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Down to the Packing & Out of Control


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Weeell, I had great plans to stick to my list, but I'm afraid I can't do to it. My number of dresses and tops has pretty much doubled, I just feel like I need alot of clothes for this 11 day trip. I am going to read the packing tips thread again, there are some great ideas there. I haven't actually packed a thing, but have piles, lists, clothes hung together in closet. We leave the house 6 AM Sunday. I am afraid it is going to be 2 large suitcases, 1 garment bag, 1 weekender and 2 carryons. We have a JS on the Jewel. It has a walkin closet so at least we won't be stumbling over all this luggage the entire cruise. I thought about trying to make a list of day by day, night by night potential outfits, but who knows about the weather, or how one might feel like dressing. I think that will just make me crazy. So, time to get busy with all of the details. Need to make lists and notes for brother in law who will be staying here taking care of 13 year old, pets and house. I need to get his clothes and room in order also. Just wanted to share that I feel an overpacking experience coming on. Nancy

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Thanks Mrs. Moose! Hi Princess! I am getting really excited, but a little anxious about leaving my son. I always get like this, but have never left for more than a week before. However, I know we are going to have a great time, and we can really use a vacation. We are from Virginia, so we are flying up Sunday (Don't know what we are going to do from 9:30 until boarding time, too much luggage to kick around Boston), and then staying one night after we return on the 12th. Good luck with the packing, preparations, etc. I am going to get busy now! Nancy

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Comfortcove and Princess40:


Have found out in the past I am my worst enemy if I start packing too soon for a cruise. I seem to pack more when I start packing too early.


Right now our suitcases are sitting open in our spare room. Clothes are gathered and sorted. Toiletries gathered (at least what I've remembered to gather) and nothing is in a suitcase yet. We don't leave for the airport for another 16 hours.


Maybe I'd best get off the computer and start packing. :eek:

Enjoy your cruises. DH & I plan to enjoy every minute of ours! :D



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On my last 11 day cruise I had one big suitcase and then the next size down. I did have a carry on. I've learned that sea days and port days require little in regards to outfits. I mainly packed for the nights. I don't mix and match. I made sure that all of my outfits were things I love to wear. I did not decide what I wore until that night. Formal night I chose a formal etc... I also utilize the laundry service for my shorts, tops and excursion wear, that way I could wear them twice. On sea days I just dress in a bathing suit and cover-up. As for shoes I'm trying to learn how to take fewer pairs but for evening wear each outfit most of the time requires it's own look. For the day though I have narrowed it down to one pair of flip flops and one pair of comfortable shoes for ports. On my first cruise, also an 11 day I so overpacked, never again I hated having to lug all that luggage and then having to see all that I didn't need or didn't wear. As for travel days/embarking -disembarking I wore the same outfit, I had it cleaned so it was fresh to wear again.

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Thanks for your good wishes friends. May all of your days be smooth sailing. I still haven't even started packing, 13 son came home reporting his wire was broken on his braces, 18 son needed a ride home from UVA (long weekend, almost a six hour drive for me roundtrip, but his very first weekend home and he really wanted to come home, and is sick), teller who gave me traveler's checks called to say she goofed up and they aren't activated, and I have to come back to the bank on Friday. These kind of complications are why we love to cruise, truly we are away from all of the demands. Excuse me for complaining. I am so ready, but not in any physical way, but we will have a great time. Nancy

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Nancy, that's not so bad with the suitcases. We went on a 6 day with 1 pre and 2 post cruise days. We had 1 large suitcase, 1 medium, 2 garment, 1 weekender and 1 carryon. I'm definitely in the over-packer catagory, but as long as it's all on wheels it works find. Our last trip we actually had to walk about 8 blocks to a rental car agency with all our bags. It was pretty funny watching us with all that, but worked out just fine. Again, it's all on wheels, so no biggie.


All that pre-cruise stuff like braces and bank is typical. My belief is that it's all for a reason - so that when you finally are on your way you REALLY REALLY appreciate the vacation! Enjoy yourself. Your son will be fine and think how happy he'll be to see you when you return, and believe me the time goes far to fast for everyone. Have a great time and be sure to post some pictures after. We need to see you in all these great outfits! :p

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Hey...I think we need to start a club. We can call it overpackers anonymous :) I'd much rather have a few more clothes than I really need than not have enough shoes or outfits to choose from! So my current plan is one big suitcase, one carry-on size to hold as many clothes as possible in case my luggage gets lost, and a small backpack to serve as a purse for stuff that I'll want often on my flights. And of course I'll have to pack an empty bag in my luggage for all those souvineers :) I just don't want to worry about laundry on my vacation!

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First !!!! Have a great cruise. and second, take 1/3 of the stuff out of your suitcases, really, I used to overpack, but really trying to cut back. We have been on 14 and 15 day cruises and one large case each and one carry on each and a packable small bag for goodies I buy on the cruise.I have always felt appropriately dressed and never under dressed with that amount of bags with me. And that is all you really need. No one is going to notice if you ware the same blouse twice, or the same black dressy slacks a couple times with different tops.the key is mix and match. Really you might never see these people again, as long as you are comfortable with how you look, that is what is important.I pack one pair of nice heels to go with my dresses and one pair of kitten heels for with my pants.Sandals and walking shoes. Few pieces of jewelry that you like. Of coarse swimsuits (2) and two cover ups. Try it , You will like it.

That is just my 2 cents , different strokes for different folks. :)

Have a wonderful time :)


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I think I figured out that there is something genetic about packers. You are either an over or under packer. The mind of each doesn't allow you to cross over easily. I could NEVER use one suitcase and rewear a bunch of stuff. And it really has absolutely nothing to do with what anyone else might see or think. I know I'm wearing it again, and don't enjoy it. I NEVER dress for anyone other than me and my SO.


I respect those that can pack the world into their one suitcase, but I can't understand why you have to. Whats wrong with taking 2 suitcases instead of one? I'm ont faulting you, but it seems that there is definitely two distinct personalities. Lite packers with their mix and match-do the laundry thinking, versus the different outfit for every meal-take all your shoes-and don't do laundry thinking. (I'm in that second group) I like it that way, and have absolutely no desire to get to the point of packing for a month into on carry-on bag. Just as that is the pursuit of some, my goal is "how much can I actually pack into this suitcase without exceeding the airline limits".


I don't mean to offend at all, just pointing out that I think there are two distinct groups of people. Some may strive to cross over to the other side, but many of us enjoy where we are!!!!:D

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You are so right, I see your point completely. I personally try to pack light for one reason only, I hate to unpack and repack and then unpack again.


Nothing to do with laundry, I sent out all the laundry on the ship so I didn't have to worry about dirty clothing, it's just for me I hate to unpack and repack.


I don't mind the packing when I'm home, but when I get to where I'm going, I hate the "hanging stuff up" and then the repacking, and then the unpacking when I get home.


I rarely fly anymore, this was my first flight in almost 18 years, so luggage is not an issue as I've only travelled by car. For me it's really about the "work".


But if I didn't care, I would do whatever I was happy with, it's funny though, one time, hubby lifted my bag and said, that's it? I took so little I guess that the bag was so light he was surprised.


For me it's about the weather, rain, warm, heat, cold, sun, if it's winter I have an easier time and if it's summer I have an easier time, it's the "inbetween" that gets me, lol.


Good luck to all, happy safe and healthy travels.

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Thanks all, this is the best board on this whole site. Makes me feel like I am with my friends and sister. I am packing like a maniac, we leave the house early Sunday. Looks like it is going to be four big bags instead of three, my tops have grown to about 23, dresses 10, shoes 14, otherwise I am adhering to my list. Lol. Joelmarj, thanks for the image of you and DH with all the luggage, you cracked me up. Thanks for reminding me how great it is to get away. DH is psyched, he has already gone to bed in our daughter's room so I can pack in MBR. He is so happy to be off work for two weeks! He said "Nobody packs like you!" I told him to read this board! Will report back after the Jewel.

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First !!!! Have a great cruise. and second, take 1/3 of the stuff out of your suitcases, really, I used to overpack, but really trying to cut back. We have been on 14 and 15 day cruises and one large case each and one carry on each and a packable small bag for goodies I buy on the cruise.I have always felt appropriately dressed and never under dressed with that amount of bags with me. And that is all you really need. No one is going to notice if you ware the same blouse twice, or the same black dressy slacks a couple times with different tops.the key is mix and match. Really you might never see these people again, as long as you are comfortable with how you look, that is what is important.I pack one pair of nice heels to go with my dresses and one pair of kitten heels for with my pants.Sandals and walking shoes. Few pieces of jewelry that you like. Of coarse swimsuits (2) and two cover ups. Try it , You will like it.

That is just my 2 cents , different strokes for different folks. :)

Have a wonderful time :)



Different strokes is right. I really don't like not having plenty of clothes to choose from - and I see nothing wrong with that. I like wearing a different outfit each night/day, so your packing methodology may suit you just fine, but keep in mind that many of us do not WANT to pack "light". So if we don't have to (and I don't), then we don't. And for me, there's also my workout clothes - many people don't worry about that on vacation - but for me, that's part of the fun. I can workout extra - so I need extra clothes. :)


Whatever suits your style, have a terrific cruise. :)

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Hi girls:) I am starting my packing today:D I leave here a week from tomorrow!

Flying to LA and sailing on Monday, Oct 10th.


I agree with joelmarj and I think we are all just different. It is funny really,

when you say why not bring an extra suitcase?....my thinking is the opposite,

I don't want the extra luggage.

Who knows......I know me, and I am very low maintenance. But I do have

a different outfit every night. But I don't give myself the extra choices so

maybe that is where I differ.

One outfit each night and usually an extra pair of black slacks and nice top...

"just in case". But that is just me. I don't care about having lots of choices

for the week. I bring what I bring...I like every outfit I have chosen. I make

sure about that at least;) and wear what I have packed. I do bring my daily stuff..shorts, t-s, etc. too.

I bring one suitcase and one carry on and have always had enough room

for everything.

I also pack my first night's outfit in the carry-on and my outfit for pre-cruise

(the night before as well).


Anyway, do what is best for your own situation:)


Now, I just finished matching up my jewelery with all my outfits! Seems I bring

more of that with me than the clothing!!!


PS Hey Kathy, see you in a week:D I will call you later this week

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Hi, Lois, I was just thinking about you last night! It seems like not that long ago we started "talking" about Oct. 9th and here it is, only a week away!


Ephride, that is how this board got started a few years ago, I think it was LoriLinay talking about her overpacking!


I've done it both ways and I do have to say, an overpacker can become a light traveller with practise. I think I became a light traveler because I got tired of all the planning, packing, repacking, especially returning home with so much that was never worn. I've busted the budget to have the "right" clothes, when in reality, I'd rather spend the $ at the spa onboard the ship!


Now, DH, on the other hand, is more like many of the ladies here, he wants choices and plenty of them. Maybe that's how I really became a light packer, I had no room for my stuff!

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I am usually careful about how much I take away on holiday. The cruise I am going on in December was not going to be any different, mainly due to the airline weight allowances being 20kg/44lbs. It was proving a little difficult because I am away for 3 weeks and in climates varying from 80 degrees to 50 degrees.




Last week I was checking the main airline website (I am booked on two airlines each way). On 5 of the 6 sectors the max limit was indeed 20kg/44lbs. But the 6th was 32kg/70lbs. So I rang the airline and discussed with them what I was going to be limited to, in view of the two weights on their website.


Suffice it to say that I am now taking a few extra outfits and couple extra pairs of shoes ;)


Thank you Iberia for making my packing soooooo much easier :)

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