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Are the MSC Club Discounts being eroded?


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I've been looking at the Sinfonia Grand Voyage to South Africa in October 2015


When I try to get the prices there are two offers






I was looking at a Balcony suite with the Aurea experience



Cost A) £3108

Cost b) £3158















If I try to go further and put in my card Number for A) I get this (i've editted out my card No. in the image)

I would expect the price to be £2486.40


Your MSC Club discount is Not valid on this promotion












However using B) and putting my card No. in, I get this








The price is £2526.40 (80% of £3158)



However that would only be a 18.7% discount if judged against the £3108 price


2526.4/3108=0.81287 or 81.3% (rounded up)


The difference is only £40, but it is establishing a principle


Until recently the discount would be applied to any price including promotions


This must be the thin edge of the wedge and the erosion of the value of the MSC Cub Cards biggest perk !!!!!!






Edited by Skier52
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I've run into this same scenario when trying to book our January sailing on the US site Pete. On the USA site,,taxes and port fees are included in the on-line price and the reward member discount doesn't apply to those,,only the cruise fare. I'm not sure on your site if this may be the same??

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I've run into this same scenario when trying to book our January sailing on the US site Pete. On the USA site,,taxes and port fees are included in the on-line price and the reward member discount doesn't apply to those,,only the cruise fare. I'm not sure on your site if this may be the same??

It would appear that they are all included in the cruise fare



I've never seen them appear on an invoice yet, but the UK law is very strict on add-ons to holiday invoices









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I'm curious to learn more about the "Your MSC Club discount is Not valid on this promotion" message that pops up when you enter your rewards member number. I've been getting this same message on other sailings I have been looking at.

Is MSC possibly running promotions on different experience/category staterooms and therefore the discount doesn't apply? Perhaps the difference between A: 3108,,and B: 3158,,is that you receive a 50$ onboard credit by choosing option B and therefore the discount would apply?? I'm so confused!!! But in either case,,,you are still not receiving the full 20% even after checking the math on option A Pete.

Edited by Mikesa1721
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I'm curious to learn more about the "Your MSC Club discount is Not valid on this promotion" message that pops up when you enter your rewards member number. I've been getting this same message on other sailings I have been looking at.

Is MSC possibly running promotions on different experience/category staterooms and therefore the discount doesn't apply? Perhaps the difference between A: 3108,,and B: 3158,,is that you receive a 50$ onboard credit by choosing option B and therefore the discount would apply?? I'm so confused!!! But in either case,,,you are still not receiving the full 20% even after checking the math on option A Pete.

Each promotion is for all catagories on the ship and you choose the promotion at the first step


NO OBC offered!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The image confirms taxes are included in the price








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Every single time I've tried to get a price online this year that message has come up.


I thought it was because I was looking at booking cheap deals or special offers but now I'm not so sure. I'm not in a financial position to book another cruise until July but when I do I will not be happy if I do not get the discount, irrespective of the original cruise price.



From my ipad

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Pete ... I started a thread on this subject last week titled "KIS package" going to check with my TA sometime today to see if the club discount is given.

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Hi All


Well several things have changed in a few weeks.


I was considering this cruise and decided against it.


However I can remember:


1. Base Fare was £45 per day

2. Solos were permitted to book at 25% supplement.

3. MSC Club discount was given in full.




1. Base Fare : £60 per day

2. No cabins open to solos.

3. Same error message re MSC Club discount.



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Hi All


Well several things have changed in a few weeks.


I was considering this cruise and decided against it.


However I can remember:


1. Base Fare was £45 per day

2. Solos were permitted to book at 25% supplement.

3. MSC Club discount was given in full.




1. Base Fare : £60 per day

2. No cabins open to solos.

3. Same error message re MSC Club discount.






I have just checked the Poesia repo rates and they are lower but no discount.


Also the solo penalty appears to vary by cabin or experience??


e.g, Balcony of Aurea experience is double the price of the Fantastica experience.



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I'm curious to learn more about the "Your MSC Club discount is Not valid on this promotion" message that pops up when you enter your rewards member number. I've been getting this same message on other sailings I have been looking at.

Is MSC possibly running promotions on different experience/category staterooms and therefore the discount doesn't apply? Perhaps the difference between A: 3108,,and B: 3158,,is that you receive a 50$ onboard credit by choosing option B and therefore the discount would apply?? I'm so confused!!! But in either case,,,you are still not receiving the full 20% even after checking the math on option A Pete.

Checked the maths and I was correct


Option A cost £3108 multiply by 0.8 to get £2486.40 (80% of the fare. i.e. 20% discount)


Option B cost £3158 multiply by 0.8 to get £2526.40



calculate the Option B discounted price relative to Option A full price :- £2526.40 divided by £3108 to get 0.81287 (i.e. 81.3%) therefore discount in this instant is 100 - 81.3 = 18.7%

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Checked the maths and I was correct


Option A cost £3108 multiply by 0.8 to get £2486.40 (80% of the fare. i.e. 20% discount)


Option B cost £3158 multiply by 0.8 to get £2526.40



calculate the Option B discounted price relative to Option A full price :- £2526.40 divided by £3108 to get 0.81287 (i.e. 81.3%) therefore discount in this instant is 100 - 81.3 = 18.7%


I ran the math as well Pete and you are correct,,,Since Option A is not available for reward member discounts,,you are essentially missing out on 40.00 of savings and only receiving a 18.7% discount in reality and not your full 20%.

I would try and ring MSC and see if maybe one of their agents can override their system and book you at the 3108 rate. I think 40.00 is worth a phone call!!

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I have just checked the Poesia repo rates and they are lower but no discount.


Also the solo penalty appears to vary by cabin or experience??


e.g, Balcony of Aurea experience is double the price of the Fantastica experience.



The Aurea experience does include the cost of the Allegrissimo package (£22pppd) and 1 spa treatment upto the value of £60; a total of £456 for a 18 night cruise


There are four offers at the moment for the March 27 or 28 2015 on Poesia




A) £35 per night promo cruise only:- Balcony Fantastica £990 Aurea £1290


B) Grand Voyage Special :-Balcony Fantastica £1369 Aurea £1759 (this promo does not include flights)


C) Brochure rates (not bothering with those)


D) £35 per night fly + cruise promo:- Balcony Fantastica £1680 Aurea £1980




The reverse journey in Nov 2015


only 1 offer + the brochure price



EARLY BOOKING :- balcony Fantastica £1679 Aurea £2097


I realise there are single supplements to go on; but it doesn't say what percentage, rather it says MSC operate flexible single supplements

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Spoke to the TA we have used on a number of occasions today and asked him to check out three cruises for me, when he rang back he told me the discount had been applied to all three cruises!


No idea what MSC are up to with their website but they are not doing themselves or their customers any favours.

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I have had issues with most cruise line web sites. So I now just call the cruise line and book. This way I talk to a live person, get my questions answered (in most cases LOL) and this way I know it went through the way I expected.


Although MSC does rank up there in the top percentages for a really crappy web site...:(

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The Aurea experience does include the cost of the Allegrissimo package (£22pppd) and 1 spa treatment upto the value of £60; a total of £456 for a 18 night cruise


There are four offers at the moment for the March 27 or 28 2015 on Poesia




A) £35 per night promo cruise only:- Balcony Fantastica £990 Aurea £1290


B) Grand Voyage Special :-Balcony Fantastica £1369 Aurea £1759 (this promo does not include flights)


C) Brochure rates (not bothering with those)


D) £35 per night fly + cruise promo:- Balcony Fantastica £1680 Aurea £1980




The reverse journey in Nov 2015


only 1 offer + the brochure price



EARLY BOOKING :- balcony Fantastica £1679 Aurea £2097


I realise there are single supplements to go on; but it doesn't say what percentage, rather it says MSC operate flexible single supplements


Hi Pete


It was the Poesia repo later in the year that I priced:


Price for a balcony cabin before discount:


Fantastica Twin £1155 Solo £1443.75 25% supplement


Aurea Twin £1455 Solo £2910.00 100% supplement


As our American cousins would say .... go figure.



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Who knows what is going on. Could be the notoriously glitchy website playing up or could be the start of them restricting club discounts with any other promotional price. They used to not allow club discounts with sale proces and then they moved to always allowing the club discount in the UK. I've seen other posters from elsewhere report they can't get their club discount on certain deals.


As for solos, they either don't want us at all or are severely restricting numbers and the cruises they will allow us on. Beginning to feel like I should have someone walking in front of me warning "unclean".........! If I could be bothered, I'd start looking into anti discrimination legislation but frankly have better things to do with my time and there are other companies on land and at sea that will happily accept my money.

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Who knows what is going on. Could be the notoriously glitchy website playing up or could be the start of them restricting club discounts with any other promotional price. They used to not allow club discounts with sale proces and then they moved to always allowing the club discount in the UK. I've seen other posters from elsewhere report they can't get their club discount on certain deals.


As for solos, they either don't want us at all or are severely restricting numbers and the cruises they will allow us on. Beginning to feel like I should have someone walking in front of me warning "unclean".........! If I could be bothered, I'd start looking into anti discrimination legislation but frankly have better things to do with my time and there are other companies on land and at sea that will happily accept my money.


AmoMondo, you know I share the same views. I did look into the discrimination laws a little. It appears they can choose their customers however they want. Public shaming is an option that they would be very senstive to but they have already rehearsed their defence. It feels pointless and I can see no gain in persuading a company to accept me if they really don't want me. That would feel like being the only one at the party by right instead of being invited.


It is a privately-owned company and such companies often make glaring mistakes because of their cultural blindspots - Italian, Catholic, Meditterranean, for a start.


Someone will have done some simplistic research showing overall net revenue from solos vs. multiple occupiers failing to take into account that solo travellers are friends of multiple occupiers and it is often a group decision which line and itinerary to choose.


MSC have lost my custom of late despte preferring them above other lines and despite the inevitable empty cabins on the repo cruises I would have booked. Stupid, stupid....


Then there is the broader issue to which you reference - if a cruise line makes solos feel unwelcome, there is a ground shift in the demographics of their guests and it becomes an unnatractive line for solos overall, even if the ocassional itinerary accepts them. I don't want to be on a ship full soley of couples and families except me. I want a broader, more representative mix. If they lose my demographic, I will never be inclined to return regardless of whether in the future they may be willing to take my booking.

Edited by Skipper Tim
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I got that message up when trying to book a Dubai Cruise in December with a promotion they are running.


I phone MSC and they gave me the 10% discount without a problem on the full cost of the fly cruise package. Flights were included and I got a free upgrade from B1 Bella to a B2 Fantastica thrown in.


I think it's just a glitch with the website.

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I think it's just a glitch with the website.


One in a long line of many!

Tried looking at Musica repo in Nov 2015 and great news I can find it...


1) press "Book Now" and the screen goes BLACK with a disappointing message


2) press "details" to see pricing for cabin i want and now it tells me it can't find the cruise.


Well what have I searched for and got on screen???


Do MSC want our custom or not???? i'm not sure!!!!








THE Initial cruise info






What I got when prsssing BOOK NOW







What I got when pressing Details










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Pete, the same black box appears on the Italian site too, if that's any consolation. They also have the same cruise for listed for 20 nights (although it's showing full). Maybe they're amending the itinerary at the moment and it'll be back when they're done?

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Pete, the same black box appears on the Italian site too, if that's any consolation. They also have the same cruise for listed for 20 nights (although it's showing full). Maybe they're amending the itinerary at the moment and it'll be back when they're done?

I get the "full" 20 night cruise listed as well, and you can't do anything with that listing.

Thanks for the info, it's good to know that it's not just the UK site where you can't book that particular cruise.

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Hi Pete ... Just looking at this cruise and there are two slots for it. one says sold out and the other says book now ! both starting at £700.


It then goes to the Black screen you mentioned!

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