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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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I have the same sense of foreboding and agree with your thoughts about what voters may say to others about voting for Trump. I am trying to desensitize myself, but it's not working.

A friend wrote to me that this was "a choice between the evils of two lessors".

Haven't seen the Michael Moore piece, but did spend a plane ride seated next to him and talking with him for several hours. It was revelatory. Many people came up to ask him for his help. It continued even after the flight was over through baggage claim until he finally managed to extricate himself and lumber off.




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I envy you your time with Michael Moore it must have been a fascinating although perhaps cramped trip .....:D I'm a great fan of his work and always make a point of seeing his documentaries.


You might want to track it down ....




The only downer as I said was his belief and statement that Brexiteers regret their decision and he used this to demonstrate how Americans will regret voting for Trump. I believe he was wrong with his example as there is no sense in the UK of regret, if anything I think things are more polarised and the silly situation when Wallonia looked like it was going to scupper the Canadian trade deal proved the Brexit point for many.


I have a terrible, terrible sense of forboding about next week and I'm utterly perplexed as to how America of all the countries in the world ended up at this point. If you wrote this in a novel 20 years ago everyone would have laughed and said "impossible".


Either result looks really bad, but as you say one is slightly less bad. I keep rubbing my eyes but I find that I wasn't asleep and it is all really happening.



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.....Election Day is getting closer with our state being at the "center" of TV ads, campaigning, etc. Am doing a TV show taping tomorrow, plus another show Monday night and then spending Tuesday evening at the CBS TV station here Tuesday night doing on-air analysis....



a penny for your thoughts, would you give us a preview of your sentiments? (heck I will even go as high as a dollar).


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I envy you your time with Michael Moore it must have been a fascinating although perhaps cramped trip .....:D I'm a great fan of his work and always make a point of seeing his documentaries.


You might want to track it down ....




The only downer as I said was his belief and statement that Brexiteers regret their decision and he used this to demonstrate how Americans will regret voting for Trump. I believe he was wrong with his example as there is no sense in the UK of regret, if anything I think things are more polarised and the silly situation when Wallonia looked like it was going to scupper the Canadian trade deal proved the Brexit point for many.


I have a terrible, terrible sense of forboding about next week and I'm utterly perplexed as to how America of all the countries in the world ended up at this point. If you wrote this in a novel 20 years ago everyone would have laughed and said "impossible".


Either result looks really bad, but as you say one is slightly less bad. I keep rubbing my eyes but I find that I wasn't asleep and it is all really happening.





Yes it was a fascinating discourse but quite sad. He clearly can't solve the issues of the world, but many see him as their champion and seek him out. This weighs heavily on him, as evidenced in more than one way. He was quite funny when the flight attendant passed out the snacks, they were mostly candy, so he took one of each, saying that each one represented of the essential four food groups. in taking one of each he could say he was maintaining his nutritional quota.


I don't know what to say about the candidates we have supposedly endorsed and supported for election. New low comes to mind. Perhaps someone made a deal with Beelzebub.

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I don't know what to say about the candidates we have supposedly endorsed and supported for election. New low comes to mind. Perhaps someone made a deal with Beelzebub.


Cool Michael Moore story. Not his biggest fan but would sure be interesting to talk to him. Unlike many of our partisan folk here, I actually want to hear the "other side" because you learn much more that way. You mind turns to mush if you only listen to people you agree with.


This election is just disheartening. I am so disappointed. There have to be other qualified individuals who come with less baggage. Both are such polarizing figures that I foresee much more of the same inaction that has plagued us for far too long, no matter what the outcome may be.


Where can we move?

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Agree we need to listen to all, and to

temper with wisdom,facts,history,credentials experience, investigation,track record and intuition.


Rhetoric doesn't do it.


IMO, in our country we are now voting for the Supreme Court. That's what it has come to or maybe always has been the agenda.


All done from this despondent person.

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Greetings Coolers!

Brilliant sunny day here for a change! Not warm but not freezing either. Works for me!


JP...I started reading your Madagascar blog this morning. It is terrific! I can't wait to read more of the story! No pressure! :)


Spins....in case I get busy (unlikely) or I forget (much more likely)....Have an awesome cruise! Safe travels!


Have a great day all!

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Thanks, mysty!


I managed to keep up somewhat with my journal, at least for the Madagascar part. So my recollection of things should be pretty good for the first two weeks, even if it takes me a while to complete the blog. I didn't write anything about South Africa so I'm afraid that part (once I get to it) will be a bit lacking.


Day 3 of the blog is posted. I think this link will go to the main (overview) page. http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog/jpalbny/5/tpod.html


And the next batch of pictures is up. Link to that: https://goo.gl/photos/LVqiCuwMoNDgivYC8


Happy weekend all!

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Terry, a penny for your thoughts, would you give us a preview of your sentiments? (heck I will even go as high as a dollar). :D


Appreciate this kind invitation from Spins to share my thoughts, guesses, ideas, etc. Not sure they would be worth a whole dollar. Maybe about 99 cents less?


For those both in Florida and Ohio, the TV screens now are like a "sewer system". Not fun or inspiring!!! Last night, Beyonce and husband Jay Z performed during a concert in Cleveland for Hillary Clinton. Lots of N-words and F-bombs were flying with his music and words. That's another topic and discussion.


Yesterday morning in doing the taping for the 30-minute program to air Sunday on the CBS-TV station here, I re-counted some of the internal details on the just-completed NY Times national polling. Lots of serious question as to how political poll samples are "adjusted" and weighted, etc. Plus, there are polling trends that show a significant shrinking of the margin. Lots more polling and details will be coming out on Sunday. As mentioned, I will be doing a Monday 7:30 pm show on the local NBC station here, plus all of election night being on the news set for the CBS station here as the results roll in. Then, after the election, I have two different television shows later in the week to talk about what happened, why and how. So I will not bore people too much here as supposedly Cruise Critic is not the "place for politics".


As shown below, Thursday, I was at a luncheon with about 20 other people for the former New York City Mayor in Columbus. As the picture shows, he's a little shorter (5' 9") than I had expected. But at age 72, he is still very energetic, engaged, personable, etc. Not everyone agrees with his opinions, but he continues to be active and involved.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 159,779 views for this posting.



During a visit to Central Ohio, I had a chance to chat briefly with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Known as "America's Mayor" for his leadership after the 9/11 attack in 2001, Rudy is not shy!:



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Greetings Coolers! Brilliant sunshine today but temps are just slightly above freezing. Myster is going out to try to squeeze in a last golf game for the season. Not sure how well he will do wearing mittens! :)


JP..... I am really enjoying your Madagascar blog! It sounds like a trip for the hale and hearty. Fascinating animals and lush jungle. Very beautiful! If you don't mind, I have a question about TravelPod. I really like the map on each page! That feature would have come in handy for my blog attempt. Is TravelPod relatively easy to use? Would you recommend it? Thanks JP!


Have an awesome day all!

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Greetings Coolers! Brilliant sunshine today but temps are just slightly above freezing. Myster is going out to try to squeeze in a last golf game for the season. Not sure how well he will do wearing mittens! :)


JP..... I am really enjoying your Madagascar blog! It sounds like a trip for the hale and hearty. Fascinating animals and lush jungle. Very beautiful! If you don't mind, I have a question about TravelPod. I really like the map on each page! That feature would have come in handy for my blog attempt. Is TravelPod relatively easy to use? Would you recommend it? Thanks JP!


Have an awesome day all!


Mostly cloudy and grey here. I blew out the sprinkler system yesterday with compressed air to get it ready for winter. :( One of my least favorite tasks - not because it's difficult, but it does signify the end of the season.


Last night we went out to a formal dinner dance with a group that we've joined. Good time even though we're on the younger part of the group's age spectrum, and the music can be lethargic at times. It was good to dance a little though, and some of the music had a nice tempo.


RE: TravelPod - it's OK and I have a relatively easy time using it. I didn't really search for other blog sites, as someone else on CC (can't remember who now) had used it, and after I read one of their blogs, it looked like a site that would come in handy.


You have to do a little background prep work to prepare the daily posts, by entering your location and your lodging for each day/night, but once that's done it's easy to enter the text for the blog. The photo uploader is pretty fast and intuitive to use and you can upload multiple photos at once.


The one annoying part is that it harasses you to write reviews for every hotel and attraction that you post in your blog. I find that mildly annoying but it isn't a deal breaker. So all in all, for the price you pay (free), it's not a bad way to write a travel blog.


Thanks again for following along! Yes, this trip was not for the faint of heart. Some of our companions started dropping out as the pace and difficulty of the drives, hikes, and schedule increased from here on out. Sometimes the sheer time that we spent in the car, getting tossed about like popcorn in a hot air popper, was tiring in itself. We both had bruises from the seatbelts!


It ended up that I was the only one of the six who did every available hike. Chris missed only one, because she got hit hard with a stomach bug one night, and just couldn't get out of bed the next morning after not sleeping. I got the same bug too, but not as bad, so I sucked it up that morning and went on the hike. Glad I carry a few antibiotics with me when we go to these destinations!

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Your photo with the Cheshire Cat is intriguing.

He gives me the willies.

He has changed his spots a few times too.


I understand your reticence to post about the election. Two more days of the negative ads, which is somewhat of a relief.


Happy Sunday all.

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Yes that frog was very brown and very yellow. And not afraid of me. A Cuban tree frog.


We also have a multitude of really ugly toads, Bufo. They are poisonous and secret a toxic venom which has killed many a dog and cat. My dog knows to stay clear of them.


I guess you can tell where my mental status is at this time.


I will try not to mention the pythons and recluse spiders.


Lions and tigers and...



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Terry, Your photo with the Cheshire Cat is intriguing. He gives me the willies. He has changed his spots a few times too. I understand your reticence to post about the election. Two more days of the negative ads, which is somewhat of a relief. Happy Sunday all.


Interesting to call Mayor Rudy as "the Cheshire Cat". Had not heard that phrase before. But given the current nasty tone of politics now, the term "the Cheshire Cat" sounds kind of mild and tame by comparison.


Yes, yesterday's weather was totally perfect. And today, right now, it is sunny with blue skies. Super wonderful weather here.


Hope to catch up on J.P.'s nice Africa postings today.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 218,762 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Beautiful weather in abundance here as well! I enjoyed the sunshine all weekend.

Count me in amongst those who are ready for the election to be over! However, I am afraid due to the nature of this election cycle, I fear nothing will be decided tomorrow night. These days I find I am in a more pleasant mood if I tune out the news most nights.

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To take everyone's mind off the election...third (and final) batch of Madagascar pictures are posted here: https://goo.gl/photos/S6M84wheY1nYgXhg9


I'll post some from the South Africa portion of the trip in a few days.


The blog is still a work in progress...slow going, but making progress. Doubt I'll get anything else done today but there's always tomorrow (despite the outcome of the election)! We will head out to vote before work tomorrow, at 6:30 or so, and then hopefully we'll bury ourselves in work and be able to tune out most of the craziness for the rest of the day.

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Nice work JP, thanks for all your efforts.


You had to mention the election! :( Whilst listening to the speeches and thinking back as one shouldn't at a moment like this. Who would have thought a few years ago that we would a few years hence be looking back with nostalgia and longing to see someone of the quality and safety of Dubya's name in the frame rather than what we have today?


Andalso to replicate the spirit of your post to take your mind off of things I thought I might share a link to today's picture blog from Micahel Delange of Syrian bakers ...... and lower in the page other piccies.




Bon chance for the next few hours American cousins. :)



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Thanks for the link, Jeff. And thanks for the positive sentiments. Our friends in Germany messaged me today and said, "It's up to you to save the world...do the necessary thing!" Hoping for the best, though I am not sure what that is.

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