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Nightmare - what would you do?


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I'm sure you are a better person than I am, and would never ever dream of such action, but...


If it was me--a sick,twisted, bitter, vindictive type (I'm a divorce lawyer and I love it)...


Since I know where this stateroom full of interlopers who had disrupted my long ago made plans is located...


I'm not sure Princess would want me on the ship in any other stateroom except for the one I wanted...see, some folks have a different idea of what is an enjoyable activity for a vacation day...pool and all that is nice...pound of flesh in making sure they don't get to enjoy the stateroom that they took away from me is even better...


Again, not gonna happen, you're a fine person I'm sure, and I've never been on Princess yet...though I'm just curious enough to want to read the darned contract that allows change of itineraries, change of length of the cruise...just to verify that it allows them to unilaterally void a confirmed booking in a specific stateroom.




Got any friends at your local TV station, one with a consumer advocate type who makes calls to companies who screw individuals while a TV camera is running? Got an attorney general in your state?

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logan1 - glad I am not against you in a Divorce case! However, I do take on board what you are saying and I do not intend to just accept this and will take any measures necessary to get what I booked. Thanks for your comments.



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I'm usually a pretty mild mannered person, but I'll have to agree with cherylandtk on this one. No way would I want to be moved from the specific cabin I booked months in advance, especially away from 2 teenage girls I am responsible for.


Princess should give the cabin they want to move you to to the new booking. There is absolutely no justification in moving you, not when you have minors with you.


We had something similar happen to us several years ago. The cruiseline re-sold the cabin we had purchased, their error. When my TA found out about it, she got right onto the phone with them. We did not get our original cabin, we were upgraded to a much nicer cabin. They also gave us a generous onboard credit, our TA gave us an onboard credit as well. It actually turned out for the best. We visited the "old" cabin and not only was it less than half the size, but there were heavy smokers in that area. Our week would have been miserable if we'd stayed in there.


The biggest difference for us was we had our kids staying in the cabin with us. You can bet, if we'd had them in an adjacent room, no way would I allow them to move me and not them as well.

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Logan, Julie is from the UK, so things are a little different for her, but she could use some good legal advice; here is the link to the passage contract. I understand maritime law prevails, so most consumer rights are void: http://www.princess.com/legal/passage.html


Julie-Glad I could make you laugh. I have some other really interesting and slightly evil thoughts for that person stealing your room. Nothing illegal, but let's just say some of it involves voodoo dolls and some of it recalls the old college dorm room pranks.


I have heard of the various troublems of being in the UK and having to go through their office to the US one. I think one of the UK posters mentioned a while back that the 1-800-Princess number works from the UK and it does get you directly to the Santa Clarita office. (thats 1-800-774-6237, the 800 is the part that is the city/area code, I think from the UK you would dial the int'l code, then country code then the 800-774-6237). If nothing else you and your TA could speak to a lot of the Princess customer service agents and see if one might spill the beans as to why Princess would do this to you.


I have no idea if there is any sort of legal recourse in this matter; perhaps one of the other board posters who is an attorney in California could say, but I believe there is such a thing as a specific performance lawsuit. It is used here in the lawsuit happy US to get people to actually do what they agreed by contract to do such as sell a house. Maybe just mentioning the words "specific performance actionable cause" while you happen to be on the phone to California would make Princess sit up and take notice.


Your situation just made me go print out a copy of my online personalizer, so I have proof my cabin 18 months from now. Would hate to have my specially picked balcony stolen, too. Like I said, I wish you luck, and here is to getting your original cabin. Do keep us all advised of any changes and updates.


Toto-It think it was a subtle change. I am not aware of Princess putting this in writing exactly, but I believe where it used to say Passengers under 21 must be "booked in a stateroom with" someone over 21, it now says "accompanied by" and Princess is letting older teens be adjacent to parents.

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We were in Capri Suite C748. It was awesome. You would also get full suite perks like free internet and dry cleaning (unless you were already getting them through your C&A status)


I understand your wanting not to be too far from your teens. (I suspect the girls may not have the same complaint however:) We had a very similar thing happen on RCCL and they moved us all together in an upgrade. No matter how I fussed - I didn't get my original adjoining cabins back. But it all ended well.


Your case is a bit different as you were in an AB without much room to upgrade-especially on a Sun class ship.


This would seem like a no gain move for Princess from a customer service standpoint. They may have made a long time passenger happy - but at the expense of a platinum member. Why didn't they just give their "preferred" customer the suite??


Looks like its time for your TA to really earn his/her money - hope you have a good one!

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Logan, Julie is from the UK, so things are a little different for her, but she could use some good legal advice; here is the link to the passage contract. I understand maritime law prevails, so most consumer rights are void: http://www.princess.com/legal/passage.html



This is an appalling situation, and you have everyone's genuine sympathy - none of us would like to be in your situation. Also, as a fellow Brit, I have to add that I have not found our TA's (just my personal experience) anywhere near as efficient as US TA's. Myself, I have even bypassed a TA and gone direct to the cruiseline on more than one occasion because I've HAD to (told flights not available when they were; difference in quoted prices; no tickets; huge discrepencies on cabin info etc).


Personally, I'd take a drive over to the Princess Head Office in Southampton on Monday around 2.30pm, so you have time to talk to a UK manager, and the LA office will then be up and running by 3pm (as it will be 9am LA time) and refuse to leave until this is sorted.. ;)


It's sad that we're all here having to think up how you resolve this.

Good luck!

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Hi, I read this entire thread and this is really rotten. Julie I am so sorry you are having these problems. And after you booked so far in advance. I just really can't see any good reason for Princess to move you from your original cabin choice after you made clear no upgrades. What part of no don't they understand. As for hoity toity fat wallett cruiser that got your original cabin,Well as previoulsy stated I hope they encounter difficulties, but a toothache isn't what I had in mind , more along the lines of montezuma revenge better know as the trots.

I would be very concerned about having your daughter and friend at 16yrs. of age not near my cabin. I would make that very clear to my TA and to Princess. I think you should make it very very clear to both your TA and Princess that if this situation is not resolved you will no longer be doing business with them in the future.You will be getting a new TA and a new cruise line too. Money talks and after all you are Platinum.

I hope this thread gets a lot of hits and some little bird tells someone at Princess customer relations to check it out , it is bad advertising for how they treat their passangers. Keep us posted as to what happens.


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Thanks so much for all your comments. I am picking up some really good idea's.


It just worries me that if the ship was full apart from the cabin they offered me which we rejected how are they going to resolve it as I am sure the other passengers don't want to move either.



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I have never sailed Princess, and am now questioning if I want to. Such treatment!


Do you suppose the interloper is an executive with Princess and someone promised something they couldn't deliver on?


Is there a way to check to see if the "old" cabin now shows booked? I know on the Celebrity site if there are any cabins available you can put in a cabin number and it will tell you if it is available. But perhaps it is showing sold out.


I wish you well.

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I have never sailed Princess, and am now questioning if I want to. Such treatment!


Do you suppose the interloper is an executive with Princess and someone promised something they couldn't deliver on?


Is there a way to check to see if the "old" cabin now shows booked? I know on the Celebrity site if there are any cabins available you can put in a cabin number and it will tell you if it is available. But perhaps it is showing sold out.


I wish you well.

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We have booked with a TA and they are fighting for us as well! Just can't believe that this can happen.

I would make it clear to my TA (assuming she didn't screw up and did, in fact, mark it as a no upgrade booking) that I either get the cabins I booked, or I expect to be allowed to cancel with a full refund, and some sort of "compensation" for my inconvenience.


Maybe the cruise line will offer you a substantial upgrade with the second cabin close by to make you happy and get you to accept the move?


Blue skies ...



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I would be very concerned about having your daughter and friend at 16yrs. of age not near my cabin. I would make that very clear to my TA and to Princess.

I would also make it clear to them that you cannot possibly provide adequate adult supervision for the girls if they are not near your cabin and that you will hold the cruiseline responsible if they should get into any difficulties while onboard. Perhaps a thinly-veiled threat of a possible law suit if the girls get into any mischief (i.e., having boys in the cabin, underaged drinking, etc.) might scare the cruiseline into seeing things your way in this matter.


Blue skies ...



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I checked some online agencies. One shows a BB and some insides available. The other doesn't show anything better than a G.


This is where it gets interesting....

Princess has you in an AB gty at the moment. There are only 6 of these on the ship, all aft on Caribe Baja and Dolphin. They can't put you in anything lower and only AA full suite is an upgrade. There are also only 6 of these. I'm very curious where they think they are going to put you with so little inventory available


To me it looks like the ABs on Baja are the biggest....but for a 14 day voyage, I'd really hold out for the AA. I also think you have a decent OBC coming for the problem they have caused. Don't give in! Be sure to have your TA tell Princess the size of the thread and the type of feedback they are getting. I know they have personnel that monitor the CC web site.

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I would also make it clear to them that you cannot possibly provide adequate adult supervision for the girls if they are not near your cabin and that you will hold the cruiseline responsible if they should get into any difficulties while onboard. Perhaps a thinly-veiled threat of a possible law suit if the girls get into any mischief (i.e., having boys in the cabin, underaged drinking, etc.) might scare the cruiseline into seeing things your way in this matter.


Blue skies ...




Yes...great idea. I would send it registered receipt.

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Thanks so much for all your comments. I am picking up some really good idea's.


It just worries me that if the ship was full apart from the cabin they offered me which we rejected how are they going to resolve it as I am sure the other passengers don't want to move either.




Julie - that's not YOUR problem - it's THEIR problem to resolve. They created the problem - not you. You booked your specific cabin before this second person came along... I still can't understand why Princess just don't make the new people take the other cabin that has been offered to you :confused:


Do dig your heels in, and when the going gets tough, mention Watchdog ;)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/contact/ You can contact watchdog here!

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Do you know if there are even any AB mini-suites available, or is the AB GTY going to get you in the AA on the Dolphin deck where Princess had originally wanted to move you? I agree with Lbackwith, the simplest solution is to have Princess move you back to your original C744 room near your daughter's cabin, and give the other passenger your AB GTY. They'd still get a nice aft balcony cabin, maybe a full suite, it's not like they'd be 'stuck' in a lower deck interior stateroom. You'd think that would be a win-win situation for everyone.

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red robin - i quite agree and I would be happy to be back in my original cabin. We were told originally that this person only wanted my cabin! This has since changed to various other excuses but I believe the original one.



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I'm not sure Princess would want me on the ship in any other stateroom except for the one I wanted...see, some folks have a different idea of what is an enjoyable activity for a vacation day...pool and all that is nice...pound of flesh in making sure they don't get to enjoy the stateroom that they took away from me is even better...
Great – the other passengers asked for a stateroom and Princess accommodated them at another passenger’s expense. So the first passenger should suffer. Perfectly logical.
May they suffer from a miserable toothache the entire cruise
Great – I hardly see why the passengers requesting the room should be at fault and should be asked to suffer because Princess didn’t handle a booking correctly. I think it would be better to use this vindictive energy to try to right the issue rather than punish those who didn’t have anything to do with it.
I have no idea if there is any sort of legal recourse in this matter; perhaps one of the other board posters who is an attorney in California could say, but I believe there is such a thing as a specific performance lawsuit. It is used here in the lawsuit happy US to get people to actually do what they agreed by contract to do such as sell a house. Maybe just mentioning the words "specific performance actionable cause" while you happen to be on the phone to California would make Princess sit up and take notice.
This situation is really worth a lawsuit? How would one prove damages? Or is a threat of a lawsuit a ploy to get Princess to acquiesce?
I would make it clear to my TA (assuming she didn't screw up and did, in fact, mark it as a no upgrade booking) that I either get the cabins I booked, or I expect to be allowed to cancel with a full refund, and some sort of "compensation" for my inconvenience.
This might be a better approach. The Travel “Agent” is supposed to be the agent for the passenger in these matters. Since this isn’t something Princess regularly does, I wonder if the TA is on the up and up in this case.
I would also make it clear to them that you cannot possibly provide adequate adult supervision for the girls if they are not near your cabin and that you will hold the cruiseline responsible if they should get into any difficulties while onboard. Perhaps a thinly-veiled threat of a possible law suit if the girls get into any mischief (i.e., having boys in the cabin, underaged drinking, etc.) might scare the cruiseline into seeing things your way in this matter
Again, I think threatening lawsuits is futile – I’m hoping that none of us here think Princess as a multi-million, international corporation doesn’t have a legal department that would dismiss this quite quickly.

For some reason, Princess has countered on two policies – that of the guaranteed cabin and that of unsupervised minors. I think it perfectly logical for Princess to offer an upgrade to free up a reserved cabin (it’s happened to me before and I’ve happily taken it) but given there are two minors included in the booking, something is wrong. Either the booking is messed up or the “no upgrade” flag wasn’t on the reservation. Either way, I would put the responsibility for fixing this on the Travel Agent as it seems possible that fault would lie there – and that’s their job...I wonder what the difference in commission is between the two cabins? Contact with Princess and a climb up the ladder of responsibility until this is resolved is what should be done.

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Yes the no upgrade was notified by the TA as this was mentioned to us when the original offer was made to move to Dolphin deck. I checked the personaliser for 7 days after rejecting the move and it was still showing we had C744 however, 1 week later when I went on to put my daughters new passport details on it had been removed and was blank.


The bookings were linked as at that time they also offered to move my daughter to an obstructed view cabin on dolphin deck however it was no where near the cabin they wanted us to take.



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Yes the no upgrade was notified by the TA as this was mentioned to us when the original offer was made to move to Dolphin deck. I checked the personaliser for 7 days after rejecting the move and it was still showing we had C744 however, 1 week later when I went on to put my daughters new passport details on it had been removed and was blank.


The bookings were linked as at that time they also offered to move my daughter to an obstructed view cabin on dolphin deck however it was no where near the cabin they wanted us to take.

So…rather than having to go back and reread the posts – what has your Travel Agent done for you to ensure you're satisfied? And would you be satisfied with anything less than that particular cabin (like an upgrade and your daughters moved to the same proximity)?
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