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Spirit Review -April 12-19


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First of all let me say that we were new to Silversea. We have been on several other lines, Holland American, Regent, Carnival and SeaDream. We boarded in San Juan with little to no trouble. Check in was easy. Our luggage arrived in very short order.


Then our issues started. Most of the restaurant reservations that I had made on line were not correct on board. One was completely left out and on another night we had 2 for the same night. The person we had confirming them on board could not have cared less. Nothing he could do he said. We were to hear that same refrain more than once on this cruise. So he cancelled the duplicate reservation and waitlisted us for the one that had simply disappeared and the one we had to cancel. We did not get to go to either of those restaurants.


Silversea advertises the Butler service. Our butler was very nice and personable but didn't really do anything for us that room service couldn't do. He didn't come to our room until after the survival drill. We had already unpacked since we didn't see any sense in waiting around for him to show up. He did bring us some sparkling water and some gin and kept us in a supply of limes for the cruise which was nice. Our suite attendant was great. Room was always kept. Beds were awesome.


Met up with other "critics" at the Meet and Mingle. Met WendyG and Ron, Paul and Jane.


Went to St. Barts then St. Maarten. We had been to both places before. Did the Orient Beach shore excursion from the ship and it was fine. But this is where our second issue arose. We had booked the beach tour for the morning and the yacht race for the afternoon on line. Well, they informed us that the yacht race was going to be in the morning. So, we had to choose which one we wanted to do. AND, they would not refund the money for the one we could not do. I told them that if they really thought we were going to pay for something we could not do because their online schedule was wrong they were nuts. They continued to stick to their story for a couple of days when we got a call that to "avoid the drama" they would not make us pay. Really? To avoid the drama.... We also did the ATV tour at Samana and it was fun like Wendy said. The island is beautiful but not a great port. The tour itself was like one we could have had on other, mid price cruise lines. Guide took us to a waterfall with no water but there were obviously some of his buddies who tried to accompany you on the short walk, then asked for money at the end. At the end of the tour took us to a beach bar, again not great. There were two other bars on the same beach we drove past and they all had people at them and looked like a party was going on but where he took us we were the only group there. The owners made some weak pina coladas and coco locos. It was really kind of depressing. Seems like a luxury line like Silversea could come up with something better but maybe not at that port.


The third issue came up when we got back to our room and found our spa appointments had been changed from the day at sea to a day earlier. And of course, the day at sea was now fully booked. Again, we had made these on line for exactly that reason. We were ok with the rescheduled services but while we were talking to the spa lady about it, we found out that 2 other spa services had been scheduled for us for the day at sea. Services we never ordered. By this time, we had had enough of their online system. However, I suppose we should be grateful that the day at sea was a popular spa day, otherwise we might have had to pay for the new, unmade appointments!!!


The ship is beautiful. We loved the different venues, bars, public spaces. Our service was always top notch other than the online issues. The bar service in Panorama could be a little slow but that would be the only thing we would complain about. The staff is very nice and friendly.


Stars was a little silly in our opinion on the food side, not much to it really. Certainly not worth a surcharge. We thought the food was very good everywhere else. Food service as also great.


Entertainment was also very good.


Debarkation was smooth for us. But again, our butler never said a word about packing for us.


Overall, would we do Silversea again? Only for an itinerary that fit exactly where we wanted to go and when we wanted to go. We would not become regulars on Silversea, in our opinion, they oversell their services and then don't deliver. We should not have had to even discuss the excursion scheduling conflict. It simply was not our fault which they admitted and still insisted we pay for a couple of days. The online issues must be dealt with.


We enjoyed our cruise. We might be back.

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We should not have had to even discuss the excursion scheduling conflict. It simply was not our fault which they admitted and still insisted we pay for a couple of days. The online issues must be dealt with.
Absolutely agree. Totally unacceptable.


I do worry a bit about all of the online reservations we have made for our cruise in June. One major selling point to us regarding the new online service was the fact that we wouldn't have to try and board early in order to secure reservations, but rather could enjoy the entire day sightseeing in a place we've never been to before.

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The issue with the excursion refund is really unacceptable. Should not have happened. If they reschedule so you can't do both, you get a refund for the one you can't do. My lawyer husband would be having a heyday with that.


Didn't know there was a surcharge for Stars. There was not one last year, but it definitely does not warrant a surcharge IMO.


I had the same issue with trying to book spa appointments online last year. I got it worked out once onboard, but if they can't get the system to work properly, they should just give up on it and make everyone book appointments once onboard.

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I sailed on the Spirit back in March and had a fabulous, terrific time, as always. BUT, and now I'm mad again,,,, A very dear friend had sent a surprise gift.. reservations for 2 at Le Champagne... not knowing that due to schedule conflicts, I was traveling solo. Le Champagne would also be the last choice of places I would choose to want to eat but it was certainly a well intentioned thought.

I went to reception and explained my dilemma and asked if I could get an OBC in place of the gift and was told no. I asked to go up the desk chain of command and again was told no. I then asked if I could GIVE the gift certificate to some folks I had met onboard and was told absolutely no.

My next stop was the onboard booking lady because we usually make plans while sailing for the next trip. I explained to her that this situation was making me mad enough to not rebook and could she do anything? She shot off an E-mail to corporate in front of me explaining the situation and promised to get back to me, which she did a couple of times to tell me she had heard nothing back and had re-mailed the problem. She was a bit disappointed also and told me so. On the second to last day, she did get a response and it was still NO. We were both sort of aggravated and just said goodbye with no new reservation.

I keep vowing to try again, by mail, to get a better response....because of course the onboard booking discount that I couldn't get would be a factor. I don't think I am too happy with the head office and see an unpleasant pattern here. By the way, I have a fabulous travel agent and have no intention of getting her involved because there is NO reason that this should have turned into any issue at all.

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Why is it so easy to believe a story that is really unbelievable? So many instances of squandered goodwill. People considering a first time booking should keep this in mind. If SS would remove the word "luxury" from their brochures, this kind of action would be easier to swallow.

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The astonishment factor at the time made me leave it alone so as not to ruin an otherwise perfect cruise. P.S. I think your idea regarding a change at Le Champagne is outstanding. What a novel idea.



That's lovely. Glad you like the LC idea ....


Just to give you reaaurance they pick on everyone. "Let me tell you a story".


You may have gathered from earlier threads that we were long-term customers of SS (and in fact posters here under a previous ID for many years ;) ) and more recently at the direct request of the owner to me directly worked with SS on CS issues as consultants and business advisors. I have a policy to never seek or accept any favouritism or special rates with companies we work with. However, the agent we booked with in the UK knew about our work with SS and contacted SS to tell them that we'd booked a cruise. The next thing was the the VP we worked with on a daily basis contacted me to tell me that he was delighted to hear of the cruise booking and that we'd been VIP'ed. Part of me delighted part of me a bit annoyed but it was now too late to do anything about it as they'd know who we were anyway and that couldn't be undone. So we gratefully accepted the status quo.


This basically meant a load of extras like very special early boarding, free laundry, and other stuff that necesseitated our pictures being up on the wall behind all service doors and a rather more animated welcome. The one thing I partciularly appreciated as I don't dress up for "no one" was unlimited access to Terraza every night guaranteed. That too be honest meant less sandwiches and stuff in the suite and being able to sit outside at the back unmolested and quiet. The VP emailed the ship to tell them on behalf of "senior management" ;) I was not to be refused Terraza or any other reasonable requests.


On our first night wifey popped up to ensure we had a table with her usual lovely smile and we were refused by a rather gruff puffed up rude long-term MD that we knew well and disliked intensely and many here know. To be fair to him, many more love him than hate him. Pasrticularly those that know how the system works. He was one of the originals. Anyway, as I said, he said "no". He said he hadn't seen the email and so a copy was produced by wifey. Eventually the arrangements the VP required was rather grudgingly provided by the MD. Until he realised who was at the top of the food chain that had asked for it. He was then all over us like a rash. What we then realised was that it was clear ... and I promise observe these things .... access to Terraza was smoothed with ... let's call it "a tip in advance" if you get the drift. I was seething. This isn't what it should be about. It was talked about openly.


So when it comes to death wish CS they pick on everyone equally if that helps.



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If SS would remove the word "luxury" from their brochures, this kind of action would be easier to swallow.
My point-of-view is when a company makes a mistake it's how they resolve it that ultimately defines the experience, not whatever marketing term they choose to call themselves; luxury, deluxe, mid-market, economy, etc. I would be just as disappointed in an economy line behaving this way as I am reading about a luxury line.


What is sad is that common sense or empowered decision making seems to be lacking. I would think NO manager in his/her right mind would want to risk the potential loss of thousands of dollars in future revenue over a $60 reservation fee gift to LC. :confused:

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My point-of-view is when a company makes a mistake it's how they resolve it that ultimately defines the experience, not whatever marketing term they choose to call themselves; luxury, deluxe, mid-market, economy, etc. I would be just as disappointed in an economy line behaving this way as I am reading about a luxury line.


What is sad is that common sense or empowered decision making seems to be lacking. I would think NO manager in his/her right mind would want to risk the potential loss of thousands of dollars in future revenue over a $60 reservation fee gift to LC. :confused:


You are 100% spot on. Everyone expects things will go wrong. It is how you respond that can in fact not only put things right, but make things better than they were before the issue. Service recovery brings confidence and increases loyalty.


I cannot fathom whether it is the total absence of effective on-ship management or a far too heavily centralised management control culture that has totally emasculated on-ship management and can do ethos.


It is perplexing.

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Jeff, you know the answer is heavy handed centralized management. I witness the same on SB, with some HDs having more guts than others. Reading today of related stories on the Azamara and Celebrity boards.


The maître 'd you refer to.....first name begins with A?

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Jeff, you know the answer is heavy handed centralized management. I witness the same on SB, with some HDs having more guts than others. Reading today of related stories on the Azamara and Celebrity boards.


The maître 'd you refer to.....first name begins with A?



I couldn't possibly say .......;)

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I am delighted for you that you were accorded all these VIP benefits but I must say it made me a bit angry. I am not naive and I know there are always those who receive special attention (especially those in top suites) but to have it so blatantly noted flaunts the idea that all passengers on SS are equal. jmo.

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I am delighted for you that you were accorded all these VIP benefits but I must say it made me a bit angry. I am not naive and I know there are always those who receive special attention (especially those in top suites) but to have it so blatantly noted flaunts the idea that all passengers on SS are equal. jmo.


Well said - I agree -- this doesn't do anyone any good except the poster -tho he may need to feel superior and special -- and creates ill-will towards management - imo.

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I am delighted for you that you were accorded all these VIP benefits but I must say it made me a bit angry. I am not naive and I know there are always those who receive special attention (especially those in top suites) but to have it so blatantly noted flaunts the idea that all passengers on SS are equal. jmo.



Well said - I agree -- this doesn't do anyone any good except the poster -tho he may need to feel superior and special -- and creates ill-will towards management - imo.



Angry? :confused:


The cause of your upset isn't exactly logical or clear. And where did you get the rather odd idea that all customers are equal? And if you received VIP treatment would you be upset ... or is it that you are upset it was someone else and not you?


You are clearly aware that people buying the top suites receive a better suite and better treatment. Presumably you've also noticed when you fly, people trveling F get better and flaunted treatment that's better than those down the back. People get better treatment after so many cruise nights don't they.


So what principle of inequality upsets you exactly ... or is it perchance as I suspect that it was simply someone else ( and in the case of the second post in particular) me and not you?



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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First of all let me say that we were new to Silversea. We have been on several other lines, Holland American, Regent, Carnival and SeaDream. We boarded in San Juan with little to no trouble. Check in was easy. Our luggage arrived in very short order.


Then our issues started. Most of the restaurant reservations that I had made on line were not correct on board. One was completely left out and on another night we had 2 for the same night. The person we had confirming them on board could not have cared less. Nothing he could do he said. We were to hear that same refrain more than once on this cruise. So he cancelled the duplicate reservation and waitlisted us for the one that had simply disappeared and the one we had to cancel. We did not get to go to either of those restaurants.



The third issue came up when we got back to our room and found our spa appointments had been changed from the day at sea to a day earlier. And of course, the day at sea was now fully booked. Again, we had made these on line for exactly that reason. We were ok with the rescheduled services but while we were talking to the spa lady about it, we found out that 2 other spa services had been scheduled for us for the day at sea. Services we never ordered. By this time, we had had enough of their online system. However, I suppose we should be grateful that the day at sea was a popular spa day, otherwise we might have had to pay for the new, unmade appointments!!!


The ship is beautiful. We loved the different venues, bars, public spaces. Our service was always top notch other than the online issues. The bar service in Panorama could be a little slow but that would be the only thing we would complain about. The staff is very nice and friendly.


Stars was a little silly in our opinion on the food side, not much to it really. Certainly not worth a surcharge. We thought the food was very good everywhere else. Food service as also great.


Entertainment was also very good.





We enjoyed our cruise. We might be back.


Hi Ricksherry,

Thanks for the review, we are boarding the Spirit in just under 4 weeks and have used the My Silversea to make all our spa and resturant bookings. We will have to head stright to the MD and spa to confirm them when we get aboard instead of taking a casual wander around.

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Just picking up one point about the idea of "special treatment"


I'd turn this all on it's head.


Most people buying SS as a first timer would not know that they close most of the alternative restaurant for the main meal of the day ie dinner. Many people see it as a lifeline particularly on formal nights. So from one point of view it is inexplicable to have a restaurant on 6 star line and close it due to permanent under staffing and disappoint passengers on a permanent basis.


I don't know whether they still close half of it, but I'd thought that rather than being annoyed with me, customers should be hacked off with SS instead for this daft way of disappointing customers.

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We will have to head stright to the MD and spa to confirm them when we get aboard instead of taking a casual wander around.


If you are smart ... then do it before you unpack. There will be many experienced SS'ers with the same idea on their mind in competition with you .....;)


Enjoy your cruise.



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Thanks Jeff ...

We are really looking forward to our first cruise.

I am very surprised that no one on this board is on the same cruise .. I put a Mix & Mingle for it up a long time ago, being that it's taking in both the Cannes Film festival and the Monac Grand Prix :confused:

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...we are boarding the Spirit in just under 4 weeks and have used the My Silversea to make all our spa and resturant bookings. We will have to head stright to the MD and spa to confirm them when we get aboard instead of taking a casual wander around.
We'll be just 4 weeks behind you, so do let us know what you experience and whether your reservations were correct.
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I'm glad Jeff shared his VIP experience. It was told in context of a previous post. Why would any frequent SS sailor not think there is a VIP list that ranks above someone that has 600 days? And that someone with 600 days ranks above those with 200? That the owners suite aces 500 days? It's usually so discreet, you need to know the person on the receiving end to see it. And anyone with more than 300 days knows that they are not treated the same as lesser mortals. Restaurants requiring reservations being the prime example.

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