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Stair sitters, the last morning! ARG!


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One point I have not seen addressed that could well be discussed on about ANY cruise message board is the following:

WHY do passengers insist on sitting on the stair cases the last morning, hovering over the exit of the ship?

Last week we were sitting one deck up from the exit in a lounge when our color/number was called. When we tried to make it down the marble stairs, both railings were lined with what I call 'stair sitters', all with noses in their books.

Don't these people realize how dangerous this can be?

Well, as you probably already guessed there is a reason for this post. A lady was adjusting herself (?) and stuck out her elbow as I was coming down. Even though I said excuse me, excuse me as I was making my way down, she ended up tripping me. I went flying down half the stair case but thankfully my husband was already at the bottom and caught me before I cracked my head on the marble. But that didn't stop me from getting other injurys.

It has always been a standing rule on all cruise lines to wait in the lounges or open decks until you are called to leave the ship.

Why do these people feel that they have to block the exits?

To make matters even worse, when hubby asked what happened, I told him that the stairs were so clogged with people that I was tripped. A guy sitting near the bottom heard me and stood up and said, and this is the truth, "Hey that is just tough lady". My response to him was "Don't you know the rules of the ship? You are not supposed to block the exits or staircases but sit in the lounges or open decks". He just huffed a bit and sat right back down on his step.

I would hope that someday soon the cruise lines would enforce this rule before someone becomes seriously injured.



Tahitian October 14th,2004

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Several years ago upon arriving in LAX late due to two medical emergencies in Cabo on our Mexican Rivera cruise the crowd in the lobby and on the stairs was so out of control that the Pursers desk stopped all disembaration. They announced that until passengers followed the rules, got out of the way, and sat down in the public areas (not the steps) NO ONE was getting off the ship. They stressed that the safety of ALL passengers was of upmost concern. It was the closest thing to a mob scene I've ever experienced. It was all so unnecessary as Princess had spent two days rescheduling all flights out of LAX. Yes there were some people who had made their own arrangements but Princess even helped with those. It took at least 20 minutes before the crowd backed off enough for them to resume letting people off the ship.


Over the years we have learned two valuable lessons. One, never schedule a too early flight as there can always be delays and two, that not rushing is a good thing. Much easier to find one's bag when 75% of the matching color taged bags have been removed. And no, no one has ever taken one of our suitcases. The lounge for Platinum & Elite does make this easier, but even without that there are lots of places to wait without becoming a hazzard to others.


It's part of this ME, ME, Me mentality that so many people have. So glad your hubby was at the bottom of the stairs and that you were not too terribly hurt.


Crown '93,Star '94, Regal '95,

Sun '96, Crown '97, Dawn '98,

Dawn '99, Sun 2000, Dawn '01,

Grand '02, Coral '03,Star 6/28/03, Sun 3/10/04, Star 02/27/05


countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=FF0000&cdt=2005;2;27;17;00;00&timezone=GMT-0500 Star Princess Sailing


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I would guess that it would be a big fine if the local fire marshall came on board and saw that.


The same thing happens for port disembarkations. Even though they say to wait in the theater until your tour is called and to NOT congregate on the stairs, there are always people packed on the stairs so they won't be five seconds later in getting off the ship. What's the deal? What are you going to miss?


There will always be the pains-in-the-neck (and elsewhere) who feel the rules don't apply to them.


'Vegas Jim


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Many years ago we took a Carnival cruise that ended in San Juan. There were many people waiting on the stairs to leave and someone was smoking a cigar in a very small, hot area. There were many people getting sick from the cigar smoke, myself included.

The guys who unload the luggage decided to go on strike and our luggage was not getting off the ship, and we had to wait a long time in the stairway area. When we finally got our luggage home, it was all wet. We found out a lot of it was thrown in the ocean. It was the only bad cruise I've had out of 30 some cruises. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong on this cruise. But, it always amazes me the people who smoke in the stairways; and no one does anything about it.

Happy Cruising....Anita



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Toto Hope you are OK after your "Flying Walenda" act. What a horrible way to end your cruise. Were you on the 4/4 sailing of the Dawn Princess by any chance? My husband and I have been on 15 other cruises on various lines; all seem to have those same "stair sit-in people" in common. They seem to think that rules are for other people and not them. We thought perhaps Princess would be different. Guess we were wrong. We were sitting in one of the lounge areas off of the Purser's desk. We were absolutely amazed that Princess did not police the stair wells. One of these days they are going to be hit with a good lawsuit and learn their lesson.


[This message was edited by Italy52 on 04-14-04 at 01:33 PM.]

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Italy52, close but not on the Dawn, we were on the Sun Princess March 30th sailing.


It probably won't do any good, but I did write Princess upon returning home commending them on their 'pool police' and asking that they now attempt to enforce the 'no stairs' rule. Hopefully since I explained what happened that they will at least think about this problem. And hopefully others that had a bad experience will also write to them. It is the only way I could think of to make them aware of what they are neglecting as the next time, it could be much more serious for someone.



Tahitian October 14th,2004

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Always lead with your carryon, never with your chin (or your shin). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> icon_biggrin.gif


I don't get it either...everyone wants off the ship and think if they sit on the stairs, they'll get there sooner. Just like people complain about not getting the exact time for Anytime Dining they want because the ship is going to run out of food.


Love Platinum status - so civilized to sit in the Platinum Lounge during disembarkation.



Sun Princess, 03/2004; Pacific Princess, 07/2003; Star Princess, 05/2003; Grand Princess, 10/2002; Grand Princess, 10/2002; Sun Princess, 05/2001; Sun Princess, 04/2001; Sun Princess, 09/2000; Sun Princess, 09/2000; Regal Princess, 10/1999; Sun Princess, 08/1998; Holiday, 05/1998; Westerdam, 09/1997; Regal Princess, 11/1996; Royal Odyssey, 09/1995; Starward, 11/1993



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In general, it's always been something of a surprise to me the degree of surliness, rudeness, and just ugly behavior that seems to surface on dis-embarkation day.


On our Hawaii to Ensenada cruise a couple of years ago (post 9/11) the trip from the ship to San Diego was truly fearson. But I'll tell ya, the people on the bus, snarling, shouting, and making rude comments was just unbelievable. As if yelling at the from the 20th row is going to do anything any way. I just don't understand why people are willing to allow themselves to get so worked up.


So you miss your flight (worst case)? Guess what: they have more planes!




Crown Princess '93

Crown Princess '02

Star Princess '03

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It seems to me that on my three Princess cruises, the Purser made a public announcement not to crowd the stairs. Am I imagining this or did others hear this announcement?


I'm always surprised how few people are actually in the Horizon Court when it's open during tne early part of disembarkation. So, until they pry our hands off the balcony railing and forcibly boot us out of our cabin, that's where we usually hang out.


"I'm gonna book myself on that Princess Cruise."

-- Fox Mulder, X-Files 'Three Words'

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>It seems to me that on my three Princess cruises, the Purser made a public announcement not to crowd the stairs. Am I imagining this or did others hear this announcement?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


We heard it loud and clear. In fact it's the same old story on every cruise that we have been on. I truly believe the culprits are the people who think that rules are made for others and not them. Ships need to appoint "stair monitors." If people are going to behave like children and disobey the rules, then they should be called out for their actions. It is just too dangerous. Frankly, I think the cruise lines have so much going on the day of disembarcation they can't be bothered.

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Although I think Princess does Embarcation better than any one else, Disembarcation is where Celebrity is the best in the biz.


Everyone is assigned a place AND a time to gather. As a result, no one is sitting on the stairs and you don't have to hurry to your gathering place until it's pretty much time for you to get off the ship. As a result no one is frazzled and you can relax over breakfast until it's time to go.


My "best" disembarcation story - on the Grand several years ago our family (9 of us) were instructed to go to the card room to wait because my dad is disabled. The rest of us are young, hale, and hardy! A woman in the room started to yell at us because we were in the "wrong" place and didn't "deserve" to be in that special waiting area. I more or less, but kindly as possible, told her it was none of her business why we were there. She stomped off muttering and brought back a crew member to "throw us out of the room"!! Needless to say, we weren't thrown out but the woman glared at us until we were instructed to get off the ship. I never understood why she cared so much why we were there.


Happy sailing! (and disembarcing!)


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Originally posted by bdjam:



I Just like people complain about not getting the exact time for Anytime Dining they want because the ship is going to run out of food.



These must be the same people who get in the elevators and ask "Does this go up or down"!!!!


Rhapsody of the Seas "97"

GRAND Princess "98"


Till the Diamond


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Always lead with your carryon, never with your chin (or your shin).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


In that same thought process, I offer that you must, as a running back, stay close to your full back. If your husband (FB) is clearing a hole for you (RB), you have to be on his tail. Any gap will allow the defence to close down on you and you will be tackled. If there is a breakdown in the formation, you must drive with your legs and never stop driving forward. Excuse me doesn't work on the field. Brute force and a bit of anger does. Now get out there and win one for the cruiser.


All the best!


Jay & Karen Turner

Mount Hope, Ontario


Westerdam – 12/93

Statendam – 10/95

Zenith – 05/96

Westerdam – 05/97

Norway – 10/97

Westerdam – 10/98

Sun Princess – 10/99

Volendam – 10/00

Volendam – 10/01

Century – 10/02

Zuiderdam – 05/03

Caribbean Princess - 05/04

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Didn't have any of that on the Star getting off from our Bangkok to Venice trip. Got down there at the appointed time in the elevator from cabin our and they said they were running behind and go up and wait on deck 5 until called. It worked fine.


Star Princess Bangkok to Venice



[This message was edited by relevart on 04-15-04 at 05:16 PM.]

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I have seen some really rude people on disembarking day. I don't know why people have suck a good time on their cruise then in such a hurry to get off. When I fly I always make my plane flight late enough so that I don't have to worry about rushing to catch it. This will be the first cruise where I won't have catch a flight.


5/6 Regal Princess/ San Francisco


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Disney has the best disembarkation. You just get off the ship when you are ready. You must be out of your cabin by 8 AM and I believe off the ship by 10 AM. No congestion and no waiting and NO STAIR SITTERS. We were on a Celebrity cruise about 5 years ago that had stair sitters.

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Well, I do know one reason why someone might be in a hurry to get off. We had scheduled a post-cruise tour and took our time getting off the ship. We were one of the last ones in our group, and unfortunately the tour bus was at capacity. We are both over 6' tall and the only seats left were over the wheels of the bus, the worst seats especially if you are tall. We had to sit sideways, practically in the aisle. So in the future, we will make sure we don't dally.


This is not to say we will ignore rules and sit in stairways. This irks me as well, just as the whole "chair hog" thing does, because these people must think the rules don't apply to them. However, the crowded stairwells can definitely create a safety problem. It is really the responsibility of the cruiselines to monitor and rectify this. Maybe the only way for them to get the point is if you were to approach guest relations and mention that people sitting on the stairs create a fire and safety hazard, and you have a camera/camcorder and would not mind documenting this for their legal department should any insurance or liability type of issue arise. Unfortunately, sometimes the only thing the cruiselines understand is their bottom line and how a lawsuit might affect that.


Celebrity Galaxy 3/04


countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=006400&cdt=2004;9;5;16;00;00&timezone=GMT-0800  till Sapphire Princess


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Yes, NO2 I am OK, but if this doesn't get better in the next few days then I am heading for the MD.

Pudgey said I should have whipped out the camera and taken a picture of those stairs after I fell all lined with passengers reading their books, but I was pretty shook up and never thought of it until we were off the ship.

Hopefully my letter will ring a bell with Princess and they will give it some consideration after all of our cruises with them. The 'saving of chairs' is only something that is irritating, the stair issue is a lot more serious. And someone is going to get hurt badly one of these days if they don't find a way to stop this. icon_frown.gif



Tahitian October 14th,2004

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People go on vacation znd leave their brains, and courtesy at home. Several years ago, an irate man (who had been told that he could not smoke his mega-cigar in the Horizon Court) actually shoved me down as he stomped thru the door. If I EVER see him again, I shall be prepared to hand him my hospital bill for a broken knee cap.

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The answer is obvoius and after a week of overeating at the dining room and buffet is even more effective.


Simply step on the first hand or foot available. The tonnage flattened limb will cause screams on the part of it's owner that will scare all the other stair-birds away like magic.


If one isn't enough, go for a second (apologizing as you do so of course) one thingis for sure, the person in line after number two will be moving out of the way.


<FONT color=red>Alaska</FONT>

Diamond Princess 05/04

Mercury 06/02

Rhapsody o.t. Seas 05/98

Legend o.t. Seas 09/95

<FONT color=red>Mexican Riviera</FONT>

Diamond Princess 04/04

Sea Princess 01/02

Vision o.t. Seas 04/02

Star Princess 12/02<FONT color=red>

West Coast-Baja Mexico</FONT>

Ecstacy 09/01

Vision o.t. Seas 10/02

<FONT color=red>Eastern Carribean</FONT>

Century 12/97

<FONT color=red>Western Carribean</FONT>

Century 9/96

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The stair sitters are one more reason you wish you could bring your pets with you on the cruise.


Just seeing your "baby" & hearing one "woof" would make them move. (No fair using puppy to save your deck chair though!)


Ken & Nancy dog1.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Salty Dawg:



The stair sitters are one more reason you wish you could bring your pets with you on the cruise.


Just seeing your "baby" & hearing one "woof" would make them move. (No fair using puppy to save your deck chair though!)


_Ken & Nancy_ http://www.ozpets.com.au/kids/media/animation/dogs/dog1.gif <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


All's fair in love and Rotts.


<FONT color=red>Alaska</FONT>

Diamond Princess 05/04

Mercury 06/02

Rhapsody o.t. Seas 05/98

Legend o.t. Seas 09/95

<FONT color=red>Mexican Riviera</FONT>

Diamond Princess 04/04

Sea Princess 01/02

Vision o.t. Seas 04/02

Star Princess 12/02<FONT color=red>

West Coast-Baja Mexico</FONT>

Ecstacy 09/01

Vision o.t. Seas 10/02

<FONT color=red>Eastern Carribean</FONT>

Century 12/97

<FONT color=red>Western Carribean</FONT>

Century 9/96


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