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Port Charges-Class Action Setlement Came today

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Since You cannot compute the Math - You just tell me to find another vacation?


Gee, This sounds just like the Class Action Suit.........


This is not Good Enough for a Fellow SS Norway Cruiser......


The math I do is the bottom line. Total cost vs. value. Simple math. I don't know the cost structure it it makes no difference to me.

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"You need to find a different vacation." ????????????


That is your Answer???


Take off your NCL Rose Colored Glasses.....


Take a Step Back From Your NCL Cheerleader Status and Look @ this Cruise Line as A Consumer........


I Challenge You........

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The math I do is the bottom line. Total cost vs. value. Simple math. I don't know the cost structure it it makes no difference to me.


That's fine for you, if that is how you analyze it. That doesn't give you the right to tell others that they need to look for another vacation just because they look at the price of the cruise differently. Sounds pretty arrogant to me to tell someone that if they don't look at their cruise price the same way you do they shouldn't cruise.


It just makes me wonder why you are so keen to avoid addressing this question and to shut the questioner up?

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The post about cruise lines increasing their fares in order to pay for the law suit reminded me of a cute story.

My boss had his hat blown off at Midway airport (prior to jetways) while boarding a flight. He submitted the cost of the hat in his expense account and had it returned with a note stating "We don't pay for hats. Resubmit.

He promptly sat down and redid the expense report and resubmitted it with a note attached that read. "The hat's in here. You find it!!!! "

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Per The Recent Class Action Suit Victory...

Here is a Link......http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=209980


Has anyone really checked into "non commision" fares....I.E. "Port Charges"


Has anyone really done the Math?


What is the Breakdown?


How much per passenger in NYC? How about St. Thomas...Antigua??


Who is up to this Challenge?



It seems to bother you so much so---Why don't you take up your own challenge? As for me, I don't really give a flip.





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We will all pay for your rebate with increased fares, oh, and by the way, those fare hikes will include what the lawyers got too. So, I wouldn't jump around in joy too much.


Yeah, and you know what, everytime they catch a criminal and put him on trial, we all pay for the trial through our taxes. So I guess in the interest of saving taxes we should just let the murderers, drug dealers, rapists etc. etc. go free because we wouldn't want our taxes to go up, right?

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You know what? We're all a little safer when a murderer or rapist is put in prison. So you analogy sucks. I don't feel the least bit safer because any cruiseline gets sued because of a few bucks. Do you? How can you compare money to that?


I can compare it because the cruiselines were doing something wrong and they got caught the same as the other criminals. Once you start deciding that it is okay to let people get away with dishonesty because it is too much trouble to take them to task you just encourage more and more dishonesty. This is true whether you are dealing with crimes against people or crimes against property.


Oh and by the way, I'm sure that lawers make money out of the trials of murderers and rapists too.

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I know that I am not a major poster. However, I do tend to believe that I am fairly well grounded and not overly emotional. I have been on four cruises and feel that I know enough to comment on items as they come up.


With that being said...I know that when I book a cruise that I have certain costs associated with it (cruise fare, non-comm, tips - aka service charge, alternative restaurants, excurssions, souveniers, airfare, etc.). I plan all of this in advance. I do not look for every little reason that the cruise line may be trying to confuse us with their "math".


Forgive me Shoreguy, as I know that you can defend your comments much more so than I, but I am sick and tired of the rhetoric that is displayed on these boards. These boards are designed as a means for like minded individuals to come together and discuss cruising in a civilized manner. What is the purpose of insuating that a cruise line is, for lack of a better term, screwing you over. Then, claiming that you are simply a consumer and as a consumer, must question everything.


If that is the case, must we as consumers harp over ever little item? When I dine in a fine restaurant, if my water is filled only two times (as opposed to my preffered three), yet I get plenty to drink, am I to tip less because it is my duty as a consumer? In other words, if I am getting what I paid for, and enjoying what I pay for, why should I find every little thing that is wrong just to upset me.


As some people are happier being grumpy and grouchy all the time, I also realize that some feel that a negative post is a good thing. If said negative post is constructive, then I whole heartedly agree. However, where many find fault is the one-hit wonders who post (troll) their reviews never to be heard of again. Many will respond saying they don't respond because of the backlash they receive from supporters. It may be so. However, there is something to be said of the posters that have been around and contribute on a regular basis.


Does Shoreguy have rose colored glasses? I don't know, and I do not care. I do however, appreciate his candor and attempt to keep the discussions here as constructive as possible. I appreciate this, and wish more would contribute in this manner.


I have cruised both RCCL and NCL. I enjoy NCL a hundred times more than RCCL. However, I am not going to go on the RCCL board and rant and rave about why I like NCL better. There are things about my NCL cruises that I have not enjoyed, but I am on vacation. I am there to relax. Life is much too short to get worked up over the cruise line getting a couple of dollars extra on the non-comm. I am not going to get into the math, but if they truely only charged you port charges, somewhere somehow, those extra fees will reappear.


Just enjoy life. Appreciate the fact that you can afford a cruise. Be happy that you live in a country where one can discuss the merits of cruising freely.


Well, forgive me for my thesis, but this has been bottling up in me for quite some time.

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That's fine for you, if that is how you analyze it. That doesn't give you the right to tell others that they need to look for another vacation just because they look at the price of the cruise differently. Sounds pretty arrogant to me to tell someone that if they don't look at their cruise price the same way you do they shouldn't cruise.


It just makes me wonder why you are so keen to avoid addressing this question and to shut the questioner up?


Let the sun shine in. Every thread has the foolish Falcon posting not to trust the company he is thinking about giving his hard earned momey to. No way I would spend my money with a company I thought so litttle of.


All I am saying is move on if you don't like how NCL operates. You continue to make assumptions beyound what was said. I never attempted to shut the poster up only said it was time to select an alternative.

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I know that I am not a major poster. However, I do tend to believe that I am fairly well grounded and not overly emotional. I have been on four cruises and feel that I know enough to comment on items as they come up.


With that being said...I know that when I book a cruise that I have certain costs associated with it (cruise fare, non-comm, tips - aka service charge, alternative restaurants, excurssions, souveniers, airfare, etc.). I plan all of this in advance. I do not look for every little reason that the cruise line may be trying to confuse us with their "math".


Forgive me Shoreguy, as I know that you can defend your comments much more so than I, but I am sick and tired of the rhetoric that is displayed on these boards. These boards are designed as a means for like minded individuals to come together and discuss cruising in a civilized manner. What is the purpose of insuating that a cruise line is, for lack of a better term, screwing you over. Then, claiming that you are simply a consumer and as a consumer, must question everything.


If that is the case, must we as consumers harp over ever little item? When I dine in a fine restaurant, if my water is filled only two times (as opposed to my preffered three), yet I get plenty to drink, am I to tip less because it is my duty as a consumer? In other words, if I am getting what I paid for, and enjoying what I pay for, why should I find every little thing that is wrong just to upset me.


As some people are happier being grumpy and grouchy all the time, I also realize that some feel that a negative post is a good thing. If said negative post is constructive, then I whole heartedly agree. However, where many find fault is the one-hit wonders who post (troll) their reviews never to be heard of again. Many will respond saying they don't respond because of the backlash they receive from supporters. It may be so. However, there is something to be said of the posters that have been around and contribute on a regular basis.


Does Shoreguy have rose colored glasses? I don't know, and I do not care. I do however, appreciate his candor and attempt to keep the discussions here as constructive as possible. I appreciate this, and wish more would contribute in this manner.


I have cruised both RCCL and NCL. I enjoy NCL a hundred times more than RCCL. However, I am not going to go on the RCCL board and rant and rave about why I like NCL better. There are things about my NCL cruises that I have not enjoyed, but I am on vacation. I am there to relax. Life is much too short to get worked up over the cruise line getting a couple of dollars extra on the non-comm. I am not going to get into the math, but if they truely only charged you port charges, somewhere somehow, those extra fees will reappear.


Just enjoy life. Appreciate the fact that you can afford a cruise. Be happy that you live in a country where one can discuss the merits of cruising freely.


Well, forgive me for my thesis, but this has been bottling up in me for quite some time.


Ditto :D Great post. I try and help. Some just want confrontation and to debate. At the end of the thread there is little of value to share. I have no rose colored glasses. NCL is far from perfect I just try and share the facts. Even how to resolve things when they don't go as expected.


Sorry every once and a while we all get upset with the foolishness we find here.

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No lawyer makes as much money as a class action lawyer, and they don't have your best interest at heart either. They are only thinking about the money they will make.


Isn't that something you could say about many working people? Do you think the guy who repairs your car does it because he has your best interest at heart or because he is getting paid to do it? Do you think your waiter on a cruise ship is really there because he just wants the privilege of serving you dinner or is he doing it because he wants the money in his pocket?

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You posted:

You need to find a different vacation. This was settled years ago. The lawyers made a lot of money we get very little. If you look at your booking there are no port fees just non com. That fee includes more then just port charges. It is fully disclosed. If you think the total cost of your cruise is to much cancel and select another alternative.


Your instruction to the OP that he needed to find another vacation seemed to me to be an attempt to tell him to give up cruising and get off the cruise board.

Sorry if I over reacted to that.


I still do not agree with your contention that the only question is if the 'total cost of your cruise is to much'.


I know a fair amount about diamonds and I know that if someone is looking for say a 1.5 carat diamond there is a large range of prices they could pay. Now just because a gentleman maybe in a position to pay $20,000 for this diamond, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't ask questions about what he is getting. He may be well able and willing to pay that for a nice diamond but in my opinion if he is going to pay that he should get a diamond worth roughly that much he shouldn't get a lower quality diamond worth only $15,000.


If I followed your reasoning with the cruise line I would just tell that gemtleman that he shouldn't ask me any questions about the clarity or the color of the diamond he should just give me the $20,000 or he should not by a diamond at all. Personally I am happy if someone asks questions about what they are getting. The better they understand what they are buying and what they are paying for the happier they are likely to be about it in the long run.


In every case where I run into business people who are uncomfortable answering questions or who take the 'you don't need to bother your pretty little head about the details' stance I suspect that there is a reason they do not want to answer my questions.


I'm not saying that you have to ask those questions if you don't want to but I don't think there is anything at all wrong with someone wanting to know how the cost of their cruise is arrived at and I think people who ask questions like that are in fact doing the rest of us a service. JMO.

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Quote We will all pay for your rebate with increased fares, oh, and by the way, those fare hikes will include what the lawyers got too. So, I wouldn't jump around in joy too much.UnQuote


Cruise Prices are the same or lower than they were 10 years ago & expect that they will increase in the near future..But it certainly will not be increased just because of the class action suit or our measly $12.50...


They will be increased due to all the costs of doing business & running the cruises..Already we are paying for increased fuel charges on airlines..:(

Also, don't agree that Cruise Lines are entitled to "some padding" of Port Charges:( ..If a handling fee is charged, it should be stated as such on your invoice..


Still plan to enjoy our cruises, as long as we can afford to do it & remain healthy.. Happy cruising everyone!




P.S.Correction: Our refund check was for Port Charges on the "Dreamward in 96 not 98.. :confused:

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You posted:



Your instruction to the OP that he needed to find another vacation seemed to me to be an attempt to tell him to give up cruising and get off the cruise board.

Sorry if I over reacted to that.


I still do not agree with your contention that the only question is if the 'total cost of your cruise is to much'.


I know a fair amount about diamonds and I know that if someone is looking for say a 1.5 carat diamond there is a large range of prices they could pay. Now just because a gentleman maybe in a position to pay $20,000 for this diamond, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't ask questions about what he is getting. He may be well able and willing to pay that for a nice diamond but in my opinion if he is going to pay that he should get a diamond worth roughly that much he shouldn't get a lower quality diamond worth only $15,000.


If I followed your reasoning with the cruise line I would just tell that gemtleman that he shouldn't ask me any questions about the clarity or the color of the diamond he should just give me the $20,000 or he should not by a diamond at all. Personally I am happy if someone asks questions about what they are getting. The better they understand what they are buying and what they are paying for the happier they are likely to be about it in the long run.


In every case where I run into business people who are uncomfortable answering questions or who take the 'you don't need to bother your pretty little head about the details' stance I suspect that there is a reason they do not want to answer my questions.


I'm not saying that you have to ask those questions if you don't want to but I don't think there is anything at all wrong with someone wanting to know how the cost of their cruise is arrived at and I think people who ask questions like that are in fact doing the rest of us a service. JMO.


Perhaps just perhaps we could post something relavent to a cruise. Nobody is hiding what is on the ship. The question is how much does it cost.


What is being debated is not about the quality but the what went into the cost. To use your example. What was the cost of this stone from the mine, How much did the importer make, what is your mark up.


In the end we all have to make a decision for this ship or stone is it worth the money asked. More important here it is about who you give your money to all things being equal.


Why would anyone spend money with a company they don't trust and they think is ripping passengers off :eek:


I would never do it. Anyone who does is a fool :eek:

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If the OP has any substantive evidence to support the possibility that we are being overcharged, I'd like to hear it. If he doesn't, then I can only conclude that he just wants to stir the pot.

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Originally posted by Shoreguy:

Why would anyone spend money with a company they don't trust and they think is ripping passengers off :eek:


I would never do it. Anyone who does is a fool :eek:


And how do you decide to trust a company? Do you just decide that you have a good feeling about them, or do you ask questions and base your trust on their answers? Do you ask others who have dealt with them what their experience was or do you just decide that anyone who isn't happy with the company is a nit picker and should look for a different type of vacation?


I too like to deal with companies that I trust but they have to earn my trust. There are too many companies and individuals out there who are not honest so, unfortunately I can't just assume a company is honest without asking questions.

I think you may find a lot of Enron investors out there who now wished they had asked a few more questions before putting their money into that company.

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Something has turned the Falcon from an avid and enthusiastic NCL cruiser to a NCL party pooper in less that three weeks.


Have the experiences of a few on these boards swayed you that much that you now feel compelled to warn others of an impending doom?


More importantly, are you still on your Spirit cruise after it is refurbished, or have you cancelled it (or at least thought about it)?

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The Cruise Lines were Caught Ripping Off Consumers.......

They Were Caught.They Were Caught Red Handed.

Put That In Your Brand Loyality Pipe And Smoke It.

Put On Your Best Cheerleader Outfit.

They Were Caught And Had To Settle!


" justaknucklehead

Cool Cruiser

Join Date: May 2005

Posts: 277

Wonder how much the lawyers made on this settlement, hmmm."


Who cares what they made? I hope they made Tons Of Money...And will watch for future Rip Off Schemes........


What did the Cruise Lines Make before these Lawyers blew the Whistle???


Every Cruiser Should Be Thankful To These Consumer Watchdogs!

I care: those who got refunds,got a small check; I would never have even taken part in such a stupid law suit and those lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank while the comsumer is cashing a little $7.50 check. What a joke. NMNita

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