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Glory - 4/25/15 - If you write a review and nobody reads it...


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I'm only this far in and have laughed several times already...this is going to be a good one. :D I was was really cracking up at the part where you were in the meeting at work and received the text. We were on Glory in May 2010, pre-2.0 upgrades, on an Eastern Caribbean cruise and loved her and we've also done the Western in April 2014, so I'm definitely looking forward to the rest. I just want to let you know that I'm really enjoying your review and will be following along. In the meantime, I'm going to look for your Magic review. Thank you for taking the time to do a review.

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Part 3 – A Cruising We Will Go (Hot tub time machine, Guy’s vegetarian option, and…you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.)


After some chai teas and a strawberry smoothie from Starbucks we’re finally awake and ready to get to the ship! Now the excitement really begins…well, for me it does…the kids are lamenting about whether their social structures will survive with them ‘off the grid’ for the next 7 days. At the rate they were texting, tweeting, snapchatting and posting to instagram (no facebooking as that’s no longer cool…because it’s been infiltrated by Grandmas) they know the deadline is looming…….…counting down to Radio Silence in T-minus……….


We gather our stuff, check out of the hotel, are quickly in a cab…and…a very short time later are standing outside the ship!!


This will be my second cruise out of Miami and I’ve stayed at the Intercontinental both times. I highly recommend the hotel and we have a lot of fun in the area. I’m sure others would recommend different areas of Miami…with better food options and nicer places to stay…but…Bayside is perfect for us. Some might call it a tourist trap…but…guess what…we’re tourists! Trap us! We always have a great time there!


We weren’t very speedy this morning so we missed the planned mass exodus with the minions scheduled for 10:30am. It was 11:15am when we arrived at the port so we figured we’d just find them inside. My only other cruise out of Miami (which was pre-FTTF) involved waiting in a huge line outside of the terminal to get in…where you were then greeted with an even bigger line inside. I distinctly remember, in my rush to get out of the burning heat of the sun from being in that long line outside of the terminal, that at one point I had to step over a fallen body that had succumbed to heat stroke in front of me…later one of the minions would accuse me of hurdling over him as he stopped to tie his shoe…but, I know the truth.


This time…I have FTTF. And…I am going to princess wave as I walk right on past that long line outside of the terminal.


Hey…um…where’s the line? And, right into the terminal we go. That’s okay, I’ll princess wave my way past all the people in the even bigger inside line. And again…no line.


Well…that was anticlimactic. So…all you people that were in the terminal on April 25th to get on Glory around 11:15am…you have me to thank for the lack of line. Because if I hadn’t purchased FTTF...that line would’ve been all the way back to the Miami Heat Arena.


Everyone is seated in the waiting area so I thought the other minions would see us checking in and text me where they are. I kept scanning the place looking for them…and I’m beginning to think they must be doing this on purpose…ok, everyone duck down she’s about to look this way….when suddenly they announce that Diamond and Platinum cruisers can board. That means we’re next! I quickly send out a group text saying that we’re standing near the B side escalator…where are you…when they announce Faster to the Fun can come aboard!


WhoooHooooo! We get sucked in to the vortex of bodies excitedly heading up the escalator to board the ship when I get a response from the minions…….…we’re sitting in our hotel room. WHAT??!! These were the ones getting coffee at 7:30am…what’d they do…take a nap?! I think I responded with something along the lines of …see ya suckers…we’re boarding!


Then the excited messages start…you’re on the ship already?!!

We’re leaving now!

We’re in the cab!!!!!

We see the ship!!!! (Um…you could see the ship from your room!)

And then they send me this…




Do you want to tell them or should I…yeah, that’s not our ship!


The kids and I head to our balcony cabin on deck 8 to drop off our bags and then head up the one flight of stairs to the Lido deck. It’s literally only been about 15 minutes of time that people have been boarding so imagine my surprise when we step out onto the Lido deck and there, in one of the hot tubs, is a group of 8-10 older women with fruity drinks in their hands laughing and carrying on in the hot tub. It was like a red hat society was stewing…only without the hats! Plenty of large flowery headbands and glittery visors though. For a minute there I thought the paparazzi were cornering us from all the flashes of their sequins in the bright sun.


We shield our eyes and make our way across the pool deck to find some lunch and the first place we get to is Guy’s burgers. So…we decide to give it a try and see if it’s worth the hoopla. The burgers were delicious but this would end up being my only one of the trip. The kids would come back a few more times and I did have a couple of plates of fries throughout the trip. There were just too many other food options I wanted to try.


By now some of the other minions had finally arrived and we tell them where we are and they get burgers too. And then they send this out to the other minions not on the ship yet.




The kids and I start to wander around the ship but the other minions are still texting about the burgers…and, I’m in the group conversation so I’m getting the messages too. When one of the minions asks if Guy’s has a veggie option…I can’t help myself and reply……………..Yes, it’s called a bun.


She didn’t appreciate my humor.


We decide it’s time for some fruity drinks to get this trip started and we get in line to sign up for the Cheers program. I’m not a big drinker…and my son (who will be 22 in two weeks) is already thankful that I’ve brought him on this trip so he offers to forgo having us (well…me) spend the money on this option. But, I was able to get some large OBC credits from booking Early Saver and also some savings from using the Verizon Rewards program to pay for the cruise so I had already decided to use those savings to treat us to this. (For some reason I think now the odds of being struck by lightning or winning the Powerball are better than scoring the Verizon Rewards Carnival gift cards…but, they used to be a lot easier to get). I told my son I wouldn’t get if it he didn’t think he’d get his money’s worth out of it…and, with a big smile on his face…he responded with…I’m up for the task! He knew the rules though…no getting sloppy drunk in front of your Grandma, no giving alcohol to your underage sister, and be responsible and safe. As always…he made me proud!


We are 3rd in line when I notice the couple at the front. They’re becoming quite agitated with the poor Carnival employee and are getting increasingly loud. I can hear them arguing that they don’t want to buy 2 packages…that they only want to buy one and share it. The Carnival employee patiently shows them yet again on the Cheers program brochure that this isn’t an option…all members in the same cabin over 21 have to get it. The man again starts yelling at the poor guy that this is a complete rip off…and he’s turning around and shouting at the rest of us about how screwed up Carnival is and how they shouldn’t get away with this…and then the woman starts yelling too…and, my son and I start giggling at how ridiculous this is. We haven’t even pulled away from Miami yet and this is how those people are choosing to start off their cruise. WOW!


They end up stomping away grumbling the whole time and the next person steps up and buys the package for himself, his wife and for their 23 year old son in his own cabin and they’re quickly and efficiently on their way. Then I step up and say there’s 3 in our cabin but only 2 are over 21 so we purchase our 2 packages. As I’m waiting for the receipt my son steps up and tells me to turn around…and…oh look…there’s the rude, shouting couple right back at the end of the line…trying very hard not to be noticed!


With our newly minted Cheers stickers we head to the bar for some fruity sail away drinks and a smoothie for my daughter. My go to drink is always the Kiss on the Lips. Yum!! But…it’ll come later in the cruise when one of the minions decides we need to change the name of the drink. Instead of asking the bartenders for a Kiss on the Lips……..…it becomes a……..…Swat on the Behind!


Next up…Part 4 – Bye Miami (Party Princesses, Namaste, and…the saddest performer on the ship.)

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Love your review style! You are so creative and entertaining, read your last one and loved it too. We are going on the Glory in June, so hoping you get to finish before then. I know it's hard to do these after you get back to the real world. Actually we are taking our grown daughters (aged 22 & 26) so I understand about the social media aspect. But know it will be a great cruise on that ship!

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Part 4 – Bye Miami (Party Princesses, Namaste and…the saddest performer on the ship.)



We stopped by the room around 2:00pm and our luggage and room steward were there. Our steward’s name was Teague, which can only be pronounced correctly by pretending you have a thick New York Bronx accent and are trying to say Tiger (Tyg-ah). Teague was wonderful…my favorite kind of room steward…always a smiling face and a cheerful hello in the halls, wonderful towel animals each evening, fast and efficient room care…just perfect!


I’m not sure where you stand on towel animals…but, I like them. It must be that they appeal to the creative side of me…because in my regular life, it’s hard to imagine a towel as anything other than more laundry for me to do! Some of the minions received towel animals only sporadically…while we got them every night…and, got two on the last sea day. And…some of the towel animals the others received were a little hard to decipher…….are those its legs or is this from the adult’s only versions of towel animals?!! I would not want to walk in to THAT in my room! Fortunately for us, Teague had mastered the art.


Yes…I like towel animals…NO…I will NOT get my picture taken with the towel animal guy that they drag out to the gangway in some of the ports…he’s creepy. And, I’d end up having nightmares that the towel animal zoo in my room is going to come to life…and sing bad karaoke to me!


And now…we interrupt your regularly scheduled fun for a muster drill.


What can I say about muster? On our last cruise on the Magic, we were in a cove balcony on deck 2 (have I mentioned how much I absolutely LOVE the cove balconies) so our muster meetup was in a dining room. How easy is that…come in, have a seat, watch the presentation. No such luck on the Glory…it’s back outside where the tip of your nose is pressed up to the back of someone else’s head…and you don’t dare move your arms for fear of touching someone inappropriately. Oh good…it’s raining…I was beginning to think the collective sweat from all these bodies was creating its own weather phenomenon. It’s really coming down now…that’s going to make sail away interesting.


Let’s not dwell on muster. I know it’s a necessary regulation and I have no problem with it. It’s just irritating…to have to watch the whole rule followers versus the entitled parade. Maybe I’ll just skip it next time…………I’m kidding!


And……Radio Silence commences in T-minus…….60………59………58……I think I see smoke coming from the kids cell phones.


When we were in the cabin earlier I glanced at the day’s Fun Times and this is where you’ll hear the only complaint I have about Carnival. Listed in each day’s Fun Times is Today’s Top Ten. On the list for number 4 today, our very first day, was the Kentucky Derby Viewing Party in the EA Sports Bar. It was starting at 5:30pm with the race to begin at 6:24pm. THIS IS IT…I thought!!!! This is how I’m going to win a fortune so that I can quit my job and take lots of cruises on Carnival fun ships…so that I can continue to write ridiculously long cruise reviews! Because, the Kentucky Derby isn’t until May 2nd…the day we get back. It’s April 25th…I am DEFINITELY going to be at this Carnival time traveling event to see who wins so that I can BET BIG next Saturday!


And, all it took was one Kiss on the Lips and a beautiful Miami sail away for me to completely forget about the time traveling event I’m supposed to be at…curse you Carnival and your mind numbing fun!!


The rain stopped in time for sail away and it was time to head out of Miami! I love looking at the mansions and yachts as we sail by.




I had to take a picture of this amazing pool in South Beach.




And then the main road. I just love all the colors.




I haven’t been there yet but the minions that stayed there for a couple of nights in the Art Deco district (shown below as we sailed away…the minions…not the Art Deco district) informed me that South Beach is very fun but it’s really not like the movie…The Birdcage. What a disappointment that was.




And, one last picture of South Beach. For this one I had the minion standing next to me and she’s pointing and excitedly saying…that’s the one…right there…right at the beach…that’s where we stayed…THE WHITE ONE!!!




Do you see how many white buildings are in that picture?!! Oh...yeah...I see it...very nice! :D


3……..2………1…….…and…......initiate Radio Silence.


Next up…Part 4 – Bye Miami…continues

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Part 4 – Bye Miami…continues


After sail away it was time to head for our first early seating dinner. This would be our first time with the American Table menu. Prior to the cruise we had linked all our reservations so that the 12 of us would be seated together. And also for our first time, we were assigned to the mid-ship dining room on the upper floor, we’ve always been in the larger aft dining rooms on other cruises.


When the kids and I walked in we were promptly escorted to the very first two tables in from the door…this was easy! The restaurant was lovely, decorated in a Japanese Cherry Blossom theme. It would take a couple of days before we’d stop asking each other whether they were sunburned…finally getting used to seeing everyone with the added glow from the pinkish/red tinged lights.


Since it was Terrorist minion’s birthday that day and another minion’s birthday the day before, some Party Princess hats had been brought for the birthday girls. Also, some very large sparkly gems were brought and spread around the two tables to add to the festivities.


Now let me just apologize in advance…and…please know, this was not a reflection upon anyone’s culture…it wasn’t long before one of the minions reached down, picked up a gem, licked the back of it…and promptly stuck it to their forehead. Well…monkey see…monkey do…and, soon we all were sporting cartoonishly large gems upon our foreheads. And…it was time to meet our dining room team.


First impressions being what they are…imagine walking up to our two tables and seeing things like the party princesses…




Or…a variety of minions sporting cartoonishly large gems upon their foreheads.




So, what did the servers do? Reached down, picked up gems, licked the backs and adhered them to their own foreheads! Needless to say, we became very fast friends! We had the wonderful team of Gusti (Goose), Eric and Ramon. And here are Goose and Eric…sporting cartoonishly large gems on their own foreheads!




They kept them on the entire time, even while serving their other tables! We were truly lucky to have these 3 as our dining room team for the cruise. They were fantastic…and, had a sense of humor in addition to their wonderful service.


I think we all really enjoyed the changes to the American Table menu. The new tables are lovely and the food was delicious. The bread plates had various designs on them reflecting major American cities and one evening, one of the minions noticed that the Philadelphia plate, with the Declaration of Independence, matched a tattoo my son has on his upper arm. They were comparing it at the table…as seen here.




Surprisingly...we had a few challenges with the butter. These challenges are not to be confused with the recent ButterGate issues on Cruise Critic. We had different issues. The first butter incident occurred that first dinner. A couple of the minions have always been very enamored with the dainty dome covered butter dishes…to a point where there have been times when these have appeared wrapped up under Christmas trees (no, not pilfered from the ship…they bought them). But, there are no dainty dome covered butter dishes on the American Tables. Instead, there’s a sleek, contemporary square butter receptacle.


I guess the new sleek, contemporary square butter receptacle needed to come with instructions because that first night, Terrorist minion thought it was a block for setting the wine on and discovered her mistake when trying to move it and sinking her fingers…up to her first knuckles…into the butter! In her defense, those pinkish tinged lights did cause it to look a little like rose colored granite…and, also…because she’s OLD! (Ha ha…I’m completely kidding about that OLD part. I had to do that because I know she’s reading along on this review!!! Sorry, Mom!)


The second butter incident occurred a little later in the cruise. Several of the butter knives were missing from the table…and when I asked for them there was a bit of a misunderstanding. Instead of knives...6 more sleek, contemporary butter filled receptacles were quickly delivered. Now we had 8 dishes of butter…and no knives! It was very quickly resolved.


After dinner we were walking around the ship and exploring different areas when we had our first encounter with ‘the saddest performer on the ship’. He was singing and playing his guitar on the lobby stage. And, he was wonderful! An extremely talented performer. It was when he would stop singing that things would go downhill.


Picture this, the lobby is filled with happy people on their first night of the cruise. People are chatting at the bar, the seats around the stage are full with smiling faces…people are dancing to his upbeat tempo…and, his song ends. Instead of picking right back up again with another song…in a very flat monotone voice he says…only 4 more months…2 weeks…5 days…12 hours…42 minutes…and…7 seconds until I’ll be done performing on this ship.


And…cue the awkward uncomfortable silence. Uh…was that supposed to be funny?!!


And then he follows it up with…I could have been in Baltimore right now. (What?? They’re rioting in the streets there right now. Not funny.)


It was like watching a backwards game of Musical Chairs…when the music stopped people got out of the chairs…and left!


He was a really great singer and performer…very talented. But he thought he was a comedian too…and he wasn’t. On another afternoon, I was subjected to his spiel of why Carnival got rid of Funship Freddie…because he smoked all the time…because he was a funnel. And…Freddie’s hanging around truck stops now begging for used oil.


I’m thinking his shows should come with a warning…or at least some antidepressants.


I knew what I needed after the morose monologue…a funny movie and popcorn…so, off I went to the Lido deck! Eventually I would come back to the cabin to find this darling crab…




Next up…Part 5 (Sea Day Sanctuaries, Evil Apples…and…Stirring Coffee with Bacon)

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Part 4 – Bye Miami…continues


After dinner we were walking around the ship and exploring different areas when we had our first encounter with ‘the saddest performer on the ship’. He was singing and playing his guitar on the lobby stage. And, he was wonderful! An extremely talented performer. It was when he would stop singing that things would go downhill.


Picture this, the lobby is filled with happy people on their first night of the cruise. People are chatting at the bar, the seats around the stage are full with smiling faces…people are dancing to his upbeat tempo…and, his song ends. Instead of picking right back up again with another song…in a very flat monotone voice he says…only 4 more months…2 weeks…5 days…12 hours…42 minutes…and…7 seconds until I’ll be done performing on this ship.


And…cue the awkward uncomfortable silence. Uh…was that supposed to be funny?!!


And then he follows it up with…I could have been in Baltimore right now. (What?? They’re rioting in the streets there right now. Not funny.)


It was like watching a backwards game of Musical Chairs…when the music stopped people got out of the chairs…and left!


He was a really great singer and performer…very talented. But he thought he was a comedian too…and he wasn’t. On another afternoon, I was subjected to his spiel of why Carnival got rid of Funship Freddie…because he smoked all the time…because he was a funnel. And…Freddie’s hanging around truck stops now begging for used oil.




OmGosh - we saw him the 1st week in April while on The Glory. He was horrible when he wasn't singing. He was rude and critical to guests. He insulted a young girl carrying two icecreams in Lido deck. He acted drunk several times when we saw him. Several people were complaining about him. He was such a downer an didn't belong on "the fun ship".

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Part 4 – Bye Miami…continues


After dinner we were walking around the ship and exploring different areas when we had our first encounter with ‘the saddest performer on the ship’. He was singing and playing his guitar on the lobby stage. And, he was wonderful! An extremely talented performer. It was when he would stop singing that things would go downhill.


Picture this, the lobby is filled with happy people on their first night of the cruise. People are chatting at the bar, the seats around the stage are full with smiling faces…people are dancing to his upbeat tempo…and, his song ends. Instead of picking right back up again with another song…in a very flat monotone voice he says…only 4 more months…2 weeks…5 days…12 hours…42 minutes…and…7 seconds until I’ll be done performing on this ship.


And…cue the awkward uncomfortable silence. Uh…was that supposed to be funny?!!


And then he follows it up with…I could have been in Baltimore right now. (What?? They’re rioting in the streets there right now. Not funny.)


It was like watching a backwards game of Musical Chairs…when the music stopped people got out of the chairs…and left!


He was a really great singer and performer…very talented. But he thought he was a comedian too…and he wasn’t. On another afternoon, I was subjected to his spiel of why Carnival got rid of Funship Freddie…because he smoked all the time…because he was a funnel. And…Freddie’s hanging around truck stops now begging for used oil.




OmGosh - we saw him the 1st week in April while on The Glory. He was horrible when he wasn't singing. He was rude and critical to guests. He insulted a young girl carrying two icecreams in Lido deck. He acted drunk several times when we saw him. Several people were complaining about him. He was such a downer an didn't belong on "the fun ship".



I hope he's gone when I get on Glory June 13th.

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Part 5 (Sea Day Sanctuaries, Evil Apples…and…Stirring Coffee with Bacon)


Just before heading to my cabin last night I stumbled upon a couple of minions on the Lido deck about to head to their cabin. In their arms they were each carrying a plate of pizza, a box of popcorn, a dish of cookies…and…a bowl of ice cream. They had just stopped to get a cup of lemonade when I approached. After a couple of minutes we said our goodbyes and they went off to their cabin to enjoy their late night feast.


The next morning they would share that they both ended up waking up in the middle of the night in terrible pain. They were moaning and groaning and holding their bellies…when one of the minion’s turns to the other and says…………..…I think it was the lemonade.


Yeah…that’s what it was…the lemonade!!


Today is our first sea day. The ship is beautiful, the weather is perfect…it’s going to be a great day!


My daughter has never been to a sea day brunch so that’s what she wanted us to do this morning. Several of the minions had planned to meet at 9:30am for brunch as well…but…we didn’t get that message. I’m thinking it’s still a little too early in the cruise for them to be ditching us on purpose so we’ll let this one slide as an oversight. The kids and I got to the restaurant around 10:30am and were quickly seated at a table near the back windows, with a beautiful view of the water.


Our waiter was quick and efficient and in no time we had a basket of pastries and had placed our order. The kids were going for the Steak and Eggs and I was having an omelet. It was my son that noticed, over to the left, the large table of minions still having brunch. We were a little hidden by the stairs so they hadn’t seen us. So now I’m torn…do I sit here and spy on them…or, do I go over there?


I’m kidding…there’s no need to spy…these minions do the funniest things right in front of me! You’d think they’d of learned from my last review…knowing that I would be shamelessly exploiting their mishaps! I head over to their table to say Good Morning and that’s when I notice the alarming amounts of bacon around the table. Not just one or two heaping dishes of bacon…there’s about 12 of them. And, I think I counted 6 people. That’s a lot of bacon!


The bewildered look on my face prompted one of the minions to explain. They had a miscommunication when ordering. What they thought they were ordering was bacon by the slice…not a serving. So, when each individual ordered FOUR…they were quite surprised with what arrived! By the time I got there they were garnishing their caramel cheesecake with crumbled pieces of bacon…as seen here.




And, they jokingly said that earlier they were using it to stir their coffee! Here’s a couple of minions with just some of the bacon.




I could see my breakfast arriving so I headed back to my table. The sea day brunch was delicious and the kids decided we’d need to eat breakfast in the dining room again.


Now it’s time for my favorite place on the ship! We cruised on the Glory several years ago. For that cruise, it was only my son with me. He had graduated from high school early and was already out of school. Some of the minions had selected the dates and my daughter was still in school so she had to stay home with Dad. For that trip…my son and I stayed on deck 2 in one of the two super-secret ocean view cabins near the back of the ship. These special cabins are a bargain because they’re the OV classification but they have 2 windows, 2 chairs, a table and a sofa and are closer in size to a suite. Here’s a picture of the one we stayed in…




When we decided to book the Glory again I immediately looked for this cabin…and…it was available! But, Carnival only sells it for two people…so, now I have a dilemma. How does one go about picking which child is their favorite? I’ve got a boy and a girl…there’s pros and cons to each. Maybe it’d be easier to pick a favorite if they were both the same sex. Should I flip a coin? Nah…you already know we booked a deck 8 balcony cabin instead. But, I wasn’t going to let that sweet cabin go to just anyone…so, I quickly contacted a minion and let them know it was there for the taking if the two of them wanted it. And…they snatched it right up!


It was when we stayed in that big cabin on deck two that I found my favorite spot…it’s deck 3. During the day on the outside area of deck 3 they’ll place loungers out and it’s the perfect spot to be. You’re so close to the water line! (Have I mentioned how much I love the cove balconies on the Dream class of ships…this is probably why.) As you’re sitting in the loungers, you can actually feel the sea spray lightly misting you. And, little bits of sea salt accumulate on your body as you scan the horizon for sea life. I love to grab my eReader and my headphones…and a drink from the lobby bar that is just steps away…and spend a very relaxing time watching the waves roll by. Since it’s the same on either side of the ship you have the option of being in the sun or in the shade. What’s most surprising is that very few people go out there. It’s the perfect out-of-the-way place to relax, listen and feel the ocean waves.


There were plenty of times when I would want to be in the action by the Lido pool…accidentally stumbling upon the Hairy Chest Contest, watching the ice sculpting demo…but…deck 3…that was my happy place. By late afternoon all the lounge chairs will be put away…but, it’s still a beautiful place to step out and watch the sunset. Here’s deck 3 after the lounge chairs were put up.




So…tonight was our first elegant night and that means…lobster! Yum! It was cooked perfectly and the shrimp that came with it were perfect too. My son really likes to try new things when we’re on cruises so he always enjoyed trying the Rare Finds selections on the American Table menus. Some of the rare finds he had this time were Rabbit, Ox Tongue, Frog Legs and, of course, Escargot. And…my daughter and I had none of those.


As we were getting ready for the evening I wanted to get a picture of the kids out on the balcony all dressed up…but…instead I got the typical bunch of crazy poses from them…like this.




Here’s hoping one of the minions got a picture with them.


I’ve reached my picture limit for this post…so…


Next up…Part 5…continues...including Evil Apples (aka Cards Against Humanity...and...the Banana Hammock incident)

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Hmmmmm Do you care to share what those room numbers are on deck 2 in the aft. They are certainly big for OV.


The large OV room that was pictured is 2470. The one on the opposite side of the ship is 2473. Here's another view of 2470.



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Part 5…continues…including Evil Apples (aka Cards Against Humanity and the Banana Hammock incident)


When we cruised on the Magic, we brought along the Apples to Apples game and on a couple of nights the group of us would pull some tables and chairs together, out on Deck 5, and play and laugh out under the stars. This time, one of the minions brought along a card game that Terrorist minion would refer to as Evil Apples, actually known as Cards Against Humanity. The plan was for the minions to meet up at the back of the Lido deck after everyone had changed out of their elegant clothes to play the game.


The kids would not be playing this time. This is a game they’re very familiar with and play with their friends all the time…and…there are just some things they’re not willing to participate in with their Grandma! Which was a good thing…because she got a starring role in this version.


I’m not even sure how to explain the game so I just went to the source…here’s what the game says it is:


…Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends…


That pretty much sums it up. If you’re familiar with the Apples to Apples game…this would be its awkward, deviant, highly inappropriate third cousin twice removed.


The minions found an out-of-the-way corner all the way at the back of the Lido deck, so as not to disturb others, and proceeded to play the game. Some of the cards are just plain disturbing and the minions didn’t want to be overheard or impact others who were out enjoying the evening. They wanted to be respectful of their fellow cruisers. And, it was empty in the area so it wasn’t an issue. On occasion, a couple of people would sit down at a table very nearby…I’m not sure why when the entire area back there was empty…maybe they were drawn to the laughter…or maybe they’re NSA agents and just aren’t comfortable unless they’re listening in on someone…but, they usually wouldn’t stick around for long.


I ended up being late to the Evil Apples party because I had to cross the lido deck to get there. I discovered I’m like a moth to a bug-zapper when it comes to those movies on the big screen under the stars. I stopped to get a drink at the Blue Cantina bar and the next thing you know I’m getting a box of popcorn from the Red Rum bar and have propped myself on a stool…vacantly staring up at the big bright screen.


In my defense, the movie was the comedy called The Other Woman. I’ve tried to watch this movie two other times and have never seen the end. It was nearing the end. And…zap! I’m not moving.


Here’s a picture from another night when the movie was Into the Woods…yep, zapped again!




Eventually the movie ended…or I ran out of popcorn…and I remembered where I was supposed to be so I headed to the back to find the minions. I didn’t even need to look for them…the sound of the laughing was like a homing beacon. I pulled up a chair and joined in and that’s when I got to see Terrorist minion’s…my children’s 76 year old Grandma’s…starring role. The absolute worst of the cards (worst language and truly disturbing messages) would be handed to her to read. Because, they’re even funnier when the oldest person in the group has to read them! She took it in stride and here she is reading a card, with a few of our new minions on this trip looking on.




The game continued late into the night as everyone was having a great time. It was as we were about to wrap things up that our attention was drawn to the 2 women and 1 man climbing out of the pool. By now you know we’re from California. Pools, lakes, rivers, oceans we’ve all grown up around them. But…in California…guys wear board shorts. As they say in the California propaganda commercials, the California guys put their board shorts on one leg at a time. And…the longer the better when it comes to board shorts.


The thing that man was wearing as he exited the pool…that was not board shorts. A speedo would be considered board shorts next to that!


Yes, I understand it’s more of a European thing…but…all I can ask is…why?!!! It was part thong…part banana hammock. It looked like a sling slot pulled too tight. How can that possibly be comfortable?


Fortunately, it was time to wrap this party up and move on…so my eyes were happily diverted away from the pool.


And then, as we were standing there saying our goodbyes…a collective gasp is expelled from some of the minions and I’m completely startled when one their hands juts out and clasps on to my arm…her sharp fingernails digging into the flabby underside.


I slowly turn to look in the direction of all their wide eyed stares……and…..Nooooooooooo!


He’d bent over.


With his thongy backside facing us, it was as if the elasticity of that sling shot string had been pulled to its tightest and something was about to be flung out of that thing.


I am not sticking around to see that. I was through those doors and headed back to my cabin before the others had taken a step.


Next up…Part 6…Grand Cayman (Money laundering, Irish accents and…No wheels on this bus to go round and round)

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This one is actually 2473.


Ha ha...that would be correct! Thank you!!


Cabin numbers...directions...which side of the ship is port/starboard...left/right...yeah, I'm so bad. Door decorations aren't just for fun...they're a necessity with me. :D

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