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Would you revamp the MDR kids menu?


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Hey all!


I was thinking about writing to John Heald and some other folks at Carnival about what I feel is the poor quality of the MDR kids menu. But I started wondering if I'm just getting worked up over nothing, so I thought I'd ask you fine folks. Does it annoy anyone else that it is the same chicken fingers, pizza and PB&J that is found on crappy kids menus everywhere? Would your kids order something more interesting if it was available?


My kids are certainly no strangers to crappy kid food. I enjoy pizza and movie night almost every Friday. But I guess I feel like it would be nice if the MDR offerings weren't the same junk that is offered everywhere else on the ship. I'm sure my girls will get plenty of pizza and burgers and free ice cream during lunch time, so I'll be trying to convince them to eat off the adult menu in the MDR.


So, if you could change up the kids menu for the dining room, what would you put on there? I'm not asking for anything too drastic, just something more similar to what my kids normally eat at home. It doesn't have to be deep fried or smothered in cheese to be kid friendly. Here are some of my suggestions:


Pasta with choice of fresh marinara or pesto sauce

Build your own tacos with grilled chicken, beans and fresh veggies

Stir fry with noodles, veggies and protein

Rotisserie-style chicken drumstick

Grilled cheese (with real cheese) and tomato soup


Of course we'll keep the ever popular banana split for dessert, but could we lose the jello? What do you guys think? Am I nuts, or would something like this be a nice change?

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I understand your point. It makes more sense in normal restaurants where the food is more expensive to order off the adult menu. On a cruise, I wouldn't have any qualms ordering off the adult menu. My child is only three, so our issue is portion size. I would prefer if they offered more serving size choices.


I did actually see a complaint about the unhealthy offerings on the kids menu on John Heald's Facebook page. He was asking for feedback on the issue.

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no, i think you're 'getting worked up over nothing' as you proposed.


the 'crappy kids menu' is there to serve the kids that want chicken nuggets, a burger, or pizza, as they're used to from a 'kids menu'.


they are more than welcome to 'order something more interesting' from the normal menu at any point, whenever they wish.


if you think the kids menu is 'crappy', by all means suggest to your kids that they order off the 'normal menu'... this is more a parenting issue than it is a menu issue, as the option is already afforded for, order off the normal menu. carnival has the kids menu to cater to kids that want their chicken nuggets and mac and cheese (which granted, a lot of the kids on cruises ARE accustomed to eating at home) instead of escargots or lobster.


yes, i think you're nuts (you said it, and said in that right) and over-thinking this. you do realize kids can order from the 'adult' menu, right? they can eat the same thing you do. :)

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I understand your point. It makes more sense in normal restaurants where the food is more expensive to order off the adult menu. On a cruise, I wouldn't have any qualms ordering off the adult menu. My child is only three, so our issue is portion size. I would prefer if they offered more serving size choices.


I did actually see a complaint about the unhealthy offerings on the kids menu on John Heald's Facebook page. He was asking for feedback on the issue.


OP here. I totally agree about the portion size! My daughters can't eat an entire adult entree, let alone an appetizer and dessert. I feel like it's a huge waste of food! We do usually order off the adult menu for them, but we end up throwing away quite a bit, even when we only order an appetizer.


falkcor, you bring up a good point. Maybe that is what many of these kids eat at home (which is very sad and a whole issue in and of itself). So if nothing ever gets changed, we'll still continue to have a great cruise and just order off the adult menu and waste food which I will try not to feel too bad about (or let my husband eat all the leftovers so he doesn't come home 10 pounds heavier). But I'd love to see a "middle ground" for my tiny 2 year old between chicken fingers and a giant slice of prime rib that weighs as much as she does :p I often feel like kids are more adventurous eaters than we give them credit for. If we offer pizza or a burger, chances are they are going to choose that. But if we eliminate those for just one meal and offer some healthier choices, I'm sure 99% of kids would be able to find something that appeals to them.

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We have 2 B2B cruises coming up with 1 week all inclusive in Mexico and then a week in Las Vegas so I really don't want my kids having 4 weeks of crap for dinner every night.


So I've made a deal with them, for lunch they can eat from kids type menu stuff but for the dinner they will be eating from the normal menu.


They are 12, 10 and `16 months and we make them eat what we eat for dinner in any event so we hopefully should have no problems. My 10 year old is most looking forward to steak.


So to answer the question....no I would not revamp it there are lots of items on the adult menu that kids can order.

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Hey all!


I was thinking about writing to John Heald and some other folks at Carnival about what I feel is the poor quality of the MDR kids menu. But I started wondering if I'm just getting worked up over nothing, so I thought I'd ask you fine folks. Does it annoy anyone else that it is the same chicken fingers, pizza and PB&J that is found on crappy kids menus everywhere? Would your kids order something more interesting if it was available?


My kids are certainly no strangers to crappy kid food. I enjoy pizza and movie night almost every Friday. But I guess I feel like it would be nice if the MDR offerings weren't the same junk that is offered everywhere else on the ship. I'm sure my girls will get plenty of pizza and burgers and free ice cream during lunch time, so I'll be trying to convince them to eat off the adult menu in the MDR.


So, if you could change up the kids menu for the dining room, what would you put on there? I'm not asking for anything too drastic, just something more similar to what my kids normally eat at home. It doesn't have to be deep fried or smothered in cheese to be kid friendly. Here are some of my suggestions:


Pasta with choice of fresh marinara or pesto sauce

Build your own tacos with grilled chicken, beans and fresh veggies

Stir fry with noodles, veggies and protein

Rotisserie-style chicken drumstick

Grilled cheese (with real cheese) and tomato soup


Of course we'll keep the ever popular banana split for dessert, but could we lose the jello? What do you guys think? Am I nuts, or would something like this be a nice change?


Absolutely. When my kid first cruised her only option would have been chicken nuggets, as she didn't eat the other stuff.


So not wanting to waste $$ on her fare, we ordered the nuggets AND and "adult " meal. And she went for the adult meal, while we all picked at the nuggets.


By weeks end, we weren't even ordering off the kids menu. And we haven't looked back.


Ultimately, nothing says kids have to order off that kids menu. Mix it up. You'll be surprised. It wasn't like she wasn't eating real food at home anyway.

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Our kids typically order off the adult menu or order a mix of items. Kids menus seem to be mostly an American thing. There's a time and place for kid food, but not every meal, every day. When we're cruising, we are typically eating most meals on the ship so we encourage them to try new things and be adventurous.



Next cruise: Carnival Vista - July 2016

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We were on the Liberty last month. They have the American Table/Feast menus.

When I asked for a kids menu for my 6yo,

They replied that they didn't have kid menus any longer. They also were not very helpful in what she could get.

Hopefully, this will work itself out after the menus have been rolled out to the rest of the fleet.

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Yes, you are getting worked up over nothing. There is a large variety of choices on both the adult and children's menu that anybody is able to choose from. You are the parent, set the rules. If you don't want your children to eat chicken nuggets or pizza every day, then tell them they are off limits on the cruise.

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We were on the Liberty last month. They have the American Table/Feast menus.

When I asked for a kids menu for my 6yo,

They replied that they didn't have kid menus any longer. They also were not very helpful in what she could get.



I'm shocked to read this!

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LOL...it's a kids menu giving options kids like to eat. If not they have a whole ship full of "regular" food. Why in the world would it need a redo? Someone has way too much spare time.

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Non issue for us. If your child doesn't like the "crap" they can order off the regular menu, use room service or go to the buffet.


On occasion I've eaten some of the so-called crappy food off my child's plate. It's quite good, not McDonalds.


Side note: you don't want your kids eating crappy food so you've suggested grilled cheese as an alternative? Ummm ok.

Edited by Lerin
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Hey all!


I was thinking about writing to John Heald and some other folks at Carnival about what I feel is the poor quality of the MDR kids menu. But I started wondering if I'm just getting worked up over nothing, so I thought I'd ask you fine folks. Does it annoy anyone else that it is the same chicken fingers, pizza and PB&J that is found on crappy kids menus everywhere? Would your kids order something more interesting if it was available?


My kids are certainly no strangers to crappy kid food. I enjoy pizza and movie night almost every Friday. But I guess I feel like it would be nice if the MDR offerings weren't the same junk that is offered everywhere else on the ship. I'm sure my girls will get plenty of pizza and burgers and free ice cream during lunch time, so I'll be trying to convince them to eat off the adult menu in the MDR.


So, if you could change up the kids menu for the dining room, what would you put on there? I'm not asking for anything too drastic, just something more similar to what my kids normally eat at home. It doesn't have to be deep fried or smothered in cheese to be kid friendly. Here are some of my suggestions:


Pasta with choice of fresh marinara or pesto sauce

Build your own tacos with grilled chicken, beans and fresh veggies

Stir fry with noodles, veggies and protein

Rotisserie-style chicken drumstick

Grilled cheese (with real cheese) and tomato soup


Of course we'll keep the ever popular banana split for dessert, but could we lose the jello? What do you guys think? Am I nuts, or would something like this be a nice change?


I totally agree. I don't think you're getting "worked up," I just think it's a sensible suggestion that would actually reduce waste. My kids have never ordered anything but dessert off the kids menu because they are not interested in those types of foods for dinner, but only the oldest is able to finish an adult meal. They would love something very similar to your suggestions, with the addition of a small steak and two pieces of fried chicken. We'd also love to see simple appetizers on the kids' menu -- a bowl of grapes, yogurt, very small salad. Without these options, my kids and many others order full adult meals that they can't possibly finish.

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The items on the kid's menu aren't the only options for kids in the MDR. As other posters have said, they are free to order from the adult menu. I see that there has been further discussion regarding portion sizes. Why would you order multiple courses for your child if they can't eat those portions? Why not order a salad and pasta starter as their meal? I actually do think you're getting worked up over nothing. There are LOTS of options in the main dining room including to order appetizers as entrees if the actual entree portions are too large. My youngest was 6 on our last cruise and she almost exclusively ordered from the regular menus in the dining room. Salad and pasta, shrimp cocktail, soups, chicken, etc.

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Just a quick question. When you cook at home, do the kids eat your dinner, or do you make a special dinner for them? The reasons restaurants have kid's meals is not for the kid's! It's to get parents into the restaurant, and when parents save money, they come.


On a cruise ship, the kid's can eat anything they want. My kids never even saw the kid's menu. So no need for a different one. It's only for those kids that have not experienced real food.

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My kids don't eat any of that stuff at home. When we go out to eat they order off the adult menu and we bring the leftovers home. On our cruises they have only ordered from the adult menu.


I won't comment on parents who let their kids get away with eating that kind of crappy food and when something else has been prepared for the meal.

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I"m sure my granddaughter will order from the adult menu so I am not worried. On ships with the American table menu, the portions are smaller and other than the meat, the sides can be ordered to suit the passenger.


She doesn't get to eat chicken nuggets often, so perhaps once on the cruise she might order them, but she loves steak and other meats so I am sure it's not going to be a problem. I am not in the least bit worried about what's on the kid's menu.

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The items on the kid's menu aren't the only options for kids in the MDR. As other posters have said, they are free to order from the adult menu. I see that there has been further discussion regarding portion sizes. Why would you order multiple courses for your child if they can't eat those portions? Why not order a salad and pasta starter as their meal?


Because they want chicken or steak, which don't come in starter-size? Restaurants usually have a few nicer options on the kids menu like non-nugget chicken, steak bites, or quesadillas. If Carnival is revamping their menus, they might as well consider some changes in the kids menu, which might reduce waste. I wonder how many children order cheap foods from that menu versus adult dinners?

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Restaurants have "kids" menus because many parents balk at the idea of actually spending money for food kids only eat a portion of...so the menu is more for "adults" than for kids. On a cruise kids don't get a break in price so they can order freely from the regular menu.


I can rarely finish the portion sizes at the MDR so we tend to share meals. And the kids love the appetizers, soups, and salads. Also, we have never had a problem with the staff bringing out extra plates, an extra like a baked potato or a vegetable.


I am always amazed when cruising with the kids how much they love experimenting with new and different foods, even the younger ones. Cruises are a great opportunity to introduce kids to new tastes and textures and smells. Its amazing how their palette tends to expand when given the opportunity.

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Because they want chicken or steak, which don't come in starter-size? Restaurants usually have a few nicer options on the kids menu like non-nugget chicken, steak bites, or quesadillas. If Carnival is revamping their menus, they might as well consider some changes in the kids menu, which might reduce waste. I wonder how many children order cheap foods from that menu versus adult dinners?


I hear what you are saying, and maybe its just me, but MDR portions aren't usually huge. I feel like they are reasonable or even on the small side.

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My kids are older now but even when they were younger they didn't tend to order off the kids menu. My daughter who is a very picky eater and a vegetarian usually orders the fruit plate, a side salad and some other small appetizer that makes a full dinner for her. But sometimes she just wants cheese pizza for dinner, so she'll order the fruit plate and cheese pizza. It's nice to have it available.

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Changing the menu would be a waste of time for my children. If anything was delivered other than chicken nuggets or pizza on the cruise, they would not eat it.


I may be missing a point here, but can't any child order off the adult menu if they wanted it?

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Changing the menu would be a waste of time for my children. If anything was delivered other than chicken nuggets or pizza on the cruise, they would not eat it.


I may be missing a point here, but can't any child order off the adult menu if they wanted it?



Yes...it is a non-issue.

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