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Our Trip. Back home now in Spain


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Hello all and thank you for your kind words and messages.


Overlander, it was lovely to have met you and we hope you enjoy your future cruise.

I am copying and pasting below an E mail i have sent to Costa about OUR experience. Other experiences will vary :) I have tried to remain as calm and as objective and fair as i can.


May we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and new year. Happy Cruising:)



Hello Amanda.


We arrived back safely,but stressed and tired at 10pm last night. I am going to outline a few things about this experience and try and remain as objective and constructive as i can.

Please do forward this E mail on to the Costa Managers, They need to read this in the hope that they sit up and take notice and ask themselves, what can we do next time to make this better for our paying customers.


After having to cancel a Costa cruise in January due to ill health, i was finally given the all clear to travel and we decided that we would treat ourselves by taking a cruise on the Costa neoriviera from Venice to Dubai, this was to be in a suite category, and this would then give us enough club points to be placed on the highest tier, club perla diamante.

Upon arrival at the terminal in Venice,our luggage was taken from us and we were told to go to check in. Once there. we were met by a Costa rep who sat us down and informed us that unfortunately the Neoriviera was having engine difficulties and we would not be embarking the cruise in Venice. We would instead be put up in a 4 star hotel for 2 nights with full board and drinks, we would have a choice between 2 excursions the following day, be flown to Sicily to join the neoriviera the day after that and be given 150€ pp obc, If this credit wasn't used we would get it back in cash, at the end of the cruise.

The rep was very sympathetic and was clear and concise with instructions. It was disappointing, but this is something that can't be forseen in advance.

Costa had thought this stage through and it was all handled very efficiently.


Transfer coaches to hotel.

We were given a lunch box and told we could eat at the terminal and then go and collect our luggage again and reps would guide us to the coach which would take us to the hotel. We were going to be staying in the hotel Delfino in Mestre.

All of this was handled efficiently and ran smoothly.


Hotel Delfino.

Upon arrival at the hotel, the Costa reps were there to oversee things and explained about dining times etc. We would take main meals at the hotel next door and have Breakfast here. We could go to lunch as the reps had extended the lunch time for today.



We were shown to a table and offered a menu with 2 choices of main course.

We were given a starter, followed by a main course and a dessert. We thought it was ok, it was edible and hot. Don was offered wine and as i very rarely drink alcohol, had a fanta We could hear others complaining about the meal, but in all honesty at such short notice we thought it was ok.




People were complaining that there wasn't enough tables and had to wait, however, if you were willing to share,you could be seated right away, Don and i shared a table with another couple, to us this wasn't an issue. No choice of menu offered but the meal was adequate. The others were served wine and when i asked for a fanta. i was told that i couldn't have it, as it was Beer wine or water only. I didn't want to make a fuss so had water. However i felt that i was being penalised because i don't drink alcohol.


Excursion to Verona.

The buses arrived late to take us to Verona and again some people weren't happy with it and made their feelings known, however these thing do happen and are again out of anybodys control. It was then that i realised i had not booked mobility assistance at the airport to take us to Sicily. I have mobility issues (i find it difficult to manage many steps and have difficulty on inclines.)

I spoke with the Rep and she told me not to worry, she would arrange assistance for me.

On board the coach,before departing,the rep asked for 4 people to kindly move to the other coach. Everyone stared at her as if she had 2 heads, when nobody moved, Donald and myself volunteered. Upon arrival at the other coach,the only seats available were at the very back and i had to climb a rather steep stair.


Upon arrival at Verona, we asked the gentleman Rep if it would be possible to sit nearer to the front of the coach on the way back. We were told by him “if you can't walk, you should'nt have booked this trip” I was appalled, not only was i being treated like a second class citizen because i don't drink alcohol, this had now extended because of my mobility issues. I told him that I am perfectly capable of walking, i just have difficulty with stairs and slopes. I also told him his behaviour and attitude needed to be worked on and that i would be making an official complaint. Can you please pass this on to whomever deals with complaints.

I have to say our Italian guide who took us around Verona was excellent, she was engaging and funny and answered any questions asked.,

Our meal at the restaurant was ok but again i was told No fanta, Beer wine or water only. We were supposed to visit a small town not far from Verona but never got there. This was understandable as people in the group would wander off and come back late etc. The rude Gentleman rep did his best to try and organise things but due to the selfishness of others, had a very difficult job to do here. However this does not excuse his rudeness and unhelpful attitude toward me. I am trying to be fair and objective.


Once back at the hotel, I asked the lady rep why i could not have a soft drink with meals, she told me that ALL drinks are included and immediately telephoned somebody and told me this had now been rectified. At dinner time no choice given for dinner and when i asked for Fanta, i again was told Beer wine or water only, and that i had been told this before so dont ask again. I do not like confrontation but i politely informed the waiter that the rep had telephoned and that ALL drinks are included with meals. He went back and brought me a coke. I don't drink coke, i dont like coke. He eventually brought me a fanta. The waiters were filling up glasses with wine without any problem at all, but not once was i offered another fanta.


After dinner we were told that we would have a very light breakfast of coffee or tea, biscuits and cereals as we had an early flight to Sicily (5am)

At breakfast there was a light selection which also included croissants and bread. A lot of people were complaining that there wasn't a cooked item or fruit on offer, but really, this was enough until we got to the ship. All in all the hotel was adequate, despite the soft drink and no choice of menu issue.


Cruise cancelation and onward transfer arrangements.

At about 5 30 am we were informed by a Costa Care team that the cruise was cancelled completely, It was no good asking for any further information at this time as they had to inform ALL the other hotels. A further meeting would take place at about 11 am where they would try to make alternative arrangements for those wishing to go on a different cruise.

At approx 10 30 after doing some research on the Costa web site, we found a cruise departing for Brazil on the 3rd December from Savona, they still had cabins available.The rep informed us that she could not book us on this cruise and to wait till the meeting. We were then handed a letter saying the cruise had been cancelled and i quote. “ We deeply regret to inform you that your cruise onboard the neoriviera has been cancelled”. (ok these things happen, again out of normal control)


“with the aim of limiting the discomfort you may have experienced our company will promptly reimburse you through your travel agency/costa customer service the entire amount you paid for your cruise and arrange for your trip back home” (question, i asked the rep. How soon is promptly? We need that money back as soon as possible in order to try and get another holiday. Her answer, I don't know.)


“in addition to the above, we would like to extend you a future cruise credit amounting to 50% of the entire amount you paid for your cruise on Costa neoriviera to be used within the end of December 2017.” (Question. We have already booked 2 cruises which depart in 2017 and 1 cruise in 2018. can we apply this 50% reduction to one of those cruises?. Answer, i don't know.


“our personnel on site will be available to you to arrange the best solution for your repatriation to the major airport/railway station nearest to your home town. Please collect any invoice related to the additional costs you will bourne for reaching your home from the above major airport/railway station. You shall ask to Costa for reimbursement for such additional cost through your travel agency/contacting Costa customer service”

This is where things quickly became a nightmare scenario.


We were given a piece of paper to write our nearest hometown airport. (Alicante, Spain) not 5 minutes later the Costa rep told me that the coach had arrived to take us to the airport. Alarm bells started to ring then, I asked the Rep if mobility assistance had been arranged and she assured me that she had arranged it at this end and at the Spanish end.

Once on the coach, another rep arrived and introduced himself, telling us he'd arrived from Germany this morning and told us all we'd be going to Luton airport,UK.


He looked absoloutly aghast when we told him we did not live in England and had put Alicante airport, Spain on the form we'd been given. At least 8 others on that coach had flown in from S Africa and not expecting to go to England didn't have Visas which are a requirement from England.


We were so stressed out by this time so god knows how these S Africans were feeling. Not 1 person on that coach had chosen Luton airport as their nearest home airport. The S Africans refused to go to the airport and left the bus. I asked the rep to contact the Costa office, only to be told that he had no contact numbers and was unable to answer any questions. I 'm sorry but i find this hard to believe, and if it's true then Costa management should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for placing junior staff in this situation.


The So called Costa care team who informed us that they would be back to answer questions, did'nt come back. My guess is, they took the cowards way out and left the reps to Face the music and fireworks.


The german rep then told us that although there would be nobody at marco polo airport, a rep would be at Luton to help us. (question, If nobody was at Marco polo and we have no tickets to fly, how do we get them? Answer, I don't know.

The majority of us left the bus saying we needed answers before we reboarded.

A few moments later a female rep asked us to get on board and she would explain what was going to happen.


There were 2 reps at Marco polo who would supervise the boarding process at the check in desk. We were flying to Luton airport and a rep would meet us at the other end to help with onward journey plans. She realised that nobody had put Luton down as their nearest home airport and that if we did not accept these plans then Costa would assume that we had declined their offer of assistance.

This coach was now leaving. We stayed on but the S Africans would'nt. I can't blame them, if they arrived in the UK without visas they would have been looked at as entering the country illegaly. The coach then departed for Marco polo Venice.


At the airport, i did indeed have wheelchair assistance and we were taken to the check in desk where we were told our flight to Luton was almost ready to begin boarding. We joined the rest of the passengers at check in.

Then the flight was changed to STANSTED. NO explanation was given as to why this changed, If we didn't board, then again we were told that they'd assume we refused assistance. (question, somebody will be available at Stansted to offer assistance and mobility assistance has been organised for me at Stansted? Answer. Please don't worry Mr Cox, everything has been arranged.


I was the last to leave the check in counter and just before leaving the rep told me to remember to collect my luggage at Stansted and to keep all receipts for onward expenses just in case nobody was there to meet us.

Alarm bells again started to ring. “wait, you can't just leave us stranded at Stansted. If nobody is there, and we have to organise things ourselves, is there a monetary limit on expenses?” Answer. “I dont know, but you have to go now, your flight is ready to leave”

Once on the plane there was only approx 12 passengers, None of whom lived anywhere near Luton or indeed now Stansted. Costa had chartered a Huge aircraft, for 12 passengers. What a complete waste of money and lack of basic common sense. It would have been far more economical to have us stay an extra night in Venice so that Costa had enough time to arrange the onward travel plans. This fault has to lie with Costa management.

Remember, we had only been given a very light breakfast at 5am. All that was offered on the Al Italia flight was a hot or cold drink and 3 small bags of snacks.

We couldn't even purchase anything else. I'm a type 2 Diabetic controlled by diet and pills and i need to eat regular meals at regular times. It was now about 3pm.


Stansted airport.

No mobility assistance was waiting for me. The Al Italia staff kindly organised some for me. No Costa rep in sight. We saw all the others who had been on our flight and i relayed what the rep had said to me about keeping receipts etc.

Luckily Donald had some paperwork with a Costa UK number on it. One of the other passengers had a british phone and called. She was told that ALL the managers were in a crisis meeting and so couldn't do anything. After several minutes of talking, this person took all of our names and numbers and said he'd call us back.

By this time i was really desperate for something to eat and Donald waited with the group and i went to a Burger King.

After about an hour of waiting we all decided to go our seperate ways. Some went to get tickets changed, we went to see about flights and costs. We could not afford the price quoted at the airport for the flight to Alicante, by the time we added extra money for not having a printed boarding pass and excess baggage charges etc it would be cheaper to fly from Gatwick.

Donalds mobile then rang and somebody called Philip from Costa, apologised for this apparent mix up. Could we book ourselves into a hotel and arrange onward travel arrangements. Costa would re-imburse us the cost. Question. OK Philip, is there a limit on how much we can spend? Answer, I don't know, let me call you back. About 20 minutes later he phoned back and He told us that he was unable to get us an answer but to just book into a hotel, travel to Gatwick and to keep all receipts.


We were so tired and upset at this time and due to my mobility issues we just booked a night at the nearest hotel within walking distance.

We know that meals in hotels are expensive, so we just bought snack items from the airport supermarket, this at least would save us and Costa money.

Once in the room we reserved the cheapest flight we could afford but this wasn't due to depart until Sunday.

After Breakfast the following morning we went to reserve our travel to Gatwick. The cheapest way to do this was to get a coach to London Victoria, change there for Gatwick. Once on the coach the driver advised all passengers to allow at least 5 hours to get to Gatwick because of congestion due to roadworks.

Whilst on the bus, Amanda called, telling us that Costa had arranged our flight from Gatwick and it was leaving early afternoon/evening. (due to all the stress i can't remember the time, but there was just no way we'd have made that flight anyway We had no way of printing any boarding pass and would certainly not give credit card information using a public computer, we also do not have a smart phone..

We explained the situation to her, told her what the rep at venice and phillip had said and we had to arrange ALL onward travel plans and keep receipts.

We also told her we would keep costs down to a minimum, but we should never have had to be placed in this situation. Again this is the fault of Costa Management and they have to accept responsibility for this fiasco.


Gatwick and money saving.

Unfortunately as most people know, if you walk into a hotel without advance booking you will pay inflated prices. This could not be helped at Stansted.


We took a meal in Gatwick airport where donald had a 25% off voucher. And purchased supermarket snacks instead of having a hotel evening meal.


We booked a very reasonable flight with BA back to Alicante where we did not have to pay excess baggage costs.


We booked into the holiday inn at a very reasonable rate including breakfast.

Instead of having meals in the hotel we looked for value meals for 1 main meal in a restaurant in the local town and for other meal times we just bought snacks.


On the day of departure, for Lunch, we ate in the airport and again Donald used a 25% off voucher.


What Happens now?


I would hope that there will be no question about recompensating our extra unforseen costs. We have saved the receipts and will attach them.


Unforseen circumstances do happen that are unavoidable,and we do understand that. However, Things were handled without any thought or consideration once Costa decided that the cruise was cancelled.

If passengers know what is going to happen and that a plan is in place and works (like it did at the terminal in Venice) they are more likely to have faith in the company. The whole experience of onward travel arrangements did nothing but add more stress and anxiety, and for that Costa management have to take the blame.

The reps at the hotel tried their best but without information they can't ease passengers minds or answer any relevant questions. This can't be excused as a unique experience. Sadly after the tragic accident of the Costa Concordia. Costa must have used a plan to get passengers home then. They should have also taken on board “how can we improve this service if regrettably we have to cancel a cruise.” It was blatantly obvious that those lessons were NOT learned.


What we would like to happen.


All costs we incurred plus the cost of the canceled cruise should be returned to us as quick as possible, could you please let us know how soon, as we want to now go away for Christmas.



Because we are club perla oro members and now this cruise has been cancelled.

This means we have taken NO cruises this year so would like to be super upgraded when we board the neoriviera in March 2017. As we are doing back to back cruises it would be nice to not change cabins for the voyage back to Genoa if possible.


We have placed a block on the price for a cruise on the Costa Mediterranea

which departs from Stockholm on 2nd September 2017 for 13 days. Could you please reserve this for us applying the 50% cancelled cruise credit we have received. Could you please telephone us as soon as possible to confirm this cruise and to take the deposit.




We are sorry that this e mail is so long but we have tried to be as fair and constructive as we can. We have always enjoyed our Cruises with Costa and hope to continue to do so.

Finally again can we stress that almost all of the Costa staff we had dealings with, were on the whole very supportive and friendly. There was just that 1 rep (verona, i can't remember his name. There were i believe 2 gentlemen reps there and 1 was called Marco, it was'nt him.)


Hope you can sort this out for us as quickly and painlessly as possible, i wont relax until this is all over and we can put this unfortunate experience behind us.


Amanda dealing with you has been a pleasure and you have always responded very quickly and professionally with any dealings we have had with you.

Please do pass on this e mail to your superiors. I hope to hear from you very soon about the above points and future booking.


We will attach receipts to this e mail


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year.


Mr Barry Cox and Dr Donald Bovill.

Edited by bazbov
we don't wish the price to be displayed
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Thanks for sharing that balanced and pragmatic letter boys - I feel the same. Costa handled the cancellation on the Italian side reasonably well and for that Sandra and I are thankful but the disappointment and grief caused are yet to be measured. We have put in a reasonable claim to Costa via Iglu for our out of pocket expenses incurred in getting home from Stansted and hope it will be swiftly dealt with together with the offer to reimburse the cost of the cruise.


I have been on the Costa Cruise site and found a couple of trips that might suit but ominously they do not open when I ask for details and a price. I will persevere.


Incidentally, an advert for Irwin Mitchell, Solicitors comes up on the same page!


Hope you are enjoying the sun in Alicante, here in Leeds it is grey and damp but on Friday we're away, currently 28 degrees C in Dubai:)




John and Sandra

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Like plane faults & delay there is never enough information given to you, this is because they really are not given it themselves, by the Companies they work for.

It is hard for all concerned whether bosses or customers, it is even harder for Costa dealing with 2000 passengers and at least five different languages, flight & transfers to most parts of the globe.

People like Amanda shine while other fail to understand our frustrations at not being told what is happening.

When a ship totally breaks down like this it really is impossible to get the info to everyone, particularly when almost all are tired and irritable.

Okay that is no excuse for bad customer relations like the guy on the coach, I too have trouble walking up slopes & stairs should we be not then cruise according to them.


If you can take one thing from this flying or sailing on something that is faulty is not great practice.

To end, I personally think you have shown great patience during this whole ordeal, I spoke to Amanda yesterday & she has once again said how pleased she is you are now home, but sorry of this stress you all have been through.

Edited by tenpin
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Thanks for sharing that balanced and pragmatic letter boys - I feel the same. Costa handled the cancellation on the Italian side reasonably well and for that Sandra and I are thankful but the disappointment and grief caused are yet to be measured. We have put in a reasonable claim to Costa via Iglu for our out of pocket expenses incurred in getting home from Stansted and hope it will be swiftly dealt with together with the offer to reimburse the cost of the cruise.


I have been on the Costa Cruise site and found a couple of trips that might suit but ominously they do not open when I ask for details and a price. I will persevere.


Incidentally, an advert for Irwin Mitchell, Solicitors comes up on the same page!


Hope you are enjoying the sun in Alicante, here in Leeds it is grey and damp but on Friday we're away, currently 28 degrees C in Dubai:)




John and Sandra


Hello John and Sandra. We hope that you have a wonderful time away. Things here in Alicante are cool and dull.


We just are not getting anywhere with Costa UK. They have refused to give us the money back for the cancelled cruise and our extra expenses,unless we sign that disclaimer form, and we refuse to be bullied or blackmailed. We have no option now but to seek legal advice. I'll copy and paste the paragraph that concerned us from Costa Customer Relations department. below.



The refund of the paid amount for the cancelled cruise, the additional expenses suffered and the future cruise credit amounting to the 50% of the entire amount you paid for your cruise on Costa neoRiviera will be granted only upon receipt of the disclaimer form signed by you



I don't think we are overreacting and have sent an e mail to this department saying, i hoped i was reading it wrong and that it didn't imply what i thought it meant. If i didn't hear anything different and have all moneys owed to us from them within 5 days then i would have no other option than to assume they were with-holding our money illegally and would therefore have to regrettably seek legal advice.

Please stay in touch and we wish you and Sandra a very merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year. :)

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Like plane faults & delay there is never enough information given to you, this is because they really are not given it themselves, by the Companies they work for.

It is hard for all concerned whether bosses or customers, it is even harder for Costa dealing with 2000 passengers and at least five different languages, flight & transfers to most parts of the globe.

People like Amanda shine while other fail to understand our frustrations at not being told what is happening.

When a ship totally breaks down like this it really is impossible to get the info to everyone, particularly when almost all are tired and irritable.

Okay that is no excuse for bad customer relations like the guy on the coach, I too have trouble walking up slopes & stairs should we be not then cruise according to them.


If you can take one thing from this flying or sailing on something that is faulty is not great practice.

To end, I personally think you have shown great patience during this whole ordeal, I spoke to Amanda yesterday & she has once again said how pleased she is you are now home, but sorry of this stress you all have been through.


Hello Tenpin and thanks for your reply. I agree with what you have said and i hope that my e mails to Costa also gave that impression. We have tried very hard to be reasonable but what we can't accept is the e mail that Costa UK's Customer Service sent us, it's just this one paragraph that has us so upset.

We just are not getting anywhere with Costa UK. They have refused to give us the money back for the cancelled cruise and our extra expenses,unless we sign that disclaimer form, and we refuse to be bullied or blackmailed. We have no option now but to seek legal advice. I'll copy and paste the paragraph that concerned us from Costa Customer Relations department. below.



The refund of the paid amount for the cancelled cruise, the additional expenses suffered and the future cruise credit amounting to the 50% of the entire amount you paid for your cruise on Costa neoRiviera will be granted only upon receipt of the disclaimer form signed by you



I don't think we are overreacting and have sent an e mail to this department saying, i hoped i was reading it wrong and that it didn't imply what i thought it meant. If i didn't hear anything different and have all moneys owed to us from them within 5 days then i would have no other option than to assume they were with-holding our money illegally and would therefore have to regrettably seek legal advice.


We shall now wait at least 10 days, to give them further opportunity to refund All the money owed to us. before regrettably taking this matter further.


We hope you have a very Happy chistmas and a wonderful New Year. :)

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Hi Bazbov,

Wow this is starting to look bit like the Concordia incident or in others words a total 'lets cover our backsides.'


I certainly do not like the tone of that paragraph & without doubt you are all entitled full payment of total expenses & cruise costs.


Send a recorded delivered letter to CEO Costa Crociere keep all documentation & copies as this sounds like it may well be drawn out.


Please keep us informed of developments.


Also hope you can have a decent Christmas without thinking to much about this.

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Hi Bazbov,

Wow this is starting to look bit like the Concordia incident or in others words a total 'lets cover our backsides.'


I certainly do not like the tone of that paragraph & without doubt you are all entitled full payment of total expenses & cruise costs.


Send a recorded delivered letter to CEO Costa Crociere keep all documentation & copies as this sounds like it may well be drawn out.


Please keep us informed of developments.


Also hope you can have a decent Christmas without thinking to much about this.


Hi Tenpin. Many thanks.

We'll wait and see what happens, I'm hoping that they'll see sense, even at this stage. It's just that paragraph that has us really disturbed. If that hadn't been written then we'd have just settled for what was offered, but we don't want to do business with ANY company who have business ethics like this.

So we are now not willing to accept a future cruise credit of any kind because we will not be cruising with them again. Unfortunately we have another 3 future cruises booked with them, 2 of which are fully paid for, but after them, no more. We have cancelled the 3rd cruise with just loss of the deposit.


We're trying hard to not let this spoil Christmas and have booked to go away in a hotel, It would have been nice to have had our money back without any fuss, so this is now an added cost, but we won't be bullied or blackmailed into getting OUR money back.


Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas too, and we will keep you updated. Happy Cruising. :)

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Glad to see you are safe home. Diabolical treatment of loyal customers.


Good luck.




Many Thanks Alicat.


It's not just Loyal customers, we are concerned for all who booked on this cruise. Costa shouldn't treat any customer like this. Threatening to not return money paid by people to them, is IMO at least Bullying and at worst Blackmail.

Unfortunately,there will be some passengers on this cancelled cruise who will sign that disclaimer, but bullying tactics should not be necessary to claim back our and their legal entitlement. Happy Cruising. :)

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Would you clarify that you booked the whole cruise, flights & transfers with Costa for the initial cruise.


As reading T&C's anything booked by you personally is not covered by Costa apart from the cruise itself.


Really can't understand this matter, as we had a cruise on the Atlantica just after 9/11 that changed the Itinerary, we were given cruise the following Christmas which included flight to the States free on any charges, even though we still went on the cruise with the changed itinerary.

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I have been on the Costa Cruise site and found a couple of trips that might suit but ominously they do not open when I ask for details and a price. I will persevere.




John and Sandra


Typical Costa UK site some cruises come up most do not, something to do with their crazy Brochure timings. try looking for anything to far ahead or beyond latest brochure site shows cruise then freezes.


We have over the years found it better to look at other site, then phone/email Costa asking for prices or a call back.


(Amanda is awesome if you can get hold of her or Silvia)

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Would you clarify that you booked the whole cruise, flights & transfers with Costa for the initial cruise.


As reading T&C's anything booked by you personally is not covered by Costa apart from the cruise itself.


Really can't understand this matter, as we had a cruise on the Atlantica just after 9/11 that changed the Itinerary, we were given cruise the following Christmas which included flight to the States free on any charges, even though we still went on the cruise with the changed itinerary.


Hello Tenpin.


We only booked cruise only fare with Costa.


We haven't asked for the flight back from Dubai to be refunded as we are aware that it was arranged by ourselves and that isn't Costas responsibility.


They offered to fly everyone home who had booked this cruise from Venice. They did'nt fly us home, we ended up in England but we were told repeatedly that as long as we kept all receipts we would be reimbursed.


Now they have threatened that unless we sign a disclaimer not only will they NOT refund us our cruise only fare they will also NOT give us our expenses for getting back home, as well as not getting a 50% off the price we paid for this cancelled cruise towards a future cruise.


We were dealing with Amanda and someone called Simona and they couldn't make decisions without Managers approval. This is NOT their fault and they have answered e mails very professionally, and we have thanked them for that. This is Costas Management fault and IF they had not used that paragraph, they would not be in this position now.


We are now in the process of taking legal action, which we didn't want to do.

We should NEVER have had to fight to get back what we have paid them. This is OUR money.


Regards and Happy cruising. :)

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Hi all. Just a further update,and i hope the last on this.

Today Costa contacted us and we have agreed to settle without going to court.

We are happy with what they offered, and now just hope that what they promised will come to fruition.


Simona and Amanda from Costa, have been very helpful in relaying e mails,so a big thanks to them.


We just hope that we can now put this behind us and carry on enjoying our cruises. Happy Cruising. :)

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Glad to hear you managed get a settlement with Costa. Keep us posted whether it goes through.


Merry Christmas to you. Hope the NY will be without experiences like the one you just had.




Hello Alicat and many thanks. same to you and your family too. :)

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Wow. Thanks for sharing that. You are oh so vulnerable on a cruise type holiday and there are so many things that can go wrong. It's especially difficult when you have to try and explain in a foreign language quite complicated arrangements and needs. We have found Costa great when things went well, but difficult to persuade when things were going amiss. We too had to sign an inappropriate disclaimer when my wife needed quite urgent medical diagnosis and treatment beyond the capability of the ship doctor. I am glad you dug your toes in - we should all do this when being bullied. You seem pretty resilient and I am sure you will enjoy many more enjoyable cruises, indeed appreciate them even more.

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Hi Bazboy,


So sorry to hear about your misadventures with Costa, I know from our toing and froing how much you were looking forward to the cruise. Hopefully things will be all settled very soon and you can relax and enjoy your b2b cruises.


I know that it is like rubbing salt into the wound, but we had a great time on the neoRomantica (a great little ship), food, service, drinks all exceptional. The only problem was the toilet paper (I believe sourced in Mauritius) it was diabolical, reminded me of the old Malteser advert "Melts in your hand and not ...).


You have been through enough, so I will be leaving dear MIL locked up in her cage. Really that should be deer and not dear as her horns look like a srag.


Happy New Year and many wonderful cruising days ahead.

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Hello Tenpin.


We only booked cruise only fare with Costa.


We haven't asked for the flight back from Dubai to be refunded as we are aware that it was arranged by ourselves and that isn't Costas responsibility.


They offered to fly everyone home who had booked this cruise from Venice. They did'nt fly us home, we ended up in England but we were told repeatedly that as long as we kept all receipts we would be reimbursed.


Now they have threatened that unless we sign a disclaimer not only will they NOT refund us our cruise only fare they will also NOT give us our expenses for getting back home, as well as not getting a 50% off the price we paid for this cancelled cruise towards a future cruise.


We were dealing with Amanda and someone called Simona and they couldn't make decisions without Managers approval. This is NOT their fault and they have answered e mails very professionally, and we have thanked them for that. This is Costas Management fault and IF they had not used that paragraph, they would not be in this position now.


We are now in the process of taking legal action, which we didn't want to do.

We should NEVER have had to fight to get back what we have paid them. This is OUR money.


Regards and Happy cruising. :)


Glad you got this all straightened out. Seems nobody at Costa can do anything without management approval. We ran into several issues on our recent cruise and everything had to go through Costa headquarters for approval, nobody on board could do anything without that first! So frustrating we have cancelled our upcoming cruise with them, at a loss as well. Do not want to experience that failure in service again. Too frustrating to have to fight for things that you've paid for and been promised.

Happy Cruising, (on another cruise line!),


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Bazboy,


So sorry to hear about your misadventures with Costa, I know from our toing and froing how much you were looking forward to the cruise. Hopefully things will be all settled very soon and you can relax and enjoy your b2b cruises.


I know that it is like rubbing salt into the wound, but we had a great time on the neoRomantica (a great little ship), food, service, drinks all exceptional. The only problem was the toilet paper (I believe sourced in Mauritius) it was diabolical, reminded me of the old Malteser advert "Melts in your hand and not ...).


You have been through enough, so I will be leaving dear MIL locked up in her cage. Really that should be deer and not dear as her horns look like a srag.


Happy New Year and many wonderful cruising days ahead.


Hello G.M.T and a happy new year to you your wife and darling MIL.

sorry for not responding sooner, we've only just got back from our Christmas/New Year break in England and had a great time.

So pleased that you enjoyed your time on the Neo romantica and Mauritius. Hope you post a review.

It looks as if we have been given what we asked for, ALL money owed to us is now back safely in our bank accounts. We have booked a Last Minute cruise on Board the Diadema for a week. Got a fantastic deal but only in a guaranteed cabin,still for less than 40 euro a day we wont be expecting much. I shall write our views when we get back.

Going for my birthday and we depart on the 22nd Jan from Barcelona.


Hope the cage holds strong and that darling MIL can't escape :D Take care :)

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Hello G.M.T and a happy new year to you your wife and darling MIL.

sorry for not responding sooner, we've only just got back from our Christmas/New Year break in England and had a great time.

So pleased that you enjoyed your time on the Neo romantica and Mauritius. Hope you post a review.

It looks as if we have been given what we asked for, ALL money owed to us is now back safely in our bank accounts. We have booked a Last Minute cruise on Board the Diadema for a week. Got a fantastic deal but only in a guaranteed cabin,still for less than 40 euro a day we wont be expecting much. I shall write our views when we get back.

Going for my birthday and we depart on the 22nd Jan from Barcelona.


Hope the cage holds strong and that darling MIL can't escape :D Take care :)


I can't believe you've booked another cruise on Costa after all you just went through... You must love the stress & drama as much as "a fantastic deal."

Having to threaten legal action to get what is promised and advertised is not the acceptable way to run a reputable company. Well, not in the US anyway...

Happy Cruising :rolleyes:

Edited by tnt10
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I can't believe you've booked another cruise on Costa after all you just went through... You must love the stress & drama as much as "a fantastic deal."

Having to threaten legal action to get what is promised and advertised is not the acceptable way to run a reputable company. Well, not in the US anyway...

Happy Cruising :rolleyes:


Hello tnt. after doing multiple cruises with Costa WITHOUT anything going wrong and enjoying them all, we figured that anyone can make a mistake,and gave them a chance to put things right. This they did. I adopt this attitude to everything. So for instance, if a favourite restaurant serves us 1 bad meal out of dozens of visits will we stop going there?... No, i'll give them another chance. I may be naive but i try to see the best side of everything. Happy cruising and best wishes. :)

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Hello tnt. after doing multiple cruises with Costa WITHOUT anything going wrong and enjoying them all, we figured that anyone can make a mistake,and gave them a chance to put things right. This they did. I adopt this attitude to everything. So for instance, if a favourite restaurant serves us 1 bad meal out of dozens of visits will we stop going there?... No, i'll give them another chance. I may be naive but i try to see the best side of everything. Happy cruising and best wishes. :)

Bazboy, what an excellent attitude, life is way to short to get worked up over little things.


I have noticed that some posters here are like my dear radid MIL, once she gets her teeth (so long as her dentures have fallen out) into something she never lets go.

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I just think having to threaten legal action should not be necessary for a cruise line to "do the right thing." Costa has shown it's callousness not only to me, but many others on these boards.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I for one, do not plan on giving Costa the opportunity to shirk on promises and advertised services ever again.

And yes, life is too short to put up any cruise lines inferior product.

Happy Cruising


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I just think having to threaten legal action should not be necessary for a cruise line to "do the right thing." Costa has shown it's callousness not only to me, but many others on these boards.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I for one, do not plan on giving Costa the opportunity to shirk on promises and advertised services ever again.

And yes, life is too short to put up any cruise lines inferior product.

Happy Cruising



Can't help but notice you seem to frequent Costa's forum a lot considering you dislike the Company, or is it just a case of something else to moan about, & criticize those who enjoy the brand & are willing to accept sometimes things go wrong.

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