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yeah lets see what happens stupid baseball caps' date=' cut off jeans, tank tops. all because people refuse to respect a simple rule. If you don't want to get dressed up and you know its formal night don'r go to the MDR there is plentaly of other places to eat. But then again its all about "ME". The waiteers are not going to cause a scene. so weare your shirts and pants and No tie or jacket because you have to wear it to work every day.. Why not see what happens if you try that aat your job. I wish HAl would ban baseball caps in the MDR. Please someone tell me why men never take these hats off? do the sleep with them on? do they wear them to church? A furneral a weddening? a job interview? when do the take them off.





Frankly, I have yet to see anything remotely like baseball caps, cut off jeans and tank tops on any night in the MDR, let alone on formal night. Yet there is at least one person - now two - who insist it happens all the time.

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to this day I have never been able to fathom how you did it with the lost luggage. You should do a thread on what to buy where and how one of these days. I was amazed at how you coped. I don't know if I would have fared as well and I know that DH wouldn't have. kudos to you:D


Well I did up a list and did a quick walmart shop. The clothing, shoes etc were not to my taste but I think I did ok. If your luggage is lost Hal will lend you formal wear. They were good about that. That said, I did ok with the outfit I got. My guess is that people that don't dress for formal night don't want to. There is nothing with that but I wish people would own it instead of making excuses like they have dressed up for 35 years. I've dressed for work for almost that long and I'll dress as long as the cruise line asks.

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If your luggage was lost, you can't dress formally unless you travel that way. 90 percent of the world doesn't, so if luggage was lost/delayed they most likely can't adhere to the "rules." My point is simply there are factors sometimes far beyond laziness to not wearing a jacket and tie. Lost luggage is awful, sorry you had to experience that. :(


Please note we normally bring formal attire. I think it's corny, but to each their own.


I did go out and purchase what I needed. I arrived in Fort Lauderdale that night and I got up bright and early and got busy. At that time I traveled with a tiny carry on. The only thing I had was a pair of underwear and a pair of socks. I only had running shoes and nothing else. The cruise line will lend you formal wear. Hal could not have been better. I just get tired of people bringing out the lost luggage situation. I doubt that it's true 98 percent of the time.

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What a great idea abt the candles and table cloth. Fantastic. Gotta add that to my list for our next cruise.


Personally I'd rather have more clothes but I guess this appeals to some folks. If you are driving to the port I guess it would be no biggie.

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All I can say is if you were seated at the same table as we were (fixed seating), you would be asked to wear the proper attire. This would be done either by the maître'd or by me. And if necessary, it would be asked politely but quite loudly.


Scott & Karen

Wow ... I go on vacation to have a good time and I learned a long time ago to worry about myself and not worry about what other people do or do not do. I would never be so insensitive to tell someone that they are not dressed to my satisfaction. They paid money and should be able to dress as they want. Wow

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It disheartens me to read posters tell new HAL cruisers to “wear what you want on formal night. You will be fine.” I can tell you that on every one of my HAL cruises for the last 10 years I have only observed one person not dressed as HAL suggests – and that’s a whole other story. I feel bad that a newbie might actually take the advice, show up without coat & tie and have the DRM deny them admission to the MDR, or embarrass them by offering a loaner jacket. I’m in the group who think it is the “stir the pot” people who claim it happens all the time.


I guess my suggestion to anyone who has never sailed HAL would be to dress as HAL suggests for your first cruise – and then decide how you want to approach formal night on your next HAL cruise.

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It disheartens me to read posters tell new HAL cruisers to “wear what you want on formal night. You will be fine.” I can tell you that on every one of my HAL cruises for the last 10 years I have only observed one person not dressed as HAL suggests – and that’s a whole other story. I feel bad that a newbie might actually take the advice, show up without coat & tie and have the DRM deny them admission to the MDR, or embarrass them by offering a loaner jacket. I’m in the group who think it is the “stir the pot” people who claim it happens all the time.


I guess my suggestion to anyone who has never sailed HAL would be to dress as HAL suggests for your first cruise – and then decide how you want to approach formal night on your next HAL cruise.

Agreed 100 percent. HAL can and will turn you away for not complying with their rules. It'd be so embarrassing to have that happen because you read on CC it is always ok.

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Thank you, thank you to all who have made me realize you're not all like CaveDiving. Now I know I have not made the wrong decision to cruise with HAL.


No you have not. Perhaps CaveDiving needs to change cruise lines instead ;) One thing for certain, his post wins the prize for "tasteless and tacky". But, look at the bright side...we've all seen his photo...if I saw him on a cruise, I'd walk the other way.

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yeah lets see what happens stupid baseball caps' date=' cut off jeans, tank tops. all because people refuse to respect a simple rule. If you don't want to get dressed up and you know its formal night don'r go to the MDR there is plentaly of other places to eat. But then again its all about "ME". The waiteers are not going to cause a scene. so weare your shirts and pants and No tie or jacket because you have to wear it to work every day.. Why not see what happens if you try that aat your job. I wish HAl would ban baseball caps in the MDR. [b']Please someone tell me why men never take these hats off?[/b] do the sleep with them on? do they wear them to church? A furneral a weddening? a job interview? when do the take them off.




My guess is that (in many cases) they don't want you to know they're bald.



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As for the "it's my holiday so I will do what I like" crowd, they show contempt for their fellow passengers who have chosen to cruise on a ship that has some formal nights and who go to the trouble of adhering to the dress code.


Totally agree. Following the suggested dress code is about respect, which is in short supply with the "me generation."

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All I can say is if you were seated at the same table as we were (fixed seating), you would be asked to wear the proper attire. This would be done either by the maître'd or by me. And if necessary, it would be asked politely but quite loudly.


You made me laugh! I would not leave! Being kind i would suggest you stuff your stuffy bow tie up your stuffy butt!


...Perhaps CaveDiving needs to change cruise lines instead ;) One thing for certain, his post wins the prize for "tasteless and tacky". But, look at the bright side...we've all seen his photo...if I saw him on a cruise, I'd walk the other way.




I usually make it a rule not to answer people who criticize my opinions as being somehow inappropriate. But your comments were so invective that I will make an exception. I consider the remarks by “sassy~one” to be those of someone who has only limited communication skills and thus not worthy of a reply.


I don’t know who you are to decide that obeying the rules set up by HAL is “tasteless and tacky.” Unfortunately, there are many who, for whatever reason, take no responsibility for having rules obeyed, let others walk over them and simply act as sheep. "Never make a scene", "it’s not appropriate", "I’d never say anything", etc. Sometimes it is worth speaking up. Unfortunately, chaos may result when good people choose to look the other way and do nothing when they see rules being broken.


The HAL dress code, behavior code, health code, speech code, etc. permit cruisers to feel safe, comfortable and even special during their cruise. They are basically the common sense rules in a polite society. If someone individually decides that the rules do not need to be followed than yes, I will stand up and say something. I feel sorry for those who are too afraid to ever take a stand for doing the right thing.


If another passenger was constantly asking you to give them money, kept using inappropriate language, kept touching you inappropriately, kept handling food in the buffet and then returning it to the serving location, etc., would you stand up and say something? I certainly hope so. So why the objection to my pointing out a violation of the dress code?


I am sorry that you do not agree with my approach to the situation described, but I really don’t believe it warrants the message you have posted.


Scott & Karen

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Can I ask whether you can have dinner from the menu delivered only on Formal nights or can you do this on other nights also?


Also to the person thinking of taking candles can you please buy some flameless ones rather than risking open flame.

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I usually make it a rule not to answer people who criticize my opinions as being somehow inappropriate. But your comments were so invective that I will make an exception. I consider the remarks by “sassy~one” to be those of someone who has only limited communication skills and thus not worthy of a reply.


I don’t know who you are to decide that obeying the rules set up by HAL is “tasteless and tacky.” Unfortunately, there are many who, for whatever reason, take no responsibility for having rules obeyed, let others walk over them and simply act as sheep. "Never make a scene", "it’s not appropriate", "I’d never say anything", etc. Sometimes it is worth speaking up. Unfortunately, chaos may result when good people choose to look the other way and do nothing when they see rules being broken.


The HAL dress code, behavior code, health code, speech code, etc. permit cruisers to feel safe, comfortable and even special during their cruise. They are basically the common sense rules in a polite society. If someone individually decides that the rules do not need to be followed than yes, I will stand up and say something. I feel sorry for those who are too afraid to ever take a stand for doing the right thing.


If another passenger was constantly asking you to give them money, kept using inappropriate language, kept touching you inappropriately, kept handling food in the buffet and then returning it to the serving location, etc., would you stand up and say something? I certainly hope so. So why the objection to my pointing out a violation of the dress code?


I am sorry that you do not agree with my approach to the situation described, but I really don’t believe it warrants the message you have posted.


Scott & Karen


At the very real risk of sounding like someone who has limited communication skills and ergo not worthy of your notice, I have to conclude that you have set standards so high that it must be nearly impossible for all of your fellow cruisers to live up to your stringent expectations. I do try my best to follow guidelines and truly hope that I never run afoul of you. I can tell, even with my limited comprehension skills that it would not be an uplifting experience.


I don't say this much but----Wow!!!

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Can I ask whether you can have dinner from the menu delivered only on Formal nights or can you do this on other nights also?


Also to the person thinking of taking candles can you please buy some flameless ones rather than risking open flame.


Yes, you can have dinner delivered every night of the cruise. Just check the procedure on board. You have to order within a certain time window but it will be delivered at the time of your choice (dining hours)


Candles are not permitted on board, never fear

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The HAL dress code, behavior code, health code, speech code, etc. permit cruisers to feel safe, comfortable and even special during their cruise. They are basically the common sense rules in a polite society. If someone individually decides that the rules do not need to be followed than yes, I will stand up and say something. I feel sorry for those who are too afraid to ever take a stand for doing the right thing.


If another passenger was constantly asking you to give them money, kept using inappropriate language, kept touching you inappropriately, kept handling food in the buffet and then returning it to the serving location, etc., would you stand up and say something? I certainly hope so. So why the objection to my pointing out a violation of the dress code?


I am sorry that you do not agree with my approach to the situation described, but I really don’t believe it warrants the message you have posted.


Scott & Karen


Could you please elaborate on speech code on HAL? I wasn't aware there was one. Does this mean you will be the speech police:confused::p. correct grammar:confused:

Edited by kazu
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Could you please elaborate on speech code on hal? I wasn't aware there was one. Does this mean you will be the speech police:confused::p. Correct grammar:confused:




Edited by Hal&Rob
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''I consider the remarks by “sassy~one” to be those of someone who has only limited communication skills and thus not worthy of a reply.''


~ spits coffee on my monitor ~ But you did reply! you see i'm the reply police! Moving on, as i just booked a 14 night HAL cruise and i need to make plans. :D

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Could you please elaborate on speech code on HAL? I wasn't aware there was one. Does this mean you will be the speech police:confused::p. correct grammar:confused:



I am not too worried about my Grammar , but my Grammpar can be pretty politically incorrect sometimes. I hope they don't throw him off the ship at the first port :)

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Yes, you can have dinner delivered every night of the cruise. Just check the procedure on board. You have to order within a certain time window but it will be delivered at the time of your choice (dining hours)

17 cruises on HAL...and I NEVER knew until now that you can order off the Dining Room menu for Room Service.

After all these years, I STILL learn new things from CC! :)

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''I consider the remarks by “sassy~one” to be those of someone who has only limited communication skills and thus not worthy of a reply.''


~ spits coffee on my monitor ~ But you did reply! you see i'm the reply police! Moving on, as i just booked a 14 night HAL cruise and i need to make plans. :D




Yeah but he still didn't say if the tie spins and lights up , so its really only a shallow victory *LOL*

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Groannnnnn!!!! Another "proper formal night attire" thread. We haven't had enough of these. I adhere to the dress code and certainly wish everyone would but I would never let someone who didn't ruin my dinner.


What I WISH HAL would do is quit nickel and diming passengers to death! Bring back lobster on the PG menu! Bring back the flambe items without the "fire safety" excuse. And don't put items at a surcharge on the PG menu. Just too tacky! And either offer expresso and capuccino on the menu in the MDR included with dinner and not an extra charge. And stop with the stupid explorer 4 program. Who the hell ( except for the nursing home crowd) wants to eat dinner in the PG at 5:30??? Instead just give the value of Explorer 4 as OBC. To offer a beverage card for up to $50 per day in beverages is ridiculous!!! Just such a waste! HAL has changed over the years and not for the better.


Stay tuned BTW. A new "smoking thread" coming soon to a CC board near you!:D

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17 cruises on HAL...and I NEVER knew until now that you can order off the Dining Room menu for Room Service.

After all these years, I STILL learn new things from CC! :)

I tried my best to get the discussion back on topic... :rolleyes:

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Frankly, I have yet to see anything remotely like baseball caps, cut off jeans and tank tops on any night in the MDR, let alone on formal night. Yet there is at least one person - now two - who insist it happens all the time.



I saw flannel pajamas on my last cruise in the dining room,don't you think this might be a wee bit too casual?

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