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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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Until we noticed how long the line was to get back on ship. Yup, Im feeling GREAT here.... for now...



Good thing I had a beverage to keep me cool while we walked to get on board.



Its like doing the walk of shame, just no shame just took forever, since they only had 1 door open.



Back on board I had gotten parched again so while the boys showered, I popped open a beer. With plenty of time to wait for RUNNERS.. my favorite pastime.



Except, after showering and changing... I remember thinking man that bed looks so comfy. Thats all I remember. The boys said I passed out, see Rum Punch good! Mojito, good! Beers GOOD!! Mom OLD! lol.



Of all people E stayed out on the balcony to take pics of us leaving. He rarely takes pics, unless its of his truck or the Dallas Cowboys (EWWW, PUKE LOL)




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But I have to say he did good this time.



I was (and still am) so sad to have missed sail away from our last port. But I guess early mornings, mixed with lots of rum, swimming, and sun make a gal tired.



I woke up a bit later, to find the boys were leaving us again. So E and I grabbed another beer and went exploring before dinner. All week he had saw this pic of his "american girl" so finally I said stand by your lady and got a pic of him with her.



Of course we had to get the obligatory Frog "Wanted" pic taken.



Thinking this would make good xmas pics LOL.



He's like a kid at times, but instead of the kid saying look at me, watch me. He says take a pic of me, take a pic of that.




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With time to still waste, I talked E into taking a cheesy couple of pics.



Told you they were cheesy



Then all of a sudden from out of no where, J runs into our pics.



He was on his way to meet up with friends. This would have been a great one had P been around.



I couldnt help but have us take a pic with this background and our beverages. Ya we keep it classy.



I wanted to try and get our picture on the wall of fame (plus it would be free). I tried to take one with me pretenting to text on my phone but the photographer said no.... (really did he think I was going to buy this one though??)




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But he let J do a selfie. (see this is why they need to allow all photo's on a CD. No one in their right mind will buy a picture of this. I mean I love J and all but not enough to spend $20 on a pic of him taking a selfie LOL)



After this picture, J ditched us and we headed to dinner. While waiting for the doors to open we bumped into our friends from Curacuo. They asked where the boys were and we told them we were on our own again. They were getting ready to eat also as they were on the lower level of the dinning room. So we asked if they would like to join us.



It then became a double date!



I had been looking forward to dinner tonight as it had my favorite appitizer...



no this part of the menu isnt my favorite lol.... wait for it...



wait for it ... (this was just E taking a picture of the bread plate, ok he also takes pics of anything Texas related as thats where he's from.)




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Nope not my favorite but it sounded good so I got the meatballs.



Escargots!!!!!!! Yup I ordered 2. When they changed to the American menu, I was worried they wouldnt have it. As its the one food I look forward to on a cruise.



E of course had the Cesar salad.



our favorite waiter came by with shots... I cant remember what they were this time... but we got 2.






To new friends! Miss ya! So thankful for social media to be able to keep in touch.




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Dessert time!



I had the Chocolate Panna Cotta... yummy.



and you know E.... WCMC



When dinner was over we all walked over to the theater to catch the variety show. It was semi funny but enjoyable to watch.



When that was over we went to the Comedy Show (So to the back of the ship for dinner, to the front for the show, and again to the back for the comedy show.. talk about getting your steps in). I ordered a limelight special YUM. We took seats almost behind the stage since it was packed, good thing there is a TV to the right to semi watch expressions of the comedians.. They really need to move the comedy show into the larger theater. Seeing as how it is always packed, and the main theater... isnt!



After lots of belly aching laughter, we parted ways and headed to bed. Well back to the room since I was on "wait till the boys get home duty" since I knew E would pass out once he hit the pillow. Seeing as we had a sea day the next day, we let the boys stay out a bit later.



** Next Up: 3B's, Brunch, Bingo & Baking in the Sun**

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Texas has cruise ports, too (although not as many as Florida) and is a great place to live! ;-)

LOL True, hubby has mentioned it also... who knows. Yet we can catch cheap flights to other islands from Florida LOL. And if we move to Texas all our money would go to him watching Cowboys and Longhorns games LOL.


LOVING your review! We're taking this same itinerary in 2 weeks!!

Awesome, have a great time! So jelly of everyone thats cruising soon!

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Love, love, lovin ur review !! Have to laugh at myself cuz I'm not even booked for this ship or itinerary but just laughing along with you ! I do have a question tho. You keep mentioning taking ur rum runner n coke on deck. Were u just able to " fill-up" without anyone noticing? Taking rum runners with me too, just wondering if it's that easy !! I'll be trying the photo pirating too. Any tips ? Thanks for the great review !!




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Love, love, lovin ur review !! Have to laugh at myself cuz I'm not even booked for this ship or itinerary but just laughing along with you ! I do have a question tho. You keep mentioning taking ur rum runner n coke on deck. Were u just able to " fill-up" without anyone noticing? Taking rum runners with me too, just wondering if it's that easy !! I'll be trying the photo pirating too. Any tips ? Thanks for the great review !!




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I had the rum runner in my back pack and poured them in my backpack at 1st... then after a while didn't care. I think it was the rum that made me feel that way lol


If you can have a look out it helps, make sure the flash and sound is off on ur camera. Then hold them low and take pics in front of u while your face looks at the pics on the wall. Don't expect great quality.

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If I find that I need to mix my drinks up on the Lido deck then I just bring my alcohol, usually rum purchased from the Bon Voyage department, in an emptied out water bottle and my mixer in another emptied out water bottle.


Just add tervis tumbler.

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Guess who was the 1st one up again on our sea day... this girl.



But instead of getting out of bed, I turned on the tv to check was was going on.



Looks like no sailing thru islands today, just lots and lots of sea for miles.



My standard coffee and a bagel came right on time,



Any guesses where I took my cup of Rumchatta... hmmm



If you guessed the bathroom, well thats just disqusting LOL. Balcony is where I sat.




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Went over the fun times, checked in on Facebook, along with on the hub to see what everyone was up to... but seamed they were all still fast asleep.



Eventually, I went in the room and got dressed. E was waking up at that time, so I asked if he wanted to go have brunch in the dinning room together.



Shockingly he said sure. I thought he would ditch me for sure and hit the gym.



But he left the party animals in bed and off we went to the Blush restaurant, where they sat us at a table for 2. It wasn't packed at all at 1st.



E had steak and eggs, with a side of pancakes.



I couldn't decide between french toast or eggs Benedict... I should have got the french toast. The eggs were ok but the hollandaise sauce tasted dried out... which is exactly how it looked. Live and learn. I did get a mimosa too... obviously didnt get a pic of that was too busy trying to choke down the eggs.




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Once we were full, we went to see what was on sale in the shops. E of course was looking at shirts. Then I thought about my Instagram scavenger hunt and I needed a pic with Freddy. Since he no longer roams the ship, this lil guy would have to do. Should have bought him.. maybe next time.



E was really wanting to get a model ship, he thought it would be cool to start collecting all of them. But I talked him out of it as we had 1)no where to stuff it in our luggage and 2) no where to start collecting them in our house, as most places hold marine corps memorabilia.



With that crisis averted, we headed back to the room to change into our swimsuits and pack a bag. Off to chair hog and work on relaxing, our tan, my book, E napping and some beverages. The lido deck was already taken, so E didnt want to walk around waiting and hoping for a chair. So we went off to the Lanai, on starboard side and found deck chairs for MILES available.



I wishes my friends back home a happy bday via facebook since I had the social media package for internet. I seariously got my $25 worth.



Later we saw a Royal Caribbean ship pass by.



After a nap in the sun, I got up to get another round for us at the casino. But I walked by Fat Jimmy's BBQ 1st. Where the line was wrapping around the deck.... Um no food is worth waiting in a line that long. After getting 2 new beers, I got on the hub app to see what was going on around the ship. Which by the way it has a great way to see who on your hub friends list is doing activities if they click that they are attending it. As you can see here Justice was set to go to Name that Tune at 10am... which he was still in bed at that time as thats when we finished brunch LOL.




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E went back to the room to change then hit the gym. Thats when I went to the lido to check and see what fun was going on there. Plus I needed another beverage...



Got there just in time do shake my rump. You know we did all the dances, Cha Cha Slide, Wobble, Uptown Funk, etc.



When dancing was over they brought out the ice carving. That was my que to take my bucket o'beers and look for a deck chair.




Found one above the lido deck and proceeded to try and finish my book, and my beer...



After a while E came strolling along straight from the gym, nice and sweaty! He said he was going to go back to the room and take a nap. I decided my book was more entertaining so I stayed... but then pulled out the fun times on the Hub App and saw Bingo was starting in like an hour.



While everyone was waiting to be able to jump back into the pool, I went back to the room and cleaned up. Then asked grandpa if he wanted to join me playing bingo. He said no twice, even tried to talk me into staying and watching tv with him (no thats not what the kids are calling it now adays LOL).


As I was getting my S&S Card from the desk, E said ok I'll go. Off we went, drinks in hand to the theater. I got in line to buy our game cards, but really you shouldnt let a gal thats been in the sun all day drinking buy ANYTHING. What I thought was only $30, later I learned was $72 when I looked at my bill on the Hub App (you know when I was sober) Eh, when in Rome LOL.


We pulled the tab strip game 1st, where you match items to eachother, woo hoo $1. Watch out, someone beer me!


1st game was either make a X or a line, = NADA

2nd game was either make a C or a B (for Carnival or Breeze) = NADA again

Bartender HIT ME...actually I just took E's... someone had to be alert, and really we know its not going to be me!


Last game Blackout, the game for Bingo where you cover your square... not me actually blacking out from my drinks (not this time at least lol)!


Now if you can cover your square in 49#'s called or less you get $3000. Come on momma needs a new bucket of beers! On and on the number are called... on the 49th number NO one was standing (you stand when you are 1 number away from a Bingo) 50th number called E stands up, I chug a beer. 51st number called another person stands, I chug more beer, 52nd number, another person stands, my beer is now finished. 53rd number is called... and B-I-N-G-O is yelled out!




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By these 2 people... HOLLA!


I yelled Beer me B!T@HES... kidding I thought it though (there were kids around). We didnt win $3000 but we'll take a winning of $900!!!



After they confirmed our win, we had to take a pic with Ashley the best Bingo caller EVER! How cute is he, ok both of them really! And to think, E wanted to NAP! I mean.. your welcome. I think we skipped all the way to collect our winnings, of course stopping at the bar for a celebratory drink.. for me!



When we got back to the room, the boys were there already dressing for formal night pics. After telling them about Bingo all they kept saying was SHUT UP, SHUT UP! To which I would reply with I KNOW! (Monica says this a lot on Friends LOL.)


Once we were all spiffed up, off we went to take some cheesy pics. I mean pics for our xmas cards.



We were (as we usually are on formal night) a HOT mess.



I had gotten sunburned on my face as the 1st sea day was overcast and I forgot sunscreen. So my nose was peeling, J had that lovely bruise on his face from Curacao, P forgot his black tie (Seriously boys you all had 1 job, Socks, Underwear, and Ties... and you failed all around! #facepalm). I told them both to just go without one then. Oh and E was ready for the nap he never got.



Hey, we clean up nice though right! And even without ties the boys look cute. But man those photographers need some practice. They are off center and hardly any light on P's side. Even with the bad lighting and off centerness I bought these.



Next Up: Im Hungry (maybe a lil thirsty too!)

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I couldn't decide between french toast or eggs Benedict... I should have got the french toast. The eggs were ok but the hollandaise sauce tasted dried out... which is exactly how it looked. Live and learn. I did get a mimosa too... obviously didnt get a pic of that was too busy trying to choke down the eggs.









Next time you order the Eggs Benedict ask for the hollandaise on the side. It's MUCH better that way!! [emoji6]

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Wow!!! I am totally entertained. Couldn't stop reading and now I'm even more excited for 11/21. Same itinerary and same ship. Thanks for the info, pictures, and for sharing your vacation. To your husband- God bless you for your service to our country.


We are on the Nov. 21 sailing as well. So very excited to be cruising on Thanksgiving. Have you checked out our role call yet? It's kinda quiet on there right now. I guess everybody is just not as excited as me (or you) and they're not stalking the boards. This was a fantastic review that Anewmac did. I hate for it to ever end.

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I've loved reading your review. I feel like we could be friends! I'm an insurance agent, love Friends, have 2 boys, and my husband doesn't smile either. ;) After a 10 year cruising hiatus, we have our 15 year anniversary cruise on the Liberty in January and I am about to book the Breeze from Galveston for the whole family for July 2016. I think this would be a great ship for our boys' first cruise. Well actually, our oldest son went with us on our last cruise when he was 10 months old, so now you know why we did not cruise for so long! That was not the most fun cruise haha.


Sorry for the ramble, I'm so excited!

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