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Live: Amazon River, Caribbean, Many Pix’s, Terry/Ohio


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Terry, going to miss your updates which have rebooted our Amazon memories and warmed a cold and wet February in London. Thank you.


Appreciate this wonderful range of comments and follow-ups. We especially had our hearts "warmed" by the reporting on it being 45F in Palm Beach this morning.


We are getting our packing started. Big challenge!! Plus to attend a 5:30 pm program on San Juan (where we will have three days), plus dinner, etc. Busy, busy evening!


We super loved seeing St. Barts in the day-time today. We hired a cab driver for an hour plus tour. It's not a big island and his family came from France to settle here. That was a long time ago as he is the seventh generation of his family to be on this island. He knows it well. Below are the start for some of my photo highlights. Had to work very hard just to narrow down these selections down to jonly 30 pictures. So much wonderful to see and do on St. Barts. Loved it!!


This has been a perfect way to wrap up this nine-day cruise segment, plus the overall 26-days of this Silver Cloud adventure. BUT, we still have time left for doing much in and around San Juan. Our first visit there, too.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Our private tour started with a close view of this religious icon and the historic lighthouse that overlook the main part of town. Next are two views from this high location of their harbor and the nearby areas where boats are anchored. Great sky and waters today!:











The St. Barts airport is unique! Why? The runway is super short and then it is very sloped, too. Plus, the challenges of coming in over the hill and then the runway ending right at the water's edge. The first visual shows the look of this airport from the opposite side. The second and third pictures reflect one of the small 22-passenger planes getting ready to take off and then lifting off as it nears the end of the runway. Look exciting to fly in and out of here? Glad that we came by a larger ship and its tenders.:









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Hope you are patient as there is so much wonderful beauty in St. Barts. So glad that the schedules got "flipped" to finish here. It was like "frosting" on the cake for a perfect treat of an overall trip.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Here are some more and varied island sights, including cactus on this very dry island that has little or no natural, fresh water sources. Plus, more and varied beaches, resort settings, etc., views and sampling. And, even a pirate shop, too!!:

















Some of the luxury homes on this island have great locations and views. But, they are NOT "priceless". Some in this area might be rented for $60K. That's a week, not per month or per year.:



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Here is part three from wonderful St. Barts with more a sampling from its main harbor/city.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Here is another view from a high location showing water action, etc. Plus some sights in and around its main capital town shopping areas.:








This building street signage reflects how things are marked here in BOTH French and Swedish wording to reflect its history here.:





Here is the exterior and interior for this historic church in the main downtown/port area.:








These Mini Cooper convertibles are the official "party car" that is seen all over this island. Fun!!:



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We had a chance to see St. Barts' Shell Beach last night. But, today, it was our opportunity to sample its style and beauty under the perfect conditions of nice sun, refreshing breezes, soft waves, etc. Great, wonderful location and setting. Do my pictures below prove and verify these claims?


Have others on these Cruise Critic boards previously visited and enjoyed this St. Barts location?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Here are my samples from our visit today to Shell Beach that is so close and handy from the main port area of St. Barts. Yes, they have real shells there on this beach!! Plus, a scenic option/location to have lunch, dinner and/or drinks there on this beach.:


















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Terry, as you know, I've very much enjoyed following your review so far, but these wonderful pics of St Barts have just topped it off perfectly.

I'm so pleased that you too see the beauty of the island. It's just about my favourite Caribbean island, although Bonaire comes close second. I've spoken to many people who don't care for it, but they usually haven't seen past the area around the harbour in Gustavia.

It's changed very much in the last 10-15 years, but I still think it has lots of charm.

Thanks again for taking us with you on this cruise.

Edited by Nigella
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Have lots more fun visuals from in and around St. Barts, but hopefully these samples, combined with last night's pictures, reflect our love for this very upscale island. Sorry, we did not see any celebrities. Maybe we saw some "rich folks", but these types are harder to spot with certainty.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Shopping? Yes, it's here in St. Barts. Not just in the main town of Gustavia, but in various village this compact island. Second is the interior of a nice book/art story in their main downtown. Third, my stands in the shopping area with two of the big names here in back of her.:











Lots of interesting and varied architecture here in St. Barts. Much is French in style. Many of the building have balconies. Lots for the eye and brain to absorb and remember.:





Here is another view of their lighthouse and religious icon.:





Finally, there are many fancy yachts here. Just to spark your creativity, this is one example, including its space to store small boat/crafts on board for your long sailings.:



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Hello Terry, we cross posted last night, I missed your additional St Barts photos. Great to see them today. I think you're disembarking soon, hope it goes well and you've got your warm sweaters for back home.


Yes, we got off of the Silver Cloud yesterday morning in the scenic harbor area of San Juan. First time here and we have enjoyed this historic city very, very much.


We do not depart San Juan until Monday am, allowing more sun and fun in this area. AND, putting off that "judgement day" of needing to return to the battles of snow and cold of the Midwest until Tuesday am. Here is the early morning headline today from the Columbus Dispatch: "Snow starts piling on roads, making travel dangerous". Here is the story's opening details: "Grab a cup of coffee and a blanket and do what you’ve been wishing you could all week, Columbus. It started with freezing rain, and then snow started falling early this morning. The National Westher Service predicts that total accumulation of snow this morning will be 3 to 5 inches. Rain and snow are likely before 10 p.m., then there is a slight chance of snow between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m." It is now 18F in Columbus now, with a " real feel" of 12F. High today will be 35F. Sounds like a "heat wave" compared to the many days of sub-zero temperatures that have hit Central Ohio and many parts of the USA.


For San Juan, we did a morning private tour around the town, saw some of its varied beaches and "hotel row" near the international airport. The newer, post Spanish-American city is what it is. BUT, super WOW!, the old San Juan is so much fun and very special. Below I have a few items of photo items of "evidence" to present. We are staying in a super roomy apartment in the Miramar area that is working well for our needs/interests. PLUS, we are experiencing something very new for us . . . no Silver Cloud staff to take care of our needs and interests. It is a process of starting back to the "Real World" for normal reality.


Much more to share from the ship, etc. This included on our final evening having a nice dinner with Cruise Director Allen King. BUT, need to post a few quick visuals from San Juan yesterday and get busy with going back to the Old Town area.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 99,021 views for this posting.



Here is a small sample of the newer areas of San Juan, high-rises, beaches, etc.:





By later in the afternoon, we saw where we had departed the Silver Cloud near the Old San Juan area. By now, the ship had been turned-around and was getting ready to take on a full load of 280 passengers for its seven-day sailing. A large number for this sailing were a "group" from the Shriners. Should be interesting??!! No sea-days on this seven-day cruise. Just port stops. Their first stop? St. Barts!!:





Here is the classy Capitol Building for this Commonwealth in San Juan. It was built in the early 1900's from Italian marble.:





This is San Juan's City Hall in the historic Old Town area. Nice fountain and plaza in front of this colorful, classical building.:





Here are just two examples of the various interesting and historic buildings in and around the Old Town area. Notice the narrow streets? Bring back memories for those who have visited San Juan previously?:






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Here is the second part of my quick views and samples from San Juan. Their Old Town area is very special. And it's history? Going back to the 1500's, the Spanish, classic stone forts, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 172,204 views.




Here are three views, outside and inside, of their historic Cathedral in the Old Town portion of San Juan. It is not as big as the Cathedrals in Europe, but this island is very Catholic and there are some nice, classic part with its structure, amazing location, etc.:











Below are three different views from in and around the San Juan Gate of the famed walled fortress that guarded this town from its early 1500's period. Two of these walled visuals are somewhat similar. Which one do you like best? This San Juan Gate is right near where the Governor's Palace or La Fortaleza (The Fortress) is located. It is the current official residence of the Governor of Puerto Rico. It was built between 1533 and 1540 to defend the harbor of San Juan. It is the oldest executive mansion in continuous use in the New World.:









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Terry, your captain seems to have had the correct baseball cap on! GO BLUE. Surprised you didn't try and Photoshop the image to say OSU. I am truly jealous of the sailing experience, although you all had no spinnaker up, it looked like a great time, the boat was heeling over, but not too much. Loved it as I could almost imagine being there too. Suggest you find an excuse to stay in the real tropics, quite chilly today here in south Florida. I wore my Silversea expedition parka outside to walk the dog, who thought it was much too cold to be out and quickly dragged me back home.


Did not have a chance to respond to the earlier comment from our south Florida friend. YES, my "prime grinder" partner was from Ann Arbor and wearing that Michigan hat. BUT, Ernie was our real ship Captain and knowing what he was doing, etc. Fortunately for us!! Great fun on that trip. Real sailing action. NO, I would not do PhotoShop to alter such visuals. He's a well-recognized medical doctor at UM.


Getting ready to head to San Juan's Old Town. Then, planning some type of Ecco-Tour option to the rainforest for Sunday. Need to finish strong here in the Caribbean. Will not be able to do such activities for some time in central Ohio.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 194,746 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Here is a view for part of the Governor's Palace that was mentioned in the previous post. Its blue color is very distinct. We walked near its gated entrance. There were the garages there for the Governor's SUV cars, plus his varied motorcycle police escorts. The Governor's Palace is a half block from a Coach Outlet store that is just 125' from the main Cathedral here. Unique mix of culture, power, commerce and religion right here in a small area!! La Fortaleza has been the residence of more than 170 governors of Puerto Rico and has hosted President John F. Kennedy and Jackie in 1961. Plus, King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Juliana of the Netherlands are among many heads of state who have stayed in La Fortaleza.:



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For San Juan, today, Saturday, we headed back to gain a more in-depth look at the Old Town area, including Castillo San Felipe del Morro. Strategically situated on the northwestern-most point of the islet of Old San Juan, Morro Castle is named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. The fortification, also gains part of its name from their phrase for 'the promontory'. It was built to guard the entrance to the San Juan Bay and defend the Spanish colonial port city of San Juan from enemy sea attacks to this vital port that had such a deep, protected site and access to fresh water.


In 1983, this citadel was declared a UN World Heritage Site as a part of the overall San Juan National Historic locations. Over two million visitors a year explore the site, making it one of Puerto Rico's leading tourist attractions. Facing this structure, on the opposite side of the bay, is a smaller fortification known as El Cañuelo. That complemented the defense at the entrance to the bay. Many complex structures were added onto El Morro over the next 400 years to adjust for new military technics and tactics. As an example, El Morro's outer walls, which were originally constructed 6' thick, were increased to 18' thick by the end of the 18th century.


In 1961, the U.S. Army officially retired from El Morro. It was used during World War II to do sighting of German submarines operating in the Atlantic. The fortress then became a part of the National Park Service and is preserved as now a museum.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 26,749 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.




Here is the look as we were walking into the main gate of this historic fortress built to protect San Juan important harbor. It was many levels, old cannons sitting around, dramatic angles and views for what seeing what is here and nearby. Below are a few samples of the many exciting and varied views that we enjoyed today. All along the walls are the dome-covered sentry stations known as garitas. These rounded structures have become one of the cultural symbol of Puerto Rico. Do these visuals bring back memories for others who have visited here in the past?:

















Here is the famous cemetery setting that is immediately next to this fortress. This Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery was inaugurated in 1863. Its circular red-domed chapel, inspired by Bramante’s Rotonda in Rome, stands out amongst the numerous graves. The picturesque burial grounds are adorned with Genevan marbles and sculptures. These enhance the final resting place of important political, artistic and literary figures. This includes José Ferrer, the Academy Award-winning actor and director.:



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Dear Terry, I would like to add that my mother was secretary to the Sub-Commander of the Navy Forces in San Juan during the war. She was sworn to secrecy that German submarines were encircling Puerto Rico. I only learned 50 years after the war ended, when it was publicized in a PuertoRican film "La Gran Fiesta" and my mother, reluctantly, conceded that she had this knowledge first-hand. She had kept her oath all these years! Makes me very proud.

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Here are a few more of the visual samples from Old San Juan earlier today. Nice variety and options there. It was in the mid-80's of temperature with fairly high humidity, BUT, the super breezes makes things very nice, pleasant and refreshing. Much better weather than back home in Ohio.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Wonderful Kotor and nearby Montenegro? Check these postings. Have had over 23,122 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:




Here is another view and a different angle of Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery in San Juan's historic Old Town area.:





We somewhat stumbled on and discovered Casa Blanca. It is a house museum located in Old San Juan within the historic colonial section. Built in 1521, it served as the first fortification of the San Juan islet and to be a residence for it ruler Juan Ponce de León. Remember him? Although de Leon died in an expedition to Florida without ever getting to occupy the structure, it was used as the residence of his descendants until the mid-18th century. The house was built in wood but was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in stone and masonry. It subsequently was occupied by members of the Spanish army and later by American army commanders. The surrounding gardens were planted by the first American governor of the island in the 19th century. Here is a small visual sampling. Nice, interesting find.:











Here is another narrow street view in Old San Juan as this road goes downhill towards the water/port areas where cruise ships dock. Second is the outside (and name/address) for a charming dining place that we enjoyed mid-day. Love the balconies, gates and other architectural details in this area. This food/drink option was a wonderful touch of France in Old San Juan. Super food and drinks!! Lots more shopping opportunities, but we mostly avoided too much retail action today.:






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Dear Terry, I would like to add that my mother was secretary to the Sub-Commander of the Navy Forces in San Juan during the war. She was sworn to secrecy that German submarines were encircling Puerto Rico. I only learned 50 years after the war ended, when it was publicized in a PuertoRican film "La Gran Fiesta" and my mother, reluctantly, conceded that she had this knowledge first-hand. She had kept her oath all these years! Makes me very proud.


Appreciate so much this tie-in with your mother and the more recent military connection at this location in San Juan. It was fun yesterday to learn more on its history and why San Juan was so key to Spain in the developments for how Europe and the New World was involved.


Did happen to notice that the place we enjoyed for lunch from yesterday gets high marks in the TripAdvisor ratings. Here are more details: St Germain Bistro & Cafe, 156 Sol, San Juan 00901, 787-725-5830. It is ranked #9 of 658 Restaurants in San Juan with 4.5 of 5 stars based on 977 reviews and gained a Certificate of Excellence 2014 from them. Price range: USD7 - USD15

Hours: Sun 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm, Tue - Fri 11:30 am - 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Sat 11:00 am - 11:00 pm.


Off to the rainforest east of San Juan this morning. Plus, some some and fun at the top of the hotel where we are staying in the Miramar area.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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Enjoy el Yunque. I can't wait to see the photos. I recall it so well, I was quite young and we went to see the Peace Corps camp there, as well as some ropes course and zip line.

Ithaca, interesting fact about the submarines. They were also spotted frequently off the coast of south Florida. It was thought that we were close to being invaded as the beach would provide a good landing spot. Florida Atlantic university is the site of a former air strip and there were multiple barracks for soldiers who were stationed in Boca Raton, and who were training for and at the ready for the invasion they expected at the beaches.

Surely not that many people know just how close we were to being invaded, in Puerto Rico and in Florida.

Terry, enjoying your photos as well. Have you experienced the "me me's" , the beach no see ums that can leave you with lots of itchy bites?

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Great fun following your adventures Terry, hope you've got your land legs back after 26 days on the water....and are braced to face the cold weather awaiting! Sophia


What a wonderful journal of your trip. I had never considered an Amazon cruise until I followed your adventure.


Perfectionistcruiser: Terry Thanks a million I have followed and loved every post' date=' well done. [/quote']


tripperva: TLC' date=' it's [b']time for your next cruise[/b]. We are waiting for the new blog!


spinnaker2: Enjoy el Yunque. I can't wait to see the photos. I recall it so well' date=' I was quite young and we went to see the Peace Corps camp there, as well as some ropes course and zip line. Ithaca, interesting fact about the submarines. They were also spotted frequently off the coast of south Florida. It was thought that we were close to being invaded as the beach would provide a good landing spot. Florida Atlantic university is the site of a former air strip and there were multiple barracks for soldiers who were stationed in Boca Raton, and who were training for and at the ready for the invasion they expected at the beaches. Surely not that many people know just how close we were to being invaded, in Puerto Rico and in Florida. Terry, enjoying your photos as well. Have you experienced the "me me's" , the beach no see ums that can leave you with lots of itchy bites? [/quote']


Super appreciate all of these nice follow-ups and comments. Great to received this interactive feed-back. At the Atlanta airport now. After boarding in San Juan our 8:15 am flight, we are now in Atlanta and departing in a hour for Columbus. Glad to have free Wi-Fi at the ATL airport!! The Dallas-Ft. Worth airport is a mess today with bad storms, but glad that things are smooth for us getting back home through Atlanta. All seems ready and on-time for here.


NO, Sophia, not ready for the cold weather. Got a tiny sample/preview while stepping off of our Delta airplane flight from San Juan. It will get much colder in Columbus.


YES, for spinnaker2, very much enjoyed el Yunque. It is NOT the real Amazon JUNGLE, but one can only take so much of that "fun" during one trip. It had nice waterfalls, fairly solid and paved trails that we were walking, etc. BUT, there were crowds there, including many from off of the Carnival cruise ship in San Juan's port yesterday. Crowds from big cruise ships?? Not fun, but we mostly escaped too much of those types of messes/congestion. Even got a little rain at the end of our "adventure" in the wilderness yesterday, but nothing too bad.


Below and in the next post are some of my visuals from yesterday for spinnaker2 at my camera captured in and around el Yunque. Here is more on el Yunque National Forest, formerly known as the Luquillo National Forest and the Caribbean National Forest. It is located in northeastern Puerto Rico, about a half hour or so east of San Juan. It is the only tropical rain forest in the United States National Forest System. El Yunque is either a Spanish approximation of the aboriginal Taíno word yu-ke which means "white lands" or the word "anvil," which is yunque in Spanish, per Wikipedia. El Yunque National Rainforest is located on the slopes of the Sierra de Luquillo mountains, encompassing 28,000 acres. It is the largest block of public land in Puerto Rico. El Toro, the highest mountain peak in the forest, rises 3,494 feet above sea level. The annual rainfall is over 200 inches a year in some areas of the park, creating a jungle-like setting with lush foliage, waterfalls and rivers. The forest region was initially set aside in 1876 by the King Alfonso XII of Spain and is one of the oldest reserves in the Western Hemisphere. Then, there was the Spanish-American War in 1898 and the rest is history, kind of, sort of. Will not get into here the whole Puerto Rico "Commonwealth" versus statehood versus independence questions, etc. Learn more on that twisted and unique history about those questions.


No "itchy bites" that I know of. No sickness, "bad water", etc. All seems to have progressed well during our adventures. Now, to be home, get our two Lab dogs, Roxie and Rudy, etc.


NEXT CRUISE??: You will have to wait a little bit of time and/or get me signed up for a rich trust account, quick! Our next planned cruise is for doing the "same" Silver Cloud in early February 2016, Cape Town to Cape Town, over ten days. Plus, much more by air and land in those nearby parts of southern Africa, Botswana, etc. By that time, Silversea will have done its October 2015, 18-day dry dock on the ship with new teak decks, other upgrades, plus lots of crew and "back of the house" improvements.


Can share much more later on the Silver Cloud, staff, etc., later, if there is interest. More ship/staff pictures to post after getting home.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 99,485 views for this posting. About ready to go the magic 100K point!!



From El Yunque National Forest, here is the first group with a variety of views, including off to the nearby sea coast from an observation tower, etc. Lots of variety, sights and experiences when visiting and hiking within such a natural wonders. Not much seen the way of wildlife and/or birds. Heard bird sounds. Did see this interesting shelled snail with its own "case" attached to a tree in the rainforest.:


















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Here are six more of my visuals from the visit yesterday to el Yunque National Forest that is east of San Juan, PR.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Here is more from el Yunque National Forest, including certain of their key waterfalls. The last picture is of Coca Falls. Big, big and very tall!! It is right along the main roadway and gets congested with lots of cars and buses stopping to see this dramatic waterfall up close and personal.:


















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Safe travels through Atlanta Terry ..... a very interesting and complete blog ... and I hope wifey is still talking to you after all your time at the keyboard! :D




ps Noticed a shop called Jasper Johns in one of your ports .... hope you popped in and bought a flag painting from the Great Man!

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Safe travels through Atlanta Terry ..... a very interesting and complete blog ... and I hope wifey is still talking to you after all your time at the keyboard! :D


ps Noticed a shop called Jasper Johns in one of your ports .... hope you popped in and bought a flag painting from the Great Man!


Appreciate, Jeff, your dropping by, saying HI! and making these kind, smart, wise and knowing comments. YES, there are "sensitivies" about the serious time it takes to snap ALL of the pictures, check/edit these many visuals, do these postings, etc. That is part of the challenge! It's OUR trip/vacation, not just my adventure. Keeping that "right balance" is not easy. On a trip like ours, there has been so many wonderful sights that there are many, many pictures to review and edit. Picking the "best of the best" can be difficult. It keeps, however, the great memories alive and well.


Good eye for noticing the Jasper Johns sign in St. Barts. Sorry, didn't go in there, nor buy anything there in charming and wonderful St. Barts. "Retail" is not my thing and/or priority. I like seeing the architecture, sights, taking pictures, nature, etc. Much cheaper that way.


Now am mentally preparing for the cold, COLD weather of Central Ohio. Now at 10°F with mostly sunny and a "RealFeel" of 7°F in Columbus. For tonight, it will be a LOW of -7°F and a RealFeel of -11°F. Tomorrow: snow showers in the afternoon, a high ofi 22°F. More cold later this week. BUT, by the end of next week, it will get up in the 50'sF. I will take credit for bringing back some warm weather during the coming weeks.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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Hi Terry, Be sure someone has shoveled your drive out. We received 7 inches on Sat. Diane


Just shared with my wife, Penny, your "good news"!!?? Looks like a repeat from a year ago, when our friend taking us home after arriving from NZ/Hawaii, could not make it up our steep drive in the ravine area of Columbus. I'll have to walk up in the snow, get my Honda Pilot with 4WD, go down, get the luggage transferred, then haul things back up the hill.


Appreciate your "heads up" and warning. Mentally, this COLD STUFF is going to take serious mental adjustments.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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