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Casino smoke


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I don't know how they do it but the Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi , MS is smoke free and has been for a few years..we love it...NO SMOKING..and they are always packed...wish this could be true for the casino on board the ship...it's crazy how smoky it gets in there!

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Again? Why?

Is it that you think by creating yet ANOTHER thread complaining about Smoking, that you will whine & snivel your way to taking away the casino smoking area now too?

The non-smokers raised enough racket that smoking wasn't allowed in rooms, fine.

The non-smokers then complained and whined about getting a whiff of smoke from people smoking on their balcony.

Poof, no smoking on balconies! Really, ok fine.


An outside area or 2 that is rarely maintained & usually disgusting with overflowing ashtrays & maybe a wood bench to sit on and the casino is what most smokers have left onboard.

Although, I noticed some nice areas in the Breeze, so maybe Carnival is now doing the right thing & giving them some comfort.


Honestly, this rabid, cut throat, hand waving, coughing really has to stop.

Non-smokers have 99% of the ship to use, if you are that bothered by it, there is something wrong with you.


For sure, the teeny tiny bits that can be detected from a balcony are NOTHING compared to standing any where near a road, street or highway with traffic & exhaust; many people (especially in any sizable city) breathe in more pollutants and garbage in their daily lives! Bonfires ever? Grill much? Live near industrial area?


So here it is,

Carnival could you please forego a bit of your profits to install some quality commercial smoke eaters, especially in the casino areas.

Other businesses have done this and you should too.

The non-smokers say its so smoky that they can't breath.


And no I don't smoke anymore, but I think it should be a fair compromise for all parties onboard.

From what I see on CC all sides sound pretty selfish.

Hello, non-smoker?



Of the many local casinos near me only 1 of 12 is smoke free.

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I have only recently just started posting as usually someone has already said what I was going to say. This thread astounded me! Usually it really gets really nasty when this subject is brought up. This one, no so bad. I try to be a considerate smoker. I agree, it does smell very bad. I will never quit as have so many other health issues, even my Dr. says smoking will not be what kills me. My husband quit about 8 years ago. Thank goodness as we could not afford for both to smoke as expensive as it is now!:) At home I only smoke in my home office and out the kitchen window when I have to be in there. Before we moved to this townhouse I only smoked outside on our deck. Now, I would have to go downstairs, either smoke in the garage (which I would not do, as it is his man cave) or step outside to a city sidewalk. Not happening. We go to many casinos in Louisiana, our favorite has a large separate non-smoking casino. I am mostly in the smoking section, and I always take an end seat at a bank of slots. If all other players are not smoking, I go somewhere else. But, if I sit there 1st and then someone sits down and does the choke, choke, waving their hand around, I just ignore them. I feel it would wreck my gambling karma to say what I would love to say. Why are you in here if this bothers you so much? The non-smoking part of the casino is HUGE! We cruise every other year and on our last one on the Magic 2014, just made it under the wire before they stopped the smoking on the balcony. I swore that would be my last cruise as I love to read a book, have a drink and smoke on my balcony. I never lit up when I could tell that others on either side were not smokers if they came out to their balcony. Well as I know, Never say never. I booked us for 2016 and will just suck it up and bring patches and lozenges to help when I can't smoke. I just don't understand why Carnival doesn't do what hotels do? Simply ask if you prefer or must have non-smoking, and keep certain rooms just for one or the other. I am not looking forward to going to the deck one up from the pool to have my morning coffee and if it is like it was last time, squeeze in with MANY others at the 2 tables provided for that. Anyway, as others have said, not all of us are trying to kill you with our 2nd hand smoke. Our local dive bar even has a high quality filter system, works very well, but, some think it makes the temp cold and they turn it off. Even as a smoker I have often came home threw all my clothes in the wash and showered to get the smell out of my hair. Nasty habit but one I have had for 51 years.:eek:

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I am a nonsmoker but don't deny smokers their rights. I just wish Carnival could do a better job at ventilation. I also don't see why they can't separate the smoking and nonsmoking areas instead of just having a few nonsmoking machines mixed in with the smoking ones. Even if they just gave the nonsmokers 1/4 of the room. RC and Princess do a much better job of this. They also have nonsmoking in the casino on formal nights. I really enjoy the casino and try and stay away from the smoke as best I can but still reek and have a sore throat for days. I do worry about the amount of smoke the waiters, bartenders and casino workers are exposed to. 12hrs a day,7days a week for 6-10 months. They probably inhale more smoke than the smokers. I wonder if anyone has done a study to see their lung cancer rate. I can only stand it for about an hour. They can't leave.

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The reason it is so bad is because smokers are being pushed out of every area. From what I understand, it has gotten worse since the ban on balcony smoking. Maybe folks that complained all the time about being able to smell a whiff of cigarette smoke from their balcony should have thought about what might happen inside where there is quite a bit more than a whiff of smoke.


You obviously are used to smelling like smoke and thinking its normal, but most of the country is not (according to statistics), It is not just a "whiff" of smoke on the balcony, its sitting inside an envelope of smoke, constantly. You should be a smoker because you just don't get it, we do not have a choice but to INHALE the smoke of a smoker near us, we need to breathe so we need to inhale. If I spend the same amount of money for a balcony as you BUT I cannot sit or use my balcony because of the obnoxious smoke 24/7 how is that understandable?


Its a smokers choice to smoke and not care about their own health BUT they have no business or right to make that same decision for me by blowing the smoke in my airspace for long periods of time (like on a balcony) or gathering in masses so that the air is now a fog (indoor spaces), open your eyes and use common sense. So the smokers need to move outside, in the fresh air so their smoke disappears, just sayin....


So you were forced at gunpoint to take a cruise? :rolleyes:

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You know I thought it larger than that but did a quick search and saw the same statistic.


Then I tried to search for a percentage of cruisers that smoke as I wondered if that would be a higher percentage but didn't not see anything.


Anyway maybe we can move the casino to the lido deck where there is plenty of air and we can work on our tans while we play the slots[emoji33]


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


There is plenty of air on the balconies as well and people whined about that so I don't think it would make a difference.

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I have only recently just started posting as usually someone has already said what I was going to say. This thread astounded me! Usually it really gets really nasty when this subject is brought up. This one, no so bad. I try to be a considerate smoker. I agree, it does smell very bad. I will never quit as have so many other health issues, even my Dr. says smoking will not be what kills me. My husband quit about 8 years ago. Thank goodness as we could not afford for both to smoke as expensive as it is now!:) At home I only smoke in my home office and out the kitchen window when I have to be in there. Before we moved to this townhouse I only smoked outside on our deck. Now, I would have to go downstairs, either smoke in the garage (which I would not do, as it is his man cave) or step outside to a city sidewalk. Not happening. We go to many casinos in Louisiana, our favorite has a large separate non-smoking casino. I am mostly in the smoking section, and I always take an end seat at a bank of slots. If all other players are not smoking, I go somewhere else. But, if I sit there 1st and then someone sits down and does the choke, choke, waving their hand around, I just ignore them. I feel it would wreck my gambling karma to say what I would love to say. Why are you in here if this bothers you so much? The non-smoking part of the casino is HUGE! We cruise every other year and on our last one on the Magic 2014, just made it under the wire before they stopped the smoking on the balcony. I swore that would be my last cruise as I love to read a book, have a drink and smoke on my balcony. I never lit up when I could tell that others on either side were not smokers if they came out to their balcony. Well as I know, Never say never. I booked us for 2016 and will just suck it up and bring patches and lozenges to help when I can't smoke. I just don't understand why Carnival doesn't do what hotels do? Simply ask if you prefer or must have non-smoking, and keep certain rooms just for one or the other. I am not looking forward to going to the deck one up from the pool to have my morning coffee and if it is like it was last time, squeeze in with MANY others at the 2 tables provided for that. Anyway, as others have said, not all of us are trying to kill you with our 2nd hand smoke. Our local dive bar even has a high quality filter system, works very well, but, some think it makes the temp cold and they turn it off. Even as a smoker I have often came home threw all my clothes in the wash and showered to get the smell out of my hair. Nasty habit but one I have had for 51 years.:eek:


Not sure if you;re interested but I believe HAL still has balcony smoking.

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The reason it is so bad is because smokers are being pushed out of every area. From what I understand, it has gotten worse since the ban on balcony smoking. Maybe folks that complained all the time about being able to smell a whiff of cigarette smoke from their balcony should have thought about what might happen inside where there is quite a bit more than a whiff of smoke.


You obviously are used to smelling like smoke and thinking its normal, but most of the country is not (according to statistics), It is not just a "whiff" of smoke on the balcony, its sitting inside an envelope of smoke, constantly. You should be a smoker because you just don't get it, we do not have a choice but to INHALE the smoke of a smoker near us, we need to breathe so we need to inhale. If I spend the same amount of money for a balcony as you BUT I cannot sit or use my balcony because of the obnoxious smoke 24/7 how is that understandable?


Its a smokers choice to smoke and not care about their own health BUT they have no business or right to make that same decision for me by blowing the smoke in my airspace for long periods of time (like on a balcony) or gathering in masses so that the air is now a fog (indoor spaces), open your eyes and use common sense. So the smokers need to move outside, in the fresh air so their smoke disappears, just sayin....


Nope - not used to smelling smoke and don't think it is normal. My DH smokes, but not in the house. I don 't like the smell, however I have never waved my hands around and pretended to be hacking up a lung just to be a b*tch. I just move! WOW - look how easy that was.


I seriously doubt you were in a balcony that was "enveloped in smoke 24/7". How is that even possible when moving? Blowing smoke in your airspace? Are they leaning around the divider and blowing it at you? Ridiculous. Then you totally turn around and say .... "So the smokers need to move outside, in the fresh air so their smoke disappears, just sayin..." Isn't balcony smoking, smoking outside?


Honestly, we opened our divider between our balcony and my parents (and my mother is one of those that acts like they are dying when around smoke) and when my DH smoked out there she was never bothered by it nor did she even really smell it. That was because we were moving and it dissipated very quickly. You will never convince me that smoke "hovers" in someone else's balcony while the ship is moving.


However, my point was that all the non-smokers complained about the balcony smoking so much that they stopped it. Now you are having to deal with all those balcony smokers (probably less than one per every 3 balconies) heading into the casino. Common sense? Common sense would have been to leave the balcony smokers alone and the casino wouldn't be as bad as it has gotten now.


And, as someone else pointed out, you have a choice - don't sail carnival where they have smoking in the casino.

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Thanks, you are correct, HAL does indeed allow smoking on their balconies. Unfortunately they don't depart anywhere near Galveston. We have had to give up flying as the older my husband gets, the more luggage he takes. Can't even fly to Vegas anymore. I could manage a week easily with a carry on. He will never wear the same thing twice. His day is: one outfit for morning workout, then swim trunks and t-shirt outfit, then day outfit, then evening outfit, lastly pj's. 2 changes on elegant night. So, that is 5-6 changes a day x 7. The luggage fee is higher than the plane fare. And, I am not willing to do laundry on my cruise vaca. Especially since I have spoiled him and iron almost everything. Before I retired and worked full time I sent his laundry out. Then as had time on my hands, started doing it myself. BIG mistake! He says I do it 100% better than the dry cleaners. If I have to be good at something this would have not been my 1st choice! Oh, well, he is worth it. I created that monster by starting it in the 1st place. When we go to the Louisiana casinos we usually stay 2 or 3 nights. The guy that takes our luggage up always asks how many weeks we are staying. It's that bad. We drove to Florida 2013 and I found out right quick I am too old for road trips.

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Nope - not used to smelling smoke and don't think it is normal. My DH smokes, but not in the house. I don 't like the smell, however I have never waved my hands around and pretended to be hacking up a lung just to be a b*tch. I just move! WOW - look how easy that was.


I seriously doubt you were in a balcony that was "enveloped in smoke 24/7". How is that even possible when moving? Blowing smoke in your airspace? Are they leaning around the divider and blowing it at you? Ridiculous. Then you totally turn around and say .... "So the smokers need to move outside, in the fresh air so their smoke disappears, just sayin..." Isn't balcony smoking, smoking outside?


OK...you are right, we should just move out of the way cuz you are very right, the smoke just stays in a little ball and does not move in the direction of the wind or the air.


I know we are so horrible that we prefer to breathe nice, clean air out on our expensive balcony's. But, no you are right, you all go ahead and continue that nasty, disgusting habit and we will just feel bad for you cuz you just have no where to go or do it, poor, poor smokers, no where to kill yourselves in peace. That victim mentality is really getting old with smokers, really old but we all know its all you got cuz you know we are right about not having the choice but inhale, its human biology afterall...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Just sayin....obviously no common sense here at all...

Edited by Drazil65
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So you were forced at gunpoint to take a cruise?


Yeah I guess with the same gun that was held to someone's head to make them smoke, I guess we all have choices in life.....:rolleyes:

Yes we all have choices. That's why we go to the casino early and no longer hang around in the evenings but I would prefer to play the slots, especially on long sea days.


I didn't mind the balcony smoking as I could go out on the ship and find plenty of views. I prefer balconies because I find the people in line at ports getting back on entertaining. I laugh at the pier runners and at the same type wonder why they wait to the last minute.


So usually I can move and avoid smoke but on Carnival there is only one casino and my choice is made leave when it's gets to smokey...


Maybe I'll have to quit cruising and start rving to Las Vegas and Biloxi[emoji3]


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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OK...you are right, we should just move out of the way cuz you are very right, the smoke just stays in a little ball and does not move in the direction of the wind or the air.


I know we are so horrible that we prefer to breathe nice, clean air out on our expensive balcony's. But, no you are right, you all go ahead and continue that nasty, disgusting habit and we will just feel bad for you cuz you just have no where to go or do it, poor, poor smokers, no where to kill yourselves in peace. That victim mentality is really getting old with smokers, really old but we all know its all you got cuz you know we are right about not having the choice but inhale, its human biology afterall...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Just sayin....obviously no common sense here at all...


So all those non-smokers complaining about all the smoke hovering on their balcony while the ship is moving don't have that same victim mentality? Works both ways.


Everyone has rights, smokers & non-smokers. The problem is, many don't realize that the smokers do have rights of their own. Whether you like it or not.

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I don't smoke anymore (husband does) but I don't want to have it blown in my face either. I do agree with "smoking areas" as I would not want to see people smoking just anywhere they felt like it. But it is unrealistic and selfish to expect smokers to not smoke at all on the ship for a whole week!


If you worked in the casino, I think you would have good reason to be concerned for your health due to smokers. But again, don't work there! But on vacation, in the casino for a couple of hours for a week, for maybe a few times a year, doesn't warrant a complete ban in all casinos. I think there should be a ban on stinky women's perfume too! That crap gives me a headache.


It's like guns, just cause you don't want to own one or don't fully understand them, doesn't mean nobody should own one.

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Part of the problem with smelling the smoke in your room is that you brought it in with your clothes after being in or passing through smoking areas on the ship - I always go outside after being in the casino for a while to let my clothes air out before heading to my cabin. If I can't do that, those clothes go into a garbage bag I bring for laundry that I keep in a suitcase under the bed, all sealed up and not smelling up the cabin continually.

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Part of the problem with smelling the smoke in your room is that you brought it in with your clothes after being in or passing through smoking areas on the ship - I always go outside after being in the casino for a while to let my clothes air out before heading to my cabin. If I can't do that, those clothes go into a garbage bag I bring for laundry that I keep in a suitcase under the bed, all sealed up and not smelling up the cabin continually.


That is so true. It's the stench of the smoke in your hair and clothes that is the worst part. Whether in a casino on a cruise or a land based casino (the ones that allow smoking) we do the same thing after we spent the evening in the casino.. put the clothes in a bag and take a shower and wash our hair before getting in the bed if not, it would be like we were in a smoking motel room. We have friends that smoke and that's all we smell when we go to their house even though they open the window and use Lysol, you can never get that smell out, but they don't notice it because they are use to it...it's their house they can do what they wish. I do think the casinos need a better exhaust system.

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They keep track of every penny ran through every machine in the casino.


Do any of you think they know that the smoking machines make 5 times the profit of the non-smoking machines and that the only reason they even have non-smoking machines is just to try to keep the peace?

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