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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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Hey I wonder if you and Kelkel2 are on the same cruise lol. You will love this excursiom, fund, relaxing and beautiful views. Water for us was pretty calm so our ride was pretty smooth, just the occasional jump where we would catch a wave. But I caught my boys all falling asleep or closing their eyes at least thru it. So not bad.


Kelkel and I are on the same cruise!!! :D Thanks for the information. I am really looking forward to that excursion.

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Heck yes, maybe once I get these boys out of high school I can plan a cruise with all my favorite bloggers :) Then we can do a group trip report LOL



Thanks to the long weekend, I will have the rest of La Romana up soon, and since rain is expected here all weekend. Maybe I can knock out Curacao also


Also for those that have asked, I put the Fun Times on google drive. Hopefully they are better viewable for you. *** CLICK HERE for FUN TIMES ***


Thanks for posting the FunTimes on Google Drive. They are readable now :D


I'm doing this same itinerary and I cant wait!!!

Edited by fofita01
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I didnt take a picture (for obvious reasons) but they offered massages right on the beach... only thing was they were not too segregated from the group. So you heard kids yelling, people walking back and forth from the bar/food area. I doubt you had a real relaxing time, but we heard it was very cheap. Something like $15 for 30mins. Not bad if your ok with that.


As we were catching rays a coconut seller came by selling them for I believe $3, I figured why not try it....



So I got one for the boys and I to try... Note to self I dont like coconut juice. The Skipper and Maryann make it look so delish, on Gilligan's Island . I ended up cracking it open to get the fresh meat which was good.



I made the boys all take a walk on the pier near us while some girls were on it also. Figured we could get a few pics together for our Xmas cards this year!



They had a bar made out of old boat where drinks were included. Sodas and water for the kids, Rum Punch for the adults (well anyone could have either really, they dont card LOL) At lunch they brought out the local beer for everyone to have if you would like.



We have a bottle of this rum from our All Inclusive trip last year.. its not a great rum lol. But it works in a punch. They are small cups though, so I would just ask for 2drinks at a time, then chug one at the bar and have them refill it. I tipped at the beginning and the "boatenders" became my besties!!



A while later they stated lunch was served. It was a HUGE spread. Chicken, potatoes, veggies, bread, beans, rice, plantains and pasta. My boys who are human garbage disposables filled up, and they had plenty for 2nds for our very large group. It was really good, and helped fill our bellies after snorkeling and drinking LOL.



NEXT UP: Go speed racer Go!


My gang done this excursion last year and it's been our favorite by far. The combination of the beautiful surroundings AND the free flowing rum made my 30 minute massage very relaxing. It even rained while I was getting it which just added to the experience. If I remember right, this excursion was $65 PP and worth every penny.


BTW...Jack's Shack at Grand Turk is great too. VERY laid back. We just sat at an umbrella'd table on the deck and drank. Tried the jerk chicken which was delicious and I was able to get my furr baby fix with all the dogs and cats wondering around. We'll be revisiting next month.


LOVING your review!!!

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I love your review!! I live in SoCal too, and might be doing a eastern Caribbean on glory from Miami in March, first Caribbean cruise and first time flying to the east coast! Can't wait to see more pics of your trip!! :D

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My gang done this excursion last year and it's been our favorite by far. The combination of the beautiful surroundings AND the free flowing rum made my 30 minute massage very relaxing. It even rained while I was getting it which just added to the experience. If I remember right, this excursion was $65 PP and worth every penny.

Yes it was $65, but to anyone that books find your online group and get a deal. We got 10% off this way!


BTW...Jack's Shack at Grand Turk is great too. VERY laid back. We just sat at an umbrella'd table on the deck and drank. Tried the jerk chicken which was delicious and I was able to get my furr baby fix with all the dogs and cats wondering around. We'll be revisiting next month.


LOVING your review!!!

Im not a dog lover, but I am a Rum lover lol. Hoping we can somehow get on a cruise next yr to catch Grand Turk.


Wow...you have a great review. We did the breeze last April and loved it we now are booked on the new Vista for Dec 2016 loooooonnnngggg wait....Trying to get hubby to throw in a few short ones this fall and next spring.

OHHH Im so jelly, I keep looking at the Vista hoping I can pull that one off. Might need to ditch the kids and just go with hubby LOL.

Edited by anewmac
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I love your review!! I live in SoCal too, and might be doing a eastern Caribbean on glory from Miami in March, first Caribbean cruise and first time flying to the east coast! Can't wait to see more pics of your trip!! :D

Oh what part of So Cal? Im originally from LA, moved to San Diego now in Temecula.


Have you done the West coast cruises? If so you will LOVE the Caribbean. Warmer water, warmer weather prettier water at that. As for the flight, its never fun and always long. Have fun!


Your review is so awesome that I get so excited whenever my phone alerts me! Lol

Aww thanks, so nice to hear. I was hoping people wouldnt get turned off by my excessive posting of my family and what we did day to day. Part 1 of Curacao coming up.

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Did I forget to mention room service last night... I needed a chocolate fix. Hello Cake, come to momma. That and a glass of milk made for a happy slumber!



Late to bed, but early to rise as usual for me



Took a shower and got ready as last night the boys all said they were out of underwear and socks. Really the only thing I put you guys in charge of and was told "Yes Mom we packed enough!" Never believe teenagers lol.We keep a pop up hamper in the room so I grabbed that, and I had picked up detergent pods before we left. Packed a couple and off I went to find the laundry room. Thankfully it was on the Starboard side directly on the other side of me.


When I got there is was only a few minutes after 6am, when the sign stated it opened. But all the machines were already taken. I just camped out as it was obvious no one REALLY watches that time. Seems all of the washers were almost done, and some of the dryers were already in use. Moments later 2other women walked in with their clothes, how did all of us ladies get suckered into this on our vacation. This is why I over pack lol. A couple minutes later in walked another lady and her washer was just about to finish. She did the laundry change over and I nabbed her washer.


You use your S & S card, which is great not having to bring quarters or find change. It was $3.25 a load for washer and the same for dryer. They were a little smaller then normal but cheaper then sending your laundry out (unless you get free laundry, which we dont) plus I am weirded out by sending my unmentionables out (well my kids stuff in this instance).


In went the chonies and socks, but 1st let me take a selfie!



Once my load was in I left the other ladies to wait, and set my timer for 10mins as thats what it said would take for 1 load.


Back in the room I finished getting ready and then coffee came around 630am per usual. I then grabbed the boys 2nd formal night shirts and headed back to the laundry room. The 1st formal night we sent 3shirts and 1 pair of trousers out to be pressed and it cost $24. (not bad). BUT I figured I had time waiting for the load in the dryer now, why not iron them myself and put that $24 towards something else.



When I was done ironing I went back to the room with 15mins to wait for the dryer, as the washer said 10mins but took 14. (I need to write Carni and suggest that they put in a pour your own drink dispenser as they have in the library but in the laundry room... there were plenty of us that would take advantage of that.) Did my normal routine of Rumchata and reading the Fun Times.




Since we weren't docking till 1pm there was plenty of time to find something new to do. (Other than laundry!!!)




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But until then, more Rumchatta... I mean Coffee more coffee. I believe I posted this online and my caption was, "I could do this everyday and never get board!"



I think the boys all had the same thought. Yup sleeping the day away.



Once my timer went off I went back to get the clothes from the dryer. Brought them back to the room and grabbed my day bag to head up and chair hog. I found a good amount of chairs still left (guess everyone takes after my family), so I put my towels on one and back pack on another. I know Im bad, but I did get online to our cruise thread and state I had a chair if anyone wanted it... had to take care of my peeps! One gal that was on our excursion with us yesterday said she was on her way. Meanwhile I ran off to get a breakfast burrito from Blue Iguana... do you see the pattern.



Back in my chair I found our buddy (man I wish I would have remembered his name as he remembered me and asked where the hubby was even LOL) and got a bucket of beer to wash my breakfast down! Found where that $24 from doing my own laundry went! A penny saved is a penny earned.. or vise versa LOL.



A while later hubby came out after having ran at the gym. He's so dedicated.. me, not so much LOL. After that he found his favorite deck chair in the shade and "rested". Really you just woke up, nap time already. People wonder why I nicknamed him Grandpa, just speaking the truth here lol!



Later went and grabbed some brunch of tacos. Then text the boys to make sure they eat. To which they both stated they were already doing so. P (the older one) met his friends for breakfast at the buffet, and J came by with his friends after having grabbed pizza.



We did let them know to be dressed and ready for our excursion and in the room by 12:30pm. For a 1pm port time.



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Once we saw land, we made our way down to our room to get ready ourselves.



Got the backpacks ready with towels etc. then watched as we pulled into Curacao .



A bunch in our cruise thread were doing the Irie tour. Which was a 3hour tour (hmm that sounds familure... Gilligan?) so one gal made up a flyer and we all were to meet after getting off the boat.


Perthe Irie website the 3hour tour consists of driving over the Juliana Bridge dri, where you will have a great view of Willemstad. Then we pass through the old Jewish neighborhood, you will see all the old Jewish Mansions that are being restored. We also visit the Curacao Liquor distillery, here you can see how the ‘Blue Curacao’ is made and taste the different flavors. After the distillery we go to the Spanish water area, which is a beautiful residential area in the Spanish Water Bay. The last stop will be at the Curacao Sea Aquarium Beach, we stay here for 1 hour. After this nice stop, we bring you back to town.


The price for this trip is $25 and includes:

*Beer, soft drinks & bottled water on the bus

*Entrance fee at the beach

*Hotel/Ship Pick-up & drop-off


Cant beat that price! $100 for all 4 of us score!



Text and our cruise thread were going out to meet near the tents out front and look for one another if possible.



Now this is a pretty port to pull into. (Unlike our 1st view of La Romana!)



It didn't take as long to walk off the ship as yesterday, but we did have to stop for the obligatory "You were here photo"




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Others had their picture taken with Mr & Mrs Potato head, we all wondered why they were out and someone mentioned the Hasbro game show. Light bulb moment OHH YEAHH lol.



We found the IRIE tour operator next to the tents pictured earlier, as much as we tried to keep our large group together others just wanted to get going so they were put on one bus and a few of us got on another bus. Big mistake we should have gone on the 1st bus.....



By the time we got on it, there were only seats in the back left. I felt like Forest Gump walking by everyone and all the Seats were taken. But good thing about the back of the bus.. thats where the free beer is kept! HOLLLA! See the back of the bus is always the best spot!

(even the little girl behind us wants to get on our bus)



Before the tour started I noticed a sign -No hula hooping while crossing the street.. seriously what does this really stand for? LOL



Bus driver introduced himself to all of us and passed out the 1st round to those up front. Meanwhile the Carnival tour next to us had an air conditioned bus, but no Beer. So when the guy opened the window and said how do I get one of those, E passed a beer to him. Just being a friendly neighbor!



Off we finally went on the tour, speeding through neighborhoods with tiny streets. I love the bright colors of the Caribbean!




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These remind me of the painted ladies in San Francisco. Yet these get much better weather!



This was taken from our balcony(at sunset that we missed), and this was the bridge that we would be going over. Doesnt look high at all huh...



But it is! Tried to take a panoramic shot with my phone but E's big head got in the way. Plus our driver was going fast!



I didnt catch much of the tour as I was busy passing out beers... Ok so now the back of the bus is sort of annoying, but thats ok. One for you, one for me, one for you.. got my $25 worth!



A cemetery, which reminds me of New Orleans where everyone is buried above ground.



Did I mention the bus was open windowed, so the cool breeze was coming in the whole time. Oh and no worries about the Po-Po, they were just coming back from the lunch spot up ahead. They waved, while I hid my beer.. its a reflex since no open containers are allowed back home LOL.




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We usually try to find a gas station to take pictures of what the cost the locals are paying vs. what we are. But didnt see one so got the next best thing. A used car lot! Which got us thinking about what we would chose if we lived on an island as we someday hope to... Dream big kids. I picked out the smaller SUV and E said he wanted the yellow mini but wanted to Fast and Furious it up, pinstripes and 22in rims. My little comedian he is.



$9 for a McCombo... looks like a quarter pounder. CRAZY



Eventually we made it to the Rum tasting/Glacial water production plant. Where our bus driver said we had an hour to explore. You walk into the plant 1st and you can read all about how they make the Curacao liquor and Glacial aloa splash.



So glad they let you know its for external use, as E thought it was Curacao mouthwash and was all about getting some.. he loves his pearly whites!



I was standing with a couple of our friends from the online group and said this reminds me of the Laverne and Shirley theme song.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

shlemiel, schlemazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated.

We're gonna do it


I then had to explain Laverne & Shirley to the boys. Talk about kill joy and feeling old.



Next onto my favorite part of any tour! You literally walk through the glacier production straight to the rum tasting area. Which then leads you into a store to purchase goods and alcohol.




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Oh what part of So Cal? Im originally from LA, moved to San Diego now in Temecula.




Have you done the West coast cruises? If so you will LOVE the Caribbean. Warmer water, warmer weather prettier water at that. As for the flight, its never fun and always long. Have fun!





I'm in the Inland Empire! :D And yes we did a Mexican Riviera cruise in March (first cruise, was super fun!!) but now my travel buddy wants to go to new places so I'm like CARIBBEAN!!

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Postcard perfect right. We look cute and like were enjoying ourselves huh.. NOPE you know I had all the questions, Why are we taking this picture, this is dumb, I dont want to be a girl. Pulled the mom card and yelled, basically something along the lines of shut it, take the picture, you have got to do everything you have wanted to do. I dont ask for much! E gave them the dad if looks could kill and a picture was taken on. OY... where the rum I need some stat!



Of course this guy always wants his picture taken though.



Oh sure and now this kid wants his picture taken by the wall of Rum.



The 4 samples were the Original (but in various colors), Chocolate, Rum Raisen & Coffee



We waited in line, a few moments and they have shots ready for you to take one sample and move on. When we were in Grand Cayman a few years ago, they just had bartenders pouring you shots and it was a mad house people trying to get as much free as you could. This is much more civilized. People only took 1.. ok maybe a 2nd of something they liked ::coughs:: coffee and chocolate (mix them together!), and then kept the line moving towards the shop.



We learned that no mater the color they all have the same taste just pretty colors for different drinks. Our bus driver said to not buy here as it was cheaper at the markets later. Plus we didnt want to care anything with us the rest of the day.




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Meanwhile as we were sampling the rum, the kids were all jumping on the free WiFi to check in back home. HELLOO, your in a beautiful place and your face is in your phone. FACEPALM!



Across from the rum tasting is a bar, where they can do mixed drinks but one of their specials was a type of frappachino, another was a fruit smoothie all with Curacao rum.



One gal that I really became good friends with (along with her hubby and E) wanted one as did I. But we were unsure which. So she got the frappachino, and me the fruit smoothie. Had I done it again I would get the frappachino. It was like a Starbucks Mocha Frapachino but with alcohol added. Not saying that mine wasnt great thought as I enjoyed it.



I allowed P to have a taste and he did NOT care for it lol. Make sure it stays that way kid!



It was now time to get back on the bus for the rest of the tour.



We were headed to hit the Lighthouse next which was supposed to have a great view point to take a few pics before heading to the beach for our last hour...... but then our speakers went out. No one in the front of the bus could understand the driver. They stated he sounded like the Peanuts Gang Teacher. "Mwahmwahmwah, wah wah mwah."



Next Up: Change in Plans

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Your review is so awesome that I get so excited whenever my phone alerts me! Lol



Hi. Can you please tell me how to do this. While I do go on CC while at work, most of the time Im on my phone and would like this feature.

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Hi. Can you please tell me how to do this. While I do go on CC while at work, most of the time Im on my phone and would like this feature.


At the top of the thread above the 1st post, Click on




then click



under Notification type you can click INSTANT, DAILY or WEEKLY


choose your preference then click ADD SUBSCRIPTION.


:) Hope that helps

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At the top of the thread above the 1st post, Click on








then click







under Notification type you can click INSTANT, DAILY or WEEKLY




choose your preference then click ADD SUBSCRIPTION.




:) Hope that helps



First, thank you and your family for your sacrifices you make for our country! My family is very grateful.


Second, love your review and check every day if you posted more! Im sailing the Breeze in January but doing a different itinerary but really enjoy following along and know I want to get the breakfast burrito from Blue Iguana a few mornings among many other things Ive learned. Thank you!

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First, thank you and your family for your sacrifices you make for our country! My family is very grateful.

Thank you, as my hubby would say... its his honor. He really loves his job, been doing it for 23yrs now with 7 more to go.


Second, love your review and check every day if you posted more! Im sailing the Breeze in January but doing a different itinerary but really enjoy following along and know I want to get the breakfast burrito from Blue Iguana a few mornings among many other things Ive learned. Thank you!

They do huevos rancheros too, but unfortunately I forgot all about them till I saw it on the last breakfast... right before we got off LOL. (Guess we need to cruise again LOL)


Hey a nice looking car dealership!


Maybe they could use a new shop foreman/service manager! Better start learning Dutch!

Well I am in Sales... I could do that LOL. Maybe hubby can wash them and take them on a test drive. Family business lol.

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