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Cruising post Bariatric surgery.

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I'll be undergoing a gastric by-pass in late October or early November and am cruising 90 days later.

Anybody been down this road before? What's it like to be on a cruise ship and be restricted to a tablespoon or two of food at a time?


You are going to hate yourself, be prepared to not eat anything a baby can not eat. 90 days post surgery is pushing it. You wont even know when to time yourself, and trust me you will know about a year from surgery what I am talking about. And if you go with someone have them observe you when you turn "green around the gills". When that happens run don't walk!

Don't even think about drinking. Uggg.


I would contact the dining staff ASAP, if you plan on continuing with your cruise and tell them you need your food blended. And when I mean blended, mush with no lumps. Then only take bites and quit.


I highly wish to discourage you to take this trip this early. I know I would go, I am bullheaded that way. But if I knew then what I know now, I would never consider it.


Good luck, I really wish you well.

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The above poster is right. 90 days post op, is fairly soon. I had the surgery, back in 1984. It was a pretty new procedure back then. You will learn very quickly just how much you can eat, and what you can eat.

Believe me, if you eat too fast, or the wrong thing, or even a bite too much, it's coming back, if you get my drift. You won't get much warning either.

You will learn quickly that eating, is no longer a fun thing to do. Being on a ship, surrounded by food, will not bother you very much. That's once you quickly find out, how trying to eat any of it will affect you.

Not sure what to advise you to do, regarding the dining room. Perhaps you should just try out the buffet, and select the smoothest, most liquid thing you can find. Be very sure to remember to eat Very Slowly. I couldn't eat, and have something to drink at the same time, for at least 2 years. Maybe that's different with the surgery they do now days.

I wish you all the best, and may you lose all the weight you wish. Relax and enjoy the cruise part of the cruise. You will deserve it. Forget the food part.

Please come back on here, after your cruise and let us know how it all worked out.

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At 90 days post op you should be past the mushy phase and on to regular foods, but still introducing new foods with caution. The ship is no place to experiment if you want to have a good time! I had a 6-day business trip from Houston to Vegas when I was 5 weeks post-op. I consulted with my NUT and she recommended a list of things to take like: tuna salad, yogurt, deli meat, etc. It went just fine.

I took my first cruise at 120 days post-sleeve. I had no problems at all! The buffet, burrito bar and Mongolian were the best food option, as I could choose exactly what I wanted and how much. They offer multiple lean protein options, grilled veggies and fresh fruits.

Breakfast: omelet with ham and veggies (from breakfast buffet), egg white omelet with toppings (MDR), plain yogurt with fruit (buffet), plain oatmeal (buffet).

Lunch: deli meat with cheese roll-ups (made from salad bar), shrimp and guacamole (from burrito bar), meat and veg cooked well done (Mongolian), grilled fish (on buffet every day)

Dinner: same as lunch, generally more protein options on buffet as well.

My suggestion would be to avoid MDR. The food there is rich, delicious and comes in huge potions. It is VERY hard to make good choices in MDR.

Also, if you start feeling like you absolutely have to have dessert, the coffee bar has chocolate covered strawberries and you can buy just one! Make smart choices and you'll do just fine. Enjoy your trip!!

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Each person will heal differently. I just want you to enjoy your trip, being sick in your room because something did not agree with you will suck. Talk to your doctor and have some input from him/her. Honestly I still think 90 days is too soon.


No matter what other people say that is a major change, I wish you all the luck. Instead of cruising you may want to go shopping, you wont have any clothes in 90 days.

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Wow, not the answers I expected but I really appreciate the honesty and the warnings. I never thought in terms of going or not going. My wife had the bypass about 3 years ago lost 155 lbs and had few complications aside from the occasional "crash".

Fortunately we purchased trip protection insurance if I decide not or just can't make it.

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Do not cancel your cruise - you will soon know that there is so much more to a cruise than eating. You will be just fine. By 90 days out, you will be feeling great and figuring everything out. You will have all the tools you need to be successful and it doesn't matter if you are at home or on vacation. You may make a mistake here and there but your relationship with food will be different. You will not want to overdo it, you will be eating soft foods and the staff are more than accommodating. You do not have to overexplain yourself either. Tell your server that you do not eat much due to a recent stomach operation. They are understanding and will take care of you.


It will be just fine.

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Do not cancel your cruise - you will soon know that there is so much more to a cruise than eating. You will be just fine. By 90 days out, you will be feeling great and figuring everything out. You will have all the tools you need to be successful and it doesn't matter if you are at home or on vacation. You may make a mistake here and there but your relationship with food will be different. You will not want to overdo it, you will be eating soft foods and the staff are more than accommodating. You do not have to overexplain yourself either. Tell your server that you do not eat much due to a recent stomach operation. They are understanding and will take care of you.


It will be just fine.


I am so happy that you said this. Kudos to you.

OP...Congrats on your decision. Since you know what to expect, you will be fine. Your wife will be a big help to you also. Have a wonderful cruise! :)

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First - Congrats on you decision for the surgery!!!


Unsure from your OP, but are you having R-N-Y surgery, sleeve or what? That will make a big difference in the impact of the initial (about first 6 months) recovery process on your food situation. The following only applies if you have the R-N-Y procedure - for other procedures, such as the sleeve, someone else needs to comment.


If it is the R-N-Y procedure, saying that you "cannot eat very much" is an understatement for food servers. Your food choices will be critical as somehow you MUST get sufficient protein. This is critical for your body. So, eating about 1/2 cup of food a meal (generally has been the suggested amount at 90 days) - picking what you need for the protein and can digest is a very difficult challenge outside the home in my personal experience. Doable, but a real challenge. Chicken (without sauces) and fish (without sauces) and shrimp will probably be the easiest menu proteins for you to have, and then not much. A bit boring but very doable. Also, be SURE to follow your program's recommendations about the quantity of fluids you need each day AND when. In many programs, you are limited in the time after a meal you need before drinking fluids again, forever! Heed this advice. Also, please heed whatever advice you program folks have about alcohol consumption.


My recommendation - be sure you do not simply get a dinner plate of food - you will eat so little (or should eat so little) that the waste will be significant. Also, if you sit with a group, they will need so much more time to eat that it will be tempting for you to take "just a bit" of something else or "just a bit" too much of even the protein. Don't do it! You will probably experience the consequences of what that "little bits" do to you. However, it is certainly possible to sit around food for 1-1/2 hours and "behave" yourself. Actually easier at 3 months than one year, if you heed what you stomach is telling you.


Also, it will be important that you regularly eat at whatever intervals your program recommends - and to be consistent with this. Take some quality protein bars recommended by your program with you for emergency purposes, such as when in port walking around or on a shore ex.


One of my best "friends" onboard a ship even years later is an custom made egg-white omelet for breakfast. The protein content is tremendous and easy to digest for most folks. With time you can select that to have in the omelet.


Is it worth taking a cruise at this point in you recovery? Only you can decide, but just remember your intake of food (correct foods and quantities) is critical to your comfort and ultimate success of the surgery. Also, exercise is critical, but on a ship that is easy to get between the walking deck and the gym and walking in ports.


If you are having the "sleeve" or one of the other newer procedures that do not change the digestive metabolism of the stomach, disregard the above as your recovery in relation to food will be different from what I understand.

Edited by wander
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You will be able to do everything just like before, except you can eat only one or two bites.


Make your choices wisely. I ate chicken, chicken, chicken and snacked on cheeses and lunchmeats.


You will be fine, have faith!!

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One thing I would definitely suggest... Tell your WaitStaff... They will fully understand and then you won't have the "you no like Mr XXXX I get you something else to eat" every night!!


My husband didn't want to tell them until I did and they just smiled and said "you like it Mr XXX" .. they were so happy he liked the food and from then on they understood why he wasn't ordering from the Main Menu or not finishing his whole plate... And it definitely helped my husband relax at dinnertime instead of worrying about what everyone was thinking...


It's not going to be easy but I think because your wife has already had it, and you saw what she experienced, and know what to expect, I think you'll be fine... It's hard.. it's a life changing decision but willpower and think before you eat will work...


Good Luck and Have a wonderful cruise

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Dread, I think you'll be fine. Having had Beth go through it already and you being a nurse you know better than most what the challenges are.


Donna and I have both had it (full roux n y) and we've both lost over 130 pounds. We've cruised many times since our surgeries and the biggest challenge for us was the waitstaff trying to push food on us.


All these years later we still rarely finish our plates.


At 90 days out you will likely not have any feeling of hunger yet, so be sure and "plan" on meal times. I drink sugar free Carnation instant breakfast and yogurts several times a day to ensure I was getting enough protein. Fish has always been easy for me to eat and any of the savory soups.


A typical dinner meal would be a soup appetizer, what ever fish is being served, any kind of soft veggie.


Good luck and congratulations on taking the steps to get healthy.

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One word of warning -- stay away from the chocolate melting cake!!! I had this surgery 10 years ago and am still only able to eat two bites of sweet desserts! I have finally learned that eating these rich desserts is not worth the uncomfortable feeling afterwards!


Good luck... You will not have any problems. 90 days is more than enough time to get accustomed to your new eating habits! You will have fun and will be just fine!

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One word of warning -- stay away from the chocolate melting cake!!! I had this surgery 10 years ago and am still only able to eat two bites of sweet desserts! I have finally learned that eating these rich desserts is not worth the uncomfortable feeling afterwards!


Good luck... You will not have any problems. 90 days is more than enough time to get accustomed to your new eating habits! You will have fun and will be just fine!


I can only imagine the effects of chocolate melting cake. Fortunately, I'm not a big fan of really sweet desserts so that won't be too big of a problem. I've seen my wife (3 years post op) in misery over a dessert or simply eating too much. I'm pretty sure that will help me stay on the straight and narrow.

Thanks again to everyone who encouraged or discouraged me regarding a cruise. I know all advice was genuine and I appreciate the variety of experiences they represent.

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I had sleeve surgery a year ago. The hardest part is to not over do it. As soon as you feel just a tiny bit full. Put the fork down. And stick with small protein and chew, chew, chew. I still want to order everything on the menu, but only eat a few spoonfuls. But 90 days, you will be on regular consistency foods. And careful with staying hydrated.

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  • 1 year later...
At 90 days post op you should be past the mushy phase and on to regular foods, but still introducing new foods with caution. The ship is no place to experiment if you want to have a good time! I had a 6-day business trip from Houston to Vegas when I was 5 weeks post-op. I consulted with my NUT and she recommended a list of things to take like: tuna salad, yogurt, deli meat, etc. It went just fine.

I took my first cruise at 120 days post-sleeve. I had no problems at all! The buffet, burrito bar and Mongolian were the best food option, as I could choose exactly what I wanted and how much. They offer multiple lean protein options, grilled veggies and fresh fruits.

Breakfast: omelet with ham and veggies (from breakfast buffet), egg white omelet with toppings (MDR), plain yogurt with fruit (buffet), plain oatmeal (buffet).

Lunch: deli meat with cheese roll-ups (made from salad bar), shrimp and guacamole (from burrito bar), meat and veg cooked well done (Mongolian), grilled fish (on buffet every day)

Dinner: same as lunch, generally more protein options on buffet as well.

My suggestion would be to avoid MDR. The food there is rich, delicious and comes in huge potions. It is VERY hard to make good choices in MDR.

Also, if you start feeling like you absolutely have to have dessert, the coffee bar has chocolate covered strawberries and you can buy just one! Make smart choices and you'll do just fine. Enjoy your trip!!



Thanks for the practical suggestions! I am just three weeks post-op and am cruising in three weeks! I've been eating plenty of shrimp and fish here at home, so I will likely do that on board as well. It will be an interesting experience cruising without food being a central focus.

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Not sure why some have suggested you cancel your cruise. I say go for it but just be prepared.


Talk to your Dr/Nut for their suggestions. You said gastric bypass so I'm assuming you're having the RNY. Obviously you'll still be very restrictive so consider just going to the buffet (which on most cruise ships has food available from 6AM until 11PM). You should be able to pick and choose the foods that work for you. If you don't find what you want/need, simply ask. Honestly I would avoid the dining room - you may need more time to eat than they're willing to give you, the choices may not necessarily be to your liking, etc.


The biggest key will be to stay hydrated. It's easy to get off track when you're cruising. I had the DS 14 years ago.


Good luck with your surgery and your cruise - enjoy.

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Not sure why some have suggested you cancel your cruise. I say go for it but just be prepared.




Perhaps you missed that the OP originally started this thread back on August 19, 2015. At which time the OP stated the by-pass would be done in late October or early November (meaning 2015) and would than be cruising 90 days later ( meaning sometime late January or even early February 2016. The cruise has come and gone.

Edited by xxoocruiser
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On the theme of bariatric surgery. ....I had the sleeve done about 3 years ago and will be going on a 20 day cruise in March 2017. For me, a lot of my protein is gotten from drinking at least 1 protein shake per day. I am cruising NCL and they have said you can't bring on any beverages......ant suggestions as to how I should handle this?


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Forums mobile app

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On the theme of bariatric surgery. ....I had the sleeve done about 3 years ago and will be going on a 20 day cruise in March 2017. For me, a lot of my protein is gotten from drinking at least 1 protein shake per day. I am cruising NCL and they have said you can't bring on any beverages......ant suggestions as to how I should handle this?


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Forums mobile app


Have you considered taken along a Protein Powder Supplement that can be mixed with water or other liquids ?

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I would call the accessible desk and ask - you can't be the only person who needed to bring along beverages for medical reasons. They may require a doctor's prescription or note.


If that fails, could you bring along protein powder to add to milk to make your own?

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