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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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The driver decided that since no one else could hear the speaker... except us drinkers in the back. He stated he would switch up the plans and hit the Beach 1st then an hour later do the Lighthouse. Well that ruined a lot of our plans. 1)we had planned to just be on track to do the beach last so that we could stay more than an hour and then leave when we wanted to. 2) others in our group had planned a catamaran sunset excursion and that was supposed to pick them up at the beach where we ended.


In the end we stayed and just didnt get back on the bus. It all worked out for everyone too as those on the next excursion were brought back to the beach for their pick up also. When we went back up to the parking lot where the driver was working on the speaker, we let him know that we werent staying but wanted to pay him. So he was nice enough to discount us for half price making it only $50 for 4 of us. I ended up tipping him $20 (I mean I did drink about a 6pack alone and hubby had maybe 2.. plus the 1 he passed to the guy on the other bus LOL)



You dont know know how bad I wanted to do this! But it didnt look like anyone was running it.



Just to remember the beer from here. Need to find a list of beers from around the world and start checking them off. I have goals to finish here LOL.



Didnt take long for my lil fishy to get snorkeling. There is a rock barrier to break the surf, making Mambo beach (at the Blvd as it was called) very kid friendly



Its not far as the boys swam out there too, all kinds of people were checking out the pools that had formed in the rocks and the sea life that formed in them. There are cabanas that you can rent but we love the sun. Our friends stayed with us and we grabbed 4 lounge chairs. Eventually someone came over to charge us for those chairs. She wanted $10 each, but I grabbed my translator hubby and he talked her down to $5each. He comes in handy every now and then!



Water was crystal clear.




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Hubby forgot to grab a piece of bread like he was given the idea in La Romana. But looks like they had no prob with him around.



Meanwhile, I held down the fort by having a beer! By the way make note of the platform in the background.... kids (and adults) were able to swim out to it and jump into the water... good times right. Not for some of us. More to come on this.




A few hours later we had enough and were getting hungry. So we walked back to the parking lot where cabs were lining up. We got a van for the 6 of us (4 of my crew, and the couple that we became friends with.)



15mins later and $20 the lesser we were back home.



Everyone took turns jumping in the shower to get ready. I wanted to be back on the dock or on a higher deck on the other side to get the sunset. But that didnt happen, this was as good as I got.



Kids didnt want to go with us to explore port at night, so we told them to be on their BEST behavior and text if they needed anything. They know the rules, no one in our room, they dont go into anyone elses', etc etc.


So we went to grab a quick meal before jumping back off board.




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Another piggy burger, with bacon and fries.



Tacos for the hubby. We ended up sharing with each other.



Then we were off to do some more souvenir shopping. We stopped at the big tents on our way back in and got the essentials, mailed a couple post cards. But E loves his shirts so he wanted to get a few more.



Took a few pretty pics of the ship. I wish I would have grabbed the good Canon but didnt want to lug it around as I thought we would have a few beverages... you know me lol.



Off to the moving bridge, when we 1st went by the bridge it was next to the port which made us wonder if it was closed. But seems we just missed a large pirate like ship coming into port. So we took the ferry over. A quick boat road and we were on the other side checking out restaurants and shops, yet most were already closed. It was maybe 8?



Before we got on the ferry we noticed a new samich from McD's... the McKrioyo.. umm no thanks LOL



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We didnt want to venture to far out so after walking down the road the moving bridge was back into place so we strolled along hand in hand... ha not. More like hubby took off he had shopping to do lol.



Oh wait lets hit the fort 1st... my thats a very big cannon you have in your hand LOL.



Inside the fort there were a few shops... actually outside on the sidewalk they had a vendor marketplace. But hubby didn't find anything he liked.



Once inside the fort he found a shop with lots of choices..... which took FOREVER. I swear he's worse than a teenage girl prom shopping.



FINALLY he was finished, so we were on our way back to the ship when I saw a sign for a Frozen Mojito. It perked my interest, so we sat at a table and ordered one. Then did a little people watching. It was a bit to sour for my taste though... I mean I finished it, wasn't going to let good alcohol go to waste.



When we were walking back I tried to see if we could locate our cabin. We put out a Marine Corps Flag (inside the room), with suction cups hooks. Problem was the lights were off in our cabin and the flag wasnt a standard size, more like a garden size that I put in our backyard. Yet again, maybe if I had the zoom lens and good camera... and not my phone this would have worked out better.



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They had a photographer snapping pics so we picked one up to remember date night with. Had to have a nice shot compared to our many selfie shots with arm extended LOL.



We were back on ship early enough to get dinner.. well it was a bit late as many were already fully into their entree when we wandered in. All we were going to do was grab dessert. But then E saw the pork chop on the menu and asked for that.



So I got some soup and a baked potato.



THEN we got dessert! Bitter Blanc for me to try, thanks to Sean's (seannyice81) suggestion. We were on the same cruise... make sure you check out his review also. GREAT PICS! **CLICK HERE FOR HIS REVIEW**



Hubby of course got Chocolate melting cake. Tonight with 2 scoops of ice cream... and it made a hidden mickey, actually looked more like a puppet face eyeballing his sprite. lol.



After our 5th meal, we finished in time to rush off to the Love and Marriage Show. Now I personally like how Disney does this (or at least did in 2008). When they are interviewing one spouse they take the other off the stage and give them a drink. Who doesnt like to liquor up people before getting them to confess their dark secrets. Other than that, I know people think the game is old but I find it hilarious still. The older couple was adorable. The younger couple just sounded bitter, and the middle couple just loved to drink. I think that gets you thru any good marriage. Someday I told hubby we are competing. He always just laughs like ya right. MARK MY WORDS... some day you will read a trippy with us in this show.


After the show I dragged E (who REALLY wanted to go to bed) to the Blue Iguanna Mexican Fiesta on the lido deck. Got there just in time to do all the line dances. Funny enough we found out later (after looking at pics) that I was on the left side, and our 16yr old P, was on the right with his friends. After a few dances my legs were killing me, I was tired, and now sweating... wow Im out of shape. Cant even wobble without weezing lol.



The usual bed time routine was done, I got on the hub and our cruise thread. Checked in on what time and where we were meeting for our excursion tmrw. Posted a few "look what I did today" pics and waited for the boys to come in... meanwhile E was out like a light. Party Animal I tell ya.


Next Up: A dark morning

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Love, love, LOVE this picture of you two!


Ok I'm all caught up now. Waiting patiently for more. :D

Thanks hun, Aruba up soon.



Please let E know he has inspired me. I've now decided I need to be purchasing shirts every place I go now. In Hawaii shopping as I type this. Thanks E!!!

HA, funny enough he just got back from So. Carolina for a friends retirement and came back with 4 shirts.


Well, Im glad he inspired you to shop, rather than nap! Have fun in Hawaii...Im jelly!

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More Please!


I do have a question though. I think it is fun to decorate my cabin door, but I see that the doors on the Breeze looked slatted. Are they, or is that just a covering? How did you put your pictures up on your door?


Great, great review by the way!

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More Please!


I do have a question though. I think it is fun to decorate my cabin door, but I see that the doors on the Breeze looked slatted. Are they, or is that just a covering? How did you put your pictures up on your door?


Great, great review by the way!


Breeze's cabin doors only LOOK slatted, so you're good to decorate! :cool:

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Going thru the photo process was fast, they had 3 backgrounds going (all the same) so before we knew it, we were walking up the gangplank.. well after one last selfie in the terminal.



We then were in the Atrium, taking it all in. Pics dont do it justice, it really is a site. I loved that its a little more contemporary and doesnt have that old Vegas feel like the older ships.



They were passing out Fun times so I grabbed one to start planning our day.





Ship Maps are always awesome.... boys of course had it memorized within a few hours it seemed. E and I still got lost trying to get off the ship on the last day LOL.



For months now I had been counting down via the Carnival Hub App. Since we were on board now, I decided it was the perfect time to log in. At this point only I logged in, as the guys were all in their own world trying to figure out where to eat lunch. Our cruise thread had agreed when we all got on board to log in so that when we met up at our meet & greet later we all could connect.



When you officially log in on the APP you use your folio #, so it links all your info on it, such as who you are/age/room#/table#/etc. Then it gives you another 4digit# that is yours to give out to friends & family so they can contact you thru the app. It works like sending a text message you enter the persons 4digit # in, and request them to be a contact. Once they say yes, you can send a text msg to them. Now you wont have to remember their # each time, as once they accept your request it then enters their full name into the contacts area on the app. (I should have taken screen shots but forgot in the moment). But truly it is Easy Peasy! Best part it only cost $5 per folio account/person for the whole cruise. No more having to leave post it notes on the mirror in the room. Then going back and forth to check it every now and then to meet up or check on where the kids were.

Unfortunately, they didnt allow anyone under 13 to use the app. Which was my purpose on keeping tabs on the kids. (I believe they are now changing that).


Next Up: Let the Games Begin


OMG this is GREAT info!! I just put the app on my phone !! Thanks for that awesome info!

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More Please!


I do have a question though. I think it is fun to decorate my cabin door, but I see that the doors on the Breeze looked slatted. Are they, or is that just a covering? How did you put your pictures up on your door?


Great, great review by the way!

I used the blue poster putty. It sticks on then you can peal it off. I know others have used the 3m tabs too. As those leave no residue when you pull everythig off.


Come back!! Please!

Sorry works been killer and when I get home I just want to hit the rack LOL. The yesterday it was Grandpa E's bday so we had to take him out.

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Being the early bird that I am, I was up and checking out the TV to see what the report looked like. Having no idea what it meant I hoped it would allow us to dock.



As I changed the channels I noticed there were already chair hogs out.



So I got ready, grabbed my camera and went up to the lido deck to get some pics of the towel animal hogs.



Since I was already up there I waited till the Blue Iguana was open to grab breakfast for the rest of the crew.



Eggs Benedict for myself, along with a bagel.



Looking at his tv view makes we wonder why the captain couldnt navigate to get us to Grand Turk, as he was doing a GREAT job of getting us THROUGH the middle of an Island. No excused from now on Captain Alcaras.




Edited by anewmac
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Weather looked good.



I have no idea if the speed is good so we will just assume the Captain knows how fast he should be going while cutting across land.



As we started eating an announcement came over speaker system... Medical Team to Lido Deck STAT. I knew that couldnt be good.



Boys finished eatting... breakfast in bed, how nice.



I grabbed the fun times, my Rumchatta (and coffee) and headed for the balcony.



Did some quick reading while we pulled into port.




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Boys got ready quickly then joined us to in time to see us pull into port.



So glad my yacht made it to Aruba.



Pictures just dont do the colors justice of how it truly looks.



We made our way down eventually and grabbed a cab, todays excursion was the Jolly Pirate. A Sail, snorkle and swing boat ride. http://www.jolly-pirates.com/



As you walk off the plank you go though a small port type shopping area before getting to the main street to catch a cab.



I dont remember how much the cab was, but I want to say no more then $20 for the 4 of us.




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Someone was still tired.... party animal cant hang the next day.



Uhh I see pitstop on the way back lol.



15mins later (more or less) we made it to MooMba Beach. Now here is where I will offer you a tip. If you are going with a group **STAY TOGETHER** wait for eachother. Do not check in or pay (we pre paid online prior to leaving on our vacation) without each group. So if you have 4 families going make sure 1 member of each is together in line to check in. If no you will be split up on the boats. Our cruise thread had a lot of people doing this. We thought we could just get one one boat together, and we tried but they wouldn't let us switch, as you checked in they just fill up boat 1 then boat 2.



As we waited for the rest of our boat to fill (as we were the 2nd boat and the 1st had already set sail) we all were talking about the Medical Alert this morning. To which we learned from the nurses on our thread had assisted in the incident. Both of them (one works ER trauma and the other in ICU) were eating breakfast on the lido with their families, and when a man went into a distressed situation they were one of the 1st to assist. They stated a couple other passengers that were nurses ran to help also, then the medical team came. They were then asked to leave after giving their statements to officials.


It put everyone is a dark spot after, feeling guilty that we were going to have fun and there was a family in the middle of an emergency. Suffice to say no one needed a drink more than those nurses.



They loaded us into a larger size dingy.



Then off we went to get onto our Pirate ship!



NEXT UP: Ahoy Matey's

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I can't wait to read about Aruba and Jolly Pirates. We are going in 2 weeks! But we are doing the Sunset Cruise since we dock from 1-10 pm.


I have to do it in parts my laptop is acting up so uploading pics is driving me Bonkers. But I will have all of it up this week for sure. A gal on our cruise said she did the sunset before and loved it.

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You mentioned a not so fun incident on the diving platform at Curacao; did I miss it, or did you forget to elaborate on what happened??? I appreciate your review--we're on this itinerary in a couple of weeks!


elaboration is coming soon next post or 2... but the joke now is Justice is not allowed around our pool without water wings, a life jacked and a swim ring on lol.

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