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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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Hiya Patty and all and welcme Patty ... I have my cruise in January and am hoping for 2 lbs a week i would love more lol but dont think it will happen but five lbs a month would be great. We all just have to take each day and remain faithful to our goal ... day four of Weight watchers here and still going lol . Have a great day everyone
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Hi everyone! I'd hoped to be able to say this morning that I was firmly in the 100's with my weight but I had a migraine starting Friday evening, all day Saturday, and the after effects on Sunday. I'm able to take meds and keep moving but I just felt like (bad words removed here:eek: ) As a result I'm still firmly planted right at 200 even. Grumble! Oh well, at least I didn't go up and I feel better today. I need to go to the chiropractor to deal with the remaining stiff neck but otherwise the headache is gone.

SO, today is another day and I'm back at it. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be in the onsies! Then the 40 pound mark is only 3 more so I'm hoping to make that by the end of next week.

Welcome Patty!

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Sorry to hear ya had such a bad weekend with your migrane. Glad your feeling better :D Don't worry you WILL hit the one hundred pound mark this week. Keep up the great work!!!!!

As for me i'm down 1 pound this week. 14 pounds so far in 5 weeks so i guess i should be happy. I asked my WW leader today if i could lose 22 pounds by the time we cruise in May and she says it might be tough. She has seen it done though. I guess i will have to start moving over here. Treadmill here i come ;)

Have a great week and congrats to the losers and to everyone else don't get discouraged. There is always next week!!!!!!!!

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Hi everyone! The chiropractor helped alot yesterday. I'll still need a heat patch for my neck but it's coming along nicely. No headache at least. I didn't weigh in this morning. Baby-man had shots yesterday and both of our routines are off this morning. I just forgot to do it before I ate.:rolleyes: My goal this week is to really get back into exercise. I've had a couple of false starts but I need to get back to it. Before I hurt my shoulder in November I was doing 6 days a week. I'd like to be back there.

Debbie- With 14 pounds already gone I think you could do 22. That's only 8 pounds in 2 months. Just keep working.
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[quote name='adoptmom']Hi everyone! The chiropractor helped alot yesterday. I'll still need a heat patch for my neck but it's coming along nicely. No headache at least. I didn't weigh in this morning. Baby-man had shots yesterday and both of our routines are off this morning. I just forgot to do it before I ate.:rolleyes: My goal this week is to really get back into exercise. I've had a couple of false starts but I need to get back to it. Before I hurt my shoulder in November I was doing 6 days a week. I'd like to be back there.

Debbie- With 14 pounds already gone I think you could do 22. That's only 8 pounds in 2 months. Just keep working.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to confuse you Tami but i meant another 22 pounds on top of what i already lost by the time we cruise. I wish it were only 8 pounds though ;)

I hear ya about exercise.... I haven't even started yet :eek: I've been having problems with my leg and have to go back to the docs on thurs. to find out the results of my MRI.

Good Luck this week everyone :)

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Hi all,


Interesting conversation about excuses and reasons... Last night I was to go to the Y for water aerobics and swim lesson #2. I had a rough day at work...moved seats...was not able to get my Zoom Text visual aid program...desk did not rise up to put monitor at eye level...knees starting hurting...migraine at the door etc. So I asked myself if it was an excuse or a reason not to go work out? I plan to go today. We'll see.

Now I have used every single excuse under the sun including my most favorite which is "Can't you see I am in no shape to exercise?" But now it is a part of my routine AND there will be times when I do not exercise for whatever excuse/reason. I firmly believe that as long as I return immediately to my plan I am ok.


Extra encouragement to everyone on this journey. Together we can/will do what is best for us to get back into great shape physically, spiritually and emotionally.


Much love to my cruise before you lose 100 pound + friends



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Hi everybody,


I had my surgery last Thursday and feeling really good. Surgery was more complicated (and longer) than the doctor anticipated and I have some nerve damage to one side of my face and lower lip, but I am feeling really good. I was able to go right back on my WOE the next day and have lost another 7 pounds (in 2 weeks). Doctor says most of the nerve damage should correct itself by the time I leave for my cruise in August, if not sooner. He wasn't able to save 1 nerve, but says I'll never know it's gone. I should get the results back from pathology today or tomorrow, so I can then relax and move on!


Everybody have a great day and may the "woosh fairy" visit you often!

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Hi everybody,


I had my surgery last Thursday and feeling really good. Surgery was more complicated (and longer) than the doctor anticipated and I have some nerve damage to one side of my face and lower lip, but I am feeling really good. I was able to go right back on my WOE the next day and have lost another 7 pounds (in 2 weeks). Doctor says most of the nerve damage should correct itself by the time I leave for my cruise in August, if not sooner. He wasn't able to save 1 nerve, but says I'll never know it's gone. I should get the results back from pathology today or tomorrow, so I can then relax and move on!


Everybody have a great day and may the "woosh fairy" visit you often!



Glad to hear your feeling better. May you have a very speedy recovery :D


7 pounds wow that sure is great. I will say a prayer that all the tests come back just fine.


Gotta run....Feel Better :)



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Hi all- Well, I'm up a pound to 201 today but I think it's because I started back into exercise yesterday. I always seem to pick up a pound or two at the start. Not sure whether it's excess water or excess hunger. It usually drops off in a day or two so I'm still hoping for below 200 by the end of the week. At least my neck is feeling better. It's still a little tight but Not like it was before the chiropractor. I think I might go back on Friday for one more visit if it's still stiff tomorrow. I just hope the weather changes this weekend don't give me another migraine.


Debbie- sorry to have misunderstood. I thought the WW people were being a little pessamistic about 8 pounds. :D Another 22 might be pushing it but you can always try. The more you get off the better you'll feel no matter what the actual number is.


Natalie- It does get hard not to make excuses, especially when it comes to exercise. I do the "just 10 minutes" thing with myself. I have to do just 100 minutes. Then if I still feel funky and don't want to continue then at least I've done 10 minutes which is something. 90% of the time though once I get started I continue and go for the whole workout. I just have to get my butt in gear and get started. That's the hard part.:rolleyes:


Pugsbest- Glad that you are back and feeling good! Surgery is never fun but at least now it's over and you can focus on getting on with your life. I know you'll be glad to have those pathology reports back. Keep us posted.



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Good morning,


My weigh in today results in a gain of 1 pound. Although I am not happy about it, I know what happened and can take measures to correct it. I had way too much cheese, fat, and artificial sweeteners this week. So with my birthday fast approaching (March 11) I am going to be on the straight and narrow. I do not want to celebrate with a weight gain!


I missed member appreciation day at the Y Monday. Had I known I would have forced myself to go. So there goes the rabbit…excuse-reason…I just thought of something--it does not have to be that black or white---oh my I am having a BFO (blinding flash of the obvious)-I could just choose not to go-period. NO excuse or reason needed. How about that??? This is why I love writing and chatting. I become more self aware. I was also thinking this morning how my commitment to be completely honest about my weight loss and self improvement journey has resulted in me being a better participant in life.


Tami- I am glad you are feeling better. I hate migraines.


Pugsbest-Glad to hear you are on the mend


Debbie-Keep up the good work. I hope everything turns out ok with your tests.


Rosie-Trusting that WW is being good to you.


Luann-Is the foot on the mend?


Everyone hang in. I am looking forward to more weigh in posts today and tomorrow.




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Hi everybody,


Unfortunately, I had some bad results from the pathologist yesterday. The tumors were not a cyst and a parotid tumor, they were both tumors in the lymph nodes. Pathologist feels that they are both "melanoma", but we're not sure where the cancer is. Surgeon is having samples forwarded to a special lab in Washington DC and sending me to a head/neck surgeon oncologist who specializes in this kind of thing.


The worst part for me is not knowing what is going on and having no control (I am a bit of a control freak). I work as a nanny for 2 doctors and 1 of them is going to try and look at my file today and see what she can figure out. I am trying to stay positive and keeping busy, but I would appreciate any prayers or good thought you could send my way.


I am planning to stick with my WOE because it keeps me feeling good about myself and something else to focus on. I really don't want to start medicating my emotions with sweets and starches and find I have gained back the weight I have worked so hard to lose.

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I'm Soooo Sorry To Hear About Your Bad News. May God Bless You And Take Care Of You At This Most Difficult Time :( You Will Be In My Prayers Everyday Until You Tell Everyone Here That You Are Fine. And I Know You Will Be :)


Try Not To Eat But I'm Sure It's Easier Said Than Done. I Tend To Eat Too When I'm Upset. Try And Nibble On Good Things Instead Of The Bad Things.


When You Find Anything Out Please Don't Hesitate To Come Here And Talk To Your Friends. We Will Be Here For You Always !!!!!!


Again God Bless And Take Care Of Yourself {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}



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Julie- Wow! That's really scary! We are all sending you positive energy to be sure. When you want to reach for sweets and starches stop yourself by thinking about this. All that stuff is BAD for your body. You want to feed yourself with healing foods, especially now. If you must give in and eat to soothe an emotion choose something that will help your body fight. You are certainly not out of control here. You have the power to think positively and you have the power to control what goes into your body. I would ask, no, I'm pushy so I'd DEMAND to be set up with a nutritionist who deals with melanoma and chemo recovery (if it comes to that) and start a plan of action that will help you cope.


There are alot of good reading materials out there for dealing with mind and body for disease management. My personal favorites for autoimmune diseases are Deepak Chopra (a little out there but some good ideas for meditation and positive thinking) and Protein Power Life Plan for nutrition. Both of these talk some about cancer treatment but I'm sure there are others that might be better. My theory is ask everyone, read everything and discard anything that doesn't work for you. I've never dealt with cancer although I've had several family members with it, but I've had crohn's disease since 1986. I've learned that you can never, ever be too educated even if some of the information is scary. Just my opinion.


Good luck and I will be thinking about you and worrying. Keep me posted.



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Thanks for the kind and inspirational words ladies!



I am actually having the opposite problem. I just have no appetite because of the stress. I have been trying to do low-carb, but absolutely nothing sounds good. Yesterday I had a protein drink for breakfast, a low-carb soft serve ice creamy thing for lunch which only put my calories at just over 200 for the day. I tried to eat a piece of string cheese, but after a couple bites threw it away. I decided this morning that I need to eat and what sounds good is oatmeal. So I had a plain bowl with a little banana in it. I feel better getting something in my system. I guess my new plan is to stay away from junk and only eat healthy stuff and continue to control the calories.




I have heard of Protein Power, I will pick up a copy and see what it says. I have heard of Deepak Chopra (he actually spoke at a church I went to a few years ago). He is a little out there but interesting with some philosophies worth thinking about.


I agree with you, I think we are a whole body and need to treat all parts of the whole, including emotions, nutrition, and our minds. I am working really hard to stay positive and not dwell on the what if's if only my subconcious would work with me!


Thanks again you guys!

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Woohoo! I've been sitting at 199.5 all weekend! :D Ok, it's barely under 200, but it is under 200 for the first time in about 8 years. My next goal is 196 which will be my 40 pound mark. I'd like to make it by St. Patty's day. Since I have no big, secret penchant for beer, green or otherwise, it shouldn't be a hard goal.:rolleyes: Then I'm working toward 191 by the end of March which will be halfway to goal for me. I'd set an original goal of 145 when I started because I felt like that was obtainable and maintainable for me. I may tweek that as I get there depending on what actual size and shape I'm in. If I'm fit and wearing a size 6 or 8 but weigh 155 I could care less. I'd rather be strong, healthy and able to ski, skate and keep up with my kids than 130 and tired all the time.


Julie- I agree! Deepak Chopra is really out there on some things! He really lost me with his whole thing on doing colonics but then since I have crohn's and have very little colon left the thought of anyone doing anything like that is completely freakish to me anyway.:eek: Not something I'll ever get. Still, SOME of what he has to say is good you just have to learn to filter out the scarier stuff.:D


You may not be able to stick strictly to low protein right now. I'd say that as long as you're taking in healthy food then you're doing well. I know when I have a migraine or a bug I can't handle strict atkins, I have to add back some more carby foods. Oatmeal is an excellent choice as are fruits. Sometimes there's just no substitute for a peanut butter sandwich. The difference is that by now my tastes have changed. I make it with 100% whole wheat bread, natural peanut or macadamia butter and a little low sugar jam. I've found that the lower sugar jams are sometimes better than the "all fruit" spreads for carb count. I can't do that every day for sure but sometimes I just NEED one.:rolleyes:


Well, I have to go help with homework now. Apparently youngest DD forgot everything she ever knew today and is very needy. She's been reading for weeks but today she can't sound out "car." UGH!



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Congratulations on entering a new century! That is outstanding, especially considering all a new baby entails! I will root for you to meet your St.Patty's goal and whatever your ultimate ends up. When I lost a lot of weight 5 years ago, my goal was 130. But I could not get below 150. This really ticked me off and I stressed to much on the number and not what I looked like and what friends were saying. I ended up eating very little, exercizing way too much and when the scale didn't move decided "forget it" and eventually gained back all the weight and more. You are wise to consider re-evaluating your goals when the time comes. It's way more important to enjoy life and your kids than obsess over that last 10 or 20 pounds!



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Tami, Congrats to making it to the new 100 pound mark. Lucky YOU :)


Julie, Hope is all going good with you. You are in my thoughts and prayers :D


As for me i lost another 4 pounds on WW this week. I'm still hoping to lose 17 more pounds before we cruise May 12th. though. So far i'm down 18 pounds in 6 weeks so i guess i'm doing all right.


Have a great week everybody!!!!!



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Hi everyone! I'm down another half today so I'm going in the right direction. I really want to put a bit of distance between me and the 200s as soon as possible! It's good motivation for sure.


Debbie- 18 pounds in 6 weeks is excellent!


Julie- That's exactly why I don't want to get tied into a specific number. If I don't make it there I don't want to feel like a failure when I already lost close to 40 pounds which is a BIG deal! I feel better for it and I know I look better even if I am not where I want to be just yet. That's why I'm focusing some on losing pounds, its true, but more on getting to a size and feeling that I want to achieve. I think a size 8 is completely doable for me. If I get lower and can maintain it without killing myself trying then great but I want to enjoy myself too not be in a total state of deprivation.



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Congratulation Debbie!!! That is an awesome weight loss. Keep it up and you should have no problem meeting or even exceeding your goal.


Tami, it sounds like you have your heart and head in the right place. I look forward to hearing more and more as you reach your goal!


You go girls!!!

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Good morning everyone!


Well I have some more motivation to keep me going in this quest. DH and I have started talking about planning our next trip. I turn 40 in September and then he turns 40 in Aug 2007 so we want to plan something special next year for our Entering a New Decade. It won't be a cruise, most likely, because our baby won't be able to go into the childcare programs on most ships since he'll only be 1. I'm going to start doing so research today. I had really hoped to be going to Europe by now but I'm not sure I can sell that idea to DH with a 1 year old.:rolleyes: So, maybe we'll hit a nice beach or ski resort instead. As long as I have the opportunity somewhere along the line to show up in a little bathingsuit I don't care!:D



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Hi everyone I am having a depressing day my second week on Weight Watchers and I have been sooooo faithful and i lost 1 1/2 the first week and according to my scale nothing this week .... nothing seems to work


ok positive input welcome lol ...



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Just stick with it. Any weight loss is better than a gain and it may just take a few weeks for your body to let go of the weight. I tend to lose weight in "wooshes". I will go a week or 2 not losing anything or even gaining a pound or 2 and then "woosh" I'll lose 5 or 6 pounds in a week. I still get a good monthly average weight loss, but not consistant day to day. It's very easy to get discouraged during the stalls, but as long as your eating correctly your body is changing. I have had it explained to me that the body doesn't necessarily like to shrink those fat cell, so it will fill them up with water and after a while it lets it go.

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That sounds very plausible thanks a lot yes thats whats happening i am fullllllllllll of water like a sponge ok well i am gonna keep it up for a month be faithful and hope for what you are saying ... its more difficult i think because I have the tyroid pill ....lyphatic edemia and slower metabolism i am not saying by any means impossible and for sure i am eating correctly now something has got to give . lol so stay turned for updates. I will accept 1lb a week ahahah would love 2 lol

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Rosie- Your thyroid issue will slow you up some but it will still happen. Also are you exercising? That makes a huge difference for me in what shows up on the scale. When I'm exercising alot I may not have any actual weightloss for several weeks but I can tell I'm losing fat because my clothes fit better. I just happen to be putting on muscle at the same time. When you change your eating or activity levels your body automatically will hold onto water for a while to adjust itself. Once it gets used to the new norm it will drop.


Just don't get discouraged. You didn't put this weight on overnight so it won't come off that way either, no matter how much all the diet industry would like to sell you that load of hooey!:D Patience my friend, patience.



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Congratulations on being in the 1's ! Yeah !

I know you are pumped. Keep up the good work.


General update: I am hanging in there---slow but sure. I have given up the unrealistic weight loss "chart" in my head. I am back to making my "goal" no more than 2 pounds a week. That will still put me at a good loss for my October 15 cruise. I am grateful for this board and all its members. We are such a great group. Whenever I am feeling down about weight or other things, I come here.

Weight loss this week=1.5 pounds.


May each of you experience the healing that you desire and want.



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