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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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Hi everyone!


I would like to join your 100+ group as well. I need to lose about 100-110 pounds, but my immediate goal is to lose as much as possible before my Tahiti cruise in August. The bummer is that I had lost it all a few years ago, but allowed it to all come back. I have cruise wardrobes in various sizes, but would like to be into my 18's or even need a new one by August

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Welcome Julie!


I am on this journey to where I once was and hopefully beyond...in other words been there did that!

Cruising for me is more fun when I am physically fit.

I look forward to seeing you hear often.

We usually-although not always weigh in on Thursdays--at least for the record. LOL


I am at work, but will check in later


I trust everyone is following their WOE--if only just for today!



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Hi Everyone ..... welll today I did 20 minutes on my Gazelle and started the water thing ... one thing at a time ... tmow i want to do longer on the Gazelle and really get serious about the water drinking. I bought a Tony Little scale not sure how to work it yet lol but it measures the body fat the water and makes an analysis ... sooooooo i will keep you posted ...


Nice to meet you Luvs and Pugs .... Rosie

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Good morning everyone,


I had serious tummy trouble yesterday. :( I am much better today.

I stayed with my WOE. Tonight I go to the Y. In the mail yesterday I received a "STAR" from my instructor at the Y. It was a hand sized hard stock star with encouraging things on each point and a personal message from her in the middle! I taped it to my refrigerator! That is so timely since my scheduled has changed so drastically that I have to make an extra effort to go!


I am sure my weigh in tomorrow morning will bring good news!


Talk to you all soon


Everyone keep up the good work. WOE, exercise and water drinking! Heck we will all be too sexy for ourselves by the end of this year! yeah for us!

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Good morning all,


I went to the Y last night...talk about culture shock! Oh my goodness! There were so many folks that there was wait for the cardio machines...it smelled really bad...folks were not all wiping down the equipment...blah...blah


But now that I have minded everyone else's business, here's my problem. After walking on the treadmill for 40 minutes (5 minutes cool down) , I began my usual strength exercises---I could barely do 1 set of each :( I usually do 3 sets of 12. I do use a written record card to track weight-reps-sets-misc. info.

I am not sure what that was all about. I was a bit disappointed because I had reframed my "having" to go in the evening with "at least I can take my time and make sure I do all the parts". So...I need some advice. I was thinking maybe do the strength stuff first, use less weight, if I find I am unable to do it, and of course the old stand-by just don't do them at all (just kidding-sorta)


This morning's weigh in.....4 pounds lost! Tami-I finally made my first goal of 20 and have 3 towards my second 20. I am so excited I am down to 251. Of course I can not wait to be UNDER 250!

I will continue one-day-at-a time with my WOE, water drinking, exercising, support from this board, and most importantly prayer and gratitude.


Have a great day everyone.


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Good morning,

I am a bit bummed out. My left knee is starting to hurt again :(

I am going to take some oral pain relievers since I will not be able to get another shot for 2 more months.


Anyway, I am on my way to the Y this morning to get my third workout in. I was so exhausted last night I could not stay awake.


I decided that on the weekends my water drinking goal would be 8 glasses rather than the 12 I drink during the week. When I reviewed my past weeks I saw that that was all I was willing to drink. But I beat myself up for not reaching the goal! I do not like public bathrooms at all. On the weekends I am more out and about than during the week when I am at work. (Not that those bathrooms are pristine by any stretch of the imagination-I have just become accustomed to them). This way I am not not drinking the water--just modifying my plan.


The AB Lounger is in the living room-still not used. I will plan to use it Sunday before church.


I hope everyone has a great Saturday. .

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Cool! New posters while I was gone!:D


Hi everyone, Just a quicky post to let everyone know that we got home very late last night with the new baby. I'm very tired but happy to report that he's happy and healthy. I'm also happy to say that despite 6 of the 7 days spent in the car, every meal in a restaurant and those lovely hotel continental breakfasts I'm only up 1 pound.:D I'll post more when my brain is functioning. Right now I'm not sure whether it's lack of sleep or the temperature difference between Miami and Indiana but I'm numb!:rolleyes:



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Welcome Home Tami,


I have truly missed you. I did my best to keep the board going in your absence. We have lots of new folks that are jumping right in encouraging us all.

That is wonderful that you basically maintained the entire time away---I am impressed!


I look forward to hearing all about the new baby.



I am not able to use the AB Longer :( After struggling to get it in and out of the car last Sunday, I cannot "open" it up to use. LOL I will call my friend this morning and ask for the directions-hopefully she has located them!


Yesterday. I did not totally follow my WOE. I had a drink, BUT I did not then overeat :) My water consumption was 4 glasses instead of the 8 I committed to. The good news is today is a new day and I am up to the mission.


Lots of homework to do today, church, errands and most important for the week--grocery shopping.


I wish everyone enough.



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Hi everyone- Still working on the "catnap" plan with the new baby. :D I went to bed at 6pm last night though before DH went to work and got some catchup done. I feel alot better. I'm keeping low carbish but I'm not even going to try to get back on my stricter low carb until at least this weekend. We just have too much going on right now. My grandfather died yesterday evening. I'll miss him for sure but it was a blessing for him. He was doing well until he had some surgery in late September and then his condition just dropped like a rock. I still think it was total willpower and stubborness that got him through Christmas.:rolleyes: He was that kind of guy. Anyway, I figure with the funeral and all that my normal WOE and WOEX is out the door until at least the weekend anyway.


Oops, Beck is crying. Gotta go.



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My condolences on the loss of your Grandfather. It's hard to lose someone, even when you know it's for the best and they are pain free again!


Also, congratulations on the new baby. I have worked as a nanny for almost 20 years and babies are the best, but also exhausting. I haven't read the older posts so I'm not sure if this is your first, but enjoy. You always hear how they grow up so fast, but it really is true. Take all the opportunities you have to sit down and "talk", before you know it you will spend all your time chasing while they say "NO!"


Have a great week and enjoy!



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Greeting everyone,


Tami I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know you will miss him terribly. Did he get to see your new baby?

Is this your first baby? Is Beck a girl or a boy? How much did s/he weigh? Length? details please! :)


Stay as low carb as you can. You know what to do. Drink lots of water. And above all please be gentle to my friend Tami. She has a lot on her plate right now. OK?


How is everyone else doing? I am frustrated with myself for a couple of reasons. Some in my control and some not. The one not totally in my control was a migraine I had yesterday that made me miss most of the day. I missed church which made me extremely sad since I can only go every other week because of weekend college. I also missed a free MLK Day concert by the Cleveland Orchestra. I did not do all the homework I had to do. I say it was partly in my control because I got up too early, was trying to use my new computer that does not have the proper software to enlarge the print on it yet. I did not eat within an hour of rising, I then went to the grocery store. I was rushing and got overheated and nauseous and as the saying goes ---it went down hill from there.

The part that was in my control was to have eaten at the appropriate time, used the other computer that would not have made me strain, drank the water (dehydration can trigger a migraine ) and not tried to do so much! So in retrospect I did everything to bring the migraine on???

Well, today is another day.

I completed one homework assignment. I ate my breakfast. I am drinking my water and will be taking my supplements.

I am folding and putting away laundry in between doing homework and playing on the Boards.


Life is good.




PS I tell folks all the time that work is really interfering with my REAL life!

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Hi there!


My name is Christine. I don't currently have a cruise booked, but I'd like to use one as a *reward*. I've only cruised once, while fat. I'd like to go as a slim girl who can wear cute clothes.

I don't know how much I weigh, exactly, as I don't own a scale (I bought one on the weekend but it doesn't work. I hate Zellers.) It is DEFINITELY 100 lbs. or more. I have lost a pile of weight in the past with the help of WW, but it was back in the day before they switched to the points system; I must be the only person who DOESN'T like it. :o( Anyway, I'll be trying on my own this time, with the help of a food journal, my trusty treadmill, and my nagging DH. ;o)


So, as soon as I find out my weight, I'll come to you guys for your amazing inspiration. I'm just awestruck at your commitment and results.

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Welcome Christine!


I am having a so so day. I am not excited about tomorrow's weigh-in because I have not been peeking each day and I do not FEEL as though anything happened this past week. That thinking is caused by a couple of deviations from my WOE rather than any major relapse into the food, but...


So I commit to weighing in in the morning and posting it no matter what!


I see the doctor tomorrow as well. I'll have my blood checked and my progress in general. The bathroom thing is getting better.


I will go to the Y tomorrow, Thursday and Friday for my 3 times.


That darn AB Lounger does not like me. :( I still can not get the hang of it. It looks so easy on infomercial! How am I going to get those rock hard abs, if I can not even use it! My friend has not called back with the directions/info yet...


I trust everyone is having a great day.

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My weigh in this morning was as expected :( I gained 1/2 pound. I suspect with this phase of my plan any deviation causes problems. So that means that I mustn't imbibe in alcoholic beverages if I expect to continue on my path. Or if I choose to have some, then I must accept the results. I know I can not have it both ways. Today I am willing to accept that truth.


Anyway, I did not go to the gym last night, nor will I go tonight or Friday. I became very tummy ill (if you know what I mean) last night while at a restaurant. I do not feel well today either. I have missed so many days of doing homework that I need to study this Friday. So, with that all said-I will return to the Y Sunday afternoon and get my 4 sessions in. Yes, I said 4. My endocrinologist says that 4 times a week keeps the metabolism going for the entire week. Three times only gives 4 days :( So I will do the aerobic+strength thing three times and water aerobics once a week.


I hope everyone will have good news to report.

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Well, I forgot my scale at home, so I can't return it yet. I'm not too upset because AF started today and it would be a bad day to weigh myself anyhow (I know I weigh a lot, but I know that if I weighed in today I'd react in a very irrational, self-destructive manner). So I'll aim for next Tues. or Wed. for my first trip on the scale. In the meantime, I'm trying to treadmill at least 3x a week and am attempting to keep an eye on my portion sizes.


That's it for now! Good luck everyone!

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Hi all, ok i have only read up to page 2 will read more when I get home from work. After page 1 I put my foot down well actually both of them I got up from my computer and rode my eclyptic bike for 10 minutes (felt like i was swimmin from sweating) then took out a dvd i bought in the summer a 20 minute workout. only lasted about 10 minutes but that is better than nothing to start. I need to loose about 75 lbs. I just dont know what to eat I dont like fish or cheese!!! I must admit I love the pasta and potatoes!! And I dont drink enough water that is! I have a Timmies in the morning (gotta love Tim Hortons coffee!!) and a tea at lunch and sometimes a glass of milk at dinner. That is all for my liquid intake. We are cruising in 36 days and I would like to loose about 5-10 lbs by then. Has anyone hear heard about audible.com I downlaod books to listen to while i am cleaning and doing other chores Might make workouts a little more interesting.

good luck to all Toodlez Carolann

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Welcome new members-glad to have you on the journey!



I had the girls checked out today-it is our annual outing. LOL

I am planning to have them reduced in June of this year. The last time I lost 100 pounds I put it off. I kept waiting for the other 20 to go away. well, this time I am going to have it done after losing about 60. It will motivate me to do the rest. I have heard form other large breasted women that after they had them reduced they could see their feet AFTER they looked past their stomachs! That motivated them to all lose more weight. Sounds like a plan to me.


I am off to school for the weekend. I stay on campus overnight as I have a Sunday morning class. I have my food and beverage (mostly water-a little coffee) all packed up. My homework for the most part is done.


Please keep my brother in your prayers. He had a serious staph infection a couple of months ago that kept him hospitalized for 30+days. He is at the ER right now because the presenting symptom of that bout has returned. :( He has been gong to his doctors for follow-ups as instructed. He only has 1 kidney from a previous kidney operation for cancer. Thanks in advance.


I did digress...I am a firm believer that if I am to know something it will be presented to me several times in quick succession. Well, today the mammogram lady told me to exercise everyday. Okay I get it! I have 4 sessions planned for next week.





We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

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Great to get the update .... i have been faithfully doing my gazelle now for 20 minutes at least four days last week. I got up to 25 minutes on one lol. I am drinking more water and today will begin to try and use the apple cider vinegar/grapefruit capsules to help just get the metobolism kick started they are all natural . Im off to an art show with my mom just local stuff ciao for now and good luck everyone ... Rosie.

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It's been a while but I'm back.:o


Continuing toward my goal of losing

100 pounds before my cruise in June.


As of Thursday last I weighed in at 265 pounds,

down 70 pounds since August 1, 2006.


My plan calls for a 2&1/2 pound loss per week

for 20 weeks. That would put my total loss at

100 pounds by April 13th.


I will continue from there to bring my

total loss on June 8th to 120 pounds.


Think I can do it?:rolleyes:

I know I can and will.:D


Let's all get past the Holidays and start

losing big time. The summer is just around

the corner.:eek:



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Hello Reggie,

Did you get my post form the other board I hijacked? Or did great minds think alike and you spontaneously returned? Either way, I am so glad to hear from you. Please tell me all about your cruise.


I am having yet another I do not want to be an adult because it is too much work kinda day. :(


I did keep my commitment to go to the Y. I did 40 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes strength. Which is great. However, I failed to take into account that Verizon closed at 5 PM like the Y. So I got to Verizon at 5:05 PM. I could have spent 10 minutes less on the bike.


I have way too much homework to do. So rather than starting it like a grown up, I am on the Internet chatting and reading--go figure. :eek:


Anyway, my WOE is good. I am going to a community based exercise class tomorrow. I will go to the Y on Wednesday and Thursday. That will make 4 times this week for me.


This is challenging for me because I want to just wave the magic wand and have everything done. Alas, it does not work that way.


I got the video for the infamous AB Lounger. I will look at it tonight. :D


I am on the way tot he hospital to see my brother's ex-mother-in-law. She had a heart attack and has been in the hospital for about 5 days. :(


Then I am going to my girlfriend's fathers family birthday party.


See too many things to do!


Everyone have a wonderful day.

Will check in soon.


We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

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Which other board are you referring to?

Are we not allowed to mention that?

If so, that sucks.:mad:


Anyway, I'm down now to 262 and well on the way

to my new goal of losing 120 pounds.


Loss so far, 73 pounds.:D

left to lose, 47 pounds.;)


Reggie :D

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Hi everyone!


I have tried to post a couple of times but apparently these boards are having melodrama again. Things have been a little crazy here too as little Beck-man has had some formula drama. He's on his 3rd type now because the soy he was on before broke him out in a horrible rash. This is a predigested kind and when he burps he smells like parmesean cheese.:D Someone asked and Beck is our 4th child. Yes, I am crazy!


Reggie- Glad to see you're back!


We have a birthday party for youngest DD this weekend and I'm going to try to ease back into my WOE after it. WOEX may have to wait a bit longer but I'll try. So far I'm holding steady at my weight. Now that I'm starting to get some sleep at night I think I can manage to get back on track. With the formula drama there were nights I was literally up all night.:eek:



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Hi everyone, I have a question you mention WOE and WOEX what does that mean? I have actually made it to working out 3 times this week, I am going to try and workout after my morning bus run ( i drive special needs children to school) before I even boot up my computer. I know my computer is the main reason for my weight gain, it is my only real addiction. I am not a drinker due to hepatitis c, I dont really over eat or snack. More of a not eating properly, or at all type of diet. I read if you eat breakfast within the first hour of getting up in the morning it will help boost the metabolizm so i will start trying that. Been trying to drink a couple of bottles a water a day but it is hard when nature tries to call and you have a bus full of kids.....


have a great day everyone

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Hi all,


Reggie-I found you on a board you started called: 06-09-2006. I don't think it is against the rules as long as I do not try to change the whole discussion.


Tami- Great to hear from you. Four other babies? WOW You are da bomb! Much love to you. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tami}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


hockeyluver- WOE=way of eating WOEX=way of exercising



I am really overwhelmed by the things that have to be done not to mention the things I want to do. But I am sticking to my WOE. I did not make it to my community based exercise class Monday due to another bout of severe tummy trouble that struck at work. :(


I am going today to the Y.


Have a great day. Keep up the excellent work everyone.

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Hi everyone! Wow, I got up the courage to get on the scale today after thinking that I was just maintaining if I was lucky over the last couple of weeks and I'm down 3 1/2:D. WOOHOO! I won't be as far behind to my goal for September 10 as I thought.


Denise- If your tummy trouble was the same stomach bug that is going around here take it easy for a few days longer. It really kicks butt. Oldest DD and I have had it twice. If you get yourself wrung out and tired it can reoccur.


Hockeyluver- Be sure you're getting a good selection of vitamins and minerals from fruits, veggies and meats, especially your B's. I just had a friend go through a really nasty flareup of Hep C thanks to shots he got while serving in Viet Nam. He had to go on Chemo and Interferon treatments. You definitely DON'T want to do that if you can stay healthy.



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