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Is BTB in Tahiti too much


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These folks are doing the whole Princess Tahiti season back-to-back, right now. I suggest reading the blog to get an idea if this is for you.


Personally, I really like the French Polynesia resort experience. My dream vacation would be the 10-day cruise preceded/followed by a week at a resort in Moorea, Bora Bora, or one of the other islands.


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We did B2B on the old Royal Princess a few years ago. Loved every minute of it. You're flying a long way and spending a lot for airfare, why not make the most of it, especially if cruise prices are fairly reasonable. Luckily for us the prices came down the closer to sailing time we got.

We lived it up and did Patrick's tour in Bora Bora, Mark's in Huahine, etc. etc. (all the popular private tours) and then on the second go round we did Patrick's again as it was so great but rented a car on Moorea and Huahine. The drive around the islands was very nice. Took a picnic lunch and just stopped where we wanted, dipping our feet in the gorgeous blue water. If you can swing it, go for it. We loved the islands so much we did a 35 day cruise on Holland America two years ago and enjoyed it all again. My snorkeling days are about over as I'm having trouble getting in and out of boats (73 w/knee problems), but I'd go back to those islands any day. Just sitting on the deck of the ship and seeing the sun go down on Bora Bora was magnificent.

Hope this helps in making your decision.

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Tough question. On our first visit to the Society Islands we did a 14 day Renaissance Cruise and loved every moment. But that longer cruise visited some additional islands not normally included in back to backs that often repeat an itinerary. Also keep in mind that snorkeling and beaches are not great on all the islands, especially the island of Tahiti. On other islands the best beaches are actually located off the coast on small islets called Motu's.


We would also urge fellow snorkelers to take their own equipment including very good fins. The last time we snorkeled off Bora Bora there was a very strong current (not unusual for these waters) in the best snorkel area. Many tours, although they give out masks and snorkels, do not provide fins. We rescued two ladies (who did not wear fins) who were drifting away from the reef (on which we were snorkeling). The good news for these ladies was that if we had not helped pull them back to the boat they would have eventually (in a couple of hours) drifted to shore at a distant resort (assuming they did not panic and stayed afloat).


We also love snorkeling with the sharks (I think this was also off Bora Bora) which we have now done on 3 visits. This is a tour offered by most of the cruise lines or can also be booked locally. The first time we did this activity we were approached by half a dozen Black Tipped Sharks which were about 5-6 feet long (this is large for the species). After our experience we realized that this was a foolish activity so, of course, we repeated the activity on subsequent trips :). The last time (about 2 years ago) we were surrounded by more then a dozen Black Tipped Sharks (and another species I could not identify) and lots of curious Manta Rays. It was a wonderful experience. Ironically, Black Tips are the same species that perpetuate most of the attacks on humans off Florida beaches, but they seem non-aggressive in the South Pacific.





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We have decided togofor it exactlyfor the reasons of very long flights and heckhow often will I go back there .2of our stops are difffernt and spending 3days in Bora Bora sounds awesome

as an avid snorkeler i love gorgeous waters

I do need a contact in Huahine and Fakarava and Rangiroa

We already have excursions booked with Patrick,and Jocelyne and Bruno

If you could please share contact addresses



Swimming with sharks freaks me out ...any danger ...Im scared they will smellmy fear ....i may just stay on board or real close to our guide ..I am a big chicken

I do have fins packed as is my madk and snorkel andbag





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Michele, Speaking for DW (who is a big coward) you need to get past your fears. Sharks apparently do not smell fear (although it is said that they can smell blood) and they take tours into these waters every day. In fact, the first time we did it, the local guide used chum (bait) to draw in the sharks. We have often snorkeled (and even SCUBA Dived) in areas where there were sharks. But the reality is that most species have no interest in snorkelers or divers. Black Tips, which are pretty common around the world, are relatively non-aggressive although there are some who swim in Florida waters that might question that assessment.


Have to smile about your fears because we just returned from a long trip that involved a trans Pacific cruise. We stopped at several South Pacific ports including New Caladonia which is somewhat known for having some very deadly sea snakes. They tell you that these sea snakes are not aggressive and have little interest in people...but if they do bite you there is a fair chance that you will die! Sure enough, DW and I were snorkeling (without fins) on the island of Easo (New Caladonia) when I looked down and saw one of these deadly sea snakes laying on the bottom (he looked to be asleep). This caused me to do some more research and it turns out that when fisherman snag these guys in their nets they simply grab them with their bare hands and toss them back into the sea. Although their bite can be deadly, they are so meek that most just ignore the threat. It is kind of the same with the Black Tips around the Society Islands. Nobody seems to be very concerned and attacks are rare. In fact, I did some fact checks are there is no recorded incident of a fatal shark attack around the Society Islands. There have been some reported "nips" but we suspect most of this happens to guides who try to feed the sharks :).


By the way, the first time we did this in Bora Bora our island guide (there were about 25 cruise passengers on the tour) was such a big guy that we think he frightened the sharks. DW was having trouble getting back out of the water into our boat and this guy just snatched her out of the water like she was a little rag doll. Was truly funny.



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I hope he can yankme out too ..I just hope they have ladders to get back in the boat or better still a flat back side to slip out and back in .I never jump in unknown waters ..i .d rarher slide in .Once I get in unless its very cold i never like to leave .i get such a kick out of the gorgeous fish and coral ...as long as they are not too big .....or menacing .I have seen barracudas and their lovly teeth ...he snarled at me ...and tarpons which can be intimidating by sheer size

I hope all my encounters to be peaceful .my rule is too look not touch anything

Hope the weather will be ok ..it is the rainy season ...bummer

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Black tips are non-aggressive, but any wild animal can behave unexpectedly. They are intimidating at first, and even more so when you see the first one open its mouth while pointed in your direction. You get used to it, though. Just be aware of them and you will be fine. I had one following me while scuba diving that stayed about 3 feet behind me until I turned and stared him down. He moved on after that. He was probably waiting for me to toss off something to eat. Our divemasters had bits of bread they were tossing off to attract the smaller fish so they probably thought we might have something, too.


Have to disagree about them being the primary source of attacks off of Florida. Those are mostly bull sharks, which are one of the primary sources of most near shore shark attacks.


Here's a nice little shot from the shark feeding on Huahine with Mark's tour.


15883378255_3523ee8de1_c.jpgShark Feeding Huahine

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You are going to have a ball. I was a bit hesitant about snorkeling with the sharks too, but you will see no one is being attacked and you won't want to miss the experience. We've been with Albert's tours several times on Moorea and do not miss getting in the water with the sting rays. They are large, but so soft on top. They come right up to you. While we're playing with them, we had dozens of black tips swimming around in a circle. They didn't come into the middle of the group with all the laughing and screaming with the sting rays. Put your mask on and look all around while you're there. You will see so much more than what's on top.

In Rangiroa we've used a company called Paradive. Don't know if they're still in business. Raie Manta Rangiroa is good too. Excellent snorkeling in Rangiroa I think the PG ship is about the only one with a "slide off" deck. Most of the boats had only the small ladders down the side which I hate so I generally just jumped into the water but then had the difficulty getting back up the ladder. They will help you tho so if I could do it, I'm sure you can.

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Black tips are non-aggressive, but any wild animal can behave unexpectedly. They are intimidating at first, and even more so when you see the first one open its mouth while pointed in your direction. You get used to it, though. Just be aware of them and you will be fine. I had one following me while scuba diving that stayed about 3 feet behind me until I turned and stared him down. He moved on after that. He was probably waiting for me to toss off something to eat. Our divemasters had bits of bread they were tossing off to attract the smaller fish so they probably thought we might have something, too.


Have to disagree about them being the primary source of attacks off of Florida. Those are mostly bull sharks, which are one of the primary sources of most near shore shark attacks.


Here's a nice little shot from the shark feeding on Huahine with Mark's tour.


15883378255_3523ee8de1_c.jpgShark Feeding Huahine





Could you please forward your contact in Huahine ...i have not been able to connect with anyone for a good snorkeling day or beach day



Your pic of all those sharks is a bit much for me ...a few too many ...all those teeth ...LOL

Did you get into water with that many ?

I would be scared that by accident they bump into me ...now that would freak me out

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Yes, you are in the water with them holding onto a rope to stay out of the central feeding area. There were 20 or 30 in total being fed by someone from the tour. That was by far the most we saw in any one place. Bora Bora was the most beautiful. You go just outside the reef where there are black tips and lemon sharks. The water is this ridiculous shade of blue.


Marc's website is http://www.huahine-nautique.com/. He doesn't collect until you get there. Be advised, though, that he may change the tour at the last minute. I signed up to see the blue eyed eels, but since no others signed up for it, he canceled that part, but didn't say anything until we were on the way to his dock. Overall, I'd give his tour a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Snorkeling wasn't that great, but the island picnic was wonderful.


Picture from Bora Bora. Water is 40 to 50 feet deep here.



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Is abtb too much ..20 days in Tahiti ....

I love beaches and snorkeling

Is this too much ?too long or just heavenly ?



Absolutely NOT! We did not want to fly that far for just 10 days, so we opted for the BTB. Just returned a few days ago. The first cruise went to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas in addition to the Society islands. By stopping at the Society Islands twice we had the opportunity to do an island tour on one trip and a snorkeling tour on the other. By the end of the 20 days we saw everything we wanted. It was wonderful. If you want information on some of the fantastic tours we took, email me at judithbrauchy70atgmaildotcom.

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We just returned from 20 amazing days in French Polynesia on Princess. Our VEST BEST lagoon tour was with Patrick on Bora Bora, but you have to be careful. There is someone else on the dock who calls himself Patrick who will allow you to think HE is the person you have booked with. Several folks on our first cruise got caught up in this scam.


The real Patrick dresses in traditional tahitian dress, long hair, and has an office gal with him to collect money. He has 4 bright yellow outrigger canoes that each accommodate 12 passengers. The canoes are covered with live flora and fauna and look wonderful.


We opted for the 3/4 day Lagoon Tour with Polynesian Feast for $125pp. Patrick was so helpful to some of our members who were uncomfortable getting in the waist deep water with the sharks and rays. Once they saw the rest of us having a great time, he encouraged them to join us, stayed right with them and showed them how to touch and feed the rays. Made their day!!! We did snorkeling in several locations, then went to his motu for a fabulous feast with roast pig and all the local trimmings including champagne, wine, sodas, and bottled water. Even the plates were woven from leaves! Patrick and his other captain played the ukuleles during lunch. After lunch, he did the fire dance. Exciting! I kept expecting his long hair to catch fire! Fantastic day! His web site is patrickatmaohinuidotnet.

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We have decided togofor it exactlyfor the reasons of very long flights and heckhow often will I go back there .2of our stops are difffernt and spending 3days in Bora Bora sounds awesome

as an avid snorkeler i love gorgeous waters

I do need a contact in Huahine and Fakarava and Rangiroa

We already have excursions booked with Patrick,and Jocelyne and Bruno

If you could please share contact addresses



Swimming with sharks freaks me out ...any danger ...Im scared they will smellmy fear ....i may just stay on board or real close to our guide ..I am a big chicken

I do have fins packed as is my madk and snorkel andbag






We did a tour TWICE with Leon Revault of PA'ATI in Rangiroa (we were on a BTB and loved his tour so much that we booked it for the second cruise as well). This tour is called Ile aux Recifs - an amazing lagoon about an hour by boat from the ship...but well worth it! Once there we did some snorkeling in a quiet coral garden, then did was I called "lagoon hiking" in waist deep water for about 1/4 mile to the next motu which was right at the reef. Our guide led us on a walk over the jagged coral to see the tide pool and ocean on the other side. On the lagoon side of the reef is a natural jacuzzi - interesting. From there we did another "lagoon hike" to the next motu where Leon had a fantastic lunch underway which included an amazing hot coconut bread. After lunch he put the leftovers at the edge of the sand. We were amazed to see 5' black tipped sharks skidding across the sand to get a bite. After a while he grabbed the tail of one so we could touch it. Awsome! He and his guides wove hats for us.


After lunch we did the 1 hour boat ride back to an area called The Acquarium - a sandbar very close to our ship. Thousands of colorful fish. Next it was into the pass to see dolphins. The water was a little choppy that day so Leon and a friend who also had a powerful boat trolled to the end of the pass, then hit this throttle full force causing huge wakes. The dolphins were like performers on cue. They began jumping and making flips in the waves. What a show! A perfect end to a perfect tour!

Edited by J&DfromTheVillages
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We did a tour TWICE with Leon Revault of PA'ATI in Rangiroa (we were on a BTB and loved his tour so much that we booked it for the second cruise as well). This tour is called Ile aux Recifs - an amazing lagoon about an hour by boat from the ship...but well worth it! Once there we did some snorkeling in a quiet coral garden, then did was I called "lagoon hiking" in waist deep water for about 1/4 mile to the next motu which was right at the reef. Our guide led us on a walk over the jagged coral to see the tide pool and ocean on the other side. On the lagoon side of the reef is a natural jacuzzi - interesting. From there we did another "lagoon hike" to the next motu where Leon had a fantastic lunch underway which included an amazing hot coconut bread. After lunch he put the leftovers at the edge of the sand. We were amazed to see 5' black tipped sharks skidding across the sand to get a bite. After a while he grabbed the tail of one so we could touch it. Awsome! He and his guides wove hats for us.


After lunch we did the 1 hour boat ride back to an area called The Acquarium - a sandbar very close to our ship. Thousands of colorful fish. Next it was into the pass to see dolphins. The water was a little choppy that day so Leon and a friend who also had a powerful boat trolled to the end of the pass, then hit this throttle full force causing huge wakes. The dolphins were like performers on cue. They began jumping and making flips in the waves. What a show! A perfect end to a perfect tour!




PLEASE FORWARD CONTACT NUMBER OR EMAIL ooops capitals ..i am sooooo not computer savvy

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PLEASE FORWARD CONTACT NUMBER OR EMAIL ooops capitals ..i am sooooo not computer savvy


One email address to reach Leon Revault of PA'ATI is: oviriexcursionsathotmaildotfr. Remember to put the symbol for "at" and the period for "dot" when you email him. Natacha responds to these emails. Also you can check out the reviews on Trip Advisor. One person posted a review in 2013 that covered the tour in detail. You will need good water shoes for these sites. Have a blast - we did!

Edited by J&DfromTheVillages
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I did a back to back last year on the Paul Gauguin, a 7 day and 11 day. I would have done the 10 day after that if I was retired. Different itineraries and some islands different. Even if the cruises were identical there is enough to do to keep it interesting. The longer the stay the better in Tahiti.



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For me this is a trip of a lifetime ...I never spend that much $$$$ on me alone ...you know being a Mom and all ...but yes I did it

I really hope it lives up to my expectations ...South Pacific and Tahiti are a dream come true


Hopefully weather will cooperate and no crrrrraaaazzzzzy mosquitoes ...apparently some are very hungry and carry a disease ...Yikes ...i hear vanilla is a good repellent ...who knew ?


Thanks for all input and contact ...still nothing for Huahine ...anybody ?



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For me this is a trip of a lifetime ...I never spend that much $$$$ on me alone ...you know being a Mom and all ...but yes I did it

I really hope it lives up to my expectations ...South Pacific and Tahiti are a dream come true


Hopefully weather will cooperate and no crrrrraaaazzzzzy mosquitoes ...apparently some are very hungry and carry a disease ...Yikes ...i hear vanilla is a good repellent ...who knew ?


Thanks for all input and contact ...still nothing for Huahine ...anybody ?



We took Marc's lagoon tour that was entertaining. It was $100pp and included a black pearl farm visit, snorkeling, decent picnic on a motu with music from the boat captains, open bar (lots of local punch). He also offers a combo tour, and ski doo tours - all meeting up at the same motu for lunch. He can be reached at: reservationsathuahine-natiquedotcom.


We previously did a 4 hour ship's snorkeling tour HUH990A for $49pp that was also entertaining. Good snorkeling, entertaining guides - no lunch.

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For me this is a trip of a lifetime ...I never spend that much $$$$ on me alone ...you know being a Mom and all ...but yes I did it

I really hope it lives up to my expectations ...South Pacific and Tahiti are a dream come true


Hopefully weather will cooperate and no crrrrraaaazzzzzy mosquitoes ...apparently some are very hungry and carry a disease ...Yikes ...i hear vanilla is a good repellent ...who knew ?


Thanks for all input and contact ...still nothing for Huahine ...anybody ?




I included the contact for Huahine in my previous post. http://www.huahine-nautique.com/

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