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.......idle jottings continued


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When is the Oktoberfest ?


September!... just to confuse the half pint brigade who I believe would drown within the first ten minutes of being "Oktobered" at the Fest.


I understand now it has become so big that it has lost its soul...rather corporate, rather plastic with tens of thousands of tourists each day visiting.

Would rather go to an tarditional bierhaus with real buxon Fraulines, lashings of beer and some tasty bratvursts to prevent falling over from "hunger" too early.

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September!... just to confuse the half pint brigade who I believe would drown within the first ten minutes of being "Oktobered" at the Fest.


I understand now it has become so big that it has lost its soul...rather corporate, rather plastic with tens of thousands of tourists each day visiting.

Would rather go to an tarditional bierhaus with real buxon Fraulines, lashings of beer and some tasty bratvursts to prevent falling over from "hunger" too early.



Nothing but nothing can be beat a "British Beer Festival".

Admittedly it's a little short of buxom blondes: in fact none, as it is made up with 50 year old men with beards, open sandals and love folk music.

Oh and they are dull !

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But Heidelberg !

The Baron & Baronness !

Close to France and nice region in that whole general area.

That is tempting.

Very, very tempting.


A long way to go for a gassy beer and having to dress in leiderhausen !

Despite rumours, Hum is a conservative dresser.

When is the Oktoberfest ?


I understand now it has become so big that it has lost its soul...rather corporate, rather plastic with tens of thousands of tourists each day visiting.

Would rather go to an tarditional bierhaus with real buxon Fraulines, lashings of beer and some tasty bratvursts to prevent falling over from "hunger" too early.


As hum doesn't like plastic and no-soul ships/events/facilities, the Oktoberfest is not a real alternative to nice Baron&Baroness + lovely Heidelberg!!!;)

The Baron will make the visit of Hum and blondie so enjoyable and they will like the South-Western part of Merkelland that much - they will not want to go to Frogeaterland afterwards.

Edited by gcmv
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As hum doesn't like plastic and no-soul ships/events/facilities, the Oktoberfest is not a real alternative to nice Baron&Baroness + lovely Heidelberg!!!;)

The Baron will make the visit of Hum and blondie so enjoyable and they will like the South-Western part of Merkelland that much - they will not want to go to Frogeaterland afterwards.


So kind old chum, so kind ....... we would love to visit to see your Highnesses, the old University of Heidelberg and to explore the culture and food of your region.

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Have you noticed Sea Dream advertising "popping up" on your devices ?

It started about a month ago.

Hum must congratulate SD for their intelligent advertsing approach.


Have not seen that yet. My pop-ups seem to be of a totally different subject.:eek::D

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Hum mist admit, this pist is even more of a ramble than ever.

You know the reason why.


Thank you Mr. Hum. I hope you feel better soon. I told Lois about the Girl Cold thing and being able to continue her full duties......I get the stitches out next week.


Maybe this is why you only got three hours of sympathy. Consider yourself lucky, chum


And as for you, Jim. You'd say this to a woman who packs iron? Lucky it is only stitches, dude.


Because I'd bet she's also a good shot.


Yep, a regular Annie Oakley.:D


Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen "knickers are becoming twisted and oh so bunched" !

Desist !

Immediatement !


So you think Hum's being sexist do ya ?

Well maybe he is.


Hum's view is a woman should be in the home lookin' after the family performing her duties.


And that woman is Hilary being in the "White House" very soon looking after the "US & world family" doing her duty for the benefit of all mankind and following in the footsteps of great women leaders all over the world (who are and have been significantly more influential for the better than any male except Churchill but that was a time of crisis maybe Goldie Meyer was of the same standard).


The odd thing is, is that this pist was being jotted whilst news was breaking in the US about truly disgusting comments were being released about women by you know who.

Can anyone really believe anyone saying such things ?

Another new low has been reached by this guy.

Hum is still reeling by the claim that he was smart not to pay tax !

How does that make the lower paid feel ?

How can he say he supports the army, police etc... when he doesn't support (financially) the army, police etc...

He is a fraud.


The alternative of a sexist male being in any form of authority is repugnant to anyone.

Women are viewed by this man simply as sex objects.

No other qualities of their character, personality etc.. are of any value: only his own gratification.

But he goes beyond viewing women as objects, he talks about them in such derogatory terms.


Our sisters, daughters and mothers should not have to be subject to this.

It is truly shameful.

Us guys cannot agree to let this go this low.

Even if some guys do and gals also.

Yes you heard gals allow this too, turning a blind eye, making pathetic excuses.

Sisters are letting down their sisters.

They should know better.

Hum accepts that many women supporters of Trump do so (or have done so) for genuine reasons of political change and they are worldly wise and robust enough to take a sanguine attitude to a few faux pas and challenging rhetoric and bombast by him but now your continued support will be sending out a terrible message equivalent to the repressive, institutional misoginism of Islam.

Now the West is acting vociferously to deny the influence of this nasty repressive influence yet at the same time permitting an equally offensive view of women.


Come on, enough is enough now.

Not saying D's "all bad" or that H's "all good" but the choice is gettin' clearer.

Until someone the US can really respect comes along, then take the safe option.


No, Hum doesn't like her either and frankly Hum is more inclined to a "shootin' from the hips, straight talkin', unsofistikated character" but HIM ?

In the name of Bod.

Nooooooo !

He ain't no John Wayne.

Some people say "what would Jesus do" ?

Well if I needed some carpentry work done then maybe Hum would ask Mr.JC.

But Hum says "what would John Wayne do" or "Jimmy Stewart" ?

And Hum thinks we all know what they would do ?

Yes, the decent thing.

It ain't rocket science.


And H is "right of centre".

Hum has seen what rampant Socialism can do !

Sure, Hum loves French wine, food, culture but ..........

Where did the expression "Mon Dieu" come from ?

Think about it ?

And why ?

If you lived there, you would know !


And what of the Republican party ?

Once a noble political influence.

And H says that irrespective of one's political slang or inclination.

An institution allowed to be infiltrated by "nuts".

Nuts of all sorts.

The Evangelicals are the worst.

Claiming God is an ultra-right winger.


No, it will be Democrats for now until eternity.

And that's a bad thing.

Obama will eventually come to be considered as the one who will be respected by both sides.

Please Barak, we love you in Europe, please take over the European Union.


If Jim and TrapperZ do not stand as a coalition party leaders, the world is doomed.

The best of both worlds.


Look H knows it's none of his business.

Except the world and it's population will be effected by events in the US.


Finally "duties" in the previous post was referring to "household" type and was of course tongue in cheek.


Hum adores Blondie and respects her the most.

She also has a robust sense of humour.


Yes it's another ramble........H put's it down to the medication ("Hot Toddies": an amazing winter drink. Add a dash of lemon juice too).

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Whew! Tired just reading it. I feel certain Trapper Z and myself could form a coalition government that would work. But I have to warn you, if everything I have ever said in the past has been recorded, there is going to be some disgusting revelations by the opposition. Sorry but that's the way it is. Who among us can truly swear they have never used any pejoratives, profanities, or slurs at some time?? Sorry, not I. As former Prez W said: "When I was young and foolish, I was young and foolish". Some of the only things he said I fully understood. And yes, Mr. T has said some amazingly bad things but I can tell you the Hildebeast has DONE some amazingly bad things in her 35 years of "Public Service" that has garnered them a net worth of over $100 mil. Enough of that. Has SD I sailed yet???:D

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Dearest one, glad to hear you are recovering from your "man cold", albeit

with the aid of medicinal stimulents. Didn't know Dr. Georges Bouef made

house calls.


So happy we made the cut for our breakfast table. Is that because all the

other guests are still asleep at that hour? We've got oodles to catch up

on since we last sailed together and breakfast is the perfect opportunity.


Stay warm and well as we want you fully healthy in a couple of weeks.


"Happy to have made the cut" !

Sir, you can take self-deprecation too far !

Far too far.

This is one of our SD "highlights of the year" to spend valued time with you dearest chum.

It is we who are honoured and yes "oodles" to chat about.


So sorry to hear of your precarious health situation, dear Hum, but excited to read of your start on the road to recovery this morning. Pardon me, but should it now be Dr. Hum as your prescription for fighting the manly cold seems better than most real doctors would give. Such a lovely concoction of ingredients all working to foster rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. What is the correct dosage per day (should I ever need to be prescribed?)


With the latest revelations in our presidential race, we are more and more convinced to write in our German Shepherd's name. She's female, believes in a strong defense, a nightly 8-10 hour sleep with plenty of naps throughout the day, frequent exercise, partaking in medicinal doses of alcohol (she is close to 91 in human years) , listens very well and doesn't speak unless she is passionate on a subject (squirrels do provide excitement)


Looking forward to seeing you and Blondie. It will be a grand voyage with so many friends on board.


Well said dear chum.

Hum is really looking forward to meet up with you both.

Is Dad looking after the family ?

Really look forward to our chats and your sage view and thoughts coupled with great humour.

The xings really do attract such a lovely bunch.

They are one of the main reasons for the voyage.


Regarding medicine dosage.

It is important never to exceed the recommended dose of a bottle (whisky) a day.



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The audio of Trump being a boorish fratboy pig is of no surprise to anyone that voted for him in the primary. They knew who and what they were voting for. The surprise is that there are not far more of these types of transgressions coming out, given the establishment machine shaking the bushes for dirt on Trump.


Trump is a social neanderthal (appologies to the neanderthals...), but he is the only one out there that clearly states the true issues facing the US, and seemingly has plans that will actually change things.

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The audio of Trump being a boorish fratboy pig is of no surprise to anyone that voted for him in the primary. They knew who and what they were voting for. The surprise is that there are not far more of these types of transgressions coming out, given the establishment machine shaking the bushes for dirt on Trump.


Trump is a social neanderthal (appologies to the neanderthals...), but he is the only one out there that clearly states the true issues facing the US, and seemingly has plans that will actually change things.


Yes agree..as a woman I have to overlook his transgressions for the bigger picture for my beloved USA. Sorry Hum, I do not want US to become Europe. My 1st priority is our Supreme Court, ISIS, Economy, Jobs.

The "P" word is the least of my worries...


Deplorable Contessa

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Thanks for the dosage. One never knows how much might cause more good than harm, so a bottle a day it is, Dr. Hum. Yes, Dad will be out this coming Tuesday to take care of the family. He'll be staying through Christmas this year and we'll enjoy immensely having him here.


Looking forward to our discussions. It's wonderful when we solve most of the world's problems, leaving only the small ones for others to solve (if they would only listen to us). We've taken care of world peace, global warming, lack of potable water and deforestation. What issues this time?

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"What issues this time?"


Oh man, that question is ripe with possibilities! But most of my suggestions would likely be interpreted by the dear moderator as personal attacks, so I will just leave my suggestions up to your imaginations, knowing ol' Ragnar as you all do :p



PS - ho-hum, my alcohol tolerance has been brought back to near normal. A neighbor had a 40th birthday bash at their home for his wife, and they put on quite a fandango. Bartenders, with a surprisingly high quality of champagne, wine, beer, and spirits, and cocktail waitresses that came around and ensured your drink stayed filled. Tuxedoed waiters passing hors d'oeuvres. And a grill master making up gourmet sliders, BBQ, etc. Plus a DJ and automated disco lighting system. If the knee had been in shape for it, even ol' Ragnar would have been out there cut'n the rug :rolleyes: I consoled myself by sampling all the bar offerings :D. It started at 6pm and I'm still reeling a bit at midnight... Must ease into these things, you know. And it was good practice for next weekend, when we fly to Oregon to attend a wedding at a winery :eek:


PPS - Flight time from John Wayne airport to Portland, Oregon is exactly the same as from London to Zagreb...

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Dearest chums whom Hum loves and adores,

It is OVER.

Maybe someone will else will run with his kind of policies but it sure ain't going to be him.

And if the Republicans don't act on this then the Republican party will be over too (remaining in name only).

Honestly H has no political motives here.

As H said before, H is a tad right of centre (and would like to see a compassionate Republican party inclusive of nigh on everyone).

And H is no fan of H either.


Finally Hum will say he is appalled by his treatment of young cats.

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Can you only imagine if everything Winston Churchill ever uttered in private was on a "hot mic"?


Well funny you ask that Jim, cos Hum can tell you precisely what Churchill said privately on a regular basis during the early days of WWI:


"When will those ruddy Yanks join us in the fight against the N a xis"


Eventually you did, sacrificed a lot of good young men and we are extremely grateful: words cannot express the appreciation.

By the way we also paid back the War Loan to you about a decade and a half ago.

And we have been your strongest allies ever since and always will be, both in good times and bad whatever the political persuasion is adopted from time to time.

Why ?

Because fundamentally we trust in the ordinary American people.

Decent, honest, hard working and fair (unlike the French......and the Italians....just kiddin' or is H ?).


Besides Churchill was fighting a war, of course his language in private would have been colourful but it would never have been at the level of him besides Winston was devoted to his wife and she was his one resolute support.

When he had a "Man Cold", his wife looked after him constantly and never chided him when he smoked his Cubans. Hum left out the passage from his book for Blondie but the hint went un-acknowledged.

One thing he and Donald did have in common though, Winston used to love building walls (yes but with his own hands) around his garden of his home just an hour's drive from Posh Palace.

When you come over Jim, Hum will take you there (if you want).

Nice pubs a long the way.


"...........idle jottings" is a kind of "open mic": none of it is filtered, occasionally offends and was recently jotted under the influence of heavy medication, self-prescribed (Red Label and Bells).

But the chums here are remarkably tolerant and this is a fantastic situation.

The bonds of chums are strong though occasionally stretched a tad.


By the way, loved the "Fifty shades" counter-argument Hum heard elsewhere (not from any of chums here).

Handy for them to have had it laying around.

Only (and very significant) flaw is, "practices" described in the piece of fiction are private and based on agreed terms beforehand between loving and respectful partners entering into a stimulating fantasy world which if one party were deemed to be exceeding the level of ..... (whatever the heck they get up to) there is a procedure to return to acceptable levels or stop altogether: well that was how Raggy explained it, Hum has no clue about that kind of thing, no Raggy's quite the expert by all accounts.

Did you know Contessa, it is quite popular over here amongst High Court Judges and those fixated about law and order.

Yep, they love a good spanking.

Had enough of them to last a lifetime at Hum's Jesuit school which Hum believes to this day were recruited from the SS.

Did nothing stimulating for Hum.


Still chums ?

Hope so.

You are the best.

Love you all.


Hum offers this promise.

No more talk about the pair of 'em (by H).

God bless America (it needs it).

See you in 4 years time.


No it wasn't a spelling mistake: only way it could be incorprated (the "N" word).

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"What issues this time?"


Oh man, that question is ripe with possibilities! But most of my suggestions would likely be interpreted by the dear moderator as personal attacks, so I will just leave my suggestions up to your imaginations, knowing ol' Ragnar as you all do :p



PS - ho-hum, my alcohol tolerance has been brought back to near normal. A neighbor had a 40th birthday bash at their home for his wife, and they put on quite a fandango. Bartenders, with a surprisingly high quality of champagne, wine, beer, and spirits, and cocktail waitresses that came around and ensured your drink stayed filled. Tuxedoed waiters passing hors d'oeuvres. And a grill master making up gourmet sliders, BBQ, etc. Plus a DJ and automated disco lighting system. If the knee had been in shape for it, even ol' Ragnar would have been out there cut'n the rug :rolleyes: I consoled myself by sampling all the bar offerings :D. It started at 6pm and I'm still reeling a bit at midnight... Must ease into these things, you know. And it was good practice for next weekend, when we fly to Oregon to attend a wedding at a winery :eek:


PPS - Flight time from John Wayne airport to Portland, Oregon is exactly the same as from London to Zagreb...


Your restraint is admirable dear chum.

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Thanks for the dosage. One never knows how much might cause more good than harm, so a bottle a day it is, Dr. Hum. Yes, Dad will be out this coming Tuesday to take care of the family. He'll be staying through Christmas this year and we'll enjoy immensely having him here.


Looking forward to our discussions. It's wonderful when we solve most of the world's problems, leaving only the small ones for others to solve (if they would only listen to us). We've taken care of world peace, global warming, lack of potable water and deforestation. What issues this time?


"What issues this time" ?


Hum is sick to death with it ALL !

We will go on the boat together, hang out, chat, catch up with how we are, take long rests, leisurely lunches and relax.

We will not ruin the voyage over politics, world affairs, religion etc...

Banalities will suffice.

Being nice to one another.

Maybe H may even miss out on the "quiz": one or two can get a little "testy" shall we say.

Hum proposes that SD places a "Swear Box" at the TOYB for anyone who says the words "Hilary" or "Donald"...including their surnames.

The funds collected would be split between the "Crew Fund" and a new innovative charity researching medication to fight "Man Cold" deciding which Scotch is the most effective in "Hot Toddies".

Hum volunteers to be the dummy.

Well, H has had years of practice after all.


"Man Cold" is nigh on defeated, just jotting now before chums (yes SD chums) pop over for lunch with a few nice bottles.


It's another of those "Debates" tonight.

Gotta watch it !

Hum feels so "dirty" !


Stop Hum.

It's over for you.

Rise above this level.

Even you are better than this.

You think ?

Oh yes.

OK, then we are done.

Just look forward to meeting dearest COCOYOTE and she COCOYOTE.

That's all Hum needs to hear.

The End.

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"Sorry Hum, I do not want US to become Europe"


Don't be sorry, the UK doesn't want to become Europe either...


We in US now have some Italian flair aka our mini Berlusconi and bit of Eva Peron being propped up with who knows what so she does not fall over.


the P word..Pffft....but Hillary cannot remember what the "C" stands for. We do and it ain't warm and fuzzy.. ;-))

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While in the early days of Trump's campaign I well understood why his rhetoric resonated with some, his words of late have become indefensible.


Though I have heard some of his ill chosen words in a high school locker room, spouted by some

jock trying to prove his manliness to other pubescent teens, it is hardly what one would expect from

a candidate for President. No, Mr. Trump, it is time to step aside not merely for the good of the party,

but to salvage what little self respect you might have left. I cannot imagine sitting opposite him in the

months to come trying to negotiate a business deal without a sense of revulsion. In other words, Don.

it ain't gonna be good for business!


Though not enamored by Hillary, for the moment she is all we've got and all we can hope is that she

is up to the daunting tasks ahead.


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