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I got cold chills reading your post, about being limited on shoes. The horror! I am heavily into pretty sandals, so my shoe collection is thin, light, and plentiful. I bring walking shoes, but always the thin light models, two pairs of heels, and lots of cute sandals.


We were also liveaboard boaters in Alaska for 20 years so I have learned to live the light and fast life. Extra-Tufs and tennis shoes then and that's all that was needed. Now hard aground in Az. so it's sandals, flips and walking shoes. And pedicures of course.



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Hey! Welcome to Cruise Critic, from a kindred spirit re shoes!:)

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I got cold chills reading your post, about being limited on shoes. The horror! I am heavily into pretty sandals, so my shoe collection is thin, light, and plentiful. I bring walking shoes, but always the thin light models, two pairs of heels, and lots of cute sandals.


We were also liveaboard boaters in Alaska for 20 years so I have learned to live the light and fast life. Extra-Tufs and tennis shoes then and that's all that was needed. Now hard aground in Az. so it's sandals, flips and walking shoes. And pedicures of course.



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Foggy Bay, we are also hard aground in Florida.. Just realized that this is your first post, so let me also welcome you to Cruise Critic & another welcome to our group of "Shoe Diva's" .. As you can see we tend to discuss very important subjects here such as shoes & pedicures...:):) LOL


Next week is our 39th anniversary & just today DH asked why "I paint my toenails".. Don't think he realizes that I must have the pedicures (in addition to manicures) to go with my various sandals.. Mom always said a lady should have clean & neat under things as well as pretty shoes..:)


Unfortunately, I weakened & told my Friends DH, that I would try to keep the shoes to a minimum, but already have 6 pairs of just sandals on the list.. However, those 6 pairs of sandals are lighter than DH's 2 pairs of shoes w/socks.. Will do without the gold or silver flats & certainly could get away with one pair of "Easy Spirit" light weight walking shoes though.. Don't wear tennis shoes.. After having my hip operation I can no longer wear heels higher than an inch, so will try to keep it down to 7 pairs plus the ones I'm wearing..


If anyone happens to meet DH &/or my Friends DH, please refrain from mentioning my shoes..;) They already think I'm a bit nutty about shoes...;)

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Haha! Thank you all for the welcome!


I agree...what's said here should stay here and mum's the word with the DH's. My birthday is the same as Imelda Marcos (much later), so I was born under "The Day of the Shoe." It's not my fault.



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You misinterpreted my post. I have more shoes than Imelda Marcos. Need has nothing to do with it. I just want them. That is what I meant. Speaking for fellow shoeaholics.


Let's unite! Glad I'm not alone..:)


From now on, Sapper, Lizzie, Foggy Bay, Cow Princess, Chefestelle, Hugger, Poconut, Serendipity1499 & other posters who love shoes shall be known as the "Shoe Diva's ".. :D:D Welcome to the club!


Any one who wants to join, please add your CC name to our list! Dues are "$0.00" except for the cost of your shoes..


Thanks to everyone for all the tips on what to pack for your cruise.. The doorbell is really unique & I'm sure to be able to fit it into DH's shoes..LOL

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Serendipity1499, I love the idea of a "Shoe Divas" club. :D Confession time: I've just discovered that a shoe store I knew and loved (back before we moved to the back of beyond) now sells online. Guess who has ordered 7 pairs of handmade-in-Italy leather shoes? Go on.... guess :D

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I'm in. I actually have more shoes than Imelda too. I love shoes. I want shoes. I have shoes. I'm Foggy Bay, and I like shoes. (Channeling self help groups...but yeah...I don't want help.)



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I'm in. I actually have more shoes than Imelda too. I love shoes. I want shoes. I have shoes. I'm Foggy Bay, and I like shoes. (Channeling self help groups...but yeah...I don't want help.)



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When I sold my last house, all the realtors referred to it as "Imelda's house" ;) :eek:

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When I sold my last house, all the realtors referred to it as "Imelda's house" ;) :eek:



When we moved onto our boat, years ago, we had a garage sale. When I was temporarily gone, my husband grabbed and sold my pair of lizard cowboy boots for a dollar. I've literally never gotten over it. (30 years later.) (I bring this up because the cruise we have booked at Christmas is our 30th anniversary trip. Sans boots of course.)



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Serendipity1499, I love the idea of a "Shoe Divas" club. :D Confession time: I've just discovered that a shoe store I knew and loved (back before we moved to the back of beyond) now sells online. Guess who has ordered 7 pairs of handmade-in-Italy leather shoes? Go on.... guess :D



Oh My...You should be Pres. of the Shoe Diva's club..I love it.. :):D


I only order max. 2-3 pair at a time.. Have three pair of sandals in my car, which I ordered on line two weeks ago.. They were on sale, but taking them back as don't fit well.. Instead I ordered two pair more expensive but nicer ones which fit well..

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When we moved onto our boat, years ago, we had a garage sale. When I was temporarily gone, my husband grabbed and sold my pair of lizard cowboy boots for a dollar. I've literally never gotten over it. (30 years later.) (I bring this up because the cruise we have booked at Christmas is our 30th anniversary trip. Sans boots of course.)



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I am both shocked and impressed that you are still married :eek: ;) :D You must be a very forgiving person!

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When I sold my last house, all the realtors referred to it as "Imelda's house" ;) :eek:


Love it!!!


When we moved onto our boat, years ago, we had a garage sale. When I was temporarily gone, my husband grabbed and sold my pair of lizard cowboy boots for a dollar. I've literally never gotten over it. (30 years later.) (I bring this up because the cruise we have booked at Christmas is our 30th anniversary trip. Sans boots of course.)..



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I think he is a very lucky man to still be celebrating his 30th Anniversary with you.. I would have either killed him ;);) or made him buy me a new pair of boots, if he sold my lizard cowboy boots! :eek::eek:

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Hi, my name is Paula and I am a shoeaholic! I've struggled to get down to 9 pair for our up coming 20 day. Please add my name to The Shoe Divas Club. I love, need, and must have shoes. Lots of shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Hi, my name is Paula and I am a shoeaholic! I've struggled to get down to 9 pair for our up coming 20 day. Please add my name to The Shoe Divas Club. I love, need, and must have shoes. Lots of shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D



Hi Paula! LOL...



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Love it!!!








I think he is a very lucky man to still be celebrating his 30th Anniversary with you.. I would have either killed him ;);) or made him buy me a new pair of boots, if he sold my lizard cowboy boots! :eek::eek:



We were newlyweds...I forgave, but clearly never forgot. I can still see those boots...those BOOTS!!! WAAAAAH!!!



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Any time I've used tap water, or even filtered water, rather than actual distilled water, my allergies have staged a revolt to rival Napoleon and friends! We're talking eyes swollen mostly shut, totally stuffed up nose, and subsequent coughing & sore throat from mouth breathing, in addition to the CPAP not working since I was breathing through my mouth.

Since the water on board is distilled seawater - made to be potable, but not necessarily free from all impurities (which is just fine for drinking) - I'm not comfortable taking that chance. ESPECIALLY since I've been given to understand that they can confine you to your quarters if you show symptoms of illness!


I think I'll call the Access & Compliance department about it in the morning, and if they say I CAN bring the unsealed, small bottles, I'll have them send it to me in writing. Then, if I get a hassle about it, I'll have that to show, and if they don't let it on, I'll pitch a bitch until they give me some for free to replace it.


If they confirm it has to be the original, sealed container, I think what I may do is put the gallon of water in a grocery bag hung on my scooter instead of in a suitcase, and then do some additional paring down of other non-essential items so I can just have the one suitcase and small carry on.


Talking about options more has given me more ideas, as usual, so thanks!


I always use distilled water in my CPAP, and if you don't want to lug it on board you can request a gallon for your stateroom - If I recall they charged $4 for it :)

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Hi, my name is Paula and I am a shoeaholic! I've struggled to get down to 9 pair for our up coming 20 day. Please add my name to The Shoe Divas Club. I love, need, and must have shoes. Lots of shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


Welcome to the "Shoe Diva's" Club Paula..9 Pair is just about right for a 20 day cruise.. I normally take 8 or 9 pair.on our longer cruises...


I must confess that on our 68 day cruise I actually took 11 pairs of shoes & wore them all.. Was able to wear heels at that time, but have not worn heels lately, so not sure if I still could wear them..:confused: But I will NOT throw them out, even if it's just to look at them..


BTW is that a little pincher I see for your avatar?

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Welcome to the "Shoe Diva's" Club Paula..9 Pair is just about right for a 20 day cruise.. I normally take 8 or 9 pair.on our longer cruises...


I must confess that on our 68 day cruise I actually took 11 pairs of shoes & wore them all.. Was able to wear heels at that time, but have not worn heels lately, so not sure if I still could wear them..:confused: But I will NOT throw them out, even if it's just to look at them..


BTW is that a little pincher I see for your avatar?


Throwing them out is not an option, I have moved those 4 inch (what was I thinking) heels into the closet of one of the spare bedrooms! Occasionally try them on only to find I get no farther than the bedroom door. Oh well! Actually my avatar is my Rottie, Dash.

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Let's unite! Glad I'm not alone..:)




From now on, Sapper, Lizzie, Foggy Bay, Cow Princess, Chefestelle, Hugger, Poconut, Serendipity1499 & other posters who love shoes shall be known as the "Shoe Diva's ".. :D:D Welcome to the club!




Any one who wants to join, please add your CC name to our list! Dues are "$0.00" except for the cost of your shoes..




Thanks to everyone for all the tips on what to pack for your cruise.. The doorbell is really unique & I'm sure to be able to fit it into DH's shoes..LOL



Yay! Shoe Divas! I love it!

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Let's unite! Glad I'm not alone..:)


From now on, Sapper, Lizzie, Foggy Bay, Cow Princess, Chefestelle, Hugger, Poconut, Serendipity1499 & other posters who love shoes shall be known as the "Shoe Diva's ".. :D:D Welcome to the club!


Any one who wants to join, please add your CC name to our list! Dues are "$0.00" except for the cost of your shoes..


Thanks to everyone for all the tips on what to pack for your cruise.. The doorbell is really unique & I'm sure to be able to fit it into DH's shoes..LOL


I'm definitely in - I've paid my dues over and over.....:D:D

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Let's unite! Glad I'm not alone..:)


From now on, Sapper, Lizzie, Foggy Bay, Cow Princess, Chefestelle, Hugger, Poconut, Serendipity1499 & other posters who love shoes shall be known as the "Shoe Diva's ".. :D:D Welcome to the club!


Any one who wants to join, please add your CC name to our list! Dues are "$0.00" except for the cost of your shoes..


I think you're missing out on a great opportunity for your "shoe fund". just think.. Y'all could pool the dues, put it into one of those holiday CD accounts, and go nuts on boxing day! ;) :p

In other news, y'all need HELP! LOL. (Yes, I know.. You only need help picking out fabulous shoes.)

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I always use distilled water in my CPAP, and if you don't want to lug it on board you can request a gallon for your stateroom - If I recall they charged $4 for it :)

No way in Hades am I paying $4 for a 79 cent jug of water, especially when I don't even have to pay that for them, and have several gallons that were free to me at home. I realise it's "only" $4, but for one, I'm very poor (this cruise is an amazing opportunity for me, but normally something that would be completely out of reach) and $4 will buy a nice coffee drink.


More importantly, however, I'm 1/2 Scottish. This means that I am genetically incapable of paying that much more than normal retail for something. Just paying discounted retail without haggling is a stretch for "my people" LOL!


I don't have to pay for extra baggage or weight, so, if HAL won't let me on with my little bottles, they'll just have to deal with the gallon jug. I don't need to put it in a suitcase if everything else will fit into just one.

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Yes, I am a card carrying member (that would be my Visa card) of the Shoe Diva s club. If I live to be 100, I will never wear out all the shoes I own. Confession: I bought one new pair today. Personally, I could do a one week cruise with just one basic black dress - and a dozen pairs of cute shoes to go with it!

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