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Back from Glory Eastern Caribbean -Review


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We were not set to get into Grand Turk until 11am. So, this morning we had our room service, and then went ship exploring some more. One of those stops was the library. Keiran really liked it in there as there were some board games and other games (bring your own cards though as no full decks) to play. Throughout the cruise we played twister (no one else was reading in the library during that time!), matching games, monopoly and cribbage.


Keiran and I got quite lost trying to get to the library one day earlier in the trip. Since that time, we always went to deck 5, walked forward and just took the stairs or glass elevators to get to the Lobby or deck 4. Both deck 3 & 4 are blocked off by the galley and restaurants and so if you are aft- good luck finding your way!


We also did some trivia this morning and Steve & Keiran finally got to play mini-golf! I opted not to play and just lounged around on deck 5 I think.


We got changed into our swim gear and headed out to Grand Turk. Last year, we had done the beach & loved it. However, this year on the way off the dock we saw horses for beach horseback riding. I remembered reading some posts about "horse business" in the water/beach... so, we wanted to try Margaritaville pool anyways! (for those of you who have never been to Grand Turk- there are beaches right there next to the boats!)




Margaritaville is about 15 steps further than the beach ;) It has an amazing pool that just goes on and on, under bridges, a great "bench" around the entire pool to sit on, etc. We found two chairs right next to the pool, put our stuff down, and got into the pool!




The huge pool at Margaritaville. Yet another beautiful day.




Around noon we decided to order something for lunch. Well, that changed into just a big snack since there was little that Keiran would eat on the menu (and for the prices, didn't want a bite of something only!). We opted for the nachos with chicken and asked for some of the chips & chicken to be separated on the side (picky kid). These nachos were $27 + tip. But, they were good! After our snack, we swam some more and played around in the water for another 1.5 hours and then we had enough sun for the day!




There was music and as the afternoon went on it started getting busier (two ships in port). The section that we were sitting however was nice & relaxing which is what we wanted. Over towards the swim-up bar the music was louder.




- Kim

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Back onboard we headed to the room, changed and then went up to lido for lunch. Guy's Burgers although due to the nachos, none of us even came close to finishing them!


A little balcony relaxing, naptime and then pre-dinner routine.


View from the balcony in Grand Turk




Parasail (if you can see them!) over the water




Tonight was the second elegant night (formal). Keiran had fruit for an appetizer and french fries for an appetizer (he was very specific by this point in the cruise as to "when" he wanted his food!) and corndog kid's meal (special & just on tonight's kid menu). Note that the french fries not on the kids menu are garlic fries and very tasty! Even Keiran thought they were better!


I had the crab cake for an appetizer. I had the Filet & Beef Confit meal this night, green beans & a loaded baked potato. Steve had shrimp cocktail and the Indian vegetarian dinner tonight (slightly different than the other night) with grilled chicken again. He said both times he had this it was very good. I finally remembered to take some pictures of this menu... but they didn't turn out great. They are blurry and not even worth uploading. I tried!


After dinner we took Keiran to camp. We decided to call at 9:30 and see if he wanted to stay a bit later. He said yes. We ended up picking him up at 11pm ($6.75 + tip per hour after 10pm on non-party nights).


Tonight we saw two comedian shows. One was horribly unfunny. (but, some people thought he was and laughed) and the other was really good. Both were the family shows. I was tempted to go back and see the funny comedian's adult show- but thought... comedy is better not by yourself! So, I just went to bed with Keiran & Steve.


We also played a bit in the casino this evening and I actually held my own at 3card poker for the first time in a long time. Cashed out with a $20 profit after an hour playing. That is a win for me in that game!


Next up... our last day at Sea (and on the ship) :(



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How long was your tour in San Juan?


Did you meet the driver when you exited the port?


What were the highlights?


Thanks in advance. We are doing this exact same iteniary in April and are looking for something to do in San Juan.


The tour in total was about 1.5 hours, maybe a tad longer from when the bus left the port area until when they dropped us off in the middle of town, at the base of the fort hill.


Yes- this driver came up to us asking us if we wanted a tour. It was not pre-planned.


The highlights of the tour were the stops: the beach, the capital building & the fort. In addition, the AC as it was hot even at 8am! And, we learned a lot and all was very interesting!


I have no clue what the name of this tour was. We just went along with it! And the price was right at $20.



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Thanks for the review!! Leaving on the Glory Saturday, this is getting me even more excited!!


You will love it! Have a great time and make certain to see Olga & Z (his name starts with a Z and that is what we called him) at the casino bar. Great people. Great service.



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You will love it! Have a great time and make certain to see Olga & Z (his name starts with a Z and that is what we called him) at the casino bar. Great people. Great service.




Great review and I agree that Olga is awesome!


Do you know who was in the Alchemy Bar on your cruise?

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Great review and I agree that Olga is awesome!


Do you know who was in the Alchemy Bar on your cruise?




Alchemy Bar team. Plus one other that was really nice as well. I wrote down their names as someone on the boards had asked & I said I would post back. But... I haven't found that in my paperwork stuff yet! I do not remember their names as we only went there a few times on the trip. But really nice & really interesting place!



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The tour in total was about 1.5 hours, maybe a tad longer from when the bus left the port area until when they dropped us off in the middle of town, at the base of the fort hill.


Yes- this driver came up to us asking us if we wanted a tour. It was not pre-planned.


The highlights of the tour were the stops: the beach, the capital building & the fort. In addition, the AC as it was hot even at 8am! And, we learned a lot and all was very interesting!


I have no clue what the name of this tour was. We just went along with it! And the price was right at $20.



Thanks Kim.


Were there other people on the tour?


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Alchemy Bar team. Plus one other that was really nice as well. I wrote down their names as someone on the boards had asked & I said I would post back. But... I haven't found that in my paperwork stuff yet! I do not remember their names as we only went there a few times on the trip. But really nice & really interesting place!




Thanks so much! They're new since my cruise in June but I'm sure they're great! :)

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Another Feb 21 cruiser here.


Thanks Kim for the review. We've been on Glory twice and dis this itinerary last year, but our Feb cruise is with our 5 yr old granddaughter so I was really interested in reading what you did in each port with your little one and Camp Carnival. Did you try the water slide?

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Have really enjoyed your review. Great pictures. I sailed on the Glory a few years ago and really like it except for having a hard time getting to the dining room the first couple nights. Your son is adorable. Looks like he had a wonderful time too.

Edited by bluehenfan
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Being back in the swing of things in work and no longer living the vacation life, I have slacked off on finishing this review. I will get to the last sea day, debarkation and overall thoughts this weekend- promise.


Thanks to all who have read it and for all of the nice remarks about our adorable Keiran. I will say, he got spoiled on the cruise. It has been an adjustment for him being home as well. On the cruise, he would say "I want to go to the pool"- sure! "I want to get a cherry"- sure! At home, it doesn't really work that way and he has given mommy & daddy a few "sad faces" for the day when "you aren't listening to me" and giving him everything he wants. Oh well- we were all spoiled on the cruise and adjusting to real life.


Keiran said to me this week on the way home one day-"Mommy, you know what we need to do this weekend?" "No, what buddy?" "Pack for our next cruise!" "Kiddo, we aren't going on another cruise for a while. But, I think in a few weeks we will go to Disney World, that should be fun!" Keiran: "That will be fun. Disney World, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas- that is where we should go." :D



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Being back in the swing of things in work and no longer living the vacation life, I have slacked off on finishing this review. I will get to the last sea day, debarkation and overall thoughts this weekend- promise.


Thanks to all who have read it and for all of the nice remarks about our adorable Keiran. I will say, he got spoiled on the cruise. It has been an adjustment for him being home as well. On the cruise, he would say "I want to go to the pool"- sure! "I want to get a cherry"- sure! At home, it doesn't really work that way and he has given mommy & daddy a few "sad faces" for the day when "you aren't listening to me" and giving him everything he wants. Oh well- we were all spoiled on the cruise and adjusting to real life.


Keiran said to me this week on the way home one day-"Mommy, you know what we need to do this weekend?" "No, what buddy?" "Pack for our next cruise!" "Kiddo, we aren't going on another cruise for a while. But, I think in a few weeks we will go to Disney World, that should be fun!" Keiran: "That will be fun. Disney World, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas- that is where we should go." :D



Lol. ..Once the kids start to cruise they can't get enough either. Our 13 year old daughter keeps asking when we will be cruising next.[emoji4]


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As today was our last full day on board, we ordered room service the night before for our last time! We only got bananas and juice as we were planning to go to the Sea Day brunch, but it didn't open until 8:30am.



I can not say enough great things about the brunch menu in the dining room for Sea Day brunch! We didn't know what to chose, the options looked so good! I ended up with the fried chicken macaroni & cheese, Steve had the steak & eggs and Keiran had the chocolate chip pancakes. The basket of muffins was great too.



After breakfast, we had a lot of fun activities planned this day according to the Fun Times. We split up for a while and Steve & Keiran went to the library to play games and I headed to the photo area on deck 4 to look at and purchase our photos. I do think that they should at least scan your sail & sign card and put all family pictures together. I couldn't find some of the pictures that we had taken, and I knew that at least one of them existed somewhere as we had seen it on another day. Oh well!



At 10 am we went and learned how to make towel animals! We had a great time, made a decent Elephant and Dog and bought the book to try them at home! After that, there was a towel animal puppet show that we watched. Keiran sat up on the stage along with two other kids. It was actually a pretty cute show!






Keiran wanted to go to camp for a little bit before lunch, so we dropped him off and Steve & I played trivia. We got a phone call about 45 minutes later from Camp that Keiran was ready to leave. I think that he hit his head (the counselors told us about it but no tears) on a truck he was playing with and then just kind of didn't want to play anymore. I think it had more to do with the “bubble party” and other planned activities were over for the morning and it was just free play. Keiran really liked those activities and arts & crafts- not the free play so much. So, Keiran joined us at some trivia and we had fun!



Lunch we decided to have one last Guy's Burger (can you tell this was a favorite?).



We did a nap, although it was pretty short and then some more trivia as a family. I also started packing and getting things ready as we were putting out our suitcases tonight. We had FTTF, so we received the first bags number 1 tags.



Keiran had wanted to go to the Hasbro Game Show since we watched a bit of a YouTube video on it. We went to this show this afternoon and it was entertaining. Everson the Cruise Director was very funny during this show and really had some witty things to say off-the-cuff with where people were from, what they were doing, wearing, etc.



After the show, it was time to go up and shower and start getting ready for our last meal in the dining room for dinner. We did bring a bit of extra for our dining room serving team for tips. Throughout the week we had given some extra as well to our favorite servers and bartenders. We also were more “generous” today/tonight with those tips as well to our regular servers throughout the ship.



Dinner was good tonight, although I do not remember what we had to eat! I am surprised that I remembered as much as I did throughout this review. I believe this was the night of dumplings as an appetizer- I wish I would have ordered 4 orders for my meal. They were really good; duck dumplings I believe.



After dinner, Keiran went to camp & we just did one last night of the casino. We held our own this week and didn't lose as much we had budgeted for, so that is a win! But, we didn't walk away ahead. Oh well, we had fun trying! I really enjoyed the blackjack (as I was winning a lot of the time!) and Steve found a new game he liked this trip of Ultimate Texas Hold 'Em table game.



Around 11pm, we all headed to bed in our last night after a wonderful cruise vacation.





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With FTTF, we were able to get off the boat early and our bags were all there when we got off the ship. We got a porter to help us with our bags and waited in a fairly short line for customs. Easy, breezy and we were in our car by 8:30.



We had a great vacation and we are already starting to think about booking another one for May 2015. If only we had more vacation-time and money, we would be on sooner!



Interesting thing we learned on this cruise in talking to some of the entertainment staff during trivia:



- "Ship serious" relationships happen when the dating couple connects their accounts. Carnival will then keep those two connected accounts together on any upcoming cruise contracts. One of the entertainment staff had just become ship serious with her boyfriend and she was glowing!




My last thoughts are these:



- We can not say enough wonderful things about the crew onboard the Glory. They were the best!



- The ports on this Eastern Caribbean cruise were absolutely wonderful. At any age, you can find a great time at these ports! And, if you are like us and traveling with a little one, I highly recommend these ports for easy access to beaches and lots of fun things to do as a family!



- Camp Carnival staff and "fun times" was wonderful. At least for the 2-5 age group, very age appropriate and fun things to do.




- Port of Miami needs a few more signs within the port to let you know where your ship is (good thing they are so big you can read the names on them!) but, overall is a very easy port to embark & debark!




- CHEERS program is nice because of the flexibility to try new drinks, not feel obligated to drink something you do not like, and to get some matchplays! However, I don't think we will do it again as we wasted a whole lot more than we drank ;) But, it was fun. We will need to add up our "pay as you go" drinks next cruise to really see if this was the case!




Thank you all for taking the time to read this review.



Any questions, let me know!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update as I just had a family member email me that read this review!


I laughed that just a month ago we thought May 2015 would be our next cruise... Carnival sent us an offer we couldn't refuse :) we are cruising on the Splendor January 4th!


We are all so excited to step onboard a fun cruise again!



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I'm in need of a "cruise fix" so I'm spending some time this morning enjoying some reviews now that I'm not as busy as I've been the past several months. Finally a Glory review! :) We were on Glory for an eastern itinerary, same islands, in May 2010 (before Glory had the upgrades) and we loved her and the whole itinerary. I love reading reviews to relive our cruise but also to get a different perspective and ideas on what to do next. Thank you for taking the time to do a review. I really enjoyed reading it and your pictures are beautiful. You're little guy is adorable...loved the story about the cherries at the Alchemy Bar. Hope you have a great time on Splendor in January and hope you do another review.

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