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Review: Carnival liberty – september 20, 2015 – southern itinerary out of san juan,


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We could really see Martinique clearly at this point



We were just about finished with our drinks when Erick, one of our favorite (there were three) bar waiters came around for drink orders. He had the blowfish cup on the tray so asked if I could get the drink special in a blowfish. He did let me know we couldn’t get it as a daily special and that wasn’t a problem. I asked him about the coconut monkey cups and which day they were going to have them and he let us know that Carnival still has them but there had been no shipment of them for this cruise. He said he could check to see if he could find any around and I told him he didn’t have to but thanked him.

Erick came back a few minutes later to let me know he found one behind a bar and asked if I wanted it. I told him I’d take it and said he’d have both of our drinks in those, the blowfish and the coconut monkey. I have the coconut monkey souvenir cups from previous cruises and do try to get one on every cruise (remember, we don’t cruise that often) and especially since Erick took the time to go and find one, there was no way I, or even DH, was going to say “no”.




Right before we sailed out of St. Lucia, Liberty sounded her horn. DH was able to get it on video and I got a picture of where the horn was coming from...



Shortly after that, Liberty started moving away from the pier.



Right as Liberty started moving forward, Erick came back with our drinks. I signed for them and gave him a nice tip since he’d gone out of his way for us.



We stayed on the starboard (right) side as we sailed out of St. Lucia since were on the port (left) side the last time so we could get some pictures with a different view this time. I remembered the little lighthouse that we missed getting decent pictures of this time and we also wanted pictures of Pigeon Island. We’d also be getting good views of Martinique as well and I wanted pictures.


***When leaving St. Lucia, it doesn’t matter what side of the ship you are on, views are beautiful on both sides and even from the aft (back) of the ship***


I'll let the sail away from St. Lucia pictures take it from here for a while





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Sail away from St. Lucia continued...


I zoomed in for this picture of Martinique. Not positive, but I think that's Mt. Pelee (Martinique's volcano) on the left (the higher mountain).





I loved those little clouds and their color





It was kind of sad sailing out of St. Lucia since we just love it there, but I’m determined to get back. Since it was pretty clear, we were able to get a great view of Martinique as well. We saw “B” (from the Pittsburgh area) and her DH, “M” and visited with them for a while. We really enjoyed talking with them.




We were up there for a while enjoying our drinks and once it started getting dark and the drinks empty, we headed back to our cabin to take turns getting showered and ready for dinner. I let DH get his shower first and I went to the balcony to try to get more pictures of Martinique since the lights were on and I thought it looked really neat. They came out, but not the greatest.



We were still passing Martinique and by now, all their lights were on. This is probably Fort de France. Fort de France is where Martinique's cruise ship pier is and is where we were docked when visiting there on Carnival's Festivale in 1992.




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Once we were both ready, we went down to dinner at the usual time and saw Kendrick as we were leaving our cabin. The three of us just looked at each other and laughed after saying “good evening” to each other. Kendrick then asked if we had a nice day in St. Lucia and we told him we did and when he asked what we did, we told him.

When we got to our table, our table mates were already there with huge smiles on their faces. As soon as we sat down, he, "C", offered to buy us both drinks and said he wanted to celebrate. While his DW, "M", was getting ready for dinner, "C" went to the casino to kill some time and hit a decent amount on a slot machine. After he insisted on the drinks, we all agreed that we’d let him get the cordial after dinner shots and we’d do a toast. Our wait staff came around with the water, bread basket and menus and were back around a few minutes late to take our orders.

After placing our orders, we all talked about our day in St. Lucia. We also took turns getting pictures of each other and also contact information. I won't be posting the pictures to protect their privacy.

I had shown them the picture I was able to get of Liberty all lit up after dark in San Juan that night and they both really liked that and asked if I’d mine sharing it with them. I let them know I definitely would not mind and I’d be happy to share it. I promised to text that to them once we got back to San Juan, and if I didn’t have time then, I’d definitely send it once we were home. We had our phones on “airplane” mode for the duration of the cruise in order to avoid international roaming charges. They got a great picture of Caneel Bay while they were over on St. John during our day in St. Thomas from one of the overlooks. We showed each other a few other pictures we’d gotten with the phones. We were having a great night visiting and before we knew it, our meals were delivered. They seemed to be rushing things tonight for some reason, but this usually happens if our wait staff will be entertaining us later.



Tonight I had the usual Caesar Salad for my appetizer (still and A), but didn’t see anything on the main menu that appealed to me. They had Jerk Chicken wings on the Port-of-Call section of the menu, so I ordered those (one of the wings was an A since it was moist and really good, the other was a C because it was dry). I got the Fragrant Basmanti Pilaf (still and A). We ate our meals as we continued our conversations with our table mates. We were definitely having a lot of fun tonight and laughing a lot, and we all seemed to be on a roll. I don’t think we were so loud as to annoy other diners, the table behind us was still much louder. No, the other table was not one of those groups. They were a table of four and were obviously close friends or relatives and they could get loud but not what I’d consider obnoxious, they were having fun and enjoying each other’s company. I do believe the lack of tablecloths echoed the noise more than we’re used to.



When we all finished with dinner, Marko came by to clear the dishes and bring our dessert menus. I ordered the orange Sherbet tonight and DH had his usual, the Carnival Chocolate Melting Cake. Right after dessert was delivered, Yoki came with a full tray of the cordial shots, but then the music kicked on and Yoki set the tray down and started to dance along to the music. Tonight our waiters would be dancing to the song “Happy, Happy, Happy” by Pharrell Williams. As I mentioned earlier while at the end of the tour with Spencer, every time I hear that song, I think of Carnival Liberty and cruising. Well, tonight we’re on a cruise!!!

We were getting pictures of the section of dining room below us with our phones (didn’t bring the camera to the dining room) and I got one of Yoki, our “shot guy”, dancing. He was right next to our table. Again, Marko was nowhere to be found. Jorge was here tonight and he was dancing, so it wasn’t because Marko was taking on extra work that night. When the “show” was over, everyone got back to work.


Yoki, our "shot guy" dancing to "Happy, Happy, Happy"










This guy could really get the crowd going...he definitely had the moves.



This is Yoki. He was great.


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Yoki came back with the tray of shots and we all got one tonight and our dinner mate let him know he was signing for the whole table, and again, we thanked him. We "C", because he was treating us to the shots tonight, and Yoki to pose for a picture before Yoki finished making his rounds with the cordial shot tray. Again, out of respect, not posting that one. Tonight’s glasses were the clear, or “white” colored ones but I forget what was in them. It was good though. As soon as our table mate signed for them, we did our “toast”.

This was a picture taken by mistake, but I thought it was cool. That's the shot glass with ??? in it.






When Marko came around to see how everything was, we all kidded him around for not being out there dancing. He just gave this sweet, innocent smile but we didn’t press him. I’m sure these shows and the dancing IS embarrassing for some of the wait staff. Then you have some of the others who are really into it, like the one at the table below us. That guy had the moves and the gals in that section were loving him. While Marko was still there, we asked if we could get the three of them together for a picture and he was happy to. A few minutes later he came back with Jorge and the other guy and posed for pictures. Our table mate, “C” photobombed the pictures. For the review I’ve cropped him out, for privacy purposes, but the actual picture came out great, it’s hilarious.


Our wait staff: Didn't get the name of the guy on the left (anyone reading happen to have had him and know his name???), Jorge is in the middle, and Marko is on the right.




I got another picture of our wait staff as they, and "C", were posing for "M"



This was definitely a fun night in the dining room, maybe one of the best we’ve had. We sure had great table mates. As we started to get up to leave, we let our table mates know that we wouldn’t be there the next night, a formal night…correction, “American Feast” night and we’d be eating on the Lido Deck but let them know we’d be there the following night. We continued to talk with them as we walked out and thanked them again for the drinks.

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There was no hurry tonight as there would be no Punchliner comedy tonight either since there were other shows being held in the Victoria Lounge tonight. The “Motown Tribute” at 9:00pm and at 10:30pm there was the “Superstar Live with the Liberty Showband” and we weren’t really interested. We decided to go back to our cabin to change into more comfortable clothes and go up to Red Frog for a drink, or two. I was going to be getting up at 5:30am, again, the next morning and didn’t want a late night. We got back to the cabin and our towel animal, a stingray, was waiting on the bed along with the next day’s “Fun Times”.


I try to get the "Fun Times" in the picture too, but DH snagged it check tomorrow night's comedy schedule and who the comedians were



I went into the bathroom and turned the light on and there it was…my surprise from Kendrick, I-Ketut, and Snezana, sitting on the toilet!!!


This was good, I LOVED it!!!


I admit I jumped at first, but only because I wasn’t expecting to see anything on the toilet, let alone a human sized towel creation. I busted out laughing and DH didn’t even have to see yet, he just asked “they finally got you back, huh?” I told him he had to come check this out and he also busted gut laughing when he saw this. This was good and I LOVED it!!! It took us both to move him since we didn’t want to ruin him, and we placed him on the little couch, but not before getting pictures first. We got changed and went up to Lido and the Red Frog.


Joseph and Winston were working and there was another guy, as well. We knew Antonio was in the Venetian Palace during the evenings. We ordered double Captain & cokes and decided to sit there for a while tonight, since they didn’t appear to be super busy. There was another couple seated next to me and we ended up talking to them. They were both very nice and we enjoyed their company. They said they’ve been at the Red Frog most nights and had really gotten to know Joseph. Joseph started folding up a little cash register receipt and when he was done, he gave to the gal. It was a little short sleeved shirt with a collar, with her name on it. Her name was printed like it like the receipts but it wasn’t a charge. It was so cute! As we were out there visiting, he also made one for the rest of us, all with our names. We kept ours.


This is what Joseph, one of our three favorite bartenders, made for each of is. Isn't this cute?


We really enjoyed talking to the couple next to us, so when the drinks were empty, DH asked if I was ready to go back to the cabin or if I’d like one more. We were having fun with good company, so sleep can wait, one more round was ordered. When those drinks were done, it was a little after midnight, but by then we all decided to go in and head back to the cabins.



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When we got back in the cabin, I knew we’d be passing other islands on our way to St. Kitts. We went to our balcony and were passing a large island that had a lot of city lights on. There was also another cruise ship!!! This was the first time doing this itinerary that we saw another ship. This ship appeared larger than Liberty. I was able to get a few pictures of her, but not the best quality. Liberty was moving, she was moving and it’s hard to get a crisp, clear picture.

This isn't the best quality but on the left side of the picture is a bright light, that bright light was another ship.




After researching after returning home, I found the other ship was most likely Princess’ “Royal Princess”. According to the schedule on one of the websites, she was in St. Johns, Antigua earlier in the day and was on her way to Castries, St. Lucia. I knew it wasn’t Royal Caribbean’s “Adventure of the Seas” because she was either in Curacao or Aruba.


More of Royal Princess as we got closer to each other





This is what we looked like to the passengers on Royal Princess, but instead Liberty would be facing the opposite direction. I got this picture of Liberty on May 15, 2010 on the last night of an eastern Caribbean cruise, out of Miami, on Glory. We would be arriving the next morning and Liberty had just left Miami earlier that same day for an eastern Caribbean cruise.



While I was out there, I was also trying for pictures of the other island. Again, not the best quality but at least they came out half way decent. There was moonlight out, so that may have helped with the lighting to actually see the outline of the island in the pictures. I asked DH to turn the TV on to the channel that showed our current location. The island we were passing was Guadeloupe. I was glad that we stayed up there for another drink because I was happy to see Royal Princess pass and to see us passing Guadeloupe.


This is Guadeloupe





After getting the pictures, I came in from the balcony and we took turns getting ready for bed. I also made sure I had my cameras out and ready. I think we were finally in bed by 12:30am.

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Since our day in St. Lucia is finished, I'm going to wrap this up here. Next up will be our day in St. Kitts. St. Kitts is the one I have been wanting to get back to, mainly for a "do over". On our cruise on Valor in May 2013, we had mostly beautiful weather for our cruise, but it rained most of the day we were in St. Kitts and the clouds were so thick and low that we couldn't see the mountains of the island behind Basseterre. I was really hoping for a nice, sunny day this time around.



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Loving your review and pictures! We were on the 'firey' cruise in September!

We are going back to San Juan in February 2016 on the Liberty to do this itinerary again.... in hopes to see it to the end! lol


What is your camera? The pics are awesome.

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It was also about this time that I realized what I totally forgot to get while at CVS….the Gasolinas!!! ****!!! I have read about them in a few other reviews and really wanted to try them. They are adult beverages in a box, like a drink box for little kids, and they come in a few different flavors.


We got these the last time we went to San Juan since there was a big hype about it but it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be (in my opinion). I wasn't a fan of the taste. Then again this CVS only had 1 flavor which was the acai something. We bought them and then opened them around the corner. Some woman stopped and told us how to get the straw because we were like "How are we suppose to drink these!?!?" She laughed and said "They aren't so great, but enjoy!"

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We got these the last time we went to San Juan since there was a big hype about it but it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be (in my opinion). I wasn't a fan of the taste. Then again this CVS only had 1 flavor which was the acai something. We bought them and then opened them around the corner. Some woman stopped and told us how to get the straw because we were like "How are we suppose to drink these!?!?" She laughed and said "They aren't so great, but enjoy!"




We forgot to try them on our trip in 2013... So we made sure to get all the flavors to try this time...


THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money on these! Everyone in our group hated them...The "original" was *ALMOST* bearable... but not worth the money... (I was VERY disappointed! )

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We forgot to try them on our trip in 2013... So we made sure to get all the flavors to try this time...


THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money on these! Everyone in our group hated them...The "original" was *ALMOST* bearable... but not worth the money... (I was VERY disappointed! )


Oh, I totally agree, Jim. I made sure to buy some this cruise, too.

I think they Let you smuggle them on purposely cause the jokes on us as to how gross they are. LOL.

I was planning on sharing with Holly and Dave since they hadn't tried them and after I took one sip, I left them in the cabin drawer.

Next cruiser may or may not had the chance to try them.

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Loving your review and pictures! We were on the 'firey' cruise in September!

We are going back to San Juan in February 2016 on the Liberty to do this itinerary again.... in hopes to see it to the end! lol


What is your camera? The pics are awesome.


Oh no...I honestly feel so bad for everyone on that sailing to have a much anticipated cruise interrupted and cancelled. I just hope that you were able to enjoy some of it. We were definitely a little panicked ourselves and were VERY fortunate that they got the problem resolved. We did the same itinerary on Valor in May 2013 and it is, hands down, our favorite. I'm so glad that you're booked on Liberty in February for a "do over". I hope that all goes well for you this time.


Cameras...I used four total. LOL!!! The main one I was using was my Canon Rebel t1i DSLR but I'm still getting used to it. I had a Kodak Easyshare Z612 (older camera) that I was using as back up, just in case. For the underwater pictures I have the Canon Powershot D20 and am happy with it. I've heard great things about the Olympus Tough for underwater as well. Now here's the shocker...we just got smart phones in July and I took several pictures with the smart phone camera (Samsung Galaxy 6) that to text to friends/family and those pictures actually came out the best. I didn't have to do anything, basically point and shoot. What I loved is that the color of the pictures come out exactly as it was.


I'm so glad you're enjoying the review and thank you for following along.

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We got these the last time we went to San Juan since there was a big hype about it but it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be (in my opinion). I wasn't a fan of the taste. Then again this CVS only had 1 flavor which was the acai something. We bought them and then opened them around the corner. Some woman stopped and told us how to get the straw because we were like "How are we suppose to drink these!?!?" She laughed and said "They aren't so great, but enjoy!"


Thank you for letting me know. Now I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. :) I was kicking myself when we got back on Liberty for forgetting about them. Sounds like it would have been a total waste of $$$.

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We forgot to try them on our trip in 2013... So we made sure to get all the flavors to try this time...


THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money on these! Everyone in our group hated them...The "original" was *ALMOST* bearable... but not worth the money... (I was VERY disappointed! )


Oh, I totally agree, Jim. I made sure to buy some this cruise, too.

I think they Let you smuggle them on purposely cause the jokes on us as to how gross they are. LOL.

I was planning on sharing with Holly and Dave since they hadn't tried them and after I took one sip, I left them in the cabin drawer.

Next cruiser may or may not had the chance to try them.


Jim and Laura, I had no idea they were that bad until I saw the comments from Mrs.C05 and both of you. All I can say was that I'm so glad I forgot about them when we were in CVS. I would have wasted time and $$$, I probably would have gotten several to put in our tumblers.


Laura, I do remember you offering to share with Dave and I. That's funny you left them in the cabin drawer...maybe your cabin steward tried them. LOL!!!


I'm really missing our cruise!

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We forgot to try them on our trip in 2013... So we made sure to get all the flavors to try this time...


THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money on these! Everyone in our group hated them...The "original" was *ALMOST* bearable... but not worth the money... (I was VERY disappointed! )

Gasolinas are a product of amazing advertising and hype between the almighty 18-34 demographic group here in Puerto Rico. MY personal opinion is that this is for people who will simply drink almost anything just to say they are drinking *something*. And that is MY own personal opinion. My take: they taste like s***.

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Gasolinas are a product of amazing advertising and hype between the almighty 18-34 demographic group here in Puerto Rico. MY personal opinion is that this is for people who will simply drink almost anything just to say they are drinking *something*. And that is MY own personal opinion. My take: they taste like s***.


You're probably right. Some of the stuff we used to drink when not quite at that age was nasty, but we drank it anyway because we thought we were cool. :) Again, so happy we did not spend the time or $$$ purchasing any and won't even let them cross my mind the next time we're in San Juan.

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Before proceeding with the actual review I thought I'd mention this as information for anyone doing Carnival's southern itinerary in the future that hasn't yet been.


This was another morning that I had my alarm set for 5:30am and wanted to be up at 5:30am. I must be crazy for getting up so early on vacation. There is a reason for this total madness. I knew that we would be passing other islands just before Nevis that I wanted to see. One is the small island of Redonda and the other is Montserrat. Whether or not the weather would cooperate or not, I wanted to see for myself.


***On this itinerary on the morning of St. Kitts, the starboard (right) side of the ship has the best views if you want to see these other islands. If you have a port (left) side cabin, you don’t have to miss this view. Just set the alarm for around 5:30am and head up to the starboard (right) side of the outer decks. ***

When we left St. Lucia for St. Kitts, we headed north. We passed Martinique early enough for us to see (both daylight and when dark); Dominica was after Martinique but we were inside when passing Dominica; next was Guadeloupe, which we were passing a little after midnight. Next up from Guadeloupe is Montserrat. I did not know what time we'd pass Montserrat but Montserrat is not that far away from Nevis, which I remember passing between 5:30 and 6am when on our Valor cruise. I did not know about the little island of Redonda.


When on our Valor cruise in 2013, I was up early because this was all new to me and I did not want to miss a thing. It was mostly cloudy on the morning of our arrival in St. Kitts on our Valor cruise. I could see Nevis, but only the bottom section and I could see St. Kitts ahead, but only the bottom section. I didn't see any other island except for the teeny tiny island between St. Kitts and Nevis. When I read Valentinebaby1's Valor review (Oct. 2013) and saw their pictures is when I found out about Redonda. I really loved that other islands were visible from the ship.


On our honeymoon cruise, similar itinerary, we had a port of call every day then our last day was a sea day before arriving back into San Juan. On that sea day, they listed in the "Carnival Capers" (now called the "Fun Times"), that we'd be passing other islands during the day and had which islands and what time and, also including which side of the ship they could be seen from. We saw them pretty clearly, but we were also sailing closer to the islands. It may have been that Festivale was a much smaller ship.


Now, reason for early wake-up call...I wanted to see the other islands as well as sunrise because sunrise would also be on the starboard (right) side of Liberty.


(Redonda is not listed on here, but it's between Montserrat and Nevis)

Attaching a map of the Caribbean that I found on the internet of the islands and to show how close some are.


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The alarm went off at 5:30am and I got up to turn it off, grabbed my cameras and immediately went to our balcony. I wanted to be sure my camera lenses were able to adjust to the humidity as quickly as possible. Even though sunrise wasn’t until 6:01am (listed at top of the “Fun Times”), it was getting light out. The first thing I saw was Nevis, it was straight ahead and could not be missed, it was right there and it wasn’t cloud covered at all, not even the top. Even though the sun wasn’t up yet, it was getting light, so I could see that it was clear with only a few clouds that were already getting a lot of color from the imminent sunrise. The wind was also very calm and the only breeze I felt was created from the movement of the ship.

I was elated that the weather was like this. St. Kitts is occasionally missed because of high winds and rougher seas and Liberty is also experiencing problems with one of her thrusters. They are now using tugboats to help her dock at the pier in St. Kitts. Today there should be no issues. On our Valor cruise in 2013, we had mostly beautiful weather during the week, but our day in St. Kitts was not one of them. We had rain a good portion of the day, although the sun made an appearance for about a half hour while we were at a beach. The clouds were so thick and low that we could only see the very bottoms of both St. Kitts and Nevis and never really saw any of the mountains. From what we were able to see, St. Kitts was very pretty, so this is one island I’ve been itchin’ to repeat.

Again, the reason for my pre-dawn wake up was because I knew that we be passing other islands just before Nevis that I wanted to see. One is the small island of Redonda and the other is Montserrat. Even though we had already passed directly by them, I was still able to see both. As soon as the cameras’ lenses had adjusted to the humidity, I started getting pictures.


From our balcony, we could see Nevis (and St. Kitts ahead, but not all of it, yet), Redonda, and Montserrat all at the same time. Montserrat appears to have a huge gap in the middle and almost looks like the letter “M”, or an upside down “W”. I know that the Soufriere Hills volcano erupted in 1995, so the gap may have been a result of the eruption, but I’m not positive since this is the first time I’ve ever seen Montserrat. Way in the distance I could see something else, but I couldn’t tell if it was clouds or another island. Using the zoom lens on the one camera, I could see that it was an island. I found out later that it was Antigua. It’s barely noticeable though. I stayed out there till sunrise and continued getting pictures. Even though the view was the same, the sky constantly changed with the colors of the clouds and seemed to be more colorful with each passing moment.

Now to let the pictures take it from here. For some comparison between our beautiful clear morning coming into St. Kitts on this cruise compared to a lot of clouds two years ago on our Valor cruise. I will note the ones that are 2013. Definitely worth the wait...now for the pictures.



Good morning Nevis!!! (Liberty cruise - 2015)





This was our view of Nevis when sailing into St. Kitts on Valor in 2013





This is Redonda on the left and Montserrat on the right (Liberty 2015)





I took this picture because I could actually see the rain. This was to the right of Nevis, where I'd have been able to see Redonda and possibly Montserrat. At the time, I had no idea they were even that close and wouldn't have known to look for them. (Valor 2013)





Redonda (Liberty 2013)





Montserrat (Liberty 2013)




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