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Live From The Decks Of The Summit B2B 4/19 & 4/26/14


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What does repo mean? I see this all the time and have yet to understand it



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In the context of cruising it usually means a repositioning cruise, where the cruise ends in a different place to where it started (one way cruises), because the cruise is going to a different schedule/area.

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In the context of cruising it usually means a repositioning cruise, where the cruise ends in a different place to where it started (one way cruises), because the cruise is going to a different schedule/area.



Ah I see, makes since. We have always started and ended at the same place. I'm guessing there are more options in itineraries when cruising this way.



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Some of this is a repeat of what I have already posted but mst is new.


After the night of pretty much non sleep I finally dozed off only to be awakened 40 minutes later to the sound of the phone giving me my 4:15 rise and shine call.

I always like to err on the side of caution in getting to the airport and it never really matters, the shuttle is always on time. This day I was glad to have given us a few extra minutes. The 4:30AM shuttle was a few minutes late and there were 12 people and MUCH luggage to be loaded and delivered to the airport. Luckily the driver made up a little time on the 4:45 run so our 5AM shuttle was only a few minutes late and we made it in plenty of time. Of course, we all felt sick because the driver was seriously making up time. He was weaving in and out of traffic like a madman and the luggage drop off was pretty much a drive by! J

I had been tagged with the TSA PRE-FLIGHT but unlike the last time this happened Cil and Roger were not. And flights the Friday before Easter were full so the security lines were long even at 5:30AM. I was able to buzz through but Cil and Roger took a little longer.

At our boarding gate there were only about 75 to board and it went very quickly. The SW in airport people at Jacksonville are usually quite nice and today was no exception. Everyone had the spirit with more than one SW worker wearing pink bunny ears!

Our flights were all very close if not right on schedule. We had a bit of a wait in FLL but we were all the way back by the windows and it was quiet. Cil and I read some magazines I had brought and Roger took a little snooze!

We arrived in SJU on time at 1:45. We were a sight: tired, sleepy and gimpy could have been our names. My sciatica was so enflamed I could hardly stand putting my foot down. We made it from the airplane to a golf cart to another set of people helping, then to a porter who saw I was in pain and was able to find us a way around the 50 foot long waiting line to an area where there was no line and they only used vans. I have no idea if it cost us a few bucks more because I didn’t care! J

Our driver was another speedy type. Cil and I never noticed sitting in the back seat but Roger said it was either exciting or terrifying but I can’t remember which! LOL!

We arrived at the hotel (Radisson Ambassador) at 2:30. They checked us in but wouldn’t let us in the room until 3 so we walked next door and had a late lunch at the Burger King.

When we went back to the hotel it was 3:45 and our room was


We stayed here last year. The set-up is good for us because there is a completely separate living room with doors so you can close it off from the bedroom. Allows us to share and still have our own space. Which is the only way I share. What can I say?

I never got an ‘A’ in plays well with others! Cost was $203, senior rate, with taxes it was $250.

The nightly ‘reception with honor bar’ which is held in the Penthouse was a disappointment. (They had this last year but we were so tired we never used it) It’s at 5:30 until, according to the sign near the door, 7:30. We went in at 6 and the ‘leavings’ consisted of crackers, a cheese tray with about a dozen pieces of cubed cheese, a sub sandwich cut into 3” pieces (on stale, hard bread) and a chaffing dish filled with what looked like uncooked ravioli’s filled with a red jam. By 6:30 people were being told ‘everything is out’ meaning we weren’t getting anything else!

Beer was $5 to $6 each (there were 5 kinds), wine was $6 per glass but they only had White Zin and about 2 fingers of Chardonnay. Everyone seemed to be drinking water.

After that we were determined to use our drink coupons. Last year we never got a chance to use them. We stopped at the bar beside the casino (closed for Good Friday) and Cil asked the bartender if we could use the tickets there and he said yes but it had to be a rum drink. Not very friendly. We sat at a table. And sat. He never even looked at us! Then we went upstairs to the Ambassador Grill Bar. What a difference! Nice bartender named Bryan Reyes(or maybe Beyes) told us about the drinks then showed us a printed menu all the while talking and telling us about himself and the area. I had a Pina Colada and Cil and Roger had a Blue Hawaii. Too bad they don’t have more workers like Bryan Reyes. He’s a jewel of a bartender!

Actually Bryan and a middle aged man who is a bellman are the two best things about this hotel. The managers seem to try to do a lot of things for their guests but they just never quite come together. It’s a shame because it is a nice place.

We went back to our room and crashed. All of us were tired and

getting grumpy.

There’s more to tell about our first night in SJU but it’s almost 11:30AM and we need to get the bellman for the luggage so we can BOARD!

I’ll finish this tonight.

Bye For Now.

SJU continued…

We got a cab to the port which took hardly any time. Getting the luggage out of the van was no problem. They eventually got us some help in the form of a porter and we made it inside. Even the TSA people were nice. No problem that I had left my express

pass in the car in Jacksonville. They had a manifest and I was on it.

We were through inspection in no time and on to the check in.

I think it took under 5 minutes to get everything in order and on the ship.

By 1:30 we were onboard and in Bistro On Five by1:15. Hardly

anyone was there. I think two other tables was all. I got a Strongbow, ordered the beef pannini and was very content. Except for the leg and back thing.

We made a quick stop to talk to Alex about dinner and changing to Select and we parted to take naps. Cil was very tired, too.

Back in my cabin, I met Maria, my cabin steward and asked her to make sure I was up for Muster. I took some of my ‘I’m in terrible pain and need relief’ pills and went to sleep. I was hearing the last announcement to go to muster stations when Maria knocked on my door.

I made it to muster. But I couldn’t tell you what I was wearing or even if I combed my hair. All I know is I was there and I didn’t have to go to the dreaded make-up drill on Sunday.

I was not up for going to dinner. I love the prime rib but I was just in too much pain. It was coming at me from two places, my back and my head. I did order a club sandwich from room service a few hours later.

Cil and Roger said I missed a good meal. He had the prime rib and she had a pork chop. Sounded very good.

Bye For Now!

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Here we are, on a ship, in the middle of the ocean. How much better can life get than this? We who cruise are so fortunate to be able to enjoy such a wonderful life style. And I love every minute of it. Some of the things I am posting today may seem

a little like I am not have a good time and nothing could be futher from the truth, I just want to give you the full picture. Food I very subjective so this is just my opinion.

Thanks for reading!

Easter Sunday and Roger and I went to the Catholic Mass. The priest is a friendly guy with a good sense of humor who almost does a little stand up routine while he prepares things for mass. Roger and I both enjoyed it very much. On this cruise they will have mass everyday at 8AM. Not sure about the next cruise.

After the service we went to join Cil in the Normandy for Elite breakfast. We got there about 8:40 and were surprised when we

found out Paul and Christine were on this cruise. By the time I made it up to the food tables it was still well before 9 and things were empty and picked over. No Lox, no Croissants, no lots of things. We asked about four people if they were going to refill things. Answer was always ‘yes. They are working on it.’

At 9:30 one of the guests went up to the buffet, loaded a plate with Lox and other things and brought it down. Don’t know about the other folks but our table had plenty of everything. Too bad it took an elevator ride to the buffet to get it.

I went up to the pool at about 10, found a chair and towels and stayed at my staked out area for a couple of hours. It was really a beautiful day. Warm, but not hot, with just enough of a breeze to keep you from getting too hot. Two hours went by in a flash. I would have loved to have stayed longer but I don’t have as much base tan as I usually do when I cruise so I didn’t want to burn. Want to be able to enjoy the beach tomorrow in Barbados.

Met Cil and Roger for lunch in the dining room at 12:30. I had the New York Strip with fries and green beans. It was very good. Cooked rare as I asked which is sometimes hard to do with a thin steak. I had no-sugar Peach and Raspberry Cobbler. I asked for ice cream with it but he brought some flavor of frozen yogurt that really was too sour for the cobbler. I told him that I didn’t like it but was not real interested in taking it back and getting what I wanted. Very strange.

I took a nap after lunch and then got up and put some clothes away on the new hangers Maria had brought. Still have some more to do.

Four o’clock came around faster than I liked and I had to stop

and take a shower. It’s formal night tonight so time to get gussied up a bit.

Once I was dressed I went down to the Internet place to sign up for my minutes. It only took a few minutes but by the time I left there was a line of people trying to get in before they closed at 5.

Guys working this Apple place were very, very nice. Much more helpful than the other people who the contract before.

After that I went up to Revelations Bar on deck 11 for the Elite Happy Hour. I was very surprised at how few people were there.

We stayed until 6:45 and not many more people came. Don’t know if there are few Elites onboard or if they were just tired from the sun.

Every cruise I see more and more couples walking around on formal nights in shorts or running suits. People who I assume would like going to dinner but seem to be more interested in staying comfortable. To me it’s strange you would go on a cruise and not take advantage of the MDR.

Now before I say anything I want you to all know that I understand that food is subjective and what I don’t like you might be fine with. So here goes.

Dinner tonight was the Beef Tornado which I enjoy very much.

Started with the Chicken Liver Pate which was great. Next was a favorite of mine, Yellow corn soup. It was much too salty for my taste. Here comes the beef, looked great, sliced a bite off and it was cooked rare just like I ordered it. Except I could have lived without the large amount of salt they had cooked it with.

Waiter did not come back until after Cil and Roger were finished so, of course, I was not going to order another entrée. Now I am one of those people who can eat a large amount of salt and wake up the next morning with my eyes swelled shut. Obviously I wasn’t going to eat it but to my surprise both Cil and Roger did. They said it was too salty but ate it anyway.

Since I had only a bite or two of everything except the Live Pate (which I finished) I had the New York Style Cheesecake. Yummy.

I will say that there seem to be children on this ship, running about and even playing in the Elite Happy Hour. There were two boys running around, playing in the dining room tonight. I’m not sure if maybe these are the same children, or if there are several others. However many there are they are making their presence known by their behavior.

Some of the service onboard has not, in my opinion been up to X standards but may be better as the cruise goes on. For instance, I had shown my card at the door but the waiter asked to see it again I was CARDED! But not for my age (darn it), for my number of cruises! J One of the old waiters came ov and told me the kid was on his first contract! So that was funny ut some f the other service has been a little lackadaisical and slow. Of course, staff has obviously been cut and it shows.

I am really looking forward to a day at the Boatyard tomorrow. Although some people say there is a place cheaper next door with better amenities. I guess we’ll look both over and choose when we get there.

That’s it.

Bye For Now!

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Hi Gail. Hope your head and back feel better soon.It sounds like you having a good time. I hope they get the salt thing straightened out for next week. Just counting down the days. Looking forward to the next installment.



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Today we are in Barbados. The sun is shinning and the breeze is blowing. Looks like a beautiful day.

After breakfast in Normandy I set off with a group of friends for The Boatyard. We discussed Lobster Alive which is right near the Boatyard. The Boatyard charges $15 which includes a chair, an umbrella, a rum drink and free transport back to the ship.

Lobster Alive charges $5 but then everything else is extra. In the end we decided on

The Boatyard.

It is quite a walk from the ship to where the taxis are. I was having a hard time until Paul took my bag and carried it for me. I met Christine and Paul last year on another Summit cruise. It was a surprise to see them on this cruise, but a beautiful surprise! They are very dear people.

Getting a taxi turned out to be a challenge. They kept trying to put the five of us into vans that already had 12+ people inside. It was really ludicrous. People were already sitting on other people’s laps! In the end, when we had looked in and gotten out of several vans, we found a driver who put us in a van with only a few other people. So it was tolerable. I think the cost was $5 each.

Once we arrived at The Boatyard things went very smoothly. In no time at all we were all sitting on loungers with our umbrellas giving some shade. It was very calm and peaceful and I could have stayed forever. I pulled my chair out into the sun and felt myself relax. The others went in the water but I was okay right were I was.

We tried the free drink called a Shark Bite. It was pretty good. I might even have paid for one. But free is better. J

I think we stayed until about 1:30 and then took the free shuttle back to the ship. We had a nice driver who told us things about the island, its religions and, of course, Rhiana (is that the way you spell her name?).

As soon as we got back to the ship I dropped off my bag and paraphernalia at the cabin and headed upstairs. I had a hot dog by the pool and then went back to my cabin where I jumped in a nice shower and then took a nice long nap.

Cil Roger and I were at the Elite Lounge by 5. We found a seat up front by the windows and ordered drinks. After a half hour or so Paul and Christine joined us. Soon we were joined by two other couples and we stayed and chatted until 7. Leaving the table and heading out the doors Cil walked into a transparent, glass door. Banged her nose pretty good. Hope it isn’t swollen tomorrow. She had a small cut but it stopped bleeding once she went in the bathroom and put a cold towel on it. I tried to get her to see the doctor bu she wouldn’t. If it’s swollen tomorrow I’m going to insist.

Found out quite by accident that the Captain’s Club Celebration was tonight. None of us were even aware of it. This cruise has been pretty bad as far as communication goes with Captains Club. Some people have gotten telephone calls about things (you know, blast type calls) lots of us have gotten nothing. I heard this morning it was poorly attended an

no one was honored. Is this new?

Dinner tonight was not a very good menu for me . I really saw nothing I liked so I had a double shrimp cocktail and left so Cil and Roger could eat the Veal. I don’t approve of the way they are raised and do not eat it myself. This way they could eat it in peace without me having to watch. Hated I missed the Chocolate Lava Cake.

I had forgotten about the Gelato but saw the counter as I was approaching the elevators. Since I had almost no dinner I decided to have some Coconut Gelato. It was pretty good.

Another item of complaint is the lack of lighting in the cabins. The new bulbss are just not putting out enough light.

Women can’t sit at the desk and do their make-up unless they bring an alternate light source. Men and women find it difficult to read without overhead lights and lamps turned on. That limits the reading to the bed where the lamps. the overheads

don’t give off enough light to read on the sofa. I myself have had a hard time with make-up. I traveled with an unlighted make-up mirror this time. One more thing to buy.:)

Tomorrow I think we are all going to stay on board and enjoy the ship while everyone else goes into town. It’ll be our own private ship. For a while anyway!

Mark, can't think of anything we need but if I do I'll let you know. Thanks for asking.

Kevin and Jeff looking forward to seeing you soon. P A R T Y !!!:D



Working on answers to questions!

Bye For Now!

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Your welcome Tuggers. Cant wait to meet our tablemates too.


How did Cil make out? Our Cousin Nancy walked into the clean glass on the century with us a few years back. Didnt get hurt, except her ego.


Who is the CC host(ess)? Must be new person with subpar communications skills. Not Jenny I guess.


cheers for now,


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Top cruiser is honored the first formal night. Now done in the theatre. Captain makes the presentation, usually at the Captain's Welcome Celebration after the first dinner seating, just before the 8:30 or 8:45 pm show.


Captain's Club Celebration is a one hour celebration where the Captain says a few words and the Captain's Club Host(ess) says a few words as well.


Captain's Club events are mentioned in the letter that is delivered to your stateroom upon arrival. From time to time the daily program will say "refer to your letter in your stateroom" for Captain's Club events.


Believe this presentation changed back in November.

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Thank you for the nice report of your cruise - I follow you always with interesst! You used to have a cruise buddy , which I cruised with once a very nice lady- Joan. Do you know how she is?? Tell my best wishes if you happen to be in contact with her!

So the Elite breakfast is held in the Normandy- so I do hope they will have it in the United States Restaurant on board Infinity next week. For the first time we cruise " together" - well almost - we are just on board different M- Class ships. LOl! Have a wonderful time!



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I love the Summit and we might take it again to Bermuda this summer.


If it isn't too much to ask, could you ask at the bar if Ketel One and Bacardi 8 are still part of the classic package? It was back in March but I'm reading that some things like Jack Daniels and Jameson, which were part of the package before increased in price and are only available under the premium one. I was wondering if the same happened to the ones I'm interested in.


Thanks and can't wait to continue reading your review.

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Gail: I always enjoy your postings, keep them coming! I plan to take the Summit again this summer to Bermuda. (health permitting).

One of our favorite dining areas was the made to order venue at the sandwich bar aft at dinner. (steak, chops etc). Is this still in operation?

On our voyage this past September it was nice change to be away from hustle and bustle of MDR, and just sit and watch the sunset.

Keep your reports coming…..thanks for posting.

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Not sure this will even go through. I am in Cheers in Antigua. Wi-Fi is free with purchase. Code is carib123. You get it when you order but they are in no hurry to wait on you!


Christine and Paul are from NJ.


I have JoAns email if you want it. Email me when I get home @

tuggers1 'at' mediacom bb 'dot net.



Cil had a little cut on her upper nose and a bruise on the end of her nose but what was injured most was her ego!! :)


The CCH is indeed new. You say her name 'Ray lu ka'. don't know the spelling. She is EXTREMELY SHY and has a hard time making eye contact.

You'll just have to see for yourself


I never ever eat Veal! Glad there are some more of us out here!


This internet is even slower than the ship. If you can believe that! But it's free! :D Or at least only the cost of a coke.

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Today we are in St. Lucia. And even though the day is sunny and wonderful we (Christine, Paul, Nancy and Larry plus me!) are staying onboard to enjoy a little bit of heaven which is the ship when most every one else is in town! No chair hogs around except for us.

After breakfast in the Normandy we all kind of split up to get our stuff together and

met back up in the elevated area between the two pool . Primo sun bathing area.

For this cruise I did not have the base tan I usually do. That has been hard for me to

remember and I have burned on one side. I know it’s weird but yes I only burned in

one place. And to further make everyone upset, I usually tan for a month to two months

(in a tanning bed) rather than waste my first days of a cruise having to stay inside or at

least out of the sun.

So it’s been trial and error for me to try to keep parts out of the sun. I’m sure I’ve looked

rather weird with towels strategically placed over my burned area. J

We stayed out until about 2. I’m not even sure we had lunch. It was just so pleasant

with a nice breeze blowing. It wasn’t hot at all. I did remember to drink lots of water.

I don’t think I mentioned yesterday that Barbados was doing a controlled burn while we were there. There was a good amount of soot and ash that landed on the ship. They had to close down the pools until they could be emptied, cleaned and refilled. And we had to be away from Barbados before they could start the job. It was annoying but the crew took care of it as fast as they could and by the next day things were back to normal.

Here’s the current list of officers and staff someone asked for:

Master: Capt Leonardos Palaiokrassas

Chief Engineer: Argyrios Poulakis

Staff Captain: Alexandros Papadopoulos

GRM: Cristian Comirla

Hotel Director: Raffaele Bernadini

Cruise Director: Kyle Dodson

F & B Manager: Martin Fowler

Executive Chef: Nelson Mascarenhas

CCH: Raluca Rizescu (I believe she is brand new)

I went to the casino for the first time tonight. Lost a little bit. Same machines as last time, most not paying off. I never did get notified about the CC Slot Pull for this cruise. May be over for all I know. In fact, I think I have received less stuff on my door (or under it) on this cruise than any other I’ve been on. I know the CCH is not sending anything out but what about the other stuff we normally get? Maybe they are saving on paper? The USA News that we get every day has been cut from 6 pages to 4. I miss the little quiz that asked 3 different questions every day. I assume that was cut to save paper. There are little cuts everywhere you

Didn’t go to dinner. Cil and Roger decided to eat upstairs and since I am not a big buffet person, I just skipped it. Didn’t feel like sitting in the dining room, alone, eating dinner. Looks kind of pathetic. J So I grabbed two cookies from the Café al Bacio and that was dinner.

While we are talking about CAB, I have gotten a couple of Cappuccinos and they have all showed up on my bill when they should be free. I told the people at CAB when they charged for them and have told Guest Relations. So far they are still on my bill. You may want to watch that once onboard.

Bye For Now!

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This port intensive stuff is hard! I never know where I am! Islands every day! Who can keep it straight? Luckily, when I looked out from the Normandy where I was having breakfast I saw a sign that said Antigua. St John’s Antigua to be exact.

We all met for breakfast to discuss beaches but in the end everyone decided to walk into town and just see what they felt like doing once there.

I left a little later than the others because I was just going into town to use some free Internet and try to find some Australian Gold Suntan Lotion in 8 for less than the $15 they are now getting onboard. I just bought some for $5.99 before I left home but got all

SPF 4 by mistake (which is why I have burned places). On the ship it’s been $10 for ages. Now it’s $15. When I went to the little Pharmacia that I’ve gone to for years they were $15, too. So I did without. Besides, I’m already burned! J

The ‘free’ Internet I got at Cheers turned out to be slower than the ship! Now that’s saying something! I did manage to get about 600 emails downloaded but that was about it. Diet Coke I purchased to get the Internet was $3.50.

If you want Internet here I recommend the round, open air bar in the center of town. The Internet is free, it’s faster and the drinks are pretty good.

Those were the only places I went. It was hot and I went straight back to the ship for lunch. Upstairs I got Turkey Cutlets w/ tomato sauce and a baked potato. It was pretty good. I started to have Pistachio Ice Cream but changed my mind. Hope they have it on the menu tonight.

I stayed out by the pool for about a half hour. I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt so my burns were covered but I could get a little sun on my legs. I think I feel asleep because all of a sudden it was 30 minutes later and they were well into a chef’s demonstration on the outdoor stage. Don’t know how I could sleep through that.

Finished my nap in the cabin then got up to shower and get ready for Revelations at 5pm.

A couple of nights ago we had people come in with shorts on and no one said anything. Usually the CCH would not let them in. Tonight there were children running around. They’ve actually been doing it every night but tonight they got up on the stage with the instruments and other band equipment. Someone finally got the CCH to talk to the parents about the children. These same children have been running around in the Select Dining Room, were even ding it on formal night. Anyway, the rules do not seem to be enforced in this Elite Cocktail Hour. Others I’ve been in have had the rules strictly followed so I guess that’s why it seems so strange to me.

One of the maître d’s onboard, who is not one of my biggest fans, is the one I had to ask

if he could get me a table at 8:30 seating. Now I know he doesn’t like me but he outdid himself in the gotcha game tonight. I was seated at a table for 12, downstairs (where the ceilings are low and it’s very noisy) with 3 other people. A couple from Texas who were new to the table (I don’t know who they made mad) and a woman who was either tipsy (kindest thought) or certifiable (more likely). She said there had been a full table but they all went somewhere else (I wonder why) or maybe some were hurt in town (she seemed hazy on details). So it was a very ‘interesting’ dinner. At first I was upset because I was having such a hard time hearing over the full table behind us which was very loud but after a few minutes I began to look on that as one of the benefits of the table. It was a VERY long meal with a very lackluster waiter and assistant waiter who both seemed like they wanted to be anywhere other than serving us. And the woman mentioned above drinking wine and gesturing around like she was Mame (anyone remember that movie?).

So I guess I will go there tomorrow. If I can find it. God help me, if I get there tomorrow and it’s just the two of us I’m excusing myself to go to the bathroom and NEVER going back! I’ll just eat room service the rest of the week.

Bye For Now!

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One of the maître d’s onboard, who is not one of my biggest fans, is the one I had to ask if he could get me a table at 8:30 seating. Now I know he doesn’t like me but he outdid himself in the gotcha game tonight. I was seated at a table for 12, downstairs (where the ceilings are low and it’s very noisy) with 3 other people. A couple from Texas who were new to the table (I don’t know who they made mad) and a woman who was either tipsy (kindest thought) or certifiable (more likely). She said there had been a full table but they all went somewhere else (I wonder why)


ROFL.. etc..


I can picture this perfectly.. Thanks for the laugh

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Wow! woke up today, looked out our windows (those of us who have windows)

and saw we were surrounded by ships MUCH larger than Summit. It was like being the smallest kid on the playground! JI think there are six or seven ships in St Maarten today.

I was at the Café al Bacio at 7:30, drinking a cappuccino and posting yesterdays CC message. That has been my custom on this ship. I used to go up to post without the cappuccino but with the new perk of free lattes or cappuccinos I now I get started early on my caffeine! And have you ever tried the Peach Muffins? To die for!

Today at breakfast in the Normandy it just all came together. Kind of a perfect storm of a breakfast. By 8:40 the little buffet they set up for us looked like it had been ravaged by wolves. Every thing was half gone or gone completely. No one was replacing

anything; we were waiting on silverware and coffee while someone was apparently instructing one of only two servers on how to set up the juices and yogurts in a more pleasing arrangement. Come on! Let the guys take care of us first and YOU come early and help them before the doors are opened.

The two servers we have are wonderful but they are human and can only do so much. And the fact that they do it with smiles on their faces shows the kind of service they want to give us. We all love both of them but please, give them some back-up. Dishes pile up on tables (I think we had six plates, 5 champagne glasses and 4 coffee cups that were not being used plus what we were using at our table of seven) with not enough servers to cover the number of people who use this venue. They are expected to get us coffees and Mimosa’s, bring us silverware and keep the buffet full of food and utensils while bussing all the tables, Oh, and converse with us and fill any special requests. Come on! They aren’t supermen although they sure try their level best to be!

Same for the pool area. There are few tables to eat at out by the hamburger grill and even if you score a table there is no one to bus it. Cil, Roger and I pushed a pile of dishes to the side so we could eat and when we were finished our dishes were added to the mess.

I saw an asst maitre d’ help bus one table but no one came near ours. Like I said yesterday there are cuts in staff and crew everywhere. And it is affecting everyone’s cruise experience

Ok. That’s my rant for today and, yes, I do feel better.

I knew it was going to be a jam packed St Maarten today so I opted to stay on board and lay by the pool. I had been out there for 45 minutes when I got up and sat in the little spill over area by the pool (it was very hot today) and was on the way back to my chair when I somehow (?) managed to catch my little toe in the metal leg of a lounger next to my chair and down I went. Yeah, I know, it’s not a cruise till Gail falls down. The interesting point is that no one even thought about helping me up. I was sitting on the hot decking (just why is that stuff so hot? I have cool kote around my pool and it is never hot) looking around and everyone is very busy looking somewhere else. Glad I wasn’t hurt! Only my little toe suffered any damage. Unless you count my ego!

After that little fiasco, Cil, Roger and I went for hot dogs. They really are good. I got some of the grilled onions on mine plus mustard and fresh onions. Yummy! I had some ice cream afterwards, vanilla and an exotic fruit sherbet. Also yummy!

Then it was back to my main job on this cruise: tanning. J It really is nice today. Hot but with a breeze. Of course the Carnival ship next to us was going full blast with the music and screaming kids but unlike the last time I was in St Maarten and docked next

to a Carnival ship, this time the noise was tolerable. Last time our Captain had to call the

Carnival Captain and ask them to crank it down because we couldn’t even talk to each other! Sort of like being called out by the principal.

I had to nap this afternoon. The sun can really just drain you if you stay out in it too long. which I always seem to do. I grew up in S. Florida so I am always looking for sun. Maybe I should have been a beach Bum! J In Tortola! Yes, I want a do over! Bring my dogs and my Macaw and rent a house on the beach!

Tonight is the Senior Officers Cocktail Party. No Elite Lounge which means I have a little longer to nap because this party is not until 7:45. Paul called and said we were meeting for cocktails at the Martini Bar at 7. Back to a short nap! And he also said they found my Australian Gold #8 Lotion. Yea! Thanks guys!!

I was really surprised that the Martini Bar was not full at 7. We were able to find seats at the bar right away. I assumed we would have to wait or get our drinks and find seats some where else. I like the ice bar part but I had a new satin purse with no where to put it. I had a Pomegranate Martini with no simple syrup but it was still on the sweet side.

The cocktail party was nice but there is nothing offered to drink that I like except white wine. If they had canapés I didn’t have any. I think it was fairly well attended but we had seats just as you go in and you can’t see the upper part of the bar without standing up. Roger looked dapper in his black bow tie.

After the party I went in to dinner. I found my ‘favorite’ maître d’ and told him I now thought we were even after that last table, I got him, he got me back, etc and now I would like a good table. He put me with two girls/ladies from Northern California who were having a great time on he cruise. I’ll stick with this one for the rest of this cruise.

I had the lobster and this time was glad I did. It could have been warmer but otherwise it was very good. Larger than the last time I had it, too. I had a Shrimp Cocktail and the Double Blue Cheese Soufflé and Cheesecake. I skipped out before the

Parade of the Baked Alaska because it was going to be 20 minutes after we finished eating. New waiter was certainly better than any I’ve had this trip.

This has been a very good day. A Celebrity cruise day is ALWAYS a great day! If you’ve not read my stuff before you may think I am really unhappy because of some

of the inadequacies I’ve pointed out. That is not the case. I’m very happy with this cruise and I love X. Could it have been better? Sure, anything can be improved and I am hopeful that putting it out there about what is wrong will catch the attention of someone at Celebrity who will make the changes that will make future cruises even better.

Bye For Now,

Answer to the question about Kettle One and Bacardi. I got various answers until I was in

the Martini Bar. The bartender looked it up and it is in the second one. I’ve forgotten

the name but you probably know which one he meant.

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