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My first review attempt!!! – Carnival Splendor May 12-20th w/pics!!


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Great review!




Carnival Pride 7 day Mexican Riviera: September 2008


Carnival Inspiration 4 day Mexican Riviera: September 2013


Carnival Miracle 15 day Hawaii: coming October 2015

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We stayed in the water most of the afternoon but only going back to the beach to bring drinks out back into the water.. (have no fear we used plastic cups and disposed of them properly!)... Then we realized that we needed somehow polish off our alcohol we brought ashore with us since we can't get it back onto the ship.. lol!!!! It was so hilarious watching us all making drinks and bottoms up!!! Let's just say I was feeling pretty good by the time we got back onto the ship...


We go back to the cabana to "start" gathering our belongings... making sure we had everything together.. some headed towards the line to get back on.. not some of us.. I kept having to tell my husband... it will be ok.. I am waiting as long as I can to leave this d@mn island and I am going to enjoy every last second here! Again.. cabana.. WORTH EVERY PENNY SPENT ON IT!!! WOO!!



---Time to go? nope!


Reluctantly we started making our way back to the ship...but taking our sweet time of course... I know they are not going to leave without us.



---These are pretty sweet...but I really enjoyed my lil on the beach cabana... I think these might work well for a large family traveling together.. IMO



---Hot tub anyone?? no way I would be using that when you can be in the beautiful water.. but maybe if you have a not so great/hot day there it might be worth it.. who knows.. but non less... pretty cool..



---Thingys you can rent to use



---This place was hoppin earlier with some decent music that we could hear all the way in the water.. lol.. now.. just a ghost town..pretty sure a few people were probably back in their cabins racked out from partying..



---Didn't turn out like I was hoping.. oh well..

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It was fun to walk back to the ship with Carrie and Boo taking pictures along the way...



---My "no phone, no fax" picture did not turn out too well either.. oh well at least I got to take the picture!



---I love how cute this lil church is...



---Sad Pandas!!!



---Such vibrant flowers!



---Going this way?? no I don't wanna!


So we killed some time.. other people had the same idea at the rum runner bar... Boo and Patrick stood in line while Carrie and I looked around (I should have came up here earlier to get some goodies to take home but I was having way too much fun being on the beach!).. then a few minutes went by and the line started moving.... good timing! Granted we did not get on the tender with the crew but it was pretty darn close! Worked out perfect! Thanks Jammann!!


Shuffled ourselves like cattle again.. MOOOOOO.... myself and Carrie found a place to sit.. yay!



---I miss her!... I was already feeling my little bit of sunburn I had gotten so my sarong was lightweight and felt great covering my shoulders.. love that thing!!!

Edited by cruisinbabs
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---This sign should be a crime!!! (forgot to post it.. so it is out of sequence)


Back to regular scheduled program....





---I was having a hard time knowing I had to leave paradise going back to our home for the week... ::sigh::



---Goodbye HMC... until next time.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


We got back onto the ship, freshened up for dinner.... Sorry it has been over a month now since my cruise but I am pretty sure the night went the same... the two d's... dinner and drinks along with the c's..... club, casino, comedy & coffee..... and probably some other shenanigans... it was a long and super fun day with the Splendidos!




---Nighty night night... tomorrow... Nassau... or should I say Nastysau.....

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So sorry for the delay... Hate when daily grind gets in the way of doing other cool stuff.. like working on my review!!



After another glorious nights sleep.. (I SLEEP SOOOO GOOD ON A CRUISE SHIP!)... I woke up to room service knocking on my door again with my coffee.. it's a must for me.. no coffee = no function.. even on vacation. I open my curtains to THIS!!!.....






---Turning around to back in...



---Turning and you can see the Ectasy right behind us



---It's going to be a cozy day at the pier...

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We had this huge plan to get off the ship and go to Atlantis because that was one of the things we wanted to do...ya.. that did not happen! We kept going back and forth with what we wanted to do but then realizing we were having 6 ships in port that day it was going to be a mad house.. needless to say the weather outside made the decision easy for us... we will just stay on the ship and not have to worry about anything!


It was REALLY REALLY windy and just plain yucky outside.. and since we had gotten the cabana in HMC we figured we would just save some money that way as well. It was kind of nice to just take our time and not have to rush to get off the ship. We looked at our day at the glance sheet and circled the things we wanted to do... I was still on my mission for a ship on a stick dangit!!! We went to breakfast then mom and I walked around to explore and then I think Patrick went to go relax and read his book in the room?..


Love seeing other ships!!!












---No chogs here today!! lol



---I attempted to go up the stairs leading to the slide to get a good pic and when I got up there a huge gust of wind sprayed water in my face while trying to take a picture..

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More pictures around the ship while we were waiting for our first activity...



---Easier to get a picture of the ship name while the dome was closed



---Kiddie spray park... the whole upper deck near it was turned into a spray park!!! And it was not exactly "warm" in Nassau this day.. again.. super glad we did not have to spend money there this time around!!



---The weather just did not give up all day long... sailing out of here today is going to fun... NOT!








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---Still on fire from my tad bit of sunburn from HMC..


Mom and I had enough of being outside in the wind and it was time to go do some activities!!! We did some bingo.. (lost of course... maybe I need to bring Jammann's wife with me next time for good luck!), then went downstairs for bean bag toss...remember I am still on my mission for a SOAS!!!...



---We were out 1st round so we pulled up a chair and finished watching..

Next up was scavenger hunt.. I love scavenger hunts!!!.... Last one I did was a digital one when we went on the Conquest.. this one was fun cause you had to physically go get things.. Again.. on a mission for a SOAS!!!..... We got a group of three and Mitch handed out our "hit list" of things to get.. then we were all off like a bad prom dress!!!......

Most of the stuff we were able to find in our cabins.. the other lady that was with us was just down the hall from me and mom.. how awesome!!... however I had to be vewwry vewwry quiet when I went into my cabin cause hubs was racked out for a nap... We were able to get everything except for one thing.. a flashdrive.... SERIOUSLY?? who carries one on vacation... not us.. but the team that won did!!! So needless to say we did not win but did get an ATTA KID MEDAL!! woo hoo!!! :D

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So we killed some time.. other people had the same idea at the rum runner bar... Boo and Patrick stood in line while Carrie and I looked around (I should have came up here earlier to get some goodies to take home but I was having way too much fun being on the beach!).. then a few minutes went by and the line started moving.... good timing! Granted we did not get on the tender with the crew but it was pretty darn close! Worked out perfect! Thanks Jammann!!


You're Welcome!! You did well!!! :D



Mom and I had enough of being outside in the wind and it was time to go do some activities!!! We did some bingo.. (lost of course... maybe I need to bring Jammann's wife with me next time for good luck!), then went downstairs for bean bag toss...remember I am still on my mission for a SOAS!!!...


Patti says you can take her on a cruise anytime, and she'll even throw in the bingo lessons for free!!! :D

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where about in oregon does your niece live? we are in southern oregon.. :D


Enjoying the review. We are also in Southern Oregon, gotta love the good old international air port where it takes twice as long and three times the price to get anywhere!


We took the Splendor for our first cruise when it was down in Long Beach, love that ship. Next one for us is out of New Orleans in September, the Dream

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where about in oregon does your niece live? we are in southern oregon.. :D


Enjoying the review. We are also in Southern Oregon, gotta love the good old international air port where it takes twice as long and three times the price to get anywhere!


We took the Splendor for our first cruise when it was down in Long Beach, love that ship. Next one for us is out of New Orleans in September, the Dream



YEA! another Oregonian!!! Small world eh??!! :D

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YEA! another Oregonian!!! Small world eh??!! :D



Yup :) the world of having to go a long was to a cruise port lol. We went one south to Mexican Riviera, and one north to Alaska, so decided to fly to the east to try the Caribbean, next one will prob go to NY and head north to Canada for a chance of pace, so your NY information was very good for me. Of course with the Caribbean you have several ways to go which is nice. We are heading on Western.

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After our shenanigans and trivia, coffee, lunch etc... watching everyone scramble back to the ship.. nope.. did not have to worry about that at all!! Before I knew it they were dropping lines and we were headed out...



---Bye Nastysau...



---Thought this was a cool pic


After we left the harbor and headed out to sea... also had my past guest party to go to.. there was quite a few people.. got a free drink which was nice... wish I was able to get about 3 more while I was there.. j/k.. (kinda sorta) Then it was time to head to dinner..

If my memory serves me correctly this night at dinner our service was VERY VERY slow.. our table ordered first but we were the last ones to get served.. husband was pretty ticked... my patience was runnin thin too but I stuck it out.. don't know if our tickets got out of order or what.. it just seemed kind of "off" night.. hubs ended up leaving early and going back to room to order room service (which he was able to order food, have it delivered and eat long before we got back to the cabin) and to cool off... But this is why I stayed at dinner.. lol..


.... sorry have to post because my photobucket site at work is flickering.. grrrr...

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After I demolished my WCMC... mom and I went to catch the last part of the sunset...



---Love this one too!!!



---Sunset, Clouds and Wake






Another night of the two-d's and four c's... it was time to call it a early morning....



---Goodnight.... Next up... Fun day and Elegant Night #2!!

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How were the seas that night after Nassau? We've been on 7 cruises and only had rough seas a hand full of times. I kind of enjoy it, adds another layer of complexity when drinking and walking around the ship. :eek:

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How were the seas that night after Nassau? We've been on 7 cruises and only had rough seas a hand full of times. I kind of enjoy it, adds another layer of complexity when drinking and walking around the ship. :eek:


Plus you feel like Aladdin on the flying carpet when you lie in bed. ;)

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I inadvertently gave someone else kudos for this thread, although their trip report was good also.


For a first trip report, this was fantastic, and in fact, it blows most others away. One of these days I'll get the gumption to write one. Very well done. Good job!

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Why did you only have 1 drink at past guest . . . I think I had 5 vodka and diet cokes . . . that is one thing a lot of people don't know, you can order a drink that is not on the tray.


I was sitting way up front row and never saw another drink waiter the whole time that went by us.. :-(


next time i am going to drink it up!!!!!

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I inadvertently gave someone else kudos for this thread, although their trip report was good also.


For a first trip report, this was fantastic, and in fact, it blows most others away. One of these days I'll get the gumption to write one. Very well done. Good job!


Why thank you so much... once I get through our month and fiscal year end at work I wont be as crazy busy.. I will be finishing up soon. :D

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Okie dokie folks I am back... I am so sorry I have left you somewhat hanging out like the cool kids...


So the next few installments might not be as detailed because seriously I am trying to go from memory and the detail is not all there.. however I do have pictures to help me along. Pictures will cover the 2 sea days back to reality.. ::SIGH:: these two days were so much fun! Today was second formal night and cabin crawl day!!! I think this is the first time I "slept" in.. aka 8 am... I was one tired cookie!! Again room service with some breakfast showed up on time and hubs and I enjoy our breakfast on our balcony...you know how cruisers have their "thing" they like to do.. this is ours.. just chillin on the balcony.. LOVE IT..


The really only thing we had "planned" was we needed to report to our group trivia at noon.. day three and our team was still behind... got some catching up to do!


After trivia.. we were still behind... oh well.. it passes the time and I was having fun being the "captain" and giving the answers to Mitch...which we made him laugh a lot..


We went and ate some lunch via lido buffet then realized it was CHOCOLATE BUFFET DAY!!!..... nom nom nom!!!...... Since we knew we were getting ready to start our cabin crawl, we need some munchies.. so myself, Carrie and Nichole go stock up our plates.... seriously Carnival.. you need to bring trays back please!!!!! us trying to balance a lot of stuff on one plate because there was no trays!!! So we got crazy looks from people as we were walking through the lido deck... yea I am a fluffy girl and I like my chocolate now leave me alone... got back to the table where our crew were waiting for us...



---Hubs being silly.... why I love cruising.. hubby can be uptight sometimes and he usually always breaks out of his shell on cruises... me, my shell has been busted open since I was about 12 years old...



---Got a picture of my loot before people started eating it!!



---Me and Amanda! (she is joining me on my girls cruise!)



---This is how us Splendidos roll...





---SHOT TIME!!! (its bacardi 151..not umm... what it looks like)


Yes I mentioned girls cruise... cause lookie what I got to add to my signature line.. woohoo!!! That's right.. a new countdown ticker!!!!

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---First cabin down....



---Honeymooners spa suite... more booze down the hatch and they shared their happy honeymoon carnival cake with all of us.. I miss all of these Splendidos tremedously!



---Amanda's Cabin... we were all starting to feel...ummm..toasty??



---Last stop.. our cabin...



---We had all been laughing and having such a good time.. one last cabin crawl pic for this day!...

Before we knew it, it was time to start getting ready for formal night... remember how we had not planned for formal night and I decided to make the best of it with what I had clothes wise? Also husband not being thrilled about doing them either... wellllll... peer pressure can be a big B sometimes... the guys wrangled him into going to elegant night with me and the crew!! I could not believe it.. Boo had an extra set of pants and shirt for Patrick to wear, he shaved his scruff nicely.


Again, my cabin turned into a salon where makeup was being applied by wonderful Joseph, hair getting done, getting dressed etc.. lol... I curled my hair then Joseph just whipped up my hair for me.. some bobby pins and some hair spray.... FAB.




We head to dinner and had another fabulous dinner.... I was so happy Patrick sucked it up and went to dinner for elegant night.. made my day.. Remember we are there for our anniversary right??... Totally forgot that I put our occasion in during our booking.. so at the end they bring out anniversary dessert and sing to us... Now let me fill you in that Patrick HATES being sung to at a restaurant...HATES IT.. he gave me the "eye" and I told him I did not know they were going to do that .... but he ended up going with the flow and having a good time.


After dinner we all meet to take a group photo which was a lot of fun too!!

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---Some fabulous people!!


Then I even got hubs to take formal picture with me...he does not like having his picture taken but he does it anyways... cruises are really the only place we get some professional photos taken.. lol..



---We clean up pretty nice don't ya think?? (shhh I am in heels.. worked out nice for photos.. hehehe)


Went back to cabin to change into comfy clothes then we hit the casino, nightclub, drinks... you know the same.. 2 d's and 4 c's... I think we hit up the show this night too.. I think...Mom and I did.. hubs went to casino and won some more money on craps..


Then it was time to call it a early morning.. lol.. and the "famous" "seal" was waiting to greet us to a good nights sleep..



---The sunglasses help it look more like an animal and not something else.. lol!!!

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