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Venice and NCL Jade Greek Isles Cruise Review – June 21-28, 2014


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We found the CruiseTT website very helpful for learning that only one other large ship (Serenade of the Seas) had a Santorini port stop scheduled that day and was scheduled for a morning arrival and an early afternoon departure in contrast to our 2pm arrival and 10pm departure. It turned out that another smaller cruise ship also was in port but that did not seem to add too much to our tendering time or cable car wait.



CruiseTT website quite often misses out ships that will dock in each port. Much more trustworthy is;


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Just interested in your review of Santorini and how was the journey back from Oia to Fira? I guess that you caught the local bus. Were there any queues of people all trying to get back on the bus or was it is a straightforward return?

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Just interested in your review of Santorini and how was the journey back from Oia to Fira? I guess that you caught the local bus. Were there any queues of people all trying to get back on the bus or was it is a straightforward return?


If anything, boarding the bus in Oia was more chaotic as there was no clear sign for exactly where the bus would pull up and there were no public bus staff at the stop to provide guidance. The surge of people once the bus stopped was pretty uncontrolled. We found that the bus turned around, facing toward the road from which it entered so there was a large movement of people across the station lot from where most people were originally waiting.


Thanks too for the cruise timetables website link. I'll certainly check that out for future planning.

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Just wanted to chime in and say thank you for posting such a great review. I love all the research you did ahead of time! Thanks for sharing!


You're most welcome and thanks for the comment! I love the anticipation of the trip that I get through the planning and research phase. Of course sometimes it's just as much fun to just dive in and explore more spontaneously too, but cruise port stops are so short that I find it easy to miss opportunities sometimes. Again, I find the experiences of other CC members on these boards very helpful for quick suggestions and ideas and appreciate all the information that others have posted in past reviews and threads.

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Thanks for your review and awesome photo's.


You're most welcome! Putting together the review brings back great memories of the trip. And of course makes me want to start planning for the next one! ;)

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I am enjoying your review, we get on the ship on 7/26!!!


Feeling overwhelmed at home here with very little plans in the works!!!:confused:


How was the entertainment on the ship? We are also traveling with a 12 year old - he loves comedians but I didn't think they offer any on this sailing?




Thanks, I hope you have a great time on your upcoming cruise! I did sit in on the Port Excursions briefing that was held in English one time on the ship, but found that the information was pretty general and unable to provide much detail for each port because of time constraints. They seemed to focus on highlighting a few excursion options for each port. The printed listing of excursions was useful as it provided an easy reference for arrival and departure times and confirmed which ports we were tendering at (Santorini is always a tender port but it's possible the ship may sometimes dock in Mykonos). I found a review of the CC Ports of Call pages for the Greek isles to be very helpful for quick research. And of course, I'm sure you'll be taking time just to enjoy the moment(s) once you are there!


Unfortunately, I can't offer much useful information on the shows as I did not attend these. My parents and other travelers seemed to have mixed feelings about the quality of the entertainment compared to offerings on other lines but I don't recall specifics, I'm sad to say. I did watch some of the Jade Dancing with the Stars competition on the ship's TV channel and some of it was very amusing.

Edited by run2sea
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Wow thank you this is a great review. I'm on the Jade for two weeks in August and can't wait. You've made me even more excited :)


I'm also liking the idea of the kayaking trip. I have two teenage boys, do you think this would be suitable for them?


Thanks Devonian, hope you have a great time in August!


Our twelve year old children did fine and enjoyed the kayak tour (each shared a double kayak with a parent so they did not have to paddle continuously). I think many of the participants in our group had minimal, if any, sea kayak experience and the tour was configured to allow for a range of kayaking speeds within the group. The orientation and short practice period off the beach seemed enough to allow people to get comfortable. The wind conditions may impact the challenge level and we heard the winds can be a little unpredictable on Mykonos, though... definitely good to have a plan B in case of cancellation for conditions. Hope it works out for you!

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An advantage of traveling with a family of 6 (or of course of meeting new friends on Cruise Critic!) is that it becomes much more economical to book private tours. After reading positive reviews online we decided to book a half-day Olympia tour through Olympic Day Tours by Niki Vlachou. Booking was easy through email exchanges and an electronic 100 euro deposit. We received good directions and a map for the meeting point where our minivan would pick us up at the Katakolon port. It turned out that the Jade was docked closest to the bus pickup point and we saw our driver holding our name placard within 30 seconds of disembarking. We drove outside the gate and picked up our tour guide, Saskia, who offered us a very complete narration about classical Olympia and the games and also gave us insights into modern life in Greece during the 40 minute drive to Olympia.


We bought tickets (not included in our tour cost) for both the site and the museum on arrival for 9 euros per adult. The classical archaeological site of Olympia can get very hot in the summer and we toured the site first for about 1.5 hours before heading to the very impressive (and air-conditioned) museum.


Some of the potential benefits we've experienced on private tours elsewhere were clearly highlighted for us on this day:

1. Smaller vehicles can often drive closer to the sites - we were able to drive right up to the ticket booth at the Olympia archeological sites, sparing us the ~10 minute walk from the tour bus lot in the heat which many of our fellow cruisers on the NCL tours had to brave. (A horse-drawn carriage also offered rides for 2 euros per person on this route.)

2. Personalized attention from an excellent tour guide can maximize opportunities to learn and appreciate tour experiences - I don't know if all the guides working for Niki are as good, but Saskia was excellent. In addition to her prepared narration, we were able to receive answers to our very many questions on a range of topics.


We learned a great deal about the classical games and their importance to not just the city states of Greece itself but also to the communities of the wider Pan-Hellenic world across the Mediterranean. Saskia explained the origin of the games as training for warfare, and the evolution of the games into a statement of religious, political, and cultural supremacy for the cities that produced champions. She oriented us to the ruins through illustrations of how the site had looked when intact, and described architectural features that we would have easily missed otherwise. We strolled through the Palaestra, past the Temple of Zeus and Temple of Hera (built to different geometric ratios), the site where the modern Olympic flame is lit with reflected sunlight, past the plinths of statues of champions (one of which she translated for us to show the great honor bestowed on a champion by his city), past the plinths for statues of disgraced cheaters (only 16 of these were erected over the more than 1100 years of the classical games that were abolished in 393 A.D.) and into the stadion with the running track that hosted the first Olympic events. She engaged our children through a dialog about Greek mythology and history which they very much enjoyed. She further delighted them by weaving for them an olive wreath of the type used to crown the classical champions.


After a brief refreshment stop on the way to the museum, Saskia provided a narration of some selected exhibits. We sometimes get museum fatigue on these trips, but this museum at Olympia is something special and our guide helped us to feel awe at what we were seeing. She pointed out the statues on display illustrating the Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs that made up one of the pediments from the Temple of Zeus, noting the political propaganda message of superiority of the Greeks over the mighty Persians in the successive invasions of Greece by Darius and Xerxes. She also noted that an unusual feature of this museum was the large number of bronze artifacts that had been preserved. Bronze from many other classical sites has been removed and recast for other purposes over the years, but the priests at Olympia apparently received so many tributes from worshipers of Zeus that they consigned many of the "older" offerings to wells and cisterns where they have since been recovered. The most amazing thing I saw was a helmet that was likely dedicated to Zeus by the Athenian General Miltiades after his victory over numerically superior Persian forces at Marathon in 490 B.C. effectively ended the first Persian War. The name Miltiades is still clearly inscribed.


In retrospect we could have spent much more time at the museum with a knowledgeable guide such as Saskia.


After the historical sites, we stopped in the modern town of Olympia where we had a refreshment, stopped by Niki's office to pay our balance, and shopped for souvenirs before the drive back to the ship. We had time time to do some additional shopping or bask at a local beach close to the cruise port had we chosen to do so. As a nice parting touch Saskia gave us a gift provided by Niki, some olive soap and figs in olive oil.


In summary we had a great tour of Olympia with Niki's company and especially with our outstanding tour guide Saskia.


An added bonus, we returned to our balcony to gaze at our ship surrounded by pink jellyfish in the turquoise-blue waters, serenely swimming/floating by. The more closely one looked, the more one could count. I didn't get a photo, but a picture probably would not have done justice to the beauty of that moment.




The columns of the Palaestra where wrestlers would train and relax in the shade of a what was once a covered walkway. Note the inward-facing lower portion of the columns carved smooth to enable athletes to lean comfortably while at rest.



Remaining columns of the Philippeion at Olympus. A monument placed in the sacred area of Olympia by Philip of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great) to assert his place in the Greek world.



Helmet dedicated to Zeus by the the Athenian General Miltiades (name inscribed) after defeating the Persians at Marathon in 490 B.C.


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This 7 day cruise itinerary features 4 port stops sandwiched between one sea day on either end. We found this to be quite ideal for a stress-free experience, giving us time to catch up on sleep, pack, shop, (think about exercise!), and relax before heading onwards (and home).


Some miscellaneous notes...

The gym on the Jade features the usual treadmills, steppers and other aerobic machines with a view out the port side of the ship. There is also a variety of weight machines and a small area with benches and dumbbell weights. Attached is a workout studio for classes with mats and punching bags, etc. It can, of course get quite crowded at peak times.


It's at this point in the cruise that we started to really envy those passengers staying on for the B2B that includes a 7 day itinerary with Dubrovnik, Split, Athens, and Kusadasi (close to Ephesus)...:p


In the final entry of this report, I'll discuss our experience with sailing into Venice at dawn, disembarking, and making our way to the airport by watertaxi from the cruise terminal.



Random towel animal pictures from the cruise










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The return to Venice in the morning was beautiful, with perfect lighting for taking photos and quietly appreciating the elegant beauty of the lagoon and this most remarkable city. The tranquility of the dawn arrival to the waking city truly helped us fully understand the name, "La Serenissima".







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Disembarking from the Jade in Venice

We usually prefer to take the "Early Walk Off" option and carry our own luggage off the ship at a time that suits us best. For Venice, however, this option was not offered. Guest Services mentioned that this was at the request of Italian port authorities. On the night before disembarkation, we collected tags for a specific disembarkation time window for luggage pick-up (information was included with the Freestyle Daily for the last sea day) and left our luggage for pickup outside the cabin as directed that night.


After a relaxed breakfast at the Grand Pacific, disembarkation itself was organized and we were easily able to locate our luggage and make our way out of the cruise terminal building.


Marco Polo Airport Transfer

Our flight left after 2pm that day so we had some time to get to the airport. We considered various options for our party of 6 including NCL bus transfer (US $30 per person), land taxis from the cruise terminal, taking the People Mover to Piazzale Roma and then catching a bus to the airport, taking an Alilaguna water bus from the cruise terminal (15 euros per person), or taking a private watertaxi from the cruise terminal.


We elected for the private water taxi experience and followed the signs for the water taxis (about a 10 minute walk from where the Jade was berthed). There were booths for booking a watertaxi to the right (as you face in the direction of the People Mover) just past the first ship berth, where Splendour of the Seas is docked in the photo below. We agreed on the fare of 140 euros for six (120 for the first four then 10 per additional person). The water taxis seem like they should easily be able to fit 8 and possibly 10, depending on luggage. We paid and received a number and then directions to walk a little further to the water taxi piers. There is a queue but many people milled around the water taxi pier entrance until their number was called. There is a step down into the water taxi and there are attendants at the cruise terminal pier who assist with handing your luggage down. Be prepared on the other end to receive your luggage being passed up by the taxi driver.



The Jade is backing into into this berth next to Splendour of the Seas. To the right in the background is the Alilaguna water bus stop and to the right of that (not in frame) is the private water taxi pier.




The water taxi ride itself was fun with some minor bouncing as we met the wakes of other boats on the channel to the airport. You will pass under the causeway to the mainland and have some views of the western edge of the city. From the cruise terminal water taxi pier, it took about 25-30 minutes to reach the pier at Marco Polo airport, from which point it was about another 8-10 minute walk to the airport terminal.



Views from our watertaxi as we departed the cruise terminal and Venice






The Marco Polo Airport departures area on the 2nd floor is probably too small for its passenger volume and there is extremely limited seating. We would concur with advice to arrive 2.5-3 hours before flight time to be able to negotiate the crowds. Arriving too early may not be helpful, as our airline (Lufthansa) at least did not open their check-in until 3 hours before departure.


We enjoyed our trip immensely and are looking forward to our next cruise adventure. We'd also certainly like to return to some of these stops (Venice, and Santorini especially) and spend some more time on a leisurely land visit some day.


Thanks for reading. I wish you all the best in your future travel adventures! :)

Edited by run2sea
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cool picture from the water taxi. Did you experience any long lines at the airport?




Yes, in addition to the line for our check-in, there were several long lines at the Marco Polo airport that impeded movement through the departures area. This included the line into the security check and also some individual check-in lines for other flights. There's not a lot of space for these lines to form in the departures check-in area so they tend to block people walking through the terminal. We did get there early and eventually found seats on either side of the entrance hallway. The line for our check-in was slow and we were glad to be in line early.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May I suggest that you resize your picture for message boards please ?


They are beautiful, but huge; and it makes reading the thread difficult having to scroll left/right as well as up/down.


Loving your review as I am considering Jade for a Venice-Venice cruise next year.



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May I suggest that you resize your picture for message boards please ?


They are beautiful, but huge; and it makes reading the thread difficult having to scroll left/right as well as up/down.




I think the size of the pictures are just fine. By the way, a question for run2sea. What time did they start doing the tender tickets for Santorini? Do you know at what time passengers started queueing up for the tenders.? Just trying to find out what time I need to get up that morning

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May I suggest that you resize your picture for message boards please ?


They are beautiful, but huge; and it makes reading the thread difficult having to scroll left/right as well as up/down.


Loving your review as I am considering Jade for a Venice-Venice cruise next year.




I agree I thought it was just my computer, for some reason the page is huge having to scroll right to read the whole page and view picture. I can't even print in order to read. Even if I minimize teh screen or make the font smaller that does not work. Enjoying the review and pictures anyway :D Will be on the same cruise next May



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Loved the review and Pictures!!!! am thinking of this cruise next year with my mom, 80 and she can not walk long distances... we use a small transport wheel chair. Is that doable? we would do private tours when able, like yours.... at times when its to much walking or rough terrain she would stay with the vehicle and driver.... just wanted to know if this doable? thank you!!

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May I suggest that you resize your picture for message boards please ?


They are beautiful, but huge; and it makes reading the thread difficult having to scroll left/right as well as up/down.


Loving your review as I am considering Jade for a Venice-Venice cruise next year.




Thanks for the feedback. Yes I realized this issue after I started and apologize. It was my first review with pictures and I'll make sure to do that I future. I have a high-res monitor at home and it wasn't until I switched computers that the problem became apparent. Hope you enjoy your cruise!

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Loved the review and Pictures!!!! am thinking of this cruise next year with my mom, 80 and she can not walk long distances... we use a small transport wheel chair. Is that doable? we would do private tours when able, like yours.... at times when its to much walking or rough terrain she would stay with the vehicle and driver.... just wanted to know if this doable? thank you!!



There might be few challenges to this itinerary that are be greater than some others in terms of accessibility. First of all, Venice itself is not very accessible because of the many bridges that lack ramps and require navigating steps. You may want to consider staying in Mestre before your cruise for that reason and using a taxi to travel into Venice (again there's often standing room only on the ACTV buses). An option to see major sites in Venice might be to get onto the vaporetto from Piazzale Roma and then use that water bus system to island hop to major sites in the city to minimize steps.


As you've probably already considered, you may also want to check with NCL on how they can assist with the tender transfer process for those ports that will (Santorini) and may (Mykonos) require tendering. I'm sure they have a procedure in place and there are always people standing by to assist with stepping across and down into the tenders but you may want to discuss in advance your mother's specific needs. With regards to our private tour in Katakolon to Olympia my sense from reviews on a popular trip review site is that the company we used has tailored their tours to specific needs and wishes.


Hope you and your mother have a great trip!

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I think the size of the pictures are just fine. By the way, a question for run2sea. What time did they start doing the tender tickets for Santorini? Do you know at what time passengers started queueing up for the tenders.? Just trying to find out what time I need to get up that morning


Thanks Ewoodspark,

I seem to recall that we queued for tender tickets for Santorini the night before, perhaps around 6 or 7 pm at the art gallery. I'd like to ask for confirmation from others who have taken this cruise though, in case I am misremembering this and am instead thinking of Mykonos.... I showed up 20 minutes before they opened and we got onto tender 2 that next day.


Also sorry for the delay in responding. I've been overseas working on the Ebola outbreak and just today had some time to decompress by hopping onto CC briefly... Fond memories to bring a smile to my face.


Happy cruising!

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