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Glory - 4/25/15 - If you write a review and nobody reads it...


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I think this was the most enjoyable review that I have yet read! If cruise critic had an academy award, I would nominate this review...


Can you please tell me more about the excursions you did? Prices? Did you go through the ship or how you found them, etc. I will be doing the same itinerary Dec 2016 only on Princess. I guess it's too early to look at excursions on the website. If you can't post the info for whatever reason, can you please PM me? But if possible, please share for the rest of us. It's need to know!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Loved reading your review!! My son is going on the Glory for his honeymoon in Jan. He has been to Belize, Cozumel and G. Cayman. Roatan will be new for him. His fiancé has never cruised. Sounds like they will have a great time.


Thanks for taking the time to post.

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Part 5 (Sea Day Sanctuaries, Evil Apples…and…Stirring Coffee with Bacon)


Just before heading to my cabin last night I stumbled upon a couple of minions on the Lido deck about to head to their cabin. In their arms they were each carrying a plate of pizza, a box of popcorn, a dish of cookies…and…a bowl of ice cream. They had just stopped to get a cup of lemonade when I approached. After a couple of minutes we said our goodbyes and they went off to their cabin to enjoy their late night feast.


The next morning they would share that they both ended up waking up in the middle of the night in terrible pain. They were moaning and groaning and holding their bellies…when one of the minion’s turns to the other and says…………..…I think it was the lemonade.


Yeah…that’s what it was…the lemonade!!


Today is our first sea day. The ship is beautiful, the weather is perfect…it’s going to be a great day!


My daughter has never been to a sea day brunch so that’s what she wanted us to do this morning. Several of the minions had planned to meet at 9:30am for brunch as well…but…we didn’t get that message. I’m thinking it’s still a little too early in the cruise for them to be ditching us on purpose so we’ll let this one slide as an oversight. The kids and I got to the restaurant around 10:30am and were quickly seated at a table near the back windows, with a beautiful view of the water.


Our waiter was quick and efficient and in no time we had a basket of pastries and had placed our order. The kids were going for the Steak and Eggs and I was having an omelet. It was my son that noticed, over to the left, the large table of minions still having brunch. We were a little hidden by the stairs so they hadn’t seen us. So now I’m torn…do I sit here and spy on them…or, do I go over there?


I’m kidding…there’s no need to spy…these minions do the funniest things right in front of me! You’d think they’d of learned from my last review…knowing that I would be shamelessly exploiting their mishaps! I head over to their table to say Good Morning and that’s when I notice the alarming amounts of bacon around the table. Not just one or two heaping dishes of bacon…there’s about 12 of them. And, I think I counted 6 people. That’s a lot of bacon!


The bewildered look on my face prompted one of the minions to explain. They had a miscommunication when ordering. What they thought they were ordering was bacon by the slice…not a serving. So, when each individual ordered FOUR…they were quite surprised with what arrived! By the time I got there they were garnishing their caramel cheesecake with crumbled pieces of bacon…as seen here.




And, they jokingly said that earlier they were using it to stir their coffee! Here’s a couple of minions with just some of the bacon.




I could see my breakfast arriving so I headed back to my table. The sea day brunch was delicious and the kids decided we’d need to eat breakfast in the dining room again.


Now it’s time for my favorite place on the ship! We cruised on the Glory several years ago. For that cruise, it was only my son with me. He had graduated from high school early and was already out of school. Some of the minions had selected the dates and my daughter was still in school so she had to stay home with Dad. For that trip…my son and I stayed on deck 2 in one of the two super-secret ocean view cabins near the back of the ship. These special cabins are a bargain because they’re the OV classification but they have 2 windows, 2 chairs, a table and a sofa and are closer in size to a suite. Here’s a picture of the one we stayed in…




When we decided to book the Glory again I immediately looked for this cabin…and…it was available! But, Carnival only sells it for two people…so, now I have a dilemma. How does one go about picking which child is their favorite? I’ve got a boy and a girl…there’s pros and cons to each. Maybe it’d be easier to pick a favorite if they were both the same sex. Should I flip a coin? Nah…you already know we booked a deck 8 balcony cabin instead. But, I wasn’t going to let that sweet cabin go to just anyone…so, I quickly contacted a minion and let them know it was there for the taking if the two of them wanted it. And…they snatched it right up!


It was when we stayed in that big cabin on deck two that I found my favorite spot…it’s deck 3. During the day on the outside area of deck 3 they’ll place loungers out and it’s the perfect spot to be. You’re so close to the water line! (Have I mentioned how much I love the cove balconies on the Dream class of ships…this is probably why.) As you’re sitting in the loungers, you can actually feel the sea spray lightly misting you. And, little bits of sea salt accumulate on your body as you scan the horizon for sea life. I love to grab my eReader and my headphones…and a drink from the lobby bar that is just steps away…and spend a very relaxing time watching the waves roll by. Since it’s the same on either side of the ship you have the option of being in the sun or in the shade. What’s most surprising is that very few people go out there. It’s the perfect out-of-the-way place to relax, listen and feel the ocean waves.


There were plenty of times when I would want to be in the action by the Lido pool…accidentally stumbling upon the Hairy Chest Contest, watching the ice sculpting demo…but…deck 3…that was my happy place. By late afternoon all the lounge chairs will be put away…but, it’s still a beautiful place to step out and watch the sunset. Here’s deck 3 after the lounge chairs were put up.




So…tonight was our first elegant night and that means…lobster! Yum! It was cooked perfectly and the shrimp that came with it were perfect too. My son really likes to try new things when we’re on cruises so he always enjoyed trying the Rare Finds selections on the American Table menus. Some of the rare finds he had this time were Rabbit, Ox Tongue, Frog Legs and, of course, Escargot. And…my daughter and I had none of those.


As we were getting ready for the evening I wanted to get a picture of the kids out on the balcony all dressed up…but…instead I got the typical bunch of crazy poses from them…like this.




Here’s hoping one of the minions got a picture with them.


I’ve reached my picture limit for this post…so…


Next up…Part 5…continues...including Evil Apples (aka Cards Against Humanity...and...the Banana Hammock incident)


Hello! I am enjoying your report. Someone on another thread directed me to your Glory report. I have a question about the OV Aft room on Deck 2. It looks like a great value! When you cruised the Magic, did you find that room to be very noisy? I see that it's right under the restaurant. Was that a factor with noise? Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Question about Daniel Johnson's sanctuary. Do you know if the animals have been vaccinated? I'm a bit of a worrywart.


It looks like so much fun! I kinda want to go.


If you kind of want to go then do it. Typically sanctuary animals are vaccinated against diseases that affect that species, but not always. What do you want them vaccinated for? I am assuming that you mean rabies. You can always ask Daniel but I would not be concerned.

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  • 2 months later...

Read your entire review (going on the Glory for Christmas) and I looooved it! Your banners have me intrigued. I was just recently gifted a cricut. I need your guidance on how to make Christmas banners for my door! It's just my soon to be 6 year old and I. He is already questioning if Santa will find him so I HAVE to decorate!!!!


Part 1 – Planning the Trip (Pirate Signs, Flipping Itineraries, and…Oh, the places you’ll go.)


As we learned in my last cruise review…I am the one with the least amount of cruising time…so, naturally, that makes me the one in charge of planning everything……? It was only recently that my sign and sail card turned gold. Which, based on recent announcements, I believe elevates me to the red-headed stepchild status within the Carnival Loyalty program. (Please…no taking offense to that last comment…in all honesty, I have no problem with the changes that were announced within the program…and…my daughter’s red hair is beautiful.)


I completely understand the need for large companies to make changes to remain competitive. This was our second time on the Glory…the first time was before the 2.0 upgrades. I will gladly forgo chocolates on my pillow in the evenings and a crowded past guest party to be able to enjoy Chicken Tacos from the Blue Iguana Cantina…with corn and black bean relish and salsa with chopped up watermelon and jicama….pardon me, I’m drooling on my keyboard.


As long as I get to cruise on those beautiful ships…I’d be okay if Carnival sent me a pre-board notice that said to bring a sleeping bag and a side dish…because dinner the first night is potluck!


Since we had just been on a Western itinerary on the Magic, I sent the minions some options for planning this cruise…those options were an 8 day Southern in September on the Breeze and a 7 day Eastern, also in September, which I think was on the Dream. (I really liked that Cove Balcony on the Magic...so I was focusing on the Dream class of ships.) And then my son told me about something he read on a cruise review and it would be a dream come true if we could do it. So…I set out to find an itinerary with that particular port and found this April 25th cruise on the Glory. I quickly sent this one out to the minions to consider as well…and…told them about the 5 minute adventure we’d do if we did this itinerary. Before everyone even had a chance to respond…minions were booking it! This was the one…everyone wanted that 5 minute adventure…and, I hadn’t even told my husband we were planning another cruise yet. Oops.


You’re probably wondering what this 5 minute adventure is…well…I’m not telling you yet. It’s at a port that is often missed so this could still be a complete bust. But…I will say, most of our group are not Ziplining people (fear of heights) or cavetubing people (fear of bats in dark places) or Indiana Jones types of adventures people (fear of snakes, rats and indigenous tribal people with sharp pointy sticks). The highlights from our last cruise were interacting with the stingrays at Stingray City and swimming with Manatees in Cozumel. (Neither of those ports are the one I’m worried about getting to this time…so, that leaves you with Belize and Roatan to speculate on.)


The itinerary was set…Cozumel, Belize, Roatan and then Grand Cayman…and, the cabins were booked. All that was left was the waiting. Ugh…the waiting. I’m not good at waiting. So….I occupied some time by doing lots of research and then randomly sharing it with the minions in what I would call…Cruise News. It would include things like: new stuff on the ship since we were last on it, excursion plans for the kids and I, Miami plans, hotel info, airfare prices, etc. After staying up late one night to finish writing up and sending out info on how many ships and people will be at every one of the ports, and including our plans for excursions each day…imagine my surprise when I check my email that next morning and one of the minions asks…would you please do that all over again with the correct itinerary!


Excuse me? Is she on crack? I wouldn’t normally jump to conclusions about her using illegal substances…as there’s no evidence she ever has…but…that was a lot of work. Clearly, she’s mistaken!


I quickly text her saying I don’t understand and she forwards an email from Carnival that all the minions received that morning…except me…saying something about due to safety reasons in Grand Cayman (too many ships in port)…Carnival is REVERSING our itinerary! WHAT???? Remember that 5 minute adventure (you know, the ENTIRE reason we are even going on this itinerary?!!)…I had booked it with the private vendor (the ONLY vendor!) moments after booking our cruise…for all 12 of us…when we were scheduled to be the ONLY ship in port. And now…there are going to be several more ships in that small port on our new day…what if it’s already booked??!!


I quickly email the tour guide and explain the situation and ask for the new date. And, I wait. You know me and and waiting…yeah, it’s not good. I’m in California on Pacific Time, the tour guide is on a small Caribbean island operating on something referred to as ‘island time’ so…I get to wait some more. About a day later I get a response and he assures me all will be fine. Whew! I quickly stop tearing up my large Carnival brochure into tiny pieces that I was planning on burning in effigy (it was the 2014 version anyway).


The other bad part about a reversal of an itinerary is that most of the Carnival excursions are no longer available to pre-book. There were a couple that I was planning on booking but they never did show up under the new dates. I emailed the shore excursion desk asking about them and they explained that they’ll be available to be booked on the ship. I would’ve liked to have done it ahead of time…but…I will take them at their word and book them on the ship. And, I still had my effigy pile to burn later if need be.


Another thing I decided to do while waiting for our cruise to get here…was to make door décor for all our cabins. You see, I’m not just known for writing cruise reviews with excessively large amounts of words in them…I’m also known for playing with paper and glue. So, I put together some Pirate Signs and banners for our cabin doors.


Here’s the banner and sign that was on my door and a couple other minion’s doors.




We also have a minion that has a slight obsession with pandas. And, when I say slight I mean bordering on insanity. We could probably have her institutionalized because of it…instead, we enable. So, I also made a few banners with Panda Pirates and Panda Mermaids for some of the other minions as seen on her cabin door below.




And, since I still had time to kill waiting for this cruise to get here…I got some cups from the dollar store and decorated those too. It was fun to have these little gifts to give to the minions at our first dinner on the ship…it was a small price to pay for the fact that I will be exploiting them mercilessly in my cruise review!





Next up…Part 2 – Miami Bound (Is there an App for flying a plane, Hotel Conventions and…theres Boobs and Butts everywhere)

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Part 5 (Sea Day Sanctuaries, Evil Apples…and…Stirring Coffee with Bacon)




Just before heading to my cabin last night I stumbled upon a couple of minions on the Lido deck about to head to their cabin. In their arms they were each carrying a plate of pizza, a box of popcorn, a dish of cookies…and…a bowl of ice cream. They had just stopped to get a cup of lemonade when I approached. After a couple of minutes we said our goodbyes and they went off to their cabin to enjoy their late night feast.




The next morning they would share that they both ended up waking up in the middle of the night in terrible pain. They were moaning and groaning and holding their bellies…when one of the minion’s turns to the other and says…………..…I think it was the lemonade.




Yeah…that’s what it was…the lemonade!!




Today is our first sea day. The ship is beautiful, the weather is perfect…it’s going to be a great day!




My daughter has never been to a sea day brunch so that’s what she wanted us to do this morning. Several of the minions had planned to meet at 9:30am for brunch as well…but…we didn’t get that message. I’m thinking it’s still a little too early in the cruise for them to be ditching us on purpose so we’ll let this one slide as an oversight. The kids and I got to the restaurant around 10:30am and were quickly seated at a table near the back windows, with a beautiful view of the water.




Our waiter was quick and efficient and in no time we had a basket of pastries and had placed our order. The kids were going for the Steak and Eggs and I was having an omelet. It was my son that noticed, over to the left, the large table of minions still having brunch. We were a little hidden by the stairs so they hadn’t seen us. So now I’m torn…do I sit here and spy on them…or, do I go over there?




I’m kidding…there’s no need to spy…these minions do the funniest things right in front of me! You’d think they’d of learned from my last review…knowing that I would be shamelessly exploiting their mishaps! I head over to their table to say Good Morning and that’s when I notice the alarming amounts of bacon around the table. Not just one or two heaping dishes of bacon…there’s about 12 of them. And, I think I counted 6 people. That’s a lot of bacon!




The bewildered look on my face prompted one of the minions to explain. They had a miscommunication when ordering. What they thought they were ordering was bacon by the slice…not a serving. So, when each individual ordered FOUR…they were quite surprised with what arrived! By the time I got there they were garnishing their caramel cheesecake with crumbled pieces of bacon…as seen here.








And, they jokingly said that earlier they were using it to stir their coffee! Here’s a couple of minions with just some of the bacon.








I could see my breakfast arriving so I headed back to my table. The sea day brunch was delicious and the kids decided we’d need to eat breakfast in the dining room again.




Now it’s time for my favorite place on the ship! We cruised on the Glory several years ago. For that cruise, it was only my son with me. He had graduated from high school early and was already out of school. Some of the minions had selected the dates and my daughter was still in school so she had to stay home with Dad. For that trip…my son and I stayed on deck 2 in one of the two super-secret ocean view cabins near the back of the ship. These special cabins are a bargain because they’re the OV classification but they have 2 windows, 2 chairs, a table and a sofa and are closer in size to a suite. Here’s a picture of the one we stayed in…








When we decided to book the Glory again I immediately looked for this cabin…and…it was available! But, Carnival only sells it for two people…so, now I have a dilemma. How does one go about picking which child is their favorite? I’ve got a boy and a girl…there’s pros and cons to each. Maybe it’d be easier to pick a favorite if they were both the same sex. Should I flip a coin? Nah…you already know we booked a deck 8 balcony cabin instead. But, I wasn’t going to let that sweet cabin go to just anyone…so, I quickly contacted a minion and let them know it was there for the taking if the two of them wanted it. And…they snatched it right up!




It was when we stayed in that big cabin on deck two that I found my favorite spot…it’s deck 3. During the day on the outside area of deck 3 they’ll place loungers out and it’s the perfect spot to be. You’re so close to the water line! (Have I mentioned how much I love the cove balconies on the Dream class of ships…this is probably why.) As you’re sitting in the loungers, you can actually feel the sea spray lightly misting you. And, little bits of sea salt accumulate on your body as you scan the horizon for sea life. I love to grab my eReader and my headphones…and a drink from the lobby bar that is just steps away…and spend a very relaxing time watching the waves roll by. Since it’s the same on either side of the ship you have the option of being in the sun or in the shade. What’s most surprising is that very few people go out there. It’s the perfect out-of-the-way place to relax, listen and feel the ocean waves.




There were plenty of times when I would want to be in the action by the Lido pool…accidentally stumbling upon the Hairy Chest Contest, watching the ice sculpting demo…but…deck 3…that was my happy place. By late afternoon all the lounge chairs will be put away…but, it’s still a beautiful place to step out and watch the sunset. Here’s deck 3 after the lounge chairs were put up.








So…tonight was our first elegant night and that means…lobster! Yum! It was cooked perfectly and the shrimp that came with it were perfect too. My son really likes to try new things when we’re on cruises so he always enjoyed trying the Rare Finds selections on the American Table menus. Some of the rare finds he had this time were Rabbit, Ox Tongue, Frog Legs and, of course, Escargot. And…my daughter and I had none of those.




As we were getting ready for the evening I wanted to get a picture of the kids out on the balcony all dressed up…but…instead I got the typical bunch of crazy poses from them…like this.








Here’s hoping one of the minions got a picture with them.




I’ve reached my picture limit for this post…so…




Next up…Part 5…continues...including Evil Apples (aka Cards Against Humanity...and...the Banana Hammock incident)






Can you specify the room number? I think this is the Room we have booked for our cruise in February?





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Can you specify the room number? I think this is the Room we have booked for our cruise in February?





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It's 2473. We had that one and 2470 before.


Be forewarned that there can be a LOT of vibration and noise. Not only when pulling into ports, but if the seas are rough and/or the ship is traveling at a good speed. I have been in 2470 4 times and each time it has been loud. But that's why I stay there. I like it. But if you want quiet, then the aft rooms are not for you. We have affectionately named 2470 "Rattletrap" [emoji39]

Edited by firemanbobswife
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Thank you so much for this review. Because of this, we booked my "hug a sloth" trip and everyone knew about it. It was by far one of my favorite things and I never knew I needed to do this in my life. We went in February after months of waiting. :) I look forward to stalking your other reviews for ideas.


If I could figure out how to upload my picture or why it's not working, I'd post mine.

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