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Review of MSC Fantasia 24th to 31st October 15


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Our next port of call was Valetta in Malta with a very early start, as we were due to dock at 7am, so we set the alarm for 6-30am, planning to grab a very quick continental breakfast before disembarking. In fact when the alarm went off we were already in the port, so we quickly got up and grabbed a quick breakfast before leaving the ship.




it was quite a long walk from the ship to the Barracka lift, which transports you up to the upper Barraka gardens for just one Euro return. This was our first experience of being bombarded by taxi's horse and carts and other tour operators trying to get our business. We managed to get past them all though and stuck to our plan of having a walk all around the town. As we were so early there was no queue for the lift and when we got to the top we took in the views from the walls around the garden. The garden itself was very pretty and overlooked the lower Barraka garden which had cannons and other military equipment in it.






From here we walked into the town which was a bit of a ghost town at that time of the morning. We did though manage to get into the Saint John co-cathedral without any queues although I'm not sure we were supposed to be in there. The cathedral is absolutely stunning inside and well worth a visit.







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The cathedral is absolutely stunning inside and well worth a visit. I would have to say though that this was my least favourite port visit so far. The town is very old with quite a lot of restoration work going on but all the buildings are crumbling a little and it just didn't feel like a place that I could fall in love with or have any great desire to return to.






As you can see there were very few people about at that time in the morning




This picture almost shows how steep and narrow the roads are, but you can't really capture the full effect.




The views from the waterside were very nice, and the town walls were impressive, so maybe it was just the lack of people and atmosphere that made it feel so un-desirable.





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There were a couple more very nice churches, with fabulous ceilings and decor, one of which was undergoing a major restoration programme






So by 10 AM we decided to make our way back to the ship as I was missing the jacuzzi!! We had a great view of our ship from the side of the Barraka lift, and especially when we got back down to the port. Standing alongside the Fantasia made you realise just how massive the ship is, and also makes you wonder how something this large can stay afloat.






Once back on board, I spent a good hour just soaking up the sun in the Jacuzzi while Lisa enjoyed a read. It was turning into a really pleasant sunny day but we did have a short sharp shower, so decided to go to the Red Velvet MDR for lunch.


I really enjoyed the starter which was cheese croquettes but Lisa found the salmon with vegetables quite strange as it was served cold. I had sampled quite a few risottos over the last few days but this one was the best so far. Lisa add the basil and tomato pasta, while I had ribs for my main course which were quite nice tasted, but the meat didn't fall off the bone as I would have expected it to. The fruit tart for desert was very nice and Lisa enjoyed her cheese but as at the night restaurant it was served without any biscuits.


We were able to watch the Sailaway through the restaurant windows and once lunch was over we got ready for an afternoon of sunbathing and cocktails. This was to be our longest stretch on board as we would not be talking in Parma for around 32 hours. After a few hours on the Sunday and then during regular visits to the Jacuzzi we took cocktails and gelato back to our room to enjoy the sun from our balcony.




It was beautiful to watch the sunset from our room.



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This was the second formal night and also the chance to meet and have photos with the captain of the ship. We had agreed with our table mates that we would go for the formal option, and on this occasion The majority of the passengers were wearing formal dress.




Tonights show was called Parfum D'Orient, which was a French style variety show, preceded by the formal introduction of the Captain and all the senior officers




It was an entertaining show, finishing with an excellent can-can routine.








We had the customary pictures on the beautiful Swarofski steps before meeting up with our friends for drinks before dinner.



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The formal dinner menu included snails in a pastry shell though neither Lisa or I chose this option. I started with a shrimp cocktail while Lisa had Gorgonzola mousse which she loved.






I then add a sweet and sour salad while Lisa add the oxtail consommé. Her next course was the tortelli filled with asparagus while I have the risotto which was even better than the one at lunchtime.






The lamb that I had for main course was absolutely delicious and so tender. Lisa's beef was also very tender but she does prefer her to be a little more well done.




We both have panacotta for desert which again was very nice.



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Here are our wonderful table mates, who helped to make our week so special, firstly Alan & Sandra (Sanj)




And next its Stuart & Sarah. Stuart is also a teacher so he was able to compare notes with Lisa!! Our wonderful waiter made sure our glasses were kept topped up, and amazed us by always knowing our drinks, and always bringing the right food to the right person, even though he had two or three other large tables to serve!!




Heres a shot of the snails in the pastry case which a few of our table mates enjoyed




More coffee and Baileys followed in our favourite bar together with more pictures on the Swarofski stairs, before I decided to have my €10 in the casino.







As always I'm not as lucky as my DW and I soon got down to my last Euro before rallying back up to €10, so I called it a day in the hope that I may have more luck tomorrow! It's easy to see how some people get hooked on it though as it certainly gives you a buzz when you are winning! Yet again it was after 1-30am before we finally went to bed, but at least we didn't have to be up early in the morning.

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As always I was wide awake at 7:30 AM so went up to the aqua park to get in the Jacuzzi. There was a lot of really black cloud around and the sea looked quite choppy, but I still really didn't notice any swaying or anything. I decided to grab a light breakfast & then have a wander around the ship to try & find places I had missed so far. One place was the Gym - now it may surprise you that I'd avoided this so far with my fine physique!!




I also discovered the Top 18 exclusive solarium - this is an area where you can pay extra to sunbathe in comfort




After a couple of hours or so the sun was out so I went to get Lisa up but she was already awake. She went to get a light breakfast while I attended the disembarkation meeting, where they explained the procedure for leaving the ship. This was quite depressing really, as it was a reminder that our holiday was quickly coming to an end.


We spent the rest of the morning soaking up the sun along with cocktails before going for lunch in the Zanzibar.




Although the front of the cafeteria was quite manic and very busy, I had read on Cruise critic that going right to the back of the cafeteria was the best option for seating. This definitely proved to be the case as we met up with our table mates from our MDR and had a really good lunch including sampling all the products on the ethnic and Mediterranean sections of the buffet.




We arranged to meet up later that evening to share a cab into Palma rather than taking the MSC shuttle bus as it seemed a little steep at €12.90 per person. We had a full afternoon of sunbathing to enjoy first though. We liked it in the Zen area at the back of the ship as it was quieter than the aqua park and we had no problem getting sunbeds or cocktails, although the pool was very cold.




It also amused me to see the depth of the pool was 5 foot 12 inches - - that would have been 6 foot when I was at school!!



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There was still time to take in the snow party on deck and also to witness the most amazing sunset I have ever seen before dinner.








Due to the late arrival in Palma it was open seating in the MDR that evening and there was no show in the theatre so we met our friends for drinks and then went in for dinner. It seemed quite strange sitting in a different place and having a different waiter but it was a very enjoyable meal and we had a good laugh when they served up what we thought was bread-and-butter pudding but it certainly didn't have the consistency of a bread-and-butter pudding!!







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Once we disembarked our decision to take a taxi proved to be a good one, as the queues for the shuttle bus were long and it would have cost is €12-90 each, whereas we got straight into a taxi and it only cost €14 each way between the four of us. It was good to see the cathedral all lit up






It was lucky we were there really as Alan had to hold the cathedral up at one stage




but there was not much else open really other than bars and restaurants so we decided to get back to our favourite cappuccino bar, having a great view of the Fantasia all lit up as we got back to port






Once back in the bar, I tried to make my way to the cocktail menu and we had a really good laugh with the waitress who was amused that I was drinking "ladies drinks".




Yet again it was after 1 AM before we got to bed but we didn't have to be up to early in the morning as we were not due in Barcelona until 12:30 PM

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It was now our last full day of the holiday and as always I was up very early and in the Jacuzzi before 7:30 AM it was another lovely day and so we were able to sunbathe for a couple of hours after a good breakfast. Docking in Barcelona was exciting as the ship had to dock sideways on in-between two other ships so this was quite an amazing sight. Thanks again to cruise critic I had read about the port shuttlebus which was excellent as it was much quicker than waiting for the MSC shuttle and at only 3 euros return was much cheaper than the €8.90 that MSC were charging for their transfer. The bus dropped is off at the Christopher Columbus monument and we made our way up to the Ramblas.






We had pre-booked tickets for the sagrada Familia but our entry time was not until 4 PM with A trip up the Passion tower booked for 5 PM. We have plenty of time so we went to the market just off the Ramblas. This is an amazing place selling a wide variety of fruit, meat, fish life stock etc all with fantastic displays.






We then carried on up the Ramblas to Place de Catalunya which is a lovely square with Fountains etc and millions of pigeons!!





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From here we decided to try and walk to the Sagrada Familia via a place that I had visited as long ago as 1968, the Monumental bullring. It was quite a long walk but when we got there it brought back great memories, but it was disappointing as it was closed until 4 PM so I was unable to go inside or visit the museum. It was only a five minute walk from the bull ring to Sagrada Familia, and I was glad that I had made the effort to see it.






I was even more glad that I had pre-booked tickets into the basilica as this was undoubtably one of the most amazing places I have ever seen.









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The magnificence of the outside paled into insignificance, once you entered the basilica. It is undescribable in words, and pictures do not do it justice - all I will say is if you ever get the opportunity, be sure to go inside. I'm sure you will be every bit as impressed and amazed as I was.







The way that the stained glass windows light up each area in different colours is truly amazing. It is planned to have all the building work completed by 2026 to mark 100 years since the death of it's creator, Gaudi, and the picture above shows his tomb lit by candles. I literally took dozens of pictures both inside & out of this amazing place.
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The trip up the passion tower was also exhilarating, with magnificent views of the whole of Barcelona as well as close-ups of the tops of the towers and the building work that is still going on. Just beware that if you are at the towers on the quarter hour, the bell rings, which scared the living daylights out of me much to the amusement of my DW.






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We planned on taking the Metro back to the Place de Catalunia and walking back down the Ramblas from there, to take in the atmosphere. Unfortunately it didn't quite work out that way as we bought a one trip ticket thinking that would allow us to change at diagonal and then carry on our journey but it didn't and we ended up having to walk through to Place de Catalunia and then carry on our journey back down the Ramblas to join the shuttle bus back to the ship. It is fair to say we were quite tired by the time we got back on board and we add to get ready for our last night & finish packing,



We ended up missing the Tin Tin show, which was a disappointment as it was very good apparently. We again met up with our friends for pre-dinner drinks and enjoyed our last night together, ending up with us having our last Baileys and coffee session before going and blowing my last few shillings in the casino.



We said our goodbyes to our friends just in case we didn't get to see them tomorrow and they are truly been great company. I'm sure we will stay in touch. We had to have our cases outside our room by 2 AM so we went up to bed at around 1 AM.



We needed to vacate our room by 10am in the morning, and it really was emotional as we sat out on the balcony for the last time, before sadly getting into our lovely bed.
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So after what seemed like around five minutes since we left, we were steaming back towards Marseille. We had an early breakfast in Zanzibar before sadly vacating our room. We had been really comfortable in the room and our Steward had done a remarkable job even though we hadn't seen that much of him, although on the occasions that we did he always called me Mr Kevin which quite amused me!

It was a beautiful sunny day so we headed for the back of the boat in our favourite Zen area and managed to get in a couple more cocktails on our sunbeds, before we took in the scenery and our approach to Marseille.




We had an allocated disembarkation time of 12:20 PM so we went for one last piece of pizza before heading down to the theatre for our departure. Just as it had been on our arrival last week, the disembarkation procedure went very smoothly and we were quickly in a taxi towards the train station. We certainly couldn't face dragging our cases back to the shuttle bus and if I ever set out from Marseille again I would definitely get a taxi from the station to the port, rather than messing with the Metro and the shuttle bus as we did a week ago.

We had a bit of a disaster once we arrived at the station as we had planned to leave our cases in the left luggage at the station while we spent five or six hours in Marseille before heading back to the airport for our flight home. We were devastated to learn that the left luggage department was closed which left us with the prospect of pulling three cases around all day. This simply wasn't an option so we decided to look for a very cheap and cheerful hotel to leave the cases in. We eventually found a room for €40 and although it was lower than two star quality it certainly served its purpose.

We made our way down to Vieux port which is a lovely area.



From here we took the little tourist train up to the Notre Dame the basilica. This is another absolutely stunning building right up on the top of the hill which we had seen the previous week from our ship. The train ride was not the most comfortable journey I have ever had as they are rammed for people on each row so we were quite crossed but it was well worth it once we got to the Basilica.

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The views from up there were quite stunning although I must admit tinged with a little sadness as we could see the Fantasia quite clearly and we really wanted to be back on board. To rub salt into the wounds the MSC excursion was in the basilica at the same time as us. We even considered mugging a couple of them for their cruise cards!!





Lisa lit a candle in the crypt, in memory of our absent friends and to thank God for giving us the opportunity to see such wonderful sights as we have over the last week


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Seeing the inside of the Basilica was yet another amazing experience in what had been a week full of unforgettable moments.





So after taking in yet another wonderful building and magnificent scenery it was time to get the little train back to Vieux Port, where we had a sit down and a drink, taking in what would probably be the last rays of sun for us this year.

We took the Metro back to the station and found out where we needed to be for our shuttle bus back to the airport before heading back to our room. As it turned out it was useful to be able to have a shower and also nip out for a snack before heading for the shuttle bus.

Once we got to the airport I actually fell asleep as it had been a very tiring last couple of days. I also slept on the plane which is something I never usually do but I was awake in time to see the magnificent view of Disneyland Paris as we flew over it including the fireworks and we also had really good views over London.

So all that remained was the long drive back to Sheffield from Stanstead but we had 1 million memories to keep us going. It had been a wonderful holiday and one that we would never forget.

I will definitely be cruising again in the future and I would have no hesitation in booking with MSC and I would certainly love to go back on the Fantasia again one day

Thanks for reading my report, and I hope that I managed to generate just a little of the pleasure & excitement that we felt on our first ever cruise.


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Thanks for such a great review. It was a good insight into cruising with MSC which we will be doing ourselves in December. It seems that you have got the bug.
One quick question, where the cabin stewards mainly male or were they mixed. I ask because I like to leave a small gift for them.

Happy cruising
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