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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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anewmac sounds like are family's have a lot in common we have two boys and love to cruise also we usually cruise Rccl we are platinum with Rccl but this is only our second with Carnival but wanted to see the southern Caribbean until now rccl did not go to the southern however we were already booked when they announced they were planning southern trips in 2015:cool:


I hear RCCL is a lot better with they client rewards too. Someday we will get on one of those huge big boats.... might have to leave hubby at home to do so though... Im ok with that LOL.

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Out on the lido deck I found a deck chair to hog and took in the rays. After a bit it got a lil warm, so I needed something to quench my thirst..



A mimosa, that will do! CHEERS! Just as my order was being delivered out came grandpa to relax by the pool with me. He just shook his head and muttered something like geezus women its not even 8am yet ... SO?



My photo bucket list needed a few things checked off it. One being photo with Mattie the oh so cute Cruise Director. When the morning show came on, I figured this was the only way! So check....



After E and I had a breakfast (if you guessed burritos then you are correct. I then talked E into going on the Rope course. So we ran down and changed, then back up to do the course. Dont worry we didnt chair hog for long, there were a lot of open chairs still available.



Plus we were one of the 1st ones on the course. But ended being one of the last to make it thru. As easy as the hard course looks.... its really hard. Ok maybe Im just way out of shape, seeing as how E passed me up, some kids passed me up, some adults passed me up, and even a grandma passed me up. I should really take it seriously when my biggest loser DVD says to strengthen my core. As fun as it was, once was enough for us.



After we had survived the course, I went back to the room to change, where I found the boys had finally got up and were gone. As I was making my way back up, my group thread was texting me via the hub app and on FB to get to the theater as Mattie was doing a Q & A. They were sure I could get a pic with him.




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And sure enough once he was done, I asked him to do a Selfie with me as I had a bucket list to complete. Is he not the cutiest thing ever. Pretty eyes and I have a thing for ears! (Youve seen pics of my boys right LOL)

I walked back to E on cloud nine, where he proceeded to ask me why it took so long to get back. I showed him the pic... he rolled his eyes.



With more things to cross off our bucket list E said lets do the slides. The orange funnel one didnt impress us. A little tip for you... wear flip flops, or water shoes. We didnt think they were allowed, as last time on the Freedom the boys had those rivots in their swim trunks and they made us take them out to keep from scratching the slide. ($10 new swim trunks ruined with ripped holes, seeing your kids smile at the bottom of a waterslide= Priceless well actually it was a couple thousand dollars for the cruise, but I digress LOL)



We figured based upon that logic shoes would be a no go... At about noon you know the hottest part of the day on BLACK non slip material they put on the stairs, BAREFOOT our walk to the slide became a run, as in straight full on sprint, like push kids out the way, move your your @$$ grandma, my feet are on FIREEEEEE. All that for 5 seconds of fun thru the yellow tube. But it was refreshing after being in the sun all day. Moral of the story is take your shoes... also you can take a waterproof camera too as I learned from Sean's trip report. !!



Once E dried out he was done with the sun and wanted to hit the gym, then a nap. At about that same time my friend from dinner was looking for a chair which thanks to the hub app I knew about. So I text her to look for me on the lido deck. Once she came over I got us some lemonade from the machine and shared our rum runner with her. I also posted on our group thread that if anyone wanted a beverage to find me as we had lots of rum left since E didnt drink much of it.



We passed by Cuba, HOLA! A few of our group peeps came by and we had "drinks" together. Pam and I had a few cup fulls while we enjoyed the day. We read our books, had a drink, read some more, had a drink... those cups on deck are soo small.. just saying LOL.



Eventually we got hungry. We meshed well as her hubby and E dont like Sushi and she and I do. So we packed up our stuff and headed off Bonsai for lunch!




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The sushi place is sort of in a weird spot on the Breeze. Almost along the hallway. So we saw an open table as we walked towards it, but then to the side we saw people waiting on a nearby bench. Comes to find out there was a few people waiting. We gave our name to one of the waitresses, and sat down on the bench. Within 15mins we were seated. Not bad of a wait.



We filled in the menu on the left with what we wanted.



Shortly after our salads were brought out, it was refreshing but I wished after I didnt get it as the sushi was way more then I needed.



Pam had the Spicy Tuna and Triple E roll. We each shared a couple pieced with each other.

I got the California Roll and the Tempura Shrimp and a Kirin Light beer of course. All were delish.



I also ordered the green tea cupcakes. They came out warm... of course we were too stuffed to eat more, but we did. They were so yummy too. Word to the wise, you can order to go from here. We saw lots of people doing that as it got closer to closing, they close for a bit then reopen again. You dont even have to go there to order, you can call it in from your room then go and pick it up.



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We parted ways after lunch as we both had to do the dreaded packing.... we gave a hug just in case we wouldn't see each other tonight. Upon getting back to our room, I noticed someone had left us a card that stated "Thank You For Your Service." I knew it had to be someone from our cruise thread as they were the only ones that knew us. I sent a quick text to the group thanking the secret person and letting them know it is E's pleasure as he really loves his job.. hope so he's been doing it for 22yrs with 8more to go!



Once I walked in I saw this... my 1st born helping to pack. E and J had started packing too, one was in the potty the other on the balcony. We shoved clothes everywhere and were done quicker than normal. Why is repacking so hard... its like the clothes expand.. or maybe its because E bought 25 shirts between 3 ports and the ship store.



Once we were done packing the boys high tailed it out of there. Yup ditched again. After I got cleaned up, I went up to finally purchase our pics.



These are the ones we did NOT get.




Next Up: It's been a long day, and Im parched.

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Look into my eyes....



This was all off center, J's head look like it was RIGHT on top of mind.



Wind blown hair dont care.



Really why do I look surprized?



Hey buddy my eyes are up here!



J's hand around P looked weird like fingers coming out of his side.




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They really need to move from the print every picture system and try and find it, to when they take a pic they scan your S&S Card and you can either scan it at a kiosk or on your tv to view the pics.. or something easier like that. Just saying Disney does it, figure it out Carni! Im tired of spending hours looking thru pics, missing ones I know we took. With an electronic system that area could be used for more shops... and they could still print stuff on a as needed basis... AND have a Wall of Shame.. or fame whatever you want to call it for those few photos that stand out!




Ohhh this one was cute,why didnt I buy it?



After spending most my night finding my pics I took them back to the room then headed over to the Red Frog to join E as he was watching one of the March Madness Basketball games... Dont ask me who I dont follow basketball.


As I went up to get 2 glasses of beer for us while we watched the game, another 2 gals from our cruise were having a glass of wine there. We chatted as they were on their way to a special dinner with my Mattie.. I mean the Cruise Director. As I was waiting for the bartender, one of the gals asked what I was getting and as I stated just 2 beers for hubs and I. She proceeds to order a tube of beer for us. I believe they were the same gals that put on the yellow ribbon card on our door. I teared up, gave them a hug and we clinked glasses as they left for dinner.



When I came back with 2 empty glasses E was puzzled, then the bartender brought the tube of beer. E just shook his head. I was all it wasnt me it was a gift LOL. So we drank a bit, he ran up and got a burger from Guys.



When he got back I ran to take one last sunset pic from the front of the ship.



and a Selfie (Kim you would be so proud LOL)




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Then the camera started feeling the effects of a tube of beer..



aww man this isnt looking good.



thats it, the camera is drunk!



Last Sunset pic of the cruise... #sadface



When I got back to the Pub I asked E if he was ready to head to dinner, he asked "and what carry the tube of beer in there?".. why not? We laughed but then he stated games not over, can we just skip dinner. So, I read the menu and nothing wowed me. (Except dessert but that would soon change). E ran up and got another burger to share and I ordered some coconut shrimp at the bar. Bar food is $3.33 by the way.




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I had brought another one of our rum runner in as I thought we would get a few sodas and finish it off. But with having 100oz of beer to finish it didnt look like that would happen. We decided to pay it forward, so E took it over to the table behind us and gave them our runner and stated if you guys want it this is yours. Enough for a strong drink for the 4 of them. We stated we had planned to finish it but then someone bought us a tube of beer so we couldnt finish both. But after lots of rum during the day and beer you know who WAS finished...






Ya so I finish my beers, and got bored with the game, and took a "nap". E never takes any pics at all, except these.. REALLY MAN. Guess thats payback for all his naps.



Once I was refreshed we caught the LAST comedy show.



When that was done, we headed for bed. But not before taking E's picture with this bathing beauty. We would pass her every time going down the stairs and E would make a dumb joke about look they have a water show on deck, or look how close the rocks are its like Titanic, etc etc..



Next Up: Bye.. I said BYE!!! :(

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Fantastic review

Aww thanks your too sweet.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Noooo, I dont want it to end!!! Thank you so much again for this review! I look for it every day!!!

Thats how I felt about the cruise itself never wanting it to end! Thanks for sailing along with the review... working on the part where they kick us off, along with our trip home. Then maybe a tips/tricks/do's/don'ts/pros/cons update.

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Enjoying your review;)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thank you!


Trying to get the last part up, but it's such a pretty day out almost in the 80s at 8am already I think sitting in the pool with a margarita is better then sitting in front of the computer lol.

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I set my alarm for a very early wake up call... Its the one day you just want to sleep in so that the saddest day ever doesnt really happen. I popped in the shower quickly, and got out in time to see this site.



Anyhow I think my alarm went off at 5am or so, and I went out to see this sad, but beautiful site. Normally there are just a couple people on their balcony's when we pull into port but today seems like almost everyone had the same idea. It was a quiet sad site for sure.



As we pulled into the harbor we passed a NCL ship.... cant remember which one.



The Splendor was ahead of us, they had already made the U-turn and were on their way to docking. Sad day for a bunch of us LOL.



Makes for a great picture though, as sad as it is.



Hello Miami.. it doesnt have the same ring like when we got here 10days ago.




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I didnt have my camera set yet and missed the medical ship that was docked infront of the NCL ship.



Sun was slowly rising.



which means our time on ship was getting shorter and shorter.



Coffee came and I finished the last of my Rumchatta. I was worried that bottle would be too much, HA I should know better. No such thing as too much!



Around this time E woke up showered, and sat on the balcony with me. The boys hopped in the shower next.



I enjoyed the last sunrise of our cruise #sadface




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Once we were all dressed we headed up to the Lido to get our last breakfast. (sorry E eats to fast LOL)



P inhaled a burrito, I didnt even have time to take a picture.



Thats because his friends came by and he wanted to spend the last few moments with them. Funny they all hugged right after this pic and a few tears were shed from a few of them. There is talk now of meeting up soon in San Diego as a few of them are coming here to vacation. They still have a group text going. They went off to find a few more of the "SQUAD", with instructions to be back in the room in 30mins to help carry luggage!



My last omelette and banana bread.. which i finally found of course on the last day LOL. It was the greatest piece of bread ever on such a sad day.



Guess I didnt get J's breakfast, just asked him what he had and he looked at me like that was months ago I dont know LOL. Once we all finished we headed back to the room. One last selfie.



After everyone had cleaned up from breakfast we did one last sweep of the room to make sure we got all our stuff packed, Along with a panoramic (why did I not do this in port?)




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Another last selfie in front of our room.



Thought I had a video of Mattie saying "Bye.. I said Bye", but he must of not said it that 1 time I was recording. As the one I have is only of him saying deck 2 time to hit the road.... (ok it was said nicer but you get the drift!)


Last You Are Here pic. (cameras still either drunk or just sad LOL)



Then made our way to find somewhere to wait... we had debark #25 or 26, and they had just started. So I had plenty of time to finish the LAST rum runner. 2glasses of "lemonade" later and I was feeling even sappier. Our friends found us and sat next to us, & we talked about our morning while waiting as they had a late debark # also.



Eventually our number was called and we all made our way to customs. Have to say Miami debark has been the easiest. They have your luggage come out on lettered baggage claim belts like at the airport (A,B,C,D). The boys spotted our stuff in seconds on letter C (the have your debark # above the belt). We waited in line to declare ourselves.


Why is it when you go thru customs when you know your not doing anything wrong you still get scared. Meanwhile E was asking the guy how he likes his job, as when E gets out of the Marines he would like to do this and has passed the test etc bla bla bla, and Im worried the sand in my shoe from walking on the beach is going to be detected LOL.



And like that, we were off #thebestcruiseEVER so the kids stated.



I went to check out the Hub App and this is what it showed me. Even it wanted nothing more to do with us.




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So if you were wondering how I did on our bucket list... here's the final standings. Ok so the massage I got was from E while talking about booking a massage. We didnt Parasail as that was to be done in Grand Turk. Movie under the stars was just bits and pieces for E and I, but the boys caught a few of them. Didnt win a ship on a stick, but did get a Coin up the @$$ LMAO. E checked off Book another cruise as he talked to the rebook desk person which I told him that doesnt comeplete it.



We hugged our friends goodbye as they were flying out of Miami, and we caught the Avis shuttle towards the Miami airport. Once there we shoved our luggage into a small SUV. No upgrade as E insisted on doing the kiosk... NO never do that speak with a person be nice and you might get a free upgrade.



Once we had crammed into the car, we set off on our 3hour tour towards Orlando airport. I found a much cheaper rate (saving like $400) leaving there even with having to rent a car and gas.



Once we were at the Orlando airport we turned in our car, checked in our luggage and had a couple hours to spare still. So we went for one last meal at E's favorite Chili's. Where we all chatted about how awesome of a time we had. Along with the question of when's the next one, get a job boys.



I even tried to pay for our bill with my S & S card... it wasnt as bad as Ocean Drive that's for sure.



When we were done we headed thru security and made our way on our direct flight to LAX. As you can see someone was making up for all the long nights of parting. We hadnt even taken off yet before he was cutting ZZZ's. Hmm wonder who he takes after?




NEXT UP: Tips, Tricks, Pro's. Con's, & What's Next? (ya Im dragging it out ever more LOL)

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Makes for a great picture though, as sad as it is.



Hello Miami.. it doesnt have the same ring like when we got here 10days ago.





Thank you so much for your great review. These pictures are my all time favorite. Absolutely stunning!


You had me laughing so much at your comment about getting nervous when you get to customs! I do the same thing, and also have no reason. I'm always afraid they will think I am not telling the truth when I have less than $100 worth to declare! I just don't buy anything now, and I'm worried they will say "yeah right!" Lol.


Your family is just the cutest. You all remind me of when I was young with teens. Continue to enjoy life. I will look forward to your next cruise.

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