously observed all ho hum's comments and mannerisms and furiously made notes muttering "Fascinating, really fascinating" each time ho hum spoke "I've heard of cases like this but I've never encountered one before".


Well you all know the drill, drinks, greeting old and new chums, sandwiches and canapes, room processing combined with credit card details taken, photo ID and then escorted to cabins wherein the "naff" SD promotion on the TV is being played by a nasally American broad: ho hum loathes it and his usual request for it not to be playing was overlooked on this occasion.


But who's on ?

That is what you really want to know !

50 souls with 2 people deciding to disembark !


Maybe GCMV was right !

"Is ho hum onboard"

"Well, yes sir"

"Then we are off !"

Do they lose the money they paid ? Ho hum guesses so.

What sacrifices they make to avoid ho hum: well at least the psychiatrist thinks ho hum is interesting. Never seen a case like it ! An extraordinary distorted narcissist built on complete in-adequacy covering a multitude of character traits rooted in juvenile un-development.

Just wait til he finds out that ho hum hears voices too !


So the passenger list; well those we have seen or met:

- yours truly and blondie

- our Aussie chums from Brisbane (wwhswb)

- their Aussie chums who are now our Aussie chums (wwhswb)

- pair of very elegantly dressed and mannered back woodsmen from Canada and chums of nous (wwhswb)

- the three Dutch guys: young and trendy and also chums (wwhswb)

- "pony tail" and Mrs. PT from Scandinavia: old lovers of SD (wwhswb)

- American couple from America. No, New Orleans (wwhswb); she is a great singer

- handsome single Scandinavian guy with the most developed triceps: thoroughly charming

- not as handsome single English guy ! But with a wicked sense of humour and chums of nous

(wwhswb) who never made it to dinner (combination of too many "sherberts" and a very early start flying from the UK)

- lovely Scandinavian couple, he is a doctor and diagnosed blondie's cracked rib a while back (wwhswb)

- Lord "you know who" and his beautiful lady with a smashing new hairstyle; we all love it. Makes her more voluptuous. Well she did'nt slap ho hum so hohum guesses she took it as a compliment (wwhswb)

- a single gentleman of advanced years who is utterly charming (wwhswb)

- Mr. Trouble but appears to have mellowed drastically and has had facial reconstruction. Well how else do you explain his new ability to smile ! (wwhswb). Naughty hum !

- Mr.Trouble's jolly nice travelling companion: a most agreeable fellow, kind and smiling, looks as if he is straight out of a Dickens book (wwhswb)

- Mr & Mrs "Strictly". Our pet name for them. Ho hum believes she is awaiting her facial reconstruction surgery ! (wwhswb) bitchy hum !


Well that's enough for you all now but those with a deluxe subscription can see the full and detailed passenger list after this.


Well that's 27, so we are well over half way and all bar one wwhswb !


Now this IS a FUN crowd !

And ho hum hopes this is reflected in the blog this time !

Last night though we all went to bed early ........ All pooped !

A tad rocky during the night too: well we thought it would be for a few days though the sailing map does not allude to it.

Aha, ho hum knows why ! It is the side on wave direction that is causing the movement.


Well ho hum and chums wish you were with us but we hope this tittle-tattle provides some feel of it all and is so familiar to most of yous....bye lovely SD'ers.


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