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Detailed review of Celebrity Equinox with photos, Rome-Barcelona, June 25 – July 2


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Woke at about 6.30am today still feeling very full from our Italian feast last night in Tuscan Grille, and also feeling the effects of all that wine - she just kept pouring…guess I should have stopped drinking. But the gym was calling, so I hopped…ok crawled out of bed, trying not to wake the others, I was becoming an expert in getting dressed in the dark. Usual workout in the gym, perhaps with a little less vigour than usual, although the sites of Adaccio in the distance made it more bearable. Once I got back I suggested we go to Aqua Café for a ‘light’ breakfast given the mountain of rich food we ate last night. DS and DM were sceptical, but agreed to go. I liked it, them less so, they weren’t too happy with me. It has a selection of fruit, mini muffins, and muesli, but overall choice is much less than in Oceanview. DS had booked lunch in apparently one of the best restaurants in Corsica ‘A Napita’ (€29 for 3 course lunch), so another reason for the more minimalist breakfast in my view.


Gym sightings



Our plan for today was to wander around Ajaccio by ourselves rather than do an organised tour and then perhaps go to the beach for the afternoon. While researching ‘things to do in Corisca’, the most popular option seemed to be boat trips around the island, but well we were already on a boat you see (albeit a big one), so I didn’t see the appeal of a little one, plus I get seasick very easily, although not on cruise ships it would appear. There were going to be 3 or 4 other cruise ships in port today so it was going to be a busy little city. While in the gym I noticed a double-decker sightseeing bus, so maybe we could check that out.


Adaccio is not a tender port so with a quick walk off the ship we were already in the centre of the city. The ticket office for the bus tour was just outside the port area and there was a long queue for tickets, but thankfully it moved quickly. As we had to wait a while for the next bus, DM and I explored the food market across the road in Place Foch while DS queued for the bus. The food market is full of local delicacies and I was very tempted to buy some of the local beignets, but it was still a little too early for doughnuts. Wasn’t it…was it?


Big ship in town



While deliberating, DS called to say the bus had arrived, so we quickly made our way back to the bus stop and nabbed some seats upstairs. It was a one hour tour (€8), which brought us along the coast outside of the main city. We thought this was supposed to be a city tour, but we didn’t mind too much as the scenario was gorgeous, the sea aquamarine blue and the mountains, well mountainous. Corsica has beautiful beaches and I think that’s the main reason to holiday here as there doesn’t seem to be too many other sites. The bus tour was very windy and the temperature today was the lowest yet (about 22-24 degrees, almost verging on Irish weather, get me out of here!!), so we started to reconsider our planned afternoon on the beach after lunch. Speaking of lunch, none of us could stomach another big meal after last night, so we decided to forgo the lunch and head back to the ship for a light lunch instead. But first we wanted to explore Ajaccio and see all the Napoleon sites (well not particularly, but we wanted to see the city).


Blue sea



One important piece of advice on Corsica, there are no public restrooms on the island at all! So if you need to use the restroom you have to order a coffee/drink somewhere. So indeed after the bus tour we stopped for a quick coffee break at a cafe on the harbour. They advertised free wifi but the wifi fairy must have disappeared with it. After the coffee we found the tourist office (which is near the port) and got a map and a booklet with self-guided walking tours of Ajaccio. We did two of the three walking tours which gave us a good feel for the town. The walks were pretty short. One basically went up and down the two main shopping streets and the other went to the Napoleon monument. Why all fuss about Napoleon – he was born here. There is also a Napoleon museum and you can visit Napoleon’s birthplace Maison Bonaparte. We did neither.


DS in front of Napoleon



Pretty buildings



Ajaccio is a nice town but I wouldn’t be rushing back especially to see it. We passed the beach on the way back (it’s about a 10 mins walk from the port). Looked like a lovely beach and it had quite a few people on it. You can’t rent umbrellas/chairs, so if you care about comfort (or sun protection in my case) you have to bring your own. We also passed the main museum/gallery on the island ‘Palais Fesch’ but it was closed, and we passed Adaccio’s Cathedral, also closed …ok time to go back to the ship I think.


The closest beach to the port


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After our morning in Ajaccio (note to self: AJaccio not ADaccio, sorry about that), we were back on board by 2pm having salad in the Oceanview with an ocean/port view. I got one of the fancy mint lemonades which was quite nice. Just in case you were fooled into thinking I was being particularly virtuous with my salad today, I should also mention I had a big cupcake and chocolate cake. What’s wrong me, I need to stop eating cake! After lunch I got a proper coffee from Café Bacio (best coffee on-board) and a proper tea for DM (best tea on-board), before retiring to the balcony to read (DM), watch tv (DS) or write (me).


I went to Café Bacio far more on this cruise compared to last year. Sometimes I picked up cookies before heading off on our day trips, or sometimes just random coffees. As well as being good for takeout, it is also a really nice space to sit and watch the world go by, oh and eavesdrop if you are in to that, not that I ever would. I should also say that Café Bacio is the only place on the ship which has ‘real’ tea as DM would call it (perhaps you can get it in the elite restaurants, but again how would I know, they still won’t let me in!). Irish mammies are notorious tea drinkers, and many have been known to bring their own teabags on holidays. You can’t beat the Irish tea (note we don’t actually grow tealeaves in Ireland, but hey that’s a minor issue). DM didn’t bring her own teabags…this time…but the tea was pretty terrible in most places, indeed it was so bad that even I wouldn’t drink it, and I am not particularly discerning. This is where Café Bacio comes to the fore; they use proper tea bags and know the difference between boiling water and warm water which apparently makes all the difference for serious tea drinkers. Ok it’s still not as good as Irish tea, but it was DMs first port of call for tea.


After catching up with some writing on the balcony, we all went up to the solarium. I really just wanted to relax for a while i.e. no reading, no writing, no sightseeing, no running. And that lasted all of one hour…the run yesterday really whet my appetite for dinner, so I decided to go for another one. After the run I went back to the solarium where DS was kind enough to bring me a chilled glass of white wine (I asked for the driest white available - it was verging on syrup, wine options in the poolside bar are limited). In general, I find the white wines on the classic package all a little too sweet for my taste. The Vermintino we had in the Tuscan Grille was excellent, but I didn’t see it anywhere else on-board though; maybe I just need to ask. That didn’t stop me from drinking the syrup…while sitting in the whirlpool with DM. From 6.30pm onwards the solarium and general pool area gets very quiet, so it’s a good time to go if you want to swim, use whirlpool or enjoy the hammocks uninterrupted.


Relaxing....well for a bit anyway



We headed back to the cabin at 7 to get ready for dinner in the MDR. More outfit posts with silly poses tonight. Then we went to the Gastropub for a pre-dinner beverage for the first time. There is no Gastrobar on Reflection, one of the few differences, but more on that tomorrow. Wimbledon was on. DS went to the bar to get the drinks and she never returned. I literally thought she had gone to press the grapes herself. Service in here is so so slow. I recommend waiting for table service, in this case, it is actually quicker. Still waiting for DS, if anyone spots her still waiting in Gastrobar let me know, we would like her back. I had a glass of Albernio (a Spanish wine, which I generally like, a safe bet), it was fine. DS had prosecco, her drink of choice on this cruise…ok she eventually came back.


Tried out the old hold hair gaze into distance pose....didn't work



For you beer lovers here is the beer menu in Gastropub



Dinner in the MDR was very good tonight and service was extra fast – a little too fast, gosh I’m like goldilocks, too slow, too fast…where is the just right? The menu had an Italian theme…even though we just left France, ok so. I had Insalata Caprese, followed by pulled lamb wrapped in filo pastry with root vegetables, and peach caufoutis for finish (with sugar free ice-cream, which wasn’t great, the ice-cream that is, not the peach). DM had branzino which she really enjoyed (she told me to put that in), and DS had turkey parmesan and spaghetti which was just too much food. We decided to switch to red wine for dinner, so I had a glass of pinot noir with dinner, not great. DS’s Malbac was much better.


Tonights dinner



After dinner, we went to the hot glass show which was again very enjoyable – they made a beautiful watermelon vase. As we were leaving deck 15 we spotted a table tennis table beside the lift, so DS and I had fun playing really badly for a while. The more we played that better we got, but that wouldn’t be hard, we were pretty awful! Then bed and sleep, in that order fortunately.


Don't hit me DS!


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Hi Lunastella, I'm following and enjoying your comments on this cruise. I'll be on board departing from Civitavecchia on the 6th of August-so excited!

I'd have a question though...I'm a bit worried about availability of lounge chairs on sun decks, are they hard to find...? Are guests leaving their towels and just disappearing for the rest of the day...? Any suggestion?

Thanks again



Italian Cruiser


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Thanks for all the kind messages. It makes it a far more enjoyable task!


Smileon- here is a list of the drinks available in the Classic package. You can pick this up at guest relations, just ask them for a copy.




Hmmm, this looks like it has shrunk considerably since i last saw an "official" Classic "Whats included" leaflet!!! The one we were given from Celebrity included Budweiser and Margaritas...both of which i can not see!!!


Loving the review, i like your style of writing

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Hi Lunastella, I'm following and enjoying your comments on this cruise. I'll be on board departing from Civitavecchia on the 6th of August-so excited!

I'd have a question though...I'm a bit worried about availability of lounge chairs on sun decks, are they hard to find...? Are guests leaving their towels and just disappearing for the rest of the day...? Any suggestion?

Thanks again



Italian Cruiser


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Hi Andrea,


We never had a problem in getting loungers in the solarium or the pool. The loungers near the pool were almost always full, but it was easy to find loungers elsewhere. Maybe because this was a port intensive cruise it wasn't an issue. Only once could we not find 3 together and that's not always a good thing!!!

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Day 6 – Sea Day


Woke up late this morning, 8pm….panic…actually no need to panic as it’s a sea day, phew. Today was the first and only sea day on this cruise and I was looking forward to it as there is generally lots to do to keep the troops entertained on seadays. As we were going to spend a lot of time on the ship today, it’s probably time I talk to you about the actual ship. My initial thoughts are that the Celebrity Equinox is very similar to Celebrity Reflection. While there are some differences different (e.g. a few different restaurants), the overall style and feel of the ships are the same - atrium with hanging tree, restaurants, bars, theatre, cabins etc., all pretty similar. As they are both s-class ships this is perhaps unsurprising. Both are what I would classify as ‘modern elegance’, somewhat like an upscale hotel, beautifully designed and filled with art, very classy, not trashy. They really are beautiful ships…in my limited experience of cruise ships. In my opinion Reflection has the edge on Equinox probably because it’s a newer ship, it’s a little slicker and the art is better. But if there was a toss-up between choosing Equinox or Reflection, I wouldn’t mind either. Ok maybe Reflection if you really make me choose. The Equinox was serving us well so far. The ship was full but it never felt crowded. We could always get a seat at breakfast, a lounger in the solarium/pool area, or a treadmill in the gym. We didn’t take too many photos of the ship as there are already lots of Equinox pics available, but here are a select few.


Grand foyer




The Tree



The pool at night




Where I spent alot of time




Grass....on a ship, surely not??



Entrance to Emsemble Lounge


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Ok, now back to our sea day. First, the gym. My limbs were feeling a little stiff and sore today. At home I generally go to the gym about three times a week and run outside three times a week, but while on the cruise I was going every day, sometimes twice. Um…maybe no extra run today…maybe I’ll get a massage….but it’s a sea day so they are probably already booked up, and they are also pretty expensive…ok maybe no massage. We had a leisurely breakfast sitting outside in Oceanview. I mixed things up today with a toasted bagel, cream cheese and salmon, as well as fruit (always with the fruit) and some really good banana bread. It was the first time I saw banana bread in the buffet, so if you see it definitely try it!


Chilled out breakfast on deck...notice the mountain of banana bread!



After breakfast I wrote for a while sipping yet another coffee and then we headed to our first talk of the cruise about the ship’s navigation system. Actually here lies an actual difference between Reflection and Equinox (although it’s probably due to the duration of the cruise rather than the ship) – there were hardly any lectures of interest on this cruise. If you want to know how to stay younger or how to brush your teeth (seriously), it’s a perfect cruise for you, but overall not a lot on offer. Certainly compared to last year where we had former US Senator and Govern Bob Graham speaking about terrorism and 9/11.


While the lecture about the navigation system was interesting, I found it almost impossible to keep my eyes open, and it was only 10.30 in the morning! And I had drunk a lot of coffee!! Were they pumping something in here?? I had planned on going to the Hot Glass Show at 11, but instead I went to the solarium to read (well ok sleep!). I also picked up some leaflets about future cruises….As I already mentioned I am going on sabbatical for the next academic year. I will start off in Chicago, then Sydney, and then Paris. I am somewhat temped to take advantage of being a little closer to the Caribbean to do a short cruise at the end of my stay in the US. I will never get my family to go on a Caribbean cruise (flight too long for DM), so I would have to do it alone, which I don’t mind. Eastern or Western Caribbean, any preferences? The only problem is that Celebrity doesn’t seem to have any cruises that suits my dates. So…can’t believe I am saying this…but |I might have to consider another cruise line!! From reading CC, it would appear that people who like Celebrity tend to like Princess. Would that be a correct assertion?


As this was a sea day, the MDR was open for lunch (it only opens for lunch on sea days), so it would be amiss not to take advantage. Last year we went for lunch in MDR many times. Oh how I prefer being served, it makes for a much more relaxing lunch experience. And the lunch was not only relaxing, but very delicious, everything tasted very fresh. I had chilled carrot soup and then a wholewheat pasta dish. DS and DM had duck, and they said it was the best dish they had on-board so far! We skipped dessert as I wanted to try one of those lovely looking cakes on display in Café de Bacio which I had so far resisted and DS wanted to try one of those cookie ice-cream sandwiches (more for the photo op than actually eating….although it did disappear pretty quickly). DM did have dessert in MDR, although she later claimed it wasn’t really dessert as it was mainly fruit! She used this to justify eating half my chocolate cake. Back away from the cake DM! We spent an hour or so, having coffee and eating cake.


Lunch in MDR



Great pasta



Hands off my chocolate cake!



A very instragramable ice-cream cookie


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The afternoon is a bit of a blur- sugar slump perhaps. I know I went to the solarium to chill out and DM and DS went to the top deck (they got rained on, which is somewhat funny in the middle of the Med in June). I should mention that today was the most overcast and coldest day so far (but still better than Ireland so I was happy). And I was dry!


Ha, ha, no rain for me DS and DM, should have stayed in solarium!



So after an afternoon of nothingmuchness we got ready for the evening - another ‘evening chic’ night. Quick outfit posts and then we picked up some cocktails in the Sky Observation Lounge before going to the theatre for the evening show. Key tip - it’s always easier to get a drink in here in the evenings than the bars near the restaurants as it’s at the other end of the ship. I asked for a Negroni (which I saw on the standard package), but the bartender said it was not included on the classic package so I couldn’t have it. This made no sense to me as the classic package is more expensive than the standard package, so surely it must include drinks included on the standard package---- well apparently not. No matter, I had a whiskey sour, my first one ever.


Tonight's elegant chic looks




The show was pretty good, there were 3 singers doing Motown type singing and dancing. It was a nice way to pass the evening. After the show we went people watching in all their fancy evening clothes (from the Café de Bacio vantage point) as well as taking (or attempting to take) sunset photos out on deck. Another key tip - Café de Bacio serves wine, who knew! I didn’t anyway.


The show





Yeah, no idea what I was doing either



Then it was in to MDR for dinner. I didn’t go running that afternoon so I wasn’t mad hungry but I’m sure I’ll manage something. And manage I did - chilled pea soup (you will see a trend emerging here), followed by beef wellington. As it was ‘elegant chic’ night I had to try the beef wellington as I believe it’s only on the menu on such nights. Indeed we all ordered it and it was melt in the mouth and cooked perfectly, I asked for medium and medium it was. Crème brulee for dessert, almost as good as Tuscan Grille, and of course a decaf coffee. We had fun with our waiter trying to teach us napkin folding. Maybe there is a Celebrity course on this??


Tonights dinner




This was one I did earlier....maybe not



After dinner we went back up to the Sky Observation Lounge as the Celebrity dancers had a 60’s themed show and there was dancing after. I even got DS to dance…well for 2 songs perhaps. Overall it was a good sea day, but I was looking forward to getting out and exploring Palma tomorrow.

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Ok, now back to our sea day. First, the gym. My limbs were feeling a little stiff and sore today. At home I generally go to the gym about three times a week and run outside three times a week, but while on the cruise I was going every day, sometimes twice. Um…maybe no extra run today…maybe I’ll get a massage….but it’s a sea day so they are probably already booked up, and they are also pretty expensive…ok maybe no massage. We had a leisurely breakfast sitting outside in Oceanview. I mixed things up today with a toasted bagel, cream cheese and salmon, as well as fruit (always with the fruit) and some really good banana bread. It was the first time I saw banana bread in the buffet, so if you see it definitely try it!




Chilled out breakfast on deck...notice the mountain of banana bread!






After breakfast I wrote for a while sipping yet another coffee and then we headed to our first talk of the cruise about the ship’s navigation system. Actually here lies an actual difference between Reflection and Equinox (although it’s probably due to the duration of the cruise rather than the ship) – there were hardly any lectures of interest on this cruise. If you want to know how to stay younger or how to brush your teeth (seriously), it’s a perfect cruise for you, but overall not a lot on offer. Certainly compared to last year where we had former US Senator and Govern Bob Graham speaking about terrorism and 9/11.




While the lecture about the navigation system was interesting, I found it almost impossible to keep my eyes open, and it was only 10.30 in the morning! And I had drunk a lot of coffee!! Were they pumping something in here?? I had planned on going to the Hot Glass Show at 11, but instead I went to the solarium to read (well ok sleep!). I also picked up some leaflets about future cruises….As I already mentioned I am going on sabbatical for the next academic year. I will start off in Chicago, then Sydney, and then Paris. I am somewhat temped to take advantage of being a little closer to the Caribbean to do a short cruise at the end of my stay in the US. I will never get my family to go on a Caribbean cruise (flight too long for DM), so I would have to do it alone, which I don’t mind. Eastern or Western Caribbean, any preferences? The only problem is that Celebrity doesn’t seem to have any cruises that suits my dates. So…can’t believe I am saying this…but |I might have to consider another cruise line!! From reading CC, it would appear that people who like Celebrity tend to like Princess. Would that be a correct assertion?




As this was a sea day, the MDR was open for lunch (it only opens for lunch on sea days), so it would be amiss not to take advantage. Last year we went for lunch in MDR many times. Oh how I prefer being served, it makes for a much more relaxing lunch experience. And the lunch was not only relaxing, but very delicious, everything tasted very fresh. I had chilled carrot soup and then a wholewheat pasta dish. DS and DM had duck, and they said it was the best dish they had on-board so far! We skipped dessert as I wanted to try one of those lovely looking cakes on display in Café de Bacio which I had so far resisted and DS wanted to try one of those cookie ice-cream sandwiches (more for the photo op than actually eating….although it did disappear pretty quickly). DM did have dessert in MDR, although she later claimed it wasn’t really dessert as it was mainly fruit! She used this to justify eating half my chocolate cake. Back away from the cake DM! We spent an hour or so, having coffee and eating cake.




Lunch in MDR






Great pasta






Hands off my chocolate cake!






A very instragramable ice-cream cookie






Well, about your future Caribbean cruise, pls also consider RCCL: I felt in love with Oasis of the Seas one year ago! Oasis, Allure and newest Harmony are definitely a must-do experience!



Italian Cruiser


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still loving your review and missing Equinox. Our group did 11 nights in October, 2013. After that, we did the Caribbean. Your pictures are wonderful and bring back happy memories. I haven't done Reflection yet; that is booked for next year.

FYI, you will LOVE Chicago, my hometown.


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Hey Lunastella,


Thank you for your great review, it´s fantastic! You write so lively and the photos make your story truly come to alive. You three ladies seem to have such nice time, you look like happy campers :)


Me and my wife were on that same cruise with you and enjoyed it much. Alltought our schedule was bit...er...less active compared to yours. We did not even consider any mornings workouts.


(here´s my much shorter review on our journey: http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberre...EntryID=538901 )

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Hey Lunastella,


Thank you for your great review, it´s fantastic! You write so lively and the photos make your story truly come to alive. You three ladies seem to have such nice time, you look like happy campers :)


Me and my wife were on that same cruise with you and enjoyed it much. Alltought our schedule was bit...er...less active compared to yours. We did not even consider any mornings workouts.


(here´s my much shorter review on our journey: http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberre...EntryID=538901 )

Hi Hermann,

Thanks for sending on the link to you review. It's really interesting to read another perspective on the same cruise....I think ours thoughts are the pretty similar...overall very good but the pushiness of the premium beverage package is a drag.

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Wonderful review! We are cruising on the Reflection out of Rome in 11 days! I will have to try your restaurant recommendations in Rome as we will be there for 4 days prior. And staying at Albergo Cesari as well!!

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Hey Lunastella,


Some good news for you announced a few weeks ago:


Equinox will be do Caribbean sailings year-round (as from next year) from Florida. :)

Excellent, thanks for letting me know

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Wonderful review! We are cruising on the Reflection out of Rome in 11 days! I will have to try your restaurant recommendations in Rome as we will be there for 4 days prior. And staying at Albergo Cesari as well!!

Thanks BobbyD, hope you enjoy Rome as much as we did.

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Day 7 - Palma de Mallorca I


I set the alarm for the first time today just in case I slept in again. We wanted to be up and out early today to explore Palma de Mallorca. But we were snails compared to the streams of people who were leaving the ship as soon as we docked at 8am. But first, gym. When I got there at 7 we were sailing into Palma port, so another nice view for my workout. The gym seemed much quieter today, maybe people really are eager to get out there, or maybe their resolve is weakening as the cruise goes on…it’s certainly the latter in my case. I had read an article the day before about grit and the importance of determination - so I kept thinking of that while I resisted collapsing on the treadmill as I remembered the chocolate cake, the crème brulee, oh and the alcohol, from the previous day, actually I was starting to feel a little unwell. So I decided today would be an alcohol free day…maybe even a cake free day…maybe that would be going too far.


I still managed breakfast though and had an omelette for the first time (no, not ever, on the ship). Our waiter from MDR was on omelette duty, they work really hard. It took a while for the omelette to be ready, but when it was it was very nice indeed. DS and DM were wondering where I had disappeared to though and once I returned they subtlety suggested I hurry up, point taken, we have work to do…well sightseeing to do. After gathering up all our bits - sun cream, check; water, check; hat, check… it was going to be hot today, up to 30 degrees - we headed out. Celebrity had organised shuttle buses to bring passengers into Palma centre which was 3.5km from where we had docked. It was €10 pp for a one day pass or €15 pp for 2 days. While not expensive, I don’t know why the shuttle bus was free in Livorno, but there was a charge here.





Palma is a much more city like than I had imagined. There is a big highway along the coast and the city lies behind it. The Cathedral is visible from almost all points in Palma and certainly dominates the skyline – it’s an unusual colour in gothic style. I will refrain from giving you the history, suffice to say it’s very long and complicated. After being dropped off near the Cathedral we went to the tourist office to pick up a map and inquire about walking tours. So far on this trip we had gone on any organised tours, so about time to let the experts take over. We discovered that was a free 2 hour guided walking tour starting soon - sorted! Note the tourist office has free wifi….checked email, all quiet on the western front. The tour started in the park area in front of the Cathedral and there were separate English and Spanish tours. Not speaking any Spanish, we opted for the English one.


View of Cathedral from park



Our guide, Carlos, was great, very informative and lively. He took us all around the outside of the Cathedral and then around the old town, including the old Jewish quarter, and most importantly for a walking tour in the Med in the summer, he always found us a shaded area to stand in. The two hours passed very quickly and we really enjoyed learning about the history of Palma, exploring the small back streets, strolling through the market, and taking shade in courtyards. The tour was great value, well it was free. Only kidding, we tipped him well.


Highlights from walking tour



We asked about lunch and Carlos gave us a recommendation for a nearby Mallorca restaurant. Celler sa Premsa is over 50 years old and is very traditional. It was mainly frequently by locals who sat in a large hall (somewhat like a German beer hall). Still not feeling 100% I kept it light with gazpacho and salad, while DS had a massive Paella, and DM a whole fish complete with head and tail, all very good. An added bonus was free wifi, who would have thought that! Sitting in the air conditioned restaurant for an hour or so was very much appreciated after spending 2 hours walking around in the heat.


DS and DM cooling off at lunch



Look at the paella being prepared tableside!



Next stop, gelato obviously, well it has been awhile. At least it wasn’t cake. We found a gelato place on the way to the bus station. We had decided to go to Castell de Bellver, which is an old fort overlooking Mallorca. We went to the bus station, and they told us to get bus number 50, but when we went to the bus stop we saw that bus 50 was the double decker tourist bus which cost €17 pp, so we hopped into a taxi instead - €10 in total, much better deal, although we would have to figure out how to get back somehow…


OK so I had ice-cream...


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