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Yep, this board is very entertaining compared to other luxury line boards for sure. Something in the Regent Kool Aid perhaps?


Sorry to disagree with you but I find this thread to be 50% off topic. I'm here to discuss cruising/tipping - not to make fun of others. The tipping issue has been discussed and debated and has turned into an off topic thread that seems to be about nonsense (JMHO).

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I stand by my belief that, when questioned by someone new to Regent (which the OP is), the correct response is to quote Regent's policy. I'm glad that Catlover54 posted the policy on Europa 2. Obviously, if this were policy on Regent, we would not be having this discussion. IMO, Regent's policy is very clear about what to do if you "feel strongly about expressing gratitude to the crew, they should be encouraged to make a donation to the Crew Welfare Fund".


It seems that "tipping" threads become difficult because some posters want to "do their own thing" and encourage others to do the same rather than answering the question very simply. I encourage posters to keep their private business private.


This thread started with a question about what people do about tipping on Regent. As the thread unfolds it reminds me of someone trying to interpret an ambiguous sentence from a "holy" book and insist over and over that it be applied to everyone's life. The problem is that the sentence has an odd construction and doesn't dictate anything despite what one person seems to be arguing again and again. It certainly doesn't answer the OP's question about what Regent travelers do about tipping.




"Gratuities are included in the cruise fare for all Regent employees. If guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew, they should be encouraged to make a donation to the Crew Welfare Fund at the Purser Office. This money is utilized for crew parties and events."


Note that the question says should I tip. The answer says "they should be encouraged" instead of "guests are encouraged." It isn't clear why Regent uses this odd passive construction. Who is supposed to do the encouraging? It doesn't say guests should only contribute to the fund.


Then the crew welfare fund is defined solely as being used for crew parties and events. This leaves it unclear who really benefits from the welfare fund. One poster on CC said it is used for other things. If so why didn't Regent say that. Using tips solely for parties and events is probably not what many have in mind for tipping.


Bottom line is guests are free to do whatever they wish and obviously have been doing so. And if Regent thinks guests should not tip other than to the crew welfare fund then Regent is perfectly capable of saying so on this thread or elsewhere.

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I suppose that the policy is open to different interpretations, but it in no way states that tipping is encouraged or recommended. Regent's wording on many things point towards them looking at their passengers as reasonable adults that will understand the intent of their policies. Unfortunately, Regent seems to have misjudged some of their passengers. Some long time Regent customers on this thread have tried to post opinions similar to mine. One would think that posting your opinion once and perhaps debating it a couple of times would be enough but that is not the case on this thread.


After reading a post on either this page on the previous one, I wonder why the OP, after two Regent cruises, is even posing this question - a question that has caused angry debates on CC for years.


Not sure what else there is to say. I believe in following the policy (but think that inexpensive gifts are fine). Others want to do their own thing quietly while some want to brag about the fact that they tip and seem to encourage others to do so. There is clearly no answer to this question


As a long time Regent passenger myself, it is sad to see the culture that Regent has successfully encouraged for years change. Regent may not be the "holy book" but, IMO, they have the right to set policies and standards for their cruise ships without passengers thinking that they are entitled to do what they please..

Edited by Travelcat2
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Now that mention has been made that inexpensive gifts are OK, what, exactly is the official price to be chosen? Who gets to decide? The only reason that the go ahead on gifts seemed to come about was after the big scrabble set reveal. If I put a gift in an envelope, maybe the person receiving it understands the spirit in which it was given and that's all there is to it. I can tell you (and it is just our opinion) that we became a little disenchanted about the crew fund, once, on Silversea. We were thanked after a donation and told that money was being used to get new couches and furniture for the staff lounge. I have no intention to help provide $ for something that the company should be providing! Parties, fun stuff, yes. All the policies in the world can be repeated but until it is an official rule...no harm no foul.

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I suppose that the policy is open to different interpretations, but it in no way states that tipping is encouraged or recommended. Regent's wording on many things point towards them looking at their passengers as reasonable adults that will understand the intent of their policies. Unfortunately, Regent seems to have misjudged some of their passengers. Some long time Regent customers on this thread have tried to post opinions similar to mine. One would think that posting your opinion once and perhaps debating it a couple of times would be enough but that is not the case on this thread.


After reading a post on either this page on the previous one, I wonder why the OP, after two Regent cruises, is even posing this question - a question that has caused angry debates on CC for years.


Not sure what else there is to say. I believe in following the policy (but think that inexpensive gifts are fine). Others want to do their own thing quietly while some want to brag about the fact that they tip and seem to encourage others to do so. There is clearly no answer to this question


As a long time Regent passenger myself, it is sad to see the culture that Regent has successfully encouraged for years change. Regent may not be the "holy book" but, IMO, they have the right to set policies and standards for their cruise ships without passengers thinking that they are entitled to do what they please..


You quote here says that you are unsure why Pamela1 is asking this question in the fist place? Well the answer is in her opening sentence in the quote. She understands that not everyone agrees with tipping, so she is addressing her question to those that do tip, and asking for advice from those people.

In at least 2 posts between this thread and the clothing thread you mention passenengers feeling entitled to do their own thing. Yes with regard to tipping we are all free to make the choice that we are comfortable with. It's a personal choice we all make.

Can you explain how you feel Regent has misjudged their passengers? Is there a set type of passenger they are looking for? Thanks, Jean.

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I can tell you (and it is just our opinion) that we became a little disenchanted about the crew fund, once, on Silversea. We were thanked after a donation and told that money was being used to get new couches and furniture for the staff lounge. I have no intention to help provide $ for something that the company should be providing! Parties, fun stuff, yes. All the policies in the world can be repeated but until it is an official rule...no harm no foul.


We had a similar experience on our final SS cruise following a donation that we made towards the end of the cruise.

I was extremely unhappy that it went to something that should be provided, rightly, by the employer.

On a cruise a few months earlier our donation went towards a party for the crew. Like you, no problem with that.

Also I know that crew fund can be used for welfare related payments to crew who may need to get home to attend to an urgent problem etc. No problem with that either.

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I just finished reading all six pages and what a treat. Most of the Regent All-stars posted, there was fair debate, only a little cattiness and buried in the detail a few interesting facts. As others ahead of me have already stated, you can always be entertained by these boards. As a lurker and infrequent poster (some of you will check my stats I am sure) to this and the Celebrity board I have to say it can get a little more feisty over here than at Celebrity, though Causal Chic on Celebrity is hot right now. Also I remember the Ebola board and may have posted on it as well for being entertaining.


That said, I am Regent Gold, always contribute to the crew fund (hoping it is spent wisely for the people it is intended to benefit) and despite being an avowed over tipper, have never given a tip onboard a Regent ship. As others have also noted, I always tip off the ship to guides as they earn it. The thing I do every cruise is to write a detailed review of staff to go with my comment card. I have actually been remembered by General Managers for doing that. They and the staff genuinely appreciate those comments as it helps manage their business, train staff and reward quality service.


To the OP, I hope you got an answer, and to the rest of you thanks again for an entertaining morning. See you on the Mariner in September.


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I just finished reading all six pages and what a treat. Most of the Regent All-stars posted, there was fair debate, only a little cattiness and buried in the detail a few interesting facts. As others ahead of me have already stated, you can always be entertained by these boards. As a lurker and infrequent poster (some of you will check my stats I am sure) to this and the Celebrity board I have to say it can get a little more feisty over here than at Celebrity, though Causal Chic on Celebrity is hot right now. Also I remember the Ebola board and may have posted on it as well for being entertaining.


That said, I am Regent Gold, always contribute to the crew fund (hoping it is spent wisely for the people it is intended to benefit) and despite being an avowed over tipper, have never given a tip onboard a Regent ship. As others have also noted, I always tip off the ship to guides as they earn it. The thing I do every cruise is to write a detailed review of staff to go with my comment card. I have actually been remembered by General Managers for doing that. They and the staff genuinely appreciate those comments as it helps manage their business, train staff and reward quality service.


To the OP, I hope you got an answer, and to the rest of you thanks again for an entertaining morning. See you on the Mariner in September.



I have heard of a lot of good that is done with the Crew Fund and wonder why the Regent website indicates that it is for parties, etc. The Crew Fund also helps crew members in cases of emergency which is why I find it important.

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I suppose that the policy is open to different interpretations, but it in no way states that tipping is encouraged or recommended. Regent's wording on many things point towards them looking at their passengers as reasonable adults that will understand the intent of their policies. Unfortunately, Regent seems to have misjudged some of their passengers. Some long time Regent customers on this thread have tried to post opinions similar to mine. One would think that posting your opinion once and perhaps debating it a couple of times would be enough but that is not the case on this thread.

After reading a post on either this page on the previous one, I wonder why the OP, after two Regent cruises, is even posing this question - a question that has caused angry debates on CC for years.


Not sure what else there is to say. I believe in following the policy (but think that inexpensive gifts are fine). Others want to do their own thing quietly while some want to brag about the fact that they tip and seem to encourage others to do so. There is clearly no answer to this question


As a long time Regent passenger myself, it is sad to see the culture that Regent has successfully encouraged for years change. Regent may not be the "holy book" but, IMO, they have the right to set policies and standards for their cruise ships without passengers thinking that they are entitled to do what they please..


Yawn!! If you read the original post you will see that i was asking about tipping to non (full time) crew members, i.e. entertainers, pianists, tour guides etc. We have never been to the states or Canada before which is why i asked the question on how much to pay in that country of origin.


I find it very odd that you are questioning me on this.



Don't you think you are contradicting yourself over "sticking to the Regent policy" and deciding for yourself what is an appropriate amount to spend. What would you call an inexpensive gift? It would be interesting to hear how high or low the bar is on that one.

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Well over a hundred posts...just on this thread.


Not to mention the dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of other posts on the same subject.


How about this: "Regent doesn't require tipping on board. If you want to tip, fine. If you don't, fine. Either way, keep it to yourself."


Would that about cover it?



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Well over a hundred posts...just on this thread.


Not to mention the dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of other posts on the same subject.


How about this: "Regent doesn't require tipping on board. If you want to tip, fine. If you don't, fine. Either way, keep it to yourself."


Would that about cover it?




Evening Bill :D


You are quite right.

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Well over a hundred posts...just on this thread.


Not to mention the dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of other posts on the same subject.


How about this: "Regent doesn't require tipping on board. If you want to tip, fine. If you don't, fine. Either way, keep it to yourself."


Would that about cover it?




That covers it very well! Dare I hope that this is the end of it?


Pamela: "i was asking about tipping to non (full time) crew members, i.e. entertainers, pianists, tour guides etc." ......... quoting your last post but is applicable to your original post as well.


Tour guides is a different subject than entertainers, pianists or "non (full time) crew members. Not sure what this is unless you are referring to contractors (which entertainers and pianists are generally considered to be).


Really wish you had mentioned tour guides in the U.S. specifically because my answer (and perhaps the answer of others) might have been different. In general, the United States deals only in it's own currency (there are exceptions such as Canadians using Canadian dollars in some U.S. border cities such as is done county where we live). While no one will turn down a tip in Euros or GBP, the recipient would have to pay to have the money converted into U.S. dollars.

Edited by Travelcat2
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That covers it very well! Dare I hope that this is the end of it?


Pamela: "i was asking about tipping to non (full time) crew members, i.e. entertainers, pianists, tour guides etc." ......... quoting your last post but is applicable to your original post as well.


Tour guides is a different subject than entertainers, pianists or "non (full time) crew members. Not sure what this is unless you are referring to contractors (which entertainers and pianists are generally considered to be).


Really wish you had mentioned tour guides in the U.S. specifically because my answer (and perhaps the answer of others) might have been different. In general, the United States deals only in it's own currency (there are exceptions such as Canadians using Canadian dollars in some U.S. border cities such as is done county where we live). While no one will turn down a tip in Euros or GBP, the recipient would have to pay to have the money converted into U.S. dollars.



Really wish you has read the original post so we wouldn't still be having an issue here. Does it matter where i am traveling to? or is it just a matter that you are fed up with this thread that doesn't suit your agenda?


Oh, and i didn't see a reply about your gift issue -please enlighten us so we know in future how to "gift" accordingly.

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Really wish you has read the original post so we wouldn't still be having an issue here. Does it matter where i am traveling to? or is it just a matter that you are fed up with this thread that doesn't suit your agenda?




Yes - it does matter where you are traveling to. Some places prefer U.S. dollars to their own currency (Russia used to be that way and may still be). Most places in the Caribbean take various currencies. We were just in South Africa where U.S. currency was not taken (this was an issue for crew members). I wonder if someone went to a local store in the U.K., could they pay in U.S. currency? While I have not tried doing that in England, I suspect that the establishment would not be happy.


Nigella - try again -- I would be happy not to be the last word.:)

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