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Sensational Serenade 12 night Med with Venice overnight and Montenegro Review.

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As we settled in to our seats on the Vaporetto I was starting to get over my understandable annoyance at missing our time slot in St Marks. So, what will we do now we wondered? Well let’s start off with that Rick Steves pod cast along the Grande Canal. We can take it from there. How romantic this will be Ger I quipped, we can canoodle as we listen in as we will need to share your headphones – one ear each – how cute. How cute indeed. How cute my face must have been when he finally admitted the headphones were somewhere with this morning’s alarm – completely forgotten! Let’s just say I silently enjoyed the trip down the canal.



Jumping off near Rialto





Because we had spent a considerable amount of time around St Marks yesterday we agreed to hop off at Rialto. He had won me over with the suggestion that it might be fun to try find the hotel we had stayed in on our honeymoon. So we again found ourselves wandering the streets of Venice this time heading to the Cannaregio district and the Giorgione Hotel. We surprised ourselves by locating it quite quickly and only taking maybe 3 wrong turns along the way. Oh the memories of those fabulous four nights we had spent there came flooding back. How young we were, how hopeful for the future, how unlikely to forget alarms and headphones…….



Somewhere along the way



Another beautiful side canal



Hotel Giorgione. I hope to stay here again one day.

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ps: and I think that hotel you spent your honeymoon in looks soooo romantic. But even more romantic I think is the fact that you and Ger went looking for it, found it and remembered the days when your marriage started...sigh!


Screw the headphones and the alarm...you're in Venice ... together...again..after years of matrimony...Life couldn't be any better. I envy you two.



mhhh -- why didn't I go on any honeymoon? How am I supposed to repeat a visit if there was none... maybe I'll count the very first port of our very first cruise instead... yep, I like that idea.



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Just checking.....


If you need something to read while waiting for the next chapter, I found this amusing review. It is not the same ship (???) or cruise line (gasp!!!!) but some of the same ports and a lot of great pix...




Hi Denisey,


Thanks for the link. I just finished reading through the entire review. I enjoyed it very much.


I hope Irish Cath returns soon with an update.

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Hi Denisey,


Thanks for the link. I just finished reading through the entire review. I enjoyed it very much.


I hope Irish Cath returns soon with an update.


LOL!!! I just did the same thing!:D I read BOTH of his reviews--very good!! Hoping that Irish Cath doesn't keep us in suspense much longer, but family time is a precious thing--we just lost my DH's father on the 1st of Oct:( Gotta spend as much time as you can while they are still with us!!

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but family time is a precious thing--we just lost my DH's father on the 1st of Oct:( Gotta spend as much time as you can while they are still with us!!


I'm sorry for your loss. Yes, time is very precious. It seems like the older I get, the faster it slips away. Our family tries to spend as much time together as possible, making memories and enjoying each others company.


Happy cruising!

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Thanks to each and every one of you for the lovely words of encouragement. I'm sorry i've been missing for a couple of days - just have been too busy - boooo. I am off to a family wedding early tomorrow morning and will be back Sunday evening so hopefully I will continue then ( assuming I don't consume too many guinness at the wedding :eek::D . Right now I should really be far away from CC trying to beautify myself ( Grrr where's the botox) :D


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.


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Lol -- so THAT'S where you're off to. Goodthing to be able to check your personal review..you're such a tease!... I hope you have a wonderful time!


Screw the botox :-) I've seen your pics for formal night....you definitely don't need that!


See you on Sunday!



Edited by Kreuzfahrtneuling
add on about the botox
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Lol -- it's monday...am I guessing correctly, that the wedding was great and the guinness plentiful? Or did the bride run off and you're still on the road chasing her down? Whatever it is....we miss you!


Come back and tell us all about the wedding!





hahaha, luckily we have not been out all night trying to track down the bride. We did not get home until late yesterday evening and today is a holiday here in Ireland. We all had a grand time at the wedding and I even got my left footed hubbie to dance with me - lucky me :D


Stef I have to say I am very sad that yourself and Tanya did not have a honeymoon. Where was your first port stop? Tell us so we can all know what place holds that special 'memory' for you. I hope you get to go back and celebrate your love one day. Anyway I reckon every day is like being on honeymoon for you two, you are a lovely couple :)

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Our visit to our honeymoon hotel awakened the romantic in my lovely husband and he announced that he wanted to buy me a little something as an early wedding anniversary present as it was now just a few weeks before our 7th anniversary. After thinking about it for a little while I decided that I would like a new leather purse, not finding anything that tickled my fancy I settled on a very nice rather trendy leather clutch bag. It was certainly different than anything I could get at home and not too outrageously expensive so I thought it would be a lovely keepsake. As we were a little out of the way from the main tourist hubbub the shop assistant was very chatty and polite and seemed to be very grateful for our custom. That of course all changed 20 seconds later when DH’s card was declined. What? Major panic, we know the funds are there, we’ve used the card in lots of other ports so what can the problem be. Maybe it’s an issue with the shops register so we find the nearest A.T.M. Guess what, yep card declined. So here we are with no working bank card, very little cash and the romantic gesture of an anniversary gift just gone floating down the nearest canal!


We decide at this stage to locate Strada Nova and slowly make our way back in the general direction of Piazzale Roma. We had remembered Strada Nova from our previous Venetian visit and found it pretty easily. Unlike the majority of Venetian alleyways Strada Nova is a very wide street with very little evidence of water surrounding it. Ok so you cross the occasional bridge and obviously there is no traffic but it’s the most regular looking street in Venice that I am aware of. Walking along Ger decided that we should have a stroll around a neighbourhood that was not packed with tourists and their attendant chaotic paraphernalia but a residential quarter that allowed us to enjoy a glance into real Venetian life. We found the Ormesini canal at the northern end of Cannaregio and found just what we hoped. Bakeries and butchers replaced glass and mask shops. While graffiti and laundry told the tale of everyday life.


The sun was now at its highest and as we had little to eat we decided to seek out a bacaro that would suit our now limited funds. We had to venture back onto the Strada Nova to find somewhere suitable. We settled on Cicchetteria Venexiana da Luca e Fred. Our eyes got the better of our bellies and we choose a large selection of little sandwiches and fried savoury snacks. They all tasted great and life was good – until the bill came that was! We did not have enough money. Such panic ensued what would we do, am I going to have to leave them my wedding ring until we go back to the ship and get another card that we hope will work. Arrgggghhh. After looking at the bill for a few minutes and recounting the pile of coins that we had left, we made a shocking surprise – they were ripping us off! Oh yes how delighted we were and how quickly Ger trotted to the counter to point out that they were charging us for extra items. The gentleman muttered an apology but I believe they were trying to knowingly overcharge us. I really did not care as long as I didn’t have to spend my afternoon mopping floors and washing the dishes!












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I am thoroughly enjoying your review, IRISH Cath! We are scheduled on Vision out of Barcelona the summer of 2015. I'm wondering on which days of the cruise are the formal nights? I understand that night two was the first formal night? Am I correct? What other formal nights are there. Thank you so much!



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Edited by Buffy&Barny
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Stef I have to say I am very sad that yourself and Tanya did not have a honeymoon. Where was your first port stop? Tell us so we can all know what place holds that special 'memory' for you. I hope you get to go back and celebrate your love one day. Anyway I reckon every day is like being on honeymoon for you two, you are a lovely couple :)


:p:p:p You're so nice!


:oI discussed the first port replacing the honeymoon deal with Tanja ... but we both decided on something different. We decided to let the first romantic vacation day count after our marriage in 2005. We travelled to Santa Barbara, California and spent a day at the "more Mesa" beach...with a bottle of red wine and two glasses from a thrift store. Lol -- it's a nude beach...and we got the most hideous sunburn of our lives...yet that day was unforgettable...so that's our spot to return to :D.



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life was good – until the bill came that was! We did not have enough money. Such panic ensued what would we do, am I going to have to leave them my wedding ring until we go back to the ship and get another card that we hope will work. Arrgggghhh. After looking at the bill for a few minutes and recounting the pile of coins that we had left, we made a shocking surprise – they were ripping us off! Oh yes how delighted we were and how quickly Ger trotted to the counter to point out that they were charging us for extra items. The gentleman muttered an apology but I believe they were trying to knowingly overcharge us. I really did not care as long as I didn’t have to spend my afternoon mopping floors and washing the dishes!


:eek::eek::eek: Oh MY GOD!!!! I held my breath reading this! Poor you! Lol -- but how often does it happen that you actually are relieved about somebody trying to rip you off:mad:.


So what was wrong with the card? Did you end up getting the bag?


I can't believe you were willing to leave your wedding ring!


I can just picture the press photos titled: Irish couple mopping floors in a Venetian restaurant after raving through the menu without proper funds. Lol -- somehow I can picture your expression on that imaginative paparazzo picture as well:D.


Just kidding!



Edited by Kreuzfahrtneuling
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I am thoroughly enjoying your review, IRISH Cath! We are scheduled on Vision out of Barcelona the summer of 2015. I'm wondering on which days of the cruise are the formal nights? I understand that night two was the first formal night? Am I correct? What other formal nights are there. Thank you so much!



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Hi Buffy & Barny.


Thanks for following along. Formal nights were day 2 (Villefranche) and days 6 and 11 which were both sea days. The second formal night (day 6) was also the captains welcome back party.

You really are in for a holiday of a lifetime with this cruise, we enjoyed it so much it is on our list to consider taking again in 2015. I'm excited just thinking about the prospect.


If I can help with any of your planning please ask away.


Catherine :)

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You're so nice!


:oI discussed the first port replacing the honeymoon deal with Tanja ... but we both decided on something different. We decided to let the first romantic vacation day count after our marriage in 2005. We travelled to Santa Barbara, California and spent a day at the "more Mesa" beach...with a bottle of red wine and two glasses from a thrift store. Lol -- it's a nude beach...and we got the most hideous sunburn of our lives...yet that day was unforgettable...so that's our spot to return to :D.




There ya go ya see - thanks to CC you have figured this out and you can now tell Tanja where you need to go back to for your 50th wedding anniversary :D

Ouchy ouch on the sun burn :eek:

Edited by Irish Cath
silly me had spelled Tanja incorrectly
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life was good – until the bill came that was! We did not have enough money. Such panic ensued what would we do, am I going to have to leave them my wedding ring until we go back to the ship and get another card that we hope will work. Arrgggghhh. After looking at the bill for a few minutes and recounting the pile of coins that we had left, we made a shocking surprise – they were ripping us off! Oh yes how delighted we were and how quickly Ger trotted to the counter to point out that they were charging us for extra items. The gentleman muttered an apology but I believe they were trying to knowingly overcharge us. I really did not care as long as I didn’t have to spend my afternoon mopping floors and washing the dishes!


Oh MY GOD!!!! I held my breath reading this! Poor you! Lol -- but how often does it happen that you actually are relieved about somebody trying to rip you off:mad:.


So what was wrong with the card? Did you end up getting the bag?


I can't believe you were willing to leave your wedding ring!


I can just picture the press photos titled: Irish couple mopping floors in a Venetian restaurant after raving through the menu without proper funds. Lol -- somehow I can picture your expression on that imaginative paparazzo picture as well:D.


Just kidding!




And I was absolutely holding me breath when we were counting our money!! Yep, definitely the first time ever was so delighted to be being ripped off even if it was only for 5 or 6 euro. There's no way I would have left my wedding ring, I guess I would have been left on the end of it while Ger went back to the ship to get another card. How embarrassing that would have been waiting for an hour and a half maybe with all eyes glaring at the silly broke Irish women :o

Unfortunately I didn't get the bag , again it would have meant walking all the way back to get a credit card and then finding the shop (which could have taken 2 days in itself). Ger made a (very very expensive) phone call to the bank and they gave him some silly story about the card being locked for security reasons even though they knew we were away and it had worked in countless other ports. It worked later that day when we used the ships ATM so that we would have some cash in our pockets for the next day. Needless to say we were annoyed about how much they charged to withdraw money too.

Still all is well that ends well.

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After the stressful situation of lunch we decided it was time to head back to the safety of the ship where you can eat and drink to your hearts delight without having to worry about paying for it!! There was just one last thing that I wanted to do – visit a church which had struck a chord with me on our last visit. The church of Saint Geremia in Campo san Geremia.

Sometimes, for me, we stumble on somewhere when we are on vacation and decide to have a quick look in passing. I remember when we found this church in 2007 we were killing time while waiting on a train to Lake Garda after our cruise. I’m sure we probably went inside to shelter from the blistering sun and obviously couldn’t force ourselves to have another gelato! To our surprise this church was not just dedicated to St Geremia but also to Santa Lucia (St. Lucy). Her relics had been moved here where the church of her own name was demolished in order to build the current day train station – which is of course called Santa Lucia train station. I’m not completely sure what it was about this church that left such an indelible impression on me. It didn’t have priceless works of art and I suppose its location is a bit out of the way but for some reason it filled my soul with a feeling that I still cannot put into words here.

Yes I was of course delighted to see St. Mark’s square particularly at night time and wanted to spend time taking in the atmosphere of the narrow streets of Venice but this was the one place that I remembered with most joy and I don’t know – sheer love – when I thought back on Venice and our honeymoon, I just felt so compelled to revisit. I can only tell you that I was simply heartbroken to discover that the church was closed when we reached it and would not reopen for about two hours. I did actually shed a tear. I hope you don’t mind but I’d like to dedicate a small part of this review to St Lucia and tell you a little about her.

St Lucia was born into a rich noble Roman family. At a very young age she lost her father who was a Christian and she was left a huge dowry. Lucia’s mother wanted her to marry a rich pagan man. Lucia being a virtuous young woman did not want to marry a pagan man. She asked her mother to distribute the dowry among the poor but her mother would not agree. As a young teenager, Lucia was zealously working in the service of God helping the poor.

Her mother then became very ill and many treatments failed. One night St Lucia and her mother visited St. Agatha’s tomb where they prayed for many hours. St. Agatha appeared to St Lucia in a dream and told her that her mother was healed. St. Lucia’s mother convinced with her miracle cure then complied with the request to distribute their wealth among the poor. The Pagan man being furious with this news denounced her as a Christian to the Governor of Syracuse, Sicily. That was a time where many Christians were persecuted for their faith and suffered death. St. Lucia was sentenced to death and died as a Martyr. There are different legends about St Lucia’s eyes – they were gouged out – some say by the pagan man to keep as they were so beautiful! Today she is the patron saint for people who are blind and with eye problems and it is believed by many that over the centuries many people have been healed by God through the intercession of St Lucia. Her feast day is celebrated on December 13th and in some places she brings toys and sweets to children (similar to Santa Claus).


I’m not the most religious of people but I did really feel a sense of peace and love looking at the body of this young girl. Her face is now covered over but her hands and feet are visible. If you are lucky enough to be in Venice and feel you have the time I would really encourage you to visit this church, maybe you might remember me while you are there and perhaps light the candle that I wish I could have enkindled.




The outside of the church. I apologize about the quality of the picture. I'm not sure if I took it before I realised it was closed and it's bad because I was so excited or if I took it afterwards and its bad because I was so disappointed. I'm also not sure what all those people on the steps were doing, but they certainly weren't getting in!

Edited by Irish Cath
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