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October 22, 2016- Live from the Royal Princess- Our teeny, tiny cruise to Mexico


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i'm enjoying your trip tracie-lynn!

i feel bad for the woman whose husband was a cranky-pants. i always think: 'this is how he talks to her in public, imagine how he acts at home'. i hope they say how your husband helped you.

sleeve puppets and tea. bring it on!

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Hi Tracie,


Your blog is helping me pass the time till we board the Crown in January down in Rio.


Sadebud (aka Tracy too)


Hey Tracy (Sadebud) We're on that cruise from Rio too! I've been "readying" for the cruise by reading here on CC too! :p Have you joined the Roll Call??

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Hey Tracy (Sadebud) We're on that cruise from Rio too! I've been "readying" for the cruise by reading here on CC too! :p Have you joined the Roll Call??


Hi SoCalJo,


Yes, I am on the roll call!!! I think we're on a tour with you or something...I seem to remember quoting and/or commenting on something you wrote (maybe not, but I've definitely seen your posts!). I am sooooooooo excited!!!! Looking forward to meeting you!


And now, back to Tracie Lynn...lol

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Good morning from the beautiful Crown Princess. Kudos to Tracie for blogging our way through the Western Caribbean.


Today is the last day, a sea day, and the weather started out cloudy. Looks as if it may clear up for some afternoon sun.


A whole different demographic on this cruise vs. the transatlantic and that is to be expected. Just under a thousand platinum and elite cruisers with just over 200 elites. Subsequently, laundry return times are down to 1-2 days. TV issues appear to be a thing of the past. Last night we had the World Series live.


Lots of chair hogs on this cruise; a virtual sea of towels by 9 am. Joyce went up to catch some sun and there wasn't an available lounger in sight. Lots of towels and books but not many sun seekers. Joyce is too much of a lady to make waves so she dragged an empty one half the deck to find a sunny spot. She did her walk around deck but it was so hot she has started doing her walk around deck 8 inside.


Mahajual was a real mixed bag due to the ever-changing weather. We waited out the worst of the rain and got off just as the Carnival Breeze was docking. Subsequently, we had to stand in the hot sun for 25 minutes while they tied her up. No foot traffic was allowed during the process. Strolled around for a while and headed back to the ship.


Cozumel found us marooned way out of town at the farthest removed dock but we're used to that as we have never been on a ship that docked in town.

Downtown is no fun anymore so we don't go there. Since the proliferation of ships at the other docking areas, fewer and fewer folks are making the trek into town. If you do go there, the hard sell is unbearable as you can't walk 5 feet without being accosted. Best bet for shopping at the port is Los Cinco Soles. The place has a good selection, good prices and the salespeople don bother you but are more than willing to help if asked.


We had a nice anniversary yesterday and our wait staff serended us accordingly. HOWEVER, the casino did not get the memo!


It's been a great 19 days and we can't wait for next April to enjoy another great transatlantic on the Royal Princess. Come and join us! Until then, Bon Voyage to us all.



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October 26, 2016

Sea Day, Last Day


Hi Friends-


I have one consistent dislike in cruising. No matter how long... No matter how far... The same thing happens- and no matter how often I cruise-- I still feel the same way about-- The preparation to disembark. Even when I am on my absolute best. behavior. ever, the disembarkation information arrives. The US Customs form arrives. The final bill arrives. Every time. And for those of us who record our travel for the edification of others- we maintain a common idea... It is really hard to blog the end of a cruise. Wah.


So I will back up and tell you about last night- Bradley fell into a deep, deep coma- and I headed off to dinner alone. This normally happens at least once a cruise. I am fine with it, as I always have you for company. So, I am never really alone. I ordered the Swiss Air-Cured Beef, the gazpacho (there is just never enough gazpacho), a salad, and then decided to try the short ribs. Just as I was getting ready to tuck into my first course, who appeared??? Bradley! Freshly showered and ready to eat. Ivan- our waiter extraordinaire - quickly grabbed Bradley's order- and so that we could match courses. All was typical, with a standout mention to the gazpacho- until I got to the short ribs. So much fat. I have never developed a taste for straight up meat fat. It must be a texture thing. I left the majority of it on my plate, and then had to listen to to Ivan and Bradley explain how "fat is flavour". Ick. Fat is, well, fat...


The meal redeemed itself- as there was a Normal Love selection! Yay! It was the coconut mousse one- not my absolute favorite, but certainly in the top three! I love the base of that dessert the very best. It is sort of a white chocolate- crunchy, Rice Crispy thing. I have been known to tip the dessert over, just to get to the base. Yum!


After dinner, we returned to the cabin to watch... You guessed it! Love Boat. I think Bradley is hooked. Hahaha. It is funny to see him shout the same epithets at the TV as I do. "Get some morals!" Try a date first, Buddy". "Seriously? They have only known each other for 6 hours and they're doing WHAT???" So great!


Sadly, I did not sleep last night, leaving me tired and cranky today. The "Luggage Mat of Doom" has done nothing to brighten my continence. Why do they have to do that? Whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyy????


This morning, we woke late. I missed yoga and breakfast. I scrambled to get to the IC to grab a couple of coffees and some bran muffins for Bradley- who was still sleeping. I think he was pretty happy to see me, or maybe it was the cappuccino and the muffins. I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to figure that out.


We got our act together in time to make it to Pub Lunch. Bradley had the Bangers and Mash, and I passed. I was holding out for the MDR- where they were serving rouladen. I was raised in Germany, and rouladen may be my favoritest food on earth. B only ate about 1/3 of his B&M (nope, that doesn't sound appetizing, does it?) and we headed to the MDR for my turn at lunch. The rouladen was sort of weird. It had a strange, hamburgerish texture and no pickle. I ate it, because it tasted fine, but it was not the delicious comfort food of my youth. That's for sure. The Chocolate Marquis dessert was certainly memorable though. Holy Cacao Bean! This lunch dessert (always the ugly step-sister to the MDR dinner dessert- except for the blueberry roulade) was, in a word, amaze-balls! (If it has a hyphen, does it count as two words???). Moussey. Cakey. Coffee Sauce! Delish!


After lunch, Bradley headed up to Deck 17 to "sanctuate" and I started the awful process of packing. I did not get far, as this will be a two man job. I guess that is how we will spend our last evening aboard the lovely Royal Princess.


I finally gave it up to head to sanctuate a little myself. I made it just in time for tea (that may have been deliberate). The wind is extra blowy today. When walking into the Sanctuary, it blew the glasses off my head. The best part though is that the wind is acting as nature's air conditioner. We have a nice little corner spot- and we get just enough wind to keep it really cool, but not so much that you feel like you are riding a motorcycle without a helmet.


So that gets you (and me) up-to-date. If you were to look for me, you would find me sanctuating. Sanctuating... It's an action verb. Look it up!


Want some scones?


More later-


Tracie-Lynn :)

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The last day of a cruise has me giving so-sad-sighs throughout the day. On our recent Crown to Hawaii cruise the one thing I was looking forward to on the last day was MDR All American Tom Turkey Dinner.

Deep so-sad-sigh.....it was removed from the menu. :(

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Tracie...your Princess version of rouladen not being like what you enjoyed in Germany is like my Princess cannoli experience. ;)


The Princess cannolis are nothing like my Italian famiglia made at home. Princess had a soft textured cornucopia shaped pastry stuffed with some type of filling. Absolutely nothing like a crispy cylindrical shell containing a creamy filling with flakes of chocolate. I would occasionally ask if they made cannolis but after having them once can understand why they don't waste their time making Princess cannoli. :p

Edited by Astro Flyer
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"Luggage Mat of Doom". Perfect....now to be known in CC circles as LMOD! We will know of what we speak!


Have loved following along; must get eating lessons...where do you put it?? ;) I also spent time in Germany and would have been disappointed in the rouladen as you describe. The best to you and "Bradley"!!! I think we may all get together and send you on another cruise just for the enjoyment of your blogs!

Edited by Murphey
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The last day of a cruise has me giving so-sad-sighs throughout the day. On our recent Crown to Hawaii cruise the one thing I was looking forward to on the last day was MDR All American Tom Turkey Dinner.

Deep so-sad-sigh.....it was removed from the menu. :(

You didn't miss much.


Tracie...your Princess version of rouladen not being like what you enjoyed in Germany is like my Princess cannoli experience. ;)


The Princess cannolis are nothing like my Italian famiglia made at home. Princess had a soft textured cornucopia shaped pastry stuffed with some type of filling. Absolutely nothing like a crispy cylindrical shell containing a creamy filling with flakes of chocolate. I would occasionally ask if they made cannolis but after having them once can understand why they don't waste their time making Princess cannoli. :p


There a sad substitute for a cannoli.

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Really enjoyed your review... one quick question though; how was the pool temperature? especially the Sanctuary one. I remember it seemed to be the coldest of all the pools... how about now? are they keeping them warm?

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I only found your "Live From" today. I'm now caught up. It has been extremely entertaining ...as all of your " Live From" are. I'm so sorry this is over but I look forward to following your "Live From" in January.




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October 28, 2016

Home--- with a twist


Hi Friends-


I have a big ole pet peeve regard unfinished "live froms". So I am going to wrap this up...


Read, if you dare. (Warning!!!! You may want to have some type of a vessel near by. Consider yourself warned.)


For our final night, we decided to skip the MDR and head to Alfredo's for our last supper. This was not to avoid the MDR, but the menu just did not really appeal to either of us. For those who are interested- they did have the Tom Turkey dinner and Baked Alaska.


In Alfredo's, I had the veal agnolotti and a salad. Bradley had the Hawaiian pizza. Not a stitch was left over. After our dinner- we headed to the MDR to deliver our little envelope of gratitude to our wait staff. Ivan was very grateful- lots of hugs and kisses and comparing the next cruises.


We then returned to the room to finalize the packing and to watch a little more Love Boat. We got to see Shirley the Seal, Ben Stiller's mommy and daddy, and the most cheese ball episode (next to June Allison exclaiming "But, I'm <insert dramatic pause here> BLIND!")- two old college roomies fighting over Elizabeth Montgomery by writing a song. I had to forcibly remove the remote from Bradley as he was seriously in binge mode.


We packed it in fairly early, as we had a 5:45 am wake-up call. I think we both slept well- as when that phone rang- we were already up and moving.


We had a 7 am walk-off time for our 10:20 flight. We ran down to the IC for a cup of coffee and a pastry, before returning to our room at 6:40 to gather our belongings. We walked right off the ship, through Global Entry (have I ever mentioned what an amazing deal this is???) and to a waiting taxi. We were at the airport by 7:20 ish. Check in was a breeze and we could find two seats together while we waited for our flight.

... And this is where the fun ends- The flight was packed. We had upgraded to preferred seating in row 5. I was in the center and Bradley was on the aisle. There was a woman in in the window seat. They boarded everybody very quickly- and we were to be wheels-up about 10 minutes early. Once the main cabin doors were shut- I heard a strange noise from the woman at the window seat- who then proceeded to projectile vomit all over my left leg and shoe. :eek:Yep. And they let her fly... Nope. She was not deplaned. The flight attendants offered her clean up, cool wash cloths, a clean shirt, water, pepto. Me? Nothing. I cleaned my own pants (thankfully they were travel pants, so they are quick dry), my own seat, my under the seat luggage. No apology. Nothing. Not from the woman or the airline (and yes, I recognize it is not their fault she threw up- but the way they responded after was very dismissive). I did request and receive a mask- as the woman would not offer an explanation for why she was sick. Oh. They did not require her to wear a mask. And we all know how contagious noro is. So I flew home in smelly wet pants. Thankfully, the flight is under 2 hours. Joy. Some memories you just cannot scrub off.


But even though, we had a lovely time on the Royal. We loved the center stair case- and used it a lot. We really loved the Sanctuary- and used it a lot too. And we spent our time in the airport planning our next adventure--


Thank you for traveling along. I am happy to answer questions.


Going to take another shower now-:rolleyes:


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The last day of a cruise has me giving so-sad-sighs throughout the day. On our recent Crown to Hawaii cruise the one thing I was looking forward to on the last day was MDR All American Tom Turkey Dinner.

Deep so-sad-sigh.....it was removed from the menu. :(


The turkey dinner was on our cruise- we opted to miss it...

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Tracie...your Princess version of rouladen not being like what you enjoyed in Germany is like my Princess cannoli experience. ;)


The Princess cannolis are nothing like my Italian famiglia made at home. Princess had a soft textured cornucopia shaped pastry stuffed with some type of filling. Absolutely nothing like a crispy cylindrical shell containing a creamy filling with flakes of chocolate. I would occasionally ask if they made cannolis but after having them once can understand why they don't waste their time making Princess cannoli. :p


Anyone who has had an iota of exposure to Italian yummies knows that is not cannoli- you described a cream horn- which is an inferior version of cannoli. I am sorry, Frank, that you were duped in such a way. Boo, Princess!

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Really enjoyed your review... one quick question though; how was the pool temperature? especially the Sanctuary one. I remember it seemed to be the coldest of all the pools... how about now? are they keeping them warm?


We only swam at the Retreat Pool (the adults only pool by the Sanctuary). We were off the coast of Mexico and it was pretty hot- so the water was cool- and I was very grateful! I am not sure if they are heating the pools on colder weather cruises, as we don't typically swim on ships.

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Oh Tracie, your trip home sounds awful. I had a similar experience flying from Vancouver to Texas. The young man behind us had never flown before and he vomiting more than once. I always carry Bonine because I get seasick, and I gave the poor soul one. As we all know, once you're sick it can be too late. We had to listen to him retch and smell the vomit for much of the trip. If he had actually vomited on me I think I might also have thrown up. You must have a strong stomach. I'm glad you had fun on the [emoji568]



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Edited by Cairn Mom
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Thank you for another wonderful LIVE! I want to cruise with you as I'm sure we would be friends! You're the only person I've ever met you knows what Roularden is! My family made it often. I've had a similar experience with sauerbraten out - not as good as what I remember. Looking forward to your next cruise. We sail Nov 13 on the Regal to celebrate my BIG birthday!


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Tracie, if you are still around. What are your feelings about a 5 day experience. Was it worth the travel expense/hassle for you. Was it just "not enough"? I've always thought that if I lived in a port city it might be fun, I'm not. So, dish...:D

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Oh Tracie, your trip home sounds awful. I had a similar experience flying from Vancouver to Texas. The young man behind us had never flown before and he vomiting more than once. I always carry Bonine because I get seasick, and I gave the poor soul one. As we all know, once you're sick it can be too late. We had to listen to him retch and smell the vomit for much of the trip. If he had actually vomited on me I think I might also have thrown up. You must have a strong stomach. I'm glad you had fun on the [emoji568]



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Thank you. I do have a pretty strong constitution, so I survived it. However, I registered a bit of a complaint with American- they called me to discuss this issue- and the end result was an addition of miles to my account. I would like them to use this as a training issue, and that training could start with the rep I spoke to...

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Thank you for another wonderful LIVE! I want to cruise with you as I'm sure we would be friends! You're the only person I've ever met you knows what Roularden is! My family made it often. I've had a similar experience with sauerbraten out - not as good as what I remember. Looking forward to your next cruise. We sail Nov 13 on the Regal to celebrate my BIG birthday!



Awww... That is sweet. I sail in January from Singapore-- jump on!


We are trying to figure out the next Bradley and Tracie venture. We are looking at the Regal for a loop around the Baltic or we may give HAL another chance- the Konigsdam for the Baltic.


I am actually thinking of moving to an independent blog spot... We do a bit of land travel, too- and currently that goes un-blogged. Our next trip is to Germany for 5 days over Thanksgiving. I really do need a do-over on that rouladen! (Throw in a little spätzle- and all will be perfect in the world!).

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Tracie, if you are still around. What are your feelings about a 5 day experience. Was it worth the travel expense/hassle for you. Was it just "not enough"? I've always thought that if I lived in a port city it might be fun, I'm not. So, dish...:D


This is my second "short cruise". I like them- but I like long cruises better. We live in Charlotte- so FLL is just a 90 minute flight away. With Global Entry, Uber, and the ability to pack only carry-on, we have gotten good at making the 14 hour driving distance a five hour flying experience (30 min to the airport, 120 min early for the flight, 120 min on the plane, and 30 min to disembark and catch a cab to port). Suddenly, it makes sense. And honestly, if I could stop being so stinking neurotic about being at the airport a gajillion hours early- I could reduce this down by another hour.


We make it work and will continue to do so until we finally pull the trigger on retirement. But once we retire... Watch out! I hope we will be on the constant move!

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Awww... That is sweet. I sail in January from Singapore-- jump on!


We are trying to figure out the next Bradley and Tracie venture. We are looking at the Regal for a loop around the Baltic or we may give HAL another chance- the Konigsdam for the Baltic.


I am actually thinking of moving to an independent blog spot... We do a bit of land travel, too- and currently that goes un-blogged. Our next trip is to Germany for 5 days over Thanksgiving. I really do need a do-over on that rouladen! (Throw in a little spätzle- and all will be perfect in the world!).


Tracie, as always, enjoyed your live from. Will be following along on your cruise from Singapore especially since I'm trying to decide if I want to try a solo cruise. Your experience may tip the scales in favor of trying it. We're from the same part of the world, and I'm also headed to Germany over Thanksgiving weekend with my youngest daughter. May meet up in the Starbucks line at CLT. Happy travels to you and Bradley wherever your next adventure takes you. The Baltic is also on my bucket list. I've done two TA's and you should definitely try one when you retire. I love the sea days.

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Tracie, as always, enjoyed your live from. Will be following along on your cruise from Singapore especially since I'm trying to decide if I want to try a solo cruise. Your experience may tip the scales in favor of trying it. We're from the same part of the world, and I'm also headed to Germany over Thanksgiving weekend with my youngest daughter. May meet up in the Starbucks line at CLT. Happy travels to you and Bradley wherever your next adventure takes you. The Baltic is also on my bucket list. I've done two TA's and you should definitely try one when you retire. I love the sea days.


Wow! Kleine welt! When and where are you flying? We are thinking LH- to Munich on Wednesday night. I will fly home on Monday- Bradley will stay and work.

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Thank you for taking the time to do your "live from". As always I thoroughly enjoyed travelling along with you. I will be cruising the Baltics next June on Crown Princess so may have to consider doing a review myself as I have learnt so much from your reviews and many others. Enjoy Diamond Princess in January. I cruised on her in March this year around New Zealand and she is a wonderful ship. Thanks again.

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