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What's the Nicest Thing a Carnival Team Member Ever Did For You?


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Keys2Heaven, yes that is one reason why I have cruised over 26 years. I love getting to know people from all over the world and their cultures. Years ago I was very shy/timid, and would not talk with anyone. As you can guess, I have made up for lost time.:)


Last November my friend who had never cruised before and I were late in the dining room. We came upon one of the helpers, and we all started chatting, and he told us where he was from, etc. and what he, as well as others do as employees on the cruise ships.

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I think that the nicest things that’s ever happened to me on a Carnival cruise was back in November of 2013. My mother and I were sailing on the Conquest repositioning cruise.


There are actually 2 different events. The first happened the night of our second formal evening, also a sea day. My mom wasn’t feeling well that night and didn’t come down to the MDR. Our waiter was worried when I showed up alone. I had my dinner but was going to pass on desert because there wasn’t really anything that I truly wanted, but joked with him that I’d love to take the cheesecake back to my mom in the stateroom, but that I knew that wasn’t allowed. Not only did he bring me out a covered plate of cheesecake, but also everything that she needed to eat it as well. The funny thing is that the ladies at the next table over told me as I was leaving that if they had realized that I was dining alone that they would have had me join them at their table, so nice of them.


The other was about the excursion I had scheduled for Grand Turk (Snuba) and the excursion desk never notifying me that they had moved the time up an hour for it (they claim that they notified everyone in writing about the change (BS)), now this is a real disappointment because I had been looking forward to this particular excursion for the entire cruise. The tour operators went above and beyond to help out on this snafu. It just happens that the sister ship Glory was in at the same time we were, arrived about an hour after the Conquest did. The tour operator knew that the Glory had a group going out for the Snuba excursion a little later in the afternoon and between them and the fabulous people from the Glory’s excursion department, they managed to get me squeezed into the group from the Glory. Not only that but the owner of the tour company was waiting for me on the beach to rush me back to the port to be on time for boarding the Conquest while the rest of the group from them Glory finished up and got ready to head back. Everyone went out of their way to give me a great experience and convinced me that I needed to give the Glory another try (I had sailed her previously and not really like the ship). I am so looking forward to sailing the Glory in October 2015.

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There have been so many good things, like cabin stewards who are so good and nice, to wait staff who go out of their way for you. But:


On the Legend I went to the Chef's Table and because of food issues got to really talk with the head chef. At the end of the cruise they had a mexican night and I was looking at getting something. I use a walker and was using the seat for my plate when the head chef saw me as he was checking up on things and came over and took my plate and proceeded to help me get my food. It was so nice of him and made me feel special.


On my last cruise in Oct. on the Conquest I had a couple of things happen. I was on a cruise with my 2 sons (both in their early 30's) so did a number of things by myself. I love the crafts so went to the craft time but was about 10 min. late. I got there and the staff member had left the stuff but wasn't there to let me know what to do with it. A couple of others were there and were just taking the projects to their room to do it. They told me that he was going to be back so I waited. He did come back and showed me what to do. We got to talking about the cruise. He was the one who did all the trivia games. I told him my 2 sons had each won a SOAS playing trivia and he knew who I was talking about. He asked me why I didn't play and win one. I am terrible at trivia so don't play. I told him that I would go home again without a SOAS but at least my 2 sons won. Later that evening a young lady knocked at our door with a SOAS for me complements from the young man. It was really a thoughful gesture on his part and made my 2 boys jealous.


On that same cruise one of the young ladies on the Lido deck would come running over as soon as I went to the buffet to help me get my food. I told her that I could just put it on my walker but she would have nothing to do with it. She told me that it made her feel good to help me out.


Those are just 2 examples of the really nice things that Carnival staff have done for me.


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I am going to bed with the latest wonderful stories in my head...I love this thread and thanks all for sharing!!!

I sure have enjoyed everyone sharing their stories too! It is a pick-me-up any day, and the posts continue to amaze me. Carnival has so many thoughtful, caring team members that are such an asset to the company. This thread reads like a good book. :-) Keep them coming!

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I sure have enjoyed everyone sharing their stories too! It is a pick-me-up any day, and the posts continue to amaze me. Carnival has so many thoughtful, caring team members that are such an asset to the company. This thread reads like a good book. :-) Keep them coming!


I feel the same...you had such a dear idea...there is nothing greater than any simple action of recognition, love and caring. It is what makes the world go around and gives us the "light of hope"...and the way it touches one reading here....one really realizes that love is stronger than anything as I "Know" and work to believe sometimes in my head and heart. Kudos Winddawn....truly inspired idea for our little home here....and this is what we need with the world in such chaos...these positives in our lives, in all the regular places we frequent. Thanks again...Happy weekend!!!

Edited by sjn911
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A few years ago, we were on a cruise with our kids and another family. Our daughter was celebrating her 13th birthday in the middle of the week. Over the course of the cruise, we got to know the Assistant Maitre'D in the dining room. He would stop by each table and have a few words, but when he came to our table each night, he would stay and talk to us for quite a while, telling jokes with the kids, talking about family, and just having good conversation. On the night of our daughter's birthday, after dinner was finished, he comes out of the kitchen with a cake, and a procession of servers and the photographer behind him. They come to our table, sing happy birthday, and then he holds the cake down in front of my daughter so she can see it. What happens next?


He looks at us, winks, and smashes the cake right into her face to the hoots and howls of us and everyone around us! The photographer is taking lots of pictures at this point! Our daughter is laughing and wiping icing from her face. It was hilarious! They had a couple of towels at the ready for her to clean up, and then they brought us another cake to eat.


How he knew it was her birthday I'm not sure, because I don't think we ever mentioned it. Needless to say, it was very memorable and the pictures turned out amazing. Our daughter still talks about it.

I would NOT be amused! :eek:


What unbelievably tasteless behaviour, especially for a Maitre D'


I'm actually having trouble believing this is true...



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I feel the same...you had such a dear idea...there is nothing greater than any simple action of recognition, love and caring. It is what makes the world go around and gives us the "light of hope"...and the way it touches one reading here....one really realizes that love is stronger than anything as I "Know" and work to believe sometimes in my head and heart. Kudos Winddawn....truly inspired idea for our little home here....and this is what we need with the world in such chaos...these positives in our lives, in all the regular places we frequent. Thanks again...Happy weekend!!!

No kudos due to me! I just asked a simple question. The CC members taking the time to share their experiences and the Carnival team members' actions shared are what have made this thread so enjoyable. I appreciate the kind words though. And happy weekend to you too!


I am looking forward to everyone continuing to share their best experiences.

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Hopefully, some of the people who work on the Carnival ships will see these postings, and it will make them, as well as others that work on the ships, want to "continue" doing good things. In otherwords, make it a "snowball" effect. :)

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Triumph, out of Galveston, 2012.


Camp Carnival - Diane was her name. First day, (embarkation), we dropped off the CC paperwork to Diane, and she put the plug in for the Night Owls program. Our child had to choose between the Night Owls or bottomless bubbles, (she asked for BB prior to the cruise and we said OK). She choose the Night Owls, so we paid for the Night Owls.


The evening comes for the Night owls, and there were not enough children signed up, so they had to cancel it. We receive a call from Diane who offered to bring our child to the Magic Show instead. Diane said she knew what our child gave up, and wanted to make it up to her. She brought her to the Magic Show, (Anders), and managed to have her participate on stage.


Please note, we did receive a credit for the Night Owls program.

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It wasn't to me, but I was sitting next to and saw and heard a very pretty Italian girl working in the buffet talking to a family who were on the cruise because of Make A Wish. The girl was talking to the little boy who was sick and said if he had one other wish it would be for her to give him his first kiss and she smiled and blushed and looked at the parents and the dad nodded and she gave him a big kiss on the cheek along with a hug. He had a big lipstick mark on his cheek and said he'd never wash his face again with a smile that could touch both sides of the ship it was so big. After she left I leaned over and asked if he could teach me how to talk to girls cause he had some good game. He said to me "you just gotta be smooth man, the ladies love it." I couldn't stop laughing and gave him a fist bump and told him if he sees me by the coffee shop I'll buy him a milkshake or whatever he wanted so he could give me some more tips. He said let's go now so I walked with him and his family to get him a treat and he was the most cheerful, grateful, charismatic, and the funniest kid I've ever met. It was sad talking to his parents later that night when they explained he had a brain tumor that was no longer able to be operated on. So sad, but he was happy he got to go on a cruise.


I was just amazed how gracious that girl was because she didn't have to do it but she didn't hesitate at all and was willing to make that kids day.

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During one after-dinner turn down (we had gotten back early), mom & I were on the balcony. Mom was teaching me Suduko on the tablet. Our steward(ess) poked her head out to see if we might need anything else, then...reading our welcoming body language...came out to support mom in teaching me the game! It was like having another sibling in the house! She was great!

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It wasn't to me, but I was sitting next to and saw and heard a very pretty Italian girl working in the buffet talking to a family who were on the cruise because of Make A Wish. The girl was talking to the little boy who was sick and said if he had one other wish it would be for her to give him his first kiss and she smiled and blushed and looked at the parents and the dad nodded and she gave him a big kiss on the cheek along with a hug. He had a big lipstick mark on his cheek and said he'd never wash his face again with a smile that could touch both sides of the ship it was so big. After she left I leaned over and asked if he could teach me how to talk to girls cause he had some good game. He said to me "you just gotta be smooth man, the ladies love it." I couldn't stop laughing and gave him a fist bump and told him if he sees me by the coffee shop I'll buy him a milkshake or whatever he wanted so he could give me some more tips. He said let's go now so I walked with him and his family to get him a treat and he was the most cheerful, grateful, charismatic, and the funniest kid I've ever met. It was sad talking to his parents later that night when they explained he had a brain tumor that was no longer able to be operated on. So sad, but he was happy he got to go on a cruise.


I was just amazed how gracious that girl was because she didn't have to do it but she didn't hesitate at all and was willing to make that kids day.

What a touching story. It sounds like that child could teach us all a thing or two about what is important in life. It was very nice of the Carnival employee to take a few moments to give the boy his first kiss. It was also very kind of you to take time out of your vacation to treat him to a milkshake and friendship.


Thank you for sharing your story. Thoughts and prayers to this brave child and his family.

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A few years ago, we were on a cruise with our kids and another family. Our daughter was celebrating her 13th birthday in the middle of the week. Over the course of the cruise, we got to know the Assistant Maitre'D in the dining room. He would stop by each table and have a few words, but when he came to our table each night, he would stay and talk to us for quite a while, telling jokes with the kids, talking about family, and just having good conversation. On the night of our daughter's birthday, after dinner was finished, he comes out of the kitchen with a cake, and a procession of servers and the photographer behind him. They come to our table, sing happy birthday, and then he holds the cake down in front of my daughter so she can see it. What happens next?


He looks at us, winks, and smashes the cake right into her face to the hoots and howls of us and everyone around us! The photographer is taking lots of pictures at this point! Our daughter is laughing and wiping icing from her face. It was hilarious! They had a couple of towels at the ready for her to clean up, and then they brought us another cake to eat.


How he knew it was her birthday I'm not sure, because I don't think we ever mentioned it. Needless to say, it was very memorable and the pictures turned out amazing. Our daughter still talks about it.


GatorJ..you must have a fun loving, joke loving daughter and they got to know her enough for this to be funny and not a teenage beauty tragedy,,,so glad it was great fun for all...Sarah


I was thinking the same thing... this could have easily backfired! :eek:

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Sailed out of Miami on 1/11/15 and my husbankd had a heart attack as we sat down to dinner. The doctors, nurses, and all of the staff were amazing and saved his life. We were taken off by smaller boat, stabilised in Freeport (not where the ship was headed, they diverted) and then air flight to Ft Lauderdale. Unfortunetly we are still in Ft Lauderdale and my husband is in critical condition. His heart is fine (2 stints) but he developed all kinds of serious complications. Please add us to your prayers as we fight to get him well and back home to Indiana.

Carnival is the only line I would even consider going on in the past and certainly in the future after all they did for us at our most serious moment of need.

I am not sure how I will ever thank the amazing crew members that stepped up to help us in so many ways. Once we are home I will write a detailed review to try to give at least a small amount of crdit where credit is due.


I hope your husband fully recovers and can sail again!

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Thank you to each of you for the kind words and all the paryers. We are finally back home and thankfully my husband is making progress toward recovery from a very rough experience. We are very blessed. We got back on Feb 18th and my husband was finally back home on Feb 25th.


We sailed on Carnival Splendor out of Miami on 1/11/15. Kenny had a heart attack right after sitting down to dinner the very first night. We had ordered and introduced ourselves to our wait staff when he started to feel ill. We ended up going by wheelchair (one of the waiters RAN while pushing him in a wheelchair) to the infirmary where he received amazing care in a matter of minutes. The medical staff was professional and totally knew what they were doing. We were both very impressed. It was determined in short order that he needed to be evacuated and fast. We were heading to two days at sea before our first port so he wouldn't be able to get the care he was going to need on board. We were medi vac off the ship around midnight onto a smaller boat for a long, rough, and windy ride to Freeport. Carnival diverted the ship as close to Freeport as possible even though we were not scheduled to stop in the Bahamas. Once there we were taken to a local hospital so he could be stabilized. We were there for 12 hours and then we were medi vac by air ambulance to Ft Lauderdale to the Broward Heart Hospital which is a level 1 trama center.

While the stay in Freeport was brief and the staff was wonderful you do not want to be in the hospital there. Very old equipment and out dated technology to say the least. Thankfully we were able to get to Ft Lauderdale quickly. IF he had only had a heart attaqck we would have been home in less than a week. They did a heart catheraztion and put in 2 stinks and his heart was up and running fine.


Unfortunetly he aspirated on the medical flight (threw up into his own lungs) while he was strapped down upon take off and things went down hill fast. He developed aspiration pnemonia which is pretty serious by itself. When they treated the pnemonia it killed all of the good bacteria in his body and he developed C-Diff which is a serious infection in his gut. Over the course of the next two weeks his kidneys shut down, his bowels stopped working, and his colon stopped processing. He had respiratory failure and was on 100% breathing machine. His became septic and went into septic shock. He was on 24 hour a day kidney dialisis for 4 days and then had an additional three days of 4 hour a day dialisis. He was sedated for a total of 19 days and was delerious for a week after that. He had two main lines put in, was tubed twice and had to have a trach put in on day 18.


When it was all said and done he spent 33 days in CVICU and an additional 6 days in a regular room. We had to have a medical transport home to Indiana (an RN went on a commerical flight with us) and he was on oxygen for the flight home. Once home he had to go to a rehab center to regain his balance enough to be home alone so I could go back to work. Last Thursday he was readmitted to our local hospital because he was feeling horrible after only a week or so home. He ended up being dehydrated and having a urinary tract infection as well as a stomach virus. He is home again as of yesterday and the virus will run it's course. He is on meds for the infection and hopefully he will start physical, occupational and cardiac rehab again next week.

We are praying he will make a full recovery in time. He lost so much muscle mass being sedated and in bed for 33 days that it is going to take time. He has a good attitude and wants to get better and get back to work so that is a huge part of the recovery process.

I feel very blessed that we received the amazing care in the infirmary, in Freeport as well as at Broward Hospital. I am afraid if we had been sent to a different hospital or had any other team of doctors he very well may not have made it thru it all. The team of doctors he had in Ft Lauderdale were nothing short of miracle workers with everything he was dealing with at once. They truly saved his life.


I had often wondered what kind of medical care you would get on a ship if you ever needed it? I now know they can do what needs to be done and they are amazing. We hope to sail the Splendor again (as of now we are booked to sail her to Canada/New England in September) and hope to have a chance to say thank you in person.


We were supposed to be on the Glory this week for a cruise but we had to cancel that one as he isn't strong enough yet to be on a cruise and I am out of vacation time due to being gone for almost 6 weeks while all of this was going on. We will sail again and it will be on Carnival. We will be lifetime supporters and customers after the way they took care of us in our most desperate time of need.


We always have sailed with travel insurance and like most people have considered not buying it a time or two just because we never used it in 25 previous cruises. All I can say is I am so thankfull we had it. The air flight from the Bahamas alone was almost 12K and every penny was covered by the insurance. I don't even know yet what all of the other things cost but quite a lot of it will be covered once I am able to get the claim sumitted. I was pleasently surprised to learn that the cruise insurance also will cover up to 10K of non covered medical costs after our regular insurance pays. We may have enough to cover most of our deductables and out of pocket costs. What a blessing it is that we spent that $90 per person just to be on the safe side!


Sorry this is so long but quite a few people asked how he was doing and what actually happened so I wanted to fill you all in. Thank you all again for the prayers, we felt them all the way to Florida. Safe travels :)


I am so happy to hear that your husband is on the mend after what he's been through. Sending prayers your way!

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Giving away a company's property by waiters in the hope of getting a big tip has been around for centuries and it's dishonest and grounds for termination. Every guest pays for these losses in higher fares.


Sour grapes!

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I remember passing a stateroom where chocolate covered strawberries were being delivered and I mentioned to my husband that they looked so delicious.

The next day, after returning from lunch, there was a tray of chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us in our room - and my husband didn't order them? I think our steward was out in the hall and overheard me... or the Carnival fairies:) did.

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We were on the Liberty, last fall, and had YTD. The very first evening, we had to wait over an hour and a half for a table. We didn't complain and just hung out in the lobby for awhile. Hubby went to check after about 45 minutes into it, just because 2nd dining was being sat and he thought we may have been forgotten. He wasn't rude, just asked and they were so apologetic about our wait. When they finally buzzed us, again, they apologized profusely. As we were leaving after dinner, once again, they stopped us and apologized again. We told them it was fine. We understood that it could be chaotic at times and that we were not upset at all.


The next day, we came back to our room around 3:00 pm from the pool. When we walked in our room, there was a plate of small desserts with a card from the hostess that said, "We appreciate you being understanding last night. Please enjoy these."


I thought it was very kind and that extra touch let us know that they really do hate making you wait and that they appreciated us being patient.

Edited by Velcro911
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Altho I do not have a super touching story to add. I still like to acknowledge carnival employees for just going above and beyond for the littlest things. I took my first carnival cruise Splendor in 2013. As a east coast circuit professional poker player I make it a point to always introduce myself to casino hosts everywhere, even on cruise ships. I met 2 of the most lovely hosts ever on that ship. Didn't expect nothing from our small talk. Just a friendly introduction as I would be spending most sea days in the casino for hours on end.


Anywho, throughout the whole cruise I would have the casino manager and or host come over to watever table I was playing on. Weather it was blackjack, roulette or the poker table aand would offer to buy rounds for the whole table consistently for the whole cruise.


Needless to say with all the great gifts sent to my room every night as a first time carnival cruiser I felt as like I was in Macau or in a fine casino/hotel. Simple gestures from strawberry platter and cake. To a bottle of wine at dinner the last 2 nights for my group of 6.


I was approached on the last sea day heading home by the manager of the casino in the casino and explained that NKoB (new kids on the block were going to be on the next sailing and wanted a private poker game for their party and asked my opinion of the electronic poker table. He sat down with other casino dealers and we all played a small tournament to view the adjustments they made on the game to accommodate the performers. After asking for my help. Gave me a 100$ OBC to use for the last night of the ship


It was fun as I did go on to win all 3 blackjack tournaments and earned all 3 ships on a stick. But was amazed to see how much they appreciate their guests and offer the up most hospitality

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Altho I do not have a super touching story to add. I still like to acknowledge carnival employees for just going above and beyond for the littlest things. I took my first carnival cruise Splendor in 2013. As a east coast circuit professional poker player I make it a point to always introduce myself to casino hosts everywhere, even on cruise ships. I met 2 of the most lovely hosts ever on that ship. Didn't expect nothing from our small talk. Just a friendly introduction as I would be spending most sea days in the casino for hours on end.


Anywho, throughout the whole cruise I would have the casino manager and or host come over to watever table I was playing on. Weather it was blackjack, roulette or the poker table aand would offer to buy rounds for the whole table consistently for the whole cruise.


Needless to say with all the great gifts sent to my room every night as a first time carnival cruiser I felt as like I was in Macau or in a fine casino/hotel. Simple gestures from strawberry platter and cake. To a bottle of wine at dinner the last 2 nights for my group of 6.


I was approached on the last sea day heading home by the manager of the casino in the casino and explained that NKoB (new kids on the block were going to be on the next sailing and wanted a private poker game for their party and asked my opinion of the electronic poker table. He sat down with other casino dealers and we all played a small tournament to view the adjustments they made on the game to accommodate the performers. After asking for my help. Gave me a 100$ OBC to use for the last night of the ship


It was fun as I did go on to win all 3 blackjack tournaments and earned all 3 ships on a stick. But was amazed to see how much they appreciate their guests and offer the up most hospitality


That is really nice...

Just the last few days I have enjoyed reading a few gambling stories and really feel if everyone is playing what they can play....kind of like enjoying the food and drink indulgences they can afford physically...perks come for for you all besides the win and you spend enough for them ....and it helps keep cruising reasonable..like all extra charge things do...I really have come to it is a win win whether one gambles or not and I am glad this part of Carnival is good to you and many who enjoy it...thanks for sharing, and being good back to the folks enjoying the games and the cruise lines...Sarah

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On our last cruise I was really impressed with how quickly our room steward learned our names. Every time we saw her she would stop what she was doing and genuinely looked happy to see us. My daughter absolutely loved her. By the end of the cruise my daughter would run up to her and give her a big hug.

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It wasn't to me, but I was sitting next to and saw and heard a very pretty Italian girl working in the buffet talking to a family who were on the cruise because of Make A Wish. The girl was talking to the little boy who was sick and said if he had one other wish it would be for her to give him his first kiss and she smiled and blushed and looked at the parents and the dad nodded and she gave him a big kiss on the cheek along with a hug. He had a big lipstick mark on his cheek and said he'd never wash his face again with a smile that could touch both sides of the ship it was so big. After she left I leaned over and asked if he could teach me how to talk to girls cause he had some good game. He said to me "you just gotta be smooth man, the ladies love it." I couldn't stop laughing and gave him a fist bump and told him if he sees me by the coffee shop I'll buy him a milkshake or whatever he wanted so he could give me some more tips. He said let's go now so I walked with him and his family to get him a treat and he was the most cheerful, grateful, charismatic, and the funniest kid I've ever met. It was sad talking to his parents later that night when they explained he had a brain tumor that was no longer able to be operated on. So sad, but he was happy he got to go on a cruise.


I was just amazed how gracious that girl was because she didn't have to do it but she didn't hesitate at all and was willing to make that kids day.


Deeply touching. People who learn to live in moment and enjoy what they can with this disease are amazing. I walked through with others... standing by an artist and friend with her brain cancer....we drove laces a few times when she could not any more and I visited her a lot in her last place, I had only known her 5 years or so......she could always get your reading to her, she was brilliant in art and literature and classical music and flora and fauna and did a lot for little suburb I was in saving some unique plants and trees. They made a little bench for her next to some of her saved trees and plants... and she lived and was able to come to dedication....before her final care place.


These ..the people that are supporters and helped on the ship...got pretty big gifts too...IMHO..that love circle....helps all to see....and makes one appreciate life and love so much more....blessings to this family for giving their child happiness and my friend too for giving us all so much strength...and gratitude.....thanks for sharing...blessings to those in the next step and those left here.

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I was thinking the same thing... this could have easily backfired! :eek:


I know, agree and thank you...not my humor either...at 13 or now...admire the people who have it...but just not me.....I would have been in tears at 13...lol...;):).

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  • 7 months later...
On our last cruise I was really impressed with how quickly our room steward learned our names. Every time we saw her she would stop what she was doing and genuinely looked happy to see us. My daughter absolutely loved her. By the end of the cruise my daughter would run up to her and give her a big hug.

And didn't you just want to take that room steward home with you? I can't tell you how many times I wished I could do just that!

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